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Telephone No Mobile No Age & Date Of Birth Sex Marital status Religion Nationality Languages no!n "#Mail $D PASSPORT DETAILS %assport No %la&e of $ssue Date of $ssue Date of expire IELTS DETAILS Rea'ing )riting Spea ing Listening O,erall Ban' S&ore Date of "xpiry

: : : : : : : : :

: : : :

:( :* :* :+ :* : -. may /.-.

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Achievements S0S0L01 Year o !assin" Universit# $ %oar& Remar's

%re Degree

%RO2"SS$ONAL 34AL$2$1AT$ON Achievements B0S& Nursing Basi& Degree PROFESSIONAL E(PERIENCE Total 5ears of "xperien&e: Perio& 6une /... 7 April /..( 6uly /..( 7 MAR19 /..: 6uly /..: 7 till 'ate Nursing Super,isor Instit)tion Desi"nation De!artment Staff Nurse Senior 1ar'ia& Operation 8ra'e Tutor in Nursing Theatre Anatomy; Me'i&al Surgi&al Nursing -0 1ar'ia& Operation Theatre /0 1entral <<<0 Supply 'epartment Year o !assin" Universit# $ %oar& Remar's

E(PERIENCE ACQUIRED Work Assigned To maintain sterility an' 'is&ipline in the OR

To s&rub for all types of &ases To be a &ir&ulating nurse To &he& the sterility of all itmes re&i,e' form 1SSD0 To re&ei,e the right patient from !ar' after &he& ing all 'etails li e i'entity; &ase re&or's; payment ;bloo' et&0; To han' o,er the instruments to 1SSD on&e the surgery is o,er an' help in pa& ing To help in &leaning of all the operation theatres; store Room on e,ery Satur'ay an' rearrange the OR for the follo!ing !ee 0 To prepare the "TO items for the follo!ing !ee To super,ise the general !or Assistant in maintaining the &leanliness& sterility of the Operation theatres 0 To loo after other responsibilities ;as may be assigne'; form time to time; by the Superiors0 To ta e &are of imme'iate post operati,e 1AB8;D=R;A=R;T=R;ASD> =SD &losure; Bentalls an' Ross pro&e'ure patients To atten' emergen&ies li e 1%R;D1 short; &ar'io#,ersion To assist pro&e'ure patients0 To assist pro&e'ures li e &entral life insertion;%A &atheter insertion; tra&heotomy; $AB% an' arterial line ;%D &atheter0

Assisted as a main Scrub Nurse in the Cardio- Thoracic Operation Theatre: ?!ell traine' to assist both a'ult an' pae'iatri& &ases. ?s&rubbe' for more than (.. &ases@ &oronary Artery 'iseases Off pump &oronary Artery 8rafting ?Beating 9eart@ 1oronary Artery Bypass 8raft =al,e 1ases Aorti& ,al,e repair Aorti& ,al,e repla&ement

Mitral ,al,e repair Mitral repla&ement Tri&uspi' ,al,e repair Tri&uspi' ,al,e repla&ement Tri&uspi' anuloplasty %ulmonary ,al,e repair %ulmonary ,al,e repla&ement Ross pro&e'ure

Aneurysm Repair Cases: Ab'ominal Aneurysm Repair Bentalls operation L= Aneurysm Repair 2emoral aneurysm Repair LA Myxoma Remo,al

Shunt Procedure : Blalo& Tausing shunt Bi Dire&tional shunt 1entral shunt 2ontan pro&e'ure

Septal e!ect correction : Arterial Septal Defe&t =entri&ular Septal Defe&t A= 1annal Rpair A= septal Repair

Other "complicated peadiatric cases#: $ntra &ar'ia& Repair

Rastelle pro&e'ure A L%A plasty %artial Anomalies of pulmonary ,ena &a,a &orre&tion Total Anomalies of %ulmonary ,ena &a,a &orre&tion AL1A%A pro&e'ure Trun&us Repair Arterial s!it&h operation Arterial s!it&h operation ?Mustar' an' senning pro&e'ure@ Damus 7 aye 7 stansel pro&e'ure A% !in'o! repair Assiste' in insertion of $ntra Aorti& Ballon pump %eri&ar'e&tomy %eri&ar'o &entesis Traine' to pro,i'e internal &ar'ia& massage

$ighlights: 9a,e effe&ti,e &ommuni&ation s ills A'aptability to ,arious situation )ell planne' an' more organiBe' %atien&e

$obbies 1oo ing Rea'ing

DUTIES AND RESPONSI*ILITIES Super,ision of the staffs; arrange the reCuire' in'ent items ?sets; sutures; eCuipment; gas items for the &ar'ia& &ases@ Maintain 'is&ipline insi'e the OT 1omplete infe&tion &ontrol by proper !aste management0

EQUIPMENTS +ANDLED Sarns Sternal so! Defibrillators; fibrillators %a&er &ables & ma&hines; ,entilators; 'igin; atom; $nfusion pumps0


Dec,aration$ here by 'e&lare that the abo,e furnishe' matters are true to the best of my no!le'ge an' belief0 %la&e : Date : Name : Signature :

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