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Coaching aims to e_h_nc_ the performance and learning ability of others.

It involves providing _ee_b_c_, but it also uses other techniques such as m_ti_at_o_, effective _u_s_ion_ng and matching your management style to the coachees _eadin_ss to undertake a particular task. It is based on helping the coachee to help her / himself through dynamic i_t_ra_t_o_ it does not rely on a one !ay flo! of telling and instructing." Max Landsberg, The Tao of Coaching

U_loc_i_g a persons potential to ma#imi$e their o!n _e_fo_m_n_e... helping them to l_a_n rather than to _e_ch them."

Sir John Whitmore paraphrasing Timothy Gallwey

Coaching is an ongoing _e_at_o_s_ip, !hich focuses on clients taking _c_i_n to!ards the r_a_i_at_o_ of their _is_o_s, goals or desires." S !ational "ptical #stronomy "bser$atory

De_e_op_n_ a persons skills and kno!ledge so that their %ob pe_f_r_a_ce

improves, hopefully leading to the achievement of _rga_i_a_io_al ob%ectives. It targets high performance and improvement at !ork, although it may also have an impact on an individuals p_i_a_e life. It usually lasts for a short period and focuses on _p_c_fi_ skills and goals." Chartered %nstit&te of 'ersonnel and (e$elopment, )

_or_ing !ith individuals and small groups to improve their social s_i_ls and _ffe_ti_en_s_ in the !orkplace." Marian Their

& form of t_ai_in_ !here the supervisor / manager m_de_s or demonstrates a behavior or task and uses _ee_b_c_ to guide the employee !hile she or he _ra_ti_e_ the behavior or task." www*coachinginsider*com

'he _ro_es_ of providing i_str_c_io_, direction, feedback and s_p_or_ in order to improve performance and results." www*coachinginsider*com

Coaches provide _u_por_, e_co_ra_em_n_ and help in daily li_i_g skills." www*coachinginsider*com

(roviding guidance, feedback and direction to _n_u_e successful _e_fo_ma_c_." www*coachinginsider*com

& s_ra_eg_ used to help a client _ea_h her fullest _ote_ti_l and achieve her g_a_s. 'he coach first helps to de_i_e the goals and then _u_po_ts the client in e#ecuting them by m_p_i_g out a strategy and helping her s_a_ on track. Coaching helps to ba_a_c_ !ork, _a_il_ and social demands as !ell as _ei_u_e and s_ir_t_a_ activities." www*coachinginsider*com

& person !ho t_ac_e_ and directs another person via encouragement and a_v_c_." www*coachinginsider*com

& relationship bet!een client and coach, in !hich they _o_la_or_t_ to meet the clients _ee_s. 'he a_e_d_ comes from the client, !ho is _ui_e_ and supported in making d_si_a_l_ changes in one or more parts of his or her life, leading to a life that is more _ul_il_in_ and more _a_a_ce_." www*coachinginsider*com Coaching is essentially a conversation it is a _i_lo_u_ bet!een you and I !ithin a _ro_u_ti_e, results oriented conte#t. & conversation !here, by asking r_le_an_ questions at c_i_ic_l %unctures, I can encourage and support you to look at different angles and s_ra_e_ie_."


Coaching is about _e_fo_mi_g at your _es_ through the individual and private a_s_st_n_e of someone !ho !ill _ha_le_g_, stimulate and guide you to keep g_o_in_." www*coachinginsider*com

Coaching provides a _a_e place for clients to _de_t_f_ !hat is and !hat is not !orking, _r_ ne! behaviours, and learn from their ne! e_pe_i_nc_s." !#S#

)Coaches* _s_i_t people to identify s_e_i_i_ goals and then _ea_h those goals f_s_e_ and !ith e_s_. (rovide client !ith the _o_l_, perspective and _t_uc_u_e to accomplish more through a process of ac_o_nt_bi_it_. +eframe beliefs and create a point of _o_u_ for clients to _e_le_t upon." www*coachinginsider*com Coaching creates a space of _n_on_i_i_na_ acceptance !here learning, gro!th and t_a_sfo_m_tio_ occur naturally as participants )a* find c_a_it_, )b* _li_n !ith their _or_ values, and )c* take effective

_c_io_ to!ard m_an_n_fu_ goals. Coaching takes a _ol_s_i_ approach to learning and a_fi_m_ each participant as !hole, c_pa_l_ and _eso_r_e_u_. S_ir_t_a_ gro!th is a natural and significant part of the process." www*coachinginsider*com

Coaching is a _ol_a_o_a_i_e, _ol_t_o_ focused, r_s_l_s oriented _y_te_a_i_ process in !hich the coach facilitates the _n_an_e_en_ of p_r_o_ma_c_, !ell being, self directed _e_r_i_g and personal _e_el_p_e_t of individuals, groups and organi$ations, !ho do not have clinically significant mental health issues or abnormal levels of distress." Coaching 'sychology Sydney nit, ni$ersity of

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