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Brainwave Frequencies - These are frequencies associated with various mental states.

Using brainwave entrainment, you can coax your brainwaves to a certain frequency, and in doing so, achieve the mental state associated with that frequency. " ealing" Frequencies - These are frequencies that various !arties claim could be used to heal illnesses of different "inds, or stimulate some region of the body #cha"ras$. The medium used to do this varies - some of these !arties used devices that generated %& fields which were a!!lied to a !recise !art of the body, while others used vibration and sound. #' don(t have any ex!erience with using %& fields - most of my !ersonal toying about with this stuff uses a sound medium.$ )atural *henomena Frequencies - This includes natural frequencies that occur in nature +,chumann(s -esonance, for instance., as well as sound tones calculated from the revolution/orbit of the various !lanets. The sources of these frequencies claimed that they could affect humans in a variety of ways.

The original !age that ' began building this com!iled information from is htt!0//members.aol.com/networ"tc!/research/freq.htm 1)ote0 2ll the text below has been changed to blac" for inclusion on the %lectroherbalism website. ,ee his original listing at htt!0//www.geocities.com/,o o/3456 to view the "colori7ed" version8. The information in green is from this original !age. The information '(ve added is in violet. &y !ersonal comments are in light blue. y!erlin"ed words have glossary definitions that you can access by clic"ing on them. To find the original source for any of this information +or where ' got it, at least., chec" the letters in brac"ets at the end of the entry and refer to the bibliogra!hy. This is also where '(ll give any indications about what medium the source for the information used #sound, light, %& fields, or vibrations$. By default, assume it to be sound. 'f you want to redistribute this, !lease include the Bibliogra!hy !age as well -- the original sources deserve their reference. 2lso, !lease leave my introduction at the to! as it is, along with my name, email, and U-9. :isclaimer 0 ' wouldn(t ta"e everything you read on this list for granted. ,ome of it is verifiable by science -- and, there(s !robably a lot of new-agey cra! as well. 2lthough the mere fact some of it sounds new-agey in itself doesn(t mean there isn(t some truth to it. #The !owers that be might have ;ust been too imaginative naming it.$ :isclaimer <= 0 2nything you do with the frequencies below is your !ersonal ris" - if you manage to burn out a cou!le of brain cells or harm yourself in some other way, ' do not ta"e any res!onsibility nor will ' be held liable. #>ust !rotecting my butt here.$ ,incerely, &ichael Triggs mtriggs??6@aol.com htt!0//www.geocities.com/,o o/3456


T!ese "re#$enc%es are o" a&& t'pes( &%)!t, so$nd, e&ectr%ca&, etc* T!e t+o, or t!ree,c!aracter so$rce codes a"ter eac! "re#$enc' are de"%ned at t!e -otto.* /*0,0 Or)an1.$sc&e resonances 2SS3 /*0,4 De&ta ran)e, accord%n) to 2NE53 , deep s&eep, &$c%d drea.%n), %ncreased %..$ne "$nct%ons, !'pnos%s 2NE53( 6Monroe "oc$s 706 2M87 9%a D:3 /*0; , 0/ , Ne$ra&)%as 2AT3 /*0< , 0/ , Mod* t!erap' 2AT3 /*7/ , /*7; , Denta& pa%n 2AT3 /*7/ , 0/ , Post,tra$.at%cs 2AT3 /*7< , 7*0= , A&co!o& add%ct%on 2AT3 /*7< , 0/ , Art!r%t%s 2AT3 /*4/ , /*0= , Depress%on 2AT3 /*4/ , 0/ , Cer9o-rac!%a& s'ndro.e 2AT3 /*4> , 7*0= , Dr$) add%ct%on 2AT3 /*?/ , 0/ , Con"$s%on 2AT3 /*?= , 0/ , M$sc&e pa%n 2AT3 8e&o+ /*= , Eps%&on ran)e, e@traord%nar' states o" consc%o$sness, !%)! states o" .ed%tat%on, ecstat%c states o" consc%o$sness, !%)!,&e9e& %nsp%rat%on states, sp%r%t$a& %ns%)!t, o$t,o",-od' e@per%ences, Yo)%c states o" s$spended an%.at%on* 2CNR3 /*= , 9er' re&a@%n), a)a%nst !eadac!e 2M83, "or &o+er -acA pa%n 2AS3 ( T!'ro%d, reprod$ct%9e, e@cretor' st%.$&ant, +!o&e -ra%n toner 2SS3 /*=,0*= Pa%n re&%e" 2SS B CMP3 ( endorp!%ns, -etter !'pnos%s 2SS3 /*=,4 De&ta ran)e, accord%n) to 2RA3 /*=,? De&ta ran)e, accord%n) to 2SS,P:MBA:I3* Deep drea.&ess s&eep, trance, s$spended an%.at%on 2SS3( Ant%,a)%n)* Red$ces a.o$nt o" cort%so&, a !or.one assoc%ated +%t! stress a)%n)* Increases t!e &e9e&s o" DHEA (ant%,a)%n)) .e&anton%n (decreases a)%n) process*) 28AR3( Assoc%ated +%t! $nconsc%o$s .%nd s&eep state , %n conC$nct%on +%t! ot!er "re#$enc%es %n a +aA%n) state, 6De&ta acts as a "or. o" radar D seeA%n) o$t %n"or.at%on D reac!%n) o$t to $nderstand on t!e deepest $nconsc%o$s &e9e& t!%n)s t!at +e canEt $nderstand t!ro$)! t!o$)!t process*6 Pro9%des %nt$%t%on, e.pat!et%c att$ne.ent

%nst%nct$a& %ns%)!t* 2A:I3( Cond$c%9e to .%rac&e t'pe !ea&%n), d%9%ne Ano+&ed)e, %nner -e%n) persona& )ro+t!, re-%rt!, tra$.a reco9er', 6one +%t! t!e $n%9erse6 e@per%ences (sa.ad!%), near deat! e@per%ence, c!aracter%Fed -' 6$nAno+%n)6, .ere&' a -&%ss"$& 6-e%n)6 state s$c! as deep s&eep or co.a* 2P:M 9%a D:3

The anti-aging info comes from a Brainwave Aenerator !reset authored by The&ind= - he uses binaurals at 5.B, 4.5, 4.B, =.5, =.B, 3.5, 3.B C D.5 E. They all !lay simultaneously.

/*G E$p!or%a 2SS3 /*G= , 0/ , :!%p&as! 2AT3 0,4 , De&taH deep, drea.&ess s&eep, trance state, non,REM s&eep 2II3( pro"o$nd re&a@at%on, restorat%9e s&eep, "ee&%n)s o" tran#$%&%t' peace, %" one can re.a%n a+are 2J5G 9%a D:3

There(s disagreement over where the delta range begins C ends +,,,*F&G2F'. list it as 5.B to D.5 E, +)%U. 5.4 to 3.5 E, C +-2. considers it 5.B to 3.5 E.

0*/ , Kee&%n) o" +e&&,-e%n), p%t$%tar' st%.$&at%on to re&ease )ro+t! !or.one( o9era&& 9%e+ o" %nter,re&at%ons!%ps( !ar.on' -a&ance 2M83 0*/= He&ps !a%r )ro+ B )et %ts co&or -acA 2RA3( p%t$%tar' st%.$&at%on to re&ease )ro+t! !or.one (!e&ps de9e&op .$sc&e, reco9er "ro. %nC$r%es, reC$9enat%on e""ects) 2HS:3 0*7 , ($sed on) !eadac!es 2RS3 0*?= , Tr%,t!a&a.%c entra%n.ent "or.at* Accord%n) to Rona&d deStr$&&e, creates entra%n.ent -et+een !'pot!a&a.$s, p%t$%tar' p%nea&* Ma' -ene"%t d's&e@%cs B peop&e +%t! A&F!e%.erEs* 2MP73 0*= A-ra!a.s 5n%9ersa& Hea&%n) Rate 2SS3( S&eep 2NE53( T!ose %nd%9%d$a&s +!ose a%&.ents !a9e .an%"ested %nto t!e "o$rt! sta)e o" C!ron%c Kat%)$e, +!ere so.e "or. o" d%sease %s apparent, e@per%enced a re&ease "ro. t!e ne)at%9e sensat%on o" t!e%r s'.pto.s +!en .o9ed %nto 0*=HZ* 2NYT 9%a NE53 0*< S%n$s Con)est%on see.s to c&ear center%n) aro$nd 0*< HZ 2MPT3 (tested +%t! -%na$ra& -eats, pr%.ar%&') 7*0= , 0/ , Tendo9a)%nat%s 2AT3 7*/; Assoc%ated +%t! cocc'@ (s.a&& tr%an)$&ar -one at end o" t!e sp%na& co&$.n) 2TOS3 7*4/ Assoc%ated +%t! )en%ta&s 2TOS3

7*= , pa%n re&%e", re&a@at%on 2M83( prod$ct%on o" endo)eno$s op%ates* 2EL3( 5se "or sedat%9e e""ect 2ESP3( Sedat%9e e""ect , reported $se on -&eed%n), -r$%ses, %nso.n%a, and s%n$s%t%s* 2RS3 7*=> Assoc%ated +%t! -&adder 2TOS3 7*;> Assoc%ated +%t! %ntest%nes 2TOS3 4*/,=*= , 6T!eta06 Ran)e* 2D:3

2D:3 d%9%des t!e T!eta Ran)e %nto T!eta0


4*/ Increased React%on T%.e 2RT3 2SS3( 4*/ HZ -e&o+ $sed to red$ce .$sc&e tens%on !eadac!es, -$t +orAed &ess +e&& on .%)ra%nes s%n$s !eadac!es* 2RED3( $sed to treat a&&er)%es, %n conC$nct%on +%t! 44/ HZ 2RS3 4*/> Assoc%ated +%t! !ara (4c. or 0*= %nc! -e&o+ na9e&, -a&ance o" pe&9%s) 2TOS3 4 , ? In"&$ences p!'s%ca& 9%s%on 2SS3 4 , ; C!%&d!ood a+areness19%9%d .e.or%es 2SSBRA3 4 , < T!eta Ran)e accord%n) to 2NE53( deep re&a@at%on, .ed%tat%on, %ncreased .e.or', "oc$s, creat%9%t', &$c%d drea.%n), !'pna)o)%c state 2NE53 4*? , So$nd s&eep 4*= , Kee&%n) o" $n%t' +%t! e9er't!%n), acce&erated &an)$a)e retent%on 2M3( en!ance.ent o" recept%9%t' 2M83( Eart! Resonance (I) 2SS3( (a re.ed' "or) depress%on an@%et' 2ESR3( :!o&e-e%n) re)enerat%on, DNA st%.$&at%on 2DIJ3

2MPT3 I +as $nder t!e %.press%on t!e Eart! Resonance %s >*<4 HZ , $n&ess 2SS3 %s ta&A%n) a-o$t a d%""erent eart! resonance* %rr%ta-%&%t' 2ESR3

4*; (a re.ed' "or) an)er

4*<? Assoc%ated +%t! o9ar%es (E""ectsN9%ta&%t', &%"e at e9er' &e9e&) 2TOS3 4*G (a re.ed' "or) $nsoc%a-&e -e!a9%or 2ESR3( T!eta1De&ta -ra%n+a9e ran)e , cr'sta& c&ear .ed%tat%on, &$c%d drea.s, en!anced %nner a+areness, 6"ac%&%tates eas' access to %nner reso$rces creates space "or %nner peace B se&",rene+a&6* 2SED3 ?,; , att%t$de -e!a9%or c!an)e 2MH3

?,> , T!eta Ran)e H reca&&, "antas', %.a)er', creat%9%t', p&ann%n), drea.%n), s+%tc!%n) t!o$)!ts, Zen .ed%tat%on, dro+s%ness( Access to s$-consc%o$s %.a)es, deep .ed%tat%on, red$ced -&ood press$re, sa%d to c$re add%ct%ons 2SS3( Reset t!e -ra%nEs sod%$. potass%$. &e9e&s, +!%c! c$ts do+n on .enta& "at%)$e

2INT3( Increases se@ dr%9e 2INT3 ( Med%tat%on, Int$%t%9e A$).entat%on 2NE53( Near S&eep -ra%n+a9es, cond$c%9e to pro"o$nd %nner peace, 6.'st%ca& tr$t!s6, trans"or.%n) $nconsc%o$s&' !e&d &%.%t%n) -e&%e"s, p!'s%ca& e.ot%ona& !ea&%n), p$rpose o" &%"e e@p&orat%on, %nner +%sdo., "a%t!, .ed%tat%on, so.e ps'c!%c a-%&%t%es, retr%e9%n) $nconsc%o$s .ater%a&* 2P:83( -$rsts o" %nsp%rat%on, t+%&%)!t s&eep &earn%n), deep re&a@at%on, re9er%e, !%)! &e9e&s o" a+areness, 9%9%d .enta& %.a)er'* H'pnopo.p%c H'pna)o)%c states 2NSS 9%a D:3(

,ome disagreement over the theta range - +)%U. lists it as 3.5 to ?.5 E. +2F'. lists it as D.5 to ?.5 E. +-2. C +*FB. both have it as D.5 to H.5. +:F. divides it into two ranges, Theta4 #3.5-B.B h7$ C Theta= #B.B-?.5 h7$.

?*/ , <*/ HZ T!eta State accord%n) to 2A:I3B2J5G 9%a D:3 , present %n drea.%n) s&eep, deep .ed%tat%on, store!o$se o" creat%9e %nsp%rat%on, sp%r%t$a& connect%on, s$-consc%o$s .%nd 2A:I3( creat%9e %ns%)!t, t+%&%)!t (6s&eep6) &earn%n), 9%9%d .enta& %.a)er'* Ko$nd %n ad9anced .ed%tators 2J5G 9%a D:3 ?,07 SAe&eta& .$sc&e resonances 2SS3 ?*/ , EnAep!a&%ns, E@trasensor' percept%on 2M83( Astra& ProCect%on, Te&epat!', 6Sed$ct%on .%ndset6 2DIJ3( Catec!o&a.%nes, 9%ta& "or .e.or' &earn%n), respond at aro$nd ? HZ* 2PSI3( S$-consc%o$s Pro-&e. So&9%n)1K$&& Me.or' Scann%n) (%" one can .ana)e to sta' a+aAe) 2RABCAJ 9%a D:3( Assoc%ated +%t! o-Cect na.%n), an %.portant aspect o" .e.or' 2TDM 9%a D:3( 6T!ose +!o s$""er "ro. C!ron%c Kat%)$e e@!a$st 9er' eas%&'* :!en .o9ed to ?HZ t!ese %nd%9%d$a&s s!o+ed .arAed %.pro9e.ent %n t!e &en)t! o" t%.e -et+een t!e occ$rrence o" e@!a$st%on a"ter certa%n e@erc%ses +ere co.p&eted*6 2NYT 9%a NE53 ?*00 Assoc%ated +%t! A%dne's (E""ectsNstren)t!) 2TOS3 ?*= S!a.an%c State O" Consc%o$sness1T%-etan 8$dd!%st C!ants 2MMK 9%a D:3 ?*=,;*= :aAe"$& drea.%n), 9%9%d %.a)es 2SS3 ?*; Assoc%ated +%t! sp&een -&ood (E""ectsNE.ot%ona& I.p$&se) 2TOS3 deeper s&eep 2ESR3

?*G , Introspect%on 2SS3( Ind$ce re&a@at%on, .ed%tat%on,

=*/ , $n$s$a& pro-&e. so&9%n) 2M3 red$ced s&eep needed, t!eta so$nds rep&ac%n) need "or e@tens%9e drea.%n) 2INT3 ( re&a@ed states, pa%n,re&%e" (-eta endorp!%n %ncreases o" 0/,=/O reported) 2INT3( A&&e)ed Sp!%ncter Resonance (.ec!an%ca&)(not )ood) 2T83 =*/ , 0/*/ Re&a@at%on 2NE53 =*0? Assoc%ated +%t! sto.ac! (E""ectsNE.ot%ona& Acceptance) 2TOS3 =*4= Assoc%ated +%t! &$n)s (E""ectsNO@')en, Heat) 2TOS3

=*=,<*/ 6T!eta76 "re#$enc' ran)e H ** Cons%sts o" tra%ns (&on) r$ns) o" r!'t!.%c "ronta& act%9%t' center%n) at ;*=,HF +%t! a.p&%t$des reac!%n) t!e =/,0// $J (.%cro,9o&t) ran)e* ** Is %nd$ced %n so.e peop&e -' t!e per"or.ance o" a .enta& tasA s$c! as .enta& ar%t!.et%c, trac%n) a .aFe, co$nt%n) t!e n$.-er o" c$-es p%&ed %n a t!ree,d%.ens%ona& representat%on, %.a)%n) a scene* ** More co..on %n e@tro9erts +%t! &o+ tra%ts o" ne$ros%s an@%et'* 8eca$se T!eta7 %s assoc%ated +%t! .enta& tasAs %ts %n"&$ence %s seen %n e9oAed potent%a& &atenc%es, M%F$A% (0G<>) -e&%e9es t!at t!e appearance o" T!eta7 c&ose&' re&ates to .ec!an%s.s o" attent%on or aro$sa&* 2D:3 =*= , Mo9es -e'ond Ano+&ed)e to Ano+%n), s!o+s 9%s%on o" )ro+t! needed ( 6Inner G$%dance6 2SS3( Inner G$%dance, %nt$%t%on, !eat )enerat%on 2DIJ3 =*< (red$ce) Kear, A-sent,.%ndedness, D%FF%ness 2ESR3 ;*/ , &on) ter. .e.or' st%.$&at%on 2M83 ( (red$ce) $n+%&&%n)ness to +orA 2ESR3 ;*/ , 0/*/ Creat%9e J%s$a&%Fat%on , a-o$t ;!F "or a +!%&e, t!en $p to 0/!F 2NE53 ;,G*; So.at%c Responses, t%n)&%n), press$re, !eat 2SS3 ;*0= Assoc%ated +%t! !eart (E""ectsN&o9e,+ar.t!) 2TOS3 ;*7,;*> Kronta& M%d&%ne T!eta (K. T!eta) %s a spec%"%c EEG "re#$enc' seen %n t!ose s$-Cects act%9e&' en)a)ed %n co)n%t%9e act%9%t', s$c! as so&9%n) .at! pro-&e.s p&a'%n) Tetr%s 2TDM 9%a D:3 ;*7;,;*; He.%sp!er%c des'nc, con"$s%on, an@%et', &o+ React%on T%.e, depress%on %nso.n%a 2SS3 ;*4/ HF , Menta& astra& proCect%on 2SS seconded t!%s3( acce&erated &earn%n) %ncreased .e.or' retent%on*2II3( (red$ce) An)er B Irr%ta-%&%t' 2ESR3 ;*= , 6Center6 o" T!eta7 8ra%n+a9e Kre#$enc' Ran)e 2D:3( 6Yo$r "ronta& &o-e, or -ra%n entra%n.ent o" t!e t+o !e.%sp!eres %s aro$nd ;*= !F*6 2RA3

' quoted the second entry from +-2. directly, due to its ambiguity. 't !robably ties into what the B.B-?.5 E entry says above.

;*< Poss%-&e $se "or .$sc&e spas.s 2ESR3 ;*<< Assoc%ated +%t! co&&ar-ones (E""ectsN9%ta&%t', o9era&& -a&ance, sta-%&%t') 2TOS3 >*/ , <*/ Kor !ea&%n) p$rposes, &%Ae &a'%n) o" !ands -' a !ea&er, or se&" 9%F$a&%Fat%on %n a !ea&%n) s%t$at%on 2RA3( Treat.ent o" Add%ct%ons 2D:3 >*/ , Menta& astra& proCect%on, -end%n) o-Cects, ps'c!%c s$r)er'( Increased React%on T%.e 2SS3( Mass a))re)ate "re#$enc' (can dea))re)ate .atter), a&&e)ed to

resonate r$pt$re or)ans at e@cess%9e %ntens%t' 2T83( Treat.ent o" s&eep d%st$r-ances 2PGS 9%a D:3 >*= , Inter,a+areness o" se&" p$rpose( )$%ded .ed%tat%on( creat%9e t!o$)!t "or art, %n9ent%on .$s%c, etc*( contact +%t! sp%r%t )$%des "or d%rect%on( entr' %nto .ed%tat%on 2M83( At >*= HZ s$-Cects +!o -e"ore s$""ered "ro. con"$sed t!%nA%n) reported an ease at "%nd%n) so&$t%ons to tro$-&eso.e pro-&e.s a"ter a re, e9a&$at%on +as cond$cted* 2NYT 9%a NE53( (I) Eart! .a)net%c "%e&d "re#$enc', $se"$& t!eta (-ra%n) +a9es "re#$enc' 2T83 >*= , < Kor Treat%n) A&co!o& B Dr$) Add%ct%on , T!%s ran)e o" "re#$enc%es te&&s a person t!e'Ere sat%s"%ed, +!%c! %s 6.%ss%n)6 %n add%ct%9e persona&%t%es 2RA3 >*;G Assoc%ated +%t! s!o$&ders (E""ectsNstren)t! o" t!e ar.s, e@pans%on, teac!%n)) 2TOS3 >*< Sc!$.ann Resonance (see >*<4 HZ), ESP act%9at%on 2DIJ3( Do'ereEs )ro$p (0GG4), "o$nd t!at s!ort !%)! "re#$enc' -$rsts at >*> HF %nd$ced LTP %n pre"ronta& corte@, t!o$)! on&' "or one da'* 2AA 9%a D:3 >*<,< St%.$&ates ESP, paranor.a& 2SS3 >*<4 , Eart! Resonance, )ro$nd%n) 2M3, 6Sc!$.ann Resonance*6 2TS, ESRBHS:, MAG3( ant%,Cet&a), ant%,.%nd contro&, %.pro9ed stress to&erance 2SS3( ps'c!%c !ea&%n) e@per%.ents 2ESR3( p%t$%tar' st%.$&at%on to re&ease )ro+t! !or.one (!e&ps de9e&op .$sc&e, reco9er "ro. %nC$r%es, reC$9enat%on e""ects) 2HS:3( Eart! Resonance Kre#$enc' , E&ea9es 'o$ "ee&%n) re9%ta&%Fed &%Ae 'o$E9e spent a da' %n t!e co$ntr'*E 2P:M 9%a D:3( reports o" acce&erated !ea&%n)1en!anced &earn%n) , 6t!e eart!Es nat$ra& -ra%n+a9e6 2MAG3

+ ,F. notes that overtones of the ,chumann -esonance can also stimulate the !ituitary in the same way that H.?3 E can - es!ecially 34.3= E.

<,<*; Red$ced Stress1An@%et' 2SS3 <*/,0/*/ &earn%n) ne+ %n"or.at%on 2MH3( A&p!a , Rap%d Re"res!.ent 0= .%n 2NE53 <*/,07*/ , A&p!a ran)e (per NE5, RA, P:M NSS) , &%)!t re&a@at%on, 6s$per &earn%n)6, pos%t%9e t!%nA%n)* 2NE53( S&o+er -ra%n +a9es t!at are cond$c%9e to creat%9e pro-&e. so&9%n), acce&erated &earn%n), .ood e&e9at%on, stress red$ct%on, etc*, c!aracter%Fed -' %nt$%t%9e %ns%)!ts, creat%9e 6C$%ce6, %nsp%rat%on, .ot%9at%on, da'drea.s etc* Re&a@ed, 'et a&ert 2P:M 9%a D:3( Assoc%ated +%t! ca&., re&a@ed, $n"oc$sed (not concentrat%n)), &$c%d .enta& states, drea. s&eep p&easant dr%"t%n) "ee&%n)s or e.ot%ons* 2NSS 9%a D:3 <,04 , A&p!a ran)e , Non,dro+s' -$t re&a@ed, tran#$%& state o" consc%o$sness, pr%.ar%&' +%t! p&easant %n+ard a+areness( -od'1.%nd %nte)rat%on* ( A.p&%"%es

do+s%n), e.pt',.%nd states, detac!.ent, da'drea.s, .%nd1-od' %nte)rat%on* (can ca$se) ep%&ect%c se%F$res 2SS3(

)ote 0 +)%U., +-2., +*F&. C +),,. consider the al!ha range to be ?.5-4=.5. +2F'. considers it I.5-4D.5. +JUA. has it as I.5-43.5.

<,0? , L% Gon) and %n"raton%c L% Gon) .ac!%ne 2LG3 <*/ , Past &%"e re)ress%on 2M3( More L'.p!oc'tes, DNA repa%r (RAD,;) 2SS3( Assoc%ated +%t! 8ase1M$&ad!ara c!aAra (Co&orNRed) (8od' PartsNAdrena&s, Sp%na& Co&$.n, P%dne's) (E""ectsNP!'s%ca& ener)', +%&& to &%9e)(NoteNC) 2OML3 <*77 Assoc%ated +%t! .o$t! (E""ectsNspeec!, creat%9%t') 2TOS3 <*4 , P%cA $p 9%s$a& %.a)es o" .enta& o-Cects 2II3( c&a%r9o'ance 2SS3( 6Monroe Koc$s 07I6 2NE53 <*;,G*< Ind$ces s&eep, t%n)&%n) sensat%ons 2SS3 G*/, 00*/, 0;*/ 2-ad3 doc$.ented ca&c%$. %on .%)rat%on (-ra%n t%ss$e) 2SS3 G*/ , 04*/ , A&p!a Ran)e (accord%n) to 2J5G3) , re&a@ed, not t!%nA%n) a-o$t an't!%n) %n part%c$&ar, so.et%.es a p&eas$ra-&e "ee&%n) o" 6"&oat%n)6* O"ten do.%nant %n certa%n A%nds o" .ed%tat%on, a&p!a +a9es !a9e "or t!e past t+ent' 'ears -een assoc%ated +%t! ca&., &$c%d .enta& states (t!e 6a&p!a state6)* T!e'Ere a&so o"ten detected d$r%n) drea. s&eep* T!%s pattern t'p%ca&&' occ$rs %n da'drea.%n), re&a@ed a+areness, )$%ded or "oc$sed %.a)er' s.oot!&' r!'t!.%c at!&et%c act%9%t'* T!ereEs o"ten a e$p!or%c, e""ort&ess "ee&%n) o" 6"&o+6 as t!e doer %s a-sor-ed %n act%9%t' and s$-Cect B o-Cect are "e&t to -e $n%ted* 2J5G 9%a D:3 G*/ , 0?*/ A&p!a ran)e (accord%n) to 2A:I3) , Re&a@ed detac!ed a+areness, 9%s$a&%Fat%on, sensor' %.a)er', &%)!t re9er%e* A&so, )ate+a' to .ed%tat%on , pro9%des -r%d)e -et+een t!e consc%o$s s$-consc%o$s .%nd* 2A:I3 G*/ , A+areness o" ca$ses o" -od' %.-a&ance .eans "or -a&ance2M3 8&%nd person p!anto. to$c! read%n) (so.atosensor' corte@) 2RA3( Assoc%ated +%t! Sacra&1S9ad!%st!ana c!aAra (Co&orNOran)e) (8od' PartsNGonads, Reprod$ct%9e S'ste.) (E""ectsNRe&at%ons!%ps1Se@$a&%t') (NoteND) 2OML3 G*0G Assoc%ated +%t! $pper &%p (E""ectsNe.ot%ons, con"&%ct reso&$t%on) 2TOS3 G*? MaCor "re#$enc' $sed "or prostate pro-&e.s* 2ESR3 , Se&",e@p&anator'* N) G*?0 , P'ra.%d "re#$enc' (o$ts%de) (I canEt "%nd a )ood de"%n%t%on o" 6P'ra.%d Kre#$enc'6* An'-od'I) G*=,0/ , Center o" A&p!a Ran)e , T!e -ra%nEs scann%n)1%d&%n) "re#$enc' , %nd%cat%n) a -ra%n stand%n) -', +a%t%n) to 6)%9e +a' to -eta s!o$&d attent%on -e

re#$%red, or -e t!e -r%d)e, t!e )ate, to T!eta certa%n co)n%t%9e c!a&&en)es* 2D:3

De&ta "or dro+s%ness, s&eep, and

e gives credit for the (brain scanning( factoid to %ccles C Falter #4IB5$. #'t was their conclusion.$

G*; , Mean do.%nant "re#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! eart!Es .a)net%c "%e&d 2EL3( Kac%a& Ton%n) 2ESR3 (IE. not co.p&ete&' s$re +!at 6"ac%a& ton%n)6 %s** An'-od'I) G*<,0/*; A&ertness 2SS3 0/ , en!anced re&ease o" seroton%n .ood e&e9ator, $n%9ersa&&' -ene"%c%a&, $se to tr' e""ects o" ot!er .%@es 2M83* Acts as anana&)es%c, sa"est "re#$enc', espec%a&&' "or !an)o9er Cet &a)* 2EL3 Me) Patterson $sed "or n%cot%ne +%t!dra+a&* 2M843 do.%nant a&p!a "re#$enc', c&ar%t', nor.a&c', ant%,con9$&sant, c%rcad%an r!'t!. res'nc, act%9ate A%dne's, ra%se -od' te.p, .ore seroton%n 2SS3( Good +!en tr'%n) to corre&ate %n"or.at%on -' t!e s$-consc%o$s , Sort o" a +a%t%n) "re#$enc' +!%&e t!e s$-consc%o$s does t!e +orA at &o+er "re#$enc%es* 2RA3( Motor %.p$&se coord%nat%on (Motor Contro& corte@) 2RA3( Learn%n) a "ore%)n &an)$a)e 2RABP:M 9%a D:3( Center%n), S&eep Sp%nd&es, Aro$sa& 2DIJ3( Assoc%ated +%t! So&ar P&e@$s1Man%p$ra c!aAra (Co&orNYe&&o+) (8od' PartsNPancreas, Sto.ac!, L%9er, Ga&& 8&adder, Ner9o$s S'ste.) (E""ectsNSp%r%t$a& +%sdo., se&",!ea&%n))(NoteNE) 2OML3( Increased a&ertness (ca$sed -' an %ncrease %n norep%nep!r%ne B seroton%n a decrease %n .e&aton%n), sense o" +e&& -e%n) decreased pa%n (ca$sed -' %ncrease %n -eta, endorp!%ns) 2RED3( Adrena& St%.$&ant 2RS3( S%)n%"%cant %.pro9e.ents %n .e.or', read%n) spe&&%n) are reported (%n conC$nct%on +%t! 0< HZ) 2R5S 9%a D:3( Treat.ent "or Attent%on De"%c%t D%sorder1H'peract%9%t' 2L58 9%a D:3( Treat.ent "or c&osed !ead %nC$r' 2HOK 9%a D:3( E8er)er R!'t!.E 28ER 9%a D:3( ($sed on) !eadac!es 2RS3 0/,0? Drea.1s&eep sp%nd&es 2SS3 0/*7 Catec!o&a.%nes 0/*4 Assoc%ated :%t! Nasa& Passa)es (E""ectsN-reat!%n), taste) 2TOS3 0/*= , Kre#$enc' "or !ea&%n) o" -od', .%nd1-od' $n%t', "%re+a&A%n) 2M3( potent sta-%&%Fer st%.$&at%n) "or t!e %..$n%t', 9a&$a-&e %n con9a&escence* 2M83 Re&a@ed a&ertness, conte.p&at%on, -od' !ea&%n), .%nd o9er .atter 2SS3 Lo+er%n) 8&ood Press$re 2RABP:M 9%a D:3( Assoc%ated +%t! Heart1Ana!ata c!aAra (Co&orNGreen) (8od' PartsNT!'.$s, Heart, 8&ood, C%rc$&ator' S'ste.) (E""ectsNLo9e o" L%"e, &o9e o" se&" ot!ers) (NoteNK) 2OML3 0/*; , Re&a@ed a&ert

0/*> Assoc%ated +%t! ears (E""ectsN!ear%n), "or.a& concepts) 2TOS3 00*/ ( 8e&o+) , Stress Red$ct%on (D:)

00,0? Koc$sed a&ertness 2SS3 00*/ ($sed to) ac!%e9e 6re&a@ed 'et a&ert6 states* 2P:M3 00*=,0?*= An %.p&%cat%on "or ne$rot!erap' %s t!at %" %ncreased %nte&&%)ence B .enta& e""%c%enc' %s t!e o-Cect%9e, t!en a "re#$enc' -and +%t! a 04,HF center s!o$&d -e $sed* A .ore des%ra-&e "re#$enc' -and t!an 07 to 0=,HF %s 00*= to 0?*=,HF* 2D:3 07*/ , Center%n), door+a' to a&& ot!er "re#$enc%es 2M3 ( "re#$enc' o" eart! resonance (Herc$&es , a researc!er)( Center%n), .enta& sta-%&%t', trans%t%ona& po%nt, t%.e see.s "aster 2SS3( To st%.$&ate .enta& c&ar%t' 2ESR3( Assoc%ated +%t! T!roat1J%s!$dd!a c!aAra (Co&orN8&$e) (8od' PartsNT!'ro%d, L$n)s, Joca& Cords) (E""ectsNE@press%on1se&" %n soc%et')(NoteNG) 2OML3 07*4 Assoc%ated +%t! e'es (E""ectsNJ%s$a&%Fat%on) 2TOS3 07*/,0?*/ Learn%n) Kre#$enc' , Good "or a-sor-%n) %n"or.at%on pass%9e&', +!en 'o$ p&an to t!%nA a-o$t %t &ater* 2RA3

+-2. distinguishes between active studying where you(re !rocessing information C !assive studying where you(re ;ust trying to absorb information G !lan to thin" about it later. For the former, he suggests 36 to DD E.

07*/,0=*/ 8eta (&o+) , re&a@ed "oc$s, %.pro9ed attent%9e a-%&%t%es 2NE53( Treat%n) H'peract%9%t' 2RA3 ( Sensor%.otor R!'t!. (SMR) , 5sed %n t!e treat.ent o" .%&d a$t%s. 2A5T 9%a D:3 04,7> , 8eta Ran)e (accord%n) to 2NSS3) , Assoc%ated +%t! "oc$sed attent%on to+ards e@terna& st%.$&%, a&ert .enta& act%9%t', nor.a& +aA%n) consc%o$sness, act%9e t!o$)!t processes* 2NSS 9%a D:3 04,4/ , 8eta Ran)e , Nor.a& +aAe"$&ness, t!e taA%n) %n e9a&$at%n) o" 9ar%o$s "or.s o" data rece%9ed t!ro$)! t!e senses* ItEs present +%t! +orr', an)er, "ear, !$n)er s$rpr%se* 2M3 :aA%n) state, .ot%9at%on, o$ter a+areness, s$r9%9a&, pro-&e. so&9%n), aro$sa&, dendr%te )ro+t!, co.-ats dro+s%ness 2SS3( Consc%o$s T!%nA%n), A$tono.%c Processes E.ot%ons 2EH3

+),,. considers Beta to be 43-=H E, +2F'. considers it 4D-3? E, +*F&. C +-2. consider it 43-D5 E, and +JUA. #seems to$ consider it 4D-35 E. +)%U. brea"s u! Beta into ranges - 9ow BetaK4=-4B E, &id BetaK4B-4? E, C igh BetaK4?.5G E.

04,?/ 8eta Ran)e (accord%n) to 2RA3 B 2P:M3) , a !%)! "re#$enc' pattern, cond$c%9e to st%.$&at%n) ener)' B act%on( .ost o" o$r c$rrent %nst%t$t%ona&%Fed ed$cat%on %s -eta )eared, c!aracter%Fed -' &o)%ca&, ana&'t%ca&, %nte&&ect$a& t!%nA%n), 9er-a& co..$n%cat%on, etc* 2P:M 9%a D:3

04*/ , A&&e)ed sp!%ncter resonance (.ec!an%ca&)(not )ood) 2T83( Assoc%ated +%t! 8ro+1ACna c!aAra (Co&orNInd%)o1J%o&et) (8od' PartsNP%t$%tar',Lo+er 8ra%n, Le"t E'e, Ears, Nose, Ner9o$s S'ste.)(E""ectsNJ%s$a&%Fat%on, Concept$a&%Fat%on)(NoteNA) 2OML3 04*< , Assoc%ated +%t! Kronta& Lo-es (E""ectsNt!e se9ent! sense, "%na& dec%s%on) 2TOS3 0?,0; , assoc%ated +%t! s&eep sp%nd&es on EEG d$r%n) second sta)e o" s&eep 2EL3 2note SS sa%d 0/,0?3 0?,0= , S&o+s cond%t%oned re"&e@es 2SS3 0?*/,4/*/ , 8eta Ran)e (II t!%nAI accord%n) to J5G) , T!%s pattern %s opt%.a& "or %ntense .enta& act%9%t%es s$c! as ca&c$&at%ons, &%near &o)%ca& ana&'ses ot!er !%)!&' str$ct$red "$nct%ons 2J5G 9%a D:3 0?*/ , A+aAe a&ert 2II3( A&ert "oc$s%n), 9%ta&%t', concentrat%on on tasAs 2SSI3( Sc!$.ann Resonance (7nd o" > "re#$enc%es* >*<4 HZ -e%n) t!e "%rst) 2TSBHS:3( p%t$%tar' st%.$&at%on to re&ease )ro+t! !or.one (!e&ps de9e&op .$sc&e, reco9er "ro. %nC$r%es, reC$9enat%on e""ects) 2HS:3( Inte&&%)ence En!ance.ent %n conC$nct%on +%t! 77*/ HZ (.ed%$.Na$d%o,9%s$a& st%.$&at%on) 2APE3

2APE3 $sed a$d%o,9%s$a& st%.$&at%on a&ternat%n) -et+een 0? 77 HZ* C!ecA t!e &%nA $nder 2APE3Es -%-&%o)rap!' entr' "or .ore %n"or.at%on*

0?*0 6Eart! Resonance6 2SS3( Eart! Har.on%cs , acce&erated !ea&%n) 2DIJ3 (pro-a-&' t%ed to Sc!$.ann Resonance a-o9e*) 0=*/,0<*/ 8eta (.%d) , %ncreased .enta& a-%&%t', "oc$s, a&ertness, IL 2NE53 0=,7? E$p!or%a 2SS3

' will vouch for this one - ' find binaurally !roduced tones between 4? E C =4 E have very !leasant results, in a ;ogger(s high sort of way. This effect seems the strongest around =5 E. Fhile other sources equate this frequency range with stress, '(m thin"ing it might be li"e the roar of a car engine - in small doses, it can be quite a rush, but too much of it can lead to a headache. The serotonin system is funny li"e that. +&*T.

0= , c!ron%c pa%n 2M83( So$nd +!%c! -'passes t!e ears "or s$-&%.%nat%on (a$d%tor' corte@) 2RA3( Assoc%ated +%t! Cro+n1Sa!asrara c!aAra (Co&orNJ%o&et1:!%te) (8od' PartsNP%nea&, 5pper 8ra%n, R%)!t E'e) (E""ectsNInte)rat%on o" persona&%t' sp%r%t$a&%t'*)(NoteN8) 2OML3 0=*? , Assoc%ated +%t! Corte@ (E""ectsN%nte&&%)ence) 2TOS3

0;*/ , -otto. &%.%t o" nor.a& !ear%n) 2MP73( Re&ease o@')en 2CC3

ca&c%$. %nto ce&&s

0;*? Assoc%ated +%t! top o" !ead (E""ectsNsp%r%t, &%-erat%on, transcendence) 2TOS3 0<*/,77*/ , 8etaH o$t+ard a+areness, sensor' data 2II3 ( T!ro+s -ra%nEs sod%$.1potass%$. &e9e&s o$t o" -a&ance, res$&t%n) %n .enta& "at%)$e* 2INT3( T!eoret%ca&&' can -e $sed to ac!%e9e a 6re&a@ed -od'1"oc$s .%nd6 state o" consc%o$sness 2D:3

2INT3 B 2D:3 see. to contrad%ct eac! ot!er !ere*

0<*/ 8eta (!%)!) , "$&&' a+aAe, nor.a& state o" a&ertness, stress an@%et' 2NE53( S%)n%"%cant %.pro9e.ents %n .e.or', read%n) spe&&%n) are reported (%n conC$nct%on +%t! 0/ HZ) 2R5S 9%a D:3( ($sed to) %.pro9e !'peract%9e -e!a9%or 2P:M 9%a D:3 7/,4/ P!ospene %.a)er', peaA &$.%nos%t' %n 9%s$a& "%e&d 2SS3 7/,?/ Med%tat%on Kor Stress Re&%e"1Q$st At T!e Ed)e O" A$d%-&e So$nd1As A M$s%ca& 8acAro$nd 2RA3 7/*/ , "at%)$e, ener)%Fe* Ca$ses d%stress d$r%n) &a-or*2EL3( H$.an Hear%n) T!res!o&d 2SS3( Sc!$.ann Resonance (4rd "re#$enc' o" >) 2TSBHS:3( I.pos%n) s$-consc%o$s co..ands on anot!er (t!o$)!t center) 2RA3( St%.$&at%on o" p%nea& )&and 2ESR32Q83 ( He&ps +%t! t%nn%t%s (a cond%t%on t!at ca$ses ear,r%n)%n)) 2Q83( P%t$%tar' st%.$&at%on to re&ease )ro+t! !or.one (!e&ps de9e&op .$sc&e, reco9er "ro. %nC$r%es, reC$9enat%on e""ects) 2HS:3( Adrena& St%.$&ant, ($sed on) s%n$s d%sorders1s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d1!eadac!e 2RS3( Co..on&' $sed 6c$re,a&&6 R%"e Kre#$enc' 2CR3 7/*70= LSD,7= 2PSI3 (!e %.p&%es %t co$&d .%.%c t!e e""ects o") 7/*4 6Eart! Resonance6 2SS3

Pro-a-&' t!e sa.e t!%n) as t!e Sc!$.ann Resonance at 7/ HZ*

77*/ 5sed %n conC$nct%on +%t! 0? HZ "or %nte&&%)ence en!ance.ent (.ed%$.Na$d%o,9%s$a& st%.$&at%on)2APE3( 5sed %n conC$nct%on +%t! ?/ HZ "or Eo$t o" -od'E tra9e& 2E:I 9%a D:3( A&so $sed +%t! ?/ HZ "or ps'c!%c !ea&%n)* 2KAH 9%a D:3

2APE3 $sed a$d%o,9%s$a& st%.$&at%on a&ternat%n) -et+een 0? and 77 HZ* C!ecA t!e &%nA $nder 2APE3Es -%-&%o)rap!' entr' "or .ore %n"or.at%on*

77*/7> Seroton%n 2PSI3 (!eEs $nc&ear +!at !e .eans -' t!%s) 7=*/ 8'pass%n) t!e e'es "or %.a)es %.pr%nt%n) (9%s$a& corte@) 2RA3( Tested c&%n%ca&&' +%t! pat%ents +!o co.p&a%n o" an@%et' 2PGS 9%a D:3

7;*/ Sc!$.ann Resonance (?t! "re#$enc' o" >) 2TSBHS:3( P%t$%tar' st%.$&at%on to re&ease )ro+t! !or.one (!e&ps de9e&op .$sc&e, reco9er "ro. %nC$r%es, reC$9enat%on e""ects) 2HS:3 7;*? 6Eart! Resonance6 2SS3 7>*= &o+est note on a p%ano 2MP73 4/ Me) Patterson $sed "or .ar%C$ana* 2M843 4/ , ;/ Ga..a Ran)e , &%tt&e Ano+n -$t %nc&$des dec%s%on .aA%n) %n a "ear s%t$at%on, .$sc&e tens%on, 2EH3

2INT3 cons%ders Ga..a to start at ?/ HZ*

4/ , 0G/ L$.-a)o 2AT3 4/,=// H%)! 8etaH Not assoc%ated c$rrent&' +%t! an' state o" .%nd* So.e e""ects !a9e -een o-ser9ed, -$t c$rrent&' not eno$)! researc! !as -een done %n t!%s area, to pro9e, or d%spro9e, an't!%n)*( a "e+ peop&e a-&e to rep&%cate at +%&& (II , not s$re +!at t!at &ast po%nt .eans)

Start%n) at 4/ HZ, so$rces -e)%n to ser%o$s&' d%sa)ree o9er +!at t!e na.es o" eac! ran)e are* 2EH3 cons%ders 4/ to -e t!e -e)%nn%n) o" t!e Ga..a ran)e, +!%c! %t -e&%e9es r$n to ;/* It t!en cons%ders ;/ to 07/ to -e t!e La.-da ran)e* Inc%denta&&', 2INT3 -e&%e9es t!at ?/ %s +!ere 8eta ends Ga..a -e)%ns*

40*47 Sc!$.ann Resonance (=t! "re#$enc' o" >) , p%t$%tar' st%.$&at%on to re&ease )ro+t! !or.one (!e&ps de9e&op .$sc&e, reco9er "ro. %nC$r%es, reC$9enat%on e""ects) 2HS:3

2HS:3 %s a -%t o"" "ro. t!e ot!er so$rces on t!e e@act 9a&$e o" t!%s o9ertone o" t!e Sc!$.ann Resonance* a&ertness 2M83

47 Desens%t%Fer( en!anced 9%)o$r

44 C!r%st consc%o$sness, !'persens%t%9%t', P'ra.%d "re#$enc' (%ns%de) ( Sc!$.ann Resonance (=t! "re#$enc' o" >) 2TS3

Fun"y coincidence it lines u! with the Lhrist Lonsciousness C *yramid frequency, ehM '(ve had some interesting results with this one -- !articularly when ' overla! waves at I.5 E #!yramid outside frequency$. The mind tends to wander in funny ways.

4= , 0=/ Kract$res 2AT3 4= , 0G4 Art!ra&)' 2AT3

4= A+aAen%n) o" .%d,c!aAras, -a&ance o" c!aAras 4; , ?? Learn%n) Kre#$enc%es, :!en 2Act%9e&'3 St$d'%n) Or T!%nA%n)* He&ps To Ma%nta%n A&ertness* :aA%n) Operat%n) State 2RA3( Kre#$enc%es o" t!e o&"actor' -$&-, prep%r%"or. corte@ a.')da&a 2DSH 9%a D:3 4< Endorp!%n re&ease 2:L3 4G*/ Sc!$.ann Resonance 2;t! "re#$enc' o" >3 2TS3 ?/,;/ an@%o&'t%c e""ects st%.$&ates re&ease o" -eta,endorp!%nes 2M83

?4 , 0G4 Carc%no.atos%s 2AT3 ?/*/ , do.%nant +!en pro-&e. so&9%n) %n "ear"$& s%t$at%ons* 2EL3 ( Ga..a , assoc%ated +%t! %n"or.at%on,r%c! tasA process%n) !%)!,&e9e& %n"or.at%on process%n) 2NE53( 6EKor sc%ent%sts +!o st$d' t!e !$.an -ra%n, e9en %ts s%.p&est act o" percept%on %s an e9ent o" aston%s!%n) %ntr%cac'* ?/ HF -ra%n act%9%t' .a' -e a A%nd o" -%nd%n) .ec!an%s.E, sa%d Dr* Rodo&"o L&%nas a pro"essor o" ne$rosc%ence at Ne+ YorA 5n%9ers%t'* L&%nas -e&%e9es t!at t!e ?/,c'c&e,per, second +a9e ser9es to connect str$ct$res %n t!e corte@ +!ere ad9anced %n"or.at%on process%n) occ$rs, and t!e t!a&a.$s, a &o+er -ra%n re)%on +!ere co.p&e@ re&a' %nte)rat%9e "$nct%ons are carr%ed o$t*6 2NME 9%a NE53( 5sed %n conC$nct%on +%t! 77 HZ "or Eo$t o" -od'E tra9e& 2E:I 9%a D:3( A&so $sed +%t! 77 HZ "or ps'c!%c !ea&%n)* 2KAH 9%a D:3( 6?/,,HF act%9%t' 9ar%es "ro. 4<*< to ?/*0, HF, re)ard&ess o" t!e e&ectrode s%te* T!e a9era)e "re#$enc' %s %n t!e R4G*=,HF ran)e* In s$..ar', +!en t!e -od' %s pro"o$nd&' re&a@ed t!e .%nd %s %n a state o" !%)! "oc$s and concentrat%on, 7/ ?/,HF -ra%n act%9%t' can -e seen %n t!e ra+ and #$ant%tat%9e EEG o" so.e s$-Cects* It %s poss%-&e t!at 0< to 77,HF 8eta poss%-&' ?/,HF ne$ro"eed-acA tra%n%n) .a' !e&p create a 6re&a@ed -od'1"oc$sed .%nd6 state o" consc%o$sness*6 2D:3( Act%9%t' %n t!e ectos'&9%an &atera& corte@, .ed%a& )en%c$&ate, ret%c$&ar "or.at%on, center .ed%an t!a&a.$s !%ppoca.p$s 2RO: 9%a D:3( Con"%r.%n) S!eer et a&*Es +orA,co.pared t!e EEG o" .%dd&e, !%)!,I*L* s$-Cects d$r%n) .enta& .$&t%p&%cat%on act%9%t'* A ?/,HF r!'t!. occ$rred C$st pr%or to t!e s$-CectEs ans+er%n) t!e #$est%on* Kort',,HF p$&ses are t!o$)!t to &ead to s'nc!ron%Fat%on B coord%nat%on o" ne$rons ass%)ned to t!e process%n) o" %nco.%n) sensor' st%.$&at%on* P$t %n 6co.p$terese,6 ?/,HF .a' -e t!e -ra%nEs 6operat%n) s'ste.6 "re#$enc' 2GIA 9%a D:3

Cons%dered t!e d%9%d%n) po%nt -et+een -eta +a9es B )a..a +a9es, a&t!o$)! t!ereEs so.e d%sa)ree.ent a-o$t t!%s* 2INT3 !ttpH11-ra%n*+e-, $s*co.1?/!F1de"a$&t*!t.

?=*/ Sc!$.ann Resonance (>t! "re#$enc' o" >)2TS3 ?;*G< , 5se"$& "or 6+e%rd e""ects6 ($se +%t! ;7*;? HZ and >/*?> HZ) 2T83

2T83 )ets t!e a+ard "or .ost a.-%)$o$s descr%pt%on* A&t!o$)!, IE. %nc&$d%n) %t s%nce %tEs a 9er' spec%"%c "re#$enc'* IE&& researc! %t "$rt!er and tr' to d%) $p so.e add%t%ona& %n"or.at%on*

=/,;/ Doc$.ented ne)at%9e e""ects too n$.ero$s to .ent%on T!ere %s no corre&at%on )%9en +%t! s%)na& stren)t! or .oda&%t' $sed, %*e* a$d%o,9%s$a&, EMK, .a)net%c, e&ectrostat%c, )ra9%t%c* A&so, .ost ELK researc! %s no+ Go9t c&ass%"%ed, part%c$&ar&' s%nce t!e .%d,0G;/Es +!en Ha.er d%sco9ered -e!a9%ora& e""ects as t!e res$&t o" app&%ed s%n$so%da& "%e&d )rad%ents as &o+ as ? 9o&ts* 2SS 9%a D:3 =/*/ , do.%nant "re#$enc' o" po&'p!as%c .$sc&e act%9%t', .a%ns e&ectr%ca& %n 5*P* 2EL3( S&o+er cere-ra& r!'t!.s 2II3 ==*/ , Tantr%c 'o)a( st%.$&ates t!e A$nda&%n%* 2M3 ;/ , 07/ La.-da Ran)e , L%tt&e Ano+n -$t %nc&$des centra& ner9o$s s'ste. act%9%t' 2EH3 ;/ e&ectr%c po+er &%nes ;7*;? , 5se"$& "or 6+e%rd e""ects6* ($se +%t! ?;*G< HZ and >/*?> HZ) 2T83 ;4 Astra& proCect%on 2M3 ;=*< Assoc%ated +%t! cocc'@ (s.a&& tr%an)$&ar -one at end o" t!e sp%na& co&$.n) (!%)!er octa9e o" 7*/; HZ) 2TOS3 >/,G,/// Jo%ce spectr$. 2MP03 >/ Menta& 2JPL3 astra& proCect%on ( Endorp!%n prod$ct%on1$sed +%t! e&ectroana&)es%a*

>/*?> 5se"$& "or 6+e%rd e""ects6* ($se +%t! ?;*G< HZ and ;7*;? HZ) 2T83 >7 E.ot%ona& spectr$. 2II3( 5sed on s%n$s%t%s1s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 >4*; Assoc%ated +%t! )en%ta&s (!%)!er octa9e o" 7*4/ HZ) 2TOS3 </ A+areness contro& o" r%)!t d%rect%on* Appears to -e %n9o&9ed %n st%.$&at%n) =,!'dro@'tr'pta.%ne prod$ct%on, +%t! 0;/HF* Co.-%ne +%t! 7*= HF* 2EL3 <7*4 Assoc%ated +%t! -&adder (!%)!er octa9e o" 7*=> HZ) 2TOS3 <4 T!%rd e'e open%n) "or so.e peop&e <=*= Assoc%ated +%t! %ntest%nes (!%)!er octa9e o" 7*;> HZ) 2TOS3 G/*/ , 000*/ P&eas$re,prod$c%n) -eta,endorp!%ns r%se -et+een t!ese "re#$enc%es* 2PSI3

'n the &':' scale, the notes that would fall in this range begin with F<3 and go u! to 23. +"23" being the fourth octave u! -- since there(s an 25, and 24, 2= lower than it.. *laying the F<3 and the 23 as a chord seems to function as a good !ain"iller. 2n additional undertone in the al!ha range of frequencies sometimes hel!s too. +Try adding a tone around 4=.B E..

G/*/ Good "ee&%n)s, sec$r%t', +e&&,-e%n), -a&anc%n) 2II3 G=*/,07=*/ Aco$st%ca& Resonances o" Assorted Anc%ent Str$ct$res 2ACS 9%a D:3 G=*/ 5se "or pa%n a&on) +%t! 4/?/ HZ 2ESR3 G<*? Assoc%ated +%t! !ara (4c. or 0*= %nc! -e&o+ na9e&, -a&ance o" pe&9%s) (!%)!er octa9e o" 4*/> HZ) 2TOS3 0// Can !e&p +%t! pa%n 2$sed +%t! e&ectr%ca& st%.$&at%on3 2CMP3

T!e s%te spec%"%ca&&' .ent%ons %t can -e )ood "or pa%n %n%t%a&&', -$t t!en reco..ends $s%n) /*= or 0*= to treat pa%n*

0/= O9era&& 9%e+ o" co.p&ete s%t$at%on 0/< Tota& Ano+%n) 00/*/ Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sto.ac!* 2NoteNA3 28H0328H?3( Assoc%ated +%t! o9ar%es (E""ectsN9%ta&%t', &%"e at 9er' &e9e&) (!%)!er octa9e o" 4*<? HZ) 2TOS3 000 8eta endorp!%ns 2M873* ce&& re)enerat%on 2II3 00>*4 Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Pancreas 2NoteNCS3 28H0328H?3 07/ , =// P*S*I*, .o9%n) o" o-Cects, c!an)%n) .atter, trans.$tat%on, ps'c!oA%nes%s 07/ He&ps +%t! "at%)$e (Med%$.Npad)2Q83( ($sed on) s%n$s d%sorders1s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 07= Gra!a. potent%a&%Fer( St%.$&at%on 2MH3( ($sed on) s%n$s%t%s 2RS3 07;*77 , S$n, 47nd octa9e o" Eart! 'ear 2HC3( T!e Kre#$enc' O" T!e S$n (NoteNC) (Co&orNGreen) (Te.poN00<*4 8PM) (C!aAraNMan%p$ra, a&so ca&&ed Hara Tassoc%ated +%t! Na9e& 4rd &$.-ar 9erte-raeU) (E""ectsNad9ances t!e "ee&%n) o" center%n) o" .a)%c o" t!e transcendenta&) 2HC1P&anet+are +e-s%te3

There seems to be a little disagreement between + L. C + L/*lanetware. over what exactly this is the frequency of - + L. ties this into the !eriod it ta"es the earth to revolve around the sun, while + L/*lanetware. says this is the frequency it would ta"e an

imaginary !lanet to orbit the outside edge of the sun. &y money is on the second, since there is another frequency that is given for the %arth year. #436.4 E$

This is tric"y to !ara!hrase, so here it is as it a!!eared on the *lanetware website 0

"&editation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond good and bad, shame and guilt, beyond s!ace and time, "nowledge and wisdom, action and rest an being and not-being. 't leads to a state where being has no name, to a state where the all-one and the all encom!assing are no longer se!arate entities but are reunited at their one common origin, the origin that is also you." 047*/ Assoc%ated +%t! A%dne's (E""ectsNstren)t!) (!%)!er octa9e o" ?*00 HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! cocc'@ (s.a&& tr%an)$&ar -one at end o" t!e sp%na& co&$.n) (!%)!er octa9e o" 7*/; HZ) 2TOS3 04;*0 S$nH &%)!t, +ar.t!, Co', an%.$s 2RJ3( Resonates +%t! t!e eart! 'ear (NoteNCS) (Co&orNT$r#o$%se Green) (E""ectsNca&.%n), .ed%tat%9e, re&a@%n), center%n)) 2PSI3( Per%od %t taAes eart! to re9o&9e aro$nd s$n (Te.poN;4*<V07>*;) (C!aAraNAna!ate1Heart c!aAra)(E""ectsNre&a@%n), soot!%n), -a&anc%n), !ar.on' +%t! t!e cos.os, assoc%ated +%t! t!e so$& T6"re#$enc' o" t!e so$&U) (Med%c%na&NSedat%9e) (Ot!erNs%)n%"%cant tone %n Ind%an .$s%c Tca&&ed %t t!e 6sadCa6 or 6"at!er to ot!ers6 , %t +as a Ae'noteU , corresponds to 6OM6 t!e C!r%st%an 6AMEN6) 2HC1P&anet+are +e-s%te3

)ote 0 +*,'. seems to disagree a bit with the original source on the list. +*,'. says this one calms/centers, while the original source seems to associate it with ha!!iness. 2lso some disagreement between +-J. and + L/*lanetware., once associating this with the sun, and the other associating this with the frequency with the earth year. ' su!!ose you could associate the earth year with the sun, since it(s the time it ta"es the earth to go around the sun, but 4=6.== E uses "frequency of the sun" in a little different context. ,ee the comments with that frequency for more.

0?/*7= P&$toH po+er, cr%s%s c!an)es 2II3( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! t!e or-%t o" P&$to( (NoteNCS) (Co&orN-&$e,)reen) (Te.poN;=*> V 040*? 8PM) (E""ects N s$pport t!e .a)%c )ro$p d'na.%c pr%nc%p&e and %s sa%d to -e respons%-&e "or %nte)rat%on %nto certa%n str$ct$res o" soc%et') 2HC1P&anet+are +e-s%te3 0?0*7> Merc$r'H %nte&&ect$a&%t', .o-%&%t' 2II3( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Merc$r' (NoteNCS or D) (Co&orN-&$e,)reen or -&$e) (Te.poN;;*7) (C!aAraNJ%s!$dda1T!roat c!aAra) (E""ectsNS$pports speec! center and co..$n%cat%9e,%nte&&ect$a& pr%nc%p&e, assoc%ated +%t! co..$n%cat%on and c&e9erness) 2HC1P&anet+are3

+ L/*lanetware. says the frequencies of !lanets revolving around the sun are less im!ortant than those of the moon, sun, and %arth.

2gain, '(m not sure how + L/!lanetware. is associating these frequencies with these cha"ras. 1shrugs8 2 discre!ancy in the note and color - they(re both given twice - once as L< and blue-green, the second time as : and blue. + L/*lanetware. and +B . seem to associate different frequencies with the revolutions of each !lanet - these frequencies are determined by L/*lanetware by ta"ing higher octaves of the actual !eriod - octaves that are in the audible range. +B . might use even higher octaves than + L/*lanetware. does, or some other method com!letely.

0??*/ (!e&ps +%t!) !eadac!es (Med%$.Npad)2Q83 0??*>7 MarsH act%9%t', ener)', "reedo., !$.or 2II3 ( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! t!e or-%t o" Mars (NoteND) (Co&orN-&$e) (Te.poN;>*< V 04=*; 8PM) (E""ect H S$pports stren)t! o" +%&& and "oc$sed ener)', a-%&%t' "or ac!%e9e.ent) 2HC1P&anet+are3 0?;*/ ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 0?>*/ Assoc%ated +%t! t!e sp&een1-&ood (E""ectsNE.ot%ona& I.p$&se) (!%)!er octa9e o" ?*; HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! )en%ta&s (!%)!er octa9e o" 7*4/ HZ) 2TOS3 0?>*<= Sat$rnH separat%on, sorro+, deat! 2II3( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Sat$rn (NoteND) (Co&orN8&$e) (Te.poN;G*4 V 04<*; 8PM) (E""ectsNen!ances concentrat%on and t!e process o" -eco.%n) consc%o$s B s!o+s 9er' c&ear&' Aar.%c connect%ons, -r%n)s str$ct$re and order , %s cons%dered to -e a cos.%c contro&&er) 2HC1P&anet+are3

IE. not co.p&ete&' s$re +!at t!e d$a& te.po .eans* IE&& !a9e to researc! t!at "$rt!er*

0;/*/ Appears to -e %n9o&9ed %n st%.$&at%n) =,!'dro@'tr'pta.%ne prod$ct%on, +%t! </ HF* 2EL3( 5se "or rap%d re&%e" "ro. !eadac!es 2ESR3( $sed on s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 0;?*4 Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Ga&& 8&adder 2NoteNE3 28H0328H?3 0;=*/ Assoc%ated +%t! sto.ac! (E""ectsNE.ot%ona& Acceptance) (!%)!er octa9e o" =*0? HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! -&adder (!%)!er octa9e o" 7*=> HZ) 2TOS3 0>0*/ Assoc%ated +%t! &$n)s (E""ectsNO@')en, Heat) (!%)!er octa9e o" =*4= HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! %ntest%nes (!%)!er octa9e o" 7*;> HZ) 2TOS3 0>7*/; , Resonates +%t! t!e P&aton%c 'ear Ta-o$t 7;,/// 'earsU (NoteNK) (Co&orNp$rp&e,9%o&et) (E""ectsNCo'"$&, c!eer"$&, sp%r%t$a& e""ect) 2PSI3( T!e Kre#$enc' O" T!e P&aton%c Year (Co&orNred,9%o&et Tp$rp&eU) (Te.poN</*; 8PM)

(C!aAraNSa!asrar1Cro+n c!aAra) (E""ectsNc!eer"$&ness, c&ar%t' o" sp%r%t, cos.%c $n%t' on !%)!est &e9e&s) (Med%c%na&Nant%depress%9e) (Ot!erNK %s cons%dered t!e tone o" t!e sp%r%t, and !ad a &ot o" s%)n%"%cance to t!e C!%nese)

Nther sources +*&. disagree about the tone F being associated with the Lrown cha"ra, which is how L/*lanetware connects this frequency to the crown cha"ra. +*&. considers the crown cha"ra to be associated with the B note, and not F.

0>;*/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! t!e co&on* 2NoteNK or KS3 28H0328H?3 0<4*=< , Q$p%terH )ro+t!, s$ccess, C$st%ce, sp%r%t$a&%t' 2II3 ( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! t!e or-%t o" Q$p%ter (NoteNKS) (Co&orNRed) (Te.poN<;*/= V 0>7*0 8PM) (E""ects H s$pports creat%9e po+er and cont%n$o$s constr$ct%on) (Assoc%ated +%t! Q$p%ter H Generos%t', Cont%n$%t', Ma)nan%.%t', Qo9%a&%t') 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 0<=*/ , ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 0<>*;0 "re#$enc' o" 6.oon c$&.%nat%on6 ( 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 0G?*0< "re#$enc' o" S'nod%c 6Eart!6 Da' Tt!e 6da' tone6U (NoteNG) (Co&orNOran)e Red) (Te.poNG0*/ 8PM) (C!aAraNM$&ad!ar18ase c!aAra) (E""ects N d'na.%c, 9%ta&%F%n))(Med%c%na&N6ton%"%es6) (Ot!erN6+eat!er deter.%n%n)6 sp!er%c "re#$enc', %n"&$ences prote%ns, -r%n)s one %nto !ar.on' +%t! nat$re6) 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3

)ote 0 By "weather determining", + L/!lanetware. seems to im!ly that somebody tuned into this frequency may be able to !redict the weather in the short-term future. '(m ;ust a little, little bit s"e!tical of this one, but if anybody has any luc" with it, let me "now. '(m not sure how + L/!lanetware. is associating these cha"ras to these frequencies. 't doesn(t seem to be based on the note, since A isn(t the note ty!ically associated with the base cha"ra +!er *&.. The associations might tie in with something astrological instead. 1shrugs8.

0G?*>0 , Eart!H sta-%&%t', )ro$nd%n) 2II3( Pe' O" G resonates +%t! "re#$enc' o" eart! da', t!e co&or oran)e,red, !as a d'na.%c, st%.$&at%n), and ener)%F%n) e""ect on t!e -od',.%nd* 2PSI3

There seems to be some disagreement between +*,'. and the original source for this list. +*,'. associates this frequency with energi7ing, while the original source associates it with stability/grounding. ' thin" this one, and the one right below it +4IH.H4 E. might be based on the same thing. Nne source might have done a ty!o, and then other sources based their information from that.

0G>*/ Assoc%ated +%t! !eart (E""ectsN&o9e,+ar.t!) (!%)!er octa9e o" ;*0=) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! !ara (4c. or 0*= %nc! -e&o+ na9e&, -a&ance o" pe&9%s) (!%)!er octa9e o" 4*/> HZ) 2TOS3 0G>*>0 "re#$enc' o" S%der%c Da' ( 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 7/>*4; , 5ran$sH spontane%t', %ndependence, or%)%na&%t' 2II3( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" 5ran$s T%nsert one o" doFens o" -ad CoAes !ereU (NoteNGS) (Co&orNOran)e) (Te.po N G>*7 8MP) (E""ects N s$pports t!e po+er o" s$rpr%se and rene+a&, !as pr%.e9a& and erot%c po+er) 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 70/*?7 "re#$enc' o" S'nod%c Moon (NoteNGS) (Co&orNoran)e) (Te.poNG<*; 8PM) (C!aAraNS9ad%st!an T7nd C!aAraU) (E""ectsNst%.$&ates se@$a& ener)', s$pports erot%c co..$n%cat%on) (Med%c%na&Nre)$&at%on o" .enstr$at%on, d%st$r-ances %n t!e )&and and &'.p! s'ste.) 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 700*?? , Nept$neH t!e $nconsc%o$s, secrets, %.a)%nat%on, sp%r%t$a& &o9e 2II3( "re#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Nept$ne (NoteNGS) (Co&orNoran)e) (Te.poNGG*0 8PM) (E""ects N s$pports %nt$%t%on, t!e $nconsc%o$sness, and en!ances t!e drea. e@per%ence) 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 77/*/ Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! &$n)s* 2Note N A3 28H0328H?3 Assoc%ated +%t! co&&ar-ones (E""ectsN9%ta&%t', o9era&& -a&ance, sta-%&%t') (!%)!er octa9e o" ;*<< HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! o9ar%es (E""ectsN9%ta&%t', &%"e at 9er' &e9e&) (!%)!er octa9e o" 4*<? HZ) 2TOS3 770*74 , Jen$sH -ea$t', &o9e, se@$a&%t', sens$a&%t', !ar.on' 2II3( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! t!e or-%t o" Jen$s (NoteNA) (Co&orN'e&&o+,oran)e) (Te.poN0/4*> 8PM) (C!aAraNACna1T!%rd E'e) (E""ectsNs$pports !%)!er &o9e ener)' and asp%rat%on "or !ar.on') 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 77>*?4 "re#$enc' o" S%der%c Moon ( 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 77G*77 "re#$enc' o" Meton%c C'c&e 2re&ated to .oon3 ( 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 74?*0; "re#$enc' o" Moon Anot ( 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 7?0*=; "re#$enc' o" Saros per%ode ( 2re&ated to .oon3 ( 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 7?;*/? "re#$enc' o" Aps%d%s rotat%on ( 2re&ated to .oon3 ( 2HC1p&anet+are +e-s%te3 7=/*/ E&e9ate and re9%ta&%Fe 7=?*=> Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Icar$s (astero%d) 2MPT3 7=;*/ Root C!aAra (0H0) (NoteNC) 28H43

7;4*/ Assoc%ated +%t! .o$t! (E""ectsNspeec!, creat%9%t') (!%)!er octa9e o" <*77 HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! A%dne's (E""ectsNstren)t!) (!%)!er octa9e o" ?*00 HZ) 2TOS3 7;?*/ Re&ated to Persona&%t' so.e!o+* (NoteNCB) 28H?3 7>7 44rd octa9e o" Eart! 'ear 2HC3 7>7*/ Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Se&en%$. (.%nera& n$tr%ent) (NoteNCS) 28H3 7>7*7 Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Eart! (NoteNCS) 28H73 7>4*/ Transpersona& C!aAra (0H0=) 2NoteNCS3 (Eart! Or-%t 7>7) 28H43 7</*= Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" P&$to 2NoteNCS3 28H73 7<0*/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Intest%nes 2NoteNCS3 28H03 7<0*; , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! S.a&& Intest%ne 2NoteNCS3 28H?3 7<7*? , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Merc$r'* 2NoteND3 28H73 7<<*/ , Po&ar%t' C!aAra (GH0) 2NoteND3 (Mars Or-%t 7<G) 28H43 7<G*? , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Mars* 2NoteND3 28H73 7G4*/ , 6$nAno+n6 C!aAra (0H0?) (NoteNDB) (Sat$rn Or-%t 7G;) 28H43

I taAe %t -' DB, s!e .eans a note so.e+!ere -et+een D and DS* A #$arter note, per!aps* 2MPT3

7G?*/ , Assoc%ated +%t! t!e $pper &%p (E""ectsNe.ot%ons, con"&%ct reso&$t%on) (!%)!er octa9e o" G*0G HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! t!e sp&een1-&ood (E""ectsNE.ot%ona& I.p$&se) (!%)!er octa9e o" ?*; HZ) 2TOS3 7G=*> , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Sat$rn (NoteNDS) 28H73 7G=*< , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Kat Ce&&s (NoteNCS) 28H0328H?3 7G;*/> , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" To$tat%s (astero%d) 2MPT3 4/?*/ , 5se"$& on !eadac!es (.ed%$.Npad)( sedat%on and pa%n re&%e" (.ed%$.Nt$-e) 2Q8BPKL3 ( ($se"$& "or) -&ood press$re, (and +%t!) st%"" .$sc&es (PKL)( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Potass%$. (.%nera& n$tr%ent) (NoteNDS) 28H3 40/*> , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" Nept$ne (NoteNE-) 28H73 40=*/ , D%ap!ra). C!aAra (0/H0) (NoteNE-) 28H43

40=*< , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! 8ra%n (NoteNE-) 28H03 40>*<4 , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! L%9er (NoteNE-) 28H0328H?3 40G*<< , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! P%dne' (NoteNE-) 28H0328H?3 47/*/ , So&ar P&e@$s C!aAra (0/H0) (NoteNE-) 28H43( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Ca&c%$. (.%nera& n$tr%ent) (NoteNE or E-) 28H3 470*G , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! -&ood* (NoteNE or E-) 28H0328H?3 47?*/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! .$sc&es* (NoteNE) 28H0328H?3 47G*/ Assoc%ated :%t! Nasa& Passa)es (E""ectsN-reat!%n), taste) (!%)!er octa9e o" 0/*4 HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! sto.ac! (E""ectsNE.ot%ona& Acceptance) (!%)!er octa9e o" =*0? HZ) 2TOS3 44/*/ 5sed to treat a&&er)%es %n conC$nct%on +%t! 4 HZ 2RS3 444*/ ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 447*< , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" S$n (NoteNE) 28H73

Fhen +B =. says the "orbit of the sun", ' believe she means how long it would ta"e an imaginary !lanet to orbit around the sun(s outer boundary +circumfrence.. This is how + L/!lanetware. made this calculation - the !eriod is then lowered a few octaves to get it into the audible sound range. That(s how + L/!lanetware. does most of its calculations, and !robably how +B . does it as well. + L/!lanetware., when lowering +or in the case of !lanets raising. the octave, seems to gun for lower tones than +B . does. The + L/!lanetware. tones would be a little "bassier". Fhich is !robably why the frequencies of all these astronomical !henomena that + L/!lanetware. gives doesn(t line u! with the frequencies that +B . gives.

44;*/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Mo&'-den$. (.%nera& n$tr%ent) 28H3 4?0*/ , Heart C!aAra (0H07) (NoteNK) 28H43 4?7*/ , Assoc%ated +%t! ears (E""ectsN!ear%n), "or.a& concepts) (!%)!er octa9e o" 04*< HZ) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! &$n)s (E""ectsNO@')en, Heat) (!%)!er octa9e o" =*4= HZ) 2TOS3 4=7*/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! -&adder* (NoteNK) 28H0328H?3( T!'.$s C!aAra (00H0) (NoteNKS) 28H43

T!ere see.s to -e a d%screpanc' !ere as to +!%c! note t!%s "re#$enc' %s* 28H3 c%tes -ot! K and KS* 2MPT3

4;>*/ , ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 4;>*7 , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Q$p%ter (NoteNKS) 28H73 4;<*/G , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Apo&&o (astero%d) 2MPT3 4>7*/ , 6$nAno+n6 C!aAra (0H00) (NoteNGS) (Eart! Sp%n 4><) 28H43 4>=*>/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! t!e or-%t o" Eros (astero%d) 2MPT3 4><*= , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" Eart!* (NoteNKS) 28H73 4</*G; , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Ida (astero%d) 2MPT3 4<?*/ , 6G$rdC%e"" 9%-rat%on assoc%ated +%t! root c!aAra* S%@t! !ar.on%c o" s%@, center o" t!e -ra%n+a9e spectr$.*6 2RP3( T!roat C!aAra (07H0) (NoteNG) 28H43( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! C!ro.%$. (.%nera& n$tr%ent) (NoteNGI) 28H3 4<G*? , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" Mars* (NoteNG) 28H73 4G4*/ , Assoc%ated +%t! e'es (E""ectsNJ%s$a&%Fat%on) (!%)!er octa9e o" 07*4) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! !eart (E""ectsN&o9e,+ar.t!) (!%)!er octa9e o" ;*0=) 2TOS3 4G4*4? , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Pa&&as (astero%d) 2MPT3 4G?*>; , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Ceres (astero%d) 2MPT3 4G; , G (.$s%ca& note) 2PL3 ?// See.s to decon)est 2PKL3( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Man)anese (.%nera& n$tr%ent) (NoteNG or GS) 28H3 ?/= , J%o&et 2PL3 ?/<*> , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Q$no (astero%d) 2MPT3 ?/G*0 , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" Jen$s (NoteNGS) 28H73 ?0/*/ , 6$nAno+n6 C!aAra (0H0/) (NoteNA-) (Jen$s Sp%n ?/G) 28H43 ?0?*> , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" 5ran$s (NoteNGS) 28H73 ?0;*/ , Ps'c!%c Center C!aAra (04H0) (NoteNA-) (5ran$s Or-%t ?0=) 28H43( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Iron (.%nera& n$tr%ent) (NoteNA-) 28H3 ?0<*4 , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! -ones (NoteNA-) 28H0328H?3 ?7/*<7 , MoonH &o9e, sens%t%9%t', creat%9%t', "e.%n%n%t', an%.a

?70*4 , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" .oon (NoteNA-) 28H73( A&so assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" Merc$r', -$t !ere, s!e &%sts t!e Note as 6A6 28H73* ?77*< , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Nept$ne (NoteNA-) 28H73 ?7?*/ , ($sed on) Kat%)$e (.ed%$.Npad) 2Q83( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Iod%ne (.%nera& n$tr%ent) (NoteNA-) 28H3 ?4/*< , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" 5ran$s (NoteNA-) 28H73 ?4< , Ind%)o ??/ , A (.$s%ca& note) ( Assoc%ated +%t! Kronta& Lo-es (E""ectsNt!e se9ent! sense, "%na& dec%s%on) (!%)!er octa9e o" 04*<) 2TOS3( Assoc%ated +%t! co&&ar-ones (E""ectsN9%ta&%t', o9era&& -a&ance, sta-%&%t') (!%)!er octa9e o" ;*<< HZ) 2TOS3 ??7*/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Jen$s* (NoteNA) 28H73 ??<*/ , T!%rd E'e C!aAra (0?H0) (NoteNA) 28H43 ??=*/ , 26$nAno+n63 C!aAra (0HG) (NoteN8-) (Jen$s Or-%t ??7) 28H43

T!atEs +!at 28H3 p$t* 6$nAno+n6 2MPT3

?==*? , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" Sat$rn (NoteNAS) 28H73 ?=;*/ , ($sed on) s%n$s%t%s1s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 ?;0*;> , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Jesta (astero%d) 2MPT3 ?;?*/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Copper (.%nera& n$tr%ent) (NoteN8-) 28H3( ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%ons1!ead co&ds +1 >7<!F,><?!F <</!F 2RS3 ?>4 , 8&$e ?>4*G , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" Q$p%ter (NoteN8-) 28H73 ?<;*7 , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" P&$to (NoteN8) 28H73 ?</ , Cro+n C!aAra (0= H 0) (NoteN8) 28H43( Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! P!osp!oro$s Z%nc (.%nera& n$tr%ents) (NoteN8) 28H3 ?G7*/ , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Sp&een (NoteN8) 28H?3( Assoc%ated +%t! Corte@ (E""ectsN%nte&&%)ence) (!%)!er octa9e o" 0=*? HZ) 2TOS3 ?G7*< , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! Adrena&s (NoteN8) 28H03( Assoc%ated +%t! Adrena&s, T!'ro%d Parat!'ro%d 28H?3 ?G4*// , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! t!e or-%t o" Gaspra (astero%d) 2MPT3

?G= , 8 (.$s%ca& note) ?G=*7= , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! or-%t o" Casta&%a (astero%d) 2MPT3 ?G>*0 , Kre#$enc' assoc%ated +%t! sp%n o" S$n* (NoteN8) 28H73 =//*/ , ($sed to treat) Ant!ra@ (.ed%$.Nt$-e) 2Q83

:isclaimerOO - 'f you legitly thin" you have anthrax, do )NT rely on my stu!id frequency chart. Ao see a doctor. owever, if you do want to tin"er around, this frequency was used as an %& field, not a sound. '(m not sure if it would wor" as a sound. Use at your own ris". #That goes for the other anthrax/small!ox frequencies too.$

=7/*/ , ($sed on) Headac!es (.ed%$.Npad) 2Q83 =77*/ , ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&d 2RS3 =7; , Assoc%ated +%t! top o" !ead (E""ectsNsp%r%t, &%-erat%on, transcendence) (!%)!er octa9e o" 0;*? HZ) 2TOS3 ( Assoc%ated +%t! .o$t! (E""ectsNspeec!, creat%9%t') (!%)!er octa9e o" <*77 HZ) 2TOS3 =7> , Green =7< , C (.$s%ca& note) =?7 , 8%o,ener)et%c "re#$enc' "or Jar%o&%n$. (%*e* s.a&&po@ 9acc%ne)* See d%sc&a%.er "or =// HZ* 2RS3 =;G , 8%o,ener)et%c "re#$enc' "or Jar%o&%n$. (%*e* s.a&&po@ 9acc%ne)* See d%sc&a%.er "or =// HZ* 2RS3 =</ , Ye&&o+ =<;*/ , Assoc%ated +%t! C%rc$&at%on Se@ (NoteNCS) 28H?3

=<<*/ , Assoc%ated +%t! t!e $pper &%p (E""ectsNe.ot%ons, con"&%ct reso&$t%on) (!%)!er octa9e o" G*0G HZ)2TOS3 =G? , D (.$s%ca& note) =G> , Oran)e ;7/ , Pee&' Kre#$enc' ($se +%t! ;4/ and 07///) 2T83

I Ano+ a-so&$te&' not!%n) a-o$t Pee&' or t!e s%)n%"%cance o" t!%s "re#$enc' , need to researc! .ore* 07///) 2T83

;4/ , Pee&' Kre#$enc' ($se +%t! ;7/

;44 , 8%o,ener)et%c "re#$enc' "or Ant!rac%n$. (%*e* ant!ra@ 9acc%ne)* See d%sc&a%.er "or =// HZ -e"ore e9en p&a'%n) +%t! t!%s* 2RS3 ;=< , Assoc%ated :%t! Nasa& Passa)es (E""ectsN-reat!%n), taste) (!%)!er octa9e o" 0/*4 HZ) 2TOS3 ;;/ , E (.$s%ca& note) ;;? , ($sed "or) Kat%)$e (.ed%$.Npad) 2Q83 ;<= , Assoc%ated +%t! ears (E""ectsN!ear%n), "or.a& concepts) (!%)!er octa9e o" 04*< HZ) 2TOS3 >// , Red >/? , K (.$s%ca& note) >7> ($sed on) A&&er)%es, S%n$s%t%s 2RS3( Co..on&' $sed 6c$re,a&&6 R%"e "re#$enc' 2CR3 >7< , ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%ons1!ead co&ds +1 ><?!F,<</!F ><? ,($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%ons1!ead co&ds +1 >7<!F,<</!F ?;?!F* 2RS3 ?;?!F* 2RS3

><> , Assoc%ated +%t! e'es (E""ectsNJ%s$a&%Fat%on) (!%)!er octa9e o" 07*4) 2TOS3( ($sed to treat) A&&er)%es, S%n$s%t%s 2RS3( Co..on&' $sed 6c$re,a&&6 R%"e "re#$enc' 2CR3 <// , Co..on&' $sed 6c$re,a&&6 R%"e Kre#$enc' 2CR3 </7 , ($sed on) s%n$s%t%s +%t! 0==/ HZ( ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&ds 2RS3 <7/ , ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&ds 2RS3 <47 , 8%o,ener)et%c "re#$enc' "or Jar%o&%n$. (%*e* s.a&&po@ 9acc%ne)* See d%sc&a%.er "or =// HZ* 2RS3 <</ , Assoc%ated +%t! Kronta& Lo-es (E""ectsNt!e se9ent! sense, "%na& dec%s%on) (!%)!er octa9e o" 04*<) 2TOS3( ($sed on) A&&er)%es, S%n$s%t%s 2RS3( ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%ons1!ead co&ds +1 >7<!F,><?!F ?;?!F* 2RS3( Co..on&' $sed 6c$re,a&&6 R%"e Kre#$enc' 2CR3 G=7 , ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&ds 2RS3 G;= , Re&a@es .$sc&es, espec%a&&' t!ose o" t!e necA 2PKL3 G<? , Assoc%ated +%t! Corte@ (E""ectsN%nte&&%)ence) (!%)!er octa9e o" 0=*?) 2TOS3

0/// , Cere-ra& ne$rons 0/=7 , Assoc%ated +%t! top o" !ead (E""ectsNsp%r%t, &%-erat%on, transcendence) (!%)!er octa9e o" 0;*? HZ) 2TOS3 0=// , ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%on1!ead co&ds 2RS3 0==/ , ($sed on) s%n$s%t%s +%t! </7 HZ, ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%ons1!ead co&ds 2RS3( 0==7 , ($sed on) e'e d%sorders 2PKL3 0;// , ($sed on) e'e d%sorders 2ESR3 7/7= , Proton Precess%on1:ater Resonance 2T83 7;>= , 6T!e Cr'sta& Resonator6* A s$-!ar.on%c o" t!e "re#$enc' o" #$artF cr'sta&* 6e@tre.e&' e""ect%9e "or c!ar)%n) and c&ear%n) #$artF cr'sta&s ** $se"$& "or c&ear%n) and -a&anc%n) o" t!e%r o+n ener)%es* So.e c&a%. %t ener)%Fe cr'sta&s %n t!e -ra%n* Ot!ers sa' t!at %t act%9ates aspects o" t!e a$r%c "%e&d* 6 (.ed%$.Nso$nd1t$n%n) "orA) 2QG3 4777 , 8%o,ener)et%c "re#$enc' "or Jar%o&%n$. (%*e* s.a&&po@ 9acc%ne)* See d%sc&a%.er "or =// HZ* 2RS3 4/?/ , 5se "or pa%n a&on) +%t! G= HZ 2ESR3 ?0<; , !%)!est note on a p%ano 2MP73 ??// , ($sed on) s%n$s %n"ect%ons1!ead co&ds , tr' scann%n) -et+een ?4<? ??0; -' %nter9a&s o" < HZ* 2RS3 =///,</// HZ , rec!ar)e 6-ra%n -atter%es6 .ost rap%d&'* Kastest rec!ar)e at </// HZ* 6T!e an@%et',eas%n), .e.or',e@pand%n) ;/,-eat te.po creates eas' co..$n%cat%on +%t! t!e s$-consc%o$s .%nd*6 2PSI3 =/// , Co..on&' $sed 6c$re,a&&6 R%"e "re#$enc' 2T8BCR3( ($sed on) a&&er)%es, s%n$s %n"ect%ons1!ead co&ds , s!ort $se on&' ,, &on) e@pos$res destro' red -&ood ce&&s* 2RS1PKL3 GGGG , Genera& 9%ta&%t' ener)' 2PKL3

0/,/// , Co..on&' $sed 6c$re,a&&6 R%"e "re#$enc' 2T8BCR3( ($sed to treat) a&co!o&%s., a&&er)%es, !eadac!es 2RS3 07,/// HZ , Pee&' Kre#$enc' ($se +%t! ;7/ HZ ;4/ HZ) 2T83

0;,/// , 7/,/// , 5pper ran)e "or nor.a& !ear%n) 2MP73 74,/// $p , H'person%c So$nds 2a-o9e !$.an !ear%n)3

4</// , ?//// HZ , Ma)%c :%ndo+ 2EW 9%a MMBT83 ?7<// HZ , Aet!er%c d%ssoc%at%on1+ater resonance (+ater ,X aet!er%c "orce) 2T83 ,,,,,,, Note , do+n "ro. t!%s po%nt are PHZ 2A%&o!ertF3 9a&$es, not HZ 9a&$es 0=/,0;/ PHZ , Ma)%c :%ndo+ 2EW 9%a MMBT83 0</ PHZ , Kerro.a)net%s. 2T83 ,,,,,,, Note , do+n "ro. t!%s po%nt are MHZ 2.e)a!ertFI3 9a&$es, not HZ 9a&$es 0*0,0*4 MHZ , Ma)%c :%ndo+ 2EW 9%a MMBT83 4<< MHZ , A&&e)ed to ca$se da.a)e1d%sr$pt%on to !$.ans 2T83 ,,,,,,, Note , do+n "ro. t!%s po%nt are GHZ 2)%)a!ertFI3 9a&$es, not HZ 9a&$es 0*/=> GHZ , Ma)%c :%ndo+ 2EW 9%a MMBT83 ,,,,,,, Note , do+n "ro. t!%s po%nt are PHZ 2Peta!ertF3 9a&$es, not HZ 9a&$es (0 PHZ N 0,///,///,///,///,/// HZ*) 0/ PHZ , Ma)%c :%ndo+ %n t!e near $&tra,9%o&et ran)e 2EW 9%a MMBT83( 6&%"e ener)'6 "re#$enc' 2EW 9%a MM3

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