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Bookmark Definitions

punctuation 1. apostrophe/la apostrofe 2. appositive/el apositivo 3. colon/los dos puntos 4. comma/la coma 5. contraction/la contraccin 6. dash/la raya . ellipsis/los puntos suspensivos !. hyphen/el "uin #. indentation/la san"r$a 1%. italics/la cursiva 11. parentheses/los par&ntesis 12. 'uotation marks/las comillas 13. semi(colon/el punto y coma Symbols used to demonstrate how a sentence flows A symbol used to connect words in a contraction or show possession (apostrophe + s) Using commas to rephrase a noun (Carlos, my friend, / We, the people, ) A symbol used to begin a list or to show time (8:00 p.m.) A symbol used to connect items in a list or to show a pause (,) When you combine two words with an apostrophe (cant, shouldnt, youre) A long line used to connect two thoughts. () Three periods used to show that the sentence isnt finished (to be continued...) A short line used to combine two words or in a phone number (-) A space used to show the beginning of a new paragraph (Tab) Slanted letters used to show the title of a book or a change in writing style Curved symbols that add information ( ) Symbols used to show a citation or quotation Connects two related sentences (;)

parts of speech 14. ad)ective/el ad)etivo 15. adver*/el adver*io 16. article/el art$culo 1 . common noun/el sustantivo com+n 1!. con)unction/la con)uncin 1#. "erund/el "erundio 2%. inter)ection/la inter)eccin 21. preposition/la preposicin 22. pronoun/el pronom*re 23. proper noun/el sustantivo propio 24. transition/la transicin 25. ver*/el ver*o

Classifications of words depending on their function in a sentence A word that describes a noun (bright, orange, short, soft, cold, crazy, etc.) A word that describes how or how often an action is performed (quickly, quietly, never) The words a, an, the A person, place, thing, or idea that is lowercased Words that connect two sentences (and, but, because, or, etc.) Actions that end in -ing (running, jumping, thinking) A short emotional word or outburst (Ouch! Hey! Ah! Oh dear!) Words that show the position or relationship of the noun (in, on, from, for, with, by) Words that substitute for a person or noun (I, you, he, she, it, we, they, etc.) A person, place, thing, or idea that is capitalized (names) A way to begin a sentence in order to make it flow smoothly Words that show an action and can change from past to present tense

literary techniques 26. alliteration/la aliteracin 27. allusion/la alusin 28. aphorism/ el aforismo 29. characterization/caracterizacin 30. dialogue/el dilogo 31. external conflict/el conflicto externo 32. figurative language/el lenguaje figurativo 33. flashback/el recuerdo 34. foreshadowing/el presagio 35. hyperbole/la hiprbola 36. idiom/la expresin idiomtica 37. irony/la irona 38. internal conflict/el conflicto interno 39. internal monologue/el monlogo interno 40. metaphor/la metfora 41. narration/la narracin 42. onomatopoeia/la onomatopeya 43. oxymoron/el oximoron 44. personification/la personificacin 45. poetry/la poesa 46. prose/la prosa 47. repetition/la repeticin 48. resolution/ la resolucin 49. sensory imagery/las imgenes sensorias 50. setting/el escenario 51. simile/la smil 52. slang diction/la diccin de jerga 53. sophisticated diction/la diccin sofisticada 54. symbolism/el simbolismo

Strategies used to enhance written or oral communication Words that begin with the same sound (bumble bees buzz) A reference to something the audience is expected to know (usually famous) A wise quote or saying Developing the people in a story with descriptions of their appearance and personalities A conversation between two or more people (using quotes) A struggle between different people or groups. Words used to represent a deeper meaning (not to be taken literally) An extended memory that a character has within a story A hint of what will happen in the story An extreme exaggeration A phrase or saying that is used particularly in one language or culture When something happens that is the opposite of what youd expect, like an ironic twist A struggle inside yourself The voice that speaks within a characters head A comparison without like or as (Heart of gold, I am an island) When the narrator describes a setting or event without dialogue A word that imitates a sound (Boom! Shhhh! Zap!) A phrase that combines opposite ideas (lonely crowd, black sun, loving hate) Giving human-like qualities to an object (the wind whispered) A creative expression of a theme to evoke an emotional response (verse) Ordinary writing, such as narratives or essays (opposite of poetry/verse) Repeating a word or phrase to emphasize it When a conflict is resolved, usually teaching the character new insights or lessons Using words to create mental pictures of the 5 senses in the readers mind Describing where and when the story takes place A comparison using like or as (as fast as lightning, like a monster) The authors use of casual and informal-sounding words The authors use of advanced and professional-sounding words Using an object or a color to represent a deeper idea.

,heme Definitions
Themes of oppression 55. alienation/la alienacin 56. apathy/la apata 57. classism/el clasismo 58. conformity/la conformidad 59. dehumanization/la deshumanizacin 60. discrimination/la discriminacin 61. domination/la dominacin 62. exploitation/la explotacin 63. envy/la envidia 64. greed/la avaricia 65. guilt/la culpabilidad 66. hierarchy/la jerarqua 67. hubris/la arrogancia 68. insecurity/la inseguridad 69. jealousy/los celos 70. manipulation/la manipulacin 71. marginalization/la marginalizacin 72. objectification/la objetivacin 73. pessimism/el pesimismo 74. polarization/la polarizacin 75. prejudice/el prejuicio 76. scapegoat/el chivo expiatorio 77. self-defeat/el autoderrota 78. sexism/el sexismo 79. status quo/el estatus quo 80. timidity/la timidez 81. xenophobia/la xenofobia Negative struggles or feelings in life that hold us or other people down Feeling separated or distant from another person or group Not caring, apathetic Discrimination based on ones wealth or class Following what other people do without thinking for yourself Being treated like an animal or less-than-human Unfair treatment (inequality) Improper or excessive use of power, abusing/controlling someone mentally or physically To take advantage of an individual or group for personal gain Wanting what other people have Wanting everything for yourself, being selfish When you know you did something wrong Organizing people in society in low, middle, and high When a character is too proud for his/her own good, causing his/her tragic downfall Feeling fearful or lacking self-confidence When a person feels angered or resentful of another persons success Using other people through lies or control When people have been made to feel that they dont belong (outsiders) Treating people like objects; using people for their bodies Having a negative outlook on the future When two groups move in opposite directions Judging others before really knowing them An innocent person who gets blamed for something he/she wasnt responsible for Bringing yourself down Discrimination based on ones gender The way things are in society (things that stay the same) When a person is too shy or lacking self-confidence to speak up A fear of people who are different or who are outsiders

themes of resistance 82. activism/el activismo 83. benevolence/la bondad 84. courage/el valor 85. empathy/la empata 86. ethics/la tica 87. fortitude/la fortaleza 88. generosity/la generosidad 89. gratitude/la gratitud 90. honesty/la honestidad 91. honor/el honor 92. humility/la humildad 93. initiative/la iniciativa 94. insight/la perspicacia 95. justice/la justicia 96. liberation/la liberacin 97. loyalty/la lealtad 98. maturity/la madurez ##. motivation/la motivacin 100. optimism/el optimismo 101. perseverance/la perseverancia 102. responsibility/la responsibilidad 103. self-discipline/la autodisciplina 104. self-esteem/la autoestima 105. self-reliance/la autosuficiencia 106. serenity/la serenidad 107. solidarity/la solidaridad 108. tolerance/la tolerancia 1%#. transcendence/la trascendencia 11%. unification/la unificacin

Ways in which people overcome struggles and oppression Organizing people to stand up for justice (protesting, campaigning) Doing good things when you dont have to, such as giving to charity Bravery, willing to face a challenge Putting yourself in another persons shoes; being compassionate Following a code of morals Being strong Giving to others, sharing Feeling thankful, appreciating what you have Being truthful When truth, justice, and integrity prevail (win) in the end Being humble; not bragging or showing off Taking the first step; being a leader Realizing a lesson in life When a person refuses to give up his/her rights and demands fairness/equality Freedom; becoming free When a person upholds the trust that someone has in him/her (faithful/fidelity) Acting and thinking in a responsible manner, like an adult should act Trying to reach your goals Having a positive outlook on the future (hope) Never giving up (dedication, commitment) Completing the duties, tasks, or obligations that you should complete Controlling your own actions in order to achieve your goals Being proud of yourself, feeling good about yourself Being able to support yourself without anyone else Tranquility; peace and calm Standing by someone because its the right thing, even when its popular or easy to do Accepting all types of diversity Rising above Joining together

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