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Accessing Intelligence
This is your strategy when either the Crown, Mind, or Throat is defined and all the other centers are undefined, or when the whole chart is undefined.
This is a unique authority, because rather than having an internal prompt, you go through an external
process to discover your inner truth.
This authority must not be rushed into making decisions. It is slow, deliberate, meticulous, and measured.
It weighs and balances, thoroughly researches, checks, and double-checks before reaching any sort of
With this authority, you will be either a Reflector type or a specific Projector with only the Crown, Mind, or
Throat center defined. You dont have an internal filter to rely on, but dont despair you still have the
means to make intelligent and accurate assessments; its just that you must exercise great patience and
take an expanded, open view of all the situations confronting you.
All the white space within your life chart means youre able to access everyone elses perspectives, concepts, and ideas and turn them into your own wisdom. Your correct decision-making process, therefore, relies on consultation with other people, directly or indirectly, over a period of twenty-nine days. Those
twenty-nine days are in accord with the movements and phases of the moon. This is why its called an
Outer Authority, because it is consultative by nature and takes the lunar cycle into account. It may well
sound crazy at first, but just as the moon is responsible for the coming and going of the tides, so it relates
to your shifting perspectives.
When you are faced with a choice or dilemma, the usual tendency is to start mulling it over and going inward for the answers. But its necessary for your nature to look outward and sound out the world around
you. If I were you, Id buy a lunar calendar and familiarize myself with the moons movement in the sky.
Mark down decision day twenty-nine days hence, then turn back to the present and begin your inquiries. Do research. Read books. Search the internet. Allow your empathetic nature to pick up on everything and everyone involved. Most things will get written off in the first few days of your decision-making
While it is not always practical to make a decision over twenty-nine days, be aware of this cycle and try to
apply it as much as possible. Once accustomed to this tie-in with the lunar cycle, youll often be able to anticipate your process and decide preemptively. But for major decisions, it really is worth waiting those
twenty-nine days.
Joint decisions with others require practice and patience, and a lot of times you might find yourself being
usurped in the hurry to reach a decision. That will require great trust in your partner, friend, or associate.
This can be an extremely difficult and testing
strategy to both adopt and understand, but if you have it, and your cycle is allowed room to breathe, you
can end up the wisest decision maker of them all. In many respects, the Universe is your co-decision
maker. With this kind of ally, you will find not only that youre a walking lexicon of knowledge but that your
level of intelligence can outstrip that of most people around you. You will begin to appreciate the opportunity to find your own place within a huge arena of opinion, experience, and possibility.
You now have an overview of your Human Design through the centers, type, and authority. You could, at
this point, start using the information to transform your way of interacting with the world. If, for example,
you have discovered you are a Generator with Emotional Authority, you will know that you must listen to
your gut response and then make better decisions in accordance with an emotional clarity. Just using this
knowledge could start to change your life.
But there is so much, much more to your nature weve yet to discover.
In the next section of this book, we delve deeper and start to mine the real gems within you. This is where
we start to examine the nitty-gritty of who you are as an individual. We examine the unique fingerprint you
leave on this world. Here, self-recognition is taken to an even more amazing level.
Just who are you?

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