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CusLomer !

Companles have lL Lougher Loday
ShorLened consumer auenuon spans
uemand for Lransparency
ublqulLous connecuvlLy and access
1radluonal channel faugue
CusLomer Lxperlence ManagemenL (CLM)
provldes an eecuve means Lo creaLe posluve,
memorable experlences LhaL auracL and reLaln
uone correcLly, lL drlves sausfacuon and brand
share, and encourages cusLomers Lo share Lhelr
experlences wlLh oLhers Lhrough Lradluonal and
new Louch polnLs
olnL of Sale
CusLomer Servlce
Soclal Medla
roducL uemos
Cnllne 8evlews
1radluonal Medla
1argeLed Lmall
C ulsplays
Cuerrllla 1acucs
Word of MouLh
Why focus on cusLomer experlence?
Lngender cusLomer
enLhuslasm, lnsLead of
slmply pushlng producL
urlve loyalLy and repeaL
buslness vs. one and done"
CreaLe a quallLy engagemenL
LhaL requlres acuve llsLenlng
and relevanL responses
laclllLaLe meanlngful
lnLeracuons aL every
1oday companles are looklng Lo creaLe
meanlngful engagemenL wlLh Lhelr cusLomers
CusLomer !ourney Mapplng
CusLomer !ourney Mapplng
Cr, llfe as we have known lL:
lf we're lucky, we geL someLhlng llke Lhls
Communlcauon sLraLegy - develop an lnLegraLed
communlcauon Lhrough all LouchpolnLs
Cperauonal sLraLegy - ldenufy Lhe lnfrasLrucLure
LhaL ls needed Lo supporL a cusLomer cenLrlc
rocess reenglneerlng - rene processes Lo be
more emclenL and cusLomer focused
rlvacy lssues - ldenufylng poLenual rlsks
uaLa managemenL
uevelop daLa sLraLegy
uevelop an undersLandlng of how daLa can be
used as a compeuuve advanLage Lo lncrease
loyalLy, sausfacuon, eLc.
ldenufy places where daLa can be leveraged
Llfecycle opporLunlues - undersLand Lhe cusLomer
experlence LhroughouL Lhe llfecycle, work Lo
allevlaLe Lhe hlghesL paln polnLs and leverage
lnLeracuons Lo lmprove cusLomer relauons
oLenual ouLpuLs of an experlence mapplng eorL
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1. Documentation of vision
- Overlaps and synergies across BUs
- Conflicting strategies
2. Useable Best Practices
3. Documentation of gaps and
4. Documentation of the current
customer experience
- Living Customer Journey Map
- Holistic view of the customer experience
and infrastructure that is supporting it
- Gaps and opportunities between
customer experience and stated
customer strategies

5. High Level Recommendations
6. Initiative Identification &

1. Engagement of key stakeholders
across divisions and business
- Begin to see commonality of key challenges
- See the overlap and chaos from the
customers perspective
2. Key Customer Journey Insights
3. Forum for breaking down silos
- Realization that customers view and
experience the whole brand and not
divisions or business units
- As such, need for greater collaboration and
coordination where customers are cutting
across different parts of the organization
4. Recognition for the right ideas and
the proper execution
- Elevation of best practices to senior
stakeholders and across divisions provide
forum for superior and peer recognition
Summary of !ourney Mapplng CuLpuLs
lnLroduclng 1ouchpolnL uashboard
Why Map wlLh 1ouchpolnL uashboard?
1ouchpolnL uashboard ls a powerful vlsual Lool LhaL
ouLllnes Lhe cusLomer experlence wlLh every aspecL of
your company. lL can help you:

CreaLe an of all of your
LouchpolnLs and score Lhem Lo deLermlne lmpacL, cosL
and 8Cl
Cb[ecuvely audlL and measure Lhe
of every cusLomer lnLeracuon, and monlLor
operauonal conslsLency

ldenufy Lo your cusLomers and buslness, and undersLand whaL creaLes or deLracLs
from value & drlves loyalLy
See exacLly where and when cusLomers experlence , who ls mosL lmpacLed and how lL
aecLs your bouom llne
See how acuvlues & processes ln one area aecL Lhe enure organlzauon, and
8ulld , develop smarL lmprovemenL plans and prlorluze fundlng
Anne Cramer - Co-lounder
Anne ls a seasoned sLraLegy and managemenL consulung
professlonal wlLh deep experuse ln creaung and lmplemenung
daLa-drlven, cusLomer-cenLrlc buslness sLraLegles. Pavlng been ln
Lhe consulung and professlonal servlces lndusLry for over 12 years,
Anne's passlon lles ln ndlng and repllcaung besL pracuces all over
Lhe world. She belleves LhaL all cllenLs can learn from oLher
successful organlzauons regardless of Lhelr slze, buslness model or
counLry of orlgln.
AbouL Lhe resenLer
1hank ?ou

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