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TEACHER/STUDENT: Anela Gali SUBJECT: English language DATE: 17thDecember 201 TEACHING UNIT: #oo$ TYPE OF LESSON: %e& lesson Teaching me h!"#: ' con(ersation ' $emonstrati(e metho$ ' )uestion'ans&er metho$ Teaching $!%m#: ' in$i(i$ual &or* ' &or* in +airs Teaching ai"#: ' stu$ents, boo* ' blac*boar$ F&nc i!na' aim#: ' to tal* about -oo$ ' to use rea$ing strategies to ans&er mulit+le'choice )uestions ' to gi(e +ersonal o+inions about issues raise$ in an article E"&ca i!na' aim#: ' to learn ne& (ocabular. ' to +ractise s+ea*ing ' to re(ise a$jecti(es SCHOOL: Druga gimnazija Mostar CLASS: 1st TIME: 11!""

BEGINNING OF THE LESSON ()*+ min& e#, ' ' /he teacher tells the stu$ents to loo* at the +hotos 0+age "21" 2 an$ to match them &ith the ca+tions3 A-ter chec*ing ans&ers4 the teacher as*s the stu$ents ho& the. &oul$ an&er the t&o )uestions in the ca+tions 0our choice 5 organic or genticall. mo$i-ie$ -oo$6 Are &e o(er-ishing the oceans62 an$ i- /7 che-s are +o+ular in their countr. MAIN PART OF THE LESSON (-)*-+ min& e#, ' /he teacher gi(es stu$ents time to loo* u+ the &or$s in the Mini' $ictionar. an$ as*s i- an. &or$s are ne& -or them4 i- there are un*no&n &or$s the teacher &rites them on the blac*boar$ an$ e8+lains i- necessar.9 /he teacher as*s i- an. o- the stu$ents are (egetarian an$ as*s them &hat sort o- -oo$ the. li*e best9 /he stu$ents $iscuss the )uestions in e8ercise 2 an$ see i- the. agree9 /he teacher rea$s alou$ the title o- the article an$ as*s i- the. un$erstan$ &hat the title FOOD FOR THOUGHT means9 :tu$ents &or* in$i(i$uall.4 rea$ing the article an$ matching the titles &ith the sections9 :tu$ents com+are ans&ers in +airs be-ore chec*ing ans&ers9 /he teacher as*s the stu$ents i- the. ha(e multi+le'choice )uestions in tests in other school subjects an$ &hat strategies the. use &hen ans&ering multi+le'choice )uestions in their o&n language9 ;ea$ing alou$ the strategies an$ as*ing i- the. use some o- these strategies an$ i- the. -in$ them hel+-ul9 /he teacher tells the stu$ents to use the strategies as the. ans&er the multi+le'choice )uestions in e8ercise <4 the stu$ents $o the e8ercise in$i(i$uall.4 chec*ing the ans&ers9 /he stu$ents $o the e8ercise "4 one o- the stu$ents rea$s alou$ the e8am+le sentence9 /he. ha(e to thin* o- their reasons -or their choice o- the most interesting an$ the most &orr.ing issues in the article9 =n +airs4 stu$ents $iscuss the most interesting an$ most &orr.ing issues in the article9 /he teacher goes aroun$ an$ &atches the acti(it.4 +a.ing attention to the use o- su+erlati(e -orms an$ language to e8+ress o+inions4 agree an$ $isagree9 /he +airs -ee$ bac* to the class an$ stu$ents see i- most o- them agree about the most interesting an$ most &orr.ing issues9 ENDING THE LESSON (.*) min& e#, ' /he teacher chec*s &hat the stu$ents ha(e learne$ b. $oing the e8ercise number 7 &here stu$ents ha(e to match the (erbs belo& &ith the e8am+le o- get un$erline$ in the article9

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '


HOME/OR0 (1*. min& e#, * /he stu$ents ha(e to &rite a short essa. about ho& -oo$ has change$ in their countr. o(er the last -e& .ears an$ ho& $o the. thin* it &ill change in the -uture9

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