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PERSEF 3 Theme: Emotional Maturity

(attributed to theologian Reinhold Niebuhr)

Resilience and Coping Skills

by: Gerald B.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it, trusting that You will make all things right If I surrender to Your will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next.

Pearanda, M.Sc. (gbpenaranda@yahoo.com)

Objectives for this Meeting

During the course of discussion about Resilience and Coping Skills, the students are expected to: 1. Determine their strong coping skills and the coping skills they still need to improve on 2. Come up with very specific recommendations on how to improve ones coping skills

If you dont like something, change it. If you cant change it, change your attitude. Dont complain. Maya Angelou

If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact not to be solved, but to be coped with over time. Shimon Peres

We cant control the world, but we can control how we cope with it.


The process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or even significant sources of stress (such as family and
relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors)

Bouncing back from difficult experiences

We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

What Resilience is NOT About

Resilience is not about: (a) ignoring feelings of sadness over a loss, (b) pretending to be strong, (c) not asking support from others, and (d) being emotionally distant, unfeeling, or cold

What Resilience IS About

Resilience is about: (a) seeking help and making connections, (b) accepting change as part of ones life, (c) having the capacity to manage strong feelings and impulses; and (d) taking decisive actions

Characteristics of Resilient People

1. 2. 3. 4. Have close, dependable relationships Feels confident and in control of their lives Can see humor in situations, even under stress Can think clearly and logically, even under pressure 5. Appreciate challenges and can handle uncertainty and unpleasant feelings 6. Remain optimistic and dont give up, even if things seem hopeless 7. Believe that things happen for a reason


Are abilities or talents employed by the individual to effectively respond to issues that result in disadvantage or adversity

How Well Do You Cope?

Responses to physical, cognitive, and psychological stressors

If ones coping skills are not able to effectively address the stressor, there can be an increase in impaired functioning

SOURCE: Stress Free Living by Dr. Trevor Powell (2000)

Always 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely 1 Never 0 Always 4 Often 3

Sometimes 2 Rarely 1 Never 0
11) I reward myself with something pleasant when Ive done a good job.

1) 2) 3)
4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

I can ask for help from others. I manage my time so I am not rushed. When I am upset or depressed I can work out what thoughts lie behind it. I discuss my worries with friends. I make a point of looking after myself in terms of diet, health, and appearance. I put off doing difficult things and avoid difficult situations.
I express emotions openly and directly. I work towards my own personal goals. I accept situations that cannot be altered. I can trust, talk to frankly, and share feelings with others.

12) I tend to bottle up my emotions and withdraw from people.

13) I can say no to the demands of others and refuse requests. 14) I am careful how much I take on and balance this against my limited time. 15) I weigh up both sides of an argument. 16) I feel close to and talk openly with members of my family. 17) I make time for my hobbies and leisure. 18) When Im under pressure the pleasant relaxing activities get squeezed out. 19) I complain in a shop if service is poor. 20) I delegate tasks to others if I need to.

Always 4 Often 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely 1 Never 0 1) Assertiveness


21) I can usually relate my upset mood to a specific event that has happened to me. 22) I socialize with friends. 23) I believe I need to be selfish at times. 24) I tend to avoid challenging situations. 25) I like to share my ideas with others, even if they dont agree. 26) I make lists of what I am going to do. 27) I stand back and think things through. 28) I enjoy social events with other people. 29) I make time for planned relaxation. 30) I must get everything just right.

2) Time Management 3) Rational Thinking 4) Improving Relationships 5) Self-Care 6) Reducing Maladaptive Habits
Indicate whether your scores mean (a) High, (b) Moderate, or (c) Low


Interpreting Your Score

A. ASSERTIVENESS 1 7 13 19 25 TOTAL: ________ 14 Above: You appear to be assertive in your behavior. You are able to express yourself openly and stand up for your rights. 8 to 13: You could be more assertive. Below 8: You do not appear to be assertive enough.

Interpreting Your Score

14 Above: You seem to manage your time well and organize yourself to achieve what you want out of your life. 8 to 13: Your time management could be improved. Below 8: You do not appear to manage your time well and need to improve your skills in this area.

B. MANAGING YOUR TIME 2 8 14 20 26 TOTAL: ________

Interpreting Your Score

C. RATIONAL THINKING 3 9 15 21 27 TOTAL: ________ 14 Above: You seem to understand how your thoughts are affected by your feelings and are able to think matters through in a rational manner. 8 to 13: You could improve your understanding of the relationship between your thoughts and moods

Interpreting Your Score

D. IMPROVING RELATIONSHIPS 4 10 16 22 28 TOTAL: ________ 14 Above: You seem to have positive relationships and a good social support system. 8 to 13: You could improve the ways in which you use your social network as a way of coping.

Below 8: Your thinking habits may be causing your stress.

Below 8: You appear to have problems in your relationships with other people.

Interpreting Your Score

14 Above: You appear to look after yourself well and understand the need for selfcare.

E. SELF-CARE 5 11 17 23 29 TOTAL: ________

Interpreting Your Score

F. MALADAPTIVE 6 12 18 24 30 TOTAL: ________
14 Above: You appear to have a number of unhelpful habits in the form of strategies that help you cope in the short term, but which make you more vulnerable to stress. Often, a combination of procrastination, avoidance, perfectionism, bottling up emotions, and allowing pleasure to be squeezed out of your life can lead to high levels of stress.

8 to 13: You could improve your self-care. Below 8: You are neglecting yourself.

8 to 13: You need to be aware of these habits and try to break some of them. Below 8: You do not appear to have major problem with these unhelpful habits.


FORMATTING: Arial font size 12; Spacing of 1.5; Margins of 1 inch from all sides (top, bottom, left, and right), Use short-size bond paper only, staple the paper properly. Remember to include the following on the top portion of page 1: Students Name, PERSEF3 Section, Teachers Name, and Date Submitted. DEADLINE: (As announced in class)

Devote one paragraph to answer each of the questions below. Minimum of 2 pages. 1) Review the characteristics of resilient people provided in the slides above. Which of these characteristics does Captain Whip Whitaker possess? Which of these does he lack? Cite specific scenes to support your answer. 2) Discuss the nature of Captain Whitaker's coping skills. Which of these coping skills were adaptive, and which were maladaptive? Explain your answers. 3) To what causes would you ascribe Captain Whitaker's maladaptive coping skills? Is it largely because of external factors like stressful experiences; or is it largely because of his personal disposition? It can be both, of course, but which is more in his case? Explain and defend your answer. 4) What were your thoughts about the story itself? Being completely honest, were you happy about Captain Whitaker's last minute decision to tell the hearing officer the truth? What factors do you think lead to this decision on his part? 5) What about YOU? How would you describe your pattern of coping, especially when under stress? Which of your coping styles are adaptive, and which are maladaptive? How can you help yourself grow better in your resiliency for both present circumstances and future experiences?

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