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Gujarati Indic IME 1 Version 5.

Introduction System Requirements Release Notes Installation Notes For Windows XP Installation Adding Input Locale How to Use u!arati Indic I"# $ey%oards $nown pro%lems
Introduction u!arati Indic I"# gi&es a &ery con&enient way o' entering te(t in u!arati using t)e #nglis) *W#R+ ,ey%oard in any -''ice XP application. wordpad and notepad on Windows XP plat'orm/

System Requirement -''ice XP on Windows XP 0W)istler or Pro'essional1


Release Notes Release 2ate3 4456454667 Setup File Name3 u!arati Setup/e(e I"# File Name3 guwe%d78/ime I"# File 9ersion3 7/6/6/: "odi'ications and #n)anced Features3 8/ u!arati I"#5 u!arati +ypewriter ,ey%oard 5 c)aracter mapping c)anged on 5 and ; ,eys/ 0R#L3 4<5675466<1 4/ u!arati I"#5 u!arati +ypewriter ,ey%oard 5 ,ey%oard image c)anged/ 0R#L3 4<5675 466<1 =/ Wordlist menu 5 +)e color o' t)e wordlist menu set to t)e de'ault menu color o' t)e system/ 0R#L3 4<5675466<1 </ u!arati I"#5 +ypewriter ,ey%oard image c)anged to re'lect t)e mapping c)anges done in last release/ 0R#L3 8>56>5466<1 7/ u!arati I"#5 +ypewriter 0 1 ,ey%oard added to render u!arati numerals/ 0R#L3 8?5 6>5466<1 >/ u!arati I"# 5 Remington Indica ,ey%oard added 0R#L3 885885466<1 ?/ u!arati I"# 5 odre! Indica ,ey%oard added 0R#L3 885885466<1

@/ $ey%oardAs Remington Indica and odre! Indica pro%lems 0mapping1 'i(ed 0R#L3 6: 564546671/ :/ odre! Indica pro%lems 0mapping1 'i(ed 0R#L3 44 564546671/

Installation Notes for Windows ! "W#istler or !rofessional$ I"#s cannot %e installed or upgraded on a system t)at doesnBt already support I"#s in t)e same language t)at you are installing/ +o ena%le Indic I"#. go to control panel 5 C regional and Language/ Select Language +a%. and c)ec, t)e option DInstall 'iles 'or comple( scripts and le't5to5rig)t language and insert Win XP E2 in your E25R-" dri&e/

Installation 8/ Run u!arati Setup/e(e and 'ollow t)e instructions in t)e setup program/ 4/ Re%oot your system/

%ddin& In'ut (ocale

8/ -pen +e(t Ser&ices in Eontrol Panel/ 4/ Select $ey%oard under U in Installed Ser&ices/ Elic, %dd/

=/ Select u!arati in Input Language. c)ec, $ey%oard Layout FI"# %o(/ And Select u!arati Indic I"# 8 G97/8H/

</ Elic, -$/


)ow to *se Gujarati Indic IME+ 8/ A'ter installing Notepad/ u!arati Indic I"# start any -''ice application. WordPad or

4/ Elic, t)e Language Indicator located in t)e System +ray on t)e rig)t side o' t)e Windows tas,%ar. and clic, to select D u!arati Indic I"# 8I 'rom t)e s)ortcut menu t)at appears/ =/ Start typing in u!arati/

-n t)e 'ly Help u!aratiF#nglis) Auto+e(t EustomiKed Wordlist Auto+e(t -nF-'' -n t)e 'ly Help -nF-''

$ey%oard Selection


,ey-oards u!arati Indic I"# pro&ides support 'or 'i&e types o' ,ey%oard3 Gujarati .ransliteration J Using p)onetic typing. t)e user can type )is message in Roman using t)e Standard #nglis) ,ey%oard. w)ic) is transliterated on5t)e5'ly to u!arati/ It wor,s on t)e logic o' p)onetics and is most e''ecti&e w)en you spell t)e word t)e way it is spo,en/

Gujarati .y'ewriter5 Anot)er u!arati ,ey%oard used in typing/ +yping can %e done as per t)e ,ey mapping o' u!arati typewriter ,ey%oard/ Gujarati Inscri't / Anot)er u!arati $ey%oard w)ere t)e user types t)e %asic c)aracters in sequence and an underlying logic determines t)at w)ic) o' t)ese c)aracters )a&e to %e com%ined and su%stituted to 'orm a glyp)/

Gujarati Godrej Indica5 Anot)er

u!arati ,ey%oard used in typing/ +yping can %e u!arati ,ey%oard used in typing/ +yping can

done as per t)e ,ey mapping o' u!arati odre! Indica ,ey%oard/ Gujarati Remin&ton Indica5 Anot)er %e done as per t)e ,ey mapping o' u!arati Remington Indica ,ey%oard/

,nown 'ro-lems+ 8/ In #(cel. te(t is not displayed until space. enter or ta% is pressed/ 4/ W)en customiKed word list window is closed. a small window remains on screen/ =/ I' te(t is typed &ery 'ast. Front page. "icroso't -utloo, 0H+"L compose1 cras)es/ </ Randomly cras)es in #(cel/ 7/ Per'orms relati&ely slow in Front page. H+"L mail in -utloo,/ >/ W)ile switc)ing to #nglis) $ey%oard or any ot)er I"#. last typed word is lost i' not committed/ ?/ In Front Page and "icroso't -utloo, 0H+"L compose1. #nter )as to %e pressed twice to get new line/ @/ I' arrow ,eys. Pg Up. Pg down etc/ ,eys are pressed wit)out committing te(t 0i/e/ wit)out pressing space. enter or ta%1. eac) ,ey needs to %e pressed twice to get t)e e''ect/ I' te(t is committed. t)en t)ese ,eys wor, smoot)ly/

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