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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment

Endocrine module

To be completed by course instructors at the end of each course and given to program coordinator.

If the course is taught in more than one location the course report should be prepared for each location by the course instructors responsible for the course in each location. A combined report should be prepared by the course coordinator and the separate location reports attached.

Course Report
For guidance on the completion of this template, refer to Section 2.5 of Chapter 2 in Part 2 in this Handbook
Institution College/ epartment

KAAU acult! of "edicine# Endocrine "odule

A Course $dentification and %eneral $nformation

1. Course title and code.

Endocrine S!stem # S&S '()

2. If course is taught in more than one section indicate the section to !hich this report applies

". #ear and semester to !hich this report applies.

Third !ear # Second semester

$ %ocation &if not on main campus'

male &female *(n main campus

+, Course -eli.er! C/ Course -escription

0/ Topics to be co.ered
Sub1ects Planned Contact 2ours Actual Contact 2ours Reason for 3ariations if there is a difference of more than ()4 of the hours planned

5ectures )istology of pituitary. *ross anatomy of pituitary. )istology of adrenals )istology of mammary glands + +

Practical )istology , anatomy of pituitary )istology of the thyroid and parathyroid gland )istology of the adrenals. )istology of pancreas





5ectures -ndocrine .ystem/ an overvie! 0ituitary function and control of pituitary hormones/ )ypothalamic )ormones 0hysiology of parathyroid gland 0hysiology of adrenal gland I 0hysiology of adrenal gland II

Tutorial Case presentation and discussion 2euro-endocrine relationship Thyroid and parathyroid functions Adrenal and pancreatic hormones






5ectures 7 )ormone receptors .tructure and biosynthesis of steroids %aboratory assessment of adrenocortical function 7

-irected 5earning 3iochemistry4 biosynthesis , %ab. -valuation of thyroid hormones -icosanoids


5ectures 0harmacology of thyroid 0harmacology of parathyroid gland Corticosteroids and antagonists Anti diabetic drug therapy (ral hypoglycemic therapy ( ( ) )

-irected 5earning* rugs of 0ituitary and hypothalamic disorders

Tutorial 0 Case presentation and discussion Total 8 8 0

5ectures 9 Pituitary & hypothalamic pathology Pathology of thyroid Pathology of parathyroid Pathology of the adrenals Pathology of breast Cancer breast Pathology of the pancreas 5

Practical ' Pathology of thyroid / parathyroid Pathology of breast "

Pathology of pancreas Tutorial Total 0 Pathology of thyroid 00 00 1

Clinical Presentation ) )yperthyroidism )vperparathvroidism )

iabetes mellitus Tutorial Total 0 Adrenal disorders : 0

Obstetrics and g!necolog!

Clinical presentation ( Total )irsutism ( (

Tutorial Total 0 Imaging of the thyroid 4adrenal and pituitary glands 1 1

%eneral surger!
;oint Session <ith patholog! Total P+5 8 )ypothyroid case &)ashimoto6s thyroiditis' 1 Cancer 3reast 2 1 ( 2

$ntegrated lectures
Total Thyroid gland histology and physiology -ndocrine pancreas histology 4 physiology and biochemistry :: ++ ( ( 2 2

2. Conse7uences of 2on Coverage of Topics 8or any topics !here significantly less time !as spent than !as intended in the course specification4 or !here the topic !as not taught at all4 comment on ho! significant you believe the lac9 of coverage is for the program ob:ectives or for later courses in the program4 and suggest possible compensating action if you believe it is needed. Topics &if any' not 8ully Covered 2o ". -ffectiveness of 0lanned Teaching .trategies for Intended %earning (utcomes set out in the Course .pecification. &;efer to planned teaching strategies in Course .pecification and description of omains of %earning (utcomes in the 2ational <ualifications 8rame!or9' omains %ist Teaching .trategies set out in Course .pecification =ere these -ffective> .ignificance of %ac9 of Coverage 0ossible Compensating Action -lse!here in the 0rogram

2o a. Ano!ledge 0, $ntroductor! lectures (, $llustrated clinical case or problems 0, 5ectures (, Case based interacti.e tutorials ', S-5 7, Practical sessions ), Clinical presentations 0, P+5 (, Tutorials ', S-5 7, Assignments 0, P+5 (, S-5 ', Assignments 0, Practical sessions

#es !es

ifficulties -?perienced &if any' in @sing the .trategy and .uggested Action to eal !ith Those ifficulties .

b. Cognitive .9ills


=e suggest di.iding students into smaller groups especiall! in S-5> tutorials and Clinical presentation sessions/

c. Interpersonal .9ills and ;esponsibility


d. 2umerical and Communication .9ills


e 0sychomotor .9ills &if applicable'


$. .ummariBe any actions you recommend for improving teaching strategies as a result of evaluations in table " above .

0, =e recommend> if possible> to e?tend the duration of the module for more 0 <ee@ so <e can di.ide tutorials and S-5 into much smaller groups gi.ing more chance and time for case studies <hich helps consolidation and integration of @no<ledge and s@ills/ C/ Results
1 2umber of students starting the course/


2 2umber of students completing the course/


" istribution of *rades &If percentage mar9s are given indicate numbers in each C percentile group' 2o D 2o D 2o A 3 C

): 0'9 00A 9(

8 enied -ntry In 0rogress Incomplete 0ass 8ail =ithdra!n $ ;esult .ummary/ 0assed/ 2o

(; enied -ntry In 0rogress Incomplete

':7 9

0ass 8ail =ithdra!n


0ercent 0ercent




0ercent 0ercent


id not complete 2o

enied -ntry 2o

C .pecial factors &if any' affecting the results

+. Eariations from planned student assessment processes &if any' & .ee items C $ and C in the Course .pecification.' a. Eariations &if any' from planned assessment schedule &CC in Course .pecification' Eariation ;eason

2o b. Eariations &if any' from planned assessment processes in omains of %earning &C$ in Course .pecification' Eariation ;eason 2o

5 Eerification of .tandards of Achievement &-g. chec9 mar9ing of a sample of papers by others in the department. .ee *$ in Course .pecification' &=here independent report is provided a copy should be attached.' Fethod&s' of Eerification Conclusion

Checking the marking of sample of Mid and final tests by a member of teaching staff. -/ Resources and acilities
1. ifficulties in access to resources or facilities &if any'

- (C; mar9ing proved to be perfect. - 2o observation made about (C; mar9ing

2. Conse7uences of any difficulties e?perienced for student learning in the course.

-ifficulties in the E"ES and in communication <ith responsible staff so the <eb site of the module <as ineffecti.e at all/ -ifficult! to find te?t boo@s including all disciplines of the module/

Any information or material regarding the module !ere introduced to the "rd year forum. Students depend on the separate textbooks and handouts of different disciplines and to very little extent on brief crash course books.

E/ Administrati.e $ssues
1 (rganiBational or administrative difficulties encountered &if any' 2. Conse7uences of any difficulties e?perienced for student learning in the course.


/ Course E.aluation
1 .tudent evaluation of the course/ &Attach .urvey ;esults if available' a %ist the most important criticisms and strengths

The students reported good impression about the course organiBation <hich helped understanding and integration/ Also the course content <hich <as described b! being eas! > nice and enabling understanding rather than recall/ The! also reported high integration bet<een lectures and practicals and great

minimiBation of @no<ledge repetition Some students disli@ed the assa! Cuestions> and .er! fe< complained of the e?am time being insufficient/ Others found some information in the module being unimportant for the future/
b ;esponse of instructor or course team to this evaluation

Than@s %od> <e feel satisfied to great e?tent for their response and more enthusiastic to<ards more de.elopment and impro.ement inshalla/
2. (ther -valuation -- =hat evaluations !ere received> .pecify and attach reports !here available. &eg. 3y head of department4 peer observations4 accreditation revie!4 other sta9eholders etc'/

0, Staff e.aluation 0articipating staff teaching in the module sho!ed .I of 1$ D and recommended more care in assigning . % to students. (, Dualit! and Accreditation unit ;ealised ho! the module !as run efficiently and effectively
a %ist the most important criticisms and strengths

The strength points 0, Clear ob1ecti.es (, Alignment bet<een instruction and assessment ', $ntegration is <ell implemented 7, 3ariation in assessment methods "CD> P+5> Short essa!s> Assignments Criticism 0/ Course <eb page is inacti.e (/ Number of staff is insufficient to meet the course tas@ '/ Number of students in P+5 sessions should be reduced/
b ;esponse of instructor or course team to this evaluation

The course team <ill tr! to communicate more <ith $T staff in order to acti.ate <eb page/

%/ Planning for $mpro.ement

1. 0rogress on actions proposed for improving the course in previous course reports/ Actions proposed in the most recent previous course report&s'G .tate !hether each action !as underta9en4 the impact4 and if the proposed action !as not

underta9en or completed4 give reasons.

0, Re.ising ob1ecti.es of biochemistr! and histolog! to a.oid ob1ecti.es related to functions <hich are e?tensi.el! handled in ph!siolog! lectures/ (, Assignments introduction

All ob:ectives revised and a combined lecture of histology and physiology !as implemented !hich eliminated any repetition in that topic.

Assignments !ere introduced and students !ere as9ed to formulate research hypothesis from the lectures listed in the curriculum

2. (ther action ta9en to improve the course this semester/year 0rovide a brief summary of any other action ta9en to improve the course and the results achieved. &8or e?ample4 professional development for faculty4 modifications to the course4 ne! e7uipment4 ne! teaching techni7ues etc.'

Cases <ith modified assa! Cuestions <ere introduced in the mid e?am> students <ere prepared to similar Cuestions in the stud! guide and tutorials/ $t helped to assess integration and comprehensi.e s@ills of students/ Ne< integrated sessions <ere introduced one session about histolog! and ph!siolog! of the th!roid gland and another one about the histolog! ph!siolog! and biochemistr! of the endocrine pancreas

". Action 0lan for 2e?t .emester/#ear Actions ;e7uired Completion ate 0erson ;esponsible

0, $ncrease the time for case presentation and discussion/ (, Continue using cases <ith modified assa! Cuestions in the e?am/ ', 2old an Endocrine da! in <hich assignment and research pro1ects prepared b! students <ould be presented

2nd term 2012/201" 2nd term 2012-201"

Fodule Committee Fodule Committee Fodule Committee Fodule Committee

$. ;ecommendations to 0rogram Coordinator &if ;e7uired'

&;ecommendations by the instructor to the program coordinator if any proposed action to improve the course !ould re7uire approval at program4 department or institutional level or that might affect other courses in the program.'. The 0rogram Committee should stress on research s9ills and send the module a copy of the ne! ob:ectives regarding the method of teaching and assessment of these s9ills The 0rogram Committee might find a correct number for 03% sessions and .tress on the right !ay of assessment

2ame of Course Instructor/ . Hienab Alrefaie and . Atef Foussa .ignature/ . Hienab Alrefaie ate ;eport Completed/ +/+/2012 ate/ +/+/2012

;eceived by 0rogram Coordinator

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