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LBA n; o LME s, or M-fo s c ow,- 'N'nw Yoan.

Lettere Patent No. 61,008, dated January 8, -1857.
Inrnovrnrnr 1N mums.

f?iig dgemlt refe?ntfti it their Eaters @mutant making im m its time.

Be it known that I, IRA HOLMS, of -Moscow, in the county of Livingston, and 'State 'of New jYorlghave invented certain improvements in Inhalers, of which the following is e. full, clear, and exact description, refer ence being had to the accompanying drawings, making part of. this specification, in which~-v--~ 4
Figure l is a perspective view of my improved inhaler. Figure 2 is a. verticalsection through the centre of ~the same.
Figures 3 and 4, details to be referred to. I `

The object'of my invention is to produce an'inhaler foi-dental or.medicalpurposes,` of simple construction,

lin which the gas or vapor, after being inhaled through a tube into the mouth, is exhaled without removingthe

tube therefrom, and without returning into the receptgi'cl'epfromwhich it has been drawn, and my invention con _sists inla. cap provided with a chamber, commanded by valves,twhich are opened` and :closed by the inspiration
and respiration of the operator, through a tube or mouth-piece; the cap, with its valves >and tube b ing attached

to any suitable'receptaclc containing the gas or vapor to be inhaled, the receptacle or-_cap being also provided,
if- desired, with a passage, by which airV or _gas may be allowed to mix with the contents of the receptacle.

To enable others skilled in the artv to understandand vuse my invention, I- will 'proceed to describe the
. manner in which I _have carried it out.

Inthe said Jdraw'ingsA is the receptacle for containing the substance frein which isgenerated the vapor or

gasto ne inhaled.A` 'rms receptacle 1s provided with a metallic top, B, which is?turnishe'd with ma. vscrevv-_Ytfhrearl
for the reception of a corresponding scrcwethread, cut on the lower end, a, of, a' circular _cap or casing, C, in

the centre of the top of which is formed a hole, b, which is commanded by'a valve, e. D is c. bent tube, (see

gs. 2 and 4,) 'which passesl through the side of the lower portion, a, of the casing C, and- extends down through
the substance (the vapori'rom'which is to be inhaled) to near the bottom of the receptacle A. f_lfheiportion of t

the tube'D'extendingfrom the side-of the lower portion, a, of the cap is provided with a.longitudinz|.l opening,
d, which Jis commanded by a valve, e, in order to admit or exclude the atmospheric for the purpose of .mixing

it Iwith theA contents of, the receptacle A, when desired.' f is a flange, over which the month of a bag containing' gas may be ittelh- The upper portion, g, of this cap or casing isv made removable, and when in place fits snugly
overth'e lower portion, a, so as to form a chamber, E, into which opens the inner end of _a _tube or mouthrpiece, F. h is a. circular opening made through the top` ci' the upper portion, g, of the capand is commanded by a valve, z. The upper sideof the portion, g, is_perforated_ with holes, c, one or xnoreof which may beope?'ed _by

bringing into line therewith corresponding holes, Z, formed in a cover, G, the purpose of Athe holes and cover' being to oblige the operatorto retainthe inhaled gas o_`r vapor and keep the lungs inated for a longer period
'than would ~be the casewithout them..
i ~


Operation. p

The liquid or other substance, the vapor from which is to be inhaled, being placed within the receptacle, the `'operator applies his moutlftothe tube F, when he draws in his breath, which exhausts the air i'rom the charnher E, _and the valve e is raised, tlius allowing the gas or vapor >which is generated within the receptaclo'to beV inhalcdfwhen, afterrhaving remained within the lungsa su?cient time, it is cxpelledlby blowing it through the
same tube, the valve z' being raised .by the forced current of air which is driven out through the- holes k Z away

from the face of the inhaler,` the valve c during this operation closing, by the pressure ot' the air and its weight, theopening Z>,jand thereby preventinglthe exhaled air from passing into the receptacle. l
` `What I claim as'my invention, and desire to' lsecuroby Letters Patent, is-- _' ' ,
v I

The cap G, with its chamber

set forth.V _

valves c i', and tubes l) F, when-'arranged in the manner and for the purpose
' I

Witnesses: y '

' P.'E Tnscnmmcnnn,

N. f W.' Srmmfs.

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