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Martin Lewis Page 1 10/20/13 Deontological Psychodynamic &Ethical leadership outline framed through technological lens

Title: Decision making as a simplification process: new conceptual perspectives Author: Richard J. McKenna ; Brett Martin- mith Subjects: !haos theor"# !omple$it" theor"# Decision making# %thics# &olitics# &s"cholog" Is Part Of: Management Decision# '(()# *ol.+,-./# p.0'1-0,. 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 &roposes to call for inclusion of alternative conceptual perspectives in decision making theor" and practice. Design/methodology/approach 4 5dopts a conceptual approach drawing on a diverse range of theories# and appl"ing an illustrative e$ample. Findings 4 6inds that failure-prone tactics and poor choice of leadership st"les are minor causes of wrong decisions. Ma7or causes are comple$it" and chaos in the environment# alternative ps"chological approaches# and political and ethical 8ehaviours. Practical implications 4 Decision science tools and leadership st"le do have applica8ilit". 9owever# their relevance and applica8ilit" are ver" much su87ugated 8" the comple$it"# uncertaint" and near unknowa8ilit" of the decision-making conte$t. :ew conceptual perspectives are re;uired. Originality/ alue 4 9ighlights the relevance of comple$# chaotic environments and human 8ehaviours to decision processes. <ntends to encourage researchers to adopt new theoretical approaches and to help practitioners understand the reasons for decision failures. Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals

Title: ?he 5rgentine 5pproach to Radiation afet": <ts %thical Basis Author: =on@Ale@# 58el J 6erreri# Juan Is Part Of: cience and ?echnolog" of :uclear <nstallations# '(11# *ol.'(11# 1) pages 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?he ethical 8ases of 5rgentinaBs radiation safet" approach are reviewed. ?he applied principles are those recommended and esta8lished internationall"# namel": the principle of 7ustification of decisions that alters the radiation e$posure situation; the principle of optimi@ation of protection and safet"; the principle of individual protection for restricting possi8le ine;uita8le outcomes of optimi@ed safet"; and the implicit principle of intergenerational prudence for protection future generations and the ha8itat. ?he principles are compared the prevalent ethical doctrines: 7ustification teleolog"; optimi@ation utilitarianism; individual protection deontolog"; and# intergenerational prudence aretaicism -or virtuosit"/. ?he application of the principles and their ethics in 5rgentina is anal"sed. ?hese principles are applied to 5>> e$posure to radiation harm; namel"# to e$posures to actual doses and to e$posures to actual risk and potential doses# including those related to the safet" of nuclear installations# and the" are harmoni@ed and applied in con7unction. <t is concluded that 8uilding a 8ridge among all availa8le ethical doctrines and appl"ing it to radiation safet" against actual doses and actual risk and potential doses is at the roots of the successful nuclear regulator" e$perience in 5rgentina.

Source: 9indawi Journals !omments: Title: Crgani@ational !risis Management Author: imola# heldene K Is Part Of: !onsulting &s"cholog" Journal: &ractice and Research# '(()# *ol.)D-,/# p.10(-1E' 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?he field of modern organi@ational crisis management emerged largel" in response to the 1E0' c"anide tampering of ?"lenol capsules - Mitroff# '((1 /. ince that time# a su8stantial 8od" of scholarl" research and practical wisdom has developed. Despite the use of ps"chological research 8" crisis management scholars# organi@ational crisis management has received su8stantiall" less attention within ps"cholog" itself. ?his article provides an overview of the field and highlights current frameworks for understanding the stages of organi@ational crisisFresponse. <t e$tends previous theor" 8" appl"ing the Glevels of preventionH framework often used in communit" and health ps"cholog" and 8" offering a new assessment tool 8ased on the G+ factorH -+ &/ framework used in clinical assessment. 5reas for ps"chological consultation and research are discussed. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ !omments: Title: ?9% 6I?IR% C6 =RCI& ?9%R5&J Author: D<% # RCB%R? R Is Part Of: &s"chotherap": ?heor"# Research# &ractice# ?raining# 1EE'# *ol.'E-1/# p.)0-.+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?his article provides a 8rief overview of the current status of the group ps"chotherap" literature. 5lthough comments are offered regarding developments in theor" and training in group methods# the ma7or emphasis is on practice and research. &ro7ections for the practice of group therap" include the e$panding application of short-term and self-help approaches# refinements in matching treatments and patientsK needs# and the more effective integration of treatment modalities. Research on group interventions is e$pected to reflect growing efforts to link group process and outcome# more congenial colla8oration 8etween investigators and practitioners# and more sophisticated 8lending of idiographic and nomothetic research ideologies. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ !omments: Title: ?he rationalit" of cooperation Author: Kat@# >eonard D Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D1(-D11 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress !omments: look further into the source information# "ou will have to re-esta8lish a woodi log-in Title: !ooperation is alive and well Author: 6indla"a# !. cott ; >umsden# !harles J Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D('-D(+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress !omments: look further into the source information# "ou will have to re-esta8lish a woodi log-in

Title: %thical stances in <ndian management culture Author: !olin M. 6isher ; Ra7 hirolL ; 5shutosh &. Bhupatkar Subjects: !ross-cultural management# %thics# <ndia# Management culture# Redundanc" Is Part Of: &ersonnel Review# '((1# *ol.,(-./# p..E+-D11 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: !oncerns the stances that <ndian and IK managers take towards ethical issues at work. ?his topic is part of the 8roader cross-cultural research agenda on managerial values. Makes a contri8ution to the su87ects of 8usiness ethics and corporate citi@enship. ?he responses of samples of <ndian and IK managers to ethical issues were classified# using a research instrument called Redundanc"# 8" eight ethical stances that are defined in a conceptual framework presented. ?he results are used to clarif" issues that arise from the literature a8out <ndian and IK managersK values. ?he tentative findings are that <ndian managersK ethical stances were similar to those of Mestern managers 8ut that# compared with the IK respondents# the" were more likel" to e$perience ethical tension 8etween their personal# espoused# stances and those the" took at work. ?he preference for a pragmatic# ethical pu@@le# approach to issues# that was reported 8" 8oth <ndian and IK samples# is seen as a pro8lem in developing good corporate citi@enship. &resents an agenda for future research. Publisher: M!B I& >td Source: %merald Management eJournals !omments: Title: Restoring trust in auditing: ethical discernment and the 5delphia scandal Author: Kristine Barlaup ; 9anne <ren DrNnen ; <ris tuart Subjects: &rofessional ethics# %$ternal auditing# 5ccounting# ?rust Is Part Of: Managerial 5uditing Journal# '((E# *ol.'+-'/# p.10,-'(, 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 ?he purpose of this paper is to encourage ethical discernment as a dimension of 8usiness decision-making. Design/methodology/approach 4 Development of ethical discernment and a process of ethical evaluation in the anal"sis of decisions made 8" the auditors and management in the 5delphia accounting scandal. Findings 4 ?he paper finds that accounting ma" 8enefit from an increased focus on ethical discernment and ethical 8ehavior. %thical 8ehavior ma" help restore trust and confidence in the capital market s"stem and reduce fraudulent financial reporting. Originality/ alue 4 ?his paper presents an alternative to regulation for restoring trust in the financial oversight function. Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals !omments: Title: cience# Mone"# and &olitics: &olitical ?riumph and %thical %rosion -Book-Review/ Author: Regal# &hilipJ Is Part Of: ?he Ouarterl" Review of Biolog"# *ol.D0-1/# p.D)-D. 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: Iniversit" of !hicago &ress Journals !omments: look further into the source information# "ou will have to re-esta8lish a woodi log-in Title: Moving towards responsi8le events management Author: James Musgrave Subjects: ustaina8ilit"# ?otal ;ualit" management# ocial responsi8ilit"# %vents industr"# ustaina8le development Is Part Of: Morldwide 9ospitalit" and ?ourism ?hemes# '(11# *ol.,-,/# p.')0-'D+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3

Description: Purpose 4 ?his article attempts to provide a concise overview of the approaches towards managing events in a changing market environment and summarises issues of responsi8ilit"# sustaina8ilit" and ;ualit" management within events organisations. Design/methodology/approach 4 <n doing so# the paper will reconcile elements of corporate social responsi8ilit" and sustaina8le development within organisations. Mhilst within a conte$t of the events industr"# the article will s"nthesise total responsi8le management and concepts of sustaina8le events management and provide an introduction towards a premise of responsi8le events management. Findings 4 5 mapping of management models found parallels that can 8e drawn upon to create a responsi8le event management approach# em8edded 8" an amalgamation of ;ualit" management and sustaina8le principles. Practical implications 4 <n essence# the com8ination of approaches ena8les a 8usiness value andethical led development towards responsi8le management and one which represents a holistic understanding and strategic intent to reduce event organisation impacts. Originality/ alue 4 ?his article represents a theoretical introduction to concepts that underpin the development of knowledge towards sustaina8le management within the events industr" and will allow students# academics and practitioners to develop an introductor" awareness. Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals !omments: Title: Racism and ethics in the glo8ali@ed 8usiness world Author: ?eppo M. intonen ; ?uomo ?akala Subjects: %thics# Race# =lo8ali@ation# >eadership Is Part Of: <nternational Journal of ocial %conomics# '(('# *ol.'E-11/# p.0+E-0.( 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?his paper anal"@es the concept of racism in the conte$t of 8usiness ethics and glo8ali@ation. <t first introduces three ethical traditions to understand moral issues in 8usiness: deontological# utilitarian and virtue ethics. ?hen it discusses a8out the challenges and demands that glo8ali@ation has set to multicultural and multinational 8usiness operations. ?hird# it clarifies how racism works when it is understood as an ideolog"-8ased phenomenon. <t argues that there is a great value of knowing how racism works for the development of an anti-racist and nondiscriminating organi@ation. 5lthough an" of the three traditions on ethical thinking does not give direct answer to the ;uestion of how to develop and manage an anti-racist 8usiness organi@ation# 8ut connected with the understanding of racism the" can 8e useful tools for the leader of a multicultural organi@ation. Publisher: M!B I& >td Source: %merald Management eJournals !omments: Title: !linical ethics revisited: responses Author: Benatar# olomon ; Bhutta# Pulfi;ar ; Daar# 58dallah ; 9ope# ?on" ; MacRae# ue ; Ro8erts# >aura ; harpe# *irginia Is Part Of: BM! Medical %thics# '((1# *ol.'-1/# p.' 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: %ditorial note ?his series of responses was commissioned to accompan" the article 8" inger et al# which can 8e found at http:FFwww.8iomedcentral.comF1+D'-.E,EF'F1. <f "ou would like to comment on the article 8" inger et al or an" of the responses# please email us on editorialQ8iomedcentral.com. Source: BioMed !entral

!omments: ?his is a full t$t article; look into it further. Title: <s surgical m"sti;ue a m"th and dou8le standard the realit"R Author: Michel# > 5 ; Johnson# & Is Part Of: Medical 9umanities# '(('# *ol.'0-'/# p... 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 "anguage: %nglish Source: BMJ Journals !omments: ?his is a full t$t article; look into it further. Title: <nnate selfishness# innate socialit" Author: C"ama# usan Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D1D-D10 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress !omments: :o full te$t Title: Making %thical !hoices Author: 95DJ< ?5*RC&CI>C # ?9CM5 ; M5>>CJ# D5*<D !RI< % Is Part Of: !anadian &s"cholog"F&s"chologie canadienne# '(((# *ol.+1-'/# p.1(+-11) 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?his paper proposes a theoretical augmentation of the seven-step decision-making model outlined in the !anadian !ode of %thics for &s"chologists. Me propose that teleological# deontological# and e$istential ethical perspectives should 8e taken into account in the decision-making process. Me also consider the influence of individual# issue-specific# significant-other# situational# and e$ternal factors on ethical decision-making. ?his theoretical anal"sis demonstrates the richness and comple$it" of ethical decision-making. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ !omments: :o full te$t Title: %valuating ethical decision-making models: a review and application Author: :athan !. Mhittier ; cott Milliams ; ?odd !. Dewett Subjects: Decision making# Modelling# %thics Is Part Of: ociet" and Business Review# '((.# *ol.1-,/# p.',)-'+D 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 ?he paper seeks to evaluate the prescriptive value of ethical decision-making models.Design/methodology/approach 4 ?he paper e$plores various t"pes of models in the ethics literature in concert with knowledge from the decision sciences literature to develop a tentative list of evaluative criteria that might 8e applied to prescriptive models. <t then applies these criteria to one prescriptive model from the ethics literature# developed 8" &etrick and Ouinn# in an attempt to demonstrate the value of more comprehensive evaluation. <t closes 8" considering future research aimed at the evaluation of ethical decision-making models as well as research needed to validate the &etrick and Ouinn model.Findings 4 ?his criti;ue finds that the &etrick-Ouinn 7udgment integrit" model satisfies most of the criteria discussed in theethical decision-making literature. ?he primar" opportunities for refining the &etrick-Ouinn model as a prescriptive framework forethical decision making are: articulating the operational 7udgment component of the model as a formal# ;uantitative decision anal"sis# and conducting research to assess the real-world utilit" of the model. Originality/ alue 4 Mhile there has 8een a proliferation of research concerning 8usiness ethics# little attention has 8een focused on evaluating the utilit" of ethical decision-making models. 5ccordingl"# this paper advances theor"# research and practice regarding ethical decision making in organi@ations.

Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals !omments: :o full te$t Title: %nsuring access to treatment from an ethical perspective Author: Illa <sosaari ; ei7a Cllila ; &irkko *artiainen Subjects: %thics# 9ealth services# Resource management# Medical care# 6inland Is Part Of: >eadership in 9ealth ervices# '((E# *ol.''-,/# p.'++-')0 Description: Purpose 4 ?he allocation of resources is a comple$ pro8lem in health care. <n 6inland there has 8een an effort to solve the pro8lems with a program called G ecuring the 6uture of 9ealth !areH. ?he main focus of this research is on assessing how managers view the health care polic" called guarantee of care from an ethical perspective.Design/methodology/approach 4 ?he theoretical 8asis of the research covers theories regarding rationing# prioriti@ation# as well as the ethics of health care. ?he empirical data were gathered through an internet ;uestionnaire. ?he ;uestionnaires were sent to the top managers in all 6innish health care districts -'( in all/. ?he data were anal"@ed ;ualitativel". Findings 4 5ccording to respondents# ensuring access to treatment partiall" fulfilled the ethical principles of the right to good care# respect for human dignit"# fairness# and co-operation and mutual respect ;uite well. Cn the other hand# trust# impressiveness# non-partialit" in decision making and the right of self-determination were not as well reali@ed. ?he shortening of waiting lists had caused e$haustion and motivation pro8lems among personnel and in addition# staff shortages were 8eing e$perienced.Originality/ alue 4 ?he administrators of the hospital districts agreed that centrali@ing resources as a reconstructive action is ethicall" wrong for the whole health care s"stem. ?here is a great need for an ethical discussion concerning the choices made in health care polic". >ong-term results need sustaina8le solutions. Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals !omments: :o full te$t Title: ?he ethicalit" of altruistic corporate social responsi8ilit" Author: =eoffre" &. >antos Subjects: !orporate governance# %thics# !orporate strateg"# ocial responsi8ilit" Is Part Of: Journal of !onsumer Marketing# '(('# *ol.1E-,/# p.'()-',' 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?his commentar" ;uestions commonl" held assumptions a8out corporate social responsi8ilit" -! R/. <t discusses the moralit" of altruistic ! R 4 philanthropic ! R activities that are not necessaril" 8eneficial to the firmKs financial position. %valuating altruistic ! R from all ma7or ethical perspectives 4 utilitarianism# rights# 7ustice and care 4 leads to the conclusion that# for pu8licl" held corporations# such activit" is immoral. ?his is 8ecause altruistic ! R violates shareholder propert" rights# un7ustl" sei@ing stockholder wealth# and it 8estows 8enefits for the general welfare at the e$pense of those for whom the firm should care in close relationships. ?he paper also determines that what are often considered mandator" ethicaland social corporate duties are actuall" optional activities that should onl" 8e undertaken when it appears that the" can enhance the value of the firm# i.e. when the" are used as strategic ! R. 9owever# using ideas taken from secular and Judaeo-!hristian authors on the meaning of work# the article also concludes that altruistic activities are appropriate and commenda8le for private firms and individuals. <t offers suggestions for practitioners of ! R and for future academic research. Publisher: M!B I& >td Source: %merald Management eJournals

!omments: :o full te$t Title: Do we need two souls to e$plain cooperationR Author: >ie8rand# Mim B. = Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D1)-D1. 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress !omments: :o full te$t Title: Reciprocit"# redistri8ution and e$change in I management thought Author: R. >arr" Re"nolds ; !huck koro Subjects: !ommunit" relations# %thics# Management# ?ransactional anal"sis# I 5 Is Part Of: <nternational Journal of ocial %conomics# 1EE.# *ol.',-0/# p.,-'( 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: &resents some of the economic forces which are shaping the transformation of management thought. %$amines the views of &olan"i and 5nderson# stating that the reciprocal aspects of communit" and social relationships are necessar" if the 8enefits of e$change are to 8e reali@ed. !oncludes that the idea that a simple# new concept will ena8le managers to control and optimi@e commercial endeavours is a m"th. Publisher: M!B I& >td Source: %merald Management eJournals !omments: look further into the source information# "ou will have to re-esta8lish a woodi log-in Title: =enerative leadership: responding to the call for responsi8ilit" Author: Milliam &. Macau$ Subjects: >eadership# !oaching# elf development# Responsi8ilities# =enerativit"# *alue commitments# &ersonal change Is Part Of: Journal of Management Development# '(1'# *ol.,1-)/# p.++E-+.E 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 ?he responsi8le leadership movement ma" 8e seen as part of the wider sustaina8ilit" revolution. ustaina8ilit" was defined 8" the Morld !ommission on %nvironment and Development as Geconomic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the a8ilit" of future generations to meet their own needsH. ince then# guiding principles have 8een formulated and a growing num8er of 8usiness leaders have issued a call to action. till one e$pert# Crr# recentl" concluded that Gvirtuall" no indicator of planetar" health is moving in a positive direction# and we should ask wh".H ?he purpose of this paper# heeding the admonition to Gask wh"H# is to e$amine what it means to 8e responsi8le as a leader at this time# in this conte$t. Design/methodology/approach 4 5 consensus view of the conte$t and the accounta8ilities it implies is gleaned from an anal"sis of sustaina8ilit" principles. 5 ps"chological approach to conceptuali@ing leader responsi8ilit" as a varia8le in personal development is ela8orated under the normative construct of generativit". 5 new model for coaching developing leaders and promoting leader responsi8ilit" is proposed. <t is 8ased on recent advances in ps"choanal"tic ps"cholog"# and aspects of its theor" 8ase and method are illustrated in a case e$ample. Findings 4 Development of responsi8ilit" is found to hinge on personal value commitments that can 8est 8e awakened and cultivated through professionall"-relevant personal development in con7unction with e$periential development strategies such as stretch assignments and action learning. Originality/ alue 4 ?he approach offers a practical# developmental pathwa" for promoting leader responsi8ilit". Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals

!omments# :o full te$t Title: Risk Management in the Digital Morld Author: 9arris# %ric ; Jounggren# Jeffre" : Subjects: ?eleps"cholog" ; >aw ; %thics ; >icensing ; >ia8ilit" ; Risk management Is Part Of: &rofessional &s"cholog": Research and &ractice# '(11# *ol.+'-./# p.+1'-+10 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?he literature is replete with articles addressing how the electronic age has created new and improved wa"s to deliver health care services. ?his change# however# has raised man" ;uestions regarding how professionals can utili@e this newtechnolog" in a fashion that is consistent with 8oth ethics and law. <n this article we attempt a point in time surve" of the pro8lems created 8" practicing ps"chotherap" in the digital age focusing on a conceptual overview of two specific areas. Me review various perceptions of the current state-8ased regulation of digital interstate practice 8" ps"chologists and provide an overview of some 8asic ethical and risk management principles that have to 8e addressed 8" practitioners 8efore proceeding to offer these services given an uncertain regulator" environment. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ !omments# :o full te$t Title: 9igher development# 8rain integration# and e$cellence in leadership Author: 9arald 9arung ; 6red ?ravis ; Marren Blank ; Dennis 9eaton Subjects: >eadership# &erformance levels# !onsciousness# Brain# 9uman resource development Is Part Of: Management Decision# '((E# *ol.+D-./# p.0D'-0E+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 ?oda"# there is a glo8al need for more effective leaders. ?he purpose of this paper is to present a model of human development which covers the ps"chological# ph"siological# and sociological dimensions of leadership.Design/methodology/approach 4 ?he authors review three research studies in which the" have investigated the relationships 8etween consciousness# ps"cho-ph"siological integration# and leadership performance using ph"siological measures# ps"chological tests# and self-reports. Findings 4 ?hese studies support the model that leadership a8ilit" is closel" related to ps"cho-ph"siological refinement 4 the authors found that higher integration of the electrical 8rain activit"# more mature moral reasoning# and more fre;uent peak e$periences are found in top performers compared to average performers. $esearch limitations/implications 4 ?he high fre;uenc" of peak e$periences among top performers reveals the importance of such gratif"ing inner e$periences for the 8usiness communit". Practical implications 4 ?he research suggests that practical methods for ps"cho-ph"siological refinement 4 such as the widel" researched ?ranscendental Meditation techni;ue 4 can 8e useful in developing more effective leadership. ?he 8rain integration scale presented here ma" 8e a relia8le o87ective instrument for assessing an individualBs leadership and performance capacit". Originality/ alue 4 5 uni;ue contri8ution of the authorsB research is to recogni@e that integrit" 4 an essential re;uisite for leadership 4 has a ph"siological counterpart in the integration seen in the functioning of the 8rain through electroencephalograph". Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals !omments: :o full te$t Title: 5ccounting for the Ise of Behavior ?echnologies in ocial &s"cholog" Author: Kipnis# David

Is Part Of: 5merican &s"chologist# 1EE+# *ol.+E-,/# p.1.)-1D' 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: !onsidera8le scholarl" effort in social ps"cholog" is devoted to the development of techni;ues that change 8ehavior. <n this article# the social and political forces that have guided the development of these techni;ues are e$amined. 5lso# ethical and ps"chological issues associated with the use of 8ehavior technologies are discussed. ?hese issues arise from the fact that to change 8ehavior# it must first 8e controlled. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: ?oward a conceptual understanding and definition of e$ecutive coaching. Author: Kil8urg# Richard R Subjects: s"stems S ps"chod"namic theor" ; model ; definition ; e$ecutive coaching Is Part Of: ?he wisdom of coaching: %ssential papers in consulting ps"cholog" for a world of change# p.'1-,( Description: ?his reprinted article originall" appeared in # 1EE.# *ol +0-'/# 1,+-1++. -?he following a8stract of the original article appeared in record ./ 5 review of the literature on coaching reveals that ver" little empirical research has focused on the e$ecutive coaching methods used 8" consultants with managers and leaders in organi@ations. Mithin the framework of a 1D-dimensional model of s"stems and ps"chod"namic theor"# the author provides an overview of a conceptual approach to coaching activities that incorporates ) identifia8le components plus an emphasis on goal setting# intervention methods# and h"pothesi@ed factors in negative consulting outcomes. 5 definition of e$ecutive coaching is offered as a wa" of summari@ing the literature and differentiating these consulting activities from others for the purpose of improving conceptual clarit" and encouraging specific research on the concepts# methods# and outcomes of such activities. -&s"c<:6C Data8ase Record -c/ '(1( 5&5# all rights reserved/ Publisher: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation !reation Date: '((D "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: ?he ps"chod"namic origins of seven deadl" management errors. Author: Kil8urg# Richard R Is Part Of: *irtuous leaders: trateg"# character# and influence in the '1st centur"# p.+1-D1 Description: Mhat follows is an effort to tie the pro8lem of leadership derailment to the ancient Judeo-!hristian conflict 8etween virtue and vice. 6ollowing the metaphor of the seven deadl" sins# seven deadl" errors in leadership performance are identified and then traced to what are seen as their roots in traumatic and nontraumatic human learning. ?his is put into a framework for understanding leadership as an emergent process that is cocreated through and with all of the ma7or elements involved in organi@ations. 5 structural model of the components of 8ehavior underl"ing these forms of learning is presented. ?he ps"chod"namic patterns of 8ehavior underl"ing the worst forms of poor leadership 8ehavior are descri8ed# with special attention given to the pro8lems of severe neurotic 8ehavior# sadomasochism# and personalit" disorders. ?he chapter finishes with an effort to descri8e steps coaches and leadership teams can take to develop e$ecutive virtues as a specific set of antidotes for the to$ic effects of the seven deadl" errors. -&s"c<:6C Data8ase Record -c/ '(1, 5&5# all rights reserved/ Publisher: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation !reation Date: '(1' "anguage: %nglish

Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: ?9% 6I?IR% C6 =RCI& ?9%R5&J Author: D<% # RCB%R? R Is Part Of: &s"chotherap": ?heor"# Research# &ractice# ?raining# 1EE'# *ol.'E-1/# p.)0-.+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?his article provides a 8rief overview of the current status of the group ps"chotherap" literature. 5lthough comments are offered regarding developments in theor" and training in group methods# the ma7or emphasis is on practice and research. &ro7ections for the practice of group therap" include the e$panding application of short-term and self-help approaches# refinements in matching treatments and patientsK needs# and the more effective integration of treatment modalities. Research on group interventions is e$pected to reflect growing efforts to link group process and outcome# more congenial colla8oration 8etween investigators and practitioners# and more sophisticated 8lending of idiographic and nomothetic research ideologies. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: ?he rationalit" of cooperation Author: Kat@# >eonard D Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D1(-D11 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress Title: !ooperation is alive and well Author: 6indla"a# !. cott ; >umsden# !harles J Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D('-D(+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress Title: %thical stances in <ndian management culture Author: !olin M. 6isher ; Ra7 hirolL ; 5shutosh &. Bhupatkar Subjects: !ross-cultural management# %thics# <ndia# Management culture# Redundanc" Is Part Of: &ersonnel Review# '((1# *ol.,(-./# p..E+-D11 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: !oncerns the stances that <ndian and IK managers take towards ethical issues at work. ?his topic is part of the 8roader cross-cultural research agenda on managerial values. Makes a contri8ution to the su87ects of 8usiness ethics and corporate citi@enship. ?he responses of samples of <ndian and IK managers to ethical issues were classified# using a research instrument called Redundanc"# 8" eight ethical stances that are defined in a conceptual framework presented. ?he results are used to clarif" issues that arise from the literature a8out <ndian and IK managersK values. ?he tentative findings are that <ndian managersK ethical stances were similar to those of Mestern managers 8ut that# compared with the IK respondents# the" were more likel" to e$perience ethical tension 8etween their personal# espoused# stances and those the" took at work. ?he preference for a pragmatic# ethical pu@@le# approach to issues# that was reported 8" 8oth <ndian and IK samples# is seen as a pro8lem in developing good corporate citi@enship. &resents an agenda for future research. Publisher: M!B I& >td Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: Restoring trust in auditing: ethical discernment and the 5delphia scandal Author: Kristine Barlaup ; 9anne <ren DrNnen ; <ris tuart Subjects: &rofessional ethics# %$ternal auditing# 5ccounting# ?rust Is Part Of: Managerial 5uditing Journal# '((E# *ol.'+-'/# p.10,-'(, 2&eer Reviewed Journal3

Description: Purpose 4 ?he purpose of this paper is to encourage ethical discernment as a dimension of 8usiness decision-making. Design/methodology/approach 4 Development of ethical discernment and a process of ethical evaluation in the anal"sis of decisions made 8" the auditors and management in the 5delphia accounting scandal. Findings 4 ?he paper finds that accounting ma" 8enefit from an increased focus on ethical discernment and ethical 8ehavior. %thical 8ehavior ma" help restore trust and confidence in the capital market s"stem and reduce fraudulent financial reporting. Originality/ alue 4 ?his paper presents an alternative to regulation for restoring trust in the financial oversight function. Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: cience# Mone"# and &olitics: &olitical ?riumph and %thical %rosion -Book-Review/ Author: Regal# &hilipJ Is Part Of: ?he Ouarterl" Review of Biolog"# *ol.D0-1/# p.D)-D. 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: Iniversit" of !hicago &ress Journals Title: Moving towards responsi8le events management Author: James Musgrave Subjects: ustaina8ilit"# ?otal ;ualit" management# ocial responsi8ilit"# %vents industr"# ustaina8le development Is Part Of: Morldwide 9ospitalit" and ?ourism ?hemes# '(11# *ol.,-,/# p.')0-'D+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 ?his article attempts to provide a concise overview of the approaches towards managing events in a changing market environment and summarises issues of responsi8ilit"# sustaina8ilit" and ;ualit" management within events organisations. Design/methodology/approach 4 <n doing so# the paper will reconcile elements of corporate social responsi8ilit" and sustaina8le development within organisations. Mhilst within a conte$t of the events industr"# the article will s"nthesise total responsi8le management and concepts of sustaina8le events management and provide an introduction towards a premise of responsi8le events management. Findings 4 5 mapping of management models found parallels that can 8e drawn upon to create a responsi8le event management approach# em8edded 8" an amalgamation of ;ualit" management and sustaina8le principles. Practical implications 4 <n essence# the com8ination of approaches ena8les a 8usiness value andethical led development towards responsi8le management and one which represents a holistic understanding and strategic intent to reduce event organisation impacts. Originality/ alue 4 ?his article represents a theoretical introduction to concepts that underpin the development of knowledge towards sustaina8le management within the events industr" and will allow students# academics and practitioners to develop an introductor" awareness. Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: Racism and ethics in the glo8ali@ed 8usiness world Author: ?eppo M. intonen ; ?uomo ?akala Subjects: %thics# Race# =lo8ali@ation# >eadership Is Part Of: <nternational Journal of ocial %conomics# '(('# *ol.'E-11/# p.0+E-0.( 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?his paper anal"@es the concept of racism in the conte$t of 8usiness ethics and glo8ali@ation. <t first introduces three ethical traditions to understand moral issues in 8usiness: deontological# utilitarian and virtue ethics. ?hen it discusses a8out the challenges and demands that glo8ali@ation has set to multicultural and multinational

8usiness operations. ?hird# it clarifies how racism works when it is understood as an ideolog"-8ased phenomenon. <t argues that there is a great value of knowing how racism works for the development of an anti-racist and nondiscriminating organi@ation. 5lthough an" of the three traditions on ethical thinking does not give direct answer to the ;uestion of how to develop and manage an anti-racist 8usiness organi@ation# 8ut connected with the understanding of racism the" can 8e useful tools for the leader of a multicultural organi@ation. Publisher: M!B I& >td Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: !linical ethics revisited: responses Author: Benatar# olomon ; Bhutta# Pulfi;ar ; Daar# 58dallah ; 9ope# ?on" ; MacRae# ue ; Ro8erts# >aura ; harpe# *irginia Is Part Of: BM! Medical %thics# '((1# *ol.'-1/# p.' 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: %ditorial note ?his series of responses was commissioned to accompan" the article 8" inger et al# which can 8e found at http:FFwww.8iomedcentral.comF1+D'-.E,EF'F1. <f "ou would like to comment on the article 8" inger et al or an" of the responses# please email us on editorialQ8iomedcentral.com. Source: BioMed !entral Title: <s surgical m"sti;ue a m"th and dou8le standard the realit"R Author: Michel# > 5 ; Johnson# & Is Part Of: Medical 9umanities# '(('# *ol.'0-'/# p... 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 "anguage: %nglish Source: BMJ Journals Title: <nnate selfishness# innate socialit" Author: C"ama# usan Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D1D-D10 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress Title: Making %thical !hoices Author: 95DJ< ?5*RC&CI>C # ?9CM5 ; M5>>CJ# D5*<D !RI< % Is Part Of: !anadian &s"cholog"F&s"chologie canadienne# '(((# *ol.+1-'/# p.1(+-11) 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?his paper proposes a theoretical augmentation of the seven-step decision-making model outlined in the !anadian !ode of %thics for &s"chologists. Me propose that teleological# deontological# and e$istential ethical perspectives should 8e taken into account in the decision-making process. Me also consider the influence of individual# issue-specific# significant-other# situational# and e$ternal factors on ethical decision-making. ?his theoretical anal"sis demonstrates the richness and comple$it" of ethical decision-making. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: %valuating ethical decision-making models: a review and application Author: :athan !. Mhittier ; cott Milliams ; ?odd !. Dewett Subjects: Decision making# Modelling# %thics Is Part Of: ociet" and Business Review# '((.# *ol.1-,/# p.',)-'+D 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 ?he paper seeks to evaluate the prescriptive value of ethical decision-making models.Design/methodology/approach 4 ?he paper e$plores various t"pes of models in the ethics literature in concert with knowledge from

the decision sciences literature to develop a tentative list of evaluative criteria that might 8e applied to prescriptive models. <t then applies these criteria to one prescriptive model from the ethics literature# developed 8" &etrick and Ouinn# in an attempt to demonstrate the value of more comprehensive evaluation. <t closes 8" considering future research aimed at the evaluation of ethical decision-making models as well as research needed to validate the &etrick and Ouinn model.Findings 4 ?his criti;ue finds that the &etrick-Ouinn 7udgment integrit" model satisfies most of the criteria discussed in theethical decision-making literature. ?he primar" opportunities for refining the &etrick-Ouinn model as a prescriptive framework forethical decision making are: articulating the operational 7udgment component of the model as a formal# ;uantitative decision anal"sis# and conducting research to assess the real-world utilit" of the model. Originality/ alue 4 Mhile there has 8een a proliferation of research concerning 8usiness ethics# little attention has 8een focused on evaluating the utilit" of ethical decision-making models. 5ccordingl"# this paper advances theor"# research and practice regarding ethical decision making in organi@ations. Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: %nsuring access to treatment from an ethical perspective Author: Illa <sosaari ; ei7a Cllila ; &irkko *artiainen Subjects: %thics# 9ealth services# Resource management# Medical care# 6inland Is Part Of: >eadership in 9ealth ervices# '((E# *ol.''-,/# p.'++-')0 Description: Purpose 4 ?he allocation of resources is a comple$ pro8lem in health care. <n 6inland there has 8een an effort to solve the pro8lems with a program called G ecuring the 6uture of 9ealth !areH. ?he main focus of this research is on assessing how managers view the health care polic" called guarantee of care from an ethical perspective.Design/methodology/approach 4 ?he theoretical 8asis of the research covers theories regarding rationing# prioriti@ation# as well as the ethics of health care. ?he empirical data were gathered through an internet ;uestionnaire. ?he ;uestionnaires were sent to the top managers in all 6innish health care districts -'( in all/. ?he data were anal"@ed ;ualitativel". Findings 4 5ccording to respondents# ensuring access to treatment partiall" fulfilled the ethical principles of the right to good care# respect for human dignit"# fairness# and co-operation and mutual respect ;uite well. Cn the other hand# trust# impressiveness# non-partialit" in decision making and the right of self-determination were not as well reali@ed. ?he shortening of waiting lists had caused e$haustion and motivation pro8lems among personnel and in addition# staff shortages were 8eing e$perienced.Originality/ alue 4 ?he administrators of the hospital districts agreed that centrali@ing resources as a reconstructive action is ethicall" wrong for the whole health care s"stem. ?here is a great need for an ethical discussion concerning the choices made in health care polic". >ong-term results need sustaina8le solutions. Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: ?he ethicalit" of altruistic corporate social responsi8ilit" Author: =eoffre" &. >antos Subjects: !orporate governance# %thics# !orporate strateg"# ocial responsi8ilit" Is Part Of: Journal of !onsumer Marketing# '(('# *ol.1E-,/# p.'()-',' 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?his commentar" ;uestions commonl" held assumptions a8out corporate social responsi8ilit" -! R/. <t discusses the moralit" of altruistic ! R 4 philanthropic ! R activities that are not necessaril" 8eneficial to the firmKs financial position. %valuating altruistic ! R from all ma7or ethical perspectives 4 utilitarianism# rights# 7ustice and care 4

leads to the conclusion that# for pu8licl" held corporations# such activit" is immoral. ?his is 8ecause altruistic ! R violates shareholder propert" rights# un7ustl" sei@ing stockholder wealth# and it 8estows 8enefits for the general welfare at the e$pense of those for whom the firm should care in close relationships. ?he paper also determines that what are often considered mandator" ethicaland social corporate duties are actuall" optional activities that should onl" 8e undertaken when it appears that the" can enhance the value of the firm# i.e. when the" are used as strategic ! R. 9owever# using ideas taken from secular and Judaeo-!hristian authors on the meaning of work# the article also concludes that altruistic activities are appropriate and commenda8le for private firms and individuals. <t offers suggestions for practitioners of ! R and for future academic research. Publisher: M!B I& >td Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: Do we need two souls to e$plain cooperationR Author: >ie8rand# Mim B. = Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D1)-D1. 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress Title: Reciprocit"# redistri8ution and e$change in I management thought Author: R. >arr" Re"nolds ; !huck koro Subjects: !ommunit" relations# %thics# Management# ?ransactional anal"sis# I 5 Is Part Of: <nternational Journal of ocial %conomics# 1EE.# *ol.',-0/# p.,-'( 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: &resents some of the economic forces which are shaping the transformation of management thought. %$amines the views of &olan"i and 5nderson# stating that the reciprocal aspects of communit" and social relationships are necessar" if the 8enefits of e$change are to 8e reali@ed. !oncludes that the idea that a simple# new concept will ena8le managers to control and optimi@e commercial endeavours is a m"th. Publisher: M!B I& >td Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: =enerative leadership: responding to the call for responsi8ilit" Author: Milliam &. Macau$ Subjects: >eadership# !oaching# elf development# Responsi8ilities# =enerativit"# *alue commitments# &ersonal change Is Part Of: Journal of Management Development# '(1'# *ol.,1-)/# p.++E-+.E 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 ?he responsi8le leadership movement ma" 8e seen as part of the wider sustaina8ilit" revolution. ustaina8ilit" was defined 8" the Morld !ommission on %nvironment and Development as Geconomic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the a8ilit" of future generations to meet their own needsH. ince then# guiding principles have 8een formulated and a growing num8er of 8usiness leaders have issued a call to action. till one e$pert# Crr# recentl" concluded that Gvirtuall" no indicator of planetar" health is moving in a positive direction# and we should ask wh".H ?he purpose of this paper# heeding the admonition to Gask wh"H# is to e$amine what it means to 8e responsi8le as a leader at this time# in this conte$t. Design/methodology/approach 4 5 consensus view of the conte$t and the accounta8ilities it implies is gleaned from an anal"sis of sustaina8ilit" principles. 5 ps"chological approach to conceptuali@ing leader responsi8ilit" as a varia8le in personal development is ela8orated under the normative construct of generativit". 5 new model for coaching developing leaders and promoting leader responsi8ilit" is proposed. <t is 8ased

on recent advances in ps"choanal"tic ps"cholog"# and aspects of its theor" 8ase and method are illustrated in a case e$ample. Findings 4 Development of responsi8ilit" is found to hinge on personal value commitments that can 8est 8e awakened and cultivated through professionall"-relevant personal development in con7unction with e$periential development strategies such as stretch assignments and action learning. Originality/ alue 4 ?he approach offers a practical# developmental pathwa" for promoting leader responsi8ilit". Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: Risk Management in the Digital Morld Author: 9arris# %ric ; Jounggren# Jeffre" : Subjects: ?eleps"cholog" ; >aw ; %thics ; >icensing ; >ia8ilit" ; Risk management Is Part Of: &rofessional &s"cholog": Research and &ractice# '(11# *ol.+'-./# p.+1'-+10 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?he literature is replete with articles addressing how the electronic age has created new and improved wa"s to deliver health care services. ?his change# however# has raised man" ;uestions regarding how professionals can utili@e this newtechnolog" in a fashion that is consistent with 8oth ethics and law. <n this article we attempt a point in time surve" of the pro8lems created 8" practicing ps"chotherap" in the digital age focusing on a conceptual overview of two specific areas. Me review various perceptions of the current state-8ased regulation of digital interstate practice 8" ps"chologists and provide an overview of some 8asic ethical and risk management principles that have to 8e addressed 8" practitioners 8efore proceeding to offer these services given an uncertain regulator" environment. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: 9igher development# 8rain integration# and e$cellence in leadership Author: 9arald 9arung ; 6red ?ravis ; Marren Blank ; Dennis 9eaton Subjects: >eadership# &erformance levels# !onsciousness# Brain# 9uman resource development Is Part Of: Management Decision# '((E# *ol.+D-./# p.0D'-0E+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: Purpose 4 ?oda"# there is a glo8al need for more effective leaders. ?he purpose of this paper is to present a model of human development which covers the ps"chological# ph"siological# and sociological dimensions of leadership.Design/methodology/approach 4 ?he authors review three research studies in which the" have investigated the relationships 8etween consciousness# ps"cho-ph"siological integration# and leadership performance using ph"siological measures# ps"chological tests# and self-reports. Findings 4 ?hese studies support the model that leadership a8ilit" is closel" related to ps"cho-ph"siological refinement 4 the authors found that higher integration of the electrical 8rain activit"# more mature moral reasoning# and more fre;uent peak e$periences are found in top performers compared to average performers. $esearch limitations/implications 4 ?he high fre;uenc" of peak e$periences among top performers reveals the importance of such gratif"ing inner e$periences for the 8usiness communit". Practical implications 4 ?he research suggests that practical methods for ps"cho-ph"siological refinement 4 such as the widel" researched ?ranscendental Meditation techni;ue 4 can 8e useful in developing more effective leadership. ?he 8rain integration scale presented here ma" 8e a relia8le o87ective instrument for assessing an individualBs leadership and performance capacit". Originality/ alue 4 5 uni;ue contri8ution of the authorsB research is to recogni@e that integrit" 4 an essential re;uisite for leadership 4 has a ph"siological

counterpart in the integration seen in the functioning of the 8rain through electroencephalograph". Publisher: %merald =roup &u8lishing >imited Source: %merald Management eJournals Title: ?oward a conceptual understanding and definition of e$ecutive coaching. Author: Kil8urg# Richard R Subjects: s"stems S ps"chod"namic theor" ; model ; definition ; e$ecutive coaching Is Part Of: ?he wisdom of coaching: %ssential papers in consulting ps"cholog" for a world of change# p.'1-,( Description: ?his reprinted article originall" appeared in # 1EE.# *ol +0-'/# 1,+-1++. -?he following a8stract of the original article appeared in record ./ 5 review of the literature on coaching reveals that ver" little empirical research has focused on the e$ecutive coaching methods used 8" consultants with managers and leaders in organi@ations. Mithin the framework of a 1D-dimensional model of s"stems and ps"chod"namic theor"# the author provides an overview of a conceptual approach to coaching activities that incorporates ) identifia8le components plus an emphasis on goal setting# intervention methods# and h"pothesi@ed factors in negative consulting outcomes. 5 definition of e$ecutive coaching is offered as a wa" of summari@ing the literature and differentiating these consulting activities from others for the purpose of improving conceptual clarit" and encouraging specific research on the concepts# methods# and outcomes of such activities. -&s"c<:6C Data8ase Record -c/ '(1( 5&5# all rights reserved/ Publisher: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation !reation Date: '((D "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: ?he ps"chod"namic origins of seven deadl" management errors. Author: Kil8urg# Richard R Is Part Of: *irtuous leaders: trateg"# character# and influence in the '1st centur"# p.+1-D1 Description: Mhat follows is an effort to tie the pro8lem of leadership derailment to the ancient Judeo-!hristian conflict 8etween virtue and vice. 6ollowing the metaphor of the seven deadl" sins# seven deadl" errors in leadership performance are identified and then traced to what are seen as their roots in traumatic and nontraumatic human learning. ?his is put into a framework for understanding leadership as an emergent process that is cocreated through and with all of the ma7or elements involved in organi@ations. 5 structural model of the components of 8ehavior underl"ing these forms of learning is presented. ?he ps"chod"namic patterns of 8ehavior underl"ing the worst forms of poor leadership 8ehavior are descri8ed# with special attention given to the pro8lems of severe neurotic 8ehavior# sadomasochism# and personalit" disorders. ?he chapter finishes with an effort to descri8e steps coaches and leadership teams can take to develop e$ecutive virtues as a specific set of antidotes for the to$ic effects of the seven deadl" errors. -&s"c<:6C Data8ase Record -c/ '(1, 5&5# all rights reserved/ Publisher: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation !reation Date: '(1' "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: ?9% 6I?IR% C6 =RCI& ?9%R5&J Author: D<% # RCB%R? R Is Part Of: &s"chotherap": ?heor"# Research# &ractice# ?raining# 1EE'# *ol.'E-1/# p.)0-.+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3

Description: ?his article provides a 8rief overview of the current status of the group ps"chotherap" literature. 5lthough comments are offered regarding developments in theor" and training in group methods# the ma7or emphasis is on practice and research. &ro7ections for the practice of group therap" include the e$panding application of short-term and self-help approaches# refinements in matching treatments and patientsK needs# and the more effective integration of treatment modalities. Research on group interventions is e$pected to reflect growing efforts to link group process and outcome# more congenial colla8oration 8etween investigators and practitioners# and more sophisticated 8lending of idiographic and nomothetic research ideologies. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/ Title: Be"ond Risk Management - ?owards Moral 5genc" Author: Raar# Jean Subjects: Risk management -- 5ustralia ; !orporation law -- 5ustralia ; !orporate governance -- 5ustralia ; !orporate culture -- 5ustralia ; !orporations -- *aluation -5ustralia Is Part Of: Keeping =ood !ompanies# ep '(1(# *ol..'-0/# p.)()-)(. Description: ?he purpose of this paper is to provide an overarching theoretical perspective to four articles pu8lished in Keeping good companies earlier this "ear. "anguage: %nglish Source: <nformit -RM<? &u8lishing/ Title: Redistri8ution and recognition: what emerging regional powers want Author: :el# &hilip Is Part Of: Review of <nternational tudies# '(1(# *ol.,.-+/# pp.E)1-ED+ 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: 58stract Regional powers of the =lo8al outh are perceived to 8e agents of change. But what e$actl" is the nature of the change that the" wantR ?his article argues that there is some continuit" 8etween the goals of the current generation of regional leaders and that of their predecessors. ?he current generation tend to have more confidence in their a8ilit" to effect the redistri8ution of wealth# prestige# and power in the glo8al political econom"# though# and tend therefore to 8e more integrationist than the first generation of post-colonial leaders. ?he goal of redistri8ution is premised on a more fundamental unfinished struggle of developing countries# one that Bra@il# <ndia# and outh 5frica in particular have taken up. ?his is the struggle for recognition of developing countries as full and e;ual partners in the societ" of states# 8ut also as states with specific development needs that are too easil" ploughed-under in the spurious universalit" promoted 8" the developed :orth. ?he struggle for recognition focuses on inclusive multilateralism and Tnon-indifferenceK towards the development needs of the =lo8al outh. Ising recent contri8utions to the theor" of recognition# the article interprets these two goals as linked to the unfinished struggle against disrespect and humiliation. Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress Title: G ocial manH versus Gconscientious manHR Author: >efe8vre# *ladimir 5 Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D1+-D1) 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress Title: 9onest" as an evolutionaril" sta8le strateg" Author: 6rank# Ro8ert 9 Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D()-D(. 2&eer Reviewed Journal3

Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress Title: elfishness# socio8iolog"# and self-identities: Dilemmas and !onfusions Author: *ine# <an Is Part Of: Behavioral and Brain ciences# 1E0E# *ol.1'-+/# pp.D')-D'. 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Source: !am8ridge Iniversit" &ress Title: Crgani@ational !risis Management Author: imola# heldene K Is Part Of: !onsulting &s"cholog" Journal: &ractice and Research# '(()# *ol.)D-,/# p.10(-1E' 2&eer Reviewed Journal3 Description: ?he field of modern organi@ational crisis management emerged largel" in response to the 1E0' c"anide tampering of ?"lenol capsules - Mitroff# '((1 /. ince that time# a su8stantial 8od" of scholarl" research and practical wisdom has developed. Despite the use of ps"chological research 8" crisis management scholars# organi@ational crisis management has received su8stantiall" less attention within ps"cholog" itself. ?his article provides an overview of the field and highlights current frameworks for understanding the stages of organi@ational crisisFresponse. <t e$tends previous theor" 8" appl"ing the Glevels of preventionH framework often used in communit" and health ps"cholog" and 8" offering a new assessment tool 8ased on the G+ factorH -+ &/ framework used in clinical assessment. 5reas for ps"chological consultation and research are discussed. "anguage: %nglish Source: 5merican &s"chological 5ssociation -5&5/

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