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a clnyelvi orszg(ok) fbb jellemzi The British Isles is the name given to England, Scotland, (fekvs, nagysg, fvros, pnznem, Wales and the whole of Ireland in the geography books. The United llamforma, parlament) Kingdom of reat !ritain and "orthern Ireland #the UK$ is the name of a legismertebb fldrajzi rtkek the land the %&een reigns over. Southern Ireland is independent of the ( (ghajlat, tjak, vrosok) s t risztikai UK. reat !ritain is s&rro&nded by the 'tlantic(ocean. The highest nevezetessgek mo&ntains are in Scotland and Wales) !en "evis and Snowdon. The ( nhny trtnelmi esemny so&th coast has a mild and s&nny climate which makes it pop&lar with both holiday(makers and the elderly. The east coast is flat and it is ( ismertebb !nnepek, szoksok dominated by agric&lt&re. a mindennapok k lt"rja (tkezs, England occ&pies abo&t *++,,-- s.&are kilometres area. Its ( kzlekeds, a trsas rintkezs formi) pop&lation is /0 million and c&rrency is 1o&nd Sterling # , font). The ( k lt rlis rtkek capital is 2ondon and the spoken lang&ages are English and Welsh. !ritain has a two-party system of the 2abo&r and the 3onservative 1arty. The governmental model that has been operating in !ritain since ,455 is called 3onstit&tional 6onarchy. This means that it has a monarch #king, .&een$ as the 7ead of State. The monarch has very little power and can only reign with the s&pport of 1arliament. 1arliament consists of two ho&ses) the 7o&se of 3ommons and the 7o&se of 2ords. There were several well(known prime minister in the UK. 6argaret Thatcher was the first woman 1rime 6inister. 8ohn 6a9or, Tony !lair, ordon !rown is the c&rrent one. %&een Eli:abeth II. has been reigning in the co&ntry for more than /- years. 7er son, 3harles is going to s&cceed her. In ,;;- 8ohn 6a9or was elected as 16, he had a very s&ccessf&l E&ropean policy and adopted a more compromising attit&de. British people watch a lot of television and also said to be the world<s most dedicated home(video &sers. This doesn<t mean that they<ve given &p reading. In !ritain more papers are sold than in any other co&ntry in the world. Some of these people have the rep&tation of being shy and reserved with strangers. !&t others are e=troverts and talk to anybody. !ritish people don<t like answering personal .&estions abo&t their private lives. >o& m&st never ask them how m&sh money they earn, or how old they are. Everybody knows that all Englishmen wear bowler hats, pinstripe s&its and carry &mbrellas? Scotsmen are mean, hate spending money and drink whisky all day long? Welshmen do nothing play r&gby and sing #and some !ritish people tell 9okes about Irish$. Interestingly eno&gh, the English drive on the left. To&rists m&st be very caref&l if they want to drive and walk in England. It is diffic&lt to get &sed to their traffic. What<s more, the steering wheel of their cars is on the right side.

(Several peoples tried to invade England and its other territories. Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons and i!ings all endeavored to "on#uer all the "ountr$. A %orman man, &illiam the Con#ueror 'as the (irst !ing to be "ro'ned in )*++. In )+++ there 'as a (ire 'hi"h destro$ed more than hal( the "it$ o( ,ondon in"luding the old St. -aul.s Cathedral./

Scotland There are three large geographical areas in Scotland) the 7ighlands, the 2owlands and the Islands, / million people live in Scotland. Edinb&rgh is the capital? lasgow is the chief ind&strial and commercial city. 1laces to visit) ( The Edinb&rgh Aestival B for m&sic and drama ( 2och "ess B to catch a glimpse of the monsterC England ( 7adrian<s Wall B named after the @oman Emperor 7adrian B was completed in the * nd cent&ry. It is h&ge fortification all along the Scottish border. ( The 2ake District B an area of mo&ntains and lakes which looks larger than it really is. It has dramatic, romantic scenery. ( Stratford(on('von B the birthplace and b&rial place of William Shakespeare. The @oyal Shakespeare 3ompany plays here at the Aestival Theatre as well as in 2ondon. ( Stonehenge #it is made of stones, the great circle of standing stones is believed to have had some religio&s or astronomical p&rpose$ ( Windsor B the town on the @iver Thames. Its castle is a royal residence. ( Eton B close to Windsor. The famo&s p&blic school here was fo&nded in ,++-.


( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

( Wales The capital is 3ardiff. There are *.; million inhabitants in Wales. The highest n&mber live in the ind&strial areas of So&th Wales. There is a Welsh lang&age. Welsh folklore and lang&age strengthen each other. Every year a national festival of traditional poetry and m&sic is held. It<s called the JEisteddfodK. Northern Ireland The co&ntry<s capital is !elfast. It is a land of lakes, rivers and a varied sea coast. It is a great place for o&tdoor sports and for to&rism B when times are peacef&l. 'bove all, the "orthern Irish people are friendly and genero&s. The most well-known esti!als in England th ,+ Aebr&ary) ItLs St HalentineLs Day? many people send a card to the one they love or someone whom they have fallen in love with. 1eople &s&ally do not sign these cards and a lot of time is spent trying to g&ess who has sent them. G,st Ectober) 7alloweLen means Lholy eveningL and takes place on G,st Ectober. 'ltho&gh it is a m&ch more important festival in the United States than !ritain, it is celebrated by many people in the UK. It is partic&larly connected with witches and ghosts. 't parties people dress &p in strange cost&mes and pretend they are witches. They c&t horrible faces in potatoes and other vegetables and p&t a candle inside, which shines thro&gh the eyes. 1eople may play diffic&lt games s&ch as trying to eat an apple from a b&cket of water witho&t &sing their hands. In recent years children dressed in white sheets knock on doors at 7alloweLen and ask if yo& wo&ld like a LtrickL or LtreatL #csokit vagy csal&nk$. If yo& give them something nice, a LtreatL, they go away. 7owever, if yo& donLt they play a LtrickL on yo&, s&ch as making a lot of noise or spilling flo&r on yo&r front doorstep. /th "ovember # &y Aawkes Day$) In ,4-/ King 8ames I was on the throne. 's a 1rotestant, he was very &npop&lar with @oman 3atholics. Some of them planned to blow &p the 7o&ses of 1arliament on / th "ovember of that year, when the King was going to open 1arliament. Under the 7o&se of 2ords they had stored thirty si= barrels of g&n powder, which were to be e=ploded by a man called &y Aawkes. 7owever one of the plotters spoke abo&t these plans and Aawkes was discovered, arrested and later hanged. Since that day the !ritish traditionally celebrate /th "ovember by b&rning a d&mmy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire, whilst at the same time letting off fireworks. This d&mmy is called a Lg&yL and children can often be seen on the pavements before /th "ovember saying, L1enny for the g&yL. If they collect eno&gh money they can b&y some fireworks.
#!low &p ( e=plode? 3arol ( a 3hristmas hymn? D&mmy ( an ob9ect made to look like a real person? 7anged (killed by hanging from a rope tied ro&nd the neck? 1&blic holiday ( a day when nobody goes to work? Witch ( a woman who &ses magic$ -"-

3anterb&ry B the cathedral and the residence of the 'rchbishop of 3anterb&ry, who is the religio&s head of the 3h&rch of England. E=ford and 3ambridge B the famo&s #and the oldest$ &niversity towns in !ritain. The Sights of 2ondon The Tower of 2ondon #an ancient fortress? to play an important part in !ritish history? to serve as a palace and a prison? to be a m&se&m? crown 9ewels? to be g&arded by beefeaters$, raven #hollF$ !&ckingham 1alace #residence of the .&een? changing of the g&ard at ,,)G-$ Westminster 'bbey #to contain tombs and mon&ments of famo&s !ritons? to be the scene of coronations and royal weddings$ 7o&ses of 1arliament #to have parliamentary sessions? a flag on Hictoria Tower? 3lock Tower B !ig !en$, 7o&se of 2ords, 7o&se of 3ommons ST. 1a&l<s 3athedral #second largest dome in the world? b&ilt by Sir 3hristopher Wren in the ,0 th cent&ry$ Trafalgar S.&are #heart of 2ondon? fo&ntains and pigeons? "elson<s 3ol&mn #"elson was an admiral, who defeated "apoleon<s troops in a battle at Waterloo ? The "ational allery$ The 6on&ment #to commemorate the reat Aire of 2ondon in ,444$ Downing Street "o. ,-. #residence of the 1rime 6inister? ordon !rown, to be g&arded all day$ Aamo&s bridges) Westminster !ridge, Tower !ridge Aamo&s m&se&ms) The !ritish 6&se&m, The "ew 2ondon 6&se&m, Tate allery, Hictoria and 'lbert 6&se&m 6adame T&ssa&d<s Wa=works #in !aker Street, famo&s people, politicians, actorsI in wa=work$

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