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MAHARAJA AGRASEN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES A33*#*(41, 4" G./. G"'*$, S*$+5 I$,/(6/(-45( U$*71/-*48! D1#5* PSP A/1(! P#"4 N" 1! S104"/-22! R"5*$*! ($, D1#5* 11009%

STUDENT UNDERTAKING This is to certify that I have completed the Project titled A STUDY OF CUSTO !" SATISFACTION OF T#! P"ODUCTS AND S!"$IC!S OFF!"!D %Y A&IS %AN'( i) *)der the +*ida)ce of " $i)ay A++ar,al ( Fac*ltyAI S i) partial f*lfillme)t of the re.*ireme)t for the a,ard of i)ter)ship certificate of a/is 0a)1 for %achelors Of %*si)ess Admi)istratio) at aharaja A+rase) I)stit*te of a)a+eme)t St*dies- Delhi2 This is a) ori+i)al piece of ,or1 3 I have )ot s*0mitted it earlier else,here2

S.:*4 J(*$

This is to certify that the project titled A STUDY CUSTO !" SATISFACTION OF T#! P"ODUCTS AND S!"$IC!S OFF!"!D %Y A&IS %AN'( is a) academic ,or1 do)e 0y s*mit 5ai)( s*0mitted i) the partial f*lfillme)t of the re.*ireme)t for the a,ard of I)ter)ship certificate of a/is 0a)1 from aharaja A+rase) I)stit*te of a)a+eme)t St*dies- Delhi- *)der my +*ida)ce 3 directio)2 To the 0est of my 1)o,led+e a)d 0elief the data 3 i)formatio) prese)ted 0y him6her i) the project has )ot 0ee) s*0mitted earlier2

"2 7AU"A$ A77A"8A9 FACU9TYAI S

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have +reat pleas*re i) prese)ti)+ my project o) A STUDY ON CUSTO !" SATISFACTION OF T#! P"ODUCTS AND S!"$IC!S OFF!"!D %Y A&IS %AN'(2 I ta1e this a) opport*)ity to e/press my deepest +ratit*de a)d i)ept)ess to all those ,ho co)tri0*ted i)directly their val*a0le time a)d assisted them i) my project2 I ,o*ld li1e to tha)1 my +*ide M/ S.:*4 AGGARWAL for his val*a0le +*ida)ce a)d s*pport i) completi)+ my project2 9ast 0*t )ot the least i ,o*ld li1e to e/press my si)cere tha)1s to those ,ho directly a)d i)directly helped me i) this project2





S $"

P(/4*0.#(/Acknowledgment Student Declaration Certificate From Guide Certificate From Company Executive Summary

P(+1 N" i ii iii iv v

C5(641/-1 - I$4/",.04*"$ =2= Overvie, a0o*t I)d*stry =2> O0jective of the St*dy C5(641/-2 - C":6($8 P/"3*#1 >2= Profile of the Compa)y >2> $ario*s Prod*cts offered 0y the Compa)y C5(641/-= - R1-1(/05 M145","#"+8 42= 7e)eral ethodolo+y 42> Data So*rces 424 "esearch Desi+) 42: Sampli)+ Desi+) 42; 9imitatio) C5(641/-4 - C.-4":1/ S(4*-3(04*"$ :2= Defi)atio) :2> C*stomer Satisfactio) a)d 9oyality :24 eas*res Of C*stomer Satisfactio) C5(641/-% - D(4( A$(#8-*C5(641/-> - F*$,*$+- ($, R10"::1$,(4*"$Bibliography Annexure !ue"tionnaire >? >? >= >> >4 >; >< >@ 4> ;@ vi vii < == 4 ;




The 0a)1 i) the frame,or1 of val*e creatio) a)d val*e )et,or1 Co)cepts- ca) 0e vie,ed as a firm operati)+ thro*+h differe)t layersA B=C Access or distri0*tio) layer D the st*dy of 0a)1 c*stomer 0ehavior ca) provide *sef*l i)si+hts i)to c*stomer *tiliEatio) of differe)t access media Boffices a)d 0ra)ches- AT I)ter)et etcCF B>C Payme)t mediatio) layer D mo)ey ca) 0e tra)sferred 0et,ee) differe)t o,)ers a)d6or places thro*+h vario*s tra)sfer mecha)isms Bcash- AT - payme)t a)d credit cards etcCF B4C Capital mediatio) layer D pooli)+ of f*)ds a)d their redistri0*tio) accordi)+ to c*stomersG )eedsF B:C "is1 mediatio) layer D the 0a)1s pool c*stomers ,ith differe)t ris1 characteristics a)d ma)a+e overall )et,or1 ris1s- primarily systematic ris12 It is importa)t that 0oth the 0a)1 a)d the c*stomers ca) 0e)efit from the developme)t of relatio)ships i) the val*e creatio) process2 %a)1i)+ Ba)d i)divid*al 0a)1s as firmsC ,ill pro0a0ly face esse)tial str*ct*ral cha)+es i) the )earest f*t*re2 9e,elly) poi)ted o*t three mai) reaso)s ,hy the cha)+es i) the fi)a)cial sector are li1ely to 0e so s*0sta)tial A po,erf*l com0i)atio) of vario*s press*res operati)+ o) the i)d*stry Bcompetitive press*res- +lo0aliEatio)- co)s*mer cha)+i)+ tre)ds- competitio) comi)+ from the capital mar1et etc2C

Some of the press*res Bespecially )e, tech)olo+yC challe)+e the core of fi)a)cial 0*si)essF

Competitio) is )ot o)ly i)te)sifyi)+ 0*t Bas e)try 0arriers are decli)i)+C comi)+ from )e, types of competitors2 It seems that the press*res are more evide)t i) ,holesale 0a)1i)+ Bcompetitio) from mar1ets has 0ee) more po,erf*lC- 0*t they are developi)+ also i) retail 0a)1i)+ a)d the differe)ces are erodi)+2

It 0ecomes i)creasi)+ly importa)t to ide)tify a)d e)*merate cha)+i)+ c*stomer )eeds2 The c*stomersG satisfactio) sho*ld 0e the ce)tral eleme)t of the 0a)1 missio) a)d o)e of the priority o0jectives of lo)+Dterm c*stomerDorie)ted strate+y2 !specially importa)t is to st*dy c*stomersG satisfactio) a)d 0a)1 services .*ality i) emer+i)+ mar1et eco)omies ,here 0a)1s are 0ehavi)+ as +ro,thDorie)ted firms i) the ti+ht str*++le for o0tai)i)+ a 0i++er mar1et share2 U)dersta)di)+ of clie)tGs desire- )eeds a)d dema)ds is a) importa)t i)p*t to the ela0oratio) of a) efficie)t mar1eti)+ strate+y 0oth i) 0a)1s a)d other firms2


The project is titled C*stomer Satisfactio) of the prod*cts a)d services offered 0y A/is %a)1( D A tool for meas*ri)+ satisfactio) level amo)+ c*rre)t c*stomers a)d the services that are to 0e i)cl*ded2 The p*rpose is toA To meas*re the c*stomer satisfactio) re+ardi)+ the vario*s prod*cts a)d services offered 0y A/is2 To determi)e services- ,hich the c*stomers feel- m*st 0e there2

To determi)e the most pop*lar a)d ,idely *sed services 0y the Savi)+s 0a)1 a)d Premi*m acco*)t holders2

To locate the lac1i)+ area a)d s*++est some improveme)ts i) the e/isti)+ services for m*t*al 0e)efits of the 0a)1 a)d its c*stomers2

The level of c*stomer satisfactio) ,ith services is a) importa)t factor i) developi)+ a system of service provisio) ,hich is respo)sive to clie)tsH )eeds ,hile mi)imiEi)+ costs a)d time re.*ireme)ts a)d ma/imiEi)+ the impact of the services o) tar+et pop*latio)s2



A/is %a)1 is the third lar+est private sector 0a)1 i) I)dia2 A/is %a)1 offers the e)tire spectr*m of fi)a)cial services to c*stomer se+me)ts coveri)+ 9ar+e a)d S !- A+ric*lt*re a)d "etail %*si)esses2 The %a)1 has a lar+e footpri)t of =I:@ domestic 0ra)ches Bi)cl*di)+ e/te)sio) co*)tersC a)d ==->:; AT s spread across the co*)try as o) 4=st arch >?=42 The %a)1 also has overseas idDCorporates-

offices i) Si)+apore- #o)+ 'o)+- Sha)+hai- Colom0o- D*0ai a)d A0* Dha0i2 A/is %a)1 is o)e of the first )e, +e)eratio) private sector 0a)1s to have 0e+*) operatio)s i) =II:2 The %a)1 ,as promoted i) =II4- joi)tly 0y Specified U)derta1i)+ of U)it Tr*st of I)dia BSUUTIC Bthe) 1)o,) as U)it Tr*st of I)diaC-9ife I)s*ra)ce Corporatio) of I)dia B9ICC- 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce Corporatio) of I)dia B7ICC- Natio)al I)s*ra)ce Compa)y 9td2- The Ne, I)dia Ass*ra)ce Compa)y 9td2- The Orie)tal I)s*ra)ce Compa)y 9td2 a)d U)ited I)dia I)s*ra)ce Compa)y 9td2 The shareholdi)+ of U)it Tr*st of I)dia ,as s*0se.*e)tly tra)sferred to SUUTI- a) e)tity esta0lished i) >??42 8ith a 0ala)ce sheet siEe of "s24-:?-;<= crores as o) 4=st arch >?=4- A/is %a)1 has

achieved co)siste)t +ro,th a)d sta0le asset .*ality ,ith a ; year CA7" B>??ID=4C of ><J i) Total Assets- >:J i) Total Deposits- >@J i) Total Adva)ces a)d 4@J i) Net Profit2 A/is %a)1 9td2 has 0ee) promoted 0y the lar+est Fi)a)cial I)stit*tio)s of the co*)try- UTI9IC- 7IC a)d its s*0sidiaries2 The %a)1 ,as set *p i) =II4 ,ith a capital of "s2 ==; crore,ith UTI co)tri0*ti)+ "s2 =?? crore- 9IC D "s2 @2; crore a)d 7IC a)d its fo*r s*0sidiaries co)tri0*ti)+ "s2 =2; crore each2 RATINGS:

KIC"A AAH for 9o,er Tier II s*0ordi)ate de0t pro+ram a)d KIC"A AADK for Upper Tier II 0o)d pro+ram 0y IC"A2 KC"ISI9 A=LH for certificate of deposit pro+ram 0y C"ISI92 KCA"! AAH for 9o,er Tier II s*0ordi)ate de0t pro+ram 0y CA"!2 KFitch AADK for 9o)+ Term De0t I)str*me)ts a)d KFitch A=LH for Short Term De0t I)str*me)ts 0y Fitch "ati)+s2 BRANDS: A/is %a)1 has 0ee) a++ressive i) its 0ra)d 0*ildi)+ pro+ram si)ce last year2 As a part of the 0ra)d 0*ildi)+ e/ercise- the 0a)1 has ta1e) ma)y i)itiatives ,hich have helped the 0ra)d co))ect *p ,ith the c*stomers 3 e)ha)ce the visi0ility .*otie)t2 A/is %a)1 had la*)ched its first ever mass media campai+) i) 5*ly >??@ alo)+ ,ith its p*)chli)e E71/845*$+ *- 1@0164 451 N(:1 -(:1( a)d si)ce the)- the 0a)1 has 0ee) co)siste)t i) comm*)icatio) thro*+h Televisio)- "adio- a)d O*tdoor 3 pri)t advertisi)+2 A/is %a)1 *)dersta)ds its c*stomersH mo)ey is )ot j*st mo)ey2 It is the vehicle to realise their dreamsM #e)ce- the 0a)1 aims to e)s*re that the c*stomersH e/perie)ce ,ith the 0a)1 is pleasa)t a)d e)richi)+2 That they +et val*e for their mo)ey- e)a0li)+ them to lead a richerf*ller- co)te)t life222 For this- the 0a)1A Offers a )e, level of 0a)1i)+ N 0etter services- 0etter *)dersta)di)+ of *)i.*e )eeds a)d 0etter ma)a+eme)t of fi)a)ces2 Demystifies the 0a)1i)+ process a)d ma1es it more accessi0le2 Apart from f*lfilli)+ traditio)al 0a)1i)+ respo)si0ilities- advises c*stomers o) ho, a)d ,here to *se their mo)ey to +et the 0est o*t of it2 Projects a) ima+e of 0ei)+ a yo*)+- e)er+etic- moder) 0a)1 ,ith val*es of dy)amism- co)fide)ce a)d pro+ressio)2 F*rther- as a 0a)1i)+ part)er- the 0a)1 also aims to help its c*stomers discover ho, they ca) do more thi)+s ,ith their mo)ey2

I) the rece)t advertisi)+ campai+)- the %a)1 rei)forces its foc*s o) I))ovative 0a)1i)+ 0ased o) the philosophy of "espo)sive I))ovatio)2 The 0a)1 is ta1i)+ Krespo)sive)essH theme to c*stomers a)d rei)forces its commitme)t to +ive 0estDofDclass services i) the i)d*stry2

MISSION C*stomer service a)d Prod*ct i))ovatio) t*)ed to diverse )eeds of i)divid*als a)d corporate clie)tele2Pro+ressive +lo0aliEatio) a)d achievi)+ I)ter)atio)al sta)dards2!fficie)cy a)d !ffective)ess 0*ild o) ethical practices2

VISION To 0e the preferred fi)a)cial sol*tio)s provider e/celli)+ i) c*stomer delivery thro*+h i)si+ht- empo,ered employees a)d smart *se of tech)olo+y2

Core Values
C*stomer Ce)tricity !thics Tra)spare)cy Team,or1 O,)ership

=2 Ide)tify a)d s*pport projects a)d pro+rams that are ,ithi) its foc*s areas a)d #ave a lar+eDscale a)d meas*ra0le impactF Are replica0le i) a cost effective ma))erF a)d Are timeD 0o*)d2 >2 42 Ide)tify a)d s*pport pilot projects ,ithi) its foc*s areas2 Co)tri0*te to,ards improvi)+ the efficacy of assisted or+a)iEatio)s Capacity 0*ildi)+F Providi)+ access to research a)d i)formatio)F a)d providi)+ platforms for a) effective e/cha)+e of ideas- tho*+hts a)d e/perie)ces2 thro*+hF


2 2 V(/*".- 6/",.04- "331/1, '8 451 0":6($8

S(7*$+- A00".$4A/is %a)1 prese)ts a Savi)+s %a)1 acco*)t ,hich offers a host of feat*res a)d 0e)efits for yo* a)d yo*r family2

A1/" B(#($01 Y".45 A00".$4

Pero %ala)ce Savi)+ Acco*)t ,ith De0it Card Facility for yo*r child

D1'*4 C(/,
A/is %a)1 prese)ts a s*ite of premi*m to *tility De0it Cards - that come loaded ,ith feat*res to ma1e 0a)1i)+ effortless for yo*2 Choose from a)y of the follo,i)+A Priority Plati)*m $ISA De0it Card Tita)i*m "e,ards $ISA De0it Card 9adies First $ISA De0it Card Use yo*r card to ear) re,ard poi)ts eve) o) yo*r daily tra)sactio)s2 7o shoppi)+- pay *tility 0ills- i)vest thro*+h SIPs or eve) ,ithdra, cash a)d choose to +et re,arded or a*to cash 0ac1 i)to yo*r acco*)t thro*+h A/is !asy Access to Acco*)t o)ey2


Access A/is %a)1 AT s across I)dia for cash ,ithdra,als- cash6 che.*e deposits$ISA Credit Card 0ill payme)t- 0ala)ce e).*iry- mo0ile topD*p a)d other miscella)eo*s re.*ests- all for free

Access cash for ,ithdra,al at over O?-??? AT s i) I)dia- thro*+h o*r )et,or1 part)ers N $ISA 3 NFS

Access yo*r f*)ds at over = millio) $ISA AT s ,orld,ide a)d >< millio) $ISA mercha)t o*tlets

; Free Domestic Other %a)1 AT %ala)ce !).*iry- PIN cha)+e O" Avera+e

tra)sactio)s i) a mo)th BCash ,ithdra,ali)i Stateme)tC- U)limited if previo*s mo)thHs

o)thly %ala)ce is e.*al to or more tha) "s2 =?-???6D

Safe 3 Sec*re o)li)e shoppi)+D "e+ister for $erified 0y $isa B$0$C a)d *se yo*r card for o)li)e shoppi)+ 3 eDPayme)ts

9imits o) card fle/i0le o0ile Top D*p at AT s

B($)*$+ (4 8"./ 0"$71$*1$01

Access 3 tra)sact o) yo*r acco*)t from a)y of o*r 0ra)ches across I)dia completely F"!!- 0e it for deposits- ,ithdra,als or a)y other tra)sactio)s Doorstep %a)1i)+ at select locatio)s N Free Che.*e Pic1*p a)d Dema)d Draft Delivery

Free Dema)d Drafts B*pto "s2>;-???6D per dayC at all o*r 0ra)ches Toll Free co)tact ce)tre access to o*r Service Staff

I$41/$14 B($)*$+
Free I)ter)et 0a)1i)+ service Free %ill Payme)t a)d O)li)e "ail,ay Tic1et 0oo1i)+ facility

Free F*)ds tra)sfer thro*+h N!FT a)d "T7S

M.#4*0*48 C51B.1 B"")

Free perso)alised *ltiDcity Che.*e %oo1

S4($,*$+ I$-4/.04*"$ Free sta)di)+ i)str*ctio)s- S,eepDI) facility

S4(41:1$4- C N":*$(4*"$
Free Q*arterly Stateme)ts 6 Nomi)atio) facility availa0le o)thly eDStateme)ts 6 Pass %oo1 facility

N" N11, 4" C(//8 C(-5 A$8:"/1

O)li)e %ill Payme)t- "ail,ay Tic1et %oo1i)+- eDShoppi)+ o0ile TopD*ps at AT s Credit Card %ill Payme)t B$ISA CardsC over AT CashDless shoppi)+ ,ith $ISA De0it Card Free f*)ds tra)sfer D Use "T7S or N!FT to tra)sfer f*)ds a)y,here i) I)dia completely F"!! a)d I)ter)et

I$71-4:1$4A/is %a)1 offers yo* perso)alised i)vestme)t optio)s to help achieve yo*r fi)a)cial o0jectives2 Sol*tio)s are tailorDmade to s*it each i)divid*alGs re.*ireme)ts2 8e offer a host of fi)a)cial i)str*me)ts that i)cl*des Fi/ed Depositsprod*cts2 *t*al F*)ds- %o)ds a)d I)s*ra)ce


A/is %a)1 offers c*stomiEed sol*tio)s that i)cl*de Accide)t- #ealth- 9ia0ility-


otor- Property- Travel 3 "*ral I)s*ra)ce for i)divid*als as ,ell as corporate c*stomers i) associatio) ,ith a/ 9ife I)s*ra)ce 9td2 A)d TATA AI7 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce 9td22

A/is %a)1 has tied *p ,ith Tata AI7 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce Compa)y 9imited BKTata AI7HC as a Corporate A+e)t for 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce to offer yo* a ra)+e of 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce prod*cts from Tata AI7 0ac1ed 0y its a,ard ,i))i)+ C*stomer a)d Claims Services2

The A/is %a)1DTata AI7 sy)er+y ,ill offer prod*cts for a ra)+e of i)s*ra)ce )eeds s*ch as otor- #ealth- Travel- #ome for retail c*stomers a)d ari)e- 9ia0ility- Property etc for

corporate c*stomers2 This associatio) ,ill levera+e the stre)+ths of 0oth compa)iesF to 0ri)+ to A/is %a)1 c*stomers a comprehe)sive s*ite of i)s*ra)ce prod*cts desi+)ed to protect all aspects of their lives2 Tata AI7 is a joi)t ve)t*re 0et,ee) the Tata 7ro*p a)d AI7 I)c2 Tata AI7 com0i)es the Tata 7ro*pGs val*es a)d preDemi)e)t leadership positio) i) I)dia a)d AI7Gs +lo0al prese)ce as the ,orldGs leadi)+ i)ter)atio)al i)s*ra)ce a)d fi)a)cial services or+a)iEatio)2 NRIDA/is %a)1Hs ra)+e of N"I prod*cts a)d services offer yo* *)matched 0e)efits that ta1e care of more tha) j*st yo*r 0asic 0a)1i)+ re.*ireme)t2 8e 0elieve i) co)sta)tly i))ovati)+ a)d providi)+ 0estDi)Dclass prod*cts a)d services that ma1e 0a)1i)+ .*ic1er- easier a)d simpler2 I$41/$(4*"$(# D1'*4 C(/, : Yo* +et a) I)ter)atio)al De0it that e)a0les yo* to access yo*r acco*)t at a)y $isa termi)al overseas P(8 O/,1/- : Yo* ca) iss*e pay order from yo*r acco*)t- a0sol*tely free of char+e2 F/11 P(8('#1-(4-P(/ C51B.1'"") : Yo* +et a paya0leDatDpar che.*e0oo1 for *se i) I)dia D""/-416 B($)*$+ : This *)i.*e facility provides yo* the co)ve)ie)ce of tra)sactio) from the comfort of yo*r home- d*ri)+ yo*r visit to I)dia2 This facility is applica0le for )o)Dcash tra)sactio)s o)ly

F/11 SMS A#1/4- : This facility e)a0les yo* to trac1 yo*r acco*)t o) a daily 0asis2 This facility is c*rre)tly availa0le i) O i)ter)atio)al +eo+raphies o)ly2 F/11 I$41/$14 B($)*$+ : The I)ter)et %a)1i)+ facility e)a0les to yo* access yo*r acco*)t a)ytime- from a)y,here2 F/11 U4*#*48 B*##- P(8:1$4 : Usi)+ this facility- yo* ca) pay *tility 0ills ,ith select *tility service providers i) I)dia2 NEAT &NRI E$B.*/8 A--*-4($01 T/(0)1/2 : A *)i.*e service that facilitates yo* to see1 respo)ses to yo*r .*eries related to 0a)1i)+- ta/atio)- le+al 3 fi)a)ce2

A@*- N14 I$41/$14 B($)*$+

%a)1i)+ at the clic1 of a mo*seM 5*st 9O7IN for yo*r 0a)1i)+ )eedsMA/isNet D I)ter)et %a)1i)+ service from A/is %a)1 that offers yo* a ,ide ra)+e services D A service ,hich is co)ve)ie)t to *se a)d p*ts yo* i) co)trol of yo*r fi)a)ces a)ytime- a)y,here2

R1:*44($01A/is %a)1 offers a f*ll ra)+e of mo)ey tra)sfer services for all types of f*)ds from a)y,here i) the ,orld2 As a) N"I across the ,orld- yo* are ass*red of fast- co)ve)ie)t a)d perso)aliEed services at A/is %a)12 8e offer yo* a host of o)li)e as ,ell as tele+raphic optio)s to tra)sfer mo)ey to I)dia2 O*r tieD*ps e)s*re .*ic1 a)d efficie)t tra)sfer of yo*r f*)ds across the ,orld2 odes of tra)sferri)+ mo)ey A Tele+raphic Tra)sfer6 8ire Tra)sfer F*)d Tra)sfer Thro*+h !/cha)+e #o*ses Fast "emit for N"Is i) USA


"emitta)ce thro*+h

o)ey Tra)sfer Services

A@*- F"/1@
Forei+) e/cha)+e is a critical re.*ireme)t for a perso) traveli)+ a0road2 A/is %a)1 0ri)+s to yo* A/is Fore/ that ,ill help yo* or+a)iEe yo*r forei+) e/cha)+e i) the most hassle free ma))er2 Avail Forei+) C*rre)cy %a)1 Notes- Travelers Che.*es or 0*y a) A/is Fore/ Card for yo*r travel a0road *)der leis*re- 0*si)ess ed*catio) etc a)d 1eep yo*r Fore/ ,orries off yo*r chec1 list2 O*r Fore/ services i)cl*deA A/is Fore/ Card availa0le i) USD- 7%P- !U"O- S7D 3 others Competitive rates for 0*yi)+ 3 selli)+ of 0a)1 )otes i) all major c*rre)cies Forei+) Drafts 3 Tele+raphic Tra)sfer availa0le i) USD- 7%P- !U"O- NPD- CADAUD- S7D etc Facility of F& sales a+ai)st "T7S6IN" DD to )o) acco*)t holders

')o, more a0o*t 0o*.*et of o*r services 0elo,2

C"/6"/(41 C I$71-4:1$4 B($)*$+

A/is %a)1 provides a ,ide array of commercial- tra)sactio)al a)d electro)ic 0a)1i)+ prod*cts to corporate clie)ts i) I)dia- 0oth lar+e- a)d small a)d medi*m scale e)terprises2 8e have i))ovative prod*cts desi+)ed ,ith foc*sed approach to s*it re.*ireme)ts of vario*s se+me)ts2 8e offer corporate 0a)1i)+ services i)cl*di)+ ,or1i)+ capital fi)a)ce- term loa)s- trade a)d tra)sactio)al services- forei+) e/cha)+e a)d cash ma)a+eme)t services2 The facilities are str*ct*red to meet specific )eeds of the clie)t ta1i)+ i)to acco*)t a clie)tGs ris1 profile2 8ith o*r stro)+ c*stomer orie)ted approach- ,e have 0*ilt relatio)ships ,ith a )*m0er of I)dia) compa)ies i)cl*di)+ m*lti)atio)als- ,ell 1)o,) domestic 0*si)ess ho*ses a)d p*0lic sector compa)ies2


Corporate 3 I)vestme)t %a)1i)+ 7ro*p BC3IC is a) i)te+ral a)d importa)t part of the CC% ,hich foc*ses o) offeri)+ a ,ide array of 0a)1i)+ 3 fi)a)cial services to lar+e domestic corporate +ro*ps- local lar+e corporates as ,ell as local operatio)s of m*lti)atio)als2

O*r prod*ct offeri)+s i)cl*de ,or1i)+ capital fi)a)ce- trade fi)a)ce- cha))el fi)a)ci)+- term loa)s- letter of credit- 0a)1 +*ara)tees to )ame a fe,2 These prod*cts offeri)+s are s*ita0ly tailor made 0ased o) the clie)t re.*ireme)ts a)d its credit profile2 %ased o) the i)Ddepth i)d*stry 1)o,led+e- ,e e)deavor to add val*e to yo*r 0*si)ess thro*+h s*perior prod*ct delivery a)d service levels 0e)chmar1ed to i)d*stryHs 0est practices2

C"::1/0*(# B($)*$+
"ece)t years have see) rapid +ro,th i) the Small a)d edi*m !)terprises BS !C sector-

a)d a) e)ha)ced appreciatio) of this sectorGs critical role i) drivi)+ eco)omic +ro,th2 Commercial %a)1i)+ 7ro*p at A/is c*rre)tly caters to small a)d mid siEe corporates a)d +ro*ps spa))i)+ S !sidDmar1ets a)d !mer+i)+ Corporates- ,hich i) esse)ce form the

Ks,eet spotH of the I)dia) eco)omy2

8e have developed a strate+ic foc*s o) the S ! sector characteriEed 0y relatio)shipD le)di)+ approach- deep *)dersta)di)+ of yo*r +ro,i)+ 0*si)ess re.*ireme)ts a)d prod*cts a)d services that help yo* ma)a+e yo*r cashflo,s i) a 0etter ,ay2 F.$, B(-1, S1/7*01- &FB2 8or1i)+ Capital Fi)a)ce Short Term Fi)a)ce %ill Disco*)ti)+

!/port Credit Term 9e)di)+ %*yerHs Credit 6 S*pplierHs Credit Asset 0ased fi)a)ci)+ N"$ F.$,1, B(-1, S1/7*01 9etter of Credit %a)1 7*ara)tees Collectio) of Doc*me)ts V(#.1-(,,1, S1/7*01Cha))el Fi)a)ci)+ Associate Fi)a)ci)+ Cash a)a+eme)t Services

Corporate Salary Acco*)ts 9ia0ility6 I)vestme)t Prod*cts




= 1 G1$1/(# M145","#"+8
The methodolo+y adopted for prepari)+ this report ,as 0ased o) 0oth primary as ,ell as seco)dary i)formatio)2 The locale of the st*dy ,as restricted to 'arol %a+h - Ne, Delhi2 The first sta+e i)cl*ded +atheri)+ i)formatio) a0o*t the 0a)1Hs profile- vario*s prod*cts a)d services 0ei)+ offered 0y the 0a)1 a)d +etti)+ ac.*ai)ted ,ith the ,or1i)+ of the 0a)12 The seco)d sta+e i)volved determi)i)+ the o0jective of the st*dy a)d drafti)+ a .*estio))aire2 The .*estio))aire ,as desi+)ed 1eepi)+ i) mi)d the o0jectives of the st*dy2 It is dis+*ised i) )at*re i)cl*ded a mi/ of ope)De)ded a)d closeDe)ded .*estio)s2 I) the third sta+e- visits ,ere made to 0ra)ch of I)d*si)d 0a)1 for collectio) of data2 <? respo)de)ts ,ere s*rveyed2

= 2 D(4( S"./01The research ca) call for +atheri)+ primary data- seco)dary data or 0oth2 The data has mai)ly 0ee) collected via primary so*rces2


#o,ever a +ood amo*)t of seco)dary data ,as also *sed to have a +e)eral *)dersta)di)+ of the s*0ject2

P/*:(/8 S"./01The primary data is +athered for specific p*rpose a)d is collected 0y the researcher himself2 It i)cl*des direct comm*)icatio) a)d feed0ac1 from c*stomers- sales 3 mar1eti)+ e/ec*tives of A/is 0a)1 a)d a)y other related perso)2 For the p*rpose of collecti)+ i)formatio) from c*stomers str*ct*red .*estio))aires ,as form*lated a)d are co)tacted directly2

S10"$,(/8 S"./01The seco)dary so*rces are data ,as collected for a)other p*rpose a)d already e/ists some ,here2 The seco)dary so*rce of i)formatio) here i)cl*des li0rary reso*rces at A/is 0a)1articles i) vario*s )e,spapers a)d ma+aEi)es- prod*ct catalo+s a)d o)li)e reso*rces li1e compa)y ,e0site- o)li)e reports a)d articles2

= = R1-1(/05 D1-*+$
The research co)d*cted ,as descriptive i) )at*re a)d the +oal ,as to +ather prelimi)ary data to shed li+ht o) the real )at*re of pro0lems a)d to s*++est possi0le sol*tio)s2 For the p*rpose of this project- ,e ,e)t for a .*estio))aireD0ased s*rvey of c*stomers R1-1(/05 I$-4/.:1$4 For the p*rpose of this project- a .*estio))aire ,as desi+)ed to collect data- ,hich i)cl*des mi/ of ope)De)ded a)d closeDe)ded .*estio)s2 A s*rvey tech)i.*e is 0ei)+ *sed to collect the data2 D*ri)+ the project a s*rvey of 0a)1 c*stomers *si)+ perso)al i)tervie, ,as do)e at


ra)dom at differe)t A/is 0a)1 0ra)ch i) 'arol %a+h- Delhi a)d a predetermi)ed str*ct*red .*estio))aire ,as admi)istered to them2 O)ly those i)divid*als ,hich had 1)o,led+e of !)+lish la)+*a+e a)d a0o*t the %a)1 ,ere s*rveyed2

= 4 S(:6#*$+ D1-*+$
S(:6#*$+ U$*4 The st*dy ,as restricted to Delhi re+io) o)ly2 'eepi)+ i) mi)d co)ve)ie)ce to sample 0eca*se of accessi0ility- lac1 of a0*)da)ce of time a)d cost a)d 0eca*se of the fact that the pop*latio) of this city is composed of people of diverse 0ac1+ro*)d- i)come level- lifestyles etc2 The samples ,ere chose) o) the 0asis of simple ra)dom sampli)+2 The sampli)+ *)it comprised of the people holdi)+ Savi)+s acco*)t- C*rre)t acco*)t holders prese)t i) the 'arol %a+h 0ra)ch of the A/is %a)12 S(:6#*$+ -*E1 The sample siEe ta1e) for the p*rpose of st*dy ,as O? c*stomers of the A/is 0a)1 at the 'arol %a+h 0ra)ch i) Delhi2 S(:6#*$+ P/"01,./1


"esearch ,as restricted to si)+le 0ra)ch of A/is 0a)1 a)d prescri0ed )*m0er i2e2 O? c*stomers are to 0e s*rveyed 2The s*rveyed respo)de)ts 0elo)+ed to the a+e of =O years 3 a0ove a)d havi)+ a fair 1)o,led+e of !)+lish la)+*a+e2 C"$4(04 M145", C*stomers are to 0e directly co)tacted after i)tercepti)+ them ,ithi) the 0ra)ch premises2 The samples ,ere chose) o) the 0asis of simple ra)dom sampli)+2

= % L*:*4(4*"$-:
The s*rvey ,as restricted to o)ly o)e 0ra)ch 0eca*se of time a)d reso*rces co)strai)ts2 Therefore the +e)erality of the fi)di)+s ca))ot 0e claimed *)til f*rther research has 0ee) carried o*t2 The locale of the st*dy ,as selected 1eepi)+ the co)ve)ie)ce factor i) mi)d ,hich i) prese)t research is Delhi i) 'arol %a+h %ra)ch2 The sample siEe is O?- i) ,hich >? did )ot respo)ded ,hich may )ot reflect a tr*e pict*re of the co)s*merHs mi)d2 The sit*atio) i) ,hich perso) is .*estio)ed a0o*t ro*ti)e actio)s is a) artificial o)e at 0est2 D*e to the i)fl*e)ce of .*estio)i)+ process- respo)de)ts may f*r)ish .*ite differe)t i)formatio) from facts2


The respo)de)ts are chose) thro*+h simple ra)dom sampli)+ a)d o)ly the perso)s ,ho have 1)o,led+e of !)+lish la)+*a+e are s*rveyed2 It is also pretty hard to p*rs*e a c*stomer to share his feeli)+s as they are i) a h*rry so possi0ility of 0iases of the respo)de)ts may )ot 0e precl*ded2



4.1 Definition of Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction can be defined as A) emotio)al respo)se to the e/perie)ces provided 0y associated ,ith partic*lar prod*cts or services p*rchased- retail o*tlets or eve) molar patter)s of 0ehavior s*ch as shoppi)+ a)d 0*yer 0ehavior as ,ell as over mar1etplace(R 8est0roo1 3 "eillyS A) o*tcome of p*rchase a)d *se res*lti)+ from the 0*yers compariso) of the re,ards a)d the costs of the p*rchase i) relatio) to the a)ticipated co)se.*e)ces2(RCh*rchill 3 S*perma)S The c*stomerHs respo)se to the eval*atio) of the perceived discrepa)cy 0et,ee) prior e/pectatio)s a)d the act*al performa)ce of the prod*ct as perceived after its co)s*mptio)2 The res*lt achieved ,he) prod*ct feat*res respo)d to c*stomer )eeds2(0y 5*ra) o) Q*ality %y Desi+) Cortada a)d 8oods defi)e c*stomer satisfactio) i) t,o ,aysA The delivery of a prod*ct or service that meets or e/ceeds c*stomer e/pectatio)s or re.*ireme)ts2



The project is titled C*stomer Satisfactio) of the prod*cts a)d services offered 0y A/is %a)1 ( D A tool for meas*ri)+ satisfactio) level amo)+ c*rre)t c*stomers a)d the services that are to 0e i)cl*ded2 The p*rpose is toA To meas*re the c*stomer satisfactio) level re+ardi)+ the vario*s prod*cts a)d services offered 0y A/is2 To determi)e services addDo)s- ,hich the c*stomers feel- m*st 0e there2

To determi)e the most pop*lar a)d ,idely *sed services 0y the Savi)+s 0a)1 a)d Premi*m acco*)t holders2

To locate the lac1i)+ area a)d s*++est some improveme)ts i) the e/isti)+ services for m*t*al 0e)efits of the 0a)1 a)d its c*stomers2

The level of c*stomer satisfactio) ,ith services is a) importa)t factor i) developi)+ a system of service provisio) ,hich is respo)sive to clie)tsH )eeds ,hile mi)imiEi)+ costs a)d time re.*ireme)ts a)d ma/imiEi)+ the impact of the services o) tar+et pop*latio)s2


I) order to develop a service delivery mecha)ism that addresses its c*stomersH )eeds- desires a)d e/pectatio)s- it is )ecessary to 1)o, ,hat c*stomers are thi)1i)+ a0o*t yo* a)d yo*r serviceTo improve satisfactio) a)d loyalty rati)+s a)d differe)tiate from the competitio)- 0a)1s )eed to *)dersta)d ,hat drives satisfactio) a)d loyalty- a)d ,here there is +reatest opport*)ity for improveme)t2 There is little poi)t i) i)vesti)+ reso*rces i) areas that are already performi)+ ,ell- Col+ate says or i) areas )ot importa)t to satisfactio) a)d loyalty2 8hether thereHs room for improveme)t to satisfactio) a)d loyalty- ,hether thereHs room for improveme)t there or )ot2 It 0ecomes i)creasi)+ly importa)t to ide)tify a)d e)*merate cha)+i)+ c*stomer )eeds2 The c*stomersG satisfactio) sho*ld 0e the ce)tral eleme)t of the 0a)1 missio) a)d o)e of the priority o0jectives of lo)+Dterm c*stomerDorie)ted strate+y2 !specially importa)t is to st*dy c*stomersG satisfactio) a)d 0a)1 services .*ality i) emer+i)+ mar1et eco)omies ,here 0a)1s are 0ehavi)+ as +ro,thDorie)ted firms i) the ti+ht str*++le for o0tai)i)+ a 0i++er mar1et share2 U)dersta)di)+ of clie)tGs desire- )eeds a)d dema)ds is a) importa)t i)p*t to the ela0oratio) of a) efficie)t mar1eti)+ strate+y 0oth i) 0a)1s a)d other firms

4 = M1(-./1 4" *:6/"71 61/3"/:($01 3"/ 5*+51/ 0.-4":1/ -(4*-3(04*"$:

T*r) yo*r stro)+est areas i)to mar1et differe)tiatio)2

T*r) ,ea1)esses i)to opport*)ities for improveme)t2

Develop i)ter)al comm*)icatio) tools to let everyo)e 1)o, ho, they are doi)+2

Demo)strate yo*r commitme)t to .*ality a)d yo*r c*stomers2


Feed0ac1 a)d i)formatio) form importa)t eleme)ts i) effective service delivery systems a)d sho*ld i)cl*deA

There are a variety of ,ays to meas*re c*stomerHs satisfactio)- 0*t i) this st*dy a simple method N Importa)ceDPerforma)ce atri/ developed 0y Fort Sa)ders2

B=C 9evel of importa)ce of services provided- a)d B>C Service providerHs performa)ce i) +ivi)+ services2 %ased o) these factors- the c*stomers themselves ma1e a) appraisal of the level of satisfactio) they receive from specific +oods a)d services a)d of their co)fide)ce i) the capa0ilities of the service providers2






The perce)ta+e


perce)ta+e of

respo)de)ts ,ho report a) The

The perce)ta+e of respo)de)ts ,ho report a) importa)ce

importa)ce rati)+ of +reater respo)de)ts ,ho report tha) 4 B:C a)d a performa)ce a) importa)ce rati)+ of rati)+ of +reater tha) 4 B:C2 avera+e B4C a)d also a I) this sit*atio) clie)ts fi)d performa)ce rati)+ of that the performa)ce of avera+e B4C2

rati)+ of avera+e to very hi+h B4 or :C 0*t a poor or very poor performa)ce rati)+ B> or =C2

service providers is +ood for services that they co)sider importa)t to their prod*ctio)


INEFFICIENT SERVICESA A)other 1ey area of the clie)t satisfactio) matri/

perce)ta+e of respo)de)ts ,ho co)sider the services *)importa)t Bimporta)ce rati)+ > or =C 0*t the performa)ce of the service provider i) +ivi)+ services is rated avera+e to very +ood Bperforma)ce rati)+ 4 or :C2 This cate+ory represe)ts t,o possi0le sce)ariosA either a ,aste of 0a)1s reso*rces B0eca*se *)importa)t services are 0ei)+ performed ,ellC or pro+rams for ,hich there are very positive e/ter)alities that are )ot reco+)iEed 0y c*stomers2 This helpHs the service provider i) ide)tifyi)+ the factors or areas ,here more reso*rces are to 0e i)vested- a)d the priority i) ,hich the i)vestme)t is to 0e made a)d the factors or areas ,here cha)+es ,ill have little impact o) satisfactio) a)d loyalty2 ItGs a ,ellD1)o,) fact that )o 0*si)ess ca) e/ist ,itho*t c*stomers2 Steps to i)crease satisfactio) amo)+ C*stomers areA

1 E$0"./(+1 F(01-4"-F(01 D1(#*$+This is the most da*)ti)+ a)d do,)ri+ht scary part of i)teracti)+ ,ith a c*stomer2 If yo*Gre )ot *sed to this sort of thi)+ it ca) 0e a pretty )erveD,rac1i)+ e/perie)ce2 "est ass*redtho*+h- it does +et easier over time2 ItGs importa)t to meet yo*r c*stomers face to face at least o)ce or eve) t,ice d*ri)+ the co*rse of a project2

#$ R1-6"$, 4" M1--(+1- P/":64#8 C K116 Y"./ C#*1$4- I$3"/:1,


This +oes ,itho*t sayi)+ really2 8e all 1)o, ho, a))oyi)+ it is to ,ait days for a respo)se to a) email or pho)e call2 It mi+ht )ot al,ays 0e practical to deal ,ith all c*stomersG .*eries ,ithi) the space of a fe, ho*rs- 0*t at least email or call them 0ac1 a)d let them 1)o, yo*Gve received there messa+e a)d yo*Gll co)tact them a0o*t it as soo) as possi0le2 !ve) if yo*Gre )ot a0le to solve a pro0lem ri+ht a,ay- let the c*stomer 1)o, yo*Gre ,or1i)+ o) it2

B1 F/*1$,#8 ($, A66/"(05('#1

ItGs very importa)t to 0e frie)dly- co*rteo*s a)d to ma1e yo*r clie)ts feel li1e yo*Gre their frie)d a)d yo*Gre there to help them o*t2 There ,ill 0e times ,he) yo* ,a)t to 0eat yo*r clie)ts over the head repeatedly ,ith a 0l*)t o0ject2 ItGs vital that yo* 1eep a clear headrespo)d to yo*r clie)tsG ,ishes- as 0est yo* ca)- a)d at all times remai) polite a)d co*rteo*s2 4

H(71 ( C#1(/#8-D13*$1, C.-4":1/ S1/7*01 P"#*08

This may )ot 0e too importa)t ,he) j*st starti)+ o*t- 0*t a clearly defi)ed c*stomer service policy is +oi)+ to save a lot of time a)d effort i) the lo)+ r*)2 If a c*stomer has a pro0lem,hat sho*ld they doT If the first optio) does)Gt ,or1- the) ,hatT Sho*ld they co)tact differe)t people for 0illi)+ a)d tech)ical e).*iriesT If theyGre )ot satisfied ,ith a)y aspect of yo*r c*stomer service- ,hom sho*ld they tellT ThereGs )othi)+ more a))oyi)+ for a clie)t tha) 0ei)+ passed from perso) to perso) or )ot 1)o,i)+ ,ho to t*r) to2 a1i)+ s*re they 1)o, e/actly ,hat to do at each sta+e of their


e).*iry sho*ld 0e of *tmost importa)ce2 So ma1e s*re yo*r c*stomer service policy is prese)t o) yo*r site DD a)d a)y,here else it may 0e *sef*l2 %

A441$4*"$ 4" D14(*# &(#-" )$"F$ (- GT51 L*44#1 N*014*1-GC

#ave yo* ever received a #appy %irthday email or card from a compa)y yo* ,ere a clie)t ofT #ave yo* ever had a perso)aliEed si+)D*p co)firmatio) email for a service that yo* co*ld tell ,as typed from scratchT These little )iceties ca) 0e time co)s*mi)+ a)d are)Gt al,ays cost effective- 0*t remem0er to do them2 !ve) if itGs as small as se)di)+ a #appy #olidays email to all yo*r c*stomers- itGs somethi)+2 It sho,s yo* careF it sho,s there are real people o) the other e)d of that scree) or telepho)eF a)d most importa)tly- it ma1es the c*stomer feel ,elcomed- ,a)ted a)d val*ed2 >2 A$4*0*6(41 Y"./ C#*1$4G- N11,- C G" O.4 O3 Y"./ W(8 4" H1#6 T51:

Sometimes this is easier said tha) do)eM #o,ever- achievi)+ this s*preme level of *)dersta)di)+ ,ith yo*r clie)ts ,ill do ,o)ders for ,or1i)+ relatio)ship2 H2 H"$"./ Y"./ P/":*-1This is the most importa)t poi)t i) this article2 The simple messa+eA ,he) yo* promise somethi)+- deliver2 The most commo) e/ample here is ,or1 delivery dates2 Clie)ts do)Gt li1e to 0e disappoi)ted2 Sometimes- somethi)+ may )ot +et do)e- or yo* mi+ht miss a deadli)e thro*+h )o fa*lt of yo*r o,)2 Projects ca) 0e late- tech)olo+y ca) fail a)d s*0Dco)tractors do)Gt al,ays deliver o) time2 I) this case a .*ic1 apolo+y a)d ass*ra)ce itGll 0e ready ASAP ,o*ld)Gt +o amiss2





The data- ,hich ,as collected- ,as s*mmariEed a)d ta0*lated for f*rther a)alysis2 The a)alysis performed ,as mai)ly comparative a)alysis *si)+ statistical a)alytical tools2 The tools that have 0ee) *sed are as follo,sA Q*estio))aire %ar Chart Pie Chart

% 1 D1:"+/(65*0 ($, "451/ *$3"/:(4*"$:

Amo)+ the <? c*stomers s*rveyedA Q*esA Demo+raphic profile of the respo)de)tTT


ale Female B=C

:O => ajority of c*stomers s*rveyed ,ere male c*stomers ,ho

As sho,) i) Fig 5.1.1

co)stit*ted the major ch*)1 of O?J as compared to female ,hich are j*st >?J2 This is 0eca*se very fe, females t*r) *p to the 0a)1 a)d the )*m0er of females i)terested to 0e s*rveyed ,as pretty less2

demographic profile
20% 80%
male female

Fig 5.1.1 Demographic profile (gender) B4C Q*esA A+e 7ro*pT As sho,) i) Fig 5.1.2 ajority of C*stomers s*rveyed ,as i) the a+e +ro*p of 4?D:? i2e2 >?

follo,ed 0y => c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of :?D;?yrs a)d mi)im*m i) the a+e +ro*p of =OD >?yrs i2e2 ; The c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of >?D4? yrs are =? a)d i) ;?D<?yrs are O o)ly a)d a0ove <? i2e2 ; o)ly2 A+e 7ro*p =OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <? a0ove : O =< I < ; ale Female = > : 4 > D

Fig 5.1.2 Demographic profile (age)

B:C Q*es2 Type of the acco*)t yo* have ,ith the 0a)12 As sho,) i) Fig 5.1.3 majority of c*stomers s*rveyed ,ere of savi)+s acco*)t holdi)+ savi)+s ,ith the 0a)1 i2e2 ;: a)d o)ly =?J c*stomers s*rveyed ,ere havi)+ premi*m acco*)t2

Savi)+s Premi*m

;: <


Fig 5.1.3 Type of Account

B;C Q*es2 Period Of Associatio)TT U< mo)ths <mo)thD= year =D> year V>year =; >? =; =?

Amo)+ the <? c*stomers s*rveyed a majority of them ,ere holdi)+ the 0a)1 acco*)t ,ith the 0a)1 for more tha) <mo)ths 0*t less tha) =yr B< mo)thsD=yr i)tervalC follo,ed 0y those *si)+ the 0a)1 for more tha) =year 0*t less tha) > year2


Fig.5.1.4 Period of A ociation

% 2 AF(/1$1-- #171# "3 ,*331/1$4 -1/7*01- (:"$+ 451 0.-4":1/ -./7181,! "331/1, '8 451 '($) ($, 451 -(4*-3(04*"$ #171# "3 451 -1/7*01 F51$ (7(*#1,%


As sho,) i) the Fig 5.2.1 I) terms of )o2 Of people a,are of 61/-"$(#*E1, -1/7*01offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the >?D4?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers follo,ed 0y 4?D :?yrs a+e +ro*p2 I) terms of perce)ta+e of people a,are- ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p it is ma/im*m i) >?D4?yrs a+e +ro*p i2e2 I?J


A+e i)terval

No2 of respo)de)ts a,are : I => O : 4

Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =? >? => O ;

Perce)ta+e a,are)ess O?J I?J <?J <<2<@J ;?J <?J

=OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <?L

Ta!le 4.2.1 A"arene

of Per onali#ed er$ice


Fig 5.2.1 A"arene

of per onali#ed er$ice among different age%inter$al



F/11 65"$1 '($)*$+ 3(0*#*48: As sho,) i) Ta!le 5.2.2 I) terms of )o2 Of people ,ith i) a) a+e +ro*p ma/im*m a,are)ess is i) the a+e +ro*p of >?D4?yrs follo,ed 0y 4?D:? yrs2 I) terms of perce)ta+e of people ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p it is ma/im*m i) =OD>? yrs a+e +ro*p i2e2 =??J a)d mi)im*m of <=J i) the a+e +ro*p of ;?D<?yrs2

A+e i)terval

No2 of respo)de)ts a,are ; I =: O ; 4

Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =? >? => O ;

Perce)ta+e a,are)ess =??J I?J @?J <<2<@J <>2;J <?J

=OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <?L

Ta!le 5.2.2 A"arene

of free Phone !an&ing facility




Fig 5.2.2 A"arene

of free Phone !an&ing facility


F/11 ,""/-416 $1F (00".$4 "61$*$+: It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of free doorstep

)e, a6c ope)i)+ i) terms of perce)ta+e of people ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p is i) <?L yrs a+e +ro*p of =??J follo,ed 0y :?J i) =OD>? yrs a+e +ro*p a)d mi)im*m i) the a+e +ro*p of >?D4? yrs2

A+e i)terval

No2 of respo)de)ts a,are > : => I @ ;

Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =? >? => O ;

Perce)ta+e a,are)ess :?J :?J <?J @;J O@2;J =??J

=OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <?L

Ta!le 5.2.3 A"arene

of free door tep ne" account opening


Fig 5.2.3 A"arene

of Free door tep ne" account opening


% AF(/1$1-- "3 -(31 ,16"-*4 #"0)1/-A It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of safe deposit loc1ers offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the a+e +ro*p of =OD>? yrs i2e2 O?J closely follo,ed 0y @@J i) the a+e +ro*p of <?Lyrs2 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2.4. I) terms of )o2 Of people a,are of safe deposit loc1ers services offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the >?D4?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers closely follo,ed 0y 4?D:?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers as depicted i) Fig 5.2.4.

A+e i)terval

No2 of respo)de)ts a,are : I =: O : :

Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =? >? => O ;

Perce)ta+e a,are)ess O?J I?J @?J <<2<@J ;?J O?J

=OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <?L

Ta!le 5.2.4 A"arene

of afe depo it loc&er


Figure 5.2.4 A"arene

of afe depo it loc&er



AF(/1$1-- "3 ATM -1/7*01A It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of AT

service offered 0y the

0a)1 is most ,idely 1)o,) a)d availed service irrespect of the a+e +ro*p2 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2.5.

A+e i)terval

No2 of respo)de)ts a,are ; =? >? => O ;

of AT' er$ice

Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =? >? => O ;

Perce)ta+e a,are)ess =??J =??J =??J =??J =??J =??J

=OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <?L

Ta!le 5.2.5 A"arene


Figure 5.2.5 A"arene

of AT' er$ice


B<C AF(/1$1-- "3 C5(/+1, $(4*"$(# ($, I$41/$(4*"$(# D1'*4 0(/, A As *s*al c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of =OD>? are ,ell i)formed of the services2 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2.(. I) terms of )o2 Of people a,are of de0it card services offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the >?D4?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers closely follo,ed 0y 4?D:?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers as depicted i) Fig 5.2.(. A+e i)terval No2 of respo)de)ts a,are ; @ => < 4 > Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =? >? => O ; Perce)ta+e a,are)ess =??J @?J <?J ;?J 4@2;J :?J

=OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <?L

Ta!le 5.2.( A"arene

of )harged *ational + ,nternational De!it card


fig 5.2.( A"arene

of )harged *ational + ,nternational De!it card

B@C AF(/1$1-- "3 F/11 "$#*$1 /1(# 4*:1 I$41/$14 '($)*$+A Free o)li)e real time I)ter)et 0a)1i)+ service offered 0y the 0a)1 is a) alter)ate 0a)1i)+ cha))el2 I) terms of perce)ta+e a,are)ess ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p is ma/im*m i)=OD>?yrs i2e2 =??J2 As *s*al c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of =OD>? are ,ell i)formed of the services offered 0y the 0a)12 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2.-. I) terms of )o2 Of people a,are of I)ter)et 0a)1i)+ service offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the 4?D:?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers closely follo,ed 0y >?D4?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers as depicted i) 5.2.A+e i)terval No2 of respo)de)ts a,are ; O =< I : > Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =? >? => O ;

Perce)ta+e a,are)ess =??J O?J O?J @;J ;?J :?J

=OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <?L

Ta!le 5.2.- A"arene

of Free online real time ,nternet !an&ing

Figure 5.2.- A"arene

of Free online real time ,nternet !an&ing

BOC AF(/1$1-- "3 A$8 F51/1 '($)*$+ 3(0*#*48A A)y ,here 0a)1i)+ facility e)a0les perso) to do i)tra a)d i)ter city 0a)1i)+ a)d it is also the additio)al service ,hich is )ot offered 0y all the 0a)1s2 It ,as fo*)d that a)y,here 0a)1i)+ facility offered 0y the 0a)1 i) terms of perce)ta+e a,are)ess ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p is ma/im*m i) =OD>?yrs i2e2 =??J2 As *s*al c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of =OD>? are ,ell i)formed of the services offered 0y the 0a)12 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2... A+e i)terval No2 of respo)de)ts a,are ; =? =O =? < Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =? >? => O

Perce)ta+e a,are)ess =??J =??J I?J O4244J @;J

=OD>? >?D4? 4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<?



Ta!le 4.2.. A"arene

of any"here !an&ing

Figure 5.2.. A"arene

of any"here !an&ing

BIC AF(/1$1-- "3 I$71-4:1$4 (,7*-"/8 -1/7*01-A I)vestme)t advisory services offered 0y the 0a)1 e)a0les the c*stomer to 0*y m*t*al f*)ds- 7OI relief f*)ds- "%I 0o)ds etc2 *)der the +*ided advise of professio)al a)d it is also the additio)al service ,hich is )ot offered 0y all the 0a)1s2 It ,as fo*)d that I)vestme)t advisory services offered 0y the 0a)1 i) terms of perce)ta+e a,are)ess ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p is ma/im*m i) <?L yrs a+e +ro*p a)d is O?J2 This time se)ior citiEe) are more a,are of this service as compared to c*stomers of =OD>? a+e +ro*p- follo,ed 0y c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of :?D;? yrs as people )o, start i)vesti)+ early2 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2./. No2 of respo)de)ts a,are = : Total )o2 of respo)de)ts ; =?

A+e i)terval =OD>? >?D4?

Perce)ta+e a,are)ess ;?J :?J

4?D:? :?D;? ;?D<? <?L

O ; < :

>? => O ;

:?J :=2<@J @;J O?J

Ta!le 5.2./ A"arene

of ,n$e tment ad$i ory er$ice

Figure 5.2./ A"arene

of ,n$e tment ad$i ory er$ice

S1/7*01- AF(/1$1-- A7(*#1, C5(/4


Figure 5.2.10 1er$ice a"arene It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of AT

%a$ailed chart services offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m- follo,ed 0y

a)y,here 0a)1i)+ a)d least i) case of i)vestme)t advisory2 It ,as also fo*)d that amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed AT service is the most availed service follo,ed 0y A)y,here 0a)1i)+

facility a)d least availed service ,as I)vestme)t advisory services as depicted i) Fig 5.2.10.


Fig 5.2.11 A$erage 1ati faction rating on different er$ice

It ,as fo*)d that- o) AT service a)d A)y,here 0a)1i)+ facility- the avera+e satisfactio) is

ma/im*m at 42=O o*t of a scale of :- follo,ed 0y I)vestme)t advisory services a)d least avera+e satisfactio) ,as I) the case of safe deposit loc1ers facility that ,as also too hi+h of >2@;2


S(4*-3(04*"$ #171# "$ ,/*71/- "3 -(4*-3(04*"$


C*stomers s*rveyed ,ere as1ed to circle the )*m0er that 0est represe)ts their feeli)+s o) Performa)ce attri0*tes BDrivers of Satisfactio)C N I) col*m) 4A o) De+ree of Importa)ce o) =D: scale B:DCe/tremely importa)t(- 4Dimporta)t(- >Dsli+htly importa)t(- =D)ot importa)t( a)d I) col*m) 4% o) de+ree of Performa)ce o) =D: scale B:De/celle)t(4D+ood(- >Dfair(- =Dpoor(2 A) avera+e rati)+ ,as calc*lated of the respo)se of differe)t c*stomers s*rveyed o) differe)t drivers of satisfactio) factors as sho,) i) Ta0le :242= ,hich is later o) depicted o) the Performa)ce Nimporta)ce matri/ as sho,) i) the fi+ :242= Factors Avera+e Importa)ce Avera+e rati)+ =2 Staff Compete)ce >2 Prompt Service 42 !mployees Co*rteo*s 3 frie)dly :2 Co)ve)ie)ce of Acco*)t ope)i)+ Formalities ;2 Co)ve)ie)ce of 9ocatio) <2 Operati)+ ho*rs @2 Competitive fees 3 Char+es O2 Competitive i)terest ratesB FDsC I2 9o, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t =?2Q*ery 3 complai)t resol*tio) ==2AT s seldom o*t of cash =>2Am0ie)ce 3 I)frastr*ct*re 42;@ 42:= 42:: 42=@ >2< 42= >2I@ 42>? 42:I 424= 42:4 42:> 42=: >2I< >2O; >2I4 42:? 42== 42;: 42O= 42:4 Performa)ce rati)+ 42=I 42>= 42=@


It ,as fo*)d that c*stomers s*rveyed rated Prompt service the ma/im*m o) the importa)ce scale follo,ed 0y 9o, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t2 Factors li1e staff compete)ce a)d co)ve)ie)ce of locatio) are also of si+)ifica)ce2 Am0ie)ce a)d I)frastr*ct*re as a factor ,as rated mi)im*m o) the importa)ce scale2 8hat ,e really )eed to 1)o, tho*+h is to ,hat e/te)t 0a)1 ca) improve these areas2 8here 0a)1 ca) +ai) the +reatest cost60e)efit payoffT I) the last col*m) of the ta0le the closer the score is to : the 0etter the 0a)1 performed i) that area- accordi)+ to its c*stomers Prompt service scored hi+hest2 This is importa)t as it is the factor that drives c*stomer satisfactio) the most2 Am0ie)ce a)d I)frastr*ct*re a)d staff compete)ce ,ere also rated ,ell2 #o,ever the Ta!le 5.3.1 sho,s Operati)+ ho*rs- Competitive fees 3 char+es- Competitive i)terest rates- 9o, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t B i)im*m 0ala)ceC a)d AT s seldom o*t of cash are all areas that prese)t opport*)ities for 0a)1s C*stomers rate them as importa)t yet they perform 0adly i) terms of c*stomers eval*ate2 Those factors- ,hich lie i) the .*adra)t A are those areas ,here the 0a)1 has performed 0adly2 9o, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t Bmi)im*m 0ala)ceC is the area that re.*ires the +reatest foc*s follo,ed 0y Competitive fees a)d char+es- Competitive i)terest rates BFDsC- Operati)+ ho*rs a)d AT s seldom o*t of cash0a)1 simply )eeds to co)ce)trate i) those areas2 Those factors- ,hich lie i) the .*adra)t % are those ,here the performa)ce of the 0a)1 is +ood a)d the 0a)1 sho*ld try to 1eep *p that +ood ,or1 o) the factorsDPrompt service- staff compete)ce- Co)ve)ie)ce of locatio)- co)ve)ie)ce of acco*)t ope)i)+ formalities etc2 It ,as also fo*)d that )o driver of satisfactio) factor lie i) the .*adra)t C a)d D2


% 4 H"F ," 8". /($) 8"./ 6/",.04 &-(7*$+- ($, 0.//1$4 (00".$42 "$

31(4./1! -1/7*01-! /1#*('*#*48! 7(#.1 3"/ :"$18 ($, 4105$"#"+8

Av+2 Savi)+s acco*)t Av+2 Premi*m acco*)t holders holder Feat*res Services "elia0ility 42=> 42?@ 42?@

42> 42?O 42==

$al*e for mo)ey Tech)olo+y

>2I= 42?<

4 42?O

Ta!le 5.4.1 A$erage rating on product !y a$ing + Premium a2c holder It ,as fo*)d that avera+e rati)+ 0y differe)t savi)+s a)d c*rre)t acco*)t c*stomers o) all prod*ct factors i2e2 o) feat*re- services- relia0ility- val*e for mo)ey a)d tech)olo+y2 The c*rre)t acco*)t c*stomers are more satisfied ,ith the overall prod*ct compared to the savi)+s 0a)1 acco*)t holder this is depicted i) the Fig 5.4.1

a vera g e sa tisfa ction on p rod u ct

4 3.5 ra ting sca le technology reliability value for money 3 features 2.5 services

sa v in gs a c ho ld e r curre nt a c h o ld e r

Fig 5.4.1 A$erage rating on product !y a$ing + current a2c holder

Period of Asso 2 "ati)+ o)



"elia0iliDty $al*e for Tech)olD mo)ey o+y

?D< mo)ths 42==




<mo)D= yr = yrD > yr > yrL

42=O 42=> 42=?

42=: 42?< 42?:

42?= 42?< 42=@

4 >2O; >2I;

42?; 42=> 4

Ta0le ;2:2> Avera+e rati)+ o) prod*ct factors vs period of associatio)

It ,as fo*)d that there is )o s*0sta)tial cha)+e i) the avera+e rati)+ o) the differe)t prod*ct factors 0y the c*stomers havi)+ differe)t period of associatio) ,ith the 0a)12 This sho,s that the 0a)1 does)Ht ma1es a)y differe)ce i) providi)+ the services amo)+ its c*stomers as sho,) i) Ta!le 5.4.2 It ,as also fo*)d that avera+e satisfactio) is ma/im*m o) prod*ct feat*re i2e2 42=4 follo,ed services a)d relia0ility of the prod*ct 0oth at 42?O a)d val*e for mo)ey mi)im*m at >2I42 O) all the prod*ct factors the compa)y has performed +ood e/cept val*e for mo)ey ,here the prod*ct is rated a0ove avera+e as sho,) i) Fig 5.1

averag e satisfaction on d ifferent p rod uct factors

4 3.5 3.13 3.!" 3.!" 2.#3 3.!$ sa tisfa ctio n sca le 3 2.5 2 technology reliability value for money features services

m ean satisfaction rating

fa cto rs

Fig 5.4.2 A$erage ati faction on different product factor


'verall level of "ati"faction with the product


Fi+ ;2;2=BaC Avera+e overall Satisfactio) rati)+

percentage of respondents

a ve ra ge ove ra ll sa tisfa ction ra ting

1!!% "!% &!% 4!% 2!% !% $#% !% very dissa tisfied $% neither sa tisfied 15% very sa tisfied Series1

level of sa tisfa ction

Amo)+ the <? c*stomers s*rveyed =;J of c*stomers ,ere very satisfied ,ith the services of the 0a)1- @IJ of c*stomers ,ere satisfied ,ith the 0a)1 a)d a very small )*m0er i2e2@J of the c*stomers ,ere )either satisfied )or dissatisfied ,ith the services2 8hich sho,s a very hi+h level of satisfactio) amo)+ the c*stomers2

avg. satisfaction scale

a vera ge sa tisfa ction vs period of a ssocia tion 4 3.5 3 2.5 ' &m on &m on-1yr 1-2yr 2( yr a vg sa tisfa ction period of a ssocia tion 3.11 3.!5 3.!" 3.!&

Fi+ ;2;2=B0C Avera+e satisfactio) vs Period of associatio) It ,as fo*)d that )o si+)ifica)t cha)+e is 0ei)+ fo*)d i) the overall satisfactio) amo)+ the c*stomers ,ith differe)t period of associatio)2 8hich 0ri)+s o*t that 0a)1 does )ot ma1e a)y differe)ce i) providi)+ the services amo)+ its c*stomers2 B>C Are yo* happy ,ith o*r services a)d loo1i)+ for a lo)+Dterm relatio)ship2

Amo)+ the <? c*stomers s*rveyed a s*0sta)tial )*m0er i2e2 >? c*stomers respo)ded they are li1ely Ba+reeC to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship ,ith the 0a)1- 4; respo)de)ts respo)ded

that they are very li1ely Bstro)+ly a+reeC to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship a)d o)ly ; respo)de)ts stated they are )either BsoDsoC to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship as sho,) i) Fig 5.5.2

Fig 5.5.2 3i&ely relation hip. B4C 8o*ld yo* recomme)d this prod*ct to othersT

It ,as fo*)d that >I respo)de)ts ,ere li1ely Ba+reeC to recomme)d- >= respo)de)ts ,ere very li1ely Bstro)+ly a+reeC- @ c*stomers ,ere )either li1ely )or *)li1ely BsoDsoC to recomme)d to others a)d o)ly 4 respo)de)ts ,ere very *)li1ely Bstro)+ly disa+reeC to recomme)d this prod*ct to others2 As sho,) i) fi+;2;24


Fig 5.5.3 3i&ely to recommend This represe)ts a hi+h level of satisfactio) amo)+ the 0a)1 c*stomers as the prod*cts are 0ei)+ recomme)ded to a)other people ,ho ,ill 0e the f*t*re c*stomers of the 0a)12 This represe)ts c*stomers are hi+hly satisfied ,ith the 0a)1 prod*cts2

S8OT ANA9AYSIS OF A&IS %AN' STRENGTH "i+ht strate+y for the ri+ht prod*cts2 S*perior c*stomer service vs2 competitors2 7reat %ra)d Ima+e Prod*cts have re.*ired accreditatio)s2 #i+h de+ree of c*stomer satisfactio)2 7ood place to ,or1 Prompt respo)se time ,ith efficie)t a)d effective service2 Dedicated ,or1force aimi)+ at ma1i)+ a lo)+Dterm career i) the field2 WEAKNESSES Some +aps i) ra)+e for certai) sectors2

C*stomer service staff )eed trai)i)+2 Processes a)d systems- etc a)a+eme)t cover i)s*fficie)t2

Sectoral +ro,th is co)strai)ed 0y lo, *)employme)t levels a)d competitio) for staff 2 OPPORTUNITIES Profit mar+i)s ,ill 0e +ood2 Co*ld e/te)d to overseas 0roadly2 Ne, specialist applicatio)s2 Co*ld see1 0etter c*stomer deals2 FastDtrac1 career developme)t opport*)ities o) a) i)d*stryD,ide 0asis2

THREATS 9e+islatio) co*ld impact2 7reat ris1 i)volved $ery hi+h competitio) prevaili)+ i) the i)d*stry2 $*l)era0le to reactive attac1 0y major competitors 9ac1 of i)frastr*ct*re i) r*ral areas co*ld co)strai) i)vestme)t2 #i+h vol*me6lo, cost mar1et is i)te)sely competitive

KEY POINT S8OT A)alysis is a simple 0*t po,erf*l frame,or1 for a)alyEi)+ compa)yGs Stre)+ths a)d 8 e a 1 ) e s s e s - a ) d t h e O p p o r t * ) i t i e s a ) d T h r e a t s f a c e 2 T h i s

h e l p s * s t o f o c * s o ) y o * r stre)+ths- mi)imiEe threats- a)d ta1e the +reatest possi0le adva)ta+e of opport*)ities availa0le2




> 1 M(I"/ 3*$,*$+-%

It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of AT services offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m- follo,ed

0y de0it card a)d least i) case of i)vestme)t advisory2 It ,as also fo*)d that amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed AT service is the most availed service follo,ed 0y A)y ,here

0a)1i)+ facility a)d least availed service ,as I)vestme)t advisory services2 The )o)D *sers cited U)a,are)ess re+ardi)+ the 0a)1Hs services to 0e the major reaso)s 0ehi)d )ot availi)+ of the 0a)1Hs services O) AT service a)d A)y ,here 0a)1i)+ facility- the avera+e satisfactio) is ma/im*m at

42=O o*t of a scale of :- follo,ed 0y I)vestme)t advisory services a)d least avera+e satisfactio) ,as i) the case of safe deposit loc1ers facility that ,as also too hi+h2

Prompt service- staff compete)ce- Co)ve)ie)ce of locatio)- co)ve)ie)ce of acco*)t ope)i)+ formalities etc2 O) all these factors 0a)1 is doi)+ ,ell a)d the 0a)1 sho*ld try to 1eep *p that +ood ,or12 Avera+e satisfactio) is ma/im*m o) prod*ct feat*re i2e2 42=4 follo,ed services a)d relia0ility of the prod*ct 0oth at 42?O a)d val*e for mo)ey mi)im*m at >2I42 O) all the prod*ct factors the compa)y has performed +ood e/cept val*e for mo)ey ,here the prod*ct is rated a0ove avera+e2 Amo)+ the <? c*stomers s*rveyed =;J of c*stomers ,ere very satisfied ,ith the services of the 0a)1- @IJ of c*stomers ,ere satisfied ,ith the 0a)1 a)d a very small )*m0er i2e2@J of the c*stomers ,ere )either satisfied )or dissatisfied ,ith the services2 ,hich sho,s a very hi+h level of satisfactio) amo)+ the c*stomers2 Amo)+ the <? c*stomers s*rveyed a s*0sta)tial )*m0er i2e2 >? c*stomers respo)ded they are li1ely Ba+reeC to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship ,ith the 0a)1- 4; respo)de)ts respo)ded that they are very li1ely Bstro)+ly a+reeC to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship a)d ; respo)de)ts stated they are )either BsoDsoC to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship2 It ,as fo*)d that >I respo)de)ts ,ere li1ely Ba+reeC to recomme)d- >= respo)de)ts ,ere very li1ely Bstro)+ly a+reeC-@ c*stomers ,ere )either li1ely )or *)li1ely BsoDsoC to recomme)d to others a)d o)ly 4 respo)de)ts ,ere very *)li1ely Bstro)+ly disa+reeC to recomme)d this prod*ct to others2

S.++1-4*"$- "$ A,,-"$ -1/7*01- (- 6/"6"-1, '8 /1-6"$,1$4 Small amo*)t DD ca) 0e made thro*+h cash2 F2D2 e/te)sio) or re)e,al thro*+h pho)e 0a)1i)+2

Pro/imity sho*ld 0e i)creased thro*+h more 0ra)ches or e/te)sio) co*)ters2 I)ter)et 0a)1i)+ o)ly e)lists the last =? tra)sactio)s made- it sho*ld 0e i)creased2 Fre.*e)t mailers sho*ld 0e se)t o) )e, prod*ct a)d services i)trod*ced from time to time2 Free mo)thly stateme)t of acco*)t i) place of .*arterly2 AT s daily ,ithdra,al limit m*st 0e i)creased ,hich is prese)tly "s =;-???2 Cash teller m*st have ade.*ate c*rre)cy )otes of "s;?? a)d "s=- ???2 N*m0er of c*stomerHs do complai)ed of the less operati)+ days or the )o2 Of days it is ope)2 The 0a)1 ca) remai) ope) o) S*)days also to overcome that2
Provisio) of ta1i)+ o*t the 0a)1 stateme)t of the *ser specified period from the AT


> 2R10"::1$,(4*"$-:
The )o)D*sers cited *)a,are)ess re+ardi)+ the 0a)1s prod*ct a)d services to 0e the major reaso) 0ehi)d )ot availi)+ the 0a)1Hs services2 So 0a)1 sho*ld la*)ch a,are)ess campai+) for ma1i)+ c*stomers a,are of the differe)t services li1e perso)aliEed service9oc1ers- Pho)e 0a)1i)+ a)d I)vestme)t advisory services a)d prod*cts li1e 0a)1 at camp*s2 ajority of respo)de)ts do complai)ed of the ,or1i)+ of AT s- AT s o*t cash a)d disco))ectio) of )et,or1 ,ere the major fa*lt areas- eve) tho*+h they ,ere satisfied ,ith the 0a)1Hs a ,ide )et,or1 of AT s2

There ,ere )*m0er of respo)de)ts especially Se)ior citiEe)s ,ho have AT

card 0*t

does )ot ma1e *se of it 0eca*se )*m0er of people does )ot 1)o, ho, to *se it2 So 0a)1 ca) or+a)iEe a) a,are)ess ,ee1 ,here AT s *sa+e ca) 0e ta*+ht2 N*m0er of c*stomerHs do complai)ed of the less operati)+ days or the )*m0er of days it is ope)2 The 0a)1 ca) remai) ope) o) S*)days also to overcome that2 %a)1s avera+e .*arterly lo, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t of "s =?-??? is 0oth pros a)d a co) for the 0a)12 It is .*ite reaso)a0le i) compariso) ,ith the forei+) 0a)1s 0*t hi+h ,he) compared to other )atio)aliEed 0a)1s 2

> =L*:*4(4*"$-:
The prese)t research ,as restricted to o)ly savi)+s a)d c*rre)t acco*)t holders of the 0a)12 The s*rvey ,as restricted to 'arol %a+h 0ra)ch 0eca*se of time a)d reso*rces co)strai)ts2 Therefore the +e)erality of the fi)di)+s ca))ot 0e claimed *)til f*rther research has 0ee) carried o*t2 The sample siEe is O?- ,hich may )ot reflect a tr*e pict*re of the co)s*merHs mi)d2


The respo)de)ts are chose) thro*+h simple ra)dom sampli)+ a)d o)ly the perso)s ,ho have 1)o,led+e of !)+lish la)+*a+e ,ere s*rveyed2 It is also pretty hard to p*rs*e a c*stomer to share his feeli)+s as they are i) a h*rry so possi0ility of 0iases of the respo)de)ts may )ot 0e precl*ded2

The follo,i)+ so*rces have 0ee) so*+ht for the preparatio) of this report2



The Total o)ey a1eoverA A Prove) Pla) for Fi)a)cial Fit)ess- Dave "amsey- DAT!D =O6?@6>?=4 P+ NoD :: The illio)aire Ne/t Door- Thomas Sta)ley a)d 8illiam Da)1o- DAT!D 4?6=?6>?=4- P+ NoDOO

o)ey life- DAT!D =O6=?6>?=4- P+ No D;= %*si)ess ,orld- DAT!D ?@6?I6>?=4- P+ No D=@>

!co)omic times- DAT!D ==6?<6>?=4- P+ No D;< #i)d*sta) times- DAT!D ?@6?O6>?=4- P+ No DI? W1'-*41W,,,2a/is0a)12com WhttpA66,,,2ilovei)dia2com6fi)a)ce60a)16privateD0a)1s6a/isD0a)12html WhttpA66eco)omictimes2i)diatimes2com6a/isD0a)1ltd6i)focompa)yhistory6compa)yidD I=I;2cms WhttpA66fi)darticles2com6p6articles6miX.a;4>=6isX>??:?@6aiX)>=4;=O:<6p+X; WhttpA66h*ma)reso*rces2a0o*t2com6od6+lossarye6a6employeeXi)v2html WhttpA66,,,2)rdc2or+60*ildi)++ree)60iEcase6o,)Xprod*ctivity2asp WhttpA66,,,2)hpci)dia2com6!)+lish6Scripts6A0o*t*sXO0jectives2asp/ WhttpA66,i1i2a)s,ers2com6Q68hyXtoXst*dyXa0o*tXemployeeXsatisfactio) WhttpA66,i1i2a)s,ers2com6Q68hatXisXtheXimporta)ceXofXemployeeXsatisfactio)Xi) Xa)Xor+a )isatio)

Tha)1 yo* for a+reei)+ to participate i) this s*rvey2 I am a st*de)t of a AI S co)d*cti)+ a mar1et research to 1)o, the *sa+e patter) of Credit card

of A&IS %AN' a)d its services2 Ta1e a fe, mome)ts of yo*r time a)d a)s,er a fe, .*estio)s2 Yo*r a)s,ers ,ill 0e co)fide)tial a)d *sed o)ly i) com0i)atio) ,ith the respo)ses of other people2 Perso) I)tervie,edA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AddressA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX A+eA XXXXXXXXX 7e)derA ale Female


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