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Put a circle around the nu !er ne"t to each correct an#$er%

I% Fro !one# &ound in the 'nited State# $e ha(e learned that an)* an) ani al# no lon+er &ound in the $orld once ade their ho e# here% ,e #a) that the#e ani al# are -e"tinct%So eti e#* $or.er# &ind their !one# in /it# &ro $hich roc. and coal ha(e !een du+% Other $or.er# $ho a.e $a) &or railroad trac.# and $or.er# $ho di+ /it# &or the !a#e ent# o& ne$ !uildin+# #o eti e# unco(er the % No$ada)#* #cienti#t# .no$ $here to loo. &or the % Hu+e &i#he# and enor ou# re/tile# #$a in the $ater% On the #hore# roa ed ti+er# $ith tu#.#* (er) !i+ lion#* +reat !ear#* rhinocero#e# co(ered $ith $ool* and herd# o& hi//o/ota u#e#* a# $ell a# hor#e# onl) a# !i+ a# a &o"%

A% Thi# #tor) i#

ainl) a!out 0

1% the !one# o& ani al#% 2% (er) lar+e ani al# in $hat i# no$ the 'nited State#% 3% ho$ $or.er# unco(ered !one# o& e"tinct ani al#% 4% e"tinct ani al# in $hat i# no$ the 'nited State#%

5% -E"tinct-

ean# 0

1% the !one# o& ancient ani al#% 2% no lon+er &ound in the $orld% 3% unco(ered in /it#% 4% ani al# &ound in $hat i# no$ the 'nited State#%

C% ,or.er# &ound 0

1% ti+er# $ith tu#.#% 2% enor ou# re/tile#% 3% roc. and coal% 4% !one# o& e"tinct ani al#%

D% The $or.er# 1% $ere

entioned in the #tor) 0

a.in+ $a) &or railroad trac.#%

2% $ere di++in+ &or coal and roc.% 3% $ere di++in+ /it# &or the !a#e ent# o& ne$ !uildin+#% 4% all o& the a!o(e%

II% Ha(e )ou e(er thou+ht* $hen loo.in+ throu+h a $indo$* that at one ti e there $a# not a /ane o& +la## in the $orld6 Then a an du+ thin+# out o& the earth* i"ed the * and heated the * and he &ound he had ade #o ethin+ hard* # ooth* and clear* #o that he could #ee throu+h it% ,ho $a# he6 ,e do not .no$% ,e do .no$* thou+h* that $e o$e hi a +reat de!t* and $e o$e a de!t* al#o* to other di#co(erer# and in(entor# $ho#e na e# are no lon+er .no$n%

A% Thi# #tor) i# 1% +la##%

ainl) a!out 0

2% thin+# du+ out o& the earth% 3% un.no$n di#co(erer# and in(entor#% 4% /eo/le to $ho $e o$e a de!t%

5% ,h) do $e o$e thi# un.no$n 1% 5ecau#e he #/ent uch one)

an a +reat de!t6 a.in+ hi# di#co(er)%

2% 5ecau#e hi# na e i# no lon+er .no$n%

3% 5ecau#e he di#co(ered +la##% 4% 5ecau#e he did not a#. &or an) re$ard%

C% ,h) can )ou #ee throu+h a $indo$6 1% 5ecau#e it i# clear% 2% 5ecau#e it i# hard and # ooth% 3% 5ecau#e it i# o/en% 4% 5ecau#e it .ee/# out the cold%

D% The na e# o& other di#co(erer# and in(entor# are no lon+er .no$n !ecau#e 0 1% no record $a# .e/t o& their na e#% 2% the) didn7t .no$ their $orth% 3% their di#co(erie# and in(ention# $ere uni /ortant% 4% the) li(ed hundred# o& )ear# a+o%

III% Lon+ a+o* /eo/le li(in+ $here the $eather $a# al$a)# $ar ne(er drea ed that there $ere #uch thin+# a# #no$ and ice% Peo/le li(in+ $here the $eather $a# al$a)# cold did not i a+ine that* el#e$here* oran+e# and +ra/e# +re$ in the $ar #un#hine* color&ul !ird# &le$ li.e li(in+ rain!o$# a id#t the tree#* and dra+on&lie# danced li.e $in+ed ru!ie# in the $ar air%

A% Thi# #tor) i#

ainl) a!out 0 uch a!out other /art# o&

1% ho$ /eo/le* lon+ a+o* did not .no$ the $orld%

2% #no$ and ice in the North and &ruit* !ird#* and in#ect# in the South% 3% the di&&erence# in $eather in the $orld% 4% the /lea#ure# o& &ruit* !ird#* and color&ul in#ect#%

5% The !ird# in the #tor) are li.e rain!o$# in that 0 1% their color# are the #a e a# tho#e in a rain!o$% 2% the) re&lect li+ht li.e a rain!o$% 3% the) are color&ul% 4% the) &l) li.e rain!o$#%

C% The /eo/le in the #tor) $ere 0 1% not # art 2% not $ell tra(eled% 3% not u/ to date% 4% not curiou#%

D% Dra+on&lie# in the #tor) are li.e 0 1% oran+e# and +ra/e#% 2% 8e$el#% 3% !ird# a on+ the tree#% 4% !ird# in the #un#hine%

I9% It $a# a an $ho li(ed !e&ore the ti e o& Chri#to/her Colu !u# that $a# the $orld7# &ir#t +reat tra(eler% Hi# na e $a# Marco Polo% ,ith hi# &ather and hi# uncle* he tra(eled &ro Ital) to China* cro##in+ ountain# and de#ert# to +et there% In China a .in+ called :u!lai :han $a# /lea#ed to #ee the Polo# and had the li(e near to hi % The) #ta)ed &or t$ent)0three )ear#% :u!lai :han #ent Marco to other countrie# to do !u#ine## &or hi % ,hen Marco &inall) returned to Ital)* he $rote all a!out hi# ad(enture# in a !oo.* $hich $a# read !) Colu !u# and an) other /eo/le* $ho al#o !eca e intere#ted in tra(elin+ to #tran+e countrie#%

A% Thi# #tor) i#

ainl) a!out 0

1% the $orld7# &ir#t +reat tra(eler% 2% tra(elin+ &ro Ital) to China%

3% the Polo &a il)% 4% Marco Polo and :u!lai :han%

5% Marco Polo i# called +reat !ecau#e 0 1% he tra(eled (er) &ar to reach China% 2% he $rote a!out hi# ad(enture# in a !oo.* $hich read% 3% he $a# #o $ell li.ed !) the .in+ o& China% 4% he cro##ed ountain# and de#ert# to reach China% an) /eo/le

C% ,e .no$ &ro 0

the #tor) that :u!lai :han li.ed Marco !ecau#e

1% Marco told a!out hi# ad(enture# in a !oo.% 2% Marco #ta)ed in China &or t$ent)0three )ear#% 3% :u!lai :han .ne$ that Marco had cro##ed de#ert#% 4% :u!lai :han #ent Marco to other countrie#% ountain# and

D% Marco7# !oo. $a# 0 1% a tra(el !oo.% 2% &iction% 3% a #tor) o& the $orld% 4% a !io+ra/h) o& :u!lai :han%

9% In the da)# o& Chri#to/her Colu !u#* /eo/le in Euro/e traded +ood# $ith India% The +ood# $ere carried alon+ /ath# or road# &ro one countr) to another% Ho$e(er* no /er#on &ro Euro/e had e(er reached India !) #hi/% A&ter Colu !u# &ound $hat he thou+ht $a# India !) +oin+ $e#t* /eo/le in Euro/e $anted to tr) to reach India !) +oin+ ea#t% The &ir#t #ea ca/tain to do thi# $a# 9a#co da Ga a% Hi# #ailor# $ere 8u#t a# a&raid to +o into o/en ocean a# $ere Colu !u#7 #ailor#* !ut 9a#co da Ga a in#i#ted* and* #ure enou+h* the) &ound a #ea route to India% The) &ound it !) #ailin+ around the #outh end o& A&rica%

A% Thi# #tor) i#

o#tl) a!out 0

1% 9a#co da Ga a% 2% Chri#to/her Colu !u#% 3% &indin+ a $a) to +et to India !) #hi/% 4% trade $ith India%

5% 9a#co da Ga a &ound the route to India !) #hi/ !) 0 1% +oin+ $e#t% 2% +oin+ around the #outh end o& A&rica% 3% &ollo$in+ the route o& Colu !u#% 4% tradin+ +ood#%

C% A #hi/ i# !etter &or carr)in+ +ood# than a /ac. ani al !ecau#e 0 1% it can hold ore +ood#%

2% it doe#n7t ha(e to +o o(er land% 3% it i# #a&er% 4% ore /eo/le can !e e /lo)ed%

D% Colu !u# and 9a#co da Ga a are ali.e in that 0 1% one $ent $e#t and one $ent ea#t% 2% the) !oth &ound a di&&erent $a) to carr) +ood#% 3% the) $ere !oth #ea ca/tain#% 4% the) !oth &ound a route to India%

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