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Jerusalem JERUSALEM 17 times destroyed 14 - 26 - 42 - 48 - 75 - 84 - 87 - 95 - 122 (Song of Ascent) - 127 - 133 - 134 - 137 - 146 - 147 - 150 On the northern border of tribe of Juda (Jebusites) Melchizedek, King of Salem Conquest by David Purchase of Araunah's threshing place Construction of Solomon's Palace Religious and political capital of the Kingdom Jehasah (northern Kingdom) attacks Jerusalem Destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar 587 BC Rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah Jesus foretells destruction of Jerusalem Jerusalem represents the chosen people God's Home The holy City Meeting place of the nations Vision of the new Jerusalem The Holy City, the new Jerusalem at the end of time OLD TESTAMENT Sacrifice of Abraham David desires to build a house for God David buys the threshing floor of Araunah Construction of the temple of Solomon Dedication of the temple


Josh. 15, 8 Gen.14, 18 2 Sam. 5,1 - 12 2 Sam. 24,18 - 23 1 Kings 7,1 - 12 1 Sam. 6,1 - 23 2 Kings 14, 13 2 Kings 25 Neh. 3,1 - 38 Luke 21, 20 Ezek. 23 Is. 62 Ps. 76, 3 Neh. 11, 1 Is. 2,1 - 5; 60 Is. 54, 11 - 17; 62 Rev. 21, 2 THE TEMPLE Gen. 22, 2 2 Sam. 7, 1 - 17 2 Sam. 24, 18 - 25 1 Kings 5 & 6 1 Kings 8

Is. 6, 1 - 8 Jer. 7, 1 - 15 2 Kings 11, 1 - 20 2 Kings 12 1 - 22 2 Kings 22, 1 - 20 Ez. 8 , 1 - 18 Ez. 10, 18 - 22 2 Kings 25 Ez. 40 & 44 Ezra 4,24 & 6,12 - 18 1 Mac. 1,20 - 42 Deut. 6, 4 - 9 Deut. 7,7 - 11 Ex. 29, 38 - 42 Num. 28, 29 Lev. 16, 17 - 29 THE TEMPLE Luke 1,5 - 25 Luke 2, 22 - 38 Luke 2, 40 - 42 Luke 4, 9 - 13

Vision of the prophet Isaiah in the temple Threats this is the temple of the Eternel Murder of queen Athaliah of Judah outside the temple Reparation under King Jehoash The book of the law found in the temple Vision of Ezekiel on idolatry The glory of the lord leaves the temple Destruction of the temple by Nebuchadnessar 587 BC Vision of the future temple: the New Jerusalem Reconstruction and dedication of the temple 300 BC Plunder of the temple by Antiochus Epiphanes "Listen Israel" - Election of the people of Israel Wailing Wall Daily holocaust Ritual of the sacrifices Ritual great day of Atonement NEW TESTAMENT The birth of John the Baptist - annunciation Presentation of Jesus in the Temple Finding of Jesus in the Temple Pinacle of the temple-temptation of Jesus Expulsion of the dealers from the temple also MC 11,15 -19; Lk 19, 45 - 46; Jn 2, 13 Jesus meets the cured man at Bethzatha " The Son of God can do nothing by Himself " Taxes to Cesar, looking for the glory of God

Matt. 21, 12 - 17

Jn 5, 14 Jn 5, 19 - 30 Jn 7, 1 - 53

Jn 8, 1 - 11 Jn 8, 12 - 21 Jn 2, 19 - 21 Jn 8, 51 - 59 Jn 10, 22 - 39 Jn 11, 45 - 53 Matt. 21, 23 Mark 12, 41 - 44 Matt. 24, 1 - 25 Matt. 27, 3 - 10 Matt. 27, 52 Acts 3 Acts 21,15; 22; 23, 22 Gal. 4, 26 MOUNT OF OLIVES 2 Sam. 15, 30 - 32 1 Kings 11, 7 - 8 2 Kings 23, 12 - 13

The adulterous woman I am the light of the world Destroy this sanctuary in three days Discussions with the Jews My sheep hear my voice The plot against Jesus What authority have you for acting like this? The widow's mite Prophecy of the ruin of the temple Judas returns 30 silver coins Veil of the temple torn in two Cure of a lame man by Saint Peter Paul in the temple The Jerusalem above is free and is our mother Gethsemane David leaves Jerusalem trying to flee from Absalom Solomon builds a palace for his foreign wives Destruction of the altars by Josias The Glory of the lord rose to leave the city & paused on the mountain to the East side of the city Yehweh will fight against these nations as he fights in the day of the battle Jesus had often met his disciples there The Messiah enters Jerusalem "Dominus Flevit" The Agony of Jesus in Gethsemane also Mk 14; Lk 22 The Ascension of Jesus

Ezek. 11, 23

Zech. 14, 3 - 4

Jn 18,2 Matt. 21, 1 - 6 Matt. 26, 30 - 56 Luke 24, 50

Acts 1, 4 - 12 Mark 13, 3 Luke 22, 39 PATER NOSTER Matt. 6,7 - 13 and Luke 11, 1-4 VIA DOLOROSA HOLY SEPULCHRE See the 4 accounts of the Passion and the Resurrection of Jesus PROBATIC POOL-ST. ANNE'S Jn 5, 1 - 18 SOURCE OF GIHON 1 Kings 1, 28 - 55

The Ascension of Jesus Jesus announces the destruction of the temple He then left to make his way as usual to the Mount of Olives GROTTO OF THE TEACHINGS

Our Father


Matt. 27, 27-31; Mark 14, 66 - 72; Luke 22, 56-62; Jn 18, 12-27


The healing of the paralytic man FOUNTAIN OF THE VIRGIN Solomon receives the royal onction Joab enters into Jerusalem by the cananean canal also 2 Sam. 5, 6 -10 King Hezekiah digs a tunnel, also 2 Chr. 32, 30; Si. 48, 17 END OF HEZEKIAH'S TUNNEL Siloam and Euphrates Isaiah sent to Achaz Oracle against the City The Cure of the man born blind The tower of Siloam KEDRON VALLEY Jahweh will reign in the valley of Josaphat Scribes and Pharisees, you who build the sepulchres of the prophets and decorate the tombs of holy men.

2 Chr. 11, 4 - 9

2 K 20,20 POOL OF SILOAH Is. 8, 6 Is 7, 3 Is 22, 9 Jn 9 Lk 13, 4 - 5 VALLEY OF JOSAPHAT Joel 4,2; Jer. 31 - 40

Matt. 23, 29



Jn 11, 45 - 53

You fail to see that it is better for one man to die for the people, than for the whole nation to be destroyed. DAVID'S CITY "City of David" Fortress of Zion The Ark of God in the Citadel of David Jahweh dwells on Mount Zion Since the law will go out from Jerusalem They will come and shout for joy on the heights of Zion Nicanor on Mount Zion LAST SUPPER ROOM Institution of the Holy Eucharist Last Supper and Eucharist Last Supper and Eucharist Teachings of Jesus at the Last Supper Prayer for Unity of the disciples of Jesus Apparitions to his disciples after the Resurrection Institution of the Holy Eucharist The group of the Apostles - Christian Community The coming of the Holy Spirit - Pentecost

MOUNT ZION 2 Sam. 5, 7; Chr. 11,5 2 Sam. 6, 10 - 12 Is. 8, 18 Is. 2, 3 Jer. 31, 12 1M CENACLE Matt. 26, 26 - 29 Mark 14, 22 - 25 Luke 22, 14 - 38 Jn 13; 14; 15; Jn 17 Jn 20, 19 - 29 1 Cor. 11, 23 - 25 Acts 1, 12 - 26 Acts 2, 1 - 4

ST. PETER INGALLICANTU DENIAL Denial of Peter also Matt. 26, 69 - 75; Mark 14, 66 - 72; Luke 22, 56 - 62 SCANDAL Burned children offered as sacrifice Mark 9, 43 idem (Gehena = Hell)

Jn 18, 15 - 27


Jer. 7, 31 - 33

Matt. 27, 7 - 10 Acts 1, 19

Potter's field Potter's field FOUNTAIN OF JOB (Junction of Kedron-Gehenna Valley) David sends spies Revolt and death of Absalom


2 Sam. 17, 17 - 23 2 Sam. 18, 1 - 18

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