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Request Set: ============ Colection of Concurrent Programs which will be used to submit the Cnocurrent Pro grams either

sequentially or Paraalley multiple programs It is also like Request group but in Requuest group we can submit only one progr am at a time from SRS Window. where as in Request set we can submit multiple programs at a time. 1)Select the Programs which we would like to group in the set Ex: Active Responsibilities Active Users Compile Reports 2)Open the Request Set form Select the button called Request set wizard and enter the concurrent Program list. Concurrent =>Set 3)Open the Request group Form attach the Request set by selecting the Type = Set and attach the Request set. 4)Goto the SRS Window select the Option called Request set instead of Single Req uest. Incompatibility: ================ Incompatibility is nothing but not compatible with the current concurrent progra m For Ex If we have three program A B C If A program is running in the server system should not run the B and C progra ms that time we wii define the Incompatibility While createion of the A Program Select the button called Incompatibility and enter the B and C Programs. Run Alone Check box :if we would like to make the Program is not compatible with all other concurrent Program then we will check this check box. Use in SRS Window: Be default this check box will be enabled we uncheck this we can find the Program at SRS window we have to submit from backend by using fnd_req uest API. Copy To button: While customizing the Concurrent Programs(Reports,Package.....) we are suppose to create new concurrent Program with diff name then we will go for using the Copy To button. note: By default every concurrent Program will be executed in the CBO(Cost Base d Optimizer) if we would like to execute in the RBO(Rule Bases Optimizer)mode then we will use the Session control buttion we will set the Rule Option. :$FLEX$ :$PROFILES$

These two are Oracle apps reserved words will be used in the Value set creation :$FLEX$: This will be used to Retrieve the Previous parameter value whatever we have selected. Syntax : :$FLEX$.Previous Parameter VAlue set Name. For Ex: We have two Parameters Supplier Name : Table Value set Supplier Site Code : Table VAlue set based on the Suplier name we are suppose to get the Site codes in the Second par ameter SELECT VENDOR_NAME FROM PO_VENDORS - First VAlue set SELECT VENDOR_SITE_CODE FROM PO_vendor_sites_All -Second Value Set where vendor_name = Whatever user has selected in the First PArameter (To get this value we will use :$FLEX$.Previous Value set n ame). 23SUPPLIER - First Value set Name 23SITE WHERE VENDOR_ID IN(SELECT VENDOR_ID FROM PO_VENDORS WHERE VENDOR_NAME = :$FLEX$.23SUPPLIER) :$PROFILES$: This will be used to Get the Profile value in the Table Value set o r from the front end. To get Profile values from backend we are using Fnd_Profile.Value or Fnd_Profile .get() Syntax : :$PROFILES$.Profile Name SELECT SEGMENT1 FROM PO_HEADERS_ALL 22USER : 204 23USER : 887 24USER : 911 SELECT SEGMENT1 FROM PO_HEADER_ALL WHERE ORG_ID = :$PROFILES$.ORG_ID Ex: Display the PO's which are created by the current User If 22user ope the LOV it has to display the PO's which are created by 22 user SELECT SEGMENT1 FROM PO_HEADERS_ALL


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