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National Snitch?

Banned from mostinternet sites, I hope this makes it through. It comes to you on a wing and a
What am I doing if not whistle blowing? I write this before I'm completely banned from all
internet sites.
I ask this question because I blew the whistle to those organizations I was told had the upmost
INTEGRITY. The United States Postal Service (USPS), National Whistleblower Center
(NWC), Anti-defamation League (ADL), Supreme Court of the United States, the Department of
Homeland Security.
Yet I continue to inform the public. I do so for the children of my dead co-workers and other
family members that have lost their love ones in the Holocaust and with the intent to prevent
countless others. I do it with the help of Ed Winsten.
The Case US Supreme Court case 99-565 & supplement
http://www.scribd.com/doc/16712387/US-Supreme-Court-Case-99565-Supplement makes one
assume the case has been heard by the US Supreme Court and decided. Surely they read it and
decided to deny hearing it. Perhaps it was "mishandled" or there was let’s say a "glitch in the
system". Or just maybe, just maybe they did not have their INDEPENDENCE at the time.
Apparently there is an excuse for violating the law. Nevertheless it does not mean criminal
activity did not take place and that it is continuing today. It simply means those entrusted with
enforcing the laws of the US Constitution looked the other way. I say this; to say that the damage
is done, and the effects of it will be like that of any other holocaust.
Unlike Pfizer, the Company I blew the whistle on is a subsidiary of the Corporation United
States of America. You know for the first time its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) looks like me.
The subsidiary responsible for the Postal Holocaust is the United States Postal Service (USPS). I
heard its CEO makes more money than the one that works at Corporate Headquarters. Separate
or Collusion (RICO)? I'm waiting on the results from the Litmus test. America Betrayal
Do you know your fate?
Surely you have all the answers.
Oh by the way I told a youngster I was a whistleblower. I asked him did he know what that
meant. He said; yeah that's a snitch. You tell me. Makes a case for no snitching.
Allen Carlton
National Whistleblower ): http://www.scribd.com/doc/18775420/Assignment-Fraud
Supreme Court case 99-565 & supplement
Jerry Springer Show – so618-93 violence at the Post Office
Revelation receiver of the Peoples Righteous Kill Defense
Peoples Army

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