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Ten From One

Unlike in a courts pleading, this writer provides insight in the name and addition in the body. Mathematics would suffice to show a 10 to 1 value is incorrect as to what humanity comprehends. One thing for certain, millions if not billions live on planet Earth. Before vampire voodoo squids appeared in the second release of War of the Worlds and prior to the sphere appearing in the second release of the Day the Earth Stood still, Klatu in the first black and white release of the Day the Earth Stood Still left the planet with notice that a message would be waited upon before a course of action was taken against the people of the planet Earth for the benefit of a greater populace. Whereas God waits not nor wants not an answer, one thing that should be believed is that God will exercise his power so that one will judge oneself in accordance to law. Which law, men or Gods, is left to each one to choose. Why a choice needs to be made is a choice that each will have to choose. One thing is for certain and can be verified by the numerous graves located around the planet, once the body has succumbed to death, there is no, repeat, no possibility of making a choice. There are those who know not but the truth of fact presentable, well and good and understood. Understood by who, what, when, where and how fails to explain, why leaves a certainty unknown except to each one.

There are those beyond being taught have learned to avoid lying to conceal lies. Such lies are beyond the understanding of common man but not beyond all reason, known and unknown. One unknown is what action awaits one who was not truthful to themselves or to humanity as we know it. Time will tell how many books will be written to define and describe the unknowns of the universe over the next few millennia. A question arises: will just a few millennia provide the time needed to understand the unknowns of the universe and beyond? Partial answer, clearly until all is known, any possible comprehension to be all knowing is not within the reach of a current living breathing body. One is what they are as God is what he is, but is such in name only? Additionally, if one is able to garner the knowledge of the universe, will such information explain the power utilized in the big-bang. Even if one was to model the universe from the day of the big-bang, the model would still not accommodate the formula utilized in creating the bigbang if one applies the basic of science that matter is not created or destroyed, only modified from its original form. Did the universe begin from a pin point in space? That is a question that each one will face in life, what is the beginning and where is the end. Who, when and how most likely will remain unknown to living man, at least to some magnitude. Whereas one day not on remote vampire squid planet an answer is not awaited by the unknown, could an answer be for oneself?

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