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Estaba en un autobus, iba a una parte, creo que me equivoque de camion, me baje, y estaba esperando a que llegara otro

camion. Bus To dream that you are riding a bus implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking. If you get on the wrong bus, then the dream indicates your fears of making the wrong choice and going on the wrong path. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you. To dream that you are waiting for a bus indicates a temporary setback in achieving your personal goals. -Ibas en un camino en tu vida que no fue un camino que tu elegiste, era el equivocado y al final te bajaste superaste el conflicto de que no tienes control sobre tu camino pero ahora esperas el autobs, entonces no sabes que hacer realmente, estas en un sort of stump en el camino.

Despues estaba en medio de un bosque, con arboles talados. ForestTo dream that you are in or walking through the forest signifies a transitional phase.Follow your instincts. Alternatively, it indicates that you want to escape to a simpler way of life. You are feeling weighed down by the demands of your life. StumpTo see a tree stump in your dream indicates that something or someone is preventing your growth or forward progress. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "being stumped" on some problem or issue. The dream may be offering a solution to your problem. -Estando en transition de lo que quieren que hagas y lo que quieres hacer, puede ser que sientes ese peso que estan puestos sobre ti por la vida a pesar de tener control sobre la eleccin de tu camino, el hecho de que estos arboles esten talados puede significar que algo o algunas cosas estan impidiendo que avances. Y era como una guerra, un ejercito de como de soldados, War To dream of a war signifies disorder and chaos in your waking life You are experiencing some internal conflict or emotional struggle which is tearing you up inside. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are either being overly aggressive or that you are not being assertive enough. Perhaps you need to be prepared to put up a fight in some area of your life. On a more direct level, the dream may be reflection of current wars around the world and your personal feelings about it. Army To see the army in your dream symbolizes an overpowering force working against you. You may feel outnumbered or pressured and are unable to deal with this situation. -You are experiencing some internal conflict or emotional struggle which is tearing you up inside. Puede ser esa misma inhablidad de poder avanzar en la direccion que quieres porque algo te lo impide o puede que te dice que no estas siendo lo suficientemente fuerte ante lograr tu objetivo. El ejercito, es aquella cosa que no te deja avanzar.

me dio un Orbe azul Orb To see an orb in your dream symbolizes truth and a sudden understanding or realization. You have clarity on some nagging problem or issue. Alternatively, the orb refers to your subconscious. Something from your subconscious is trying to make its way to the surface. The color of the orb indicates whether the dream is positive or negative. If it is multi-color, then it is positive. Blue Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. Perhaps you are expressing a desire to get away. The presence of this color in your dream may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind. Alternatively, the color blue may also be a metaphor for "being blue" and feeling sad. -Te dan un orb azul, puede ser que algo/alguien/tu subconsciente este intentando darte una realizacin que te dara mas claridad. Suponiendo que en este caso el color azul no representa tristeza.

enseguida del termino del bosque estaba el muelle Dock To dream that you are on a dock suggests that you have successfully gotten through some tough times and emotions. If the dock is empty, then it implies that you are feeling emotionally drained. Saliendo del bosque (la transition que en ella llevaba algo que no te permite avanzar en tu camino) llegas a un dock que significa que venciste esos impedimientos.

y se veia el mar

Sea To see the sea in your dream represents your subconscious and the transition between your subconscious and conscious. As with all water symbols, it also represents your emotions. Alternatively, the dream indicates a need to reassure yourself or to offer reassurance to someone.It brings about hope, a new perspective and a positive outlook on life no matter how difficult your current problems may be. -Desde el dock (que significa tu vencimiento de un problema) puedes ver el mar, es tu new perspective and a positive outlook on life no matter how difficult your current problems may be. Despues de pasar por el problema.

y del final del muelle salio un genio maligno y creo que le dijo a un tipo que iba a estar condenado a mala suerte. Pero creo que al final el tipo se referia a mi mismo. (porque yo siento que tengo mala suerte) o algo asi. Genie To see a genie in your dream represents your creativity and mind power.Alternatively, the dream may mean that you have let the genie out of the bottle and are unable to control the consequences. To dream that you have bad luck indicates that you are feeling sorry for yourself. You are quick to blame something or someone else for your own shortcomings and problems. -Entre el dock (tu vencimiento del prob.) y el mar (tu perspectiva positiva) hay un genio maligno que bsicamente te condena a mala suerte, puede que temas que en el trayecto hayas librado al genie maligno y te hace ver que siempre te sentiras mal por ti mismo.

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