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________________________________________________________________ Traditional Medical Astrology ________________________________________________________________ By Oscar Hofman, Netherlands In the past an astrological student would always start

h i s education by learning horary astrology and not, as is common inour days, by studying natal charts There is a !alid reason for t h i s , h o r a r y a s t r o l o g y i s simple and clear, it will gi!e thea s t r o l o g e r a f e e l i n g f o r c o n c r e t e " u d g e m e n t , f o r t h e correspondence between charts and reality Moreo!er, for most#uestions a client might ha!e about his life horary astrology willsuffice It can answer with clarity many different #uestions aboutfor e$ample lo!e relations, the weather, shares, house sales, m e d i c a l matters, business success, emigration, dreaminterpretation and it is e!en possible to m a % e # u i c % a n d effecti!e elections on the basis of horary # u e s t i o n s I n t h i s article we will loo% at medical #uestions The past decade hasseen the rapid re&emergence of western traditional astrology, which is still growing and growing More and more astrologersare switching to the traditional practice of our celestial art andt h e r e a r e a l s o m a n y m o d e r n a s t r o l o g e r s who want to learna b o u t t h e c l a s s i c a l r o o t s o f t h e i r p r o f e s s i o n ' o r m o d e r n astrologers learning the t r a d i t i o n a l c e l e s t i a l a r t i s o f t e n a re!elation as historical consciousness in astrological schoolst e n d s t o s t o p w i t h ( ) * u n g o r e ! e n + a n e , u d y a r I t i s n o t standard %nowledge that it was the theosophist Alan -eo whoinitiated modern astrology in the late nineteenth century -eobased himself on traditional sources indeed but changed many,many things to ma%e sure that astrology would fit in with histheo sophical ideas The Theosophical .ociety did ha!e #uitesome money and they had their own publishing&house, whichm a d e t h e m i n f l u e n t i a l . o w h a t w e l e a r n a s a s t r o l o g y i n t h e /est nowadays is this theosophical reconstruction although al o t o f t h i n g s h a ! e b e e n a d d e d o n t h e w a y s u c h a s * u n g i a n psychology and many, many New Age ideas This is O0 but it isa b i t o n e & s i d e d M o r e t h a n t w e n t y c e n t u r i e s o f a s t r o l o g i c a l history and tradition ha!e become in!isible and there are manytreasures waiting to be redisco!ered Modern astrology is one of the !arieties of astrology you can practice, but there is much more .ometimes the redisco!ery of the traditional practice isalmost miraculous, as with medical astrology In the old days adoctor would always ha!e been an astrologer, he would base hisdiagnosis, treatment and prognosis on the chart, otherwise hew o u l d h a ! e b e e n s e e n a s a d a n g e r o u s # u a c % A t r a d i t i o n a l doctor wor%ed within an astrological world !iew using elementsand planets to characteri1e and heal diseases As e!erything inthe world, e!ery precious stone, e!ery herb, e!ery acti!ity ande!en e!ery soil can be described in astrological terms2 therew a s a l s o a w i d e c h o i c e o f n a t u r a l r e m e d i e s T h i s c h o i c e w a s made purely on the basis of astrology O!er the past eight yearsI ha!e practised the reborn traditional medical art 3without anyfurther specific medical

training 3 and I can tell you it wor%s,o f t e n b e t t e r t h a n m o d e r n m e d i c i n e w h i c h b a s e s i t s e l f o n materialistic science only This is a miracle, and any astrologercan do it, the only thing you need is astrological %nowledge Thisreborn medical astrology is not homeopathy or naturopathy as apart of which we also ta%e a glance at the natal chart and sometransits2 it is real astrological diagnosis and treatment based onthe horary chart of the #uestion about the disease It is only thehorary chart 3 NOT the natal chart & which shows what is goingon at the moment, the acute problem and its deepest cause This deepest cause of a disease is always formulated inastrological terms, li%e Mars in .corpio, which means that them a r t i a l e n e r g y s t r e a m i n t h e b o d y h a s b e c o m e u n b a l a n c e d because of the e$cess of the water element 3 .corpio 3 in thesystem All four elements may lead to health problems if theyare present in the body in e$cess .o there are basically only four illnesses4 water, fire, air and earth diseases, although theywill manifest in many different forms Now before we are goingto discuss the method of diagnosis based on the horary chart, we will ha!e a closer loo% at the elements or the humours as theelements are called in medical astrology All humours ha!e theirtypical disease patterns and it is important that we understandhow they can manifest in the body This is the most basic le!el2the four elements are the fundamental building& bloc%s of thewhole cosmos and so of the body too The elements or humours are built up out of four basic simple #ualities, heat, cold, drynessa n d m o i s t u r e H e a t i s e n e r g y a n d m o ! e m e n t , c o l d i s t h e absence of energy +ry means that no connections are made, Ads not by this site structures are rigid and boundaries are maintained Moisture indicates connection and structures and boundaries are bro%end o w n o r l o s t + r y n e s s a n d h e a t b u i l t u p t h e f i r e e l e m e n t , dryness and cold the earth element, moisture and heat the aire l e m e n t a n d m o i s t u r e a n d c o l d t h e w a t e r e l e m e n t T h e f o u r elements ha!e their special names in medical astrology whichare mentioned in the scheme below along with typical diseasepatterns 55 'O6, BA.I( (A6.7. O' +I.7A.7, the four elementsin e$cess78(7..M7-AN(HO-9, B-A(0(HO-7,O,7A,TH4Multiple.clerosis, arthritis, constipation, formation of stones, manyforms of cancer, palsies, depression Image 4 frost in the body78(7.. 97--O/ (HO-7, O, 'I,74 acute inflammations, fe!ers,o!eracti!e organs:for e$ampe hyperthyroidism;, dry ec1ema, red s%in, burnout,aggression Image4 the body on fire78(7..<H-7)M,.-IM7O,/AT7,4colds,flues,bronchitis,lingeringinflammations, obesity, underacti!e organs, diabetes, psoriasis,lung problems, diarrhoea, apathy, dementia Image4 afloodedbody7 8 ( 7 . . B - O O + , . A N ) 6 I N 7 H 6 M O 6 , O , A I , 4 s p o n t a n e o u s bleedings,haemmorrhoids, circulation problems, o$ygen supply

problems,f e ! e r i s h i n f e c t i o n s , h e a r t p r o b l e m s , t i s s u e g r o w t h s , ner!ousness, manic acti!ity Image4 steam and o!erpressure in the bodyBy thin%ing in images on the basis of the #ualities which built upthe elements, we can see why certain diseases are caused by anelement M. for e$ample is a brea%down of the ner!ous systemfor which there is no treatment in modern medicine as no causeis %nown I n t r a d i t i o n a l a s t r o l o g i c a l m e d i c i n e M . i s t y p i c a l l y a n e a r t h disease, earth or the melancholic humour is cold and dry (oldmeans there is no energy and dry means that connection ares e ! e r e d T h i s i s t h e e $ a c t i m a g e o f m u l t i p l e s c l e r o s i s , t h e melancholic e$cess manifests in the ner!ous system in this caseo f t e n i n d i c a t e d i n t h e c h a r t b y t h e i n ! o l ! e m e n t o f M e r c u r y , significator of the ner!ous system

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