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"# Man$fa%t$rer Name Addre'' Di't Pune ()'tal C)de C*emi%al Name + ',n)n,m' Trade Name + S,n)n,m Thermax Limited 97-E General Block, MIDC Bhosari State Maharashtra !!"#$ Biocide Maxtreat-$'( S$&&lier Name Addre'' Di't Pune ()'tal C)de C*emi%al Identit, (r)d$%t U'e Thermax Limited 97-E General Block, MIDC Bhosari State Maharashtra !!"#$ Multicom%onent Li&uid Biocide ) *ater treatment

ammonium chloride

SECTION - II : HA-ARDOUS IN.REDIENTS OF MATERIAL A&&r)1imate C3 A3 S3 )r UN LD #5 6S&e%if, LD #5 6S&e%if, and C)n%entrati)n 2 N$m4er '&e%ie' and r)$te7 r)$te7 Dieth+l dimeth+l '( 7!7'-(!-( (" m,-k, oral -Ha/ard)$' In0redient'

SECTION - III : (HYSICAL DATA FOR MATERIAL (*,'i%al State Od)$r and A&&earan%e Od)$r T*re'*)ld 6&&m7 S&e%ifi% .ra8it, Li&uid Clear colourless to %ale Data not a/aila0le "19 ) !1" +ello. li&uid 9a&)$r (re''$re 9a&)$r Den'it, E8a&)rati)n Rate <)ilin0 ()int Free/in0 ()int 6 mm H07 6 Air : ;7 6 C7 6 C7 23 23 23 2ot %ertinent 30o/e #!# 4 S)l$4ilit, in =ater &H Den'it, 60/ml7 C)effi%ient )f ?ater / )il di'tri4$ti)n 6 >5 C7 4reel+ 5olu0le $1" ) 61" "19 ) !1" 2ot a%%lica0le SECTION I9 : FIRE AND EX(LOSION HA-ARD OF MATERIAL Flamma4ilit, 2on 7lamma0le, a&ueous solution If ,e' $nder ?*at %)nditi)n E1tin0$i'*in0 Media Product is non 7lamma0le S&e%ial (r)%ed$re' 2ot %ertinent U&&er E1&l)'i)n Limit 62 4, L)?er E1&l)'i)n Limit 62 4, Fla'* ()int 6 C DATA and 8)l$me7 8)l$me7 met*)d 2ot a%%lica0le 23 23 TD. Flamma4ilit, Ha/ard)$' C)m4$'ti)n (r)d$%t' A$t) i0niti)n tem&erat$re 6 F7 23 23 2ot %ertinent E1&l)'i)n data Incom%ati0le .ith oxidisin, chemicals Sen'iti8it, t) C*emi%al Im&a%t SECTION 9 : REACTI9ITY C*emi%al 'ta4ilit, 5ta0le under normal conditions If n)@ $nder ?*at %)nditi)n' In%)m&ati4ilit, t) )t*er '$4'tan%e'3 If ,e'@ 5tron, oxidisers ?*i%* )ne Rea%ti8it, and $nder ?*at %)nditi)n' -Ha/ard)$' de%)m&)'iti)n &r)d$%t' Decom%osition ma+ %roduce ammonia

M5D5 of Maxtreat-$'(

Pa,e 1 o7 #

SECTION 9I : TOXICOLO.ICAL (RO(ERTIES OF MATERIAL R)$te )f entr, 88888 5kin contact 888888888 5kin a0sor%tion 8888888 E+e contact 88888888 Inhalation acute 888888 Inhalation chronic 8888888 In,estion Effe%t' )f a%$te e1&)'$re t) material Causes se/ere e+e and skin dama,e Effe%t' )f %*r)ni% e1&)'$re t) E1&)'$re limit' Irritan%, )f material material 9arm7ul-7atal i7 s.allo.ed -5kin and e+e irritant Sen'iti'ati)n t) material' S,ner0i'ti% material' 23 *ater-3lkali

SECTION 9II : (RE9ENTI9E MEASURES (er')nal &r)te%ti8e eA$i&ment .l)8e' 6'&e%if,7 Re'&irat)r, 6'&e%if,7 E,e' 6'&e%if,7 3cid - 3lkali resistant 2ormal 5a7et+ ,o,,le F))t?are 6'&e%if,7 Cl)t*in0 6'&e%if,7 Ot*er' 6'&e%if,7 3cid - 3lkali resistant 5a7et+ a%ron -En0ineerin0 %)ntr)l' 6e03 9entilati)n@ en%l)'ed &r)%e'' et%373 (lea'e '&e%if, 2ormal /entilation LeaB and '&ill &r)%ed$re' *ater .ash, 7lush drain =a'te di'&)'al Local e77luent re,ulations Handlin0 &r)%ed$re and eA$i&ment 9andlin, 0+ %rotecti/e e&ui%ment in .ell /entilated area St)ra0e reA$irement' 3m0ient tem%erature S&e%ial '*i&&in0 inf)rmati)n 2one SECTION 9III : FIRST AID MEASURES Irri,ate thorou,hl+ .ith %lent+ o7 clean .ater 5eek medical attention1 *ash .ith .ater, remo/e contaminated clothin, *ash .ith %lent+ o7 .ater1 5eek medical attention1 9arm7ul i7 s.allo.ed1 3/oid skin : e+e contact SECTION IX : (RE(ARATION DATE OF MSDS THERMAX LIMITED

E,e' L$n0' SBin M)$t* Additi)nal inf)rmati)n

Date )f &re&arati)n

The data and recommendations presented herein are based upon our research and research of others, and are believed to be accurate. However, no warranty is implied or expressed regarding the accuracy of these data or results to be obtained from use thereof. Thermax Limited assumes no res%onsi0ilit+ 7or in;ur+ to customers or third %ersons caused 0+ the material, i7 reasona0le sa7et+ %rocedures are not adhered to as sti%ulated in the data sheet1 3dditionall+, since actual use 0+ others is 0e+ond our control, no ,uarantee ex%ressed or im%lied is made 0+ Thermax Limited as to e77ects o7 such use, the result to 0e o0tained, others sa7et+ and toxicit+ o7 the %roducts, nor Thermax Limited assumes an+ lia0ilit+ arises out o7 use-misuse 0+ others o7 the %roduct re7erred to herein1 In7ormation %ro/ed herein is %ro/ided 0+ Thermax Limited solel+ 7or customers< assistance in im%l+in, .ith the occu%ational 5a7et+ : 9ealth 3ct =e,ulations thereunder1 3n+ other use is %rohi0ited1

M5D5 of Maxtreat-$'(

Pa,e 2 o7 #

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