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Urban villages provide

solution to demise of
by Debbie Stein
The Riverside Arts District,
located in the heart of Riverside,
is continuing to see glimmers of
revitalization thanks to continued
support from the surrounding
c ommuni t y, nei ghbor hood
leaders, arts supporters, and the
City of Fort Worth. RAD, as it is
referred to by the locals, is
located in Six Points Urban
Village, and with approval of its
master plan in 2007, is by
denition, promising to be an
urbanized place with a mix of
us es , j obs , publ i c s paces ,
t ransport at i on connect i ons,
pedestrian activities, and a sense
of place.
A community-wide grass-
roots effort that began in 2012,
has brought much attention to
Ri ver s i de wi t h event s and
activities that have supported
existing businesses and lured new
tenants to the area. A Build A
Better Block event, brought
thousands of people to Race
Street to experience a street lined
with possibilities for its future
i n c l u d i n g a b o o k s t o r e /
coffeehouse, art galleries, food
vendors, street trees, and dog
park. A communi ty garden
designed for the event continues
to offer garden beds for local
Wi t h p r o g r e s s c o me s
changechange that hopefully
will be viewed as benecial to all
Riverside Arts District - Urban Village In Our Backyard
Riverside Pride
The Walkable
Urban City
Did you know that the concept
of urban villages was
conceived in Britain in the late
1980s with the establishment
of the Urban Villages Group?
Like us on Facebook
in the neighborhood and Fort Worth. Last
f al l brought compl eti on to street
improvements on Race Street. Street
resurfacing and striping narrowed the
street to two lanes and a turn lane with
bike lanes and crosswalks. Money is
currently available that will be used for
additional street infrastructure. Possible
enhancements include pedestrian lighting,
seating and public art. Of course,
comments from the community will be
welcomed after the city determines who
will take the lead on the project as the
project engineer.
As a Texas non-prot
corporation, Riverside Arts District, is a
community-driven arts district that will
lead the way in coordinating and
supporting variety of activities including
Gallery Night celebrations, Walk the
RAD Holiday Market, and a farmers
market. It will also act as a resource for
the neighborhood and community to
provide programs that will be both
educational and entertaining while
working to revitalize the area in the best
interest of the community.
Experience RAD by
supporting your neighborhood small
businesses and owners, including the
following that have supported RAD
The Work Room, WoCA, BugOut
Bags/Jason Gamble Photography, Tori
Batey Artist, Studio 116, Studio Bee,
Race Street Barber Shop, Greasy
Bend Burgers, Fuzzys Taco Shop,
Dinos, Salon Purple, Kirbys Radiator
Shop, Mamma Mia Italian Grill and
Carter-Riverside Neighborhood Association
Ofcers & Links
North Division NPO - Off Coronado 817-992-0170
Central Division NPO - Off Coleman 817-991-8074
City Councilman District 4 (CRNA) Danny Scarth 817-392-8804
Code Compliance is in
CRNA will be presenting a
Powerpoint presentation
regarding the lack of
enforcement in our area at
a City Council Meeting TBD
Vacant President Board Mtg Jan. 2nd will address
Ashley Head Vice-President/Editor ashleyhead@mac.com
LuAnn Hoppe Treasurer luannhoppe@att.net
Dana Harper Secretary danadanadog@gmail.com
Carla Baumgardner Webmaster Dgorrr@msn.com
Terri McIiraith Past President mmc@ash.net
Janice Lamb Hospitality jan_lamb@sbcglobal.net
Harold Teague Membership lionharold1031@gmail.com
Naomi Dillard
Cathy Seifert
Riverside Arts District - Urban
Village In Our Backyard
Bike Sharing
Comes to North Texas
New Trash Initiative
Ten on Tues challenges everyday
citizens to literally pick up ten pieces
of trash every Tuesday. If we all
pitch in think of what we could
Stock Show Time!
This Thing Is Legendary is their
slogan and it is most certainly that
but in our neck of the woods Jan.
17-Feb. 8th is when one needs to be
extra careful on Riverside Drive as it
is a back roads way of getting
home drunk while avoiding the
freeway! Please call 911 when you
see a vehicle being driven by an
intoxicated person.
New State Law
SB 510 requires drivers to move over or
slow down as required, depending on
the roadway, when approaching a
stati onary Texas Department of
Transportation vehicle with its lights
activated and not separated from the
roadway by a trafc-control device. This
provision expands the states Move
Over/ Slow Down law, which already
requires drivers to yield to tow trucks,
police, re and emergency vehicles.
Violators commit a misdemeanor
offense punishable by a ne of up to
$200; punishable by a ne of $500 if
property damage occurs; or a Class B
misdemeanor if the violation results in
bodily damage.
Paws For a Cause
The Fort Worth Police
Department 2014 K-9
calendars are now available
for a cost of $10 each. All
proceeds go to the care of
these fine four legged friends.
The color calendars feature
K-9 photos past and present
each month. For information or
to purchase contact CODE Blue
Coordinator Warner Filley at
817 392-3418 or
Stage 1 Watering Restrictions In Effect
Grab at Bike at the B-Station and go!
$8 for 24 hours up to $80 annually
For Information on Code Blue, Crime Watch or becoming a
Block Captain please contact Naomi Dillard at (817) 914-3689 or
nidillard@sbcglobal.net (Yes I know its an old poster)
!"## !"%&&%'()*+,-# ./#0'%'( 120&:
Be aware of a pair of burglars in a white
Chevrolet Avalanche (or any vehicle/
walking) distracting elderly homeowners
looking for yard work. One of the
individuals approaches the home and
distracts the homeowner with some sort
of business deal, (tree trimming, house
cleaning, etc...) and both go to look at the
backyard. When the homeowner is
distracted is in the backyard, the other
burglar will enter the house via the
front door and burglarize it. So far FWPD
are up to about 20 known offenses across
the Metroplex, with a concentration on
south Fort Worth. If you get a call like this,
please call the non!emergency number
immediately 817!335!4222
3#"-+'0/ 104#56: !7"## 8&&#9%05# 15#:- 5+ !0;# <45#" =%-2+>#"%'( 0 ."%&# 12#'#
0ne of the most alaiming anu fiightening things a peison can encountei is to uiscovei
that you aie the victim of a ciime. Bepenuing on whethei the ciime iecently occuiieu
the situation can also be incieuibly uangeious. While it is natuial to feel shock anu
panic, youi iesponse to uiscoveiing the ciime scene can make a ciucial uiffeience it its
Shoulu you evei finu youiself in such a position theie aie seveial things to iemembei.
Beie aie thiee immeuiate steps to take aftei uiscoveiing a ciime scene.
! ?#5 !+ 104#56@ If you entei a home, apaitment, oi business to uiscovei eviuence of
a ciime, especially a violent ciime,
o you shoulu exit immeuiately.
o Biive to a neaiby stoie oi go to a neighboi's home wheie you aie safe in case the
peipetiatoi is still neaiby.
o If theie aie othei people with you make suie that they uo the same.
o Foolhaiuy attempts to catch the ciook will only place moie people in jeopaiuy.
! A+5%46 57# <,57+"%5%#-B The soonei someone contacts the police the quickei police
officeis anu ENS will be able to iesponu. Fiist Responueis aie tiaineu to hanule these
situations anu aie bettei piepaieu to hanule anything which might occui.
o You shoulu nevei entei a ciime scene in auvance of the police.
o Ciiminals aie potentially aimeu anu uangeious anu shoulu you be aimeu when the
police aiiive, they might mistake you foi the intiuuei.
o Also if anyone has been injuieu oi killeu then uangeious biohazaius can be piesent
at the ciime scene.
! C"%5# =+D' E>#"657%'( F+, G#&#&H#"B
o As quickly as you anu without the input of otheis, wiite uown eveiything you can
iecall about the ciime scene.
o Bon't stiuggle to iemembei uetails.
o Recoiu eveiything you iemembei about the scene, both as you appioacheu it anu as
you founu it. Youi initial impiessions can be valuable to foiensic investigatois.
o If theie was moie than one peison piesent at the time the ciime scene was
uiscoveieu, each peison shoulu wiite theii account inuepenuently.
o uioup uiscussions fiequently "invent" uetails iathei than coiioboiate them.
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=+'K5 H#2+&# 0' #0-6 50"(#5 57%';%'( 5705 %5 20' +'/6 70::#' 5+ -+&#+'# #/-#B
CRNA Membership Information Form
Primary Contact Name(s): ____________________________________________________
Spouse/Other Household member(s) (please circle one) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Home phone: ________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________
Your #1 concern for our area: _________________________________________________
(if you need more space, please use back of paper)
Email address*:
*Note: You will receive information from CRNA at the above address, please list one at which you are allowed to receive personal
mailings. Home email addresses are preferred. Thank you.
I want to receive Riverside Pride newsletter electronically. (Please include your e-mail address above so that it
can be e-mailed to you.)
I would like to receive a hard copy of the Riverside Pride newsletter. (Please include your address above so
that it can be mailed to you.)I would like to make a donation to CRNA in the amount of: $____________.
Please check all areas in which you are willing to assist CRNA.
! Code Enforcement
! Public Relations/Newsletter
! Neighborhood Improvements/Community Relations
! Finance
! Special Events
! Membership Drive
! Zoning Issues
! Hospitality
! Sign-In Table at meetings
! Citizens on Patrol
! Neighborhood Crime Watch
Please return your membership information and annual dues ($10/household or $10/business) to:
P.O. Box 7153
Fort Worth, Texas 76111-0153

For CRNA use only

Date paid:

Amount paid:

Receipt #:


A Trip Down Memory
Piggly Wiggly: Riverside
of Yore
According to the Piggly
Wiggly website the chain has
completely pulled out of Texas
yet its distinct midcentury
architecture, faded brick
advertisements and broken
signs are littered across the
For some, including myself,
the remnants of a Piggly
Wiggly denote a historic area
with generations of people
forming a community.
Riverside Dr. once had a
Piggly Wiggly at the corner
of Springdale.
Piggly Wiggly, America's
rst true self-service grocery
store, was founded in
Memphis, Tennessee in 1916
by Clarence Saunders. In
grocery stores of that time,
shoppers presented their orders
to clerks who gathered the
goods from the store shelves.
Saunders noticed this method
resulted in wasted time and
man hours, so he came up with
an unheard-of solution that
would revolutionize the entire
grocery industry: he developed
a way for shoppers to serve
Whats In A Name
Saunders' reason for choosing
the intriguing name Piggly
Wiggly remains a mystery;
he was curiously reluctant to
explain its origin. One story is
that he saw from a train
window several little pigs
struggling to get under a fence,
and the rhyming name
occurred to him then.
Someone once asked him
why he had chosen such an
unusual name for his
organization, and Saunders'
reply was, "So people will ask
that very question." He wanted
and found a name that would
be talked about and

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