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Nursing Board Exam Tips

I took the Nursing board exam last July 2 & 3, 2011 with barely enough preparation. lot o! things happened a!ter my graduation whi"h was last #ar"h 31, 2011 that hindered me in !o"using on my nursing re$iew. %ut still I passed the nursing board exam. I !ound out the real se"ret in passing it, and e$en how to top the board exam. I started attending a nursing re$iew "lass last pril 1&th, but was absent a!terwards be"ause o! a grand getaway to a se"luded island. 'n the 2(th I returned in the re$iew "lass and started !o"using on it. )ere are the things I did in two months in order to pass the nursing board exam*

%elie$e in the re$iew "enter you where enrolled in. +isten to the le"turers and take important notes. nswer the ,uestionnaires that the re$iew "enter ga$e you, and listen to the rationales.

-$ery night, re$iew your notes on the day.s dis"ussion, in"luding the ,uestionnaires and rationales.

/ake note o! your mistakes, and make sure you won.t repeat the same mistake again. 0ead the book 1undamentals o! Nursing by 2dan 3I read this in two days only, and was not able to absorb hal! o! it4. #edi"al 5urgi"al Nursing has two sets in the board exam, N63 and N67, and pro$en to be the hardest. %etter master the !ollowing topi"s* o )ypertension o 8ardio$as"ular 9isease o 9iabetes #ellitus o )yperthyroidism : )ypothyroidism o ddison.s 9isease : 8ushing 9isease o )yperparathyroidism : )ypoparathyroidism o 9.I. : 5I 9)

o 5troke o %urns o -mergen"y Nursing : Inse"t bites, snake bites, bee sting, et". o 6erioperati$e Nursing o /ra"heostomy 8are o 2rinary 8atheri;ation o +aboratory <alues 3 those "ommon only4

0emember that we are not -instein, we are not geniuses, and we are only a$erage students=we tend to !orget immediately what we.$e read. 5in"e we do not ha$e a photographi" memory, we need to apply the !ollowing strategies in answering the board exam ,uestions* o 2se the 38.s. 8ommon sense, 8riti"al /hinking and 8on!iden"e.

o 6ut yoursel! in a hospital setting, or imagine yoursel! in a gi$en situation, what you need to do as a nurse. o I! you en"ounter >!irst? >initial? a"tion o! the nurse, look !or the word >assess? in the "hoi"es.

I! ask about the >highest priority? or >most appropriate a"tion? automati"ally "hoose the %8 3airway, breathing, "ir"ulation4.

o 9on.t "all the do"tor, unless the patient is dying. 2se your nursing inter$ention !irst, like "hanging position !or lung expansion. o 9o not answer anything with administration o! medi"ation= "hoose independent nursing inter$ention !irst. %ut i! no other "hoi"es and badly in need !or the patient like in pain, then answer administration o! medi"ation as pres"ribed. o ll the "hoi"es >/ell me= or tell me how you !eel? are the "orre"t answer.

o In 6sy"hia, most o! the "hoi"es that ha$e the word >!eeling? are the "orre"t answer. o #ost o! the "hoi"es are "on!using, espe"ially in psy"hia, then use the >pinakamabait? or saintly inter$ention. #ost likely that.s the "orre"t answer. I! you want to top the board exam, pra"ti"e and master answering the 5aunders @ & N8+-A 0e$iewer !or 0N. #ost o! the 0e$iew 8enter.s ,uestionnaires are taken !rom this book, e$en the N+- board exam itsel!.

0ead the 5aunders 8omprehensi$e N8+-A 0e$iewer !or 0N. /his was used like a %ible !or some nursing board exam topnot"hers. +astly and most importantly, 60 B-05= lots o! prayers=, only Cod "an per!orm mira"les.

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