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S4 P4 T2er#al Syste#s Inc4

>98> 3reen Meado Blvd. Beamsville, (ntario .8' 4B9, Canada

%RO): Ste%hen #oster P2 678 89: ;98< %ax 789 9:; :=;> Cell: =<9 ;>9 79;= E#ail: spt2er#al?cogeco4ca "e& Page: !!!4spt2er#al42o#estea/4co#


Agents: Hurst Boiler, Jacklyn Industry Water Treatment Chemicals and Management Services.
Supplier: Ne Unilux Boilers and !sed Boilers, Steam, Hot Water " Thermal #luid, $um%s, Blo do n Tanks, Water So&teners, Water $olishers, '.(, )utomatic Blo do n Controllers, Chemical $um%s, Chemical *+ui%, Sa&ety ,alves, #eed Water Tanks, -eaerators, .ead .ag Controllers Specialty: o! "ater Volu#e Boilers $ %ire Tu&e ' Tu&eless Boilers ( "ater Treat#ent Consulting $ Energy )anage#ent Ser*ices

-ear Customer: We thank you &or %urchasing a /oiler &rom us. The &ollo ing are some hel%&ul in&ormation that can save you time and money. These suggestions are /ased on %ersonal e0%erience and should only /e used in con1unction ith the 2Boiler Supplier #anual reco##en/ations01 !2ic2 #ust &e 3ully 3ollo!e/ at all ti#es4 PRIOR TO START UP

The Boiler Stack eight #ust &e supporte/ o33 t2e &oiler1 at all ti#es4 The stack must /e designed to &loat u% ards ith e0%ansion. )ll Steam, Condensate and &eed ater %i%ing must /e designed taking into consideration e0%ected e0%ansion. T2e Installing contractor1 #ust 2a*e t2e proper appro*als to install &oilers1 an/ 2a*e t2e necessary piping proce/ures appro*e/ &y TSSA4 "it2out t2is1 your &oiler installation #ig2t &e re5ecte/ &y TSSA /uring inspection4 Check to see i& all 3as valves are *ente/ to t2e outsi/e as %er .ocal 3as code. The o%enings in the roo& must /e sealed o&& as %er local 3as code. 3as regulator #ust &e screene/. 3as line to have dirt %ocket meeting code. Check to see i& all 3as lines are %ainted or marked as %er .ocal 3as Code

S.$. Thermal Systems Inc. $age 4 )gents &or Hurst Boiler 5 Su%%lier o& !nilu0 Boilers 6 Water Treatment Chemicals and Services $h 789 9:; <:94 #a0 789 9:; :=;> *6Mail s%thermal?cogeco.ca

Check to see i& the .ocal TSS) (&&icer " 3as Com%any has ins%ected the installation %rior to Start u%. Check the )ir in and )ir out is ade+uate meeting .ocal 3as Code. The )ir in should /e ducted to <;0 a/ove the #loor level. The air out should have a #ini#u# o3 <7@ opening o3 t2e air in4 This should /e installed at the highest %oint in the /oiler room. %ollo! Co/e Can A C-A B <=64< Check the Stack installed meets .ocal Code re+uirements &or type an/ 3or 2eig2t out o3 roo34 I& other e+ui%ment is in the Boiler room, such as )ir com%ressors make sure the air In @ (ut satis&y all the e+ui%ment re+uirements. The Tem%erature o& the /oiler room should have ventilation, to kee% the tem%erature B 68 % in roo#. 'evie /oiler room re+uirements &or an inde%endent heater to /e installed encase the /oilers all &ailed. The heater must /e /ig enough to %revent the room &rom &reeAing. The /lo do n drains on the /oilers should /e a Clay Tile construction to %revent the drains colla%sing /ue to t2e 2eat &rom the /oiler /lo do ns. When using a single stack on multi%le /oilers use a /arometric dam%er on eac2 stack. )lso i& you have very 2ig2 e0isting stacks use a /arometric dam%er. Consult ith the dam%er su%%lier &or more details. .o ,olume Boilers should al!ays 2a*e So3teners an/ a Polis2er siAed and installed correctly &or the system e0%ected usage and &or the ater +uality in the area. Check to see i& you have so&tener salt on site %rior to start u% Check to see you have /oiler chemicals and control e+ui%ment installed, to control the chemicals. ) good %rocedure is to install a te#porary &ypass stea# line o&& the steam /oiler, vented through the roo& ith a shut o&& valve. This is used in case there is not a su&&icient load on high &ire, to kee% the /oiler on High &ire, during commissioning o& the /oiler. )ll steam %i%ing, condensate %i%ing, /oiler do n comer tu/es, steam drum and steam headers are to &e insulate/. This ill save *nergy and also make the /oiler sa&er to o%erate. The Ministry o& *nvironment air an/ noise appro*al is a re+uirement. This a%%lication must /e su/mitted and is the res%onsi/ility o& the e+ui%ment o ner to have this a%%roval done prior to start up4 )n )utomatic Blo do n controller should /e installe/ to control /oiler solids. )ll Steam /oilers that are hooked u% to one or more /oilers, re+uire having a steam check valve installed on each /oiler steam outlet. This is a TSS) re+uirement. Re*ie! co#plete installation to /eter#ine i3 all eCuip#ent is installe/ correctly

START UP A CO))ISSIONIN- T+E BOI ER o The %rocedure &or start u% is sho n in the manual. The Commissioning *ngineer must &ollo the %ro%er 'e&ractory curing during start u% as outline/ in t2e #anual4 o T2e Co##issioning Engineer #ust &e Cuali3ie/ to Co##ission t2e Boiler an/ Burner an/ 2a*e t2e necessary ticDets to !orD on t2e syste#4 o The /oiler on start u% 3ro# Col/ s2oul/ al!ays &e put on #anual 3iring and armed u% on lo! 3ire &e3ore going on to auto#atic 3iring4 T2is proce/ure is nor#al on all operating &oilers4 o The #eed ater $um%s su%%lied has a /leed line at the side o& the %um%s. All pu#ps #ust &e &lee/ prior to start up4 #ailure to do this ill damage the seals. The $um%s must never run dry or they ill &ail. o The $um% motor must /e checked &or correct motor rotation. o #uel, Water, *lectrical and all ,ent hook u%s must /e revie ed and corrected %rior to start u%. o The /urner #an Blo er Motor must /e checked &or correct motor rotation. S.$. Thermal Systems Inc. $age = )gents &or Hurst Boiler 5 Su%%lier o& !nilu0 Boilers 6 Water Treatment Chemicals and Services $h 789 9:; <:94 #a0 789 9:; :=;> *6Mail s%thermal?cogeco.ca

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The door at the /ack o& /oiler should /e o%ened and the re&ractory ins%ected prior to start up an/ a3ter co##issioning1 3or cracDs. This is done /y care&ully o%ening the door at the /ack o& the /oiler. The 'e&ractory is to /e re%laced in the same manner a&ter com%leting the ins%ection. )ny cracks &ound must /e re%aired. Tighten the door securely. The ires in the /urner control %anel should /e checked to make sure they are secure and tight %rior to start u%. Check the Hand hole @ Man Hole covers to ensure they are secure. )lso, retighten them a&ter the /oiler has armed u%. Check the Sa&ety ,alves settings on the /oiler to make sure they match the desired o%erating %ressure. The Boiler $ressure s itches must /e set no higher than 48B less than the sa&ety. Check that the Main Steam valve is C OSED &e3ore 3iring t2e &oiler4 %ill t2e Boiler !it2 so3t !ater. Make sure to B EED t2e air &rom the /oiler /y OPENIN- a valve on the column or /y the $ressure s itch at the #ront o& the /oiler, hile &illing ith ater. Close valve hen the air is removed. The Curing o& the re&ractory takes 8 2ours E4 Please 3ollo! t2e Boiler #anual proce/ure. In the %eriod o& curing the re&ractory, a /oil out chemical treatment should /e added to the /oiler. This is usually an alkaline %roduct containing caustic. The chemical can /e added /y taking o&& one o& the sa&ety valves and %ouring it into the to% o& the /oiler. T2is #ust only &e /one !2en !ater is in t2e &oiler1 %rior to start u%. The sa&ety valve should then /e re%laced. !se %rotective e+ui%ment such as gloves, goggles etc. These %roducts can /urn the skin. Have ater availa/le in case o& a s%ill. )%%ly ater immediately to the area and seek medical attention. -uring the /oiler arm u%, *ent any air 3urt2er 3ro# t2e &oiler /y o%ening the highest valve at the &ront o& the /oiler. Close valve hen the air is eliminated. When the /oiler has reached a &e %ounds /elo the header %ressure, S O" . o%en the Main Steam valve at the to% o& the /oiler. Care must /e taken to make sure the steam is not going to %laces here %eo%le are still orking on the system lines. )&ter the re&ractory has &inished curing the /oiler should /e cooled slightly and the ater drained &rom the /oiler. The hand hole cover on the steam drum and one in the /ottom o& the drum should /e o%ened &or ins%ection. ) ater hose should /e used to ash out the /oiler. The &ront column %ro/es &or controlling the Water levels should have the valves o%ened and drained. )&ter ashing out the /oiler the hand hole covers and gaskets should /e re%laced and &resh so&t ater added to the /oiler. Care must /e taken not to dro% the hand hole covers into /oiler. -uring the re&ractory Curing, /lo do n all /oiler Water Control columns &re+uently to kee% the %ro/es clean. )lso Blo do n the /oiler 3auge 3lass column. )ny condensate that is dirty should /e /i*erte/ to /rain until clear. I& this is not done, you ill run the risk o& &ouling the ater %ro/e controls. I& this is to ha%%en, the %ro/es in the t o columns on the &ront o& the /oiler and the %ro/e at the /ack o& the /oiler ill have to /e cleaned. When cleaning the %ro/es make sure to ire /ack the %ro/es correctly, other ise you ill have electrical %ro/lems. )&ter Curing the re&ractory the /oiler should /e commissioned &y a Cuali3ie/ person 3a#iliar !it2 t2e Burner4 The commissioning engineer should use a 3as analyser to set u% the /urner on High &ire, Medium &ire and at .o &ire. The values e0%ected to achieve is ; 6 : B as (= throughout this range. The /oiler #uel in%ut should /e checked to determine i& you are achieving ma0imum in%ut to /oiler. O*er( 3iring o3 &oiler !ill *oi/ all #anu3acturers !arranties4 Boilers that are not siAed correctly " o%erate under O*er ( %iring condition ill &ail early . S.$. Thermal Systems Inc. $age ; )gents &or Hurst Boiler 5 Su%%lier o& !nilu0 Boilers 6 Water Treatment Chemicals and Services $h 789 9:; <:94 #a0 789 9:; :=;> *6Mail s%thermal?cogeco.ca

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-uring the commissioning, the engineer ill need to set u% the gas in%ut %ressure correctly to %revent the gas %ressure s itches going o&& on .o %ressure or High %ressure. These s itches also have reset /uttons. The gas regulator %rovided ould have the correct s%ring &or the %ressure that the /oiler as ordered ith. I& the /oiler as to tri% on High @ .o gas you ill need to reset it. The $ressure s itches on the /oiler ill re+uire setting, /ased on the %ressure the /oiler is going to /e o%erating at. There is an (%erating %ressure s itch, hich controls the modulation o& the /oiler, a Shut o&& High $ressure s itch hich shuts o&& the /oiler hen this %ressure is reached and a High ater level s itch hich ill shut o&& the /oiler i& this is e0ceeded. These s itches also have resets, hich ill restart the /oiler hen the limits are made, &or hat they are set. )ll these reset s itches should /e sho n, hen training the (%erators in the /oiler checks and o%eration. The 'elay, CHoney ell @ #ire6*yeD, hich controls the /oiler also has a reset /utton i& one o& the limits ere locked out. In the event o& = 6 ; resets, the &ault should /e &ound and corrected. It is a good %olicy to have a &ault Module &or this relay. It can /e su%%lied as an e0tra i& not included in the %urchase o& the /oiler. A proo3 o3 Air c2ecD s2oul/ &e /one. This ill re+uire the /lo er motor terminals /eing removed, and starting the /oilers. I& a &ault sho s u% then this is orking %ro%erly. The /oiler should /e manually /lo do n 3reCuently in the 3irst !eeD o3 operation, to remove any &urther sludge that is in the ne /oiler. The )utomatic Blo do n Control i& su%%lied should /e set u% /ased on the recommendations o& your Water Treatment s%ecialist or manu&acturer guidelines. The Chemical Control to the /oilers should /e maintained /ased on your Water Treatment s%ecialist. #ailure to maintain ade+uate levels could result in Tu/e &ailure. Boiler Warranty does not cover Water Treatment #ailures We recommend daily ater tests to /e done and the control limits %rovided /y your Water Treatment s%ecialist to /e &ollo ed. )ll daily tests results and /lo do n, should /e recorded in a log /ook. In all a%%lications, e recommend that the #eed ater to the /oilers /e o& FGERO0 2ar/ness. This can /e accom%lished using a -u%le0 So&tener and then a Single unit $olisher on the make u% su%%ly. Hardness tests should /e done daily on So&tener @ $olisher @ #eed ater Tank Start 6 !% 'e%ort #ust &e 3ille/ in and #a0ed /acked to S.$. Thermal Systems 678 89: 9H:=

START UP CO))ON PROB E)S In the %eriod 1ust a&ter commissioning the /oiler, the /oiler might re+uire slight ad1ustments. (ne o& the common %ro/lems is dirty ater &ouling the %ro/es, as discussed a/ove. )lso the %um% strainers or the #eed ater check valve might not /e seating %ro%erly due to dirt. These are the normal conditions that might occur i& .o ater %ro/lems occur. Wrong %um% rotation also ill cause .o ater conditions. The correct %um% N$SH is re+uired to o%erate the %um% e&&iciently. Certain %um%s also may re+uire a certain discharge %ressure to achieve ma0imum e&&iciency. +ig2 !ater can /e a cause o& ater entering the /oiler through the %um%, hen the /oiler shuts o&& &or e0tended %eriods o& time. This usually ha%%ens hen the /oiler cools o&&, creating a vacuum. This can /e %revented, /y installing a vacuum a /reaker at the highest %oint on the %i%ing that holds the $ressure controls at the &ront o& the /oiler. Chemical %um%s should also /e ad1usted as re+uired. DAI . ROUTINE )AINTENANCE Minimum daily hardness tests must /e done on the so&tener, $olisher and at the #eed ater Tank. FGero0 2ar/ness is the target and anything outside o& this target must /e i##e/iately correcte/ as other ise you ill have a scale /uild u% in the /oiler hich ill result in tu/e &ailure. S.$. Thermal Systems Inc. $age > )gents &or Hurst Boiler 5 Su%%lier o& !nilu0 Boilers 6 Water Treatment Chemicals and Services $h 789 9:; <:94 #a0 789 9:; :=;> *6Mail s%thermal?cogeco.ca

The (0ygen scavenger should /e maintained at the level set /y your Water Treatment s%ecialist. ,alues set in the control limits must /e maintained to achieve the /est %rotection &or the /oiler at all times. CWhen /oiler is on or o&& line.D The )utomatic /lo do n control should /e set to activate /lo do n /ased on the control limits recommended /y your Water Treatment s%ecialist. Normally the control limit is =777 ##2os #ax /ased on most aters. This could vary /ased on ater +uality. The timer to activate the automatic /lo do n is nor#ally set at < 2our. The duration timer is usually set at around <7 secon/s to allo su&&icient time &or the %ro/e to check the ater. The %ro/e must /e installed on the /oiler as sho n in the manual %rovided ith the )utomatic Blo do n Controller. )nother common mistake is installing the %ro/e in the rong %osition. There is a mark on the /ase o& the %ro/e, hich should line u% ith the %i%e. This %ro/e needs to /e &lushed daily as sho n in the manual o& the )utomatic Controller. )ll daily ater tests and /lo do n should /e recorded as a re+uirement o& TSS), in a .og/ook. T2e &oiler #ust al!ays start !2en col/1 on I o! %ireJ1 &e3ore going to auto#atic control 3iring4 I3 t2is is not /one t2e re3ractory !ill 2a*e a s2ort li3e4 Manual /ottom /lo do n o& the /oiler is normally H ( : slo! &ursts o3 : secon/s eac21 per /ay4 The t o #ront columns " 3auge 3lass should /e /lo ndo n daily hile t2e &oiler is running. This is to make sure that the .o ater tri%s are &unctioning %ro%erly. -o one at a time. )ll Blo do n Water is sent to a Blo do n tank on 2ig26%ressure /oilers. These are /oilers o%erating a/ove 49 %sig. The Cold ater &or cooling the /lo do n tank needs to /e ad1usted to maintain the tem%erature going to the se er. This varies /ased on regulations, C4=8 6 4>8 #D. I& the /oiler cannot /e /lo ndo n manually during eekends, then /ased on regulations, the )utomatic Blo do n controls might /e su&&icient. Check sti%ulations ith the TSS) o&&icer. -aily, the Water so&teners and the $olisher should /e checked &or salt. The salt level should /e maintained at a #ini#u# o3 :A= 3ull at all ti#es4 The Sa&ety ,alves should /e tested regularly, as a re+uirement o& your Insurance Com%any. )ll leaks should /e re%aired immediately. In the event the /oiler is not o%erating &or long %eriods, %lease revie ith your Water Treatment s%ecialist, the /est ay to maintain the /oiler o&& line. CChemical values to maintainD #eed ater tank tem%erature must /e checked and controlled at 4<8 5 478 # to %revent Thermal Shock. Thermal shock could damage the /oiler tu/es, resulting in /oiler &ailure. SIK )ONT+S OPERATION *very : months the /oiler com/ustion should /e checked to make sure that you are achieving ma0imum com/ustion e&&iciency. Eee%ing the com/ustion correct ill sa*e in #uel. The Inlet air /lo er /urner dam%er should /e cleaned and any dirt in the /urner removed. The /urner should also /e checked to see i& all %arts are ok in the /urner. $ro/es &or controlling the /oiler ater level should /e checked an/ cleane/. There are ; sets o& %ro/es. T o are in the &ront columns on the /oiler and one set at the /ack o& the /oiler. Check Boiler Water 3auge 3lass and seals. I& leaking re%lace. 'e%lace %rotector shield.

T"E VE )ONT+S OPERATION I. The /oiler should /e ins%ected every <H #ont2s /y your Insurance ins%ector. This is the normal %rocedure. This ins%ection ill re+uire that the hand holes /e o%ened. The /oiler should then /e ashed out in %re%aration &or ins%ection. II. )&ter the ins%ection the gaskets on the hand hole covers must /e re%laced !it2 ne! ones III. The /oiler com/ustion should /e checked to make sure that you are achieving ma0imum e&&iciency. Eee%ing the com/ustion correct ill sa*e in %uel4 I,. The /urner should also /e checked to see i& all %arts are ok. Clean the dam%er /lades also. ,. $ro/es in the /oiler &or controlling the ater level should /e c2ecDe/ an/ cleane/. There are ; sets o& %ro/es. T o are in the &ront columns on the /oiler and one set at the /ack o& the /oiler. ,I. Check Boiler Water 3auge 3lass and seals. I& leaking re%lace. 'e%lace %rotector shield. ,II. #eed Water check valve should /e checked and re%laced i& re+uired. S.$. Thermal Systems Inc. $age 9 )gents &or Hurst Boiler 5 Su%%lier o& !nilu0 Boilers 6 Water Treatment Chemicals and Services $h 789 9:; <:94 #a0 789 9:; :=;> *6Mail s%thermal?cogeco.ca

,III. Sa&ety ,alves should /e checked and re%laced i& leaking. IF. #eed ater %um%s should /e checked and seals re%laced i& re+uired. Bleed %um%s a&ter. F. Water %ro/e control in the #eed tank should /e checked, cleaned and re%aired i& re+uired FI. The 2$ro/eG " Solenoid valves on the )utomatic Blo do n Control and the Steam Tem%erature controller in the #eed ater Tank, should /e checked and re%laced i& re+uired. )lso clean Needle valve and Strainer, hich is installed 1ust a&ter the Blo do n $ro/e. FII. Check all Boiler /lo do n valves &or leaks, and re%lace i& necessary. FIII. 3auge 3lass %rotector on /oiler should /e checked and re%laced i& re+uired. ENER-. SAVIN- TIPS TO CONSIDER1 TO )AINTAIN AN E%%ICIENT BOI ER S.STE) Belo are *nergy Savings guidelines, hich should /e &ollo ed to achieve #axi#u# e&&iciency. The cost o& #uel today makes it im%ortant that all measures are taken to re/uce Energy oss4 Make sure the Burner Com/ustion set u% is done correctly &or #axi#u# E33iciency4 Insulate all areas that are hot. *0am%leH #eed ater tank, Steam .ines, Condensate lines, Steam Headers. The Boiler Steam -rum and the -o n Comer Tu/e at the &ront and the /ack o& /oiler should /e insulated. The Boiler manual /lo do n and automatic /lo do n controller should /e set to achieve control *alues s%eci&ied /y your Water Treatment s%ecialist. 'egular Burner Com/ustion checks should /e done on the /oiler, a/out every 9 #ont2s4 )ll steam leaks should /e re%aired i##e/iately4 )ll Steam Tra%s should /e monitored &re+uently and &i0ed hen leaking. The #eed Water Tank should /e monitored to maintain /et een <;7 $ <67 % tem%erature. CI& higher check tra%s &or leaking or ad1ust steam heaterD Monitor ater make u% to make sure you are returning as much o& condensate as %ossi/le. .oss o& condensate ater ill mean higher energy, ater " chemical cost. 'e%air any insulation that has /een removed or damaged. Shut o&& steam going to areas that are not re+uiring steam any longer. 'educe steam %ressure i& %ossi/le, to the limits that are sa&e to o%erate the /oiler. Make sure your ater so&tener is al ays %roducing so&t ater. 'emove /oiler scale. 'un Boilers siAed to load. O*ersiLe/ /oilers have higher 'adiation " $urge losses. 'educe "et Stea# /y controlling Boiler /lo do n e&&ectively.


Burner ignition electrodes Honey ell #lame scanner CMini6$ee%erD #an Blo er Wheel

Blo er Motor Hand Hole 3askets 3auge 3lass 2(G 'ings 3as $ilot regulator $ilot 3as solenoid valve S.$. Thermal Systems Inc. $age : )gents &or Hurst Boiler 5 Su%%lier o& !nilu0 Boilers 6 Water Treatment Chemicals and Services $h 789 9:; <:94 #a0 789 9:; :=;> *6Mail s%thermal?cogeco.ca

Burner -i&&user CS%innerD Honey ell 'elay 'M I<>8 . 484< or si#ilar. Check unit on /oiler. )utomatic Blo do n $ro/e (n Boilers ith motoriAed #eed Water valves e recommend kee%ing a s%are valve and actuator. #eed Water $um% i& a s%are is not hooked u% and %i%ed in line. Please note all t2ese parts are nor#ally rea/ily a*aila&le4 +o!e*er1 in critical pro/uction con/itions !2ere ti#e is i#portant1 !e reco##en/ t2at t2e a&o*e ite#s s2oul/ &e Dept in stocD4

Al!ays 2a*e a relia&le Boiler )ec2anic Ser*ice Co#pany assigne/ to your plant1 encase you 2a*e1 to 2a*e !orD /one on your eCuip#ent in an e#ergency4


o o o The Boiler Main 3as and &uel valves should /e closed at the time /oilers are shut do n. Boiler systems that are shutdo n &or any long %eriods should have the con/ensate /raine/4 The Boiler tu/es should /e drained o& ater, 3lus2e/ an/ inspecte/4 )ll the hand holes should /e le&t o%en &or air to circulate and kee% the tu/es dry. Customer should %eriodically ins%ect /oilers to make sure ade+uate air circulation is occurring, to %revent moisture in the air not causing sur&ace corrosion. )ny ater dri%%ing into the /oilers should /e immediately sto%%ed, and the valves or source re%aired. )ll /oiler control %ro/es should /e cleaned, hand hole gaskets re%laced, gauge glass seals re%laced, gauge glass and valves re%laced i& re+uired, automatic /lo do n %ro/es cleaned, check valves ins%ected and re%laced i& re+uired, sa&ety valves ins%ected and tested i& re+uired, /lo er motor and &an ins%ected and cleaned. )ll valves should /e re%aired and tra%s and strainers ins%ected %rior to start u% through out the steam system. The #eed Water System should have the #eed Tank cleaned out, suction strainers cleaned, &loat control ins%ected, steam heater controls ins%ected and re%aired. #eed Water $um%s should /e checked &or seal leaks. (n start u% the #eed Water %um%s #ust &e &lee/ to %revent damage to the seals. A co#plete Co#&ustion test an/ set up is reco##en/e/ on start up 3or t2e ne! season4 (n re 6 start u% o& /oilers, the condensate ater s2oul/ &e /i*erte/ until the condensate sho s clean. So&tener and $olisher salt levels should /e checked and &illed u%. )ll checked &or %ro%er o%eration ater %uri&ication system should /e

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Chemicals %um%s and chemical system should /e checked &or %ro%er &unctional o& system. S.$. Thermal Systems Inc. $age I )gents &or Hurst Boiler 5 Su%%lier o& !nilu0 Boilers 6 Water Treatment Chemicals and Services $h 789 9:; <:94 #a0 789 9:; :=;> *6Mail s%thermal?cogeco.ca

S.$. Thermal Systems Inc. $age < )gents &or Hurst Boiler 5 Su%%lier o& !nilu0 Boilers 6 Water Treatment Chemicals and Services $h 789 9:; <:94 #a0 789 9:; :=;> *6Mail s%thermal?cogeco.ca

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