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Some have touted the United Nations as being a Heavenly institution designed to rid the world of war and

prepare for the Second Coming of Christ. Others contend that its design is to bring about a tyrannical world government under which Satans plan of human slavery can be instituted. Lets examine the facts and find out if the United Nations is Gods government in embryo, or Satans plan of tyranny on earth, by comparing Gods revealed pattern of government with the tenets of the UN. The scriptures state that government, in order to remain in peace, must secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life. (D&C 134:2) In contrast, the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights states that rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations (Article 29, UN Declaration of Human Rights) The scriptures affirm that rights must not be violated, under the UN any right can be limited as prescribed by law.

Lets also examine the authors of the UN charter, along with the interests they represent, and compare them to the words of modern LDS Church leaders:
Church Leaders:

We consider it (Communism) the greatest satanical threat to peace, prosperity, and the spread of Gods work among men that exists on the face of the earth. (First Presidency Message, 1966) I am sorry to see this murderous influence prevailing throughout the world This feeling of communism is contrary to every principle of the Gospel of the Son of God (John Taylor JD-22:142-3)
UN Charter Authors:

Alger Hiss: Convicted Soviet spy Vyacheslav Molotov: Representative of the Soviet Union According to Church leaders, the result of this Communist influence on the United Nations Charter is clear: Perhaps the most striking feature of the Charter is the plainly discernible track of the Great Bear either by way of express grants of power available and advantageous

to him or by limitations against the exercise of powers by the Charter members,all for the benefit of the Bear. (J. Reuben Clark, 1945) Since the inception of the UN, we have had nothing but wars and rumors of wars These circumstances should have been unexpected, because communism and all other similar-isms. Are merely clumsy counterfeits which Satan always devises of the Gospel. (Marion G. Romney, BYU, 3/1/55) United States membership in the United Nations has caused a perversion of our fundamental concepts of government We cannot restore Americanism; we cannot have an American policy, either foreign or domestic; we cannot reestablish America as a free and independent constitutional republicuntil we withdraw from the United Nations. (Ezra Taft Benson, quoting The Dan Smoot Report, 1962, The Red Carpet, P. 193-7) In conclusion: let us have no further blind devotion to the communist-dominated United Nations. (Ezra Taft Benson, A Race Against Time, BYU, 12/10/63)

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