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Dwight McDaniels Theological Seminary

Blackwell Institute of Biblical Leadership & E angelism

!cademic "atalog #$%&'#$%(

)ounded #$%% St* Louis+ Mo*

Table of "ontent
Mission Statement...................................................................................................... 5 What We Believe ....................................................................................................... 6 Text Books.................................................................................................................. 7 Technology Usage Policies and Proced res................................................................! "iversity#$elated %x&eriences..................................................................................'( )ssessment * idelines............................................................................................. '( )ttendance and Partici&ation................................................................................... '( )cademic +onesty ,&lagiarism and cheating &olicy-................................................'' *rading Policy.......................................................................................................... '2 .lassroom Protocol .................................................................................................. '2 Personnel Policy Statement...................................................................................... '/ )cademic 0&erations............................................................................................... '1 ".M.T.S. "egree $e2 irements................................................................................'1 "iscrimination Policy................................................................................................ '7 3acilities................................................................................................................... '7 4i5rary...................................................................................................................... '7 $e6 nd Policy ........................................................................................................... '7 "8ight Mc"aniels Theological Seminary..................................................................'! .o rse "escri&tion T ition and 3ee..........................................................................'! ".M.T.S. ,Bi5lical St dies- . rric l m......................................................................2( ".M.T.S. .lass Sched le........................................................................................... 21 "8ight Mc"aniels Theological Seminary..................................................................25 Black8ell 9nstit te.................................................................................................... 1( )ll classes are in session 6or t8o ho rs....................................................................1' B.9.B.4.%. .lass Sched le ......................................................................................... 12 B.9.B.4.%. T ition: 3ees.............................................................................................. 11 3ac lty...................................................................................................................... 16 $egistration 3orm..................................................................................................... 1!

Dwight McDaniels Theological Seminary & Blackwell Institute of Biblical Leadership and E angelism

To the Students of D!M!T!S! and B!I!B!L!E!" It is a pleasure to welcome you to one of St! Louis# finest bible programs! $hat you are finding in this catalog has been put together with much prayer% labor% and thought! $hat we are offering through these programs is that which we feel e ery student will need in meeting the challenges that are before us in this &'st (entury! )s you know *ing Da id was a warrior% a psalmist% a worshipper% a ruler and a king! +owe er% in my opinion one of the greatest accomplishments found in scripture regarding him is this that gi es a cameo of Da id#s call" Acts 13:36For David, after he had served God's purpose in his own generation The challenge that is before us is to mimic the lifestyle of Da id% and that is to disco er ways to ser e the needs of our generation% and through it prepare the ne,t generation to effecti ely ser e! )s this student body mo es forward% you are encouraged to take full ad antage of the cadre of teachers and professors! They represent some of the brightest minds in their respecti e fields and are making themsel es a ailable to you! )s I always say-study as if there is no +oly Spirit to assist you. and deli er as if you ha e ne er studied/ In doing so% you will ma,imi0e your life and calling guaranteeing that 1od will be glorified! +umbly submitted% Dr! Luther 2! Blackwell% 2r! 3resident

Mission Statement The mission o6 the "8ight Mc"aniels Theological Seminary ,".M.T.S.and Black8ell 9nstit te o6 Bi5lical 4eadershi& and %vangelism ,B.9.B.4.%.- as a &ro6essional grad ate#level school is to glori6y *od 5y e2 i&&ing godly men and 8omen as servant leaders 6or the &roclamation o6 +is Word and the 5 ilding & o6 the 5ody o6 .hrist 8orld8ide.

,ision Statement To &rovide excellence in 5i5lical higher ed cation 6or e66ectiveness in glo5al .hristian leadershi&.

-hat -e Belie e We Believe the +oly Bi5le to 5e the ins&ired and only in6alli5le and a thoritative Word o6 *od. ,99 Timothy /;'6We Believe in one *od 5 t three mani6estations; <The 3ather= The Word= and The +oly *host.< 3or there are three that 5ear record in heaven= <the 3ather= the Word= and the +oly *host= and these three are one.> ,' ?ohn 5;7We Believe in the deity o6 o r 4ord= ?es s .hrist= +is 9mmac late ,@irgin- Birth= +is sinless li6e= +is healings= +is vicario s and atoning death= +is 5odily res rrection= +is ascension to the right hand o6 the 3ather= and +is &ersonal 6 t re ret rn to this earth in &o8er and glory to r le over the nations. ,'Timothy /;'6We Believe that regeneration 5y the +oly *host is a5sol tely essential 6or &ersonal salvation. ,Tit s /;5We Believe in the redem&tive 8ork o6 .hrist on the cross. ,*alatians /;'/We Believe the 5a&tism o6 the +oly *host is given to 5elievers 8ho ask 6or it. ,)cts 2;1We Believe in the sancti6ying &o8er o6 the +oly *host 5y 8hose in# 6illing= the .hristian is ena5led to live a holy li6e. ,)cts ';'7We Believe in the res rrection o6 5oth the saved and lost= one to everlasting li6e and the other to everlasting damnation. ,9 Thessalonians 1;'1-

Te.t Books

Toast Master .om&etent .omm nication ; 5y Toast Masters 9nternational A arters The ?ohn Max8ell 4eadershi& Bi5le; 2nd %dition 5y ?ohn Max8ell The 2' 9rre6 ta5le 4a8s o6 4eadershi&; 5y ?ohn Max8ell The 2' 9rre6 ta5le 4a8s o6 4eadershi& Work5ook; 5y ?ohn Max8ell

The '7 9ndis& ta5le 4a8s o6 Team8ork; 5y ?ohn Max8ell The '7 %ssential A alities o6 a Team Player; Becoming the Bind o6 Person %very Team Wants; 5y ?ohn Max8ell

The Making o6 ) 4eader ; 5y 3rank "amaCio The Making o6 ) 4eader Work5ook; 5y 3rank "amaCio

The Work o6 the "eacon and "eaconess; ) "eacon S&eaks 6rom %x&erience= 5y +arold Dichols 3orty A estions )5o t %lders and "eacons; 5y BenEamin 4. Merkle Women *i6ted 6or Ministry; +o8 To "iscover )nd Practice Fo r S&irit al *i6ts; 5y $ th and %lmer To8ns The 4eadershi& Secrets o6 ?G%GSGUGS; 5y Mike M rdock Becoming a 4eader; %veryone .an "o 9t; 5y Myles M nroe +o8 To Minister )mong 0lder )d lts; )s 4i6eHs ?o rney .ontin es ; 5y .harles T. Bni&&le The 3o ndations o6 .hristian "octrine; 5y Bevin ?. .onner Understanding Fo r *rie6; 5y )lan ". Wol6elt= Ph." The Understanding Fo r *rie6 ?o rnal; 5y )lan ". Wol6elt= Ph." .aring 3or Peo&le *odHs Way; 5y Tim .linton= )rchi5ald +art= and *eorge 0hlschlager 9 ? st Want To Be ) Servant; 5y 4 ther ?. Black8ell= ?r.= Ph." " st; 5y )rch5isho& @ernon )she ) Practical * ide To P l&it Ministry; P 5lic S&eaking "ynamics= 5y "eacon William 3. .oley= ?r. +ermene tics; Princi&les and Processes o6 Bi5lical 9nter&retation

+enry ). @irkler 4ect res 9n Systematic Theology 5y +enry .larence Thiessen

Technology /sage 0olicies and 0rocedures The 6ollo8ing r les and res&onsi5ilities 8ill 5e adhered to 5y all sers o6 ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%. technology reso rces; )&&lying 6or a ser 9" nder 6alse &retense is &rohi5ited. Using another &ersonHs ser 9" and:or &ass8ord is &rohi5ited. Use o6 school technology 6or soliciting= advertising= 6 ndraising= commercial & r&oses or 6or 6inancial gain is &rohi5ited. )ccessing= vie8ing or disseminating in6ormation sing school reso rces incl ding mail or internet access= that is &ornogra&hic= o5scene= child &ornogra&hy li5elo s= &ervasively indecent or v lgar is not &ermitted. Users may only se &ro&erly installed licensed so6t8areI a dio or video media & rchased 5y the school. )ny se that has the & r&ose or e66ect o6 discriminating or harassing any &erson or &ersons on the 5asis o6 race= color= religion= sex= national origin= ancestry= disa5ility= age is &rohi5ited.

Use o6 the schoolHs technology is a &rivilege= not a right. ) serHs &rivileges may5e s s&ended &ending an investigation concerning se o6 the schoolHs technology reso rces. )ny violation o6 school &olicies= reg lations or &roced res regarding technology sage may res lt in tem&orary= long#term or &ermanent s s&ension o6 serHs &rivileges. Di ersity'1elated E.periences ".M.T.S. J B.9.B.4.%. is g ided 5y its 6o ndational .hristian mission that ins&ires in s a &ro6o nd res&ect 6or the love o6 diverse c lt res 8here 8e live= 8ork= and st dy in Misso ri. "iversity is central to o r mission and essential to the health o6 o r instit tion. ) diverse school comm nity o6 st dents= 6ac lty= sta66 and 5oard mem5ers enriches the learning ex&erience 6or all and &re&ares s 6or the m ltic lt ral 8orld in 8hich 8e reside. !ssessment 2uidelines 9n order to receive an )= B= or . in the co rse 8ork= st dents m st com&lete and s 5mit all assignments. !ttendance and 0articipation '. )ttendance Policy; .onsistent attendance is vital to classroom s ccess. 4ect res= disc ssions= sim lations= and re&orting are critical as&ects o6 st dentsH s ccess. When a st dent is a5sent= this ty&e o6 8ork cannot 5e re&licated or Kmade &.> 9t is the st dentHs res&onsi5ility to o5tain all materials missed as a res lt o6 a5sence.

2. Tardy Policy; Tardiness is a disr &tion to the classroom setting and to st dents 8ho are already &resent. Please do yo r very


5est to avoid 5eing tardy. 96 it canHt 5e avoided= &lease 5e res&ect6 l o6 others.

/. Partici&ation Policy; ? st as attendance is im&ortant= &artici&ation in class disc ssions and activities are re2 ired. St dents sho ld 5e &re&ared to 5e active &artici&ants in all classroom activities. $ les o6 classroom civility a&&ly. !cademic 3onesty 4plagiarism and cheating policy5 )cademic dishonesty is de6ined as those acts o6 deceit or misre&resentation intended to &romote or enhance oneHs academic record. )cademic dishonesty incl des all 6orms o6 Kcheating Kand &lagiarism. .heating is de6ined as= 5 t not limited to the 6ollo8ing; '. Use or attem&ted se o6 na thoriCed assistance in taking examinations= incl ding 2 iCCes or test and the com&letion o6 assignments= 2. "e&endence &on the aid o6 so rces 5eyond those a thoriCed 5y the instr ctor in taking exams or com&leting assignments. /. Una thoriCed ac2 isition or &ossession o6 examinations or other academic material 5elonging to a mem5er o6 the school 6ac lty or sta66. Plagiarism is the act o6 taking anotherHs 8ork and claiming that it is oneHs o8n. )de2 ate ackno8ledgment o6 anotherHs 8ork is all that is re2 ired to avoid &lagiarism. 96 there is any do 5t a5o t ho8 to ex&ress ackno8ledgment= the st dent sho ld cons lt 8ith his:her instr ctor or re6er to a 8riting style man al. Sho ld academic dishonesty occ r= the a66ected 6ac lty mem5er and the academic administration o6 ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%. shall have the discretion to take a&&ro&riate action.

2rading 0olicy St dents may receive grades o6 )= B= .= 3= 9= W". *rade K)>= KB>= K.>= and K3> are sed to calc late the st dentHs academic standing. ) grade o6 K)> re&resents o tstanding &er6ormance. ) grade o6 KB> re&resents satis6actory &er6ormance at the grad ate level. ) grade o6 K.> indicates &er6ormance 5elo8 that acce&ta5le at the grad ate level. )n K3H indicates a signi6icant 6ail re in &er6ormance related to the re2 irement o6 the co rse. ) grade o6 K9> indicates incom&lete co rse 8ork. ) grade o6 KW"> indicates st dent 8ithdre8 6rom the class. "lassroom 0rotocol To maximiCe classroom and cam& s s ccess 6or each st dent= and to ins re a &ositive learning environment= the 6ollo8ing cond ct is ex&ected o6 all; '. )ttend all sched led classes in a timely manner. 2. )&&ro&riate dress is re2 ired 6or all classes. /. +ead coverings incl de 5 t not limited to hairnets= head s8eats= do#rags and heat 8ra&s are ina&&ro&riate on cam& s nless there is a religio s or c lt ral necessity. 1. To5acco may not 5e sed at any time on cam& s. 5. .o66ee and so6t drinks may 5e &ermitted 5y the classroom instr ctorI ho8ever= em&ty containers m st 5e &ro&erly dis&osed o6 a6ter class. 6. Do 3ood or "rinks are allo8ed in the com& ter la5. 7. Talking d ring class is limited to class disc ssion only.


!ccommodations St dent 8ith disa5ilities= 8ho re2 ire s&ecial accommodation= sho ld contact the administrative o66ice 6or cam& s accessi5ility services at ,/'1- 76!#7'!/. They sho ld noti6y the instr ctor &rior to the start o6 the semester and &rovide doc mentation o6 the disa5ility. $easona5le accommodation 8ill 5e made to ens re that disa5led st dents have a 6air o&&ort nity to &er6orm at their maxim m &ro6iciency. 0ersonnel 0olicy Statement ) res me= a&&lication= t8o letters o6 re6erence= a criminal 5ackgro nd check= academic transcri&ts and:or certi6icates are re2 irements to teach at ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%.

0ersonnel 6ob Descriptions '. )dE nct Pro6essors are a val a5le &art o6 the instr ctional team at ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%. The instr ctor adds the ex&ertise o6 a s ccess6 l c rrent &ractitioner to the 6ac lty. )dE nct &ro6essors re&resent ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%. to the comm nity. To this end= 8e ask that each &ro6essor contin ally re6lect a &ositive image to the & 5lic= and as an o&tion= act as co nsel to those st dents 8ho a&&roach them 6or advise in their area o6 ex&ertise. 2. .lerical Personnel 8ill consist o6 one %xec tive Secretary and one o66ice 8orker. They 8ill direct the daily o&erations= res&onsi5ilities= and d ties o6 the o66ice. /. )dministration o6 ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%. 8ill 5e res&onsi5le 6or the oversight and o&eration o6 the seminary. 9t is the administrationsH res&onsi5ility to ens re that the seminary o66ers a .hristian val e# centered &rogram 8hich leads to the develo&ment o6 the 8hole individ al as an ed cated= res&onsi5le citiCen o6 a glo5al comm nity.


!cademic 7perations .redits )8arded Per Semester '. St dents 8ill 5e a8arded one#three ho rs credit &er semester 5ased on the &rogram in 8hich they are enrolled.

2. The e2 ivalent classroom ho rs earned &er semester shall 5e '(#'5 ho rs 6or 5asic standard re2 irements or t8o ho rs &er class 6or ".M.T.S. /. ".M.T.S. re2 ires a high school di&loma or e2 ivalent 6or enrollment

D*M*T*S* Degree 1e8uirements

/ndergraduate Degrees 40astoral Ministry5
,+igh School di&loma re2 ired-


!ssociate of Ministry 4!*Min*5

6( credit ho rs

The schoolHs )ssociate "egree &rogram re2 ires the st dent to earn at least 6( semester credit ho rs 8ith a minim m 2.5( *P) ,o6 a &ossi5le 1.((-. Bachelor of Ministry 4B*Min*5 ho rs '2( credit

The schoolHs Bachelor "egree &rogram re2 ires the st dent to earn at least '2( semester credit ho rs 8ith a minim m 2.75 *P) ,o6 a &ossi5le 1.((-.

Master Degrees in Ministry

,Bachelor degree re2 ired-

Master of Ministry 4M*Min*5 This degree 8ill &re&are st dents 6or a grad ate degree in religio s ed cation &re&aring them 6or a 8orld8ide mission. )ll o6 the schoolHs Master "egree &rograms re2 ire the st dent to earn at least /( semester credit ho rs 8ith a minim m /.(( *P) 5eyond the Bachelor degree. The schoolHs Master "egree &rograms re2 ire the st dent to 8rite an acce&ta5le grad ate#level thesis o6 at least 5( ty&ed &ages. &# credit hours Master of "ounseling 4M*"*594M*"* : a Master Degree5 This degree 8ill e2 i& st dents to se standard methods o6 sec lar co nseling 8hile hel&ing the client a&&ly Bi5le scri&t res and tr ths to live in a 5alanced= healthy 8ay. The g iding 6o ndation 6or ".M.T.SH co nseling &rogram is that the scri&t res are s 66icient 6or nderstanding &eo&le as= s&irit al= moral= relational= and &sychological 5eings. This &rogram e2 i&s men and 8omen 8ho 8ish to ministry the

tr th o6 *od in the context o6 the local ch rch. &$ credit hours

Doctorate Degrees in Ministry

,Master degree re2 ired-

Doctor of Ministry 4D*Min*5 The "octor o6 Ministry ,".Min.- at this seminary is geared to8ards st dents s ccess6 lly engaged in ministry. This &rogram ena5les leaders in .hristian ministry to increase their e66ectiveness in the ch rch= and mission in 8hich they minister. The schoolHs "octoral "egree &rograms re2 ire the st dent to have a Master degree 8ith a /.5( *P). The schoolHs "octoral &rograms re2 ire the st dent to earn at least 6( semester credit ho rs 8ith a /.5( *P) 5eyond the Master degree= 6or a total o6 !( credit ho rs. The schoolHs "octoral &rogram re2 ires the st dent to 8rite an acce&ta5le grad ate#level dissertation o6 at least '(( ty&ed &ages. The st dent is re2 ired to &ass an oral examination. &$ credit hours

Doctor of "hristian "ounseling 40h*D*5 The "octor o6 .hristian .o nseling &rogram= 8ith s&ecialiCations in Pro6essional .hristian .o nseling 8ith ex&anded st dy in Pastoral .are and .o nseling= 6oc ses on the develo&ment o6 excellence in co nseling &ractices 8ithin a 5i5lically in6ormed .hristian 8orldvie8. (% credit hours


!dditional Degree Information )ll degrees o66ered at ".M.T.S. and certi6ications 6rom B.9.B.4.%. 8ill 5e identi6ied as religio s. )dditional school a8ards 8ill 5e given 6or sec lar certi6icates or di&lomas. 3or each degree level= the st dent is re2 ired to do '5L o6 their semester credit ho rs in a li6e ex&erience internshi&. Degree Track %ach !ssociate Degree track ,area o6 concentration- 8ill have a least one 2 ali6ied 6ac lty mem5er 8ith a Bachelor degree in that 6ield. %ach Bachelor Degree track ,area o6 concentration- 8ill have a least one 2 ali6ied 6ac lty mem5er 8ith a Master degree in that 6ield. %ach Master Degree track ,area o6 concentration- 8ill have a least one 2 ali6ied 6ac lty mem5er 8ith a Master degree in that 6ield. %ach Doctorate Degree track ,area o6 concentration- 8ill have a least one 2 ali6ied 6ac lty mem5er 8ith a "octoral degree in that 6ield. Discrimination 0olicy ".M.T.S. does not discriminate in em&loyment o6 &ersonnel= enrollment o6 st dents= or &rovisions o6 services and &rograms. )acilities The 6acility consists o6 one 5 ilding= one administrative o66ice= and seven classrooms on a&&roximately an acre o6 land. Library %ach st dent sho ld have a valid li5rary card that 8ill give them access to the & 5lic li5rary in the area.


1efund 0olicy $egistration 3ee ,non#re6 nda5leM5(.(( 96 a st dent is com&elled to 8ithdra8 6rom ".M.T.S.= and &aying 5y installments= &ayments are non#re6 nda5le. 96 &ayment 6or t ition is &aid in 6 ll= st dent 8ill receive a re6 nd 5ased on the statements 5elo8= min s any credit card &rocessing 6ees; $e6 nd Policy 6or 3 ll Payment; N N N Withdra8al 8ithin the 6irst class sessions; '((L Withdra8al 8ithin the second class session; 5(L Withdra8al 8ithin the third class session; (L


Dwight McDaniels Theological Seminary

"ourse Description Tuition and )ee


D*M*T*S* 4Biblical Studies5 "urriculum

4/ndergraduate Studies 7nly5

Associate of Biblical Studies Degree

Course # ABS 101 ABS 102 ABS 10 ABS 10% ABS 10# ABS 10+ ABS 10ABS 201 ABS 202 ABS 0#

Course Name Literature Profile Review (2 books) New Testament (10 booklets & Tests) Sermon S!no"sis (2) 1#0 wor$s &ntro$u'tion to Bibli'al (et)o$olo*! 1 Lea$ers)i" 1 Basi' ,om"uter Bibli'al .utlines/New Testament (# "er booklet) ,ommuni'ation Arts 1 ,ommuni'ation Arts 2 Publi' S"eakin*/,om"etent S"eaker
;#<$*$$ per course

Credit Hours 10 10 #

+ # # +
=$ credits

Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree

Course # BBS 21% BBS 21# BBS 220 BBS 221 BBS 22% BBS #1# BBS %01 BBS 22 BBS 22# BBS 221 BBS 0# TOTAL Course Name Prin'i"les of Bibli'al Resear') 1 .l$ Testament (10 booklets & Tests) ,.(0 R0AP/(et)o$olo*! 2 Sermon S!no"sis (2#0 wor$s ea')) Prin'i"les of Bibli'al Resear') 2 2rief ,ounselin* & Lab S!stemati' T)eolo*! PowerPoint ,lass32 Presentations Bibli'al .utlines/.l$ Testament (20) Literature Profile Review 2 ( /Book Reviews) Publi' S"eakin*/Lea$ers)i" (anual Credit Hours % 10 % + % + % + + =$ credits

;&$>*$$ per course

Master Degree in Biblical Ministry

Course # (BS %00 (BS %01 (BS (BS (BS (BS (BS (BS (BS %02 %0 %0% %0# %0+ %0%01 Course Name Bibli'al Assessments (10 booklets & tests) Bibli'al 4erita*e5 2enesis & (att)ew (2enealo*! Resear')) &ntro$u'tion to (arria*e an$ 6amil! ,ounselin* &ntro$u'tion to &nformational Te')nolo*! &ntro$u'tion to ,)ristian ,ounselin* &ntro$u'tion to ,)ristian Ps!')olo*! Bibli'al Literature & Poetr! (A stu$! of Proverbs) 4omileti's Bibli'al (o$els of Servant Lea$ers)i" Credit Hours 10

2 2 &# credits
;&($*$$ per course


Master Degree in Christian Counseling

Course # ,( ##0 ,( ### ,( #+0 ,( #+# ,( #-0 ,( #-# ,( #10 ,( #1# ,( #1+ ,( #1,( #11 ,( #19

Course Name &ntro$u'tion to ,)ristian ,ounselin* (arria*e an$ 6amil! ,ounselin* 0t)i's for t)e ,)ristian ,ounselor N,,A ,ertifi'ation ,)ur') Lea$ers)i" Ps!')olo*i'al 7isor$ers ,risis & Transition ,areer ,ounselin* A"olo*eti's ,ulture 2rief ,ounselin* ( /Labs) Senses an$ Se8ualit! &nterns)i" 6iel$ 08"erien'e

Credit Hours


&= credits
;&>$*$$ per course

Doctorate of Ministry
7BS 7BS 7BS 7BS 7BS 7BS 7BS 7BS 7BS +00 +01 +0% +0# +0+ +0+01 +09 -00

're$its % 're$its 're$its + 're$its 're$its 're$its % 're$its % 're$its 0 're$its
#$ credits

Arti'le Reviews ,ase Stu$! Seminar &nterns)i" 08"erien'e &ntro$u'tion to Resear') Pro:e't To"i' &ntro$u'tion to T)eolo*! ;orl$ Reli*ions 7issertation ,a"stone & 7issertation ,a"stone 2 ,a"stone 08"erien'e (<200 fee "er semester)

,Total grad ate ho rs re2 ired !(;(#>*$$ per course

Doctorate of Counseling Ministry %h!D!"

7,( 7,( 7,( 7,( 7,( 7,( 7,( 7,( 7,( 7,( +10 +20 + 0 +%0 +#0 ++0 +-0 +10 +11 -00 (arria*e an$ 6amil! ,ounselin* 2rou" 7!nami's New Testament &nter'ultural ,ounselin* A$$i'tions 6iel$ 08"erien'e N,,A Li'ensure 7issertation ,a"stone 1 7issertation ,a"stone 2 ,a"stone 08"erien'e (<200 fee "er semester) 're$its 're$its 're$its 're$its 're$its + 're$its 1 're$its + 're$its + ,re$its 0 're$its
&' credits

,Total grad ate ho rs re2 ired '('-


;(>$*$$ per course


D*M*T*S* "lass Schedule

1th Wednesday o6 %very Month .o rse O )BS '(1 or BBS 22( .o rse Dame 9nstr ctor "ay:Time Wed:6;/(& m / .redits ((1 / .redits $oom O ((2

Bi5lical St dies Methodology

"r. .. Scar5oro g h "r. M. Sha8


Dwight McDaniels Theological Seminary

School )ees and Tuition #$%&#2('1

It is necessary for D*M*T*S* to increase tuition for the year starting 6anuary #$%& and will be assessed yearly* This increase will make the tuition commensurate with some accredited colleges and seminaries* "ourse numbers ha e changed* The cost is calculated per course*

!ssociate of Biblical Studies Degree

+igh School di&loma or e2 ivalent re2 ired

!BS %$# ?ew Testament ,'( Test Booklets%$ credits ) s rvey o6 5asic De8 Testament Bi5le 6acts= to &rovide a sa5le 6o ndation 6or &ersonal st dy= ministry= and &ractical theology.

!BS %$( "7ME 1E!0 & credits ) 8ritten st dy o6 selected &ortions o6 scri&t res to gain 5i5lical kno8ledge= 6acts= in6ormation= tr ths= and conce&ts. !BS %$& Sermon Synopsis ,2- ,'5( 8ords minim m> credits Thro gh classroom interactions= reading= 8riting assignments ,sermons-= st dents 8ill learn 5i5lical#theology 6o ndations 6or cross c lt ral ministry. !BS %$% Literature 0rofile 1e iew ,2 Book revie8s%$ credits


%x&loration o6 the content and themes o6 selected a thors and 5ooks 8ith 6oc s on &rinci&les o6 inter&retation= 8hich incl des detailed exegesis o6 key text.

!BS %$> Leadership % & credits This co rse is designed to &re&are st dents 6or ministry 8ith an em&hasis on develo&ing &ractical skills necessary 6or e66ective leadershi& across a 5road s&ectr m o6 ministry contexts. !BS &$> 0ublic Speaking'"ompetent Speaker = credits To &rovide a s &&ortive and &ositive learning ex&erience in 8hich st dents are em&o8ered to develo& comm nication and leadershi& skills= res lting in greater sel6#con6idence and &ersonal gro8th. !BS #$% "ommunication !rts I > credits This co rse ex&lores the methods= the manner and motives o6 e66ective and e66icient comm nication 5oth oral and 8ritten. !BS #$# "ommunication !rts II > credits This co rse ex&lores the methods= the manner and motives o6 e66ective and e66icient comm nication 5oth oral and 8ritten. !BS %$= Basic "omputer = credits


This class 8ill o66er 5eginning techni2 es 6or the sage o6 the com& ter 8ith em&hasis on 8ord &rocessing= saving doc ments= creating doc ments and 5asic 8indo8s management.

!BS %$< Biblical 7utlines' ?ew Testament ,5 o tlines &er test 5ooklet< credits ) 8ritten st dy o6 selected 5ooks o6 the Bi5le that 8ill a gment the st dentHs 5i5lical kno8ledge= in6ormation= and conce&ts.

=$ "1EDITS

Monthly t ition 6or each co rse nder this &rogram.

The monthly cost is only 6or the co rse and does D0T incl de the text5ooks.

Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree

+igh School di&loma or e2 ivalent re2 ired BBS #%> 7ld Testament ,'( Test Booklets%$ credits ) s rvey o6 5asic 0ld Testament Bi5le 6acts= to &rovide a sa5le 6o ndation 6or &ersonal st dy= ministry= and &ractical theology.

BBS ##% Sermon Synopsis ,25( 8ords minim m= credits Thro gh classroom interactions= reading= 8riting assignments ,sermons-= st dents 8ill learn 5i5lical#theology 6o ndations 6or cross c lt ral ministry.

BBS #%( 0rinciples of Biblical 1esearch

and write a #>$ word paper with references5

I 4#' Biblical characters


This is a 6o ndational co rse that 6oc ses on the &rinci&les o6 5i5lical research and inter&retation= and 8riting. ( credits

BBS ##( 0rinciples of Biblical 1esearch II

Bi5lical character-

,$esearch an additional

This is the 6o ndational co rse that 6oc ses on the &rinci&les o6 5i5lical research= and 8riting= as 8ell as= sing media to &resent yo r 6indings. ( credits BBS ##$ "7ME 1E!0 ( credits ) 8ritten st dy o6 selected &ortions o6 scri&t res to gain 5i5lical kno8ledge= 6acts= in6ormation= tr ths= and conce&ts. "M >@> 2rief "ounseling & Lab = credits *rie6 .o nseling investigates the to ch stones that are essential &hysical= emotional cognitive= social= and s&irit al actions to hel& one heal*

BBS ($% Systematic Theology & credits ) theological and &ractical st dy o6 the o&eration o6 the ch rch and the d ties o6 the minister 8ith s&ecial em&hasis on the develo&ment= and d ties o6 the st dents as she&herds in a .hristian ministry. BBS &## 0ower 0oint "lassA # 0resentations ( credits Po8erPoint is a com&lete &resentation gra&hics &ackage. This class 8ill o66er 8ord &rocessing= o tlining= dra8ing= gra&hing= and &resentation management tools.

BBS ##> Biblical 7utlines'7ld Testament 4%$5 < credits ) 8ritten st dy o6 selected 5ooks o6 the 0ld Testament that 8ill enhance the st dentHs 5i5lical kno8ledge= in6ormation= and conce&ts 8hich incl des 7 8ritten o tlines 6or each test 5ooklet. BBS ##@ Literature 0rofile 1e iew II ,/ Book revie8s= credits %x&loration o6 the content and themes o6 selected a thors and 5ooks 8ith 6oc s on &rinci&les o6 inter&retation= 8hich incl des detailed exegesis o6 key text 6rom three religio s to&ics sing electronic media. BBS &$> 0ublic Speaking 'Leadership = credits To &rovide a s &&ortive and &ositive learning ex&erience in 8hich st dents are em&o8ered to develo& comm nication and leadershi& skills= res lting in greater sel6#con6idence and &ersonal gro8th T7T!L credit hours


Monthly t ition is 6or each co rse nder this &rogram.

The monthly cost is only 6or the co rse and does D0T incl de the text5ooks.

,) Bachelor "egree incl des '2( ho rs o6 co rse 8ork 8hich encom&asses the )ssociate "egree co rse8ork.-

Master of Biblical Ministry Degree


BachelorHs "egree or e2 ivalent re2 ired= in any disci&line

MBS ($$ Biblical !ssessments ,'( Tests%$ credits ) selective co rse o6 st dy 8ith examinations 6rom the 0ld and De8 Testament. MBS ($% Biblical 3eritageB 2enesis & Matthew 42enealogy 1esearch5 & credits St dy 8ill se the research o6 these genealogies to esta5lish individ al identity; re6lected= esta5lished= or legitimated social str ct res= stat s and entitlement to o66ice. MBS ($# Introduction to Marriage & )amily "ounseling & credits "esign to e2 i& st dents 6or marriage and 6amily co nseling= this co rse 8ill s rvey 5i5lical= conce&t al= and &ractical iss es 6or a health relationshi&. MBS ($& Introduction to Informational Technology & credits This co rse is designed to e2 i& the st dent 8ith the skills to develo& and maintain in6ormational systems 6oc sing on technical and 6 ndamental sage. MBS ($( Introduction to "hristian "ounseling & credits This co rse is the st dy o6 the 5i5lical 6o ndation= history= and &hiloso&hy o6 .hristian .o nseling.


MBS ($> "hristian 0sychology & credits Using the latest research= theory and &ractice in co nseling= this co rse 8ill e2 i& the st dent to res&ond a&&ro&riately to emotional disorders= &ro5lems= and iss es o6 tra ma.

MBS ($= Biblical Literature & 0oetry 4a study of 0ro erbs5 & credits This co rse is design as a ex&ository st dy o6 the 6irst nine cha&ters o6 the 5ook o6 Prover5s 8ith cross re6erences to other &ortions o6 scri&t re. The & r&ose is to assist the st dent in gaining a great com&rehension o6 .hristian literat re J &oetry. MBS ($< 3omiletics # credits St dents 8ill &resent the scri&t res o6 vario s sermon ty&es= &ractice in com&osition= deliver and voice methods.

MBS ($@ Biblical Models of Ser ant Leadership # credits This co rse examines and ex&lores 5i5lical leaders in .hristianity 8ith a vie8 to8ards nderstanding the role o6 religio s leadershi& and the exercise o6 ministry today. This is a case st dy a&&roach.

T7T!L &# "1EDITS

Monthly t ition is each co rse nder this &rogram The monthly cost is only 6or the co rse and does D0T incl de the text5ooks.


Doctorate of Biblical Ministry Degree

' Master "egree P"ivinity ,/( hrs.- J ' Master "egree in any disci&line ,/( hrs.-Q ,6(R ho rs DBS =$$ !rticle 1e iews ,/ revie8s #'(( 8ords& credits This co rse 8ill 6oc s on the &rimary &rinci&les o6 scholarly research= re6lective considerations= &artici&atory deliver= and ethical 2 estions 6or class 6acilitation. DBS =$% "ase Study Seminar ( credits ,'( cases-

St dents 8ill 5e actively engaged 5y a5stracting 6rom the exam&le this 8ill develo& their skills in &ro5lem solving= enhancing their analytical skills 5oth 2 antitative and 2 alitative= decision making and co&ing 8ith am5ig ities. ,$e2 ired treatment 6orms/2

DBS =$( Internship E.perience & credits The st dents 8ill enroll in internshi& ex&erience 8ith clients 6or the semester. St dents 8ill 5e assigned individ al s &ervisors 6or case revie8s= eval ations and interaction 8ith clients. ,M'5( 6ee

DBS =$> Introduction of 1esearch 0roCect Topic Po8erPoint= credits

,'5 min.

This co rse ex&lores research in the 6ield thro gh critical eval ation= & 5lished research= ex&erienced in develo&ing &ro5lem statements and research 2 estions= in 8riting a research &ro&osal sing 2 alitative or 2 antitative data techni2 es. DBS =$= Introduction to Theology & credits This co rse 8ill analyCe themes in the doctrines o6 *od= .hrist= and + manity= 6oc sing on their 5i5lical 6o ndations and the ch rchHs interaction.

DBS =$< -orld 1eligions & credits This co rse examines the maEor 8orld religions in order to nderstand their &rinci&al doctrines and &ractices and the s 5se2 ent im&lication 6or .hristian 8itness. DBS =$@ Dissertation "apstone %B ( credits $e2 ired o6 all doctoral candidates &rior to s 5mission o6 dissertation &ro&osal ,5e6ore the 8ritten &ro&osal is acce&ted the 9.$.B. m st 5e a&&roved.-


DBS =$D Dissertation "apstone #B ( credits $e2 ired o6 all doctoral candidates &rior to s 5mission o6 dissertation &ro&osal ,5e6ore the 8ritten &ro&osal is acce&ted the 9nstit tion $evie8 Board doc ment ,G9.$.B.- m st 5e a&&roved. DBS <$$ "apstone E.perienceB $ credits St dents 8ho have not com&leted their dissertation m st enroll in this class ntil s ccess6 l com&letion. ) M2(( 6ee &er semester ,7 8eeks- 8ill 5e re2 ired.

T7T!L hours

&$ credit

Total o6 grad ate credit ho rs re2 ired D$ The monthly t ition does D0T incl de the text5ook,s-.

E Institutional 1e iew Board 4I1B5* In compliance with )ederal law and institutional policy+ all research proCects in ol ing human subCects or human material must be re iewed and appro ed by the I1B committee*

M!STE1 Degree of "hristian "ounseling

The De8 Master o6 .o nseling Program ,2('1"M >>$ Introductions to "ounselingB & credits

This co rse is the st dy o6 the 5i5lical 6o ndation= history= and &hiloso&hy o6 .hristian .o nseling. "M >>> Marriages and )amily "ounselingB & credits "esign to e2 i& individ als 6or marriage and 6amily co nseling in the local ch rch. "M >=$ Ethics for the "hristian "ounselor; & credits This co rse &rovides an ethical 6rame8ork 6or &astoral and &ro6essional co nselors and deals 8ith s ch iss es as con6identiality= &ro6essionalism= legal res&onsi5ilities and common ethical dilemmas in co nseling. "M >=> ?""! "ertificationB & credits %ach st dent 8ill enroll in D..) certi6ication &rogram to 5ecome a certi6ied .hristian .o nselor. "M ><$ "hurch LeadershipB & credits This co rse 8ill hel& st dents develo& their &hiloso&hy o6 ministry 5ased &on the theological convictions that ndergird their &rimary ministry calling.

"M ><> 0sychological DisordersB & credits This co rse o66ers an intensive st dy o6 the main emotional and 5ehavioral &ro5lem enco ntered 5y those co nseling in a ch rch or other context. This incl des a8areness o6 5oth .hristian and sec lar hel&ing agencies.

"M >@$ "risis & TransitionB & credits This co rse 8ill introd ce st dents on ho8 to develo& &lans o6 action in crisis sit ations= ho8 to eval ate and assess &ersons in crisis= as 8ell as= the a8areness o6 5oth .hristian and sec lar hel&ing agencies "M >@> "areer "ounselingB & credits This co rse is a s rvey o6 a&&roaches to co nseling a5o t career choices as 8ell as iss es involved in career and other career related choices. "M >@= !pologetics "ultureB & credits This co rse 8ill analyCe the &hiloso&hical= religio s= scienti6ic 5elie6s and ideas 8hich have sha&ed di66erent c lt res. The co rse st dy 8ill ex&lain ho8 these 5elie6s are no8 resha&ing o r m ltic lt ral and &l ralistic society. "M >@< 2rief "ounseling 4Lab & times5 & credits This co rse is designed to teach the &astors and laity ho8 to co nsel those 8ho are ex&eriencing the grie6:mo rning &rocess. "M >@@ Senses and Se.ualityB & credits This co rse 8ill ex&lore the 5i5leHs ans8ers to s ch 2 estions as; ho8 are 8e 5rain 8ashed 5y the vivid and &o8er6 l c lt ral messages a5o t sex in o r 5odies.


"M >@D Internship )ield E.perienceB & credits This co rse is designed to hel& in the co nseling ex&erience 8ith clients 6or a&&roximately 5 ho rs 8eekly. St dents also meet 8eekly 6or individ al s &ervision and t8ice each 8eek 6or gro & s &ervision= case revie8= eval ation and interaction. Total hours &= credit

The monthly cost is 6or each co rse and does D0T incl de the text5ooks.

Doctorate of "hristian "ounseling

"M =%$ Marriage "ounseling in the "hurchB & credits This co rse is designed to e2 i& st dents 6or marriage and 6amily co nseling in the local ch rch. This co rse s rveys 5i5lical= conce&t al and &ractical iss es involved. The im&ortance o6 a healthy marriage relationshi& is stressed.

"M =#$ 2roup DynamicsB 9ntrod ction to gro & 6ormation and develo&ment stages= roles= and norms= cohesion= deviance= con6ormity= &ro5lem#solving= leadershi& and ver5al and nonver5al comm nication. & credits


"M =&$ ?ew Testament: (Acts, I & II Corinthians and Hebrew): )n examination o6 the & r&ose= theology and chronology o6 )cts= and a 6 rther st dy o6 +e5re8 &hiloso&hy. & credits CM 640 Intercultural Counseling: )n analysis o6 the &hiloso&hical= religio s= and scienti6ic 5elie6s and ideas 8hich have sha&ed di66erent c lt res and 8hich are no8 resha&ing o r m ltic lt ral and &l ralistic society. & credits "M =>$ !ddictionB This co rse 8ill take a 5irdHs:eye vie8 o6 addiction in general and then se chemical de&endency as a &aradigm 6or dealing 8ith addictions ,i.e. 6ood= sex= alcohol& credits "M ==$ )ield E.perienceB This co rse is designed to hel& in gro & co nseling ex&erience 8ith clients 6or a&&roximately 5 ho rs 8eekly. St dents also meet 8eekly 6or individ al s &ervision and t8ice each 8eek 6or gro & s &ervision= case revie8= eval ation and interaction. = credits "M =<$ ?""! LicensureB "esigned to assist st dents in &re&aring 6or licens re and ordination exam. This co rse incl des revie8= memoriCation= drills on commonly asked 2 estions and ans8ers. 9t covers the 6 ndamentals o6 &olity. @ credits "M =@$ Dissertation "apstone % & #B $e2 ired o6 all doctoral candidates &rior to s 5mission o6 dissertation &ro&osal ,5e6ore the 8ritten &ro&osal is acce&ted the 9.$.B. m st 5e a&&roved.%# credits "M<$$ "apstone E.perienceB St dents 8ho have not com&leted their dissertation m st enroll in this class ntil s ccess6 l com&letion. ) 6ee o6 M2(( 6or each 7 8eek semester.

$ credits

Total (% credit hours

The monthly cost is 6or each co rse and does D0T incl de the text5ooks.


Blackwell Institute of Biblical Leadership and E angelism

"ourses+ Tuition+ and )ees

4)or 7rdination or 0rofessional De elopment5


Blackwell Institute of Biblical Leadership and E angelism


7ne Fear and a half 4%@ mos*5 ?on degreed courses*

Si( Core Courses (Re=uire$) Course # 07> 20 07> 201 07> 202 07A 0# 07A 09 07> 12 07A 11 )lecti*es Course # 07A 0 07> 20% 07> 20# 07> 20+ 07> 2007> 201 07A 01 07A 0% 07A 11 07> 1 Course Name Pul"it 7e"ortment ;or$ 2012 ,ommuni'ation Arts Publi' S"eakin* (10 re=uire$ s"ee')es) Lea$ers)i" 2?0?7? Pro*ram re=uire$ for t)ose nee$in* a $i"loma Bibli'al (o$els for Servant/Lea$ers)i" Course Name 2rief ,ounselin* ;omen 2ifte$ for (inistr!5 4ow to 7is'over an$ Pra'ti'e @our S"iritual 2ifts Art A""re'iation ,om"uter Te')nolo*! ;in$ows AP Print an$ 2ra")i's 6oun$ations of Pra!er an$ 6astin* Publi' an$ ,ommunit! Relations 6oun$ations of ,)ristian 7o'trine P)oto*ra")! / / / Credit Hours Credit Hours

!ll classes are in session for two hours*


B*I*B*L*E* "lass Schedule

"ourse G
%"U 2(/ %"U 2(6 %") 1('

"ourse ?ame
P l&it "e&ortment Basic .om& ter +omiletics

"r. M. Sha8 Sta66 "r. Black8ell ?r.

Mon:7;/(&m Mon:1;((&m Mon:5;/(&m

1oom G
(1 4a5 ('

%") /(5

P 5lic S&eaking




"ourse G
%"U 2(2

"ourse ?ame
.omm nication )rts



1oom G

%") 1(' .M 5'( .M 575

Systematic Theology Marriage and 3amily .o nseling *rie6 .o nseling

Pro6. P. Thom&son Sta66 "r. ?o)nn 08ens

Mon:5;/(&m Wed:1;/(&m Wed:5;/( &.m.

4o8er 4evel (/

$e2 irement; The sched le is s 5Eect to change. There m st 5e 5 st dents enrolled in each class.


Sat rday
"ourse G
.M 5((

"ourse ?ame
9ntrod ction to .hristian .o nseling Basic .om& ter Bi5lical Models 6or Servant# 4eadershi& .omm nication )rts P 5lic S&eaking 4eadershi&

G"r. S. Smith
9nde&endent St dy

Sat:!;'5 am

1oom G

%"U 2(6 %") /''

Pro6. S. .alic tt "r. %d8ards

9nde&endent St dy

Sat:'2;/( &m Sat:'';(( am

4a5 (1

%"U 2(2 %") /(5 %") /(!

"r. S. Smith Toastmaster "r. S. Dichols

Sat:'';(( am Sat:'(;(( am Sat:'';/( am

4a5 (2 (1

G)ll B.9.B.4.%. co rses are non#degreed. Don#degreed st dent 6ee 6or B.9.B.4.%. co rses is M'((.(( each.


B*I*B*L*E* TuitionA )ees

2('/ )cademic Fear $egistration 3ee ,non#re6 nda5leM5(.(( T ition 6or one ,'- class ,non#re6 nda5leT ition 6or t8o ,2- classes ,non#re6 nda5leM'!5 &er semester $%3UD" P049.F 96 a st dent is com&elled to 8ithdra8 6rom B.9.B.4.%.= re6 nds 8ill 5e made as stated 5elo8= min s any credit card &rocessing 6ees; Withdra8al a6ter 6irst class session; (L 3ees 6rom a &revio s semester 8ill not 5e trans6erred at any time. Students Te.tbookA-orkbookA6ournals )eesB N N N The ?ohn Max8ell 4eadershi& Bi5le; 2nd %dition 5y ?ohn Max8ell The 2' 9rre6 ta5le 4a8s o6 4eadershi&; 5y ?ohn Max8ell The 2' 9rre6 ta5le 4a8s o6 4eadershi& Work5ook; 5y ?ohn Max8ell M'((.((

N The '7 9ndis& ta5le 4a8s o6 Team8ork; Thomas Delson P 5lishers 5y ?ohn Max8ell N The '7 %ssential A alities o6 a Team Player; Becoming the Bind o6 Person %very Team Wants; 5y ?ohn Max8ell


The Making o6 ) 4eader; 5y 3rank "amaCio The Making o6 ) 4eader Work5ook; 5y 3rank "amaCio

N The Work o6 the "eacon and "eaconess; ) "eacon S&eaks 6rom %x&erience 5y +arold Dichols N 3orty A estions )5o t %lders and "eacons; 5y BenEamin 4. Merkle N Women *i6ted 6or Ministry; +o8 to "iscover and Practice Fo r S&irit al *i6ts; 5y $ th and %lmer To8n N N N N N N The 4eadershi& Secrets o6 ?G%GSGUGS; 5y Mike M rdock Becoming a 4eader; %veryone .an "o 9t; 5y Myles M nroe +o8 to Minister )mong 0lder )d lts; )s 4i6eHs ?o rney .ontin es; 5y .harles T. Bni&&le The 3o ndations o6 .hristian "octrine; 5y Bevin ?. .onner Understanding Fo r *rie6; 5y )lan ". Wol6elt= Ph.". The Understanding Fo r *rie6 ?o rnal; 5y )lan ". Wol6elt= Ph.".

N .aring 3or Peo&le *odHs Way; 5y Tim .linton= )rchi5ald +art= and *eorge 0hlschlager N N N 9 ? st Want To Be ) Servant ."; 5y 4 ther ?. Black8ell= ?r.= Ph.". " st ."; 5y )rch5isho& @eron )she ) Practical * ide to P l&it Ministry; P 5lic S&eaking "ynamics 5y "eacon William 3. .oley= ?r.


0lease note that the one year coursework for B*I*B*L*E* is a three semester plan of study*

Dr* Luther 6* Blackwell 6r*+ President and 3o nder; ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%. B) in M sic %d cation= Bald8in#Wallace .ollege '!61 M) in Bi5lical St dies= .hristian 4eadershi& University '!!5 "octorate in Bi5lical St dies= .hristian 4eadershi& University '!!5 "octorate in Theology= @ision .hristian .ollege '!!/ 0rof* Ste en "alicutt M) in B siness )dministration= We5ster University 2((5 0rof* Ste ie "alicutt Pro6essor o6 9n6ormation Systems B) Maryville University 2('' ))S degree in "ata Processing= St. 4o is .omm nity .ollege#Meramec '!77 Dr* Linetta "arter Pro6essor o6 School 4eadershi& BS in + man $eso rces= Washington University '!7( M) in %d cation= 4inden8ood University 2((6 R/( in %d cation= 4inden8ood University 2((7 %d.". in %d cation 4eadershi&= 4inden8ood University 2('( Dr* 2eorge Edwards+. Provost; ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%.

BS in %d cation= University o6 )rkansas Pine Bl 66 '!6! M) in %d cation= )dministration Tr man State University '!77 R15 in %d cation= Tr man State University '!7( %d.". in %d cation 4eadershi&= 4inden8ood University 2('(

Dr* 6o!nn 7wens Pro6essor o6 .o nseling B) in %d cation= +arris Sto8e University '!6! M)T Behavior Science= We5ster University '!77 M)T in %d cation .o nseling= UMS4 '!!5 MS in .hristian .o nseling= 4ael University '!!( Ph.". in .hristian .o nseling= 4ael University '!!2 Dr* "urt Scarborough Pro6essor o6 Seminary B) ,Pre#Med- So thern 9llinois University '!56 B.M ,M sic- So th8est Ba&tist Theological Seminary '!5! M$% ,.h. )dmin- So th8est Ba&tist Theological Seminary '!5! M) ,.omm nications- %vangel .ollege '!6' Ph.". ,%d cation )dministration- .ol m5ia Paci6ic University '!7! ".Min. ,De8 Testament- Pills5 ry .ollege and Seminary 2((' Th.M. ,0ld Testament 4a8- Pills5 ry .ollege and Seminary 2((2 ".%" ,0ld Testament +istory- Pills5 ry .ollege and Seminary 2((/ .PSF" ,.hr. .o nseling- Pills5 ry .ollege and Seminary 2((1 ")PP4..+$. ,0ld Testament Pro&hecy- Pills5 ry .ollege and Seminary 2((5 +onorary "egrees; 4it". 4aymanHs Bi5le .ollege '!76 "ST Pills5 ry .ollege and Seminary 2((2

) thor; 0ver '(( 5ooks Text5ook; Personal and Practical ,2( @ol mes-#,a .ha&ter 5y .ha&ter St dy o6 all '='7! cha&ters in all 66 5ooks o6 the 5i5le-

Dr* Michael Shaw Pro6essor o6 School 4eadershi& B) in %d cation= So thern University '!!/ M)= .a&&ella University 2('( Ph."= St. Pa l .0*9. Bi5le School '!!' Dr* Shonta Smith Pro6essor o6 School 4eadershi& BS in %d cation= +arris Sto8e University '!!1 M) in %d cation .o nseling= UMS4 '!!! %d." in %d cation 4eadershi&= St 4o is University 2((7 Dr* "ynthia -arren )cademic "ean; ".M.T.S. and B.9.B.4.%. BS in M sic %d cation= 4incoln University '!77 M)T in .o nseling= UMS4 '!!5 M) in Media .omm nication= We5ster University '!77 R/( in School )dministration= UMS4 '!!6 Ph.". in .hristian .o nseling= 4ael University '!!2 %d.". in %d cation 4eadershi&= 4inden8ood University 2('(


1egistration )orm

Student +egistration ,orm

,irst NameDate of BirthMailing AddressCityHome %honeChurch Membershi0%resent Ministry %ositionStateCell %honeLast NameSocial Security #).Mail/i01%ostal Code,a(-

College or Seminary Degrees )arned to DateDegreeSchoolDegreeSchoolDegreeSchoolDegreeSchool2ear2ear2ear2ear-

Degree Sought at D!M!T!S! SeminaryMinistry Degrees Associate of Ministry 3$ undergrad! credit hours" Bachelor of Ministry '4$ undergrad! credit hours" Master of Ministry #$ grad! credit hours" Master of Theology 3$ grad! credit hours" Master of Di*inity 5$ grad! credit hours"


Doctor of Ministry '4$ grad! credit hours" Doctor of Theology '6$ grad! credit hours" (not offere$)

&n=uire about ot)er 'ustom/$esi*ne$ *ra$uate/level tra'ksB "ersonall! "lanne$ to fulfill t)e e$u'ational *oals of in$ivi$ual stu$ents at 7?(?T?S?

C6ill out an$ mail t)is formB alon* wit) a a non/refun$able <#0 re*istration fee ("a!able in >?S 7ollars onl!)? N.T05 Please re=uest letters of referen'e from "ersons w)o know !ou well5 at least one letter from an em"lo!er or someone familiar wit) !our 'areerB an$ anot)er letter from someone familiar wit) !our a'a$emi' "erforman'e? .t)er o"tional items !ou ma! sen$ in'lu$e a 'urrent resume an$ a re'ent ")oto*ra")? T)en rea$ an$ si*n t)e followin* statement5 DT)e information su""lie$ on m! a""li'ation is true an$ a''urate? & *ive "ermission for offi'ials of 7?(?T?S? to verif! an$ 'onfirm an! as"e't of t)e information "rovi$e$ on t)is form an$ on su""ortin* $o'uments? & un$erstan$ an$ a''e"t t)at if at an! time it is $etermine$ t)at & )ave misre"resente$ m!self or m! workB & ma! be $ismisse$ from 7?(?T?S? wit) no refun$ of fees "ai$B an$ t)at an! $e*ree(s) awar$e$ ma! be res'in$e$?D Please si*n below if !ou a''e"t t)e above terms5 Si*nature5 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 7ate5 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

,or more information7 0lease contact7r? 2eor*e 0$war$sB Provost bibleoneFatt?net 7r? ,!nt)ia ;arrenB A'a$emi' 7ean bibleoneFatt?net 2ou may call us at- #'&" 835.9'5#


D*M*T*S* Student

Enrollment "hecklist

)&&lication 6orm com&letely 6illed o t and signed.

".M.T.S. schoolSs technology statement is signed.

066icial co&y o6 yo r transcri&t,s- s 5mitted.

) co&y o6 yo r high school di&loma or e2 ivalent s 5mitted.

Fo have a co&y o6 yo r class sched le.

) M5(.(( check or money order is enclosed 6or registration and:or t ition 6ees ,see the catalog-.

Dote; ) M5(.(( registration 6ee m st 5e s 5mitted 8ith yo r enrollment 6orm. )&&roval 6or enrollment 8ill not 5e granted ntil the registration 6ee is &aid in 6 ll. )ll a&&lications 8ill 5e ret rned.

/*S* mail all tuition checks andAor money orders toB

Dwight McDaniels Theological Seminary 10212 Halls Ferry oa! St" #ouis$ M% 6&1&6


"8ight Mc"aniels Theology Seminary Black8ell 9nstit te o6 Bi5lical 4eadershi& and %vangelism '(2'2 De8 +alls 3erry $oad St. 4o is= M0 6/'/6 ,/'1- 76!#7'!/ G email; 5i5leoneTatt.net G htt&;::888.Black8ell5i5le.com


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