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How does a Bill becomes a law... Bill- Proposed enactment Legislative Power (2 chambers of Congress) 1. Ho se of !epresentative 2.

"enate -# bill can be introd ced either in the "enate or in the Ho se of !epresentatives -$iled on the office of secretar% of either chamber -Bill will be given a corresponding n mber and will be incl ded in the calendar of readings of either chamber -#fter a bill is introd ced to the office of the secretar% of either chamber and it will be calendared for 1st reading 1st reading- onl% n mber& title ' a thor will be read in plenar%. -#fter the secretar% have read the bill& the presiding officer will have to refer the bill to the appropriate committee. (!eferral )h% refer to a committee* # committee is composed of representatives of congress that will have to st d% the merits and demerits of the bill (+he% can have amendment of the bill (#rg ments to ,now the merits and demerits of the bill (-t can happen that several bills are introd ced on one common s b.ect -t can happen that the committee will ta,e no action (Committee level& the bill can die alread% (( # B-LL "H/0L1 H#23 +/ P#"" #+ L3#"+ 4 !3#1-56" 2nd reading- Period for interpolation. -+he% will debate abo t the merits and demerits of the bill -7a% raise 8 estions abo t the proposal -+he bill ma% change of its entiret% -#mendments ((!eferred bac, to the committee then the% will ma,e the final cop% of the bill. ..calendared for 4rd reading 4rd reading- 2ote if %o are for or not -if a bill gathered the ma.orit% of votes the bill will now be called an enrolled bill

(35!/LL31 B-LL- a bill that has passed the 4 readings and certified b% the "ecretar% of the "enate after which it will be signed b% the "pea,er of the Ho se and "enate President. (5o amendments can be done in an 3nrolled Bill. #mendments can onl% be made d ring 2nd reading 3nrolled bill -----9 /ffice of the President )hat can the President do* -#pprove -+a,e no action (Bill will became a law after 4: da%s..........) -2eto the bill (disapproving the law) ... send bac, the bill with a veto message ... over right the veto ... ta,e a vote. 2;4 votes& then the bill vetoed b% the Pres will become a Law --t<s not effective %et. -t has to be p blished in accordance to #rticle 2 of the Civil Code. "/0!C3" /$ L#) 1. Constit tion 2. +reat% 4. "tat te 6353!#L "/0!C3" /$ L#) 1. Legislation 2. "tat tes 4. = rispr dence >-51" /$ "+#+0+3" 1. Constit tion- Highest law of and law and no other law can go against the constit tion 2. +reat%- agreement between 2 independent nations 4. "tat tesP#!+" /$ "+#+0+3" 1. +itle- $ rnishes the name b% which the act is individ all% ,nown (+itle- "ho ld not be misleading (/ne s b.ect-/ne Law (+itle sho ld not be too detailed ("ho ld be in general idea of what the content of the law is. 2. Preamble- 3?plains the reasons of its enactment 4. 3nacting Cla se@. Bod% of the Law A. "eparabilit% Cla se

B. "aving Cla se C. 3ffectivit% Cla se

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