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The Mideast Destruction brought on by the factions of Zionist

and Al-Qaida

This is the History behind the “Modern Day” story behind what
today is the beginning of the end of the Mideast as we know it.
There are two main factions in the Mideast (Arabs and Jews).
However, as the years passed sense 1945 both of these factions
became extremist within their own rights. Hence forth the “Zionist
Extremist” and “Arab Extremist” better known as “Al-Qaida aka
Taliban” of today began.

The Jewish people really did not have a “majority” in what is

known today as “Palestine”. The recognized borders of Israel
constitute about 78% of the land. The remainder is divided between
Israel since the 1967 6-day war and the autonomous regions under
the control of the Palestinian autonomy. They also occupy an
additional 141 square miles south of Israel, and are under the
control of the Palestinian authority. This area also known as the
Gaza. Overall the land variously called Israel and Palestine is a
small, (10,000 square miles at present) land at the eastern from
Jordan to the Mediterranean Ocean, from East to West and from
Egypt in the South, Lebanon in the northern boarders.

In 1798 Napoleon entered the land. Both Arab and Jewish

population increased yet there was only about 24,000 Jews were
living in Palestine, out of a population of about 400,000. The Zionist
movement became a formal organization in 1897 with the first
Zionist congress organized by Theodor Herzl. The Zionist
established farm communities in Palestine during that time.

After WW1 around 1916 under the Sykes-Picot Agreement Palestine

was under the control of Britain at which time Britain offered to
back Arab demands for postwar independence. However, the Arabs,
and post war independence was short changed by the British
promise to give Syria to the French, and promised of Palestine as a
“Jewish homeland”. Yet the Arabs claimed that Palestine was
initially promised to them, but the British denied this. In 1917 The
British established a Mandate for Palestine which was called the
Bailfour Declaration established in November of 1917. Before Britain
had conquered the Jerusalem better known as Palestine, Britain
issued the Baifour Declaration. The declaration was governed by
Lord Rothschild, based on a request of the Zionist organizations in
Great Britain. This was the beginning of the British Zionist
movement. Yet during this time President Wilson of the United
States was against this, calling this simply The British instruments
of their own Imperial ambitions. Basically trying to have the Jews of
Europe is sent to this land known as Palestine. David Ben would
lead the “Yishuv (the Jewish community in Palestine) and later
become the first Prime Minister of Israel. Because of this at that
time he had recognized the inevitability of conflict with the
Palestinian and other Arabs. After the Zionist and others presented
their case to the Paris Peace conference. Ultimately, the British plan
was adopted. But, during the conference, the main issues taken
into account were division of rights between Britain and France,
rather the views of the inhabitants (The Palestinians). The mandate
of the Balfour declaration was formalized in 1922; the British were
to help the Jews build a national home and promoted the creation of
self-governing institutions. Yet Churchill suggested in 1922, the
British never intended that “ALL” of this area would become a Jewish
national home.

In the summer of 1945 the US and other countries brought pressure

to bear on the British to allow immigration. An Anglo-American
Congress recommended allowing 100,000 Jews to immigrate
immediately to Palestine. However, the United Nations Special
Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP) recommended that Palestine be
divided into an Arab state and a Jewish state. The UN General
Assembly adopted this plan on November 29th, 1947 hence forth the
UN Resolution (GA 181) was established owing to support of both
the United States and the Soviet Union and the personal support of
President Harry S. Truman. The Arabs rejected the UN decision, and
the Jews accepted it. The intention was an economic union between
the two states with “open borders”. At the time of partition,
slightly less than half the land in all of Palestine was owned by
Arabs, slightly less than half was “crown lands” belonging to the
state, and about 8% was owned by Jews or the Jewish Agency.
There were about 600,000 Jews in Palestine, almost all living in the
areas allotted to the Jewish state or in the internationalized zone of
Jerusalem, and about 1.2 million Arabs. The allocation of land by
Resolution 181 was intended to produce two areas with Jewish and
Arab majorities respectively. Because of this On May 14, 1948, the
Jews proclaimed the independent State of Israel, and the British
withdrew from Palestine. Within days and weeks following the
British withdraw; neighboring Arab nations invade Palestine and

Simply put, the Europeans did not want “Jews” living in Europe and
because of the “Zionist Movement in Europe”, the Jews did not want
to live in Europe, they wanted a home they can call their own and
proceeded to immigrate to Palestine. But the ultimate problem that
followed was that in doing this the “Palestinian People Loss Their
Homes” and to this day, is a people of “Persona No-Ghana”. The
beginning of Tension.

Yet the United States and Britain had turned their backs on the
rights of the People of Palestine, and because of this the people of
Palestine ultimately received their support of the surrounding Arab
Nations. As time was going on, and the Cries of a “Free Land” for
the Palestinians fell on depth ears, extremist started to grow till
this day. Unfortunately these extremist groups such as the Taliban
and Al-Qaida started to take advantage of this situation and
promote their own ideology among the Arabs, and the people of
Palestine who intern recently established the “Hamas” government
who is being supported by Arab Extremist. The problem is that the
West initially caused the Mideast destruction of the Mideast. So,
it’s the West that must STOP IT. The Only way to do so, is to
pressure Israel to allow the existence of a Free Land for the
Palestine, while at the same time the West is to pressure other Arab
nations to accept Israel as an Independent State, and bring forth
diplomacy, normalization. But, unfortunately the Zionist control the
media output, and uses this tool to establish propaganda
throughout the United States and Europe, while at the same time
lobbying members of Congress, and Executive Branches to support
their tactics at no matter what the cost may be. This is not a
support of the Extremists of Islam, but only a support of the
“Original Intent of Resolution 181”…. (Equal Land of Independence
and Govern Rights for each people).

Richard W. Fredericks “Radical Rick”

God Bless America, God Bless the American People, God Bless Our
Troops. May God have mercy on the Corrupt Establishment?

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