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How do I Install the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Toolkit Using VIPM?

Primary Software: Primary Software Version: 2009 SP1 Primary Software Fixed Version: N/A Secondary Software: N/A Problem: I want to use the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino. How do I Install the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino toolkit using VI Package Manager (VIPM)? Solution: 1. Make sure you have the most recent version of VI Package Manager (VIPM) installed on your system. You can download VIPM Community Edition for free here. 2. Launch VIPM.

3. Browse to LabVIEW Interface for Arduino in the list of packages.

4. Click the Install &Upgrade Packages button.

5. Click Continue.

6. Click Finish.

The LabVIEW Interface for Arduino is now installed on your system. Once the toolkit is installed you can use VIPM to check for updates for it. When there is an update to the toolkit the icon in VIPM will change to look like the image below. Clicking the Upgrade Packages button will update the toolkit to the latest version.

Related Links: NI Arduino Community Arduino HomePage

How Do I Load the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Firmware Onto My Arduino Uno?
Primary Software: Primary Software Version: 1.0

Primary Software Fixed Version: N/A Secondary Software: N/A Problem: I want to use the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Uno. How do I load the Arduino firmware onto my Arduino Uno? Solution: Connect the Arduino Uno to your PC as described in KB 5INA7UYG: How do I Connect an Arduino Uno to my PC? . .

Install the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino toolkit as described in KB 5L38JQYG: How do I Install the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Toolkit Using VIPM? . Open the Arduino IDE by browsing to the folder that you extracted in step 1 and double clickingarduino.exe

The Arduino IDE will open. Click FileOpen and browse to LVIFA_Base.pde found in C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\vi.lib\LabVIEW Interface for Arduino\Firmware\LVIFA_Base Note: If the LVIFA_Base.pde is missing a copy can be downloaded from here.

Choose the Arduino board type by clicking ToolsBoardArduino Uno

Choose the COM port by clicking ToolsSerial Port and choosing the COM port that corresponds to your Arduino Uno.

You can determine the COM port that corresponds to your Arduino Uno using the device manager by clicking StartControl PanelDevice Manager and expanding Ports(LTP & COM).

Click the Upload button to upload the firmware to the Arduino Uno.

The Arduino IDE should report Done Uploading when the firmware has been successfully uploaded to the Arduino.

You are now ready to use the Arduino Uno with the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Uno.

Related Links: Arduino Homepage Developer Zone Community: LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Community Developer Zone Community: LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Setup Procedure

Referencia del Lenguaje

Visita la referencia extendida para caractersticas ms avanzadas del Lenguaje Arduino y la pgina de libreras para estudiar cmo conectar con distintos tipos de hardware. Los programas hechos con Arduino se dividen en tres partes principales: estructura, valores (variables y constantes), yfunciones. El Lenguaje de programacin Arduino se basa en C/C++.



E/S Digitales

setup() (inicializacin) loop() (bucle) Estructuras de control

if (comparador si-entonces) if...else (comparador si...sino) for (bucle con contador) switch case (comparador mltiple) while (bucle por comparacin booleana) do... while (bucle por comparacin booleana) break (salida de bloque de cdigo) continue (continuacin en bloque de cdigo) return (devuelve valor a programa) Sintaxis

HIGH | LOW INPUT | OUTPUT true | false Constantes Numricas Tipos de Datos

pinMode() digitalWrite() digitalRead() E/S Analgicas

; (punto y coma) {} (llaves) // (comentarios en una lnea) /* */ (comentarios en mltiples lneas) Operadores Aritmticos

boolean (booleano) char (carcter) byte int (entero) unsigned int (entero sin signo) long (entero 32b) unsigned long (entero 32b sin signo) float (en coma flotante) double (en coma flotante de 32b) string (cadena de caracteres) array (cadena) void (vaco) Conversin

analogRead() analogWrite() PWM (modulacin por ancho de pulso) E/S Avanzadas

tone() noTone() shiftOut() pulseIn() Tiempo

millis() micros() delay() delayMicroseconds() Matemticas

char() byte() int() long() float()

= (asignacin) + (suma) - (resta) * (multiplicacin) / (divisin) % (resto) Operadores Comparativos

min() (mnimo) max() (mximo) abs() (valor absoluto) constrain() (limita) map() (cambia valor de rango) pow() (eleva a un nmero) sq() (eleva al cuadrado) sqrt() (raz cuadrada) Trigonometra

== (igual a) != (distinto de)

sin() (seno) cos() (coseno)

< (menor que) > (mayor que) <= (menor o igual que) >= (mayor o igual que) Operadores Booleanos

tan() (tangente) Nmeros Aleatorios

randomSeed() random() Communicacin

&& (y) || (o) ! (negacin) Operadores de Composicin


++ (incrementa) -- (decrementa) += (composicin suma) -= (composicin resta) *= (composicin multiplicacin) /= (composicin divisin)
Pgina principal Referencia

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Correcciones, sugerencias, y nueva documentacin debern ser publicadas en el Foro (castellano) o en el Foro (ingls). El texto de la referencia de Arduino est publicado bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 3.0. Los ejemplos de cdigo de la referencia estn liberados al dominio pblico.

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