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March 30 th 2007- First night with a wing

So I go out to this country bar with my wing beelzebub. Ive never been there but he says
its the shit so Im like cool. We get there and run into some people that he knows we all
chill for a bit. Im looking around and i know what i have to do, ive got to get the ball
rolling cause the longer i wait the harder itll be to get momentum. So i open a couple sets
get in between 5-15 mins with each set and excuse myself. I go up to the bar to get a
drink. I open this hb6.5 with "what do u think off my nails?" cause i had them painted
black. She freaks out cause she got the same color on hers. She starts rapid fire with
questions about music etc. next thing u know shes like "were twins. lets go fuck." I blow
out her shit test. She drags me off toward the dance floor. Introduces me to her husband.
We chill, dance and i throw out some negs, she buys me a drink. She expresses that she
wants my number so i give it to her infron of her husband. Get done with that. Go back to
my buddy. Hanging out and i see this hb8.5 w/her big boned friend walking. I cut them
off and open with something about her ley and for her to give it to me. we talk a min. I
throw out "your so pretty, its too bad im gay otherwise ud be my type. We talk abit shes
like ill get u a ley. I excuse myself. come back later open again about the lay. Then who
lies more. She keep incinuating things about wanting to get with me, asking if ive ever
kissed a woman, shit like shed be a good fuck i should take a ride. End up b4 my buddy
and i leave. Shes asking me for my number and telling my buddy to bring me back
sometime. i forgot to drop it that im actually not gay. The next day we run into her at this
festival, she says some shit about she broke up with her bf, telling me some of her gay
friends we coming out, and her friend wants to know if my wing and i wanna go to a gay
bar with them. Decline that. End up talking to her again. Drop the bomb that im not gay, i
was just having fun messing around. She tells me she knew already. Anyways she wants
to see me, she asked me to come back to the bar this weekend but im flying to chicago
this thursday but ill see her next week. keep ya informed what happens next

April 4th 2007

So last night I go out to the green iguana. I got off gymnastics at 9:30pm and wasnt
feeling like sarging, i was kinda tired and i also kept in consideration the fact that I had to
wake up at 830 to fly to chicago. I relaxed at my place and i started getting antsy, my
mind was telling me what r u doiing get out there. So i showered and al the good stuff. I
arrived at 11:30. Opened a set and it just felt weak i got bout 5 mins in and my mind went
blank so i ejected myself out so i could talk to them later. I run into one of my buddies
there so we hang out a bit. While out having a cigarette I open this 2 set, hb7cowboyhat
and hb7flatchest. It was cool i diqualified myself with both them and negged them both.
My buddy was tryharding, i felt bad for him cause i knew he was going home alone. So
hb flatchest leaves to go find their friends and my buddy and i are left with the
hb7cowboyhat. He decides to go to the bathroom, while talking hb7cowboyhat says shes
going to get a drink, im like "perfect you can get me one too.Thanx!" so she buys me a
drink. i find out shes an artist so get drinks go off to pation. Run into her friends and i
open them. run the cube on her. She freaks out when i give her my interpretation of her

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cube.I must have been in this set for 30mins or so. Her rides like im tired my back hurts
lets go. So i get day 2 and # close. I go into the other room and there this huge huge
couch. I sit down to check my messages. The guy to the right of me says "hey y u trying
to screw up my game." and points to the girl on my left. Im like "my bad". He tells me
hes just joking and that he and his buddy tried and got rejected and that she was a bitch.
Hmmmm I think for 1.4 secs decide im gonna show them that shes not a bitch that in fact
they are just lame. So I open hb8.5brightsmile. Within a min, 2 max I can see her opening
up, warming up to me. BL toward me like crazy, constant smile on her face and just
totally eatting up everything i have to say. I neg and am just cocky funny with this chick.
Weve been talking for like 20 mins already and her friend comes over, hb5beast, and i
open her. She walks away. Im in the middle of establishing day 2 when hb8.5brightsmile
tells me to give me her number and i act like im not that easy, etc...shes like i dont care i
want ur number lets do it, lets exchange. So #close and day2 close. We talk lil more and
her friend grabs her cause she wants to leave. She resists her friend. her friend gets the
car while hb8.5 chills w me for like 5mins more. She should be fun. So they leave I go
back to the patio and open another set, 2 guys and this hb6crookedtooth. So i hook them
and this one guy starts going into how he pics up chicks and i couldnt help but laugh. Hes
such the typical afcSo i find out that this chick is single just fucks these 2 guys every now
and then. She and one of the guys leaves to get a beer and the other guy tells me i can
proably hit it. Yea im ok on that.One shes not that hot and 2 I dont like hand me downs.
End of night bars closing Im stil in this set, one of the guys wants my number cause "im
so fuckin cool" then the hb6"c.t." asks for mine and im like sure cause ill just "LJBF" her
and game some of her girlfriedns, im sure shes got some. All and all good night good
practice. I wish i had more time with that hb8.5brightsmile, i know i could have gotten

April 11 th 2007- LR: Green Iguana

Lets set the scene. Its 9:30. I am just leaving gymnastics. Im tired I dont want to go out, I
wanna go home and sleep. I check my phone. I have a message from 108 (naveen) telling
me its gonna be on at green iguana, supposedly V (miami seduction) is gonna be here. I
definately wanna check this out.

I shower and do all the typical shit. Its raining like an s.o.b. Im thinkning this isnt my
night at all. I get there and im walking around. I talk to a couple people. No sign of any

While waiting i run into this girl I hooked up with on day 2 but blew me off on day 3.
Definately awesome cause she was sposed to have day 3 with me earlier today. Meet up
with everyone. Talk a bit then everyone winging or doing there own thing(me).

Never really saw anyone in action cause i didnt feel like being the third wheel. Open
some sets. Meet up again. Open a couple more. Feeling like leaving. I go out to the patio
to smoke a cigarette. I open this girl and her friend. Hb8Asian and HbNotHot. So Im
talking to the two of them. Hb8 grabs my ass then the not hot one wants us all to dance. I

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dont feel like it. So Hb8 tells her friend well be here if she needs us. We chill for a bit
talk, make out ,feel each other up.

Time passes, we see her friend again and then shes off to dance again. My girl wants to
dance and i dont feel like it so i pull her outside to cube her. I dont get that far cause shes
got some psychic test she wants to run on me so i play along.

Get done with that and i tell her im starving and that im gonna leave. I tell her to join me.
Shes like "sure lets find my friend". Find her friend and i just give her the lowdown that
we are leaving to get food and she should come(i dont want her to come). She declines.

Get outside and on the way to the car i "realize" that its late and that nothings open. Oh
well lets go to my place. Get her here. Have her make me a sandwhich from my fridge.
Then bang her for 2 hrs. All and all a good night.

April 22 nd 2007- LR: Internet girl

So this weekend I was in bradenton as normal with my wing. Sun afternoon came by and
it was time to go. I had a day 3 to go to. Day 2 I couldnt get past making out.

I got home and checked my email. I had an wink from this hb7 off an internet dating site
so I sent her a message that was pretty cocky funny. She hit me back within an hour on
my im service while i was getting ready. I talked to her for like 10 mins then arranged for
her to come here so we could go shoot some stick. Called my day 3 and cancelled in a
slick way.

Hb7 shows up and we hit the pool hall for like two hours. All i did the whole time was
qualify, neg, and be cocky/funny and interesting. I dropped a kiss close routine on her
and it was on. She started rubbing the inside of my leg. I told her lets get outta here. We
went back to my place. No lmr at all. Very nice and tight. Ill probably keep it on the
backburnner as an fb.

May 5 th 2007 Libido meeting at HOB

Sunday afternoon I drive out to Orlando for libido's meet and greet. It starts out just him
and I shooting th shit and talking theory. Vico, satchboogie,zuzu, and teamplay arrive.
We sit at friday's a little while talking about body language, attitude, peacocking, kino.
Then its off to some peacock shopping thou ZuZu left us early.

Definately got some great advice on different styles and what kind you want to look for
in peacocking material. Jumped from store to store in the premium outfits just checking
things out. It was almost 9pm and Libido was raving about these LED belts so we just
had to check them out. Everyone ended up buying one. These are so money.

Libido, satchel and I decided to meet up at the HOB in downtown disney. Whle waiting

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in line with Libido the girls behind us open us with "can u take a picture of us?" Im like
sure and I put my arm around the girl that was handing me the camera. Libido knew what
was going on. Photo routine with the girls.

Then it was just banter and bullshit. I remember Libido talking about how he loves the
eye crusties on one of the girls.

Libido and I go in and upstair to the balcony. In walks a group of japanese girls and
Libido opens that group. We talk to them abit and they leave to go get drinks. Time goes
by and there is no sign of satchelboogie even thou i saw him enter downstairs while I was
on the balcony.

Im sitting on oneside of one of the couches. Getting myself warmed up with the constant
revolving door of people in the balony. Libidos busy with an fb. I leave and find satchel. I
come back to see that theres this guy and black5 sitting on my couch and open them. The
guy moves and I sit and talk to the girl. I convert her into my cupholder. Shes flriting
with me, we chill for a bit and I get up to use the bathroom.

On my way back thru the sea of people I feel someone run into my ass. I turn around and
theres this hb6latino. I play with her. I said" Stop trying to pick my pocket" Which in turn
she laughs and gives me kino. We talk for a second while wading thru the crowd. She
wraps her arm around me pulling herself close to me. We talk a little, she gives lots of
ioi's and she asks me to go dance with her.

On the way to the floor she asks if I want a shot. Im like sure if you want to grab me one.
A shot turns into a shot and a drink. While were waiting shes qualifying her self to the
things I say.

Ex. hb6latina: "You've probably never been with a latina have you?"
Me: Actually my second love was guatamalan.
hb6latina: "Omg, im 1/2 guatamalan blah blah blah......"

I guide her to the balcony again. We get to my couch and theres black5 and this white5
sitting there. I reopen and they move over so i get in the middle of them. The black girls
gay friend comes over and joins the convo. Im talking to all four of them when i notice
this hb8.5cowboyhat w/ her hb7blonde. I open them and get them in the group. More

White5 grabs hb8.5cowboyhat's boobs(they were big). I grab hb8.5s boobs, she kisses me
on the mouth. She gives me a hug says theyll be back they are going to dance. Hb7 gives
me hug, her phone number. I make a crack about how her friend let me grab her boobs.
Hb7 offers for me to grope hers. Sure why not im not turning that down.

About 5 mins later Libidos like we have to go. Guess there was drama with the fb.
Bounced before getting hb8.5s number.

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Get in the parking lot. Couple girls in front of me look back at us. So i open with "Are u
guys shy Im right back here and you didnt even say hi." They get to their car I come up.
Talk to them a bit. Insinuating that the hot ones trouble and that we wouldnt get a long.
Number close the hot one.

Drive back to libidos and crash on his couch. Wake up the next day and decide to work in
orlando for a bit. I start heading back to tampa for gas and stop of at this gas station in
davenport at about 5pm. Guess who I run into at the gas station. Hb8.5cowboyhat. We
talk for abit and I bounce her into day 2.

She hops in my car and we proceed to fridays. I #close my traditional way. We hang out,
eat, get to know each other. Bounce to pleasure island. Hit bongos. I get into some deep
destiny shit using the way we ran into each other (serendipity....fate) and compared it to
other times of my life and she did the same. She was eating it up. We make out. Bounce
to AMC theater for "hot fuzz"(liked it better than shaun of the dead). Then drop her of at
her car about 1am.

May 9 th 2007 FR: WTF!!!

After a long week of going out with friends/sarging I decided to go to green iguana. I had
contacted scooby earlier and had been informed that he would join me. I got there just
about the same time as him. We skipped the line and hit the "vip" entrance. He had never
been there before so I showed him around.

I think its real good to push your wing. Its good motivation. While hanging out I would
randomly put him on the spot and send him into set. I opened 5 sets. My first set didn't go
anywhere cause i they played the short answer game with me. I opened another set and
was blown out by the fat friend. I reopened one of scooby's sets as they walked by us. My
fourth set was a 3set. All women in their 30's. Hb7.5latina, hb7blonde and hb6boring.

I opened and was in set for about 15 mins when the girls decided to get a drink and
invited me to go with them. While talking to them I was busting on them, talking bout
their passions, etc. We hit the dance floor and Im dancing with hb7.5laina and she pushes
me away. I dance close to her but talk to her friend. She pulls me in then pushes me
away. Im like WTF. I talk to her friend. She does it again. I walk away. I open another
set. I get bored of the girls.

I hit the bathroom and then Im on a mission to find scooby see whats up with him when I
run into hb7.5latina. I help her find her friends. She helps me find scooby. We get a
drink. Talk abit. Lots of kino. She kisses me. Her friends text something to her and we go
to the front door.

At the door one of the girls asks if hb7.5latina is cool to drive. I say something about im
allstate and she's in good hands. We leave and we take her car back to her place.
At her place we drink some wine and she cooks a bit for us.

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Everythings going great were hanging out. We're making out on her futon when we both
flip off it and hit the wall. I guide her to her bedroom. Im thinking its on. We're getting
intimate and I go for the bra. LMR. I rub the crotch. No LMR. Try again for bra. LMR.
She tells me Im not going to sleep woith you. I tell her dont worry Im not that type of guy
I dont know you that well. Go for the bra agin. LMR. I freeze her out. Her response to my
freeze out is that she freaks out. Starts crying talking about her past, ex-bf and her shitty
life. Not where I wanted to go. I try to guide it gently elsewhere and nothing works. Its
clear this girl is fucked up in her head because her past. Out of nowhere this chick gets in
a rage, climbs on top of me and puts her hands around my throat.

I calm her down and flip her off me. She apologizes telling me she has issues and they
come out sometimes when she drinks. She freaks out crying again. I feel like im
babysitting and running damage control. I calm her down again. Im tired and my urge to
escalate is gone so I go to sleep. She drives me back to my car in the morning.

5/11/2007- LR: McDintons

This is gonna be short. Im kinda pissed I just typed up this Lr once and it didnt post.

I went out to macdintons to meet up with scooby, rhythman, iceman.

I open some sets, warm up a bit and find the guys.

Only three sets stick out in my mind.

1st one. I open hb7teacher and her friend. Hook them deeper with best friends. Scooby
comes into wing. Game abit. i go for the isolate. Hb7teacher tells me she cant leave her
friend. Fair enough. I bounce all of us to lounge area to sit on some couches. Scooby is
busy with one which makes it so easy for me to game the other. Thanks scooby. I can tell
by the way this girls talking to me and looking at me that shes into me a bit. I end up
kissing her and she freaks out saying that shes not that type of girl. She doesnt make out
with guys she just me. Grabs her friend and goes to get a drink.

2nd one that stands out. Hanging in the patio with the guys (another pua is whith us
now...sorry bro i forgot your handle) a 2 set starts walking by. They both look at me and
one of them high fives me so ill call her hb7highfive. Other girl is hb7blonde. They go to
walk by and I run an opener on them. Set hook. They tell me they love each other and
that they are together. Im like awesome then you'd love the castle tonight you'll find
plenty of lesbians. Scooby wings. We both game. Scooby ejects. Clit tease comes in
wings. Thanks to both of you. i chat up my girl. Clit tease ejects. Hbhighfive walks 15 ft
away to check on friends. I end up finding out the girls arent lesbians its just a friend
thing. I kiss and number close hb7blonde. Time goes by i keep it up with both them.
Another friend comes over saying the rest of the girls want to go. Hbhighfive says i must
come to their place for afterhours (6+girls) and start trying to drag me off. I tell them Im
not bouncing on my friends and tell them if i come later it'll be five us us.

10 mins later. Last set of the night. I open this 3 set. 2 guys 1 girl. Ignore her. Chat up

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them. Find out guys are gay. Talk to her. Get her intrigued with me. Guys bounce to
adjacent set. a2-a3-c1 happens so fast like 5 mins. I isolate. More comfort. Bars is

her: I gotta fing my friends.

me: Ill help u.
her: then what.
me: Im going home.
her: (starring at me)
me: Unless your up for hanging out still.
her: sounds good.

Find the friends and get to the car. This is where I almost blow it.
me: i'll just call you in a bit. Go drop your friend off.

My brain yells at me "WTF are you doing. Get in car ride with them. Grab your car.
Follow them. Do something."

She drops me at my car. We drive to her gay friends house. Im thinking "drop him off
lets bounce to your place.". Doesnt quite work that way. Looks like the party's at his
place. Two hours of kino and bullshitting hoping this gay guy would get tired so I could
escalate with the girl further.

We hit the hot tub. I start playing with her boobs and fingering her. She plays with me as
well. The sun comes up its like 7am already. She suggests bedtime. I second that motion.
Get her in the bedroom strip off her wet bra and wet panties. Lose my boxers. Go for the
full close....no LMR. Rail her for a bit. I stop cause shes getting cramps and its hurts. Not
cool when getting some. I get her some ibuprofen from her gay friend. Kill time hoping
she'll feel better so I can finish. No such luck. It hits 8:30am and I decide to sleep.

I wake up with the momentary feeling of where am I. I look over and score, theres a
naked chick. I wake her up and have my way with her.

All in all a great night. Most importantly I learned a lot from being in the field tonight.

Heres a pic of the chick. Grabbed it from her myspace.

5/13/07 FR: HOB w/ Libido

So I drive out to orlando all peacocked out. If you've seen me out u know what I mean. I
show up at libido's to pick him up. HIs roomate lets me in. I walk into the living room
and theres libido wearing a fucking toga!! He explains he's waiting for his clothes to dry.
While pegaming we start joking about how funny it would be if they would let him in
like that. He decides to go for it but brings a change of clothes with just in case.

We get there and they actually let him in. New outfit for libido. We grab a drink and run

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into optic. We go upstairs and I wait for him on the balcony while he's in the bathroom.
Open a set and it fizzle's faster than poprocks in my mouth.

We go down stairs and he opens up a set on the lower platform. So I go to a column on

the upper platform just to watch the show. He hooks it and I realize this one might be a
while so I look to my left and theres a 2 set. Hbblonde(7) and hbbruenette(6). I open them
with "Can you guys believe my friend came out in a toga?". Hbbruenette answers and
fires back with questions about who am i, why the makeup, am i local,etc

I fire back with "Just because I'm famous doesn't mean you have to interview me. Let's
just have fun." I find out they are from kansas and I tease them on that. High five
hbblonde. She in turn wraps her arm around my waist for a side hug. Hbbruenette says
she'll brb. So I continue talking to hbblonde. I run my magic k-close and bam, blondie
and I are locked at the mouth. Hbbruenette comes back. I bounce them to find libido.
Find him upstairs and he wings me. I isolate hbblonde to the rail of the balcony. Make
out and I start qualifying her in comfort. All of a sudden hbbruenette comes back over.
Seems libido negged her about having a oily forehead and she didnt like it. She grabbed
her friend and they run off to the bathroom. Hbblonde says she'll be back.

I immediately bounce to the dance floor. Run into optic and I open this 6set on the floor.
Im primarily talking to this hot hb8.5hairdresser when her friend hb7hairdresser
interrupts. Bullshit bullshit and hb8.5hd gets dragged for a sec by another girl in the
group. Im talking to hb7 and I dont know why I did it cause I wanted the other hb more
but I did the magic k-close again. Bam Im making out with this one now. I go to isolate
and one of her friends says that she has to come with. I hadn't seem this girl from the
group yet. Run upstairs and I see the last set i was in walking out he balcony. I guess they
were looking for me. Oh well you snooze you lose girls.

I get in there and theres libido talking to a set. I come near him and im talking to the girls.
He wings for a sec then bounces. The girls are boring and I'm not loving having a third
wheel so I eject.

I get into another set. Bullshit bullshit. Another makeout. God I love my k-close. Eject.

I run into libido talking to this 4 set. 3 asians and a guy. I bullshit with them then bounce.

I get out on the patio and I see this 3 set. Hb7.5dsl(shes french as well), hd7.5french, and
some douchebag. I enter with "Have you seen a guy here in a toga?". Bullshit bullshit.
Douchebag was actually their friend he leaves to try and find some ass. I'm talking with
both girls on the side of me. When I point to my right cheek and hbfrench kisses that
cheek. I point to my left cheek and hbdsl kisses there. I tell her she missed my other
cheek and point to it. She kisses me on the mouth and starts making out with me
hardcore. Hb7.5french walks away.

Im at the rail talking to hb7.5dsl when I suggest we exchange phone numbers. I realize I
don't know where my phone is so I call using hers and leave myslef a message. I grab her

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and tell her we are on a mission to find my phone. I walk her to the parking lot and to my
car. she point out that she can see it thru the passanger window. I open the door and tell
her to sit. She complies. I get in the other side and we start making out. Im like fuck this
and we jump in the back. Shes laying down in the back and Im laying next to her. I start
to escalate. Hips, boobs, puss. No lmr sweet so i start fingering her. Were doing this for a
bit. Making out and fingering her. I unclasp my belt and its like an alarm in her head.
OMG SEX!!!!! I get LMR'd and she wants to get out of the back seat. We leave the car
and go back to HOB. I bounce on her inside.

I open another set and find them boring so I eject. I hit the dancefloor and watch some
breakdancers for a little bit. These guys are lame. Ive seen so much better.

I enter another set upstairs and find out that 2 of the girls are lesbians. Fuck one of them
was my target. Drink one of their beers and bounce. HOB is closing so I go to find
Libido. He's on the balcony on the other side of the place. I sit down on a couch adjacent
to him and his fb. Couple girls from his work try to steal my set cause i get up to get a
cigarette. I tell them when I get back they are going to have to part like the red sea. Then
agree but they thought I was kidding about coming back. I get back and now im the
creme filling in their puerto rican cookie. Bullshitting when security kicks us out. I try to
bounce to denny's (them libido his hb) they are kinda hesitant cause its 3am. I didnt try
and #close even thou I should have.

5/16/07 FR-airplane sarge

Hey whats up all. This post is an interesting one. I grabbed flight to chicago to visit my
parents and friends in chi for the next couple days.

I had an aisle set. I was reading a book on nlp and just kinda hanging out. Wasn't thinking
of sarging. About 1.5hrs into the flight I feel the need to hit the bathroom.

I get up and walk down the aisle. I look over and I see this girl giving me eye contact.
She smiles at me I smile back and say "Hey what up"

I stand there in the aisle talking to this girl for a min or so. she has the window set and
there's two guys next to her. One of them I know he's not with her. He and his other
Tampa international employee have swapped seats before. I know cause his origional seat
was in front of mine. So that leave a possible bf or obstacle. I excuse myself to go to the

I come back and tap Tampa workers shoulder and ask him if he could momentarily
switch seats so I could continue my conversation. He agrees. I talk to her and the other
person. Turns out its one of her friends and they are going to visit friends from their past.
I chat up them both. Find out buddy boy has a gf and its not her. We bullshit a bit.

I run the cube on her. Which fascinates the guy as well. I decide its time to eject cause I
didnt really see an option to bounce to another venue due to being on a moving plane and

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that we all have rides coming. Number close. Telling her I got to get back to what I was
doing but that the three of us should bring out our friends from chicago and go have some

Definately learned something new. I now have a formula in my head for this maneuver
and Ill be sure to try it again when I get an opportunity to.

5/20/07- FR: HOB

So yesterday I flew back in from chicago. I wasn't planning on going out cause of a
combo of drinking fri/sat, lack of sleep sat night and jet lag from the flight. Libido called
me up for HOB and I reluctantly agreed. I get to his place and hang out till slikk shows

We all bounce over to Hob. We all chilled and hung out for a bit.

Slikk and I open up a set 2 girls and a guy. Slikk isolates the blonde while I entertain the
other two. Find out the guy is the bruenettes brother. I end up making out with her. Slikk
says something that the blonde didn't like. They want to go dance so I eject.

I run off to the bathroom and as I'm coming back I see slikk in set with a 2set. I DHV him
as I come in. I isolate what I think is his target. Im talking to her, playing around with her
and busting her balls. I see slikk making out with the other girl. We eject. Come to find
out that he thought he was winging me so the girl he made out with, he thought was my

I walk down the bar and I feel a tug at the collar I was wearing. I look back and its this
smoking Hb8.5 bruenette. She's with her friend. I start to talk to her and get ahead of
myself forgetting about the friend. The friend drags her off.

I run into slikk again, he's in set. I wing and bounce cause I'm bored of the set.
Check out the dancefloor and go back upstairs and run into Nautilus. He's in a 2 set.

I come in and dhv him. Isolate the short one. Find out they are "sisters". Banter with her a
bit, bust on her, have her fall into my frame of her having an "evil side". I make out with
her(she's not a great kisser). She keeps talking about wanting me to go home with her, I
play hard to get. Go on the patio and run into their chaperones. The short girls cousin and
her fiance. Nautilus and I must have been with that set for 40 mins when the place closes.

Nautilus, slikk, libido, his fb, myself, the two "sisters" and the chaperones bounce to
After denny's, nautilus and I get lost looking for these girls hotel. By the time we got
there (5+am) its as if their BT dropped.

I isolate my girl by the pool area and have a make out session. I push for the lay down
and she's not going for it. We continue making out. She wants to go check on her cousin.

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Im like "she's in good hands." and i caveman her bringing her behind the pool cabana.
Push her against the wall. Go for the crotch and her phone rings. She answers it and says
she needs to get back.

The rest of what happen wasn't worth getting into detail. I was getting more tired and
starting to get annoyed with my girl. About 6:30 Nautilus and I bounce.

5/27/07-5/28/08- FR: Sober


Meet up with a bunch of people at channelside. We start up at this kinda lame country bar
upstairs. Talk with neo and the gang for a bit and hit the dancefloor before getting social
with the crowd as a way to get the juice flowing. Im doing the whole 30day thing so I'm
doing my best not to use routines.

There's a point where some guy there take a pic of CT, myself and gamma. (btw. Do you
guys still have the card the guy gave each one of us, I want to snag that pic) End up next
door at banana joe's. As Im walking in there's this hb that i open with something
spontaneous about the fact that I'm now famous and went into a fun story bout the pic
that was taken. We bullshit a bit and nothing comes out of it.

Talk to a couple more people and then its downstairs to splitsville w/ ct and gamma.
Gamma opens this 4 set and then ct and myself come in. The positioning is bad for me
from the start. Im stuck behind one girl while ct and gamma are going at it. I eject. I come
back and two of the girls are gone so I talk to ct a bit. The girls come back and I try to
engage one of the girls. Total silence from her. I talk to her friend a bit. CT and I eject.

Walking toward the bathroom. We run into this two set. I open w/ "Hey have you met
CT?". Hbbruenette stops to talk to me. The other keeps going then omes back noticing
her friend is back. I talk to the bruenette for a bit and ct talks to the blonde. Then we
switch up. Turns out I've met the blonde before at green iguana before but don't
remember her. (High five for alcohol memory loss) They are going to leave and I number
close the bruenette.

After this the rest of my sets don't really go anywhere, partialy cause I'm in my head.


Start out at crabby bill's w/ ct and gamma. I chode out for a bit. Realize what Im doing
and have a little mental heart to heart with myself. Talk to a couple people with the
purpose of getting blown out.

Best set of crabby bill's for me was hb7princess. Sitting down w/ ct and gamma. She
comes up asking if she can sit at the table cause she's hungry. I fuck with her for a minute

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not allowing her to. She says we can have some of her wings. Im like sure. Immediately
she sits down straddled on the bench seat between ct and me but facing me.(major bl IOI)
She starts talking to us.

They end up bouncing so its me and her. Throughout this time its been pretty normal
conversation plus a lil banter and busting on her. Shes kissed my shoulder and rested her
head against my neck. I ask her two seperate things that lead into a long, deep and
interesting convo. Her friends come by and say they are leaving but first have to find
everyone else.

Hbprincess : "I hope I get to see you again before I leave."

Me:(handing my phone) "Let's make this easy then.
hbprincess: (types number, stands in above me, kisses me) "Im Casia"
me:"Whats my name"
hbprincess:"i dont remember"
me: (turn my head away from her)
her: (she pulls it back and makes out with me) "what is your name agian. i'm sorry"

i tell her my name then as i leave she tells me to call her sometime.

I go home to freshen up then off to shepard's. Get there at about 11pm and meet up w/ct,
gamma, and rhythuman.
Over the next 2.5 hours, I wing the guys and talk to 5 other sets but each one of them is
around 20 mins. I get 4 phone numbers and 3 kisses.

6/1/07 FR: Blasty blasty

Alright I just woke up so I'll get down to what you want to see. Scooby picks me up from
my place and we shoot over to a club to meet up with blockzilla.

We all hang out in the back for a little while getting to know each other and just having
fun. Very important for state. If you don't do that you look like a bunch of funless losers
to everyone else.

We bounce to the other side of the club. Block opens a set using my makeup as his
opener. I wing a bit. I end up negging one of the girls and I don't think she liked it so they
left. I saw her latter and there were no smiles for me. Oh well.

Scooby enters a set and I wing him. Everythings great but i get bored of the set cause
they are trying to steer it down the path of interview questions. I eject. Scooby stays. Way
to stick in there.

I open a couple set and nothing special happens. After running back into scooby, I open
this hb7.5redow (the ow means older woman). The set hooks and i just push forward.
Scooby leave and I keep running with it. I see that neo shows up but I'll see him in a bit.
I'm probably in set for a total of 10-15 mins when I go for the kiss in my usual way.

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Doesn't go over well. *note to self: Older women (30+) try just going for it instead of
mystery kclose or magic close.*

me: Would you like to kiss me?

hb: no...cause if you have to ask.
me: I didn't say you could blah blah blah
hb: stares at me jaw drops
me: turn my body away from hers and look around
hb: reinitaitaes chat forget what she says
me: bullshit for a min then magic kclose
hb: I got to go find my friend

Run into these girls that i opened earlier tonight. When I opened earlier I convinced one
of them that we met last week but she must have been to drunk to remember. So its me
Neo and i in this one. We stick around for about 10+ minutes when scooby taps me. He
has a booty call so I work it out with Neo to drop me off.

Walk thru the crowd and I end up teasing this girl that I thought was a waitress acting like
she was trying to give me her little reciept book in reality it was this girls purse. Good
thing she knew I was joking or security would have been on my ass. so Neo and I talk to
this set for a bit. While in set the lights come on and its time to go.

Best set of the night:

As I'm leaving I open one of the hired guns, Hb8.75blonde. I talk to her just stacking
stories and qualifying her, disqualifying her, and tell her we'll "just be friends". i tell her I
got to go with my friend and she say we'll walk outside together. On the way I tell her she
seems fun and we should hang out as I hand her my phone. She types her number in it.
We get outside and talk for a second and I stare into her eyes as she stares back. We have
this moment of sexual tension. I point to my right cheek *kiss*, then the left *kiss*, then
my lips *she plants one*. I return the favor same order and bounce to get neo.

-Downside since im going to be out of town sun thru tuesday and my car will be in the
shop till aroound fri. I didn't really have a day2 set up. That and I didn't try for the
bounce, I would have had to wait for her to close up thou I've worked in a bar before it
can take a while sometimes depends on management.

So game plan with this one is call her tomarrow and then just stay in touch with her.
Build connection and fan the fires of attraction on the phone till I get back/get my car

6/2/07 FR- A deal breaker

Doctor r picks me up and we head over to ybor city. Already played ringman
coordinanting the group together. We meet at green iguana. Its myself, the doctor,
gamma, and blockzilla. We hang out for a bit and shoot the shit. I walk to the other side

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of the club and I notice a lot of women I'm not particularly attracted to. So I grab a beer
from the bar. Shoot the shit a little more and decide that I'm leaving to hit prana after my
next beer.

Over by the bar there is this really cute hb8latin and her friend, hb7blonde. They are
grinding together and being surround by this group of guys drooling. She has her back to
me and she's dancing o close that she's withing a ft of me. I tap her on the shoulder and
open her. I point out the scummy guy with the 80's bushy mustache, drooling over her
saying. "I bet her wants to give you a mustache ride." She starts laughing. I go into a
couple routines and start dropping stories. She's loving it when then after about 10 mins I
drop a whole room destroyer. She agrees with what I say. I number close and find the
group and bounce to prana.

We get into prana and got to the salsa room. Doctor r neds up opening a set and I decide
to wing. The girl I'm talking to I'm not really into but hey I have to play the distraction. I
have a bit of fun with the girl. While standing at the bar with her this other chick walks
up to get a drink and is standing next to me so I open her, hbexstripper. Hook line and
sinker on this one. She starts kinoing me

This was my last set of the night. I am making her work for it. Im qualifying her and
disqualifying her. The way she's acting leads me to believe a man has never treated her
like this. A shot girl comes up to us and I start teasing her. I end up un doing the shotgirls
bra from the back. She gives us both a free shot. I'm not worrying about anything with
this girl. I figure no matter what I can go back to the dancefloor or bar area and get
something else.

We travel all over the club. Talking and making out. We end up on these red couches
upstairs. We talk about her living situation and how she lives near me,etc. She's talking
bout hitting the casino and I throw out there how she needs to tuck me in tonight. She
says that would be more entertaining then the casino. I warn her i'm scared of the
monsters in my closet,etc.

Here is where the whole night starts to unravel. It's about 2-2:15am. There is this guy
dancing right near us who is acting like he's rolling or really fucked up on something else.
He sits near us and puts his hand out so I high five him. He does the same to the girl I'm
with. She high fives. He puts his hand out again. HIgh five. Repeat to her. He gets up
dances a min. Sits down puts hand out so I put mine out. He lays his hand flat on mine
and drags his fingertips across my palm. Im like fuck is this guy coming on to me or is he
just rolling. He does the same to her so I conclude it must be the drugs. Out of nowhere
he grabs my hand ,lifts it to his mouth and kisses the back of it. Real fucking creep. I pull
my hand back. He gets up and dances a bit. Then he comes back and drops down right
next to me with his arm around my shoulder. I freak out pushing him off. He tells me I
should try it (I'm like "WTF!!!!!") and trys to hand me his water bottle. i ask him whats in
it. he says its a drink. Yea I don't trust this guy. I tel him to go away. He gets up and goes
to the other side of the couch and starts harassing this lone guy.

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Gamma txts me that he wants to leave so I walk downstairs. I know that this girl is done,
that I'm gonna get some pussy tonight. We get ouside to wait for Gama. We talk and she
smiles. DEAL BREAKER. Her teeth are a yellowish color, reminisant of butter. All
attraction for this girl goes south. So now I'm like fuck how do I leave her. I walk her
over to the pizza place and say I have to go to the bathroom. She says the same, perfect.
As she's in the bathroom I ditch her.

I meet up with gamma and go home. I just couldn't do it . I have standards. I know planty
of guys that would have said they would have stil done it; closed there eyes, flipped her
over, etc. Thats the only downside about hooking up with a girl in a dark club. It can be a
bit of an illusion and you don't see the truth till you get in the light.

All in all thou was a great night, I must say that I feel more comfortable with this. Things
are starting to click more and I feel my skills improving.

6/06/07 FR- I miss my car

Gamma picks me up with the notion that he's gonna catch out early. No worries i can
improvise and figure stuff out on the fly. Get to green iguan and run into neo. Meet up
with cafe as well.

I'm standing by the beer girl with cafe when he tells me one of us is getting eye fucked. I
tell him to open. AS I turn to look I see Neo over at the set. I halt cafe from doing
anything further. I proceed to wing Neo. Everything in that set goes good. They decide to
go get a drink. I guess they needed to gossip for a sec.

I end up playing around with the shot girl which gets cafe and myself buy one get one
shots. Open a couple more sets. Get some decent responses but eehhh I'm looking for
something else. I open up this other set on the dance floor. It this hb7.5married and
hb6seperated. I talk bullshit, disqualify my self by bringing up my non existant gf. I eject.
On my way around the club I open this chick not knowing she's with all these black guys.
Next thing I know one of thems yelling at me. Something along the lines of "Get away
from my gf. Don't touch her.". I scamper off not wanting to deal with more bullshit.

Run into neo he tells me about the first set were both chicks want to make out with me.
Find them and I open up the set, its four guys. I choose one and isolate her. I qualify her.
Make out with her, she invites me to go out tomarrow. I bring up she should cook for me.
She's like anything I want. So that'll be happening before going with her tonight. She's
not a great kisser but I'll take a free meal.

I eject then end up running into the married chick. I make out with her. She gives me her
phone number telling me her hubby is gonna be out of town this weekend. I run into cafe
again. We are walking thru th back side and i tell him to go open this one set. I was
planning on winging him but while i was giving it ample time I get opened by this two
set. hb7military and her military guy friend. Run the set just having fun and the hb invites
me to her party tomarrow. Sorry girl I got plans. I end up making out with her. She tells

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me she's seeing someone at the moment and press on. Place closes.

This is the part were I wish I had my car. Her friend thinks I'm the coolest guy in the
world. Basically offering his friend to me. I have no car so I pass on it telling her maybe
I'll call.

6/7/07 FR: I love being me

So I go out w cafe to meet up with 108 and blockzilla. We get there its kinda slow so we
hang out for a bit. Cafe opens a set and I volunteer to wing him. it goes good, he ejects
but I stay in it. I have some fun for a bit then bounce.

I open a set and get bored with them very easily. I feel like they are leeching my energy
like vampires. I eject. cafe is in another set so i wing him again. we saty in there for a bit
and he leaves. I stick around and he comes back in a bit. The two girls we'll call them
hb7.5tall and hb7.5short. I' enjoying talking to both. I eject. I walk around and hit the bar.
I notice in my direct line of site is cafe and hb7.5tall isolated. She motions for me to
come so I walk over there. On my way I run into this girl I hooked up with yesterday and
her friends. i talk to them a sec then bounce.

I'm in set with hbtall and cafe for less then a min when this guy comes up and he's like
"my friend over there wants to meet you." Im like sure in a min. He leaves and I wait a
min and go to go over ther. Hbtall tries to stop me. Yea thats not happening.

I get over there and this girl, hb9spanish is looking smoking. i play it off just having fun.
Ignoring her a bit. Things escalate. She tries dropping shit like "Its my birthdy and I'm
hopping to mae out with some hot guy tonight." I reply with " good luck with that" then
proceed to turn away and talk to her gay friend.

I must have been with her an hour. During that time she just couldnt control herself
anymore and basically jumped me. I was playing things cool and qualifying. I notice by
talking to her that I like her style and attitude, reminds me of me. She undoes her pants
and pulls them down to show me her tattoos. She's wearing no undies. Urge to touch the
pussy is there but I play it cool. She's already manhandled me touching me everywhere.
This girl wants me. her friends want to leave. Before that we exchange numbers and
myspace. Ill be seeing her for a day 2 on sun. She sent me a text when I was leaving the
place asking if i wanted to fuck her. I didnt want to fall into her frame so I flipped it
telling her she couldn't handle me.

On to the next, I open a couple more then run into hbtall. I guess she saw part of the show
with my hbspanish girl, great preselection status. She kinos me and tells me shit like she
likes me, etc. She kisses me before she leaves and i get her number.

nothing major happened after that the place was bout to close.

I can't wait till tomarrow and sun.

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ps attached is my spanish chick

6/8/07 FR: What else do u expect

So I go out. I was origionaly invited by this cocktail waitress to hit up her place. Neo,
block,rhythuman,108 and ct come and join me.

While in the back I end up opening two sets. The first one goes nowhere but the second
one is great. I flirt with the target and the obsatcle. Teasing and being playful with both.
108 talks to the obstacle. I end up making out with my target. I'm in it for what must be
an hour. Get the digits. Run into her like four other times in the night. Make out etc. One
of the times thou is an isolation.

I grab her to come with me while i look for neo. He's outside and he leaves us alone. My
girl wants to find her friend so i sen her on her merry way. I walk to the side entrance to
go in thru there and I run across this cute blonde. I open then playfulness proceeds. End
up with a make out and her number. Also she wants to get together at her place to cook
for me Ill be taking her up on that this week.

I walk around open a couple more sets. I end up coming back from the bathroom and
these two girls are like "hey how've you been". I guess I met them the week before. Both
girls are vibing me and kinoing the shit out of me. Whats funny is that last week they
were both kinda cold toward me. She ends up telling me "Your crazy". I tell her "what
else do you expect" I end up making out with the bruennette. I didn't have really a
preference but neo came in a winged so i isolated the bruenette. She was so into getting to
know me. So funny. Made out with her and got the digits.

This was right bout the time the place was gonna close.

Ended up hanging out at waffle house with neo for bout an hour and a half afterwards.

All in all a good night. Only thing i wonder about is if the cocktail girl I was sarging
before saw me making out with other girls. We will see how it goes.

Night all. Hope you got home safe.

6/9/07 FR: My results are good enough for me

I start out hanging out with blockzilla. My first set I open with who lies more near the
bathroom. Get reply let them go. I turn around and I see this hb9.5blonde and
hb8.5bruennete walking toward where I'm at. Inside I feel unsure of myself, I feel
nervous and I'm like oh fuck. They get close. As the blonde is 3 ft away I open. I hook
them both. The blonde says something about liking my makeup and winks at me. I feel
vey outcome dependent. Normally I'd focus on hb's that I felt no outome dependence
from. Both these girls have such amazing bodies. The set I opened prior shows up. Turns

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out the girl I talked to is hbblondes sister. She comes in all high energy and I feel like i've
been attacked from both sides. Nervousness and a shock value all at once. The girls
chatter on. I keep things going with hb8.5bruenette. They are like lets go over there to get
out of peoples ways. We move and chat. Blockzilla leaves me and for the first time in a
long time I feel very out of my comfort zone. I eject and have feelings of defeat.

I go to the set that block is talking to and I act like my normal set (WTF!!!!!). I get a
drink and walk to the other side. I'm trying to figure if I have any proximity orbitors.
There's this girls thats like staring at me so I stare back. She comes over. We talk for
awhile and I meet some of her friends. I end up finding out she's married. Fuck she's hot ,
no gonna go anywhere and I eject. Talk to some more sets.

Here's where things get good. I run into hb8.5 bruenette again, she's alone. I'm playful
with her. She can't find hb9.5 blonde. I hang with her. Tease her. Blondie shows up. End
up taking pics with them. Make out w/ hb8.5 then I get a make out with hb9.5. Hb 8.5
says something about dancing. We hit the floor. More make out. End up getting her
number. I bounce.

I talk to more sets. I open this one set while with block. I'll call them hb8bluedress and
hb6.5blonde. Bullshit for a bit. They leave . Talk to more sets. Run into them later. I'm
juggling both making them laugh. I motion for block to come help me. I can't isolate
convo with one girl in a two set w/o a wing. I end up making out with hb8bluedress.
Cube her and get digits. Let them go.

I hit the bathroom and run into this guy that tries to bust me on my makeup.

Him: Are you wearing makeup?

me: Yeah
Him: Ok cool, I thought I was drunk. Why make up? U don't like girls do u?
me: i love it( he cuts me off)
him: r u gay?
me: sorry ur not my type I like girls, do you have mascara thou cause i got everything

Guy stops trying to fuck with me. Starts being cool. I leave and walk around. I'm standing
there texting and this hb8milf steps on my foot. She looks at me.

me: OMG don't you move. my foots fucked now and I need to know where to send the
bill for the er. I'm going there cause you.
her: Im sorry.
me :(points to check) kiss and make feel better.
HB (complies)
me (point to other check)
HB: kisses my lips, makes out with me, bites down on my tongue.

She leaves. Another guy tries to bust on me saying he likes my lipstick. im not wearing

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Me: Thanx it rubbed off from your girls mouth. Can I borrow her mascara thou?

Mean look exchanged between us. I walk and leave the venue.

End result: I'm not happy. Yes I went for hotter chicks, consciencely raised my standards
cause that spanish chick from thursday but still it doesn't feel good enough. I want
perfection. I want the cream of the crop. I want it all. I want results now. Kiss closes
aren't good enough.

6/10/07- FR: HOB

I had been waiting for something I ordered to show up in the mail. It arrived earlier this
week. I figured it would be a perfect way to blend in with Libido's toga outfit.

So I dressed up in my taichi kungfu master pjs and shot out to orlando. Picked up Libido
and to my surprise we were going to meet up with slikk, dream, ultra and nautilus.

When we got there we found out it was a paul mitchell party and was old out. We
snagged tickets off these two girls. Libido and I get up to the door. She scans his and lets
him in. Scans mine and says I can't get in. WTF!!! She says my tickets been used before.
I tell her I came out to get ahold of my firend. Thru persistance I finally get in.

I open a couple sets and nothing seems to be going right. I feel very unsocial and just not
all there.

I end up opening this chick about how cigarettes cause cancer. I take them from her and
tease her that I'm gonna fling them off the balcony. I end up getting a make out and
phone number from her. She's from miami. (Dream you saw me gaming her when you
came up the stairs.)

Open a couple more sets on my way to the dance floor. End up between this hblate30's
and her wicked witch of a friend. I vibe with them and dance with hblate30s. End up with
a make out and I eject.

3 mins later. i run into this hb7.75blkchk and game her. End result shot down on the

My next great set was this hb7pinkbelt. I don't remember how I opened. We chitchat a bit
and next thing I know her friend shows up. She tries to drag her friend off saying she
wants to leave (i find out later both girls thought the place ended at 2am.). I invite them to
a "costume party" later. I don't know why I didn't try to insta-bounce them to find libido
and have out party. Actually yeah I do, I accepted their decision to leave and I was set on
opening more. I get the number and a make out (had a day2 the next day).

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Nothing else really is that sweet throughout the rest of the night. Funny thing happened
thou. When I was outside I found out that some time throughout the night the crotch on
my pants got torn. So I guess at times Iwas walking around with my shit hanging out and
no one said anything.

6/24/07 LR: HB8Married chick

So as some of you know I've been out of town in panama city. My buddy that I'm with
out here doesn't really like to go out and when he does its usually titty bars. This is gonna
sound wierd but its like destined for this lay to have happened. 2 days ago my simcard
when to shit and no longer is readable by phone or computer. (btw if you are reading this
and you have my number txt me cause I don't feel like calling every phone cal I've had
for the last 2 weks.) I had met this chick in tampa 3 weeks ago when out with scooby. I
went thru the hassle of calling a bunch of numbers from my online bill to get this girls
number again.

I end up getting ahold of her on the phone and it turns out she's in pensicola. If any of you
didn't know thats 2hrs from where I'm at right now. We talk and she invites me to come
over. I know some of you would be like but its 2hrs and you don't know if its for certain,
yada yada.
Logistics wise it sounded good to me. I tested her by talking about my buddy being here
too. She said we could come. She'd give me a key to her room and that after my buddy
and I partied we both could crash. She said it would be more fun if I came alone.

I drive over there and show up around 12am. Her married friend and that ones bf on the
side are downstairs. She greets me with a kiss. 2 mins later I meet the friends. I bullshit
with everyone for a bit till my chick says she wants to go toke up in the bathroom and
wants me to join her. I get her in the bathroom and she never gets to have her smoke
session cause I caveman her against the wall.

We get out and the other two decide to go for a cigarrette (girlcode for we will give you
some time alone.) I fuck her in the bed until the two come back. They knock I ignore it
not wanting to stop. Eventually we let them in and my chick and I hit the beach.

We talk a bunch down there and find out lots. She's a nymphomatic dominatrix. Really
kinky girl. I pop it out there that if in a different situation that if we dated we'd be
swingers. Which turns into her telling me she'd love a partner for that. She ends up
calling me out asking if my first encounter my first line was true or a pickup line. Told it
was bullshit but didn't tell her I was a pua. I end up fucking her again on the beach and
get a blowjob. Great lips. I check the watch and I notice its 3 so I suggest going back up.
We get back up and the others are sleeping. I end up fucking her again before bed. Woke
up at 7:30am hit it again and bj#2.

Things I learned:
1.Being staight forward with women and telling them my deal, setting the frame that I do
want i want, when I want, with who I want is a great respectable thing. If they can't

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handle that thats their problem.
2.Persistance. My timetable with this girl was longer than what I normally do. Usually if I
don't get to see the girl or talk to her within a week or so I'd next her.
3.Married chicks. Taking a different mindset when it comes to them. Usually when I
would hear a woman's married I'd eject. I'm going to vibe more and see how it goes
before making a decision not to persue it.

6/29/07 FR- One night at mickey d’s

I pick up blockzilla and we shoot over to the bar. As soon as we get there we run into
Hbfitnesschick. I met this chick at a bar weeks ago and she was one of my makeout
We talk to her for a min then go find ct and 108.

We get out to the patio and I'm like thats it enough fucking around. I open this 3set and
get totally blown out. I opened with "Don't i know you......wait did we have sex?" I must
have said it wrong because it did not go over well. I felt the energy in the air change and
gracefully ejected.

End up back in set with hbfitnesschick and blockzilla. Throughout the interaction I could
tell that she was leaning more toward him than I. In all fairness i didn't want to cockblock
or amog my buddy so I just remained cool. i ejected and ended up talking to this one 2
set. Hblohansemilookalike and hbbruenette. Block eventualy comes in to wing. I do my
normal stuff, kinda fluff, banter and making statements. turns out she was one of the girls
from this wig party a couple weeks back that tried to drag me with them. Neo you
remember them on the street don'tcha.

I end up getting a kiss and number from this girl. She calls me later.

My next set was this 2 set (hbbruennete and hbblonde) that I opened earlier at the bar. I
was getting a drink and so were they and I made some comment which got a laugh. So I
see them later just standindg in a corner by themselves and I reopen with "Wow you guy
look like your having SO much fun over here." Which turns into a 30 min convo with
both the girls. Both girls are pretty, I've been kinoing both heavily and they've been
kinoing me about the same. I end up just choosing the blonde. I got her number and made
out with her multiple times. I ejected to go find everyone else.

End up getting back over to the bar and open this girl, hbcutieblonde. She's with this
group with this one girl that ct thought was hot. When he showed up to let me know he
was leaving i introduced him to her. I ended up getting hbcuties number and a couple

In retrospect I realize that with my second set I didn't need to eject. I should have stayed
in longer to see how it would play out. i know I do that just to see what else is out there.

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The whole aspect of the numbers game. Try to get more numbers so I can get more day
2s which can equal more lays. I should be focusing on the SNL or at least try to bounce

6/29/07 FR: Hired guns and social proof

Meet up about 11:30pm with CT, Dr. R, Rhythman and 108. We talk and bullshit for
about 5-10mins before we decide to get started. At the entrance to this place Dr.R opens
this two set, HBflower and HBarabian. I wing fo a min and decide to let him do his thing
while I explore the bar.

I get into the counrty part of the bar and I'm chillin with rhythman when I get pelted in
the neck with a piece of ice. I look around and glance over at the bar and see
HBbartender motioning for me to come over with both her hands. I bring up how she
needs to watch out theres and ice sniper on the loose. She confesses that it was her.
Another bartender comes up and I start gaming her. This one starts touching me and
trying to keep my wristband. NO way is that happening. HBbartender starts kinoing me. I
continue to game them both. I break up with the other bartender. With both of them
tugging on my wrists I ask them whos gonna get me a bud light. Hb Bartender grabs that
and says for me to not move, we are doing shots. After this I bounce to go explore some

I end up on the patio. I open another set it goes nowhere. Then I run into HBflower and
HBarabian again. I reopen them with rhythman. I banter with both and throw HBflower
into the role of my bratty little sister. Which we have fun with and is the running joke of
the interaction. Do some cold reads. Lots of kino. Fluff. Call the out on girl coding each
other to make sure the other is having fun. They eat that shit up. During this time
HBbartender comes to that side of the bar and sees these girls with rhythman and I having
a blast. Go social proof. Hbflower bits and sucks my arm like outta the evolution phase
shift. Hb arabian tells her friend they need to go to the bathroom. I dont feel like waiting
around for them to come back so I bounce. I never saw them again.

I walk outside and run into Zuzu. We talk for about 10 mins then hit the bars together.
We go in this one bar and neither one of us really sees anything we want to open so we
leave. Upon our way to the previous bar we run into DR.R and rhythman. Dr.R opens this
3 set against the wall. I come in to wing. Got a good vibe. One of the girls was wasted
those so she sat down. Little did I know that she was gonna be the destruction of this set.
Dr.r and I talked to them a bit. His target wanted to take me necklace. Yea right not
happening. 2nd time tonight what is it with girls wanting my gear and expecting me to
give it up. So that chick goes over to the drunk friend to make sure shes ok. The drunk
girl tries to take my beer. Like you really need it girl. I go for the k-close on my target
using mystery's routine. She tells me no because she doesn't know me yet. So I tell her to
imagine that she's known me for 2 days and we've been on the phone so many times
having extravagantly intense conversations. I lean into kiss her and she's receptive so a
make out ensues.

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It's getting close to closing time. I won't go into details but I end up number closing one
chick and make out with another.

On to the hired guns. I'm on my way out the club by going throu the techno room. I run
into HBshotgirl. I bullshit with her a bit and she tries to get me to buy shots. I decine she
tells me she'll give me a discount cause I'm cute. I decine. I eject and walk over to the
country room. Inside i reopen HBbartender, bullshit a bit and number close her.

I think what helped here was she had fun with me earlier then she saw me with those girls
earlier. Go social proof.

I get ouside and run into HBshotgirl. I qualify her, game her a bit then number close her.

7/3/08 LR-wingman

I shot over to blockzilla's place before going out. He brought up his girl he tagged from
myspace. Turns out her and her gf are coming out. We shoot over to hpc but can't get in.
The wait on the line was ridiculous so we shot over to soho tampa. Met up with
rhythuman and doctor r.

We met the girls and I must say they were alright. Not amazing but alright. I spent my
entire interaction with the friend just being c/f and bantering there was almost no comfort
talk at al. It keep it lively and entertaining. She was laughing, punching, pushing me and
jaw dropping on things I was saying. She said on a couple occasions she was done talking
to me.

I knew it was on, block knew it was on, blocks girl knew it was on. Blocks girl pushed
for the bounce. We take a cab back. As soon as we get there we jockey for the bathroom.
By the time I get in block and his girl have vanished. I check for lmr by attempting to pull
off my girls shit. Arms up no resistance. I pull her in the spare room and have my way
with her for hours. At one point we were outside hopefully your neighbors didn't see my
5 am bj.

ps. Wash that blanket that was in there. Make sure to put a rubber glove on before
touching it buddy.

7/6/07- FR/LR- Sarge 7/6, 2 day2’s and sarge 7/7

I go out on 7/6 with blockzilla. We start at Jacksons at about 10:30pm. Place is totally
lame cause of a lack of people. We bounce to another favorite place of mine in tampa.
While there we end up opening a couple sets. Nothing for me really hooks. Blockzilla
meets up with this other chick from myspace. I game her for a bit just to show that he has
cool friends and then give then their space.

I keep opening sets and nothing seems to be going right. I'm now in my head just hating it
thinking "fuck I want to just go" but I just push throu and keep going. About 1:30am I

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enter the courtyard and run into one of those girls that passes out free cigarettes. I meet
her ride, another cigarrete girl. We vibe and the other girl goes back to work. I talk to
hbciggirl for about an hour an a half and the area is about to close. I suggest a bounce for
food. Shes not hungry but cool to go. Througout my talk with her I find out she lives like
ten mins from me. On the way to get our cars. I ask if she wants to ride with me caus it
would be easier on her friend.

We get to my apt on the premise of her cooking for me. That never happens. I get her
topless,braless on my living room floor but can't escalate it further. She tells me she
wants me and has to leave cause she knows if she stays she'll sleep with me. She brings
this up a couple times. I let her go home. We have plans for dinner the next day, her

I wake up on 7/7 with a message from hbshotgirl(previous fr). She invites me for
wakeboarding and a party. Im game so I blow off the other day 2 plans I had with
hbmarried chick(previous fr). I had a blast but i dont really feel this girl so i don't push
for anything. So I leave there around 7pm and go to my day 2 dinner.

I end up showing up around 8pm. We have dinner and end up to the same poin we were
at before. Shirt and bra off. She asks me what time it is. I tell her and she says fuck I've
got 15mins b4 I have to leave. She drags me in her bedroom. Full close.

I leave there and go home. I shower and talk to neo. I meet neo and storm at rack. Not
feeling it so we bounce to mcdintons. Get there about 12:30. While there I only end up
opening 4 sets. my first set was 45 mins, get a make out and number. my second was half
an hour.I get another makeout and number. Chill with storm and talk a bit. Open a couple
sets on their way past us.

7/9? LR- In and out within an hour

I went out to Jacksonville for work and had set it up with nilitak to meet up during the
week sometime. So last night he picks me up and we hit Jax ale house. We get there and
have ourself some warm up sets. First set that opens goes fine for the both of us until they
need to get a drink. They go to the bar and the dynamic is set up like we are waitin for
them to come back. Fuck that were of to the other side of the bar. Niitak opens another
set over there and I came to wing him. I stay for al of about 1 min cause these girls are so
lame. I run into one of the girls from the first set. She can't remember my fake name so I
go to play it up with a game punishment/reward if she gets it right. Her phone rings, see
ya later gilrl I grab a beer, open another set and hit the bathroom.

On the way out I walk past these two girls, an ug and her hb7 friend. I decide to go talk to
them so I walk back and open with a variation of "are you guys shy?". Nilitak came up
and we both sat down. I was just having fun being myself. Nilitak ket stepping on my
foot. Later it was to tell me to tone it down on the busting I was doing on my target. I was
just gaging it as I went. I felt I could get away with it. I think the harshest neg I gave my
target was in reply to something she said. I asked her "what's the most exciting thing

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you've ever done?" she's like "uh I don't know....umm...moved in with her.?.?" My reply
was "Sure I don't believe you....it was probably more along the lines of....so I went to the
fridge and grabbed a jar of pickles...i opened it.". Nilitak dragged me off laughing. We
split up, I opened another set and it didn't go anywhere. I go back up to the bar. I
accidentally piss off one girl and I walk away. I find nilitak in another set. We decide to
leave and go to the beaches.

At the new place there weren't to many god sets. I opened one to keep myself in the
groove. Was an ug and a 6.5 that i found out later was married. I had fun with them a bit
then ejected. I go looking for nili. I see this 2 set outside as I'm walking around.
Hb8polishblonde and hb8.5polishbruennete. I walk past and as I come back they are
attacked by a gang of chodes. I walk past and go into the bar again and run into nilitak.
He suggests going somewhere else. Outside I tell him about that set. The blonde keeps
looking at us. We waiting and I start doing commentary about the situation. The chodes
vacate and in we go. The set goes over real good. We invite them to join us to go to the
new place. I walk hbpolishblonde to the new place. Nilitak and the other girl get
seperated from us. Hbbruennette and I end up making out. I refame it as she's taking
advantage of me.

We walk back outside and join nilitak and the other girl at the table they were at. Take
some pick and have some convo. The girls talk in polish and Hbblonde grabs nilitak then
drags him to another table. I tell my girl that we should go for a walk. I grab her by the
head and walk her to the pier to hit the beach. I get her on the beach. Lay her down and
test for individual resistance, breast area, vagina area by using a method of stroking and
brushing method. No resistance so I go a bit further I pop 2 fingers under her pants to see
what she does. No resistance. So I under her belt and pull off her pants. I fuck her on the
beach then talk abit. She kept saying that I was cazy, shit like that. I find out she has a
fiance, she's 31 and was miss poland from age 19-21. I fuck her two more times then find
nilitak and his girl.

7/23/07- FR/LF- convention weekend

Lets starts this off right. Props to dream for setting up the convention. I had a blast,
learned some shit and made some new friends.

So I started out thursday at the AAT. Talked to some guys showed them some stuff and
opened some sets. Ended up later opening up some sets with some of the guys from
atlanta. Nothing major came out of those sets besides a lil learning and a couple

Fri started out with day game with the atl boys. Later I went out to wall st peacocked out.
Libido went in a oga and I went in my rocker glam look. Opened a lot of sets. Libido and
I should have kept in the same area cause we both had a couple of time were we could
have bounced with chicks but needed another pua. Had on set that was going money.
Using future projections and all types of fun stuff.
Im running a kiss routine on her when her friend drags her off. Kinda of a blr this night

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cause I opened so many set. My energy was super high and it showed.

End of the night I end up in this 4 set. Did my natural improv style mixed with routines.
Ended up getting a free hat from one of the girls to add to my look. Sweet!! Made out
with my target, walked them to there car. Set up a day 2 for this coming thursday because
I was logistically fuct cause she drove her friends. Worked my txt game with that girl
today. If everything goes good thursday Ill drop something bout that.

Sat some more day game to start it out. Ended up later at PI with Libido and the atl boys.
The third set of the night was my last set. Brasil had opened this set and reopened it later.
Cinder and I joined him in the two set, sisters. Cinder isolated one girl. Brasil left cause
the other was giving me IOIs. I took my girl to the other side of PI. I was working on
going for a BJ outside in privacy when my girls phone rang. It was her sis saying she
needed her id and stuff cause she got kicked out guess they were checking id's for those
under 21.

We go to give the id to the sis when my girl gets kicked out. I bust out how they are
loving it having to go back to the resort they were staying at to hang out with mommy
and daddy. My target tells me that they were gonna hit the pool and hot tub. I tell her that
sounds fun and ask if that is an invite. She says sure. So cinder and I bounce these girls to
their resort. They change into bikinis and cinder and I drop to our boxers. After a lil while
in the hot tub, cinders target isolates him to the pool.

Im cool with that because I transcend my situation into a seduction location. I go for the
full close. My girls objection is that this is disneys resort and they have cameras. I tell her
thats hot and pull her bottoms off. Full close.

Cinder comes back in the middle of it. Guess it didn't play out as well for him. I grab my
girl and hit the pool area. She wants to go in and chill while people are in there tossing a
football. Fuck that I want to finish so I make an exuse about not wanting to join the
dynamic Drag her to a folding chair behind some bushes and finish the job.

Go back to cinder and his target, hang a bit then bounce back to PI. There closed and we
meet the others at perkins.

sun I was planning on going home but got pursuaded by libido to stay for HOB. I'm so
glad I did. I ended up in 3 sets. I started out choding around with low energy. I had to
snap out of it. I am walking thru the venue when I notice this HB9 with her friend. She
looks my way and I do a little shimmy shake dance move. She smiles says something to
me and I tell her to show me a lil something. She complies and I let her get back to her

I reopen her later. The dynamic is I saw the two of the dancing with some guy. I waited
and saw my girl sitting down so I came over. I vibed with her, busted out an improvised
version of mehows 37 routine, some other stuff. I used my magic kiss close. Had a laugh
about it after wards. Funny thing is it set the stage for later in the set. I motioned for her

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to lean forward with my two fingers so I could talk to her. Instead she choose to attack
me with a make out. I used this two finger move everytime I wanted a kiss. I vibed a bit.
She had to go with her friend. Got digits. She's from michigan we will see if anything
happens from that.

I got into another set with nautilus. My target was loving me but got dragged off by her
friend. Oh well. I opened another set did some push pull, playful teasing, negging,
disqualifying, made out with her. She wants to cook dinner for me I just have to plan it
out now.

7/25/07 FR- Obstacle’s afc seduction attempt on me

I went out monday but didnt post about it cause nothing great happened.

I went out tuesday to Hpc. Got there at 10:45pm to avoid that bullshit of the line. Got my
stamp and checked it out. Absolutely nothing going on. So I bounced to channelside
hoping to find something to kill time. Yet again nothing going on there. Arrive back at
HPC at 12am. I walk inside grab a water and end up talking to the girl next to me. She
was one of the bartenders I talked to on monday. Eject and go thru the dance floor. Hit
the bar again for another water. As I'm waiting there I get opened by this chick next to

HBdrunk:"My friend her loves that punk rocker look you got going on."

Thank you Hbdrunk. Talk to her, her friend and the guy they are with. We'll call her
HBsexyPRican. We end up in isolation. i run a bunch of cf, future prjections, playful
negs. I get the digits, make out with her, seed the day 2 (thats on sat). Chill with her the
entire night. Comfort all that fun stuff. She invites me for a bounce to her cousins.

End of the night hbdrunk runs away and we can't find her. So I'm acting like a shining
knight helping her, really tied into who I portaited myself as. Find HB drunk and literally
have to prop her up on our shoulders. Next thing I know HB drunk is making out with my
neck. I act unaffected. She complains about her feet hurting so I pick her up in my arms
and carry her like a baby. Get to the cousins and theres more drama. I guess cousin had
brougt someone home. We walk over to their car and HB drunk makes another pass at
me. Im trying to help her in the car and she starts grinding her ass into my crotch.

I get her in the car. They start to drive me to my car. HBdrunk tries another one. Drops
her phone in the back seat and makes a big deal about it. She gives me that look like put
your digits in it. Fuck that I'm not screwing myself by switching. I might blow myself out
completely. Get to my car. HbsexyPRican gets out and as she does HB drunk blows a
kiss at me. Make out with hbsexyPRican again and go home.

8/1/07 FR/LR- What I’ve been up to

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Last wed I went to green iguana with scooby. I opened 3 sets. My first set was just for
fun cause I could. I got bored with it because I wasn't interested in either one so I focused
my attention on scooby. About 2 mins later I saw this lil hottie sitting down so I opened
her. I ended up in set with her for about 30 mins til she got a text from the guy she was
seeing. I guess he was watching the whole interteration and wasn't happy. He said that he
was done with seeing her. I ejected myself and went off to find scooby.

I'm standing in an area where there is lots of traffic when I see this chode grab this girls
hand and kiss it. She kringes, pulls free and walks my direction. I stand there like a statue
and trap her shoulder as she walks by. I open her with "Don't you love it when chodes act
retarded..." She smiled and said something. I plowed with a couple more things. She
turned toward me and I decided to tet how invested she was. I back peddled to a chair at
the railing behind me and sat down. She walked over to me. We talk for a bit and an
obstacle comes in. I bust out with a pyschic routine. Works like a charm. Another
obstacle comes. Best friends test. My target starts touching my hands and my legs.

We banter a bit. I push/pull with the friends as well. Act indifferent and unneeedy. End
up making out with her. At one point scooby comes in and asks if i've seen michelle
which my target tests me by asking if that was my gf. I tell her "actually thats only one of
the 15 gfs I have with me here and if she's lucky she can be number 16". Two more
obstacles come in and I alpha kino the guys. My target starts leaning on me chest to chest
now as im leaning back. I call out the fact that I'm like a tractor beam to her just drawing
her deeper and deeper in.

Fast forward to around 2 am. Ive already got her number. Shes planning on leaving she
asks me when I'm going. I tell her soon cause I'm getting bored. She asks if I'll call her
after we both leave. I tell her "Why should I call you for directions to your house when I
can just follow you back when you leave." She says ok. Total reframe of what she was

I get back to her place with her cousin and meet her roomate. Work that dynamic till they
go to bed. I get lmr later and wind up with just a bj. I had a day 2 planned but I think I got
called out by one of the shotgirls from green iguanna that I ran into fri at whisky south
when I had another girl sittin on my lap.

I had a day 2 on thursday with a girl that I met the week of the convention. I Had her
cook for me then took her to her room to watch a movie. Once the movie came on
escalated to full close.

Fri I went to mcdintons to start off. I ended up by the bathroom waiting for libido and I
opened a solo set. Hooked her and ended up in set with her and venue changing to
whiskey south. End of night nothing was happing so I walked her to a cab and let her
leave. I went back into whiskey south and ended up in set with this hb9blonde. I had no
time cause place was being herded out. quick number close and left.

Went to the casino with libido. After parking I noticed hbblonde had called me. So I ran

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phon game on her for a bit then my phone died. Worked it the next day thou and planned
the day 2 for sun. I went into the casino looking for libido and couldnt find him so I hit
up floyds. While in line some guy asked me if I was with the band cause my look. I said
yea and he got me free vip entrance. Inside I walked thru and noticed this hottie,
hb8.5greek. We looked eyes as I walked by. I opened this guy in a wheel chair while a
fist pound and bullshited or a second. Talked with another while I was spatially aware of
the previous hb. She was in my vicinity and when she got closer I opened her with "are
you shy..." She replies she is and we engage in convo. I work her for the next hour and a
half. Making out get her number and set up the day 2.

Sat I had a day 2 with hbsexyrican. She meets me at chilis by my house. It ends up that
she buys my lunch. We bounce to my place with a movie and I end up full closing her.
Hang out al day and hit a party with her, hbdrunk and libido. That was fucking wierd
watching all the drunk people. Funny thing thou was at one point she was messing with
me with karate kicks while I'm laying back into the couch. I tell her "You know I could
kick you in the face from here." Shes like bullshit. So i do this capoeira move slowly, she
takes her eyes off my feet and *thud* I connect.

Sun I had a day2 with hb9blondie. It went so wonderful it was one of those that I wish I
had on video. Ended up with her for 9 hrs. I think I'll get it on my day 3 and 4. She seems
hooked into me. I might mltr this one.

Mon was lame I wasn't feeling good.

Tues I had my day 2 with hbgreek. She cooked for me and her roommate. I worked that
dynamic for awhile the roommate loved me and is pretty cute as well. Ended up in the
bed room and was working a lot of attraction comfort and seduction in there. Calibrating
little by little escalating trying not to trigger asd. Got it so I wasplaying with her vagin but
she was on her rag so that kinda sucked. I was trying different types of comfot like
getting her used to my body stuff like that. At about 12:15am we both fell asleep. My
technique back fired on me. Woke up at 1am. and left.

In about 5hrs I'll be having my day 3 with hbblondie.

So I have her scheduled to come over and cook me dinner. She comes over after
shopping at publix for ingredients. We talk and bullshit. Lots of banter while she's
cooking. I keeping distracting her switching gears from getting intimate to pushing her
away to cook for me. Get her shirt off and bra off while she's cooking.

Sometime in the interaction were getting hot and heavy when I push her off me and say
"Wait wait wait... I have something to tell you...I'm on my period.". I kept up with my
banter and playful frame until the dish went into the oven.

I pulled her in my room and went for it. I got her naked. She asked if I had a condom. We
had to stop cause the timer was beeping. Had dinner and resumed into a 2.5 hr session of

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After we were done I accused her of it all being her plan, coming over here to cook when
she had an alterior motive in mind. One being to seduce me into sleeping with her and
that getting that out the way would lead the way for her to keep getting some.

I'm gonna turn this one into a ltr.

8/6- FR: day 2 bj from chick from sat

So my second to last set of the night on sat was with this girl and her friends. I had gotten
her number and a make out. Earlier today I was just going through my phone working txt
game. Here's the interaction that resulted in my day 2 today via txt.

me: What r u up to...

her: just hanging out at home. cleaning. trying to figure out what to do with this empty
i dont reply....5 mins later
her: how bout u?
me: im relaxing right now y u want some inspiration...
her: haha....how do u plan to inspire?
me: with my pleasant company
her: oic....sure...u can insipre me to paint?
me: possibly....if ur lucky
her:haha.nice. if i am lucky. so when do i get this luck.
me: maybe today....if u send me directions ill think about it...
her:interesting approah. but i must say....u shouldn't have to think about it. i live "blah
blah blah"
me: ill be there within an hr. no funny business thou like trying to get me to pose nude...
her:haha.i usually only paint women so ur in luck.

So I get there and hr and a half later. We bullshit for a bit and I realize this girl likes to
talk and so do I. There is no break in conversation and I relize this is not helping me get
anywhere so I halt convo and escalate. Get both us topless. She tells me that I can't take
her pants off and I burt out thats fine cause she can't take mine off either.

I test her by getting her all hot and bothered but she stays adament about me trying for the
pants. I flip her on top and she starts kissing all the way down toward my crotch, stops
and says "oh well its too bad that you have that rule...". I laugh and tell her "You really
think I was serious. Get to work (as I undo my pants)". I get a blowjob which was alright.
Not the ebst but not the worst.

Afterwards I tell her I'm hungry so we hit ruby tuesdays. At the end i get her to pay for
the bill. Chill for a bit at her place then bounce.

8/6- Another blowjob after my day 2- winging Bijal

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I get a text message from neo after 3 am. He needs someone to occupy the obstacle. I
agree to meet him over at denny's. I get there and I see that I've walked into damage
control on an hb6.5 and a 4.5. First thing I notice is that neo shuts down. Fucking
great.....not what I wanted to see. I have to carry the set now. Get outside and keep it
going. Right now its been about 10 mins and neo hasn't said anything. He has stalled out
his own set. I wait and wait hoping he will do something. I'm starting to get IOI's from
his target and the obstacle. I keep waiting for something from neo but get nothing. I push
the bounce and get it. I have neo stay with them as I follow. Again I find out that neo
does nothing to revive his set.

Back at neo's I give him every opportunity to do something. He leaves the room and his
target makes it very clear that she is not going hook up with neo. I work it so both girls
leave the room. I talk to neo and we basically switch roles. I eye code my target when she
gets back to signal for her to follow me downstairs as I get water. I take her downstairs,
get her naked and I'm escalating when she hears a noise. She starts putting her clothes
back on and I'm like "Fuck this I'm getting something out of this." so I pull my dick out
and present it to her. I get a bj. We go back upstairs and find the door is locked so I guess
neo is going for the other chick. When his girl comes down and is ready to leave I go
upstairs and say goodbye to neo. At home I go throu a breakdown with neo which he has
posted in his 30 day sarge report.

8/7- Libido and I at a stripclub

Libido and I hit up the strip club to mix it up a bit. I haven't sarged one of these since i've
joined the community so I figured it woud be fun.

We walk in and immediately this stripper comes up as I sit down. She introduces herself ,
I make her guess my name. She gets it wrong so I give her mystery's "hands off" IOD.
She says what are you trying to be a prick asshole or something. I tell her I'm playful
whats her problem. She asks me for a dance. I tell her to beat it.

My next set comes about because the chairs there were so uncomfortable. We move to
this area near the vip room. Velvet seats much better. I open the stripper I sit next to with
a question on how to spell this word cause I was in the middle of a txt message. She
qualified herself saying she was a good speller. She didn't know the answer so I busted
her for it. I stayed away for kinoing her. We vibed for a bit. I bantered, used some
routines, improv'd some stuff, cubed her qualified her a bit. Throughout the whole
interaction she never asked me to go for a dance. I kept myself as the cool guy that she
could talk to and not the guy thats a walking atm for her. She left a couple times but
always came back. We hung out for about 2.5 hrs.

At the end she asked me if I had myspace. She told me she's always on it when she's
home. i busted on her for being a myspace addict. She gives me her email address
without me asking. Its near closing time so I thought I might have more time and I was
going to go for the bounce to denny's. Didn't get a chance to thou cause I didn't get to talk

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to her during the last 45 mins causs of her working te crowd and giving dances. OH well
we will see what happens with the email.

I had been out for 22 days straight before this so I kept it up

***8/8-Green iguana*****

As soon as i get to the venue I immediately open the girl behind me while in line. Next I
open the black two set in front of me. I figure that I might as well use the opportunity to
get myself into a talkative state. I get inside and end up opening some more sets. I
practice on opening moving sets with very little trouble.

I work the shotgirls there because I love the social proof and the ongoing dynamic with
them. I believe thatI'm gonna try to get this one little hottie shotgirl. I talk to her like
everytime we run into each other. Its always flirty and fun. I'm gonna number close her
next time. enter this set that neo is in and it goes great but the girls eject to go see there
friend. I reopen them later on but I'll get to that in a bit. I start practicing with opening
sets ejecting and reopening. I feel that its helping me with social proof in the venue.

My favorite set of the night is this chick I've interacted with a couple times. Fleeting
moments while we were passing each other. I open her next to the fire pit and lock my
self in. I bust on her a bit all types of fun stuff like trying to hook her up with this old guy
thats there for fun. The interaction got kiled thou cause her friends were tired and wanted
to go. She gave me her myspace info so I'll try to use that to continue the interaction.

I open some more sets for fun. I end up back in neo's origional set. In comes a drunk girl.
Fun stuff handling that. IOI's from the entire set. Drunk girl is all over me and trys to kiss
me. I IOD by turning so she can't so she starts making out with my neck. I continue
talking to everyone like nothings going on. I bust out the psychic routing on her. She's
like prove to me your pyschic show me something else. I tell her i'm not a dancing
monkey. Shes like yea you are. I tell her alright what will you do for me thou? she tells
me you'll love it later and grabs my cock. I chill for a bit and eject cause pulling a drunk
girl is like shooting fish in a barrel. I found that impressive that I turned down the lay.

####Need to work on opening mixed sets. Noticed that I have been avoiding them for the
most part. Something to work on.

****8/9 The castle****

I origionally went to mcdintons but it was so fucking hot that everyone was inside. I
wasn't loving the crowd of people. I couldn't move so I bounced to the castle.

Right off the bat I felt a little off. My energy was feeling like it was lacking but I
perservered. I opened a couple sets and they didn't go so well. AA started kicking in and I
started choding around for a bit. Also started getting pissed cause the bartenders were

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being gay. They didn't want to serve me water. I'm like I'll tip you I don't give a fuck I'm

I go outside and go for a walk cause I'm not feeling it. I do a bit of tapping. Immediately
my state changes. I walk into the venue expecting that people are going to respond well
to me. The first girl I open near the bathroom goes well. We both eject cause w are both
off to hit it up. Imediately I run into this hb. HBtrouble. I open her with something about
her blocking my way on purpose cause she wants to talk to me. We vibe a bit and I get
blown out (or so I think). She asks me if I'm waiting for my gf to come out the bathroom.
I tell her actualy 15 of mine are in there and if she's lucky I can make room and she can
be number 16. I then go into how i cycle thru them all once every two weeks. Shes like
do you think I'm that type of girl and storms off.

I open a couple more sets and reopen a couple other ones. Towards the end of the night I
run into HBtrouble again. i reopen her and we bounce to a couch. Her friend comes in.
Sometime during the interaction. She tels me that they are lesbians and that her friends
vagina will be in her mouth later. I respond with "cool. " I look to the side and I see the
senator prancing around in just a gstring. I comment sarcastically how I love seeing guys
wearing almost nothing. She asks me if I'm gay. I'm like nope. She calls me out on being
here and wearing makeup to pick up chicks. I agree with her. Find out shes from chicago
too. Attraction gets more intense. She straddles me, tells me she's pretty aggressive for a
straight girl and starts kissing me. Have a bunch of fun with her, myself and a cup full of
ice. Dance a bit, get the digits and a day 2 for sat afternoon. Very fun time all in all.

8/10- Fetish festival at the castle

I roll into the castle around 12am and feeling underdressed is an understatement. I walk
around the main room and there are people bound and gaged being walked around on a
leash, others tied into bdsm swings. tied to crosses, being electroshocked, flogged and
other assortments of fun.

I end up opening this 3 set with "Are you guys shy?". They look normal like this isn't
there crowd so i go with that. I grab the group and venue change from room to room
giving them a tour. I end up just vibing with them but they are kinda boring. Not the most
engaging set I've been a part of. Makes sense thou cause they are all 18. I end up making
out with the hottie of the group. I chill in set for probably 35 mins then decide toeject.
Logistics are bad with these girls and I'm kinda bored.

I walk upstairs and circle the room. On my way out I get spanked with a spatchela. I open
this girl end up with her the rest of the night. I deal with maintenence of her friends and 3
chodes. Fuck you guys this is my set. End of the night comes about and we get outside. I
go for the bounce and my chick says all we have to do is let her friends know. So I tell
her fat friend. She has a problem with that. She's like "I'm not trying to fuck up your
game but......my girl is from miami just visiting. We're going to the park tomarrow and all
her shit - id, cell phone, clothes- are at my place. So I'm not cool with it". She tells me I
can come hang out at her place. We agree to meet at mcdonalds cause we parked at

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seperate places.

I get near the mcdonalds and theres all this traffic. I don't know how long its gonna take
for them so I just go home. I get a call as I'm taking off my makeup. It's the girl with the
spatchela. She tell me to come over and that she's in her pjs. I kinda denied it because it
was late and I didn't know how to get there. She gave the phone to her fat friend to give
me directions. I kinda denied the friend to. The friend was adament about me coming
there and hanging out so I took the sign. I get there and everyone is smoked out and
passing out. She asks me if I'm gonna take her girl home with me and just to get her back
by 2pm.

I get her home and full close. Funny thing was she hadn't told me she was on her rag.

Almost forgot this: Right before I went for the bounce outside I decided to use mystery's
masterbation in the shower routine for shits and giggles. Turns out she watches VH!. So
halfway throu it she cuts me off, says that she was part of the 93% and that she had heard
that on the vh1 show.

Little Revelations
Due to the nature of my night, that and random thought in my head on the drive over to
the coffee shop to use internet thats where this post comes from.

Something dawned on me while driving over. I was in set with this smoking Hb9.5 and
her two friends. I isolated her by walking to the bar and motioning for her to follow. She
did and I told her I was gonna get a drink and that she could keep me company for a
couple minutes cause she's earned it. She said that I wanted to buty her a drink. In reply I
told her I'll take a water. She said You want to buy me a drink. i told her no. She seemed
shocked. I told her hunny I know your type I've dated your type and have had plenty of
friends like you. I know how the game goes I know all you want is for some shmuck to
buy you a drink then you'll scamper away feeling all validated inside. She agreed but
tried to say something about how I should still buy her one.

What dawned on me was that through this whole social dynamic of interaction between
people, validation is hard wired into us from the moment we are born. We want to be
loved, we want to be validated by our parents. This need grows and grows, we respond
and act accordingly due to the conditioning that we have origionally recieved by are
parents. The degree of validation a person strives for is in correlation to his/her
circumstances related to her parents and family while growing up. This is why some
women are total sluts and sleep around with an ungodly amount of people. To them this
fills the void that they have inside of them for the moment but it is fleeting then once
again they have to go get their dose of validation again. This would also explain a lot
about why girls are so eager to jump into the sack with an actor, rockstar or anyone else
famous. To them the fact that they get to sleep with this person validates them and makes
them feel special. It gives them something to brag about and hold dear to. i.e.If this
famous person sleeps with me that means I'm hot, I'm somebody.

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This I believe is a good percentage of the reason that alot of these pick up techniques
work. We are basically using psychological nature to give ourselves an advantage.

This is in response to being asked a couple times about kino....

For me my kino is continually escalting. I start out within the first few moment of my
interaction with the group. I open then as I'm speaking i may tap one of the girls or guys
that I'm talking with. This shows that i am a kinestetic person. If you dont do something
to touch others within the first like 10 seconds and you wait and then try for it, it can
creep people out. It goes back to first impressions people are trying to get a read for who
you are. If you show them one role and then try to switch it up it can not go over well.

I then semi consciously/semi unconsciously touch the people in the group through a
series of routines or while in story. I will wrap my arm around the neck of a girl and pull
her in close as I say something then push her off. I touch their arms sometimes a poke
other times a stoke. I also am accustomed to touching a womans hair within the first 3
mins either a playful little hair twirl with my fingers, a gentle stroke, sometimes a pat/rub
on the head (must be calibrated cause if you fuck this up it could blow your set out).

Kino for me is done in a natural and unneedy way. I don't think about it, I just do it.This
is just the way I interact, the girls see that and accept it. Actually they are quite
comfortable. Thats why it is often common that when I go to kiss a girl there is no shock
or surprise. Her body is warmed up for it would be the way I would put it.

Remember if should be second nature. If it is something that you are conscious of just
keep going with what you are doing. Eventually it will become second nature to you. It
will be fluid and natural and will perpetuate your game.

I hope this has helped for some.


I went to channelside with dr r. I opened sets like a madman tonight. I just felt good. It
felt like it was flowin. I number closed 2 chicks. Logistics kinda messed me up on 2 sets.
I was going to go for the makeout when an interrupt happened. I worked on social
proofing myself. I went out just wanting to have fun and be social. I also focused on
opening the sets I really wanted to open instead of settling for the 7's and 8's. The two
girls I number closed were really hot. I'm planning on using them as pivots beacuse I
want to open the higher quality women and I figure with having arm candy basically it
shows that hot girls love me and I date hot girls therefore new hot sets should be more
receptive to talking to me.

Ex. I opened a set and was in set with them for a bit. I ejected but did not move. I opened
the set to my right and got a good reaction. Ran with that for a bit and bounced.


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Ended up really not sarging today. Met up with a buddy I hadn't seen since high school.
Hung out with him and his girl at busch gardens. Later that night we hit up a pool hall. I
ended up sarging the cocktail waitress that was serving us. My friends girl loved me. I ran
a couple things on her as well.

The funny thing thou is she's a cocktail waitress in sarasota and I dropped mystery's
masterbation routine. Turns out she knew it. One of her coworkers used thaton her earlier
this week. Fucking hystarical.


While I was online typing up replys and checking mail while in my car outside this coffee
shop this asian 8 rolls up in her car about 7:15. She gets out and goes toward the door. I
honk at her and motion for her to come over. I let her know that the place was closed and
we get to talking. She's standing outside my car talking to me throu my window while I'm
typing away. We have probably a 15 - 20 min converstaion. An IOI I notice is the fact
that its humid outside and she's standing outside my window semi uncomfortable because
of it. I interject and ask her what she's doing right now. She tells me nothing till I go to
my friends to cook dinner. I tell her I'm going to starbuck's to grab something to drink, its
like 3 mins away. That she seem's interesting and has bought herself 20 more mins and to
follow me. She asks if she can go home first to get her gym clothes cause she's hot in the
dress she is wearing. I tell her no that she looks fine and to follow me. I take off. She
follows me.

We get there and we talk about a number of things but one main theme sticks out : the
unknown. We talk about esp. Bunch of stories. This girl loves to talk. Getting IOI's like
crazy. At 8 she says something about having to go. I don't deny her but keep the convo
going. About 15 mins her friend calls wondering where she is she says she'll be leaving in
5 mins. Once aagin I keep the convo going like nothing happened. Fast forward to
outside about 8:40. Having already exchanged numbers, I go for the make out. Make out
proceeds. Get a day 2 set up for wed 8pm to 10pm.

Funny thing thou I noticed that earlier when she was outside my car and I was on my
computer she would draw herself closer to me as I was semi busy with my computer. I
put it down to focus on her and she withdrew closer to her car. I picked up my computer
again, semi focused on it again and once again she drew herself closer to my car to talk to

(this one I blew thru text)

****8/13 (night game)

I feel very accomplished and very proud of this night even thou I didn't pull. Before I
went out I had listened to rsd transformations and my brain decided to take on some of
the beliefs that they talked about. Went to brickyard 54 and met up with neo. I opened a
bunch of sets but I'm only going to bring up 3 of them.

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1st set ended up being that neo opened this set and his girl was talking to him and I. Her
friend comes up and is like hey i need to get in to get a drink. I tell her go ahead and I
don't move. Turn my attention to the first girl. The fat girl tries to bust on me about my
lip gloss. I say cool and focus back to her friend. Held my fame and that she was not
important in my reality to affect me at all.

2nd set was less than 5 mins later. This girl is trying to get in and makes a big spectale
about trying to get neo and I to move. She's being a big bitch. I look at her, smile and say
You are so fucking cute. I love you. She completely fries and shuts down. Learned
something new. Respond against negativity with positivity. It's not whats expected. i feel
that she expected me to engage her in a negative way.

3rd set : I'm at the bar trying to get a water when I see this really smoking 8.5 maybe 9.
Tight body, very pretty face, latin look. Loving it... I catch eye contact at her, point at her
and start talking. I speak very softly so she can't hear me over the music. She says what (I
read it in her bl and lip reading). I motion for her to come over with a come hither motion
with my fingers. She walks over and I open her with are you shy. We vibe immediately
into my nails. A couple other thing and she says I'm beautiful as her friend tries to drag
her away. I tell her thanks and to kiss my cheeks. She complies. I then give her a peck on
her lips and tell her to scamper off with her friend.

Fast forward to 10 mins later. I am being gamed by this one chick when I see coming
down the stairs my previous hottie hblatina. She's carrying a set of flowers some chode
had bought her between the time I met her and now. Some guy opens her but she brushes
him off. I'm thinking I've got to do something. I tell the girl that was gaming to wait right
here and I walk over to the hb. I reopen with...OMG you are such a sweet heart...you
didn't have to give me flowers. She buys right into and says but I really wanted to. She
gives me her flowers. I plow into a qualification about she's beautiful but what does she
have going for her. She seems like a cool chick I tell let me get her number. She tells me
that shes moving to ny in 2 wks. I tell her im moving to orlando in like 2 wks too and that
it'll be fun then no strings attached. I get the number then let her bounce back to her
friend. I guess they were on their way out. Multiple reasons why I went for the quick
close. No wing, almost closing time and she seemed on the move to leave the venue.
>>>>>> I went out tonight and felt so money. I wasn't in my head, felt powerful, felt
very spontaneous and in the now......

Principals I still want to work with are in this post.......Reread this post.....

From my journal 8/14: I think i have hit a new level of my game......I'm not a diehard
fan of any style...I like to take pieces here and there. I'm going to focus on a combination
of things while out at the clubs. One of them being direct. I have been noticing more and
more while in set and also while watching the crowd whats going on in the dynamic of it.
Very fucking cool.....

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I've been out pretty much every night either on a day 2 or in field for the last 23
days.....When I go to costa rica I'm not sure exactly how its going to work with the
sarging but I'm going to try....When I get back thou it's going to be on like donkey kong
in downtown orlando......All you orlando puas that I know, you better get ready......

I have a feeling that going out all the time is going to stay ingrained in me so any puas
that are down for going out in orlando feel free to hit me up...if I don't have a day 2 or
something I should be raring to go.....

******8/14 (day game)

Once again I'm sitting in a coffee shop when this cute blonde comes strolling in. She
walks up to the counter and starts talking to the guy behind it. I walk up to get a pen and
say hi. As she's going to leave she doesn't say goodbye so i improv a lil something.

me: Are you serious....are you going to walk out without saying bye...that's so antisocial
of you.
her: oh im sorry...no i'm not antisocial. Whats your name...
me: ratisse...here sit down...

I ran this rapidfire for about 7 mins. She said she had to go to work. I number closed her
and sent her on her way.

****8/14 (night game)

Went out sarged a strip club. felt sweet. Played with some rsd shit, adding it to my
repitoire. The night was money. Kept hooking girls. I was the party they were loving it.
Kept coming up with sick impromtive routines. Made sure to type some into my phone
just in case I forgot. The girl I was really into, I feel that if it had been in a normal venue
that I so would have pulled that. Right now I'm experimenting with game in there. I really
don't have a blueprint to follow but so far a lot of what I'm doing to generate attraction is
working I just don't know how to close.

This is so money

Capt Jack

Sticking Point Analysis

Early on when I wasn't getting the types of results I wanted I decided I needed to take a
more systematic approach to my development. In my area, there were no other PUAs that
I knew of so after the bootcamp I was basically alone.

I had to become my own best teacher by systematically using my in-field experience

combined with my analysis.

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So, I developed this "Game Improvement Plan" --

The first realization is the purpose of your Game Plan is to get you laid consistently by
the type of women you want.

The second realization is you can’t go out with the purpose of getting laid.

The third realization is every action should be judged on its overall (GLOBAL) purpose
rather than its immediate effect.

Take number closing as an example. Most guys feel great when they number close. But,
are they really any closer to the Global goal? Could be, but probably not. But, Time
Bridging is a better solution because it puts you closer to the Global goal (it is, of course
not guaranteed but much better as a local option than the phone number alone.)

A dichotomy? Yes and no.

Your focus needs to be adjusting your behaviors until you can run through your Game
Plan with an unconscious smoothness.

When your Game Plan is not getting you what you want you need to focus on something

1. What to change
2. To what to change to
3. How to cause the change

This is what I call "Sticking Point Analysis" and I credit it with my last 18 lays. I learned
early on I needed to have more than a Game Plan, I needed a method for IMPROVING
the Game Plan if I was ever to get to where I wanted to go.

Once you understand the basic courtship process and start running your Game Plan in the
field you will start to notice where your sarges are failing. You’ll notice patterns. They
are failing in the same places quite often.

Step 1. Identify Your Sticking Points

Sticking points limit the entire system’s output. (The system being your Game Plan and
the output being lays.) Therefore we have to stop focusing on getting laid and instead
focus on fixing the sticking points.

Step 2. Decide How to Fix the Sticking Point (SP)

Now that you have identified the SP the next step is to find possible solution(s) for fixing
that sticking point. Pick one way to fix it and commit to 10 tries with that solution.

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Step 3: Subordinate your Game Plan to the above decision.

Redesign your Game Plan to implement the fix for that SP.

Step 4: Elevate the Sticking Point.

With your redesigned Game Plan you will go out and start hunting for opportunities to
break the SP. You will subordinate everything to working on your SP. That means you
will EVEN give up a lay opportunity for a chance to work on Sticking Points (unless you
haven’t yet had 2-3 lays from the Game – in which point I say take the lays as it will give
you a better Global view and a nice boost of confidence.)

There will come a time when you break that SP.

Step 5: This is a continuous process. Go back to step 1.

My suggestion is to work on 3 SPs at a time. Experience has shown me that every set will
not present you an opportunity to work on an SP. However, if you have 3 then you have a
good shot at getting a few repetitions per night.

~ Captain Jack ~

In response to a question about strippers

Here's what I do, neo's seen it. I find myself a spot where I want to chill and when the
girlls either walk by or come sit down to rest their feet, I open. The biggest thing I do is
keep my convo spontaneous and fun. I seperate myself from all the other chodes that talk
about boring shit. I also treat them like a lil sister if I had one. Another thing I do is I do
not validate them at all on their looks. I act like there looks are nothing, like I date hotter
girls. I keep the playful vibe but at the same time I act like they are not important to me,
shows in my body language. If I get bored with them I switch to someone else to talk to. I
did that to a couple chicks where I was talking to them and in mid sentence I just turned
and started talking to neo.

I keep myself un predictable and show that I am that cool guy. Lots of guys there are
fucking lame. Another thing that I did with a couple girls was this. One of the girls I was
talking to I kept sending her away back into the crowd to go game guys and make herself
money. I guess it subconsciously portaits two things : 1. I'm dominant over you. You
aren't gonna treat me like one of these walking atm machine pussies. 2. I'm not that guy
thats gonna give you money. I have value, it is a privelege for you to be in my presence,
don't fuck it up.

Another thing is I am all for helping a girl game a guy thats seems like he needs that extra
nudge. ex. Yesterday this girl was trying to push her special on this guy *3 dances for
$60*, he semmed like a push over but she needed a little help. What I did was I tapped

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the guy and gave aquick convincing performance about how she gave me a dance earlier,
it was fucking awesome, she was the best out of all the girls here.

If you treat them differently then the other chodes do they will respond to you differently.
If I go to that strip club again, every girl that I talked to will come up to me for more.
Once again great ex. I ran into that twice yesterday because of when I went with libido.

If you work it right they won't even bring up "would you like to go for a dance....".


Roll into green iguana about 11:30. First set I open I end up with them for about an hour.
Get a make out and number. Eject, walk around and go grab a water at the bar. End up
talking to a lesbian and her friends. Eject. Open ths chick, turns out she's a stripper from
the night before. She ejects from me cause I don't buy her a drink. End up talking to this
chode. While leaning back against the rail talking to him this cute two set rolls by. I cut
thread with him and open. He watches me work it for a sec. I'm not too interested in them
I actually want to open this other set thats walkin towards us. I tell the girls nice meeting
you have a good night. They fell the social pressure of that and walk. Just in time for the
new two set.

I open them as they walk past. They come back I vibe for a sec and chode desides to wing
me. They bounce. 1 min later they walk past us again. I reopen them. Chodes friend sees
hot girls. Like moths to a flame here comes mute chode. I say mute chode cause he just
stood there and watched. Can you say creepy. I work it for a bit more. Bust out best
friends. I get thru the pledge. Get thru the turn but as I'm going for the prestiege the girls
say they use pantene. Chode gets all excited about their answer. "Pantene?!? I use that
too...". I'm thinking good job jack ass go ahead and validate them for some little bullshit.
I cut him off with "Thats not important I knew you guys were bfs cause....". They do a
double take on each other giggle all that fun shit. My girl asks my name. In comes chode
again and he creeps them out. They bounce to get a drink. Now I have an entourage of
chodes telling me shit like I'm a pimp,smooth, their impressed, we should hang out and
all this shit.

I bounce open some more set and later on run into those girls again. Game them a bit
more and number close one of them. Wish I had more time but I actually ran into them on
their way out. Stayed for 5 more mins then bounced myself.


So origionally I had planned to this bday party that I was invite to by Hbblondie from a
couple weeks ago (the girl that gave me head but got lmr). She had sent me a message
and a voice mail. before I got ready I decided to check my email. I had a message from
hb9spanish that I had sarged months ago.

I was suppeosed to have a day 2 after we met at the castle. It never happened and I had

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lost her number. A couple days ago I sent her a roleplay future projection throu myspace.
She loved it I played with it a bit and she gave me her number again. So I did the txt
game with her a bit while I was getting ready. I found out she wasn't really doing
anything so I called her and got directions to her place. I picked her up to go to this party.
Immediately its on. We're making out hardcore in my car.

I'm thinking in my head this should be really interesting. I know that both girls are
attracted to me and on the verge of hooking up.
So on the way I get the idea to go to my house. I tell her that we are no longer going to
the party, that we are going to my house. She's cool with it. I get her in my house and
fclose her 3 times and get 3 bjs.

Best part is right as she was giving me head I stopped her, grabbed my digital camera and
filmed some of it. It was hot.

FR- My weekend from the 17 th on


Hit the bars in sarasota with my budy rudy and his girl. I had a good time. Sagred a
couple chicks. We hit three different bars. I could count on one hand how many chicks
throu out the night I was attracted to. I found myself attracting his chick.


My buddy threw a kegger. I had attraction on this two set that came in. The downside
was I was all over the place. Talking to everyone and being on my phone. By the time
that I got down to getting serious about trying to get with one of them they were leaving.


Was at adventure island and busch gardens today. Lots of youngings. Spent my time
sarging my buddies girl and the park workers.


Hit the the brandon mall for an hour for some day game. I opened a bunch of works and
shoppers. Had some good interactions. My highlight of the day was after I left the mall.

I ended up at a gas station to fill up. The girl at the pump next to me was this cute black
hb. I sarged her with some routines, coldreads and natural vibe. I ended up making out
with her at the pump.

****8/21- LR- Thought I was gonna get called out as PUA

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I stroll into HPC around 11. Run into neo and chat a bit. Open some sets and have some
good momentum. I go to the bar to get a water and have to wait there forever. During this
time I end up in my head. Psyching myself out and I can't seem to stop it. I get my water.
Get blown out of a couple sets. AA starts kicking in hard core. I leave the bar around
12:30am and take a 40 min break to reset myself.

I walk back in and not even 3 mins in the venue I end up seeing this chick I want to sarge.
I open her as I'm walking out of the doors. I pause and talk to her but show that I'm
indifferent and am about to leave. She shift her bl and comes toward me. I adjust and now
we are inches away from each other talking. Within a min or so I can tell she wants to
kiss me. I check for compliance by moving my face toward hers while I'm talking. I kiss
her in midsentence.

We talk a bit and it seems like it's on. She says she's with a bday party. She says she
wants to go get a drink. I walk her over to the bar but I can tell that she plans on paying
for her own. I buy it for her partially cause I knew she wasn't asking me to buy her one.

While we are talking this guy comes up and asks where everyone else is. I reply with
"dude you're slacking you should have everyone hooked up on lowjack sensors so you
can track them."
The guy tells her "I like this guy". I reinitiate convo with her but he's still standing there.

Next thing you know he says to me "do the words pua or mystery mean something to u?"
(i was in my rocker apparel w/ makeup.). I play stupid for a sec, don't know if this guy is
going to expose me. He says again "you know mysterymethod.com....". Im like "Oh you
mean that vh1 show....". He says "never mind. I just thought cause the makeup and the
nails.". I'm like lets see what happens here, thinking that if this guy knows about this he
might be a pua. I tell him that he hit it on the head. He asks me if Ive read some of the
books. I tell him yes. This is all in front of my target. She hasn't a clue whats going on.
Turns out this guy isn't on our lair but goes out with his buddy and met these girls earlier.
I guess he had tried to work game on my target earlier but she's mine know. Exchange

Back to my girl I end up with her for about an hour. I notice that its 2:30 and I tell her
"Let's get out of here.". She says "I have to tell my friends". I tell her to txt them. I guess
that can't work cause bday girl has stuff in my targets car.

Find group bullshit for awhile and end up at this after party at this pool hall. I kinda
remember that one of the girls was part owner. Hang there till bout 4:30. then I extract
my girl to my place. Fade to black. Full close.

Spent part of my day Today (8/22) with her. Comfort talk, lunch, more sex. Sent her
packing while I worked. She's gonna come hang with me a bit more today before I go out
for the night.

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****8/22- LR- hbblondie from green iguana

I woke up today and had sex with my new fb again. Kicked her out and worked a bit.
Went to dinner with my new fb but of course I have been working it that we go dutch. I
have throu out talking to her, framed it that I am a man that is good with women. That I
go to bars and I game them and sometimes take them home. She's says shes cool with it
because we aren't an item.

I meet up with her and neo at the dallas bull. I hang out with her from 10:30 to 12:30. We
talk moreabout stuff like gaming and shit. She tells me if I want to go game to not let her
stop me. I semi game the girl next to her. During this time hbblondie has been blowing up
my phone becauseshe wants to hang out. She says she's at tampa ale house. I dismiss her
saying I'll think about it. I'm at the dallas bull w/ friends and having fun.

About 12:30 I tell my fb that I'm gonna game the room for ahile and then bounce to go
meet up with hbblondie. I game one girl goes good for a bit. Eject. Next I wing neo in a
set and occupy the obstacles. He ejects. I stay in for a bit then eject. I open this moving 2
set. Hot spanish chick in it. Yummy. I game for a bit. Deal with obstacle like her friend,
shotgirl, and random chode. I make out with my target and get her number.

I go to get ahold of hbblondie and she freaks out saying I'm an asshole, blowing her off
and to go fuck myself. She hangs up on me. I'm in the middle of txting her and she calls
back. I bust out just running my mouth, not giving her a chance to talk. She tells me that I
can make it up to her for her thinking all those thoughts by coming over to drink with her
at her friends house.

I get there chill for a bit. Pick her up throw her on her friends bed. I tell her that we aren't
gonna have sex, that I'm tired, yada yada......Fast forward and fade to black...Full close.


I hit up a house party with evolution. Sarge it a bit. Around 12:30 the party starts to die
down cause the kegs are empty. Damn college kids and their drinking habits. I end up
going outside to make a phone call around 1am. As soon as I get to the fence I see 2 cop
cars pull up. I bolt out of there and get to my car. Just don't see the point of having to deal
with the equation: cops + alcohol+under 21 people+myself(24). I drive away and end up
hitting up my cell phone. I call up one fb. She's tired and staying in. I hit up my fb,
hbspanish. she just got home and got in her jammies. I convince her to hang out as i shoot
to her house. We hang out and hook up.


I flew tochicago and had plans to meet up with my old roomate and his gf. He picked me
up and we hit up the bar that she was at with some of their friends. I spent my night split
between hanging with them and random strangers.

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My friends I could tell were amazed in the degree of change I've gone thru since I saw
them last.


I didn't sarge today. Spent timer haning out with my family. My fb hbspanish was texting
me like crazy. She put it all out there and told me that she wanted me as her bf. I am in a
relationship now but will continue to sarge.


Went to gameworks with my exgf. Had fun just doing what I do with women.


I had an appointment with this lady earlier. Of course I sarged her. It was funny watching
her get attracted to me while were in her office.


I hit up alumni club with my ex and two of her gf's. I had so much fun with them. The
girls got on the subject of hot guys and how they can't approach. I was dying inside. I
ended up being a pep coach to one of the girls and sent her off to open a set. I ended up
on the phone with my gf for a while and when I came back she had brought his group

We chilled for a bit and hit the dance floor. I opened some sets but noticed I didn't care. I
had this one hot 4 set behind me while I was dancing with the girls. I opened them and
ejected aftera min to be back with my friends. I get reopened by one girl stealing my hat
off my head. That didn't last too long cause I'm not cool with someone snagging my shit.

(in retrospect my response was stupid. She locked herself in for me to open them)


I did nothing due to flying back to tampa. I arrived at 12:30am and then packed.....


I spent the night with my ltr. She got me a free room at a fancy hotel. Free room service,
she paid for dinner. Lots of sex. I bought breakfast in the morning.


I moved to orlando. Got situated. Went out with nautilus and RHM. Had some good sets.
At the end of the night I run into this brazillian chick thats friends with RHM's brazillian

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girl. I saw her earlier but hadn't gotten the chance to talk to her cause RHM and I were
about to bounce from the club they were at. I game her for 15 mins, get the phone
number, a peck on the lips and a day 2 for 9/2. On my way home later talked to her on the
phone a bit.


My day 2 was really good. This girl was at first very reserved about kissing me, but I
could tell she was into me by the kino. I'd go for it and she'd turn the cheek. I proceeded
to "run the train" like ozzie (rsd) says. I was just unaffected by it and kept doing my
thing. Got the make out and a day 3 for next sun. Just had some good chemistry with this

***9/2 night game

Hit up HOB with dream about midnight. We get split up. I open some sets. In the middle
of one of my sets I run into optic. He becomes my wing for the night. I had a couple sets
not work out the way I wanted them to....bf, opened to late as passing,etc...

I open a 2 set while talking to optic. I draw them in. Within 3 mins I get my target to kiss
me on the lips. We make out. I run game on both her and her friend. Ran that set for
about 20 mins. Dream made a quick guest appearance on that one. I intro him. He isolates
optic. I run my set. Set up the day 2 with my target for thursday and get her number. Eject
to go work more.

I walk around looking for another set that I want to open. Couple more just garbage sets.
I had one where both girls spoke only french. That was fun.

I get onto the balcony with optic and we run into one of libidos fbs. I say hi and talk to
her a bit. It ends up being a nice chat with optic, myself and her. I look over to the side
and see this hispanic/mocha girl chilling next to her friends kinda bored. I open her and
eject from my little group. I work her a bit. checking for compliance and gauging how
into me she is. I move her toward the balcony. make out ensues. She asks for my number.
I get hers and dial her. I set up a day 2 with her for tomarrow. Eject

I walk around and run into optic again. We end up talking for about 20 mins in venue. Its
now 2:15am I decide to leave we go outside. He drives me to my car and we chat for
another hr.


I go out with optic and we hit up this bar. This place is so loud its ridiculous. Lots of hot
sets. I attempt to open some. I succeed with some but not with others. This place is tough
cause the noise. We end up getting some air around 12:30. Talk to a set out there. Optic
entered it first so I occupied the obstacle.

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I don't know what it is but for some reason I feel off tonight. It's just not flowing like it
has before. I feel like I'm at 65%.

We get back inside and I try a couple more. Not a thing is sticking. I open this hot hb9.4
russian girl. Personally I think she's one of the top 5 hottest chicks in the venue.The set
hooks and I'm working it. I find out all types of shit. She's a stripper and she's been here 2
yrs. I end up in set for about 35 mins and they throw on the lights. This girl is loving me.
Outside I walk her to her car. Throughout this time I've tried over and over and over to
make out with her. I keep getting denied. I don't give up though. I get her to kiss me on
the lips. We talk more. I get the make out. I find out she's bisexual and has a gf at home. I
end up through some work inside her car. I'm trying for the SNL. She's saying she has to
go cause if she stays longer she'll end up fucking me. I'm like this is good. We make out
more and I try escalating. Her gf calls wanting her to come home. She tells me I can't
come with tonight. I'm like WTF inside my head. We make out more. The gf calls again.
Now I'm thinking I have to make something happen now. So I whip it out. She's not
going for it. She says she can't she has to go cause her gf is mad. She drives me to my car
and I'm left with the worst case of blue balls I've had in a long time.

*****9/4 (day game)

In the middle of my work day I stopped at planet smoothie. As I am leaning back against
the wall this little hottie comes strolling in. I debate whether to open her. She walks past
me and I open her. We talk for a bit then I tell her to go order her smoothie. I sit at a table
awaiting mine to be complete. I wave her over and tell her she can have a seat but not to
get to comfy cause the meters running. Just mix it up with some playfulness and comfort
building. I can tell she's been giving me a bunch of IOI's. I'm going very light on the kino
cause I don't want to creep her out. Her smoothie arrives as does mine. We walk outside
and I ask for her number. She says "I'll just take yours." I tell her to forget it then. She
says that she wants to call me but it will be in like 2 wks to a month. I figure bad timing
cause a relationship crumbling. I give it to her. She asks me if I'll remember her. I tell her
probably i I had something to trigger that in my head when she calls. I assign her a guys
name as a nickname.

I'll post again later cause I'm off to a day 2 with one of the girls from HOB this weekend.

***9/4 (Day 2)

I went out on a day to with one of the girls i opened sun at HOB. I get there and come
inside. I talk to her and her roommate for a bit. She asks if I want the tour. She takes me
in her room and shows me where the bathroom is and the closet. We walk in the closet
and it turns into an instant make out. I lead this back out toward the bed as we are making
out. I close the door to her room as we walk past it with my foot. We get to her bed and I
sit her down. I gradually escalate on her. Slowly making sure she's comfortable with what
I'm doing. I can tell she's timid about the whole thing and that i will have to lead. I take
my shirt off. We continue making out. I place her hand on my crotch. She rubs it. Next
while making out I undo my belt, pants and pop the head out a bit. Once again I place her

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hand on it. This time she starts giving me a hand job. I'm on top of her and I lean back.
She continues while looking up at me. I preceed to guide her head up by her hair. She
starts giving me head. I flip over and let her go to town. Finish up and then 5 mins later I
get her to give me another one. Afterwards I have her cook for me and we sit down and
watch vh1. Guess what show.......The PUA.........

I didnt go out 9/5 or 9/6......

****9/7 Ft. lauderdale

I met up with Mr. V and some of the guys down there. I opened some sets. Hooked a
couple. One thing that pissed me was a few of the puas there weren't very considerate to
my sets. Example. I opened a 2 set on the dance floof and became a dancing sandwich
with me as the middle. I look back and see Mr.V approaching my set. I'm thinking
awesome he's here to wing me. Then I realize he's being followed by a line of puas. Mr.V
comes in and the pua posse crashes as well. Now my two set is out numbered 2 to 1. I
eject from my own set. They disperse. I end up talking to them and my target from the
previous set comes by. I grab her and make out ensues. I unload her back to her friend.
This whole dynamic of puas crashing my shit happened a couple other times. I'd be
talking to them and in mid sentance I'd cut thread and open a girl as she was walking past
me. So I'd have a 1 or 2 set and they would jump into it. WTF guys!!!! After this
happened to me 2x I told them bye and avoided everyone but Mr.V.


I did some day game today. At a mall and at barnes and nobles. It was pretty sweet. My
best set was this chick in b&n that was so into me. It was too bad she was married thou. I
was loving it and she was loing it. I ended up in set with her for about 30 mins.


Hit up devanys with some other puas. I arrived at 12:30am. As I walked in slikk
introduced me to this chick. She had the sense of humor of a wet rag. I ejected her. I go to
check out the venue. Within 2 mins I open this one chick. She ended up being my only
set of the night. She started off all guarded like who is this douchebag. I broke throu that
with the use of my body language, banter and displaying throu multiple way that I just
don't give a fuck. There were these luring chodes near us that kept trying to get her
attention. She asked me if I knew them. I told her something along the lines of "No, but
they look pretty chode. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna play match maker and
hook you up with one of them. You'll be loving it. He'll will kiss your ass and bore you so
much to tears that you'll want to shoot yourself in the head."

I got interrupted 4 times. Each time as I was going for the make out. I handle most of it
with having her intro Around 1:20am. I made out with her and seeded for the bounce. Set

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up the day 2. Near the end my bounce plan didnt work. I was trying to bounce her and her
2 friends. I was trying to help out my roommates. I thought about it later what I should
have done. Bounced her for food saying that we will be back and instead taking her back
to my place since I lived so close.


Today was the worst night I've had out in months. Scoops has a policy of no reentry
combined with puke covered toliets.... I left once to go go to the bathroom and paid to get
back in. I ate something earlier that fucked with my stomach. Causing other problems.
Not a great night for me. Really threw me off.

***9/11 (day game)

I'm going to be brief cause I have a day 2 coming over but earlier when I was out and
about running errands and working I pulled up on the side of a girl in my car on two
separate occassions and opened them. Both of them I preceded to have a 5 min convo
with that included a make out and phone number exchange.

Will post again today after my day 2 with the girl from sun at devanys.

***9/11 (day 2)

So she comes over to my place about 6:30 and I find out that she was thoroughly trashed
when I met her. I went for the test and gave her a tour. She wasn't so keen about hanging
around to long in my room. Brought her downstairs and we talked a bit. Decided I was
gonna build some comfort so we hit up a pool hall. I figure I'd try to work it then bring
her back to the crib. I find out on the way to the hall that this isn't gonna be for that long.
Her friends b-day party is later. So much for that plan. 2 hrs of comfort and attraction
work. I'll day 3 her when I get back from costa rica.

****9/11 (night game)

Tonight was cool. I felt very chill and on. Vico went into this set but only opened one of
the girl. It just so happened that I thought his obstacle was hot so I isolated her. Next
thing I know vico doesn't hook and gets blown out but I'm in. I lock in and run some
sweetness. Friends come over. I get her to intro me. I engage them for a min and then
focus on her. We talk a bit the friends are cool with me. I get the number and allow her to
scamper off with her friends to the dance floor. later on I set it up that if my day 3
tomarrow falls thru I'm hanging with her. Either that or I might do a double booking.

I attempt a couple more sets but they don't hok. I hang out with some of the guys for a
bit. I figured fuck it I haven't seen vico in a long time.

End up on the dance floor tearing it up a bit for awhile. I end up opening this chick but
about 3 mins later I overhear her friend saying she wanted to dance so I eject them by

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saying to her something along the lines of "It would be rude of you to not go dance with
your friend."

A couple mins later I end up talking to vico. I look back to my left and there this 7 maybe
6.5 now next to me, facing me and looking at me. I open her. I touch her hair about 30
secs in and pull her in to whisper in my ear. She kisses me. I give her one kiss and push
her off. Her friend walks over. I nudge her to go join her friend.

Two mins later the girl that had gone to dance comes back with her friend. I reopen.
Game a bit. I tell her where's my kiss and point to my cheek. She turns my face and
kisses my lips.

I hang out a couple mins later and leave.

***9/12 (day game)

While I worked I was gaming chicks as I came across them. I ended up gaming one milf.
I ended up making out with her and getting her number. Funniest shit thou was after I left
she called and I didn't pick up. In her message right near the end she said that she had no
idea what just happened. I guess meeting me left her all spun up. LOL.

I blew off my day 3 today cause I didn't want to stop working. I dunno if I'm going out
tonight cause I leave tomarrow for costa rica. So this might my last FR for 2 weeks. I'll
be sure to keep a journal and post about my adventures when I get back.

This was a response i wrote to a field report.

here´s a tip for your aa........this is something i´ve done.

You see a group of girls or girl you want to talk to instead of standing there thinking:

¨oh fuck i want to talk to them but i´m choding. alright one more minute and i will. wait
hold on i got to get a drink. ok what do i say. rehearse my opener in my head. ok now im
walking over there. i´m five feet away. hold on i´m just gonna go to the bathroom then
i´ll be ready to open.¨

do this: you see a group of girls you walk straight up to them. force yourself into the
situation. use an opener or a simple ¨hello¨ you might clam up afterwards and not say
anything but continue to stand there for a min. if this happens you will feel tension but
thats good eventually by doing this your body will not want that uneasiness so your mind
will come up with something to say. This is how you develop your social skills and the
comfortability to be relaxed around women.

this will atleast get you into approaching women. easy huh. now go do it.

its baby steps my friend. think of it this way. you are worrying what others are going to

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think of you but at the same time they are thinking the same thing, having insecurities. we
are all human.

the thing is if you do not allow yourself to face this step you with not progress. you´ll
keep beating yourself up and miss out on plenty of good interactions and relationships.

you need to ask yourself is pushing yourself to go approach worth the potential benefits.
if you can´t whole heartedly say ¨yes i want this ability and to get this part of my life
under contol.¨ then stop even going out, get out of the game and just be an unhappy
person that works, goes home and watches tv.

i know what i say is harsh but damn it man if you don´t atleast attempt to try then why are
you bothering.

***9/18- LR- This is fucking amazing...Read this

So down here I have been practicing my spanish and making friend with guys and girls. I
meet this guy Hank thru another newly aquired friend that I met on the plane. hank and I
travel around going from bar to bar and also visiting the brothels in cosa rica. He tells me
he has plans to party with 6 of the girls that work at one of those places after the girls get
off work. We go to that place and he sits next to the hottest one there. She´s smoking and
I mean fucking gorgeous. I end up being the life of the party, talking to the clientel and
the girl. I´m just doing my thing.

I end up sitting down and i notice that the girl that my buddy is talking to keeps looking
at me while talking to him. He calls dibs on her. So i´m thinking fuck I want this chick.
and not any of the other girls there. Yea some of them are very attractive but I desire the
hottest one. I talk to the girls and then my bnuddy asks if I´m ready to leave. I say yeah.
he gets up from his seat and I go to say goodbye to all the girls. I get to the hottest one
and when I go to shake her hand, she grabs it and pulls me down next to her.

So I preceed to talk to her just basic conversation. Is a little difficult for me cause I
understand spanish a bit and can talk it a bit but she doesn´t speak any english. i find out
things like she´s from nicaragua, she misses it and only does what she´s doing for the
money for her and her family. Totally cool and respectable in my eyes. during
conversation she asks me like 4 times if I am coming later to the bar to hang out with
hank and the other girls. i reassure her multiple time that yes I will be there.

Hank and I leave and end up at this other bar where his ex girlfriend is. The bartender and
his ex. tell us in spanish that they both think I´m hot. I´m like holy shit these girls are
throwing it on the table. Next thing I know they say something in spanish. I don´t
understand. Hank looks at me and ask if I got that. I´m like no. He tells me that both
chicks want to take me into a jacuzzi on wednesday. I´m like OMG WTF is going on. My
buddy says OMG your stealing all my girls. I´m like sorry dude but he´s cool with it. He
has the attitude of fuck it there´s plenty in costa rica, so whatever.

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How everyone was seated. I was on the right off my buddy at the bar and his ex was on
the left of him. I go to the bathroom. I come back and I notice that she made him move
over a seat so there would be a free seat next to her. I go to walk by her and she tells me
¨this is your seat¨ and points to the empty one next to her. I start to talk to her but then an
emergency happened. One of the peerson that was at the bar fell over, stooped moving
and breathing. Everyone goes over there to see if he´s ok. I go over there. Find out he´s
not breathing. I yell to the bartenders to call the police 911. My friend says lets get out of
her cause of the whole drama with the cops and questioning and shit.

We leave for another bar. hank tells me he´s not going to meet up with those girls cause
the one he wanted is into me. We hang out a bit more until about 10:15. I leave solo in a
taxi and arrive at the bar. The girl I wanted is there but none of her friends are. We go
into the bar and order a drink. I get a water and she gets a smirnoff ice. After a couple
mins of talking we kiss. We talk more and more make out ensues. We talk more and she
starts asking where my hotel is and how far is it. I show her the card I had. We talk more
and she asks me if I want to go to my hotel. I say yes. I go to pay for drink but she
doesn´t let me. She pays. We get in taxi and go to my hotel. The taxi driver doesn´t have
change for the bill I have. I reach in my pocket for a bunch of coins. She pulls out more
cash and gives to him.

We go upstairs to my room and talk I´m just being me but not pushing to hard. I just talk
and talk and talk. She silences me by kissing me. Pushes me down on the bed. I stop her
and talk some more. Same procedure, she kisses me and starts feeling me up. She undoes
my belt and starts rubbing my cock. I undo my pants. We both undress, throw a condom
on and fuck for a long time. Best sex I have had in a long time. Afterwards was us just
talking and I could tell by her eyes that she was so tremedously into me. Like that look of
amazment that a child has when it sees something wonderful for the first time.

I gave her my info for my email and my hotel. I asked her if she´d like to see me again
before I go. I´m confident she will call.

So there you go I pulled a girl that has sex for a living and she technically paid for me. I
amaze myself. Tomarrow I´m stopping by that bar where those two bartenders are
working. See whats up with that. God I love my life and this place.

*****9/19 Day game

I just had a situation where I pulled two sisters to my room to fuck. I´m like yes fucking
threesome. Before we left the bar I made it clear I wasn´t paying for sex. They agreed
they just wanted to party. I ask to clearify that no money was going to be exchanged the
girl said no money. We get to my room and one of the says ¨so can u pay my sister for
party¨. I´m like WTF. I talk for a sec and this is going no where. she´s like
miscommunicado. I kick the bitches out. On the way out the leader asks for cab fare.
Fuck that. I lead them out the front door, slammed it and walk back to my room.

Peace out I´m going back out to the bars.

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This is getting really interesting. I went out with that prostitute again. This time with her
and her friend. After about 2 hrs I said lets ago. She paid for the bill, only this time it was
40 bucks. Her friend gave her this look like WTF. We get back to the hotel and she pays
for the cab again.


I go out with my new amigas. We go to the bar that one of them works at. There is this
smoking bartender, hb lipring, that is working there. I leave my friends to go to this other
bar where the girls that want to get me in a hot tub work at. I stop by for about 2 hrs
because of a birthday party I am invited to. I work it so that I will be seeing hb ex on
monday at 4pm at here work. Which is perfect because she works the morning and gets
off at 6pm. We will see what happens with that. I go back to the origionally bar. One of
my chica friends has bounced but has been replaced by a guy. Turns out he is gay and is
hitting on me. before my night is over I end up setting up plans to see hb lipring at 6pm
today. Side note my prostitue is way into me she was calling trying to get ahold of me
last night but I wasn´t at my hotel.


I fucked up. i went to the bars. I run into friends. This one chick that is a bartender that I
know is there. We start making out. Everything is set for me to leave with her. Her friend
comes and dances with me. She kisses me. I push her off after a quick make out. I blow
myself out of leaving with the first chick. The first chick won´t talk to me. I try to
explain. No good. I go home solo I am so pissed. She would have been a good fuck.

9/23- LR- Snatched up that bartender

Pretty awesome besides one thing. earlier in the day I stopped by this bar to see HBex.
There is this 60 yr old man gaming her old school. I´m like fucking A. The guy even
pointed it out that he was happy I don´t speak spanish that well because its better for him
cause I´m his competition. Fucking douche. Regardless I´m stopping by around 5;30
tomarrow. I have a maybe on lets get together with this chick.

Anyways back to the story. I leave Hbex and travel down the street to meet up at another
bar with some friends. I had told then if I don´t show up at 6:30 its cause my bungee cord
snapped on my jump. I had already anticipated possibly running into the bartender from
last night. Before I went out for the day I had translated something I wanted to tell her,
through the computer.

I arrive and everythings fine except she is mad at me. I give her the note and buy her a
couple beers. Next thing you know she moves from her seat to sit next to me. It´s on
again. About 9:15pm I tell her I´m leaving in like 30 mins. She´s acting like a little kid.

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Holding on me and telling me not to go. I tell her I have to take care of a couple things
(phone calls,internet, etc.). I don´t think she can handle me saying I´m leaving to see if
my fuck buddy stops by for a quickie. AlsoI had told her later that if I don´t make it back
by the time the bar closed to take a taxi to my hotel.

I arrive at 10pm and give my fb 15 mins to show up. The time passes and I say fuck this
waiting and go back. At the bar she ends up asking me if I will come to her house to have
lunch and meet her family. Sure whatever helps my cause of fucking you girl. At
12:15am we bounce back to my hotel. I already have a feeling of whats going to happen.
I get her in the room. Lights off and clothes off.

I fuck her awhile then bust in her mouth from a bj. Glory times.

Earlier today I worked things out. I set it up with 4 different girls that I would see them.
One was my fb prostitue. She may show up within the next couple minutes. Another was
the bartender I fucked last night. Yesterday I talked to hbex and had a maybe with her to
see her. The fourth was this cute hb, we will call her for the sake of this fr, hbbar; that
was the bartender at the bar I got food at about 2 pm.

I structured it so I would see hbex about 6 and if she was a no I was going to go to hbbars
establishment and hang out with her at seven. Thehn after either one if I didn´t get them
back to my place I was going to my hotel to possibly meet up with my fb prostitue. At the
end of my night I might show up at the bartender´s(I fucked her last night) job and take
her home. I am waiting at the moment on my fb. I give her 5 more minutes. If she doesnt
show I´ll return to hbex´s job where she is waiting on me.

At the moment I have already hung out with hbex. Bounced her to 2 different places. I
was forward with her and asked her if she would like to go to my hotel. I haven´t built
enough with her cause she declined but I have made out with her and felt her up The
bartender I fucked last night saw me leave with hbex so I don´t know how she stands
when I possibly see her later.

Will conclude my fr later.


My night concluded with going back out and I run into Hank. He´s drunk and tells me he
doesn´t want me trying to steal his gf.(He´s dating this other bartender form another bar).
I tell him I have no plans of that, she´s cool but I am after HBex. I guess he is really
jealous of me. Then drunkingly wants to know how I got his gf number. I told him she
gave it to me. I asked her for it in case I needed to get ahold of her or give out a number
so another chick can track me down when I´m out and about.

He leaves the bar to confront his gf. I stay with hbex. After a bit I go to the other bar to
see whats going on. Hbbar is there and she´s fuming with me. My buddy´s gf is there and

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she´s pissed cause I guess he blew up on her so that transfers to me. My buddy is not
there. I bounce back to the first bar. Hbex and another bartender are gone. I travel down
the street to this third bar and run into hbex and the other bartender. Hang out again with
them. Hbex leaves for her house. I´m totally ok with it because I had already set up to see
her again wed after she gets off work.

****9/26-LR- My final night in costa rica

Earlier in the day I am hanging out with a couple of my firends. They leave the bar we
are at so Hank can take a nap. We agree on returning to the same bar about 8:30pm. I
decide to stay a couple minutes due to a cute blonde with her friend on the other side of
the bar. I open her and end up joing them. After a couple minutes we end up making out.
She says she has to leave for her job. She makes phone calls from 6pm to 10pm. I get her
number and tell her I will call her later.

On my way back to my hotel. I am no more that 3 building away when I see this cute
chick walking toward me. We end up locking eyes as we walk, followed with a double
take over the shoulder. I pause for a second and turn around. She triple takes then quatro
takes. I decide to go open her. She had turned a corner and slowed down hoping I would.
I open her and within minutes we are making out. i ask her what she is doing now but she
has to go home for her baby. We agree to meet at 7pm at this bar like a block away.

I go to my hotel to take a nap. It´s like 5:30pm. I set the alarm yet it doesn´t go off. I
wake up its 7:30pm. I´m like fuck. I go to the bar and she´s not there so I end up
bouncing to a couple places. Later on in the night I meet up with my friends. We hit up
this place in pueblo. It kinda sucks. Sausage fest. Hit up another place. I end up dancing
with these to firends. I make out with one. My friends want to go so I go for the bounce.
The friend likes it here and doesn´t want to go. Alright see ya later girls.

I show up at HBex´s work and she´s drunk. I tell her I´ll be back. We end up around
12:30am arriving at the bar we were origionally in the first place. I already have it set up
to go see HBex so I´m like I don´t care what happens. End up talking to this one chick,
hb greeneyes. Turns out she´s friends with hb bar who just so happens to show up and
isn´t thrilled to see me. 1:30am hits and I say that I am going to leave. I start doing
goodbyes but Hb greeneyes doesn´t want me to. She says something in spanish and my
friend hank tells me she wants to get to know me better. I tell her I have to go for my
friend. She tells me to wait 5 minutes. 5 mins is up and I say I´m going to the bar one
street down. She talks to hb bar. Next thing I know she says she is coming with me to the
bar. Now I am in a delema. I tell hank whats going on and he instantly tells me to go to
my hotel. That hbex won´t remember that I never came back cause she´s drunk. Great
idea thanks buddy.

I tell hb greeneyes that I am no longer going to the bar and that I am going to my hotel.
She says ok. We grab a taxi and speed off to my hotel. At my hotel we talk a bit. After a
bit she is in her only her thong. She says something about being tired and wanting sleep.
Yeah thats not happening. I just turned down trying to take home hbex for you. I strap on

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a condom and spread her legs. I get no lmr. Fucked her a long time then had her finish
me off with a bj.

10/01- LR- Myspace girl
When I was in costa rica this girl from myspace contacted me. I sent her a couple
messages and we talked on the phone once. She was loving me and wanting to get
together. On friday she informed me that she was going to have the house all to her self. I
asked her which day she was going to cook for me. She told me whichever day I visit her.
I picked sunday.

I arrive at her place around 6pm. We chill a bit. I talk with her and tease her. She cooks
for me. Then we chill on the couch and while watching rock of love, I end up full closing
her and getting 2 bjs. Woke up in the morning to the same treatment.

10/2- FR: Roxy’s

I end up meeting up with dream at roxy's. I end up walking around and openening a
couple sets. Next thing I know I have this massive migraine from hell. Its making me feel
very antisocial. So i kinda fuck around a bit and do nothing.

I end up over at the bar and in comes dream. He talks to me a sec then opens this set next
to me. Next thing you know the hot chick from the group comes over. Here we go with
the barage of blah, blah, blah from me. I end up using my body language to portrait to her
that I really don't care about the interaction, that she is just a temporary thing in my world
and I could get bored of her easily. Turns out she's 20 and is a winghouse girl. When I'm
talking and touching I am constantly gauging where I am, also I am constantly pushing
forward to see her comfort level. After a little while we end up making out. I get her
number and set up to see her tomarrow. Hit the dancefloor with her and her friend. I
checked logistics and they were very shitty to attempt a bounce.

We will see if this goes thru for my day 2. If not HBbrazilian and I are going to get
together. She just called me 5 mins ago and I made her my backup plan.

10/3 FR: Smoking Asian Chick

While I was working today I ran across this smoking asian chick. She had one of the
hottest bodies I've seen in a while. So I end up selling her and we get to talking. Part of
the condition of me hooking her up is that the next time i am in ft. lauderdale that she
owes me a night out on the town.

We exchange numbers and talk some more. Turns out she's in town for a couple more
days. I leave and about 4 mins later I get a text saying "by the way your cute." I tell her I
forgot to tell you something and that I'll be right back. I end up back with her and I say I
forgot to tell you this....and I kiss her. We start making out. Lovely pillowy lips. I wanted
to fuck her right there and then. I set up a day 2 with her.

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10/3 FR- Devany’s (night game)

I have no words for this.

I go out with slikk and dream. Dream ends up saying that there are these three girls that
he wants to pull and that he calls dibs on this one chick. Cool with me. Later on near the
end off the night I am chilling with the three girls and their fourth friend. I have
everything worked out to pull all of them. Each girl is loving me and is down with
coming back and hanging out with al of us. Fucking awesome. Dream leaves so I have to
juggle all the girls. Next thing I know there is Dream on the dance floor 30 ft away from
us making out with a girl. The girl he wants is so not into him anymore. Thanks dream
for deviating from the plan. I try to pull two of them now for slikk and I. It doesnt work
cause they didn't drive and we get cockblocked.

Hope you tag that girl you pulled dream.

10/7- LR- HBPanama

I met this chick on friday when I was out with RHM. I would say she's a 7. She's got a
very adorable face but the body is alright. So I set up a day 2 with her over the phone. I
was originally supposed to go to sarasota yesterday to visit my friend and also my fb. I
talked to my fb and she had came back to tampa yesterday so I had her stay with me last
night. So yesterday since I was staying in orlando I called up HBPanama and set up
something for today.

We met up and hung out a bit. I did my normal sequence of things. Teasing, flirting and
general conversation to build comfort. About an hour and a half into it our conversation
we got on the subject of sexual talk. Threesomes, thought about sex, fantasies, etc. The
waitress comes over and asked us if we needed food or anything to drink. HBPanama
tells her no and as the waitress walks away I chime in with this. "If you are hungry I have
some sausage for you." She says she'd like that. In my head I'm like cool I'll take that
answer but it was me just fucking around. I tell her that I'm ready to go. I get up. She gets
up and we go outside. She follows me in her car to my place. I bring her inside and up to
my room. Slam her against the wall. Clothes come off. Fade to black.

10/12-FR- I want to cry

I had a great night. Lots of fun, couple makeouts and numbers.

Here's why I want to cry. I just got LMR'd the worst way possible. I've had this happen
once before. Basically what happened is at the end I left the whole crew. You know who
you are. I am about to go home cause dream hits me up "hey i need ur help I pulled two
girls and no one is home". I am on my way. Before I get to my car the girl from last night
calls me. Tells me to meet her she is 2 blocks away. I'm like fuck yea this girl to me is
nearly a blueprint for me. Over a long string of events I end up pulling her back to my

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I am thinking thank you god. She gets in her pj shorts and bra. I drop to my shorts and
underwear. We talk, make out, start hooking up. Talk more. I get on the subject of if she
is good at message. She says yea. I tell her give me one. She tells me to go first. I am
thinking i will turn this sexual. I give her one and thats where things go down hill. She
starts falling asleep. I'm like ohhh fuck. I try and work it to no avail. She ends up passing
out on me due to the alcohol she consumed and my massage. I don't know how the
morning is gonna go but right now I'm not loving it.

10/15- LR- Another internet girl

Two days ago I started messaging this chick from the internet. I ended up on the phone
with her for two hours and set up a day two for wednesday. Yesterday she was texting me
like crazy and we ended up on the phone again for like another hur. At the very end I
worked it so she would skip her kickboxing class, get ready and drive out to me to meet
me up. We met up at this place that has a bar, pool, bowling, and other assortments of

While we were there she bought me a drink and gave me half her snack. We were there
for about 30 mins before the subject of her wanting to see good luck chuck came up. It
just so happened that I have it on my computer. I used that as my bounce plan. We got to
my place and chilled on the couch watching tv. We hung out for a bit and in came dream
from whereever he was at. Next thing you know my hb and I are making out. I bounce
her upstairs and throw on the movie.

Over time I try to escalate but she's not letting me get her shirt off. I keep alternating
trying a bit then watching the movie. At one point I'm like fuck this. we start goingat it
again and I can feel the energy change. We are both so turned on and I knew it was my
time to strike, i get her shirt and bra off. She rubs my crotch so I rip off all my clothes. I
get her pants and thong off. Everything is beautiful till I grab a condom. She says what
are you doing. I tell her I believe in safe sex. She rolls to the side and I get lmr'd.

So fine I play it cool turn back to the movie and she is resting on me. I look to the side
and she looks like she's falling asleep. I'm not worried because I remember reading in
someone else's post before that they got lmr'd, went to sleep and it was on in the morning.
So I try that. I tell her to take a nap. That I am going to finish watching the movie cause
I'm not tired. I wake her up after the movie to see where we are at. She is still so sleepy
so I throw on another movie. About an hour into it I want to see whats up with her so I
wake her up using reaching for my bottle of water as an excuse. This time she is semi
awake. I start making out with her and stimulating her vagina. I get into position and she
just stares at me. She says "You want to have sex don't you.". Actions speak louder than
words as I slip on a condom and enter her.

10/18- FR- I’m not perfect…a bad night

I have never had a night like this before. I was so on and in the moment yet at the same
time I was the cause of my own demise.

This night humbled me dramatically, put somethings in perspective and shattered my

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reality at the same time.

Night starts out lame then out of no where I am in state. I open the hottest 2 set in the bar.
They don't hook. I continue. They hook. I neg and they are locked into me more. Both are
attracted to me. Next thing I know I spit out something stupid and watch the set crumble
in front of me. Energy in the air changes and their body languages tells me I screwed
myself. I feel my state get smashed.

Later on I open another set. Hook both of them. Next thing I know I take there tangent
and it leaves me in a deadend with no where to go. Feel the energy change and I eject.

My state returns and I feel great. This chick comes up to me like "hey what up" I mirror
her energy. Everything's beautiful and then I screw myself. I see the friends come in and I
have a moment where I'm like "oh fuck I don't want them to take her." so I bust out of my
natural flow and throw out mystery's thing about intro me to your friends. I feel the
energy change. I've blown my self out again.

From there it spirals downhill. My energy is shot and nothing goes right. I feel stupid.

November ‘07
11/12- Day 2
So last night I had a day 2. It was funny cause she got lost. We were supposed to meet at
chili's. I was at the right chili's and she was at the one 15 mins ago. I get out side while I
am talking to her on the phone. She gets outside. We start describing the surroundings
and they are very similar. Burlington coat factory, steak and shake and a olive garden
across the street. I tell her to drive to me and that I am going to order food. I order and
eat. Hit her on the phone and tell her to meet me somewhere else. I go right into teasing,
comfort talk about my background, qualify, build commonalities, do takeaways, tease
with point, play with my body language. End up making out with her after about 2 hrs. I
go for the bounce back to my place to watch a movie. She says she can't cause she needs
to get up at 6am tomarrow and it's 12am now. I ask her "So what are you cooking for me
tomarrow?", she asks "what do I want?", I tell her to surprise me and that I will be there
at 7pm. We continue making out and she gives me her address.

If all goes well I'll be knee deep in some sweetness tomorrow.

11/16- LR- Back of my van

I meet up with Nektar, Vlad, RHM, Sock and Nautilus at antigua's for happy hour about
6:30. Hang out a bit, couple drinks and gaming. We were all like machines on a mission.
I'm sure every set in that place got approached by one of us. I was working on
consciously using my body language as reward and punishment. I blew myself out of a
couple sets this way while experimenting. One chick actually called me out on it. She
was like why are you being mean to me and turning your back on me.

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I see this one chick, Hbkazakstan that I want to open. I try to pull her in as I'm sitting
down. I stretch my arm out for her to grab my hand as she walked by. She didn't grasp it
but she dragged her palm and fingertips across mine. Fast forward a half hour later. I
come out of the bathroom and open this 5 set (2 hotties and 3 cuties). I get threw my
opener and am I the middle of a story when I get tapped on the shoulder. I shift and look
back and see hbkazakstan standing there. We gaet into convo. I pull her away from the
set I was in. We start making out. I end up asking her if she's hungry (seeding the
bounce). She says no and asks if I'm hungry. I tell her I'm starving and she asks If I want
to go get food. I grab her hand and say let's go. I drag her out into the street. This is about
5+ mins from the time she tapped me on the shoulder.

We start walking toward the food places which just so happens is the same direction as
my car. I ask her if she is a good cook. She say yes. Next thing that comes out of my
mouth is "So what are you going to cook for me at my place because that's where we are
going now.". She's cool with it and says vegetarian. We get to my car and she is
confused. She thinks I live in downtown. I tell her I live close to get her in the car even
thou it will take a good 20 mins to get to my place. We are in my car, I intuitively think I
might be able to fuck her right now so I hop in the back of my van. She asks what I am
doing. I tell her since we are talking it's more comfortable back here because I can stretch
out. I tell her to join me. She complies. Within 2 minutes I have her naked and I am
inside her. So meet to full close was about 20 minutes.

We finish up and go back to the bar. Hang out with her, her friends and my friends.
About half an hour later I drag her back out again. We start walking toward my car again
and she is like we are not going to your car. I tell her "No. we are not. Do you like
trains?". She says yes and I pull her onto the train tracks between this antique train resting
on the tracks and the gate next to it. About 300 to 400 feet in I slam her against the gate
and start making out with her. She says you want to fuck me again don't you. I tell her
"No. I want you to give me a blowjob." I pull my pants down and guide her to her knees.

During the interaction I found out she's 42. She looks damn hot for 42. I thought she was
about 30.

11/25- BJR- Blowjob in my van

I end up hitting HOB at 12am. Rolling with nektar. While there I run into teamplay,
RHM and another guy (I don't know your handle but you know who you are). My first set
opens me. It's this chick from a maxim party. My second set opens me because of my
boa. I run game and drop into shock and awe with her bf standing 2 feet away. The chick
is loving it.

I walk around and end up opening this set that nektar is in. His obstacle is not feeling me
at all. I should have negged but I didn't care so I went my own way. I go outside for a sec
to use my phone. While I am there I open this black chick that's in a 4 set inside. She
can't hear me and walks over. I get about 30 seconds in and I drop into shock n awe.
Hooks so ridiculously. Makeout in 15 seconds. Her friends are cool with me and I steal

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her away. For the next 45 mins I am cycling between regular game and shock n awe. I'm
pushing it hard to see how far I can take it. Basically seeing if I will get blown out. I keep
pushing further and further. I set up the day 2 for her to cook for me. We play the 5
question game, the prize is a massage for on tuesday and I win. I push it further and
further blaming her hotness for the things I am going to do to her later. We go find her
friends and stay in set till close.

Outside we go to her friends car. They drive me to mine and I assume my girl is coming
with me. I tell her to come. She obeys. We never leave the parking lot. I get her in the
back of my van. Keep escalating further and further. She tells me she's on her period. No
big deal for me. I escalate further and further and wind up getting a blowjob. I bust in her
mouth. Tell her to keep going. Bust another in her mouth. Then drive her home.

Side note: Here's two things that stood out in my mind from tonight that came out of my

"If you keep kissing me like that I am not going to be held responsible for the things I am
going to do to you."

"You're mommies princess huh. Well if mommy knew all the dirty things I am going to
be doing to you, she'd be crying."

11/26 LR- Model chick

On monday I had a day 2 with this chick I met at a maxim party. I set it up the night
before while I was at house of blues. It's all set for me to spend the night. I'm like perfect
because we wee realy into each other when we first me. I arrive at her place and she has
to let me in so she meets me downstairs.

Immediately as I get within kissing range I grab her and attack her like an animal. I drop
into shock and all. I start telling her shit like "You are so bad. Why are you doing this do
me? Do you have any idea what kind of affect you are having on me? You need to stop it
because if you don't I can't be responsible for my actions. If you don't stop kissing me
like that I'm going to have to fuck the shit out of you." By the way this all is before we
even get in her apartment.

I get her inside and throw her onto the couch. I feel like a beast and I want to tear this girl
apart. We stop for a min and have a beer. For the next 45 minutes it is more of
comfort/cocky funny mixed with shock and awe. Multiple attempts in her room to kill the
escalation. Another beer, going outside to smoke, etc. I get her in the room again. Get
both of us completely naked. It gets animalistic and she attempts another one of these
moves (another cigarette). I throw her back down and go for the gold. Full close time.
After we got that out of the way it turned into a nympho fest.

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Tuesday night I spent at her place again and spent part of wednesday there. Made sure to
hit it before I left.

11/28 LR- Married chick

After I got back from being with my model chick on wednesday I had a day 4 with this
married chick. With her logistics were always messed up. Stuck having to meet for lunch
there was really nowhere to try for a full close. Anyways I met up with her at 8pm. Drank
a little with her. Pushed for the bounce at 9:30 but she shot that down saying she doesn't
think she's ready for that.

About 11pm I push for the bounce to this pool hall/ bowling alley I know. We chilled
there, shot some pool, darts, hung out and drank some more. I had busted out shock and
awe a little bit but I wanted to wait until alone with her to truely bring it out. Around
12:30am I push for the bounce again and this time I get it. She follows me back and on
the way I pick up a six pack. We get up into my room and I throw a movie on.
Immediately I start going for it. I end up getting both of us naked and start going down on

I go for the full close but as soon as my dick touches her she bolts up so quick. She's now
in this hyper panic. "where I my clothes. I need to leave. This is too fast. Where's my
underwear. I barely know you. I don't do this type of thing." I attempt multiple things but
I can't get her to slow down. Next thing I know she has her bra and panties on, almost her
pants too. That's when I get a flash of insight. I tell her stop, look at me then to turn
around. I start giving her a shoulder massage. I get her on her stomach and massage her
more. After the massage she has calmed down a bit but still wants to go.

This is when I go for comfort. I tell her "Listen I know we haven't gotten that deep into
each other but part of that is because my past is dark....yada yada". I go into some very
personal things about my past. She's excepting and connecting with me. She kisses me
and I start escalting. I get her naked again and go for the full close. She excepts it at first.
After 3 pumps she's like "we can't" I'm like "It's ok". She accepts it and we continue. She
throws out another objection with with I say "It's ok". We continue. This pattern
continues a couple more times. Each time she has an objection I diffuse it with "It's ok"
and continue having sex. She asks me "why is this ok?" which I reply with "Because it is
ok.". The next statement is "Are you wearing protection and her whole thing of objecting
to sex is squashed. We fuck for the next 45 mins.

December ‘07
12/7 LR- My #80
After working happy hour and then a random day 2 that didn't go so hot, I decided to go
downtown to meet up with slikk. Some other puas were there. About 10:30 my phone
died which was really sweet for sure. I did find a way to use that to my advantage with
sets. I open a bunch of sets, some bad, some hook but go nowhere, some I get the number
and make out with one of the girls. I don't know where the other puas are so I'm roaming
around doing my own thing wingless.

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I end up in wall st cantina. I open this two set with my black nails routine. One girl is
really into it. I shock an awe her afterwards and lead her to a seat to sit down. I test how
comfortable she is with kissing me by pointing to the cheeks and then my lips. She
complies with all 3 so I go for the make out/ Make out ensues. Some bullshit, comfort
and cold reads. I get her number by telling her to text me something.

She says she loves this song so we get up and she grinds into my ass for a minute. I take
her over to the bar and buy both of us a drink. I seed the bounce for pizza and tell her to
help me find my friends. We leave her friends and the bar. We walk down toward that
tiki bar. I get her to stop and sit with me a bit. I set up the day 2 for sun with her cooking.
While we are sitting down making out some asshole decides to throw his drink out of the
window above us. We both get soaked. End up walking around wall st some more but I
don't see any other puas (Really didn't care at this point if I did). I push for the bounce for
pizza and off we go. We run into a couple of her friends on the street. Bounce them for
pizza. My girl pays for my slice and invites me to go to her friends place to hang out. We
all leave and I bring my chick to my van so I can drop her off.

In my van I get her in the back (do you see a trend here with me). We end up spending 20
mins in there which results in me stripping myself but she's not going for it. During this
she tells me "we are not having sex and we are not having sex sunday either". I don't
want things to possibly spiral out of control and lose this so I blame her shock and awe
style for me being naked. I'm like "what are you doing to me. This isn't cool. where are
my clothes and why am I naked?". We end up going the wrong way to her parking
garage. So that eats up more time. We get there and I'm downstairs waiting. She pills up
and is like "I called them and my friends are going to bed". My reply is "so then where
are we going to hang out." She tells me my place cause it might be closer.

I get her in the house give her a 5 second tour. Pull her upstairs. Another trend I see is
every girl I pull asks the same thing on entering my room "where is your bed?". Anyways
I log offline throw on some music courtesy of my ipod and start the escalation. NO LMR
on getting her naked. Play with the puss, go down on her and pop it in. Once again during
sex I get very feeble LMR objections which I squash with "it's ok".


I had scheduled 3 day 2's for today. 1 for at 2, the next at 6 and the last at 10. The first
one called and needed to postpone, I didn't see her until 3pm. We played a bit of pool at
my favorite day 2 spot. At 4:30pm I bounced her back to my place. This one is going to
take a couple days because I can tell she has her rules about sex. I got her in my room and
over the next half an hour I tested her boundries. I went as far as stripping myself naked.
She was a little reserved about touching so I guided her hand. I started with having her
touch my naked body and took it as far as my cock so she would get comfortable with
touching it. She jerked me off, told me this is going to fast and was going to leave. While
she went to the bathroom. I put my undies and pants back on to subcommunicate that I
was going to back off and not be as much a sexual threat for the moment. I re-engaged

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her, got her comfortable and laughing. We watched heroes until 6:20pm. Before having
her leave I set up the day 3 for tuesday at her place, possibly being out in the area.

My second day 2 had to work so that's a no go. I talked to another chick though that
wanted to hang out but she's studying at the moment and wants to get together at 9ish for
coffee or something. I think I am going to flake on her because my other day 2 is lay #80.
She's going to cook for me and I'm spending the night. I know what some might say
about my plan, that I am going for the sure thing and your right but it goes deeper than
that. I'm converting this into an fb that is going to cook for me, give me massages and
sex. That requires a little face time.

12/12- LR- Almost ditched this girl

I had made plans earlier in the week to see her tuesday. I ended up working my game as
usual via text. Got directions from her later. Turns out that she messed up on them so
they got me lost. I walk into this situation with the girl just a little irritated. Find out that
her roommate wants to meet me and she's out to dinner with her bf. Not really what I had
planned but what they hell why not. I figured I could use them to my advantage. It's
always awesome when you win over a chick's roommate/best friend.

We get there and everything is cool with the roommate. We are getting along fine. The bf
isn't as cool though. reminds me a bit of a douche but hey maybe he'll warm up. 2 drinks
later and dinner almost over I am thinking of ditching my date. I start figuring out what
others are doing via text. We get outside and she asks me what I want to do. Then throws
out the statement we can grab some wine and drink at my place. Loving that idea. Totally
turned everything around. Get there and drink some wine with her and her posse.
Everyone goes to bed. We are alone in her room and I had already alluded earlier little
things like her trying to get me drunk so I with have to spend the night. We are laying
down and she throws it out there asking if I want to spend the night. Like I'm really going
to choose to go home when I am in a great situation.

We make out more and I proceed to escalate. Both of us end up naked. I transition her
into giving me head. I decide to get ballsy and go for the full close. I go down on her and
finger her, trying to get into that extremely receptive state for sex. I go for it. LMR. I
don't know where this came from but I busted out about rejection and its a turn off for
me. I pull out the girl move about how I should go and where are my clothes. She's like
wait don't go, let's talk. So I stay we chat briefly and I go for it again. LMR again. I pull it
out again this time I get up and go for my stuff. She stops me and pulls me back. I go for
it again. I get it. After a little I pulled out and whipped off the condom. I had her finish
me with a bj.

12/18-12/21- 3x LR- My week: 3 lays and a bj

This all started out by going to scoops on the 16th. I ended up getting this one chicks
number, I gave her mine and set up a day 2 for monday.

Sunday: I was chilling watching tv when I started getting into texting the chick that was

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supposed to come over later. HBblack informs me that she won't be able to make it
because she is stranded in tampa. I IOD by stating that I am very busy and don't know
when we can reschedule for (which was true). Loss of a day 2, oh well. Hbscoopschick
just so happens to call me up 5 mins later. I switch up my day 2 plans with her and pick
her up an hour later. On the way there I set up day 2 plans for hbblack now for mon.

I hang out with hbscoopschick for a bit at my favorite day2 spot then bounce her back to
my place. Throughout the next hour or so we talk and I escalate. I can't get even her shirt
off but she's escalating on me by touching my penis. In my eyes when a girl rubs my
crotch thats the green light for me to strip. I pull off my clothes and she starts playing
with it I get her to give me a bj and take her home.

Monday: I get hbblack over to my place and slowly escalate. Starting in my living room
and ending in my bedroom. Took 45 mins. Full close

Tuesday: I have a day 3 with hbscoopschick. I pick her up and find out she gave blood,
she'd tired and a little sick. This goes nowhere sexual very fast. I drop her off and go
meet up with nautilus at aka lounge around 12. I start out in a bummed out state. I drink a
little and snap out of it. Do a little sarging. End up in a set that nauti is working. Turns
out he knows all the girls. I end up bouncing one of the girls over to the bar. As we are
talking, I am throwing out my frame out there and she is accepting it. The big core of it
was that "I am staying at her place tonight, in her bed but we are not having sex.". Bars
close I get my targets number and end up at her place. When it is time for bed I escalate
and full close her.

Thursday: I end up after my day 3 with hbbrazilian over at antiguas. While there I ran
some stuff and worked it with this one chick to hang out later. After the bar I call her but
she's like "let me call you back we just got pulled over." so pwaul, defixion and I start
walking the street. I see this two set by a cab and tell the guys lets go get it. Pwall opens
the blonde with something as I open the hispanic girl with "What do you think you are
doing? That's my cab. Are you trying to steal it? I know you got here first but I saw it
first so it's mine.". I had my car so I was just doing it to fuck around. Pwall is busy with
the blonde so I continue working the hispanic girl.

Out of nowhere comes the blonde and she's pissed. She starts taking it out on me. She's
poking me in the face while saying shit like "why you talking to my girlfriend.","she's
going home with me tonight and I'm going to fuck her","stop talking to her","you're in
our space". I remain non-reactive with this chick. She continues to try and break my
frame. I tell her she's so adoreable and cute, etc. She starts telling me if I don't leave she's
going to punch me in the face. I continue with my whole unreactive frame. She calls me
on it saying " You think you are the shit but you're not. You're not even good looking." I
laugh at her and tell her she's adoreable, that this is so funny and that I really don't care
what she thinks. By this point my back is into the building. She starts saying something
else but cuts herself off, grabs my face and starts making out with me.

After a few mins she asks if I have cab fare. I tell her of course which she replies "Good

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because we are going to have a threesome. When my girl and I are done with you, you
need to leave.". I immediately bring her over to defixion and the hispanic girl. The
hispanic girl is all into him saying shit like she wants to take him home and asking me if
she can keep him. I tell the blonde we are having a foursome. We bounce back to the
blonde's place. While there defixion and the hispanic go upstairs for a min so that the girl
can change. I use this as my window to escalate. I get as far as fingering her and she says
we need to go upstairs.

Upstairs I start escalating on myself by taking off my shirt and undoing my pants hoping
others would follow suit. The hispanic takes defixion downstairs and I full close my
chick. As I'm in the middle of it I end up losing my erection. I so hate condoms. I try
again and get the same result. I ask my chick if she wants that foursome. She's like yea. I
go down stairs and throw the idea down. I can tell defixion is down with it but the
hispanic isn't cool with it so I go back upstairs.

12/23- LR- #85- Pull from I-bar

I met up with nautilus at I bar around 11:30. Ran some sets there. Ran into asdfn worked
his social group a bit. The girl out of that group ended up buying me a shot later. I end up
near the dance floor with nauti. I open this hot chick that turns out is from new york. As
I'm talking to her this like 6'3 240lb guy comes out of nowhere and he looks like he wants
to kill me for talking to his girl. I turn my back to him and the girl and start talking to
nauti. I go open this one hottie sitting alone. Turns out she's a lesbian and there with her
gf. The gf comes over and I hang out with them a bit before excusing myself.
Immediately on exit I head toward the dancefloor and get into convo/dancing with this
cute chick. I opened her coming in dancing while she was facing me. I turned sideways
and hip checked her. We end up hanging out for about 20 mins. I make out with her and
get her number during this interaction.

I continue like this, walking around and talking to random people just for the fun of it. I
really don't see a lot of targets that I want. I run into nauti on the dance floor again. Out
of left field comes bouncing in these two girls. I like the first girls energy so I open her. I
talk to her for a minute before she gets pulled away. They are still in proximity near nauti
and I. I see to my right this really cute blonde so i open her. She saw me talking to the
other chick and we chat a bit. She bounds 5 ft away to talk to her friend a second. I turn
around and talk to nauti again. He's like those two chicks want to be pulled (the girls that
were proximity). I reopen my girl and we start dancing. Nauti opens the other one and
they are now dancing.

I bullshit with my girl a bit. Then I tell her how lucky she is to be hanging out with me
and that there are girls that hate her now because of it. She's like really. I tell her to look
over my shoulder and check out the blonde. The blonde just kept staring at us which
made me more of a prize in her eyes. Within the next 15-20 mins I've told my girl all
types of shit ranging from "this isn't fair what your doing to me", "stop it because I can't
be held responsible", etc. I test to see where I am. I start rubbing her clit and she's cool
with it so I transition to fingering her on the dancefloor. This seems like it's totally on so I

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go for the bounce. She's like hold on I need to talk to my sister.

The four of us bounce to the other girls car. Nautilus drives while I'm in the back with my
girl ready to start my own snuff film. We arrive at nauti's place and I pull my girl into an
adjacent dark room and start escalating on the floor. I have almost got her panties off
when I hear a thud. We both look to the right and there's nautilus and his girl making out
on the chair 5 ft from us. I pull my chick to another room and proceed to escalate on the
floor. I get the fclose within minutes but after a little while I decide I'm in the mood for
some head. She ends up going down on me for about 40 minutes and we go to the living

I figure when nauti and his chick are done they will come find us. My girl says some shit
about its late and goes to to go get her sister. Sorry girl you are not cockblocking my
buddy. I pull her back down, start making out with her and fingering her. At this moment
it's just maintanence so that nauti can either have more time to get it or finish up if he is
in the middle of it. During the next half an hour or so I amused myself by talking to her
about random bullshit and also try fisting her, couldn't get past my knuckles thou. I get
her to laid down with me and I fall asleep.

I get woken up because we have to go back downtown to get my car and nauti's. I'm so
tired I didn't even realize that my girl went and sat in the front seat while her sister was in
the back. I fell asleep with my head in her sister's lap. Got woken up again, grabbed my
car and talked to nautilus a bit. Found out he got laid too and drove home.

12/27- FR
Tonight was awesome but at the same time it sucked. At the end of the night I was by
myself. I pulled a group of 5 hotties. 2 9's and 3 8's. I'm making out with one of the 9's.
On the way to the car they are all touching me. I call up a bunch of people cause they ask
if I have hot friends. Only one that picks up is defixon. It ends up that I exchange
numbers with my girl and I hook defixon up with the other 9 via phone. She lives in his
complex. Defixon you owe me one if you hook up with her.

12/29- LR # 86
I get downtown about 12:45am last night after a bunch of drama with my day2 that I
almost closed. I drop into a couple places checking out talent. The last place I end up in is
the lodge. I open a couple people. End up opening this chick on the stairs and I run
rapidfire game because of the logistics of the situation. Makeout ensues as does number
close. I make it all the way upstairs and as I finish texting defixon I look up and there is
this chick in front of me. She's like why haven't you called me. I can't place her name or
where I met her but fuck it I'll run with it. She gives me a hug and we start making out.
About half an hour later I pull her out of the bar away from her friends to my place for
"pizza". I get her back, jump on myspace and she adds me as a friend. Now I have her
name but I still don't remember where I met her. Oh well. I full close her then while she
is in the bathroom I check my phone. The day2 from earlier has sent me a text asking if I
wanted to come over and cuddle.

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12/30- Day 2
Last night I had a day 2 with this little cute short chick that I met at I-bar when I was with
nautilus. Hung out at my place a bit then shot some pool. Afterward back to my place for
a movie. Didn't really get past making out. Not really that great of a kisser but we will see
what happens next time. Spent about 4 hrs with her in total.

January ‘08
1/1- Day 3- Amog’d by a cat
So I went over to hbblksanta's house at 11pm. I got there and with what she was wearing
it just wasn't doing it for me. I had a couple drinks at her place and figured what the hell
why not. Right as I'm about to get everything started her fucking cat, that is resting on top
of the blanket, takes a piss. It soaks through, now it's all over me and a little on her.
Sexual desire eliminated by the cat.

1/2- LR- HB Indian girl

This all started on NYE. I ended up at 4am meeting this girl on the street of downtown
orlando. I was with pwall. WE opened at the same time. He took his girl and I took mine.
My target and I talked for a bit then madeout. She talked about they were going to go
home so I told her pwall and I were going to walk them to there car due to them being
girls, it being late and dangerous. We get to their parking garage and about 50 ft away
from my girls car she says she can drop me off at my car. I tell pwall to get in his girls car
and have her drive him to my car. I get in to my girls car and we cruise over to where I
am parked. We sit talk and make out while waiting for pwall to show up. He never makes
it. During this time all the way till 12:30pm we chill in her car. I work comfort, lots of
making out, playing with her tits and puss. I get home at 1pm and pass out.

Yesterday I had been texting this chick for hours going back and forth. Around 9:15 as I
am on the phone with MrVivacious she calls me saying she can hang out but only for like
an hour. I get her over on the premise that we are going to play pool. Once she gets her
she says she feels very comfortable with me and that we can stay. We bounce to walmart
and get a box of wine then get back to my place. Through out the entire interaction with
this girl I have been very straightforward with her and have reframed a couple things. She
asks me the magic question around 11:30. "How many girls have you slept with this
year?". I ask her if she wants the truth or wants me to lie. Truth it is. I tell her 42. She
does a triple take, next word out of her mouth are "No...no...no...I'm not going to be 43.".
This dynamic is now estabished and over the course of the next hour she shit tests me
over and over. I get tired of it and go on this rant on love and who I am as a person. She's
bobbing her head like a bobblehead doll. She comes back to the shit test and I decide to
go kino as response. I start making out with her. The chair we are now on is not
comfortable so I throw her on my shoulder and bring her to the couch. She's like where
are we going. I tell her somewhere more comfortable and place her on the couch. Her
response is I thought you were taking me to your room.

I continue escalation and get her shirt off and bra. She's like I thought we weren't getting

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naked for 40 days and nights. I shrug my shoulders and kiss her. After a bit I throw her
on my shoulder again. Once again she asks where we are going. I tell her my room. She
asks if she can bring her clothes and if she can walk there instead of being carried. I put
her down, she grabs her stuff and follows me up the stairs. In my room I am making out
with her on the floor. I go to stick my hand in her pants and she's like "no we can't I have
to see the gyno tomarrow and I have to leave that the way it is.". I rub the outside of her
pants. After a bit I try again, this time she telss me just rub over the panties. I tell her ok
and proceed to go to take off her pants. She asks why I have to do that and I respond with
"It's easier for my hand". No she is in her panties, after awhile I slip my hand in and her
objection is that she hasn't shaved. I tell her I don't care and proceed to take off her
panties. As I do this once again she asks why I have to take them off. My reply "It's easier
for my hand". Now she is naked in front of me and I am fingering her. While I'm doing
this I strip off my clothes and then proceed to go down on her while fingering her.

After a while she proclaims that she thinks she wants sex and asks if I have a condom. I
tell her we will get to that and continue going down on her. I grab a condom throw it on
and full close her. Afterwards I get a repeat performance and a blowjob.

1/5- LR- #88

This pickup was pretty textbook. I walked into ibar at about 2:10am with slikk. I cruise
around one side of the bar with slikk when I see her. This little petite semi goth chick
wearing these black platform boots that look like the missing piece to edward
scizzorhand's outfit. She's standing there with 2 friends. I have a cigarette in my hand and
I wander over for a light because she has an unlit one too. She opens me with what my
opener as going to be. I don't have one but her friend does. I immediately shift my body
so my back is pressed into the glass pane behind me. Attraction is already there due to my
body language, mannerisms and looks. We go into playful comfort, just teasing and
getting to know each other. We end up making out. After about 15 mins the friends say
that they are leaving and ask if she's going to be fine. She tells them they can go. Her
roommate ends up throwing it out there if I hurt her friend she will kill me.

About 5 more minutes go by and I bring up the subject of food, asking if she is hungry.
She tells me she is always hungry so I bounce her out of the bar. Her is a big key to this
bounce : I was vague on where we were going. We could have stopped at the countless
hot dog carts and gotten food but that wasn't my intention. I just continued leading the
conversation and brought her to my car. From there we picked up her car and I told her to
follow me. Subconsciously she knew that I was taking her back to my place but she went
with it because I didn't ask if it was ok or bring it into her logical mind.

She follows me all the way to my place and I bring her in. We talk a bit downstairs and
once again i lead the way. I grab her hand as i am talking and guide her up the stairs to
my room. I bring her in and close the door. Pop the internet up, check each others
myspace and then I make my move. I escalate on her and get no LMR. After sex, we
drove to the gas station for cigarettes. Funny thing though is when we get back she is like
"So where's this food you promised me."

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1/7- LR – HB carribean chick
I had a day 2 with this woman that I met on NYE. She's 39 and is one hell of a smoking
milf. I closed her about an hour after she got here. The sex was hot. I am so turning this
one into a FB.

Last night I went out to meet nautilus and nektar. As soon as getting into 39 I ran into
HBKhakastan from months ago but I never called her(refresher. I pulled this chick during
happy hour and fucked her in my van.). She opened me not knowing it was me (as she
said). Her friend supposedly told her to grab my butt. I got myself a drink and called her
over. Immediately she's like I know you. I'm like We don't just know each other, we've
fucked. 5 points if you remember where we fucked. She all excitedly proclaims in the
back of your van. I throw the apocalypse opener at her and she says maybe. We talk a
minute and then i eject. I run across her once again next door in the lodge. I end up just
spending the rest of my time with this girl and around 1:15 she asks if i want to come
back to her place. Get there fuck, get a mutual understanding that we can be fuck buddies
and she cooks me some food before I go home.

1/18- Handjob report?

Last night went out with Dream, Slikk and a non-community guy to a house party but by
the time we go there it was busted. We decided to throw a little get together and our
place. Dream calls up this girl he is trying to get with and has her come over. She brings
5 of her friends. Slikk has 2 girls come over. Dream and two of the girls beeline to the
Wii. I keep court with 4 girls over in the kitchen. Slikk stays by the stairs. Dream and I
pull two of the girls upstairs later and into his room. Makeouts ensue and I pull my girl
out of Dreams room. We walk into two other girls that were "curious" what was going on
upstairs. Deal with that a second and pull my girl into my room. I lock the door and
escalated. I end up fingering her and she gives me a handjob until I bust while her friends
are knocking on the door.

1/25- I love I-Bar

I ended up pulling and full closing this chick from ibar. All and all a good night even
though I didn't pull the chick i wanted to. When I first got downtown I ended up talking
to this smoking as 9. Within a minute we were making out. It was on, I was sexually
framing this girl and she's telling me she wants to fuck someone tonight. I wanna pull but
its early and I also have to worry about the people I was driving home. Oh well I have her
number and at the moment she is sending me texts so its all good. I ran across a chick at
Ibar and same thing happened, real quick heavy makeout and set up day 2 for sun. Then
after she moved 5 feet to go dance with her friend, her other friend just attacked my face
with a barage of kisses. I pushed her off not wanting it to bite me in the ass.

Funniest set of the night. I end up talking to this girl and we start making out. Some guy
comes over, looks at me and we interact.

Dude: "what are you doing?"

Me: Were making out.

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Dude: That's cool but that sux. Thats my girlfriend.
Me: Cool. (starts making out again)
(dude grabs girl, pulls her away and they proceed to have an arguement)

Anyways so the girl I pulled and full closed last night. I invited her back to my place for a
party (there was no party, I just made it up). We get to my place and I haven't even made
out with her. I pull her immediately into my room and start making out. I go for her
jacket. No go. I talk to her a bit and go for it again. This time it comes off. I close my
door and proceed to escalate. She pipes up saying "I don't know what you think I came
her for but I came for a party.". I chime in with "They are on their way. We are just
chilling till they get here. I proceed to escalate and I notice she feels uncomfortable So I
push her off me, get up and open my door. I stand there like I'm ready to leave and I keep
talking to her. I come back over and we start making out again. I get her to lie down and I
start rubbing the crotch and boobie. I go for my hand in the panties and she tells me to

I stop and look at her. I tell her we are not having sex. This calms her and we continue
making out. I go for it again by unbuttoning her pants and slipping my hand in. After a
few moments I go to remove the pants and she pipes up again. "We are not having sex." I
tell her "Listen I just met you I'm not ready for that. Maybe after date 5 because I don't
have enough comfort and trust. I need that".

She allows me to remove the pants and I proceed to finger her. Once again she chimes in
"Listen just admit it. You want to have sex with me.". I tell her "why are you trying so
hard to have sex with me. Stop it." and I proceed with what I'm doing and take off my

Next comment from her is that she doesn't have anything (protection wise). I tell her of
course I have some this is my room. I guide her head down into position and she starts
giving me head. I stop her, grab a condom and full close her.

From getting in my room to full closing her took 20 mins.

Side note: I didn't post about this but last friday I pulled a chick that I opened. Closed her
as soon as we got to my place.

1/28- LR- #92

So here's how this one went down. Dream and I went to scoops last night. There weren't a
tremendous amount of sets. We spent a bunch of the time there just Dream and I hanging
out. We'd open sets occasionally. Dream tells me sometime around 1am that he is going
to dip out soon and if I want him to wing me on anything it better be soon.

We walk into the other room and I see a two set standing by the bar. I'm not really
attracted to the blonde but I think the brunette is really hot. I voice my thoughts to dream.
He says cool that girls not his type then says he has met the blonde before and walks over
there. I join him and get a basic introduction. Dream : "Hey this is my roommate ratisse."

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He is talking to the blonde and I am talking to the brunette. Within a minute I have
pumped attraction up a bit with some bs and a couple cold reads. Next thin out of my
mouth is "You have nice lips. I'm guessing that they are for show. You're probably a bad
kisser.". To this she responds with the facial reaction of WTF did he just say what I think
he did. I then ask her how she would rate herself as a kisser. She says I don't know and I
tell her lets find out. I gently pull her chin in toward my face. Make out ensues.

I continue gaming her in the same manner when Dream taps me and says he's leaving.
Her friend bounces away for a minute and I ask her if she wants to come home with me
tonight. She says "maybe. where do you live". After i tell her she's like listen "I don't just
hookup with random guys if thats what your thinking" I tell her "Were gonna hangout
and see what happens". Her friend comes bouncing back over a couple minute later. They
run off to the bathroom. My girl comes back over to me after they had their girl talk,
which is what I'm guessing they were doing. I tell her "I'm leaving after I finish my beer
so slam your drink" She asks "right now?" which I reply "Yes now. Lets go".

I lead her to my van and let her in. We continue talking all the way to my place. Inside
we makeout for a second before I bring her upstairs. Inside my room I get to add her to
the list of girls that have asked "where is your bed?". We make out a second and I tell her
to laydown. She not only lays down but takes her pants off. Score girl, your making my
job easy. I take off her top, panties and I start fingering her. She's got a really nice body
so I'm defintely loving it. She gives me head for a bit before I strap a condom on and hit

Weird part is after I bust and cleanup, I come out of the bathroom and she's like "I have a
boyfriend.....well no I'm kinda seeing someone. I can't believe we just had sex. I never
hookup with guys I randomly meet."

February ‘08
Last couple days I've been going out. 10+ makeouts and a bunch of numbers. Last night
though I had a pull and I fucked it up though. Learned a lesson of of it. The girl was
down for me to come over, I should have pulled her off the party bus and had her come in
my van. Too much time went by and I guess either BT dropped or talking to her friends
or some other guy on the bus pulled her so I lost it.

2/2- BJR- Pulled for a bj (same girl from my streaming audio day 3)
I went out last night with slikk and eternal cowboy. EC came up cause he wanted to see
me in action and learn from me. I was totally cool with it, he seemed like a cool kid by
talking to him on the phone...also showed dedication by driving up here from tampa. We
Get downtown and hit up Ibar. Tonight was a test run for my digital recorder. When I got
there I turned it on. I will be posting audio of my night after I edit it. The one
disappointing this is that I lost the last hour of the night because the switch por power of
the mic got switch off while I was dancing with a girl. Note to self: Scotch tape that in the

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on position for next time.

The night went about where I was observing EC's game, showing him what I do and
giving him advice. I ended up with 4 makeouts and 3 numbers. Around 1-1:30 am, I ran
across this chick that was coming down the stairs while I was about to go up them. She
looked sexy and out of no where she is like "OMG.....Hey Ratisse!!!!" I didn't remember
he name but I played it off. Turns out I sarged her weeks ago, made out with her and got
her number. Within the next 1-1 1/2 hr I ran into her 3 times each time I just had fun with
her. I was sexually framing her and got her saying stuff like we should hookup soon and
all types of other sexual topics.

About 2:40am she comes upstairs to say goodbye to me while I'm talking to slik and EC.
We talk a sec, she tells me she is leaving and wants me to walk her to her car. I bounce
with her toward the car. On the way there were vibing and talking dirty and naughty to
each other. I get her to the car, push her against it and stat making out with her. I stop it
and tell her to open the doors so she can drop me at my van. We get inside and i stop her
from starting the car. We start making out and she ends up asking me what I want. I tell
her I want to hop in the back seat to f***. She's like there's no room...yada yada. We
continue making out and I undo my zipper. She notices this and says again "what do u
want. y is that undone." I tell her because I want her to play with it (as I pull it out). I grab
her hand and place it on my cock. She grips it like a monkey holding a banana but doesn't
start jerking me off. We continue making out and I guide her hand in a manner that
communicates "masterbate me". She complies then I go for the bj. She is not cool with it.
She is like" but people will see." I respond with "your nuts...your back window is fogged
up....we are fine...go down on me (as I push slightly on the back of her head)". She
complies and starts to give me head. I say something in which she laughs and stops
blowing me. I try to get her to go again but this time she is like "what would you do if I
didnt continue" I reply with "I'd be sad". I try to get her to continue but once again comes
the objection about getting caught. I smash that again with the same response. Start
making out again and once again she asks me "what I would do if she didn't finish me
off". I tell her this time "I'd be sad but I'd end up jerking off in front of her." She says she
wants to watch. I tell her "next time...right now you're giving me head." She complies and
I end up busting a fatty in her mouth.

She drops me at my car, I set up a day 3 for wed to f***, and on the way home she sends
me hot pics on my phone.

I was disappointed when I found out that I lost the last hour of audio. I do promise that
one of these days I will post audio/video of a sarge from open to full close.

2/4 – LR- My 1st squirter

Yesterday I set up a day 2 with this hottie I met a little more than a week ago. This chick
is one of the best kissers i have run across withing like 6 months so I was really wanting
to get with her.I originally had a day 2 set up with her last week but she canceled on me.
Since she canceled on me I stopped texting her and focused on other things. While I was
working I figured I had let enough time go by and decided to hit her up again.

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Here's the text interaction.

Me: What r u up to tomorrow

Hb: Mardi gras on Wall st!
Me: Wait thats right...tuesday is mardi gras...thanx for the reminder
Hb: Yep! Will u be celebrating? : )
Me: For sure....I'd be crazy not too
Hb: For sure
Me: Thats my phrase...its copyrighted ; )
Hb: I dont think so
Me: Im debating how long to work for today. I started at 315
Hb: lol. Im ready to leave also
Me: Wanna hook up tonight or at some point tomorrow night?
Hb: I moved this weekend & I'm still exhausted. Im too tired to go out
Me: How bout I come over later w/ a movie and some food.
Hb: Sounds good. I have to get my kids to bed first. 9?
me: sure. send me your address. u like chinese?
Hb: Yes, I like food period. : ) (address)
Me: I'll supply the food. you supply the alcohol. : )
Hb: I have a bottle of wine.

I get over to her place at 10 w/ a movie and a frozen pizza. I make sure to get the sexual
vibe going by kissing her and directing the interaction in a sexual way. While the pizza is
cooking we cycle between talking, flirting and making out. After the pizza comes out and
we've been getting more hot and heavy, I can't feel the energy change dramatically in me.
I feel more sensual and sexual....this girl has completely turned me on and now I know
for certain I want to get this one. Around 11, I make a comment asking her if she like
massage. She says yes . I grab her hand and say come here. She asks where we are going.
I tell her to direct the way. We go upstairs into her room. I get her on the bed and get her
top off. I remember thinking "damn this chick looks yummy."

We both end up naked and my girl goes to the bathroom and grabs a towel. She tells me
she sometimes makes a mess. She starts giving me head (5 points for her because it was
amazing) and I end up going down on her. I start railing this girl and a little bit it, I notice
either she can control her muscles down there or tis is what she does when she starts to
orgasm. So as I'm hittng it she has an orgasm and sprays all over me. It was so hot...I
wasn't expecting it. I kept having sex with her till 12 then went home.

I'm adding this one to my rotation. This chick is up there top 3 hottest sexual experiences
I've had in about 3 yrs.

2/6- LR- 3hr audio

I went on my day 3 with this girl. When I got there i decided to record audio so I have a
file from meet to bouncing her to my place. In int is a typical example of how a lot of my
dates go. If you pay attention you will notice my style, how I incorporate mixing up

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attraction with comfort.

While we were there I bought 2 pitchers for us and two games of pool. I know how some
people say to not treat a girl, make her pay for stuff but I didn't care. I looked at it like I
was doing it because I wanted to, that and the fact that she had already giving me head
days ago. After the two games of pool we hung out and just got to know each other
before I bounced her. We bounce out of there and hit up blockbuster to grab a movie. We
also stop by a gas station for a frozen pizza and a 6 pack which she pays for.

After we got here I escalated slowly. Just going at a speed that was keeping her
comfortable. I got LMR'd on fingering her. After a bit I end up stripping all my clothes
off and getting her to play with me while I fingered her. Once that was on I slipped off
the panties and went down on her. From here it was really easy. I got her extremely
stimulated from sexual activity. When I could tell she was turned on enough I said I was
going to grab a condom. To this she replied ok.

I full closed her then a little later she gave me head. Never got to watch the movie

2/9 – LR- How did we get to this point

I met this girl on thursday over at Ibar. I stopped her and after about 10 mins of
conversation I initiated the make out. Later after I left with slikk I guess she saw me
making out with another girl on the street. She text me up and I worked it. Played text tag
with her on fri just to keep the interaction fun and exciting in her mind to possily prevent
flakage on sat. My original plan was to meet up with her from 7:30pm to around 10pm, I
voiced this to her when I set up the day 2.

We met up at my favorite day 2 spot besides my place. I made sure on the re-greet that I
immediately re-initiated the make out to set the tone for the night. We hung out and vibed
over 1 game of pool. After we played that I told her sit down with me on the couches they
had there. I worked on getting to know her, her getting to know me and building a deeper
emotional connection. About 8:30pm I found out that she hadn't scheduled to go meet up
with her friends tonight. Huge IOI to me given that she gave up her saturday night to be
with me. Within 15 I asked her if she wanted to go watch a movie. She said yes. I
grabbed her hand and started leading her out the venue while I told her she was going to
follow me to blockbuster and then to my place. Get to blockbuster and find no good
movies so we bounce back to my place anyways.

I bring her immediately up to my room and throw on a movie. Within a minute we are
making out and I get her to lay flat on her back on the floor. I test the boundries with her
body and find my 1st LMR point is taking the shirt off. I ignore this and test further, I
find out I get LMR'd trying to put my hand down her pants. I ease of that and kiss her for
another 10 seconds then cold shoulder her and start watching the movie. She continues
laying there like "WTF I was enjoying making out with you. why did u stop?(this wasn't
spoken but I could tell it was in her head)"

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After about 2 mins I re-initiate the make out. This time I go for rubbing over the pants
which she is completely fine with. I try again for underneath and this time she lets me get
it. I play with her for a bit and go to undo the buttons on her pants. She tries to stop it
which I reply with "Listen I'm not undoing your pants for sex. Your pants are so tight that
I can't be as gentle as I want to be." LMR defused. Next step is I try to slide off the pants.
She goes to stop me and I tell her "Listen. The pants are coming off but you can keep the
panties on.". She allows it and it gives me great access.

Next thing that comes out of mouth is a laugh followed by "How did we get to this

It's about 10 o'clock and I've gotten her to this point but now it's time to escalate on
myself. I pull off my pants and underwear while I finger her. I place her hand on my cok
and she starts to jerk me off. Time to test for the blowjob. I straddle her, pull her hand off
the cock and place my cock 1/2 an inch from her mouth. She responds with giving it a
lick like it's a lollipop, shift myself forward a bit more and the blowjow is engaged. She
stops for a second and says "If we are seriously going to do this you need to be on your
back.". I'm thinking you don't have to tell me twice hun as I flip on my back. I get a
lovely 15 minute bj and I bust in her mouth.

Now I really don't care if I have sex with her tonight. I'm thinking i'll go for it next time
as I re-initiate engaging her mentally and developing that emotional connection. About
12 am as we are making out I start getting aroused and decide to go for it again. I resume
fingering her and try to take the panties off. She tells me they are staying on. I decide fine
but two can play this game, you can keep your panties. I shift them enough to the side
and start going down on her. I continue this and start fingering her as well. After a bit I'm
thinking I could probably have sex with her while she's wearing them. Sure enough I
prove myself right as I full close her.

FR- Craziness weekend


I winged this set that nektar was walking with. I said "whats up and put my arm around
the stripper. We walked while I gamed. I sat down on a bus bench and she kneeled in
front of me between my legs. I felt it was on so I wrapped her hair around my fingers and
pulled her in for a kiss. She didn't resist so we made out. We talked for a sec and I knew
it was time to isolate. I grabbed her hand and said lets go. I pulled her about 300 ft away
from nektar and the other girl to split the set. Started making out and I started rubbing her
clit through her pants. she was cool with this so I pushed it forward and jammed my hand
into her pants. I started playing with her. She was down for it so my next move was to see
if she would play with me. I pulled out my c**k and placed her hand on it. She started
jerking me off. I was gonna see if she'd give me head but before I could do anything she
tells me "This is bad. I've had sex before in these bushes.". I'm thinknig jackpot....I'll f**k
her in the bushes. Out nowhere she's like "OMG where is my friend. She is so wasted and
I don't know your buddy." Pulls me over to where nektar is by my d**k. Go for the

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bounce to nektar's place. No go. Number exchange and set up day 2. Nektar and I bounce
to Ibar.


Start off my night with hbstripper at a bday party for her friend. Sexually frame her and
get her attracted, set up day 3 for sun.

Go to gasparilla w/ slikk and dream. Crazyness ensues. I get in the castle and
immediately open this hot set. My target is super smoking and the friend is into dream. I
make out with my chick and get to know her a bit. Bounce form there to honey pot. End
up gaming this hot latina lesbian that has had dick before. Make out/ number close. I
bounce back to the castle and have a rated r time with the hottie from before on the
couches. She plays with my cock.

Bounce to a tittybar with slikk. Hbhustler opens me with I like ur boa. I continue
walking. I get grabbed by hbstripper green. We talk a bit and she kisses me. We bounce
to the couches and talk some more. She wants my number. I get hers. When she leaves I
go back to slikk and hbhustler comes over. She sits on my lap. we talk and
hbstrippergreen comes over and sits on the other side of my lap. Strippergreen dhvs the
hell out of me to the other, bringing up Ive dated dancers before. Stripper green is getting
jealous and leaves a couple times to make more money. Hbhustler and I are building a
connection, during this she tells me she has posed for hustler. I disqualify myself multiple
times but she turns those statements around and makes them so they arent disqualifiers.
Hbhustler wants my number, we number exchange and we kiss. I bounce to denny's with
slikk. Hbsg shows up because she has to have my number. We kiss and she leaves.

2/19- 2xLR- 2 girls in 4 hrs

I'm going to start this off with a debrief about both these girls. We will call the first one
Hb Smallville and the second one Hb Stripper.

I met Hb Smallvile almost three weeks ago at Ibar when I was out with Prankster and
Mattyfly. We texted a sparaticly but never was able to get together. We had 2 day 2's
planned. I cancelled on the first and she cancelled on the 2nd one. Hb Stripper is the
chick that I fingered in the park and had a day 2 with her on sat.

Yesterday during the day Hb Stripper has been texting me wondering if we could hang
out. I was working and hoping I would get done early so I could go see her but that didn't
happen. I tel her I have plans tonight and wont be able to see her. Hb Smallville and I
meet up at 8:30 at my favorite local day2 spot. I'm tired and my energy level feels way
off but I'm not worried. We vibe and talk for a bit while we shoot pool. She buys the first
pitcher and I let her know that just because she's buying me drinks doesn't mean she is
getting in my pants tonight. Throughout the interaction the kissing starts getting more and
more passionate. While hanging out Hb Stripper keeps pushing for that she wants to hang
out. I let her know it probably wont happen. Around 9:30 I seed the bounce to my place
for a movie. She says "I suppose we can do that" but her tonality translates in my head as

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"I want some dick". After we finish that pitcher I bounce her back to my place where I
strip down in front of her and get into my pj's. Turn the movie on and not even two
minutes later I am escalating on her.

I hop on top and she signals me sexually by stroking the inside of my waist line with her
thumbs. I pull out my cock and guide her hand to it. She starts to jerk me off. After a
minute I just press my cock to her mouth and she starts giving me head. After about 45
secs I decide to go for the gold. I hop to the side and shove my hand down her pants.
She's is all for it so I proceed to take off her pants and panties. I strap on a condom and
pop it in with no LMR. During sex I am getting texts from Hb stripper, she tells me
where she is going for the evening and invites me. After sex I decline her invite. I
continue hanging out with Hb Smallville. Hb Stripper seems very adamant about hanging
out. I tell her "IF I show up it would be around 12:30-1am." and continue with Hb
Smallville. At about 11:45 I kick Hb Smallville out and hit the shower to wash off the

I drive to down town and arive at the bar she is at about 12:50am. I don't see her so I
order myself a drink. While standing against the bar this guy next to me asks me "hey are
you planning on staying there because I am waiting for someone to come back. She
sitting in that seat." I look next to me and there is a chocolate martini. I look at my phone
and see there are 2 missed calls from Hb Stripper. I call back but can't hear her so I go
into the hallway that connects 3 of these bars. She tells me she is in the bathroom, she's
wasted and to wait for her outside the bathroom. She comes out and the first thing she
says is "Are you ready to go back to my place?" I finish my beer and off we go. On the
way to my car she tells me she didn't want to go back in because she still had a full drink
waiting for her at the bar. I ask her what it was. She tells me....chocolate martini. We get
to talking and it turns out that other guy was trying to take advantage of the fact that she
was drunk and take her home.

We drive back to her place and get in her room. We vibe a bit in the room and clothes
come off. I get no LMR. : )

March ‘08
3/5- FR- In colorado
I went out with my buddy marc and 2 strippers to TGIF. My buddy had already banged
his chick so it was on me to close the deal on bouncing them. I busted out some
sweetness and was ramping up attraction w my girl. End up bouncing them back to the
house. On the way there I initiated my escalation in the back seat. We made out for a bit.
All of us get in the house and hit the basement. I find out that marc is planning on staying
downstairs so when my window shows itself I bounce my chick upstairs. We talk for a bit
then pull off my shirts for a massage. Switch it up but I get all her clothes off. I go to the
bathroom and come out in just my underwear. I give her a massage and afterward I pull
off my underwear. I get her playing with the dick. I go for the bj and get LMR'd. I go for
fingering her and get LMR. I freeze her out and go back into comfort. After awhile I
reinitiate but get LMR'd again. Freezeout again. More comfort. Re-engage. LMR. I

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notice that it's getting late. Marc and I need to be up at 6am so I preceed to jerk myself
off while we are making out. I finish all over her tits. I'm supposed to see her again
before my flight on sunday.

3/12- BJR- The cruise

Here's the cruise so far. Last night dream and I pulled these two girls. I pulled mine to our
room and was in the middle of fingering her when dream and his girl walked in. I leave
with my chick and iisolate upstairs to the pool deck so we could be seperated. It had
origionally seemed on but I'm guessing the interruption fucked my momentum. Later
when I get back to the room with my girl, all four of us bounce to the girls place due to
our other roomie coming back. In the room I get my girl stripped to just her panties but
no go for sex.

Tonight dream and I hit the club again. We end up pulling this two set back to there room
twice but things were fucked so we left. Back to the bar. Inside dream runs across the girl
he met at dinner yesterday. He pulls her. I have no luck there. On my way to my room I
decide to go to the dining area and end up running across this cutie eating alone. I talk to
her abit and within 5 minutes I have bounced her to a private area on the side of the boat.
There we proceed to make out and I sense it is on so I pull her to a dark area and pull
down my pants. She gives me a blowjob. This was the highlight of my night, meet to
blowjob was 15 minutes. We part ways and when I get back to my room I realize that I
dropped 75 dollars in chips. I rush back to the scene of the blowjob and scavange around.
Luckily I found them. All in all so far this trip has been a blast.

I ended up getting number 98. I was just being that fun social guy thats talking and
having fun with everyone. I opened her thinking she was someone I had already talked to.

3/14- LR #99
I went out with the mentality that some girl was gonna get the penis. I started my day
sunbathing, reading and talking to random people while seeding the timebridge. Dream
and I worked on a handful of sets together. Definitely fun stuff. I ran into that chick I had
banged to days prior and she was wasted. Bounced her back to her cabin so I could
borrow her eyeliner. We started making out and I tried for getting some sex before
dinner. My girl told me she wasn't feeling good which was confirmed by her vomiting in
her bathroom. Really sexy hun. Helped her to her friends room and met up with dream
and his two non-community friends for dinner.

(Side note) Dinner lately has been an interesting dynamic due to a couple things. First
there is this mother, daughter and son at the table. Dream got a blowjob from her the
same night I got mine. It has been a running joke with us at the table. Also at the table
there is this three set- A fat girl but cute face, a hottie and a cute asian. The second night
at dinner I showed up pretty drunk and ended up sitting next to the fatty. During dinner I
was very sexual explicit with my convo with her. I was hoping to get a blowjob from that

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During dinner it seems on with the hottie and one of the non-community guys. He
bounces with them to the casino and comedy club after dinner but drops the ball on
fucking her.

At the bar later with dream I wind up in a whirlwind of sets. I end up talking to this one
chick and I bounce her back to my room. She is telling me she's engaged and we end up
making out. As I am going for the blowjob she is like "I thought I could do this but I
can't....I need to leave. What am I doing.". I let her leave and go back to the club. I get
back inside and this gay guy dances in front of me. I try to side step but he doesn't let me
pass. Another gay boxes me in on my right as another does the same on my left. They are
like "can we take a pic with you?" Sure guys. Next two of the girls they are friends with
come over to me wanting pics as well. One of them kisses me and says that her friends
and her have been referring to me as street fighter. She asks my name and I tell her it's
Ryu. I bounce this chick over to the couch and we continue talking. After around 5 to 10
minutes I bust out with "You need to stop looking at me like you want to have sex with
me." and without hesitation this chick tells me that she is game if I'm game. I grab her
had, pull her off the couch as I tell her lets go.

I get her in my room and strip her down. We fuck as one of my roomies is in the shower.
He comes out as we are getting dressed again. Little intro with the roomie and it's back to
the club for both of us. I run across dream and he's like where have I been. I tell him I just
got #99. He gets all excited and tells the 2-set he was talking to what happened with me.
Damn it dream I didn't want them to know. See this two set I had been working them
before and would hook up with either girl. They scamper away and I go back on the

I run across another chick and pull her out the club. I'm thinking maybe I'll get number
100. We talk a bit and we end up making out. She tells me after we kissed that she can't
hook up with me cause I have already made out with two of her friends. She goes back in
the club and I prowl around some more. End up banging on a couple girls doors at
3:30am but no answer. I get back to the corridor where my room is and see this hot 2-set
chilling outside their room four doors down from mine. I engage them a bit and invite
them back to my room. No go on that. we talk some more and I try dragging the hotter of
the 2 girls off, she's having it at first then resists. I talk to her a sec and go for the
makeout. No go. I tell her "It's cool. I'm never going to every see you again." she presses
her lips to mine and we have a quick hot and heavy makeout session. It doesn't feel like
it's gonna happen so I go back to the room. Dream comes back and tells me his night
went shitty. I tell him to go down to R109 and he can go after the girl that played with my
cock the first night. He leaves and I pass out. Wake up in the morning having docked in

3/15- LR- My first threesome

Started out downtown at antiguas. I was hanging out/winging nautilus and RHM. Around
2am I bounce out of there with nautilus and get over to Ibar. Inside I open a bunch of
sets. This one chick I open by pointing at her and motioning for her to come over. As
soon as she gets over I just plant one on her and we start making out. We talk a bit and I

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excuse myself and open some more sets. A little later I run across her and bathroom pull
her. I get her in the stall but she is not down for sex so we just makeout a bit and leave. I
open a couple more sets and I run across this chick that obviously is bisexual or a lesbian
(the military haircut and dress kinda gives her away). I make out with her and stall out the
potential bathroom pull.

I walk around looking for a cigarette and run across this 2set. In this 2set there is a cute
dark haired girl and a hot blond chick that has a mohawk. The brunette tells me that they
are in a relationship. I talk to both of them a bit and eject after a minute. I run across the
girl that I previously stalled for the bathroom pull. We makeout again but this time I go
for it. I pull her into the bathroom to find there is a barback/security guard changing the
garbage. Him being in there blows the whole thing. I push for bouncing. This chick isn't
going to leave her friends. Bar closes and I am outside with nautilus. He opens that 2set
couple that I had opened before. I come in and wing him. We throw it out there to go to
"Club Nautilus" and the girls agree.

On the way I am finding out the dynamic. Turns out the blond is bisexual and the dark
haired one is the leader of the two. Also find out that the dark haired girl is bi as well she
just doesn't sleep with guys due to every guy she has been with sucked sexually. I find
out that both girls are attracted to me, that the brunette thinks I resemble Jared Leto
(works for me) and that she thinks he's sexy.

On the way to "Club nautilus" I am doing what I have to do to keep this going. We get
inside and out comes the guitars. Little bit of a jam session goes down and I isolate the
blond outside. I go for the kiss and she bits my lip telling me that she can't without her
gf's permission. Go for it again 5 mins later and get the same response. The gf comes out
and at this point I am thinking there is a chance that all 4 of us might be able to have
some fun. I suggest us going into a room to the leader. She asks "but what about your
friend?" which I reply "Oh he's cool. He can join us" but then she informs me she isn't
attracted to him. I ask if they want to leave and we all bounce back to where there car is.
The drop me at my car and the brunette and I end up making out.

I tell them I will just follow them to which they agree. They reverse and stop. The
brunette comes up to my window to inform me that her gf doesn't want to be penetrated
but she does. Also wants to know if I have condoms or if we should stop. We get to there
place and hang out out the patio for about 15 mins. I bounce them into the brunettes room
and thats when the clothes come off. I finger bang the blonde while the brunette makes
out with me. I push her off and escalate on the blond. Bam....full close her.

I fuck the blond for a while while the brunette is focusing on her gf's body. After a bit the
brunette tells me she wants some dick now. I full close her. As I'm fucking this one the
blond is talking dirty in my ear and telling me shit like she loves watching me fuck her
girl. I end up by the end of the experience blowing a load in each of their mouths. The
blond is better at giving head but her gf is a better fuck. I wonder if they would be down
with a 4some or 5some with my other two fb's that are bi.

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3/19- Day 2- Alcohol wasn’t my friend
As I sit here nursing a hangover I recall the events of last night. I met this girl briefly two
days ago at a gas station, got her number and gamed her up something serious. She asked
me to get together with her. I set up the day 2 and before we meet up she cancels wanting
to know if we could get together on sun. I tell her no and she pushes for later on in the
evening then. This chick had a fake id and wanted to drink a bit at the pool hall but
couldn't find it so she invites me to her place. We drink a bit which turns into 16 beers
split between us within 5 hrs. Neither one of us has anything to eat so it makes it worse.
On top of this I hadn't drank in a week and she was smoked 2 blunts since I was there. At
numerous times I felt nauseated which causes me to miss natural escalation windows
cause I'm not feeling good. I've felt her up and she's done the same to me. We keep
blaming shit on each other. About 12:30am (just when I start to feel normal again) she
says that she feels sick and wants to go to bed. Fuck me.

April ‘08
April- Bootcamp assistance (day 1)- sinn
Tonight was pretty cool. Yesterday as I was entering Dallas I had been texting Sinn. He
invited me to assist with his bootcamp for today and I agreed. So today I drove to
Houston for it. Both of us laid low almost the entire night and payed attention to the
student and gave feedback and instruction. During the night I ended up in set with Sinn
while the student watched. We ejected after awhile due to wanting to help the student. At
the end of the night Sinn and I re-enter that set. I had already earlier number closed,
kissed (but no makeout) and set up day to w my target. Sinn makes out with his girl and I
make out with mine. We could have possibly pulled if we had a third good pua but due to
the 3rd girl we were fucked even thou it was on. Turns out my girl has a bf and Sinn's girl
is married. I'm staying here tomorrow night as well.

April- LR-Bootcamp assistance (Day 2)- sinn

So on sat I helped again on bootcamp. Only gamed 3 sets due to intructing. I got 2
makeouts and one number. The girl whose number I got I gamed her for like 5 mins.
After the bar closed I text her up. She invited me over and I fucked her.

4/10- Stripclub
So far as it stands, since Ive been here I #closed one chick during day game and a stripper
2 days ago. Next week I have a day2 w this stripper I # closed last month when I was out
here. Tonight my buddy and I hit up a strip club. Immediately I saw this smoking chick
that looked like cameron diaz when she was the mask. I waited for her to get up on satge,
I sat down and gamed her abit. I sent her back over to the other guys at the stage to make

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more money but told her to comeover when she was off stage. She got off and
immediately came over. I gamed the shit out of her and then sent her off to make money.
Later I saw her and called her over, gamed her some more then she asked me for my
number. Of course I gave it to her.

Living in colorado
4/11- FR- The castle
Last night I went to this place called the castle to meet up with some puas here. I
interviewed a couple of them as they interviewed me. Definately a couple cool guys I
wouldn't mind winging. Ended up making out with 2 chicks and getting 3 numbers.
Today I set up day 2's with both girls I made out with. One of them seems like it'll be an
easy close when I see her. She's down for the dick. Yea my life sux. : )

4/14- LR #104
Yesterday I had a day 2 with this chick. She came to my place and we went off to play
pool. This one was pretty easy cause I guess I ramped her desire for me. I pushed for the
bounce back to my place after shooting pool for an hour, she was all for it. I picked up a
sixpack and a pizza on the way back. Threw the pizza in the oven and brought her up to
my room. Within 3 minutes she asked me "Is it wrong that I want you so much?". I ended
up sleeping with her 3 times and getting head twice. Funniest part of the night was while
we were watching family guy in the basement, I got her to give me head. In the middle of
it, my roommate came down and I didn't warn him or her. My roommate pretended like
he didn't see and was checking on his laundry. Took her upstais and full closed her

Tomorrow I have a day 2 with this other chick. We are going to make homemade pizza at
her place. : )

4/15- LR #105- She knew about pickup

I give you the back story to this first. I met this chick the night I had my denver interview
for their lair. I guess she knows some of the pickup artist and they throw new members
into set with her so they can later get feed back from her about the individuals game.

While hanging out with theses guys and gaming up some sets, I had seen this girl floating
around with her friends. I thought she was hot and I planned on opening her at some
point. Right near the end of the night I'm hanging out with Flo and she is in proximity.
He opens her and say "Hey have u met, ratisse?", we intro and I just go into it. Bring her
back by the bar then bounce her over to the couches. Build a bit of a connection and
number close her due to the lights coming on. On the way out I press her against a way
and start making out with her.

I end up texting her later and she says "I have to say....You're good at your game : )". I'm
not thinking to much into and game as normal. Set up the day2 for cooking pizza at her
place after I get off work. Perfect for me due to being able to work wherever. End up
showing up at her place and we hit the supermarket. While there we vibe alot and end up
making out again.

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Bounce back to her place, the vibing and teasing continue. She tells me "That kissing her
is easy but that about as far as it goes. We're not having sex tonight". I respond with "It's
your job to say that and it's my job to try".

Pizza comes out, end up hanging out with her and her roommates. Little bit of drinking.
Idea comes out for us to watch a movie. Now it's the two of us hanging with her
roommate and the roomies bf/fb. About 15 mins into the movie I pull my girl into the
kitchen and tell her "this is cool and all but let's go in your room so we can get to know
each other more". We bounce in their and during conversation she brings up the
community by asking if "rsd" means anything to me. I decide to run with this, we start
talking about game and I end up having one of the most interesting conversations I've had
with a girl in awhile.

We end up making out again and that transitions to I'm shooting for a bj. Up until this
point I haven't been as aggressive as I normally am. End up pulling it out and she blows
me. Afterwards we just talk and vibe more until about 1:30am. We are getting hot and
heavy and I decide to play with her vagina for fun. I wasn't too concerned about getting
laid so I thought I would get her off and then go to sleep. She gets off and decides to start
playing with my cock which ends up putting me in a horny state. So I go for it. After a
little while I end up having sex with her.

*I posted this for anyone worried about women finding out or knowing that they are
pickup artist. Thinking that they won't be able to pull or close these girls. Let this be a
lesson to u. If a girl is interested in you and she knows that you are a PUA she'll still go
along with it.

4/19- LR- Her BF pulled a katana out on me

I went out to bar standard with my non-community buddy/roommate, Mark. While there I
gamed up a couple sets. One girl I opened wanting cigarettes and she asked me for my
number-this one I was going to attempt to bathroom pull but it was a no go due to her
leaving the bar because her friend got kicked out for fighting with her bf. Another was
this 40 something milf with her sister and daughter, ended up getting her number and
making out with her even though she has a bf. Number closed a hired gun that was off for
the night, in the middle of me going to the kiss her friends arrived out of nowhere, just
showed up at the bar.

Now on to the good stuff. Right before leaving to go to the church, I see this chick on one
of those bed/couches smoking a bowl. I open her by telling her she is bad and that I'm
telling security. We talk about drugs and basic bullshit for a bit. It starts out that we are
both kinda indifferent and I'm thinking it would be nice to have some chicks that I just
hang with but I don't fuck. I end up telling her I am planning on going to the church and
she tells me her and her "companion" are going there as well tonight. My boy comes over
telling me he wants to bounce. I number close my chick and talk to her abit. I tell her I'm
going and she volunteers to come with.

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We vibe in the car and it seems like the dynamic between us has shifted. We get inside
and I talk to her more. Find out about her life, her desires, her mindset and other stuff.
We seem to have build an amazing connection. End up making out and walk around the
venue. We get back around the bathroom and hang out in the hallway just continuing the
vibe. I have her wait there while I go to the bathroom. I come back out and she is not
there but I see her wallet on the floor. I pick it up and go looking around the club for both
my buddy and her.

I find her after circling the club once. She's back over where I left her by the bathroom
but now she's with some guy and she's punching him in the chest. As I start walking
toward them, this guy leaves her and walks past me. I find out he slapped her and she is
now an emotional mess. I'm like trhis is sweet. I talk to her abit and find my buddy. I
come back around to where she is camping out and she's worried that I left her. I give her
back her wallet and I suggest that we go outside to go in the other enterance to check out
the goth level.

I walk outside and talk to the door guy. As I'm talking to him, security comes over and
tells the doorguy that I can't be let back in because of "what I did", I'm like WTF! That
security guy then goes and sends a cop to talk to me. I guess they think that I'm the guy
that slapped her. The cop asks for my ID, the girl comes out saying I wasn't the guy, cop
tells her to move 5 ft away and asks me whats going on. I explain the story and am
informed that both of us are kicked out for the night.

I try to get ahold of my buddy, no dice cause he can't hear his phone in the club. I tell this
chick we are going to camp out at her place while I wait for my buddy to get out. On the
way down the street this guy that was a douche to me earlier tries to game my chick
weakly. I take the cigarette out of his hand and ask him to get me a light. He light my
cigaretee and I bounce with my chick basically tooling him.

We get to the apartment after much having to overcome her objects. Basically they were
along the lines of her BF could be home. Find out that her BF was the one that slapped
her. I tell her its cool and we will pretend I'm her gay firend if he's there. We get there
and he is around the back so we sneak in the front. He buzzes the room and she ends up
letting him in. Now I'm stuck in the middle of the drama. The guy is being semi cool with
me as I chill to make sure things stay ok. Randomly the lights go out and when they come
back on, her BF is standing there with a FUCKING KATANA in his hand. Now I'm alert
ready for some shit to go down. I tell him to put that thing down and he's like no because
he doesn't know me. I make it blatenly obvious that the only reason that he is holding that
weapon is because he is intimidated by me. Which shows he's reacting to me.

I've had enough of this so I tell my buddy to pick me up through text. Just as I get up to
leave this guy tells me I need to leave. I let him know that he can't get to tell me what to
do, he's not my boss and I'm not going to listen to him and that he's being disrespectful.
He apologizes. She takes off, I follow and we go outside. I get to the vehicle first and she
follows, asking if she can come. We pile in as the BF watches. I climb over the seats and
I get in the back with her. While in the back we talk and decide that she's sleeping over.

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She tells me we are not having sex.

Back at the house I take her upstairs, get both of us naked, start getting a bj and start
fucking her. After about 5 pumps she kicks me out of her vagina. I drop back and try
again in a bit. Same deal kicked out the vagina. I settle for busting in her mouth and we
go to bed. 3.5 hrs later we wake up due to my alarm. I try again, end up getting it started
again and get kicked out the vagina. I roll off and start playing with some shit in my
room. Come back and talk to her a bit, reintitiate and this time she doesn't stop me. I
finish off, shower and drop her home.

May ‘08
5/10- LR- The pass around
Met this chick at closing time at the club. Bounced with her friends to a party. My buddy
and I ended up fucking the same chick in the same night night. I fucked her in the
bathroom at an after hours party and an hour later he fucked her in his suv.

5/24- Went out sober

I went out sober and had a blast. Ended up with 7 numbers and making out with around 8

Here's some of the highlights.

-I'm hanging out at this after hours bar talking to this gay guy I know and this chick
comes over. They know each other and I start talking to her. Turns out she's with her bf
and tells me to wait right here. She talks to her bf for a second and comes back. Without
saying a word she grabs me and starts making out with me. Instantly I feel something in
my mouth. The chick had popped a roll in my mouth. I decide I don't want it so I take it
out and continue making out with her. I walk over to my roommate and surprise him with
a present that he gladly accepts.

-At beta right near closing I go find my buddy talking to this chick and this guy. I come
in and the girl starts paying attention to me. Starts talking about my energy and my aura,
how it's intoxicating. She end's up asking me for my number.

-At the after hours bar, I pull one of the girls I had been talking to and making out with to
the side stairway where the exit is. We are making out, I'm playing with her vagina and
she's stroking my cock. I'm about to get a blowjob when security opens the door,
interrupts the whole thing and tells us we can't hang out in the stairwell.

June ‘08
6/3- LR- If we keep talking we are going to end up having sex
On sat, My roomate and I went out to vinyl. I was sober and had a blast. I spent sometime
just socializing with random people. Didn't really make anything happen there but that

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wasn't my goal. My goal was to hang out with my roommate, have fun and then go off to
2am. We end up at 2am and the place isn't that packed. I walk out to the smoking area to
see what's going on out there. I notice this cute chick hanging out with her fat friend. I
walk by them, turn around and sit down on the bench across from them. Immediately the
cute girl extends her arm to hand m her camera. I take a picture of them and sit down next
to her so I can see how it comes out. We intro and she takes a pic of the two of us. We
chat a little bit and she asks me my age. I tell her that if she guesses it right I'll kiss her.

*I've implimented saying things like this because they have multiple layers to them.
-Sets the frame of I'm the prize
-Allows me to gauge the girls possible level of compliance with me
-Gets her mind thinking about doing whatever I've stated
-Preps the girl for whats going to come next
-Lets her know that the intention of this interaction is not going to be completely platonic
-Lets me know how I should proceed in the interaction

She doesn't flinch or object when I say this. She looks at me, pauses for a second and
says 25. I kiss her as I said I would since she was correct. I engage her fat friend in
conversation abit because I realize that she might be my greatest threat due to boredom. I
resume talking to my girl. I find out logistics. That they are down here for the fat ones
birthday, they both live in colorado springs and they have a hotel for the night. I continue
and work the possiblity of myself going to their hotel. My girl asks if I expect anything. I
tell her just plesant conversation. Some random guy comes over, sits next to the fat girl
and starts hitting on her. Now I feel like I have and ally in my cause and quietly root for
him to be successful.

Back in conversation I tell my girl that this is her chance to walk away, that if she
continues talking to me she's going to end up liking me and we will end up having sex.
(once again setting the frame and gauging her reaction) I pull my girl away from her
friend because I'm thinking I might be able to fuck her in my suv. It's a no-go so I settle
for going to a darker area of the club to sit, talk and make out. I end up spending about
2.5 hrs with her total. I set up a date with her so she can cook me dinner at her place.

Over the next couple days I keep myself fresh in her mind via text. Here's the interaction.

Me: Do u always pickup hot guys that wear white rosaries? lol -Jared *Here I'm teasing
her with a role reversal of actual reality*
Her: Wow! You're not conceited, are you. Lol
(i don't respond so she hits me up 30 mins later)

Her: Oh & yeah, i always make out with random ppl for hours.
Me: Yea...u were really into me last night. It's cool thou cause the feelings were mutual.
It's rare when I leave my buddy alone for such a long period of time like that when we go

out. Couldn't help it thou, I was intrigued by u. *I threw out an SOI here to counter
balance myself, I'm very spontaneous and playful when I'm interacting with women...I

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started doing this because I have had a couple girl ask me if everything was a joke to me,
if I was ever real*
Her: Aww That's cute
Me: Do u think it would be hot if I wore a kilt out to the clubs? lol think I could play it
off. *I was in a stripclub and the bartender was wearing one so it became a random piece
I felt like trying*
Her: Lol yeah i think you could too. You cant wear underwear & you would have to act
insulted everytime someone laughs @ you thou. Could be funny.
Me: Just think...easy access without worry of complications with the zipper. lmao
Her: Lol oh yeah, I was thinkin that too. I just ran out of text space:)

she sends me a pic of an apple that looks like a dick, complete with balls.
Me: R u saying ur hungry? lmao
Her: lol Nope. Cant say that i am.
Me: That for sure must be photoshopped. If that's real they need to perserve it and put it
in a museum. lol
Her: Lol yeah i would totally drive for miles to see an apple that looked like that
Me: Could u imagine the conversations parents would be having with their children.
"mommy what is that?" lol
Her: Lol yeah i was just thinkin how i would probly try to cover my kids eyes just so i
could avoid that whole conversation.
Me: Lol I'm thinking tomorrow that I'm going to bring my scorecards with me. I'm

hoping it's gourmet level.

Her: WHAT!? Oh...So you're really plannin on comin?
Me: For sure. I don't bullshit about things like that.
Her: ok. Ummm...you aren't expecting anything to happen, are you?
Me. I expect a good meal and fabulous conversation. (I need to give her an answer her
that doesn't trigger anti-slut alarms in her head)
Her: Ok. Well hopefully i can manage that:)
Me: I'll take better conversation over better food thou if I have the option between the
two. lol
Her: Lol don't get scared of my cooking yet. I'm certainly no chef but most people haven't
had a problem with it.
Me: I'll just starve myself all day so anything tastes good. Lol throw me an address so I

can GPS it.

Her. Lol nice. (address)
Me: Did I tell u today how much I love GPS, it's like my new best friend. If I'm lonely

driving by myself I can just switch it on and it'll talk to me, keep me company.
Her: Lol oh really? So you get tired of hearin yourself talk?

Me: Hmmm...then I guess tomorrow I'll let u do all the talking.

Her: Umm Naw It's all good. I like listening:)

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Her: Are you a vegetarian or allergic to anything?
Me: I'm not allergic to anything I know of, but watch this be the day I find out I am. Lol
Her: Lol no don't say that! You've gone for this long with no problems so we should be
Me: Damn it, I left my scorecards at home. I'm gonna have to use a napkin and a marker.
If u don't have one, I'll settle for a crayon. U have one or the other right? lol
Her: Lol yeah, I think i can dig up somethin. But i should warn you, i can be vicious
when i'm insulted:)

Me: Then u better bust out those sick culinary skills u've got.
Her: Lol right...
Her: Did you starve yourself?
Me: I think all I've had today is 3 slices of bread. Lol
Her: Lol Hmmm...I think we'll be ok then.
Me: So r u saying that eating right now b4 I come over would be a bad thing? lol
her: Lol depends on how you look @ it. You're still gonna have to eat some of this stuff
& the more hungry you are, the better it will taste.
Me: Do u need me to grab anything on the way over? (beer, wine, etc.)
Her: lol you trying to get me drunk again? Jk umm not unless you want anything. I have

Me: Awesome. Cya in about 30.

Her: K:)

I get over there and with in 3 minutes she gets on the phone with someone. She tells that
person to hurry up and get over here. I'm thinking fuck me...she gonna have a
chaperone...this might get really wierd. I play off it and joke with her about how I'm
relieved cause for a minute I was scared she was going to try and take advantage of me.
A couple minutes later her phone rings. It's her husband (they are in the middle of a
divorce). She goes upstairs for 10 mins and leaves me by myself. Now I'm stuck with my
thoughts and I'm thinking of leaving after dinner but decide fuck that I'm here...let's see
how this plays out.

I go to the bathroom, come back out, sit on the couch and play with my phone. I hear this
voice. It's the fat girl from the other night. I go upstairs and start talking to her. My girl
appears after another 5 mins. Her and I go downstairs to check on the oven leaving the fat
girl upstairs. She gets dinner set up while I pick out a movie. Superbad it is. We chill on
the couch and eat while we watch the movie. I'm still talking to her thou. We end up
making out and I place her hand on the outside of my cock. She rubs it a bit and I shift
positions. While making out I pop it out nd place her hand on it. She starts jerking me off
so I go for the bj. No-go on that one. She continues jerking it and I'm like fuck
this...maybe she'll fuck. I get up, grab her hand and say come here. I pill her into her
bathroom and lock the door. In there I take my shirt off and drop my pants. I try to get her
to blow me but she's like I don't do that. After a little bit of making out and doing things
to turn her on I get her to sit on the toliet. She starts kissing my stomach, gets around to
my cock and pops it in her mouth. I bust a nut all over her clothes.

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We come out of the bathroom, not even 2 mins goes by and here comes her fat friend
talking about she has to go. She also makes a comment about my girl blowing me. Funny
how right she is. Fat girl leaves and now I'm alone with my girl. We go back to the
couch. I get a little Lmr when I try to tak off her pants but thats easily squashed when I
tell her it just makes it easier for me to play with her. Couple minutes later I'm naked and
all she is wearing is a shirt. While fingering her, I reach into my pants, pull out a condom
and place it by her head. She picks it up, looks at it, opens it and hands it to me. Pop that
badboy on and go to town.

6/7&6/8- BJR:Wedding reception & LR: We are never having sex

On sat, I went to my buddies wedding. At the reception I spent my time talking to some
people. Outside on the patio my roommate and I ended up talking to some girls. We
vibed for a bit, found out they are planning on getting drunk at a bar near their hotel, and
they are leaving on sunday. I got the number of the cutest out of the 3. HBGreat tits. We
all splt off. My roomate and I get into social mode. Right before dinner I recieve a text
from HBGreat tits, she tells me that they bounced, are on their way to a bar to get wasted
and she wants me to come. I tell her maybe later after dinner.

After dinner I made my rounds talking to various people. I spoke to the bride's brother
about pickup due to the groom telling him 2 days prior that I was a sweet pickup artist. I
split off from him and end up talking to some others. Come back over and join him and
this older gentleman in conversation. Over on the couch there is this hot chick talking to
the photographer that's hired to work the reception. I make a comment to these two that is
along the lines of saying that it looks like that chick is trying to pick up the hired help.
Turns out she's his cousin and the other guys daughter. Change subject and move
forward. All 3 of us split off and go our seperate ways. I go to the bar to get a drink and
then proceed to talk to the hot cousin. We hit it off. Within five mins I drop the same line
about kissing her if she guesses my age. She gets it wrong so I don't kiss her. Very
shortly thou, I tell her to close her eyes and I kiss her. Makeout ensues.

We continue conversation and travel to the bar to do shots with the wedding party. After
shots we re-engage in converattion and I ask her if she would like to keep me company
on the way to my vehicle so I could get my phone. We walk to my vehicle and I open the
passenger door to grab my phone. She moves past me and sits in my vehicle. I close the
door and I'm thinking lets see where this goes. I get it, talk a bit and hop in the back seat.
She asks me why I hopped back there. I tell her so I can be closer to her and tell her to
hop in the back with me. We make out, I play with her breasts and vagina. She pulls my
dick out and starts blowing me. I try to escalate to sex but get lmr'd. I get her to finish
blowing me. I bust in her mouth and we discuss possibliy hooking up later cause we need
to get back to the party.

After a while at the party I realize that she is no longer there. I get ahold of her and she
invites me to pick her up. I head over there but she doesn't get back in touch with me. So
I hit up HBGreat tits, find out where she is at and drive to her bar. We vibe a bit and end
up making out. I get the feeling that this might not pan out the way that I want so I dip

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out and meet up with my fb whose 10 blocks away. I'm at the bar 5 mins and I pull my fb
home and have fun with her.

In the morning I drive my fb back home. On the way back to my place I get a text from
this gay guy. I end up hanging out with him and his girl roommate at a fair. During the
interaction he brings it up that my roommate, myself and another guy had fucked his
friend last time we were all together. That I had banged that chick in their bathroom. She
immediately looks at me and tells me we are never having sex, that any chance of that
happening is gone. In my mind I don't believe her but it does confirm to me that she has
thought of sleeping with me. We end up back at their place around 7pm. We all hang out
for a bit until the gay guy decides to take a shower. The girl and I hit her room with a
movie. Her body language tells me that she wants to hook up with me. She's touching me
and cuddling with me. We get into deeper conversation and the way that she's interacting
with me is changing. She's becoming more into me. We end up making out and I end up
cooking dinner for us. When the gay guy goes out for the night, the girl and I end up
having sex. She was trying to be good but I escalated it by escalating on myself. I
removed all my clothes but my underwear. I proceeded to get her very aroused and that's
when her clothes came on. She asks me if I have a condom. We fucked twice, I spent the
night and enjoyed her again in the morning.

6/10- LR- Another stripper

I met this chick at her work somewhere around the 25th of april. I was a little hungover
with my roommate on that sunday so we decided to go to the strip club and drink a bit.
While I was there I gamed a couple strippers but this was the only one I number closed.
We talked a bit about our backgrounds, our passions, and some teasing in there to spice it
up. I gave her my number on the inside of a book of matches. Here's our text interaction
within the span of around 6 weeks.


Her: Hey new texting cat. What u up to today? This is HBStripper.

Me: At the moment working. Showing my trainee some sick shit...slamming some people
and taking their money. What about u?
Her: Bored at a dead shift at work.

Me: Are u any good at pool?

Her: Dk
Me: U don't know huh. that's perfect. when we play make sure to bring ur atm card. Don't

worry i won't take too much of ur money, just enough for a nintendo wii.
Her: Haha. My ex works 4 wiii. Could get a wiii if i wanted. Yes thats 3 i s.
Me: No need for the atm then. We will just have a running tab then. When the toatal gets
close enough, u can get me one and we will call it even. lol
Her: Ok. Haha. I might be a pool shark. What u doing now?

Me: I think I'll take my chances. Mark and I just picked up some stuff.
Her: Sweet. Wish I had some. At a dive bar getting wasted.

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Me: Nice, that sounds like fun. I just got home.
Her: Going to bed? Tell me something interesting?

Me: Something interesting.

Her: Very funny dummy.
Me: last week I saw the weirdest thing while I was in idaho...a bum was riding a bicycle

while holding a chainsaw on the handlebars like a lance.

Her: whats on ur mind right now?
Me: whats really wierd is I was thinking the same thing about u. lol
Her: Yes! Thats awesome!
Me: ur turn...tell me something interesting.
Her: How do u know if a gal from pueblo likes u?
Me: How?
Her: When u put ur hands down her pants it feels like ur feeding a horse
(I passed out so convo ended)


Me: lol. I was cracking the fuck up when I read that upon waking up.
Her: I'm bored at work! Give me a joke man. Haha. I'm always wanting entertainment!
Me: Ive been working in the middle of nowhere w/ no signal. I just got slammed for
homemade fudge. lol
Her: I want chocolate! Lucky dog.
Me: I bet u do. This shit is fucking delicious. Mmmm...
Her: Oh. thanks. Fuck u man! Well haha, im delicious and u dont have me!

Me: Thats cute. i'm delicious too. I taste like strawberries.

Her: Me vanilla!
Me: Awesome. Now all we need is someone that tastes like chocolate and we'd have a

banana split.
Her: Lol I cant do dark!
Me I guess we'd just have to deal with a 2 scoop sundae then. lol
Her: Lol. I have to kill now. Really need to be wowed or will die.
Me: need to be wowed, huh. Here'e what were gonna do then. We're gonna hop on a
plane and fly to antarctica. Dont worry about bringing a parka, I hear it's warn there this

time of year. for fun we can race polar bears.

Her: Lets go now. I have 2 bucks to pitch in.
Me: Wow...tahts a lot. Ur making SICK cash. I'm just gonna quit my job, u can be my

sugar mama.


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Her: Tell me something funny.

Me: Ur so demanding little miss troublemaker. What about my needs? lol

Her: whats ur needs?

Me: For starters, I could go for a massage.

Her: Where ru? Haha. Im in high school.
Me: I'm inbetween boulder and denver on rt 36. Teleport over here so u can give me that

Her: I might end up like the fly!
Me: Ull be fine, just dont use a machine. Use ur mental energy to will urself here.
Her: I dont know how to dispense my own molecules. Im dumb like that.

Me: Dont worry its an easy skill to learn. Ill teach u one day.
Her: Awesome. U have many skills!Im going to fall asleep waiting 4 this bus.
Me: u havent seen the half of it. I also have nunchuck skills. lol
Me: wake up hun, u must have missed ur bus. I hope they are still running. lol
Her: Haha. Im at work looking 4 a sturdy pipe to hang myself from.

Me: that's too bad about last night. I was going to come in as ur body double but I wasnt
sure how that would have worked out, due to coming fully equipt w/ 1 front package.


Me: My day was fucking hilarious. I hope ur day was as interesting as mine. lol btw mark
and I are going to a rave tomorrow. u want to come with us?
Her: I might be up for a rave. I get off work at 7.
Me: Cool Let me know later whats up.
Her: We r hogtying my 16yr old n taking her w us!
Me: bring her with...ill hogtie mark up and leave him in a corner...it'll be fun. u like
shrooms? a buddy of mine has some.
Her: Yes yes
Me: Let me know by 5. Thats when I'm planning on seeing guy. It should be a fun night.

I will be rolling.
Her: by 5 ill give u the word.
Her: Cant. Im just low funds babe.

Me: Then u need to stop texting and start shaking that ass. lol
Her: Haha. Oh i am!
Me: Do u roll?
Her: Yes i roll! I dont think im gonna make it tho.
Me: Ur not loving it because i have shrooms and x. Im going to have an mx missle

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Her: Im jealous n sad.

Me: I know ur sad cause u wanted to see me. Its going to be ok.
me: y cant u go?
Her: Dk
Me: u don't know y u cant go? lol
Her: Aw. Not going 4 sure. N yes wanted to see ya. U could always come by my place...
Me: let me know within an hour if u are coming and ill bring a roll for u. If u dont, yea ur
right I could possibly come over later.

Me: Its too bad ur not coming I look sexy.

Her: Send me a pic sexy!
(i sent a pic that was taken a couple days earlier during the day)
her: Ok. That was NOT taken just now.

Me: what r u talking about. Cant u tell by the daylight.

her: u took ur pill already didn't u?
her: I think it has dude.


her: Im about to be hogtied n beaten. Oh damn im bad! How ru?

Me: Im wonderful. My phone died around 11. I was sad that I lost contact with the world.
lol I had a blast thou. How was ur night?
her: Oh im pissed i couldnt! But i had fun with what I did.


me: ur so busted!
her: what i do?

me: Dont platy coy w/ me...u know what u did. u need to be handcuffed ASAP.
her: dont fuck with me man. Im having a crazy day already. Whats up?
her: Lol. I always do. So why am i being arrested officer?
her: whatever. we are both bad.
her: working night shifts next 3. Might go out of town fri. If i make enough money.


her: Going out of town sucks. See u tuesday. I know u will miss me!
me: I don't think that was intended for me.
her: haha, yes it was.
me: What's funny is I'm already out out town. I'll be back tonight or tomorrow night.
What time we getting together on tuesday? lol
her: Whateva. Im on a romantic trip. Going to give a blowjob on this highway. Hehe.

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me: What a coincidence. We are both slamming something on the highway. Only

difference is I'm getting paid.

her: sweet.
me: I'd like to see u next week. When r u free?
her: Will know on monday when the schedule comes out.
me: Have u been saving up for our trip to antarctica? You know the cost of living is
pretty expensive there. lol
her: oh yea, Ive got millions. We are good.
me: Awesome. In that case, we'll live in the wild with penguins for 6 months. No worries

about money.
me: Wow...I love my job. I forgot to ask you earlier where u going to?
her: utah. parties.
me: Cool. Dont do anything I wouldn't do. Oh...wait a minute....
her: Im going to invent some new perversion on this trip.
me: Nice then u'll have a story to entertain me w/ next week.
her: yep


her: prepare! I have returned!


me: I think I'm going to be going out of town again thurs and fri. Hope u had as much fun
as I did this weekend.
her: I did have fun on the trip but at my welcome home party i was drugged n raped by 2
men. Im losing my mind.
her: I was dead serious about what i said.
her: Whats also fuct is my boyfriend left me when i told him.
me: That's pretty bogus.
her: word.


(at this point I didn't care anymore)

me: I shouldn't have jerked off this morning, my energy level is all relaxed and I need to
be hyper for work. lol How r u?
her: My man left me a note while i was at work n dumped me. Im going to run errands n
go dancing tonite to let off steam. Just woke up. Cried all nite.
me: Sounds like someone need to unwind tonight. Right now I'm in new mexico. Should
be back before bars close.
her: ok
me: My buddy has pills. Want some?
her: Id rather have snow but pills r ok

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me: I got in too late last night. How was ur night?

her: I spent too much last nite. Yeah, i got home at 430 n didnt go to sleep till 7.


me: Hey hun do u know of a good tatto parlor around?

her: "person" at "place" on "location" or think tank on broadway.
me: Rock on. I'm getting one tomorrow. which place is better?
her: "person" is good. Hes doing my other sleeve. tell him i sent u.
me: Thanks. Does he work days or nights?
her: Dk. call.
me: Good looking out hun. it's gonna be sweet. I'm excited.
her: Im dyin for ink myself
me: I normally get ink to symbolize events. It's about time. I'm never going to roll again
her: I said that once. Haha
me: I ate a bunch over the weekend. I thought I was fuct come monday.
her: I know that but if u pace yourself n do ONE u can be ok. Ill do it with u.
me: Under the influence I thought it would be a great idea to eat more. lol
her: been there.
me: After effects of lack of energy and mood suffering...not fun.
her: Thats why u do it once a season like me. Im due for my summer dose soon.
me: I wouldn't roll but I'd still hang out with you.
her: Fine. im a true n tried drinker anyway.
me: We'll work something out. Whatcha have going on tomorrow?
her: I work every nite after this until the 2nd. so broke!
me: Yea u need to make that money. I want a new pair of jeans. lol


me: Thanks for the heads up on "person". He does good work. My new tat looks sick.
her: yes!


me: Do u get pics on ur phone?

her: yeah
(sent pic of my tattoo)
her: nice. i cant wait to get mine.
me: What r u getting?
her: blk n red sleeve of toshio saeki paintings. its sick.


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me: Do u think it would be hot if I wore a kilt out to the clubs? Lol think I could play it
her: yes!
me: Just think...easy access without worry of complications with the zipper. lmao
her: hells ya! get some! love a kilt!
me: I could even incorporate it into some sweet pickup line. haha
her: yeah baby!
me: (walks up to some chick) "hey how's it going." (pause for answer) "nice place huh"
(reply) "so...have u ever been fucked by a guy wearing a kilt?" (reply) "would u like to
be?" (smile) lmao
her: (re: I walk up to some chick) my face leaves in ten min., be on it!
me: haha I love it. Whats on the agenda for later?
her: Dk. what u doing? im at a show!
me: I'm about to bust out my chef skills supreme and make homemade pizze. After that
Mark and I are hitting sunday funday at bar standard. U should come.
her: where is that? Im wasted at some 'billy bar. need lovin.
(at this point i should have gone to wherever she was)
me: My place is in aurora. Bar standard is by club vinyl.
her: ill let u know...
me: what r u up to?
her: drunk!
me: Rock on. High five to u.
me: I'd come hang out with you but u might try to molest me.
her: haha! u know it!
me: I might like that. r u still at that billy bar?
her: no. at a friends! haha! i slept w his roomie!

her: ru up? i need to laugh after that shift. (2:21am)
(i was sleeping)
me: U just barely missed me. I passed out in front of the tv 4 hrs before u text. lol
her: what u doing now? im getting a tat.
me: Near my house. Going to call it a day with work. Got some exciting things I want to
her: like what? haha
me: Couple chores, save the world and if I have time...u. lol
her: ok. well i am dangling by one hand from a skyscraper right now...one hand texting is
a bitch! Wanna save me n meet for a drink at 5?
me: Sounds good. Where at?
her: "place" on "location"
me: Works for me. u better be prompt otherwise I may be forced to poke u in ur tattoo.
her: ok fucker. 5 its on!
her: "person" wants to know how ur tat is doing?
me: I like it. Something happened durring the healing process. now it looks like its
marblized. I think it looks badass.

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her: u arent supposed to pick at it dumbass.
me: I didn't. I was covering the wound with a sock and didn't think it would catch my

Met up with her at 5pm. Closed her by 6:30pm. At some point in our interaction the
subject of sex came up. I asked her if she anted to fuck in the bathroom. Her reply was
lets finish our drinks first. After our drinks we went to her apt.

(after we had sex and I dropped her off at work)

her: um...that was unexpected. haha!

6/19- LR: Shopping at Wild Oats market

So after a long day of making money I found myself going into the local Wild Oats
market in Santa Fe. I was in a chipper mood. Just shopping, bouncing around and
humming songs to myself. Right before checking out I decide to go to the bathroom. On
the way there I end up locking eyes with this adoreable spanish chick. I continue on to the
bathroom. on my way back to the checkout stand I'm keeping an eye out for this girl
because I want to strike up conversation. I see her at the checkout counter paying for her
stuff. By the time I arrive at the counter she is already out the door. I proceed to follow
her and open her direct.

Me: "Hey hun (pause) I just wanted to let you know that I think you have a beautiful
Her: (excited tone) "Thanks. Whats your name?"
Me: "I'm Jared. what's yours?"
Her: " Im HBhealty"
Me: "So I take it you live here. So far I have mixed feelings about this place."
Her: (excited tone)"Yea. I live like 5 mins away from here. Where do u live?"
Me: "I'm here on business. I live near denver, in aurora."
Her: (excited tone)"Omg! Really? My grandpa lives there too." (looking for

At this point I grab a chair on the patio, sit in it and lean back. We continue to vibe, I ask
about what she bought, qualify her by telling her that she's cool, she reiterates it by telling
me that I'm cool and adding that it's hard to find cool people in Santa Fe. I end up asking
her what she is planning on doing later. She tells me she's going to get a drink later. I tell
her we should hang out. We exchange numbers and I go back inside to pay for my
I leave the store, go find a hotel, unpack a bit and call her up.
We talk a little more on the phone and I find out she's a massage therapist. Definitely
scores points in my book. I get her to drive over to my hotel. On her way there I set
things up in my room (put a condom in the nightstand drawer) and end up visualizing my
game plan for the night.

Here's how I have it planned out in my head. She comes over. We take my vehicle to the

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bar so she has to come back to my hotel. We have some fun and get to know each other.
Use wanting a massage as my bounce plan. Get her back to my hotel. Get my massage
and then escalate on her.

She arrives looking really cute. We talk for a second while I get my stuff together. We
leave and get into my vehicle. I'm talking at a 80-20 ratio which is fine because usually
when I'm on like this I end up getting laid. We get to the bar continue vibing. Makeout
ensues multiple times. she starts rubbing the inside of my thigh. We talk a little more and
I tell her lets go. We bounce back to my hotel on the premise of a massage. Off comes
my shirt and she starts going to work. I forget about trying to escalate for a minute
because it feels so good. After a bit I flip on my back and guide her down on me. We
makeout some more. I start to escalate getting her hotter and hornier. No clothes coming
off for her so I escalate on myself. Off come my pants with a reasurrance of that we are
not having sex. I try to play with her vagina but its a no go so I hop on top and get her
playing with me. After a bit Im getting a blowjob.

Once again I go for some vagina action this time she's allowing it over the pants. I once
again go for going down the pants with another reassurance of we aren't having sex. Once
again she's not going for it. I get her back into blowing me. She's getting really into it and
I push her off and try again. This time success. I start working her with my fingers and
she's hardcore loving it. I rip her clothes off but she tries to stop me. I tell her I'm going
down on her. Game over. I go down on her for abit, come up toward her and ram it home.
She's into until I pull out of her. She tells me we are getting a little out of control. I get all
serious and look at her. I tell her that I want her, she wants me and I'm grabbing a
condom. I throw one on and fuck the hell out of her.

once again went out sober. The night started out slow. I was at vinyl just hanging with
my buddy, socializing and dancing. I end up talking to one of the bartenders.
Numberclosed her and set up a date for tues. Near the end of the night ended up running
into this hot little indian girl that I had tried to numberclose earlier but she wouldn't give
it to me. Talk to her more, vibe with her friend as well. End up numberclosing her...too
bad she lives in ft collins. Bar closes and on the way to 2am, I end up run into this hot
spanish girl on the street. Talk to her a bit, turna out she just got in town and is going to
be here for 2 weeks. Makeout, number exchange and send her off to her sister. As Im
trying to get int 2am this old lady, must be 50, is trying to get me to go home with her. I
was like I have to go in 2am. Game a bit in there. Just having fun. End up finding out
that my fb is on her way, she wants to see me. Right before mark and I leave, I run across
another adoreable spanish chick. She brushes her arm across me and smiles at me. I start
talking to her, acknowlege her gay friend, mini-isolate, vibe, blame her for causing me to
have to stay, makeout, blame her for wanting to sleep with me, tell her I must leave
otherwise due to me being naughty that she is going to try and sleep with me, set up date
with her. I leave with mark, run into my fb and her friends, bounce all of us to my house
and have sex with my fb.

6/22- LR- Bathroom pull tonight

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Last night when I was at 2am I was in a super social mood. I was dancing around and
talking with everyone. I kinda had wanted to stay because I felt very on. Only problem I
had was one of my fb's decided she was going to come meet me. I had recieved a text that
she was nearby so Mark and I decided to leave. On the way out of the patio I ran across
this cute hispanic chick. She touched my arm with her fingers so I decided to engage her.
We started talking and within a couple minutes I asked her if she would like to kiss me.
She reached up and pulled my head down to hers and makeout ensued. We talked a bit
more, I got her number and set up a very unsolid day 2 for monday. I got out of there
because I didn't want to run into an incident involving myself, the girl and my fb. I felt
thou that if I had stayed there was a chgance of this set going somewhere.

I text her this afternoon. She didn't answer my first so I gave it some time and hit her with
a second. She reply and we started texting on and off throughout the day. Mark and I
decided around 8:30 to go hit up sunday funday at bar standard. We arrived about 9pm.
He was kinda a mess from drinking and popping a couple percocets so I felt like I was
babysitting for a minute. I left him and walked around to see what the options were
tonight. That's when I noticed the chick hispanic chick from the night before. I went
back, grabbed mark and had him follow me over to the area they were in. I came over and
sat on the sofa bed they were occupying. Vibing between her and I also myself and the
group. Start making out and end up solidifying the day 2 for monday.

She's getting me all turned on and I'm telling her things like "its too bad there isn't a
barrier here otherwise we might end up having sex", "i wish we were alone, I would do
very naughty things to u", "if there were no cameras or risk of security kicking us out I'd
fuck you right now while everyone watched". I get here to give me a massage and instead
of it being a shoulder massage she starts feeling me up-my inner thighs, chest, arms,
stomach. She's getting me really horny and I throw it out there, "You live close right."
and she tells me she lives around the corner. I tell her "let's get out of here". She tells me
she can't leave her group. To me this translates that she would be down for sex if we were

I ask her what the first thing she found attractive about me was. She tells me my smile. I
accuse her of undressing me with her eyes and tell her I like that she's naughty and ask
what she was thinking about. She pauses and I tell her that it's cool, that she could tell me
because I don't judge when it comes to sex. She tells me that she was having some
naughty thoughts. This whole time I've been contemplating what my best move would be
to try and get this. Then it hits me, I need to try a bathroom pull. I set it up to see what her
mental compliance for this is. I tell her if she doesn't stop turning me on that I'm going to
have to pull her into the bathroom and drop my pants for her. She tells me that that
wouldn't be so bad. That's all I needed to hear. I tell her to come with me. She sas "You're
not going to try and take me into the bathroom are u?" I tell her I just wanted her to
accompany me to the bar to get a glass of water. We hit the bar, get my water and I escort
her downstairs to where the bathroom is. As I'm pulling her close she asks "You're not
taking me in the men's, are you?" to with I say yes and she replies "ok".

As soon as we get in she speeds past me and opens the handicap stall. I slam her against

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the wall, make out with her for a bit and start to pull down my pants. As she's pulling
down hers she asks if I have a condom. I pull one out of my pocket, slap it on and have a
quickie in the bathroom. Afterwards she and I part ways. I find mark and we bounce out
of the venue by 10pm.

6/25- LR- Sabotaged myself purposely and still got it

Here's the back story on this one. I met this chick on saturday while I was walking thru an
alleyway from my ride to the afterhours place, 2am. As mark and I got closer to this
chick that was squating to pee behind the dumpster, I started talking to her. I opened her
with "That's really sexy hun". She looked up, got embarrased and tried to pull her pants
up. This is when I realized she was a pretty hot hispanic chick. I told her that mark and I
would cover her so no one could see. After she was done and had pulled up her pants, I
asked her where my reward was. She pucked her lips and we ended up making out. I
walked with her to the street just conversating with the girl. End up getting her number,
making out and sending her off to her sister. Entire interaction was less than 5 minutes.

I text her the next day and worked it well. Got her interested in me and a little
emotionally connected to me. Gave her a little fun test I know. Found out about her
passions. Stuff like that. Set up the day 2 for monday. I ended up blowing her off
completely because I was tired. I didn't even text or call till the next day. I was bored so I
made up a text to send to girls and she just happened to be one of the lucky recipients.

me: I want to have a romantic date with u. Take a cab to my place. You blow me and then
we cuddle. (12:30pm)
her: no thanks
me: Then afterwards we should get married by a midget elvis in vegas. Our honeymoon
will be in the jungle. We'll stay in the treetops. I'll get u pregnant and u'll pop out 2.4
kids. Then we'll get a house with a white picket fence in the front yard and a dog. It'll be
the perfect life.
her: your crazy....I don't think so....
me: I would like to get to know u thou. U can choose not to believe me because I'm
trying to get into ur pants.
her: Hmmm...well we will see...after we hang out for awhile...
me: My bad for blowing u off last night. I was kinda tired and ended up passing out. I'll
make it up to u. When r u free?

Turned out that she was down for whatever so I set up a meet at 9:30pm. Before I got
there I thought about my options for sex. The logistics where that I was driving her back
home so I figured sex in my suburban was my best bet. I arrived at 9:45 and was stuck
waiting till 10:15pm cause she was running late. I used the opportunity to text up some
other girls. She showed up, I bought her a corona and we hit the pool table. Much making
out, sexual chemisty and vibing. After the only game of pool we played I sat her down
and started going thru what I normally go thru on my day 2's. Only the way I work it now
is I throw in little tests to see her reaction to what I throw out there. So I'm throwing these
things out there (ex. "if she doesn't stop arousing me I'm going to pull her into the

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bathroom and fuck her") and I'm paying attention to her body language and tonality
responses. I end up asking her if she would like to go. She shakes her head no and now
I'm thinking that means one of 2 things. Either she thinks I'm going to drop her off now
and doesn't want the night to end or she doesn't want to leave the bar cause she is
thinking about sleeping with me. Next statement out of her mouth is that we can't have
sex tonight. I reply "I know. I just wanted to leave so we could be alone. Being in this bar
there are a lot of distractions".

It's now 11:30, we leave the bar and go back to the car. I open the back driver side door
and we pile in. Within 15 mins we are playing my favorite game...Hide the sausage.

July ’08
7/17- (in chicago)
Last night I went out for the first time in like 2weeks. I hit up this place called neo. I
decided to try out the no chasing theme. Didn't quite succeed 100%....I initiated the kiss
with two girls. I had a couple of interesting sets. I was by the bar and I opened these to
fatties. One was totally on my shit. lol The other was into me to. She got very blatant and
asked me if I knew what I wanted (translation I like u do u want me). About 2:30 I was in
set with this cute girl, we ended up making out and gave her my number under the
premise of if she wanted to go to this event on sat to text me up and i'd give her
directions. She text me after the club closed and was on my way to her place when I was
rear ended by a drunk at 4am. Needless to say I didn't make it to her place.

7/19- LR- Semi Social game

Armed with my plan from the 17th I went out to a bar on the 18th. Iknew a couple
bartenders there so they hooked me up with some free drinks. I walked around and
chatted up a bunch of people. I re-open this one guy due to the fact that he is now talking
to this cute girl. I take over the conversation. After awhile he leaves us alone and we
relocate to some seats. We talk for a bit and we end up making out. Loving it cause she's
latin. I use the same reverse number close on her after asking her what she is doing on
sat. Her reply is that she wants to see me. She ejects to go to the bathroom and so do I.

I talk to some more people and go to find her. When I come back she is in a terrible mood
that could have been caused by the guy that is now sitting near her. I don't feel like
dealing with the negativity so I eject. I end up opening some more sets and at the end of
the night go back to a bachlorette afterparty. Nothing happens there cause the one girl I
wanted never came to the party from the bar.

The next afternoon I get a text from that hispanic chick. Thru a series of text she invites
me to meet up with her at a bar later that night. I meet up with her and she is with 3 of her
friends. Her friends go over to a table while her and I chill at the bar. After a little while
her friend, HByellow, comes over to give me a huge. Very discreetly she kisses me and
goes back to the table. I hang out with my date for a bit and go to the bathroom. On the
way back I run past her friends and stop to talk to them. HByellow starts making out with
me. I go ba ck to the bar and tell my date that we are rejoining her friends.

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While there I am going back and forth between talking to my date and HByellow.
HByellow every now and then discreetly whispers something in my ear and starts licking
and sucking it. My date is starting to get jealous and asks me if I like her friend. I tell her
that I am sexually attracted to her and HByellow. She's taken back by this and asks who I
like better. I don't answer her question I just state the obvious, I just tell her that I'm
attracted to both but that I've been talking to her more. She asks me if I'd like to have a
threesome. I tell her what about a 4some (there's another hottie at the table). She tells me
HByellow might be down for it but not her other friend. I ask HByellow if she wants to
have one and she shakes her head no. I go back to talking to my date and tell her
HByellow said no but asked if she could make something happen. No go on that on.
HByellow and I keep slipping away for secret makeouts. I tell HByellow to meet me
outside. I get out there and wait for her to show up. Hbyellow comes out but is followed
by my date (I was trying for a quick pull to my suburban).

Back inside I notice this guy bothering one of the other girls. I amog him and he walks
off. At closing time I notice he is staring at me and is unhappy. He has a beer bottle
clenched in his hand ready to swing it like a weapon. I grab my own bottle off a table. He
sees this, puts his down and starts to walk toward me. I put mine down, walk toward him
while verbally telling him he doesn't want any of whats about to happen. People converge
between us. My date pulls me out the back door and I pull her to my suburban to wait for
her friends. Inside I escalate quickly and within a couple minutes she is blowing me.
Right as her friends show up she asks if I want to go back to her place. During
conversation she brings upthat she has been fucked in the ass before.

At her place she hits the bathroom while I wait. As soon as she comes out I ask where
here room is and pull her into it. On the bed it's a quick escalation till we are both naked.
After some foreplay I throw on a condow and ask her for lube. I lube up my cock and
stick it in her ass. I fuck her for awhile, pull out and have her finish me by blowing me.

7/20- LR- Semi-social game #2

I met this girl on the 17th at a bar called Neo while I was in chicago. I couple days prior I
had spent some time talking to Nautilus about social game. I decided to test it out for
myself. I research on youtube and found Brent's mayor videos and watched them. I went
out the 17th and the 18th running social game mixed it with what I already do. I came
into the venue with a game plan.

The night started with me going around opening people with the basic 3 how, what, and
where questions that Brent talks about in the video. Sometimes I would eject afterwards.
Other times I would stick around for a bit. After talking to a couple groups I decide to hit
the dance floor for a bit. While I was out there I was getting extremely creeped out by
this guy that seemed to be stalking me and purposely brushing into me. I guess that was
his way of hitting on me. While I was out there I ended up talking to this really hot goth
girl with a lip ring. After the initial social approach I gamed her up a bit with teasing and
stuff like that. She was being really receptive to what I was doing. I decided to go for the
kiss. After I kissed her she told me her boyfriend was there and she ejected.

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Later on in the night I was reopened by this girl. We chatted for a bit and her friend came
up. The girl asked me if I was going to the indie festival that was going on the following
saturday. I gave her my number and told her to text me the info and I might go to it. I end
up ejecting a bit later and find myself in this set with two fat girls. One of the fat girls is
REALLY into me and I'm trying not to send her the wrong vibe. After chatting a bit to
both the other fat girl asks me if I know what I want tonight. *In my mind this was almost
the closest she could have came to asking me directly if I wanted to hook up*

I end up ejecting and later find myself in another set. I stroll up to HBtravel and open her
the social way and then transition. Over time she asks me my nationality. I tell her to
guess and that if she gets it riight that I'd kiss her. On the second try she guesses irish.
Makeout ensues. We bounce around the club and I ask her if she likes indie music. She
says yea so I tell her to take my number and to text me if she wants the info. We hamg
out a bit and then there is drama with her friend. I guess she ends up having to leave but
starts texting me immediately as the bar is closing. I get it set up to go to her house. On
the way I am rear ended by some guy that has a suspended drivers license. Needless to
say I didn't get over there that night due to dealing with that situation til 6am. I informed
her that I wasn't coming. She didn't respond.

Fast forward 3 days. She texts back.

HB: How'd ur police report go

Me: Everythings going to be fine for m. Sucks for him cause he didn't have a valid
license and it was his gf's car
HB: Gotta go, we should hang out sometime
Me: I'm leaving around 6 in the morning to go to florida for a week. I live in colorado.
I'm just here visiting.
HB: Bummer
HB: I was just in florida
Me: That's cool. I grew up here then moved to florida and 3 months ago I moved to
denver. Where in florida were u?
HB: Anna marie island. Gulfside
Me: Nice. What r u up to today?
HB: Working 2day. Will b around later *I took this as her way of passively asking me if I
wanted to chill after she got off work*
Me: U want to get together after u get off work?
HB: Won't be done till 10:30
Me: That could work. I'm in the process of taking care of some things before I leave. I
should be done around 9ish.
HB: I will call u when I'm finished

She called me and I missed her call cause I was in the shower. I called her back and set it
up to meet at a bar near her place. Also before we hung up threw it out there that if we get
along we'll grab a bottle of wine after the bar closes and hit up her place. She was cool
with that.

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I met up with her about 11:45pm. We chilled, drank and got to know each other. When
the bar closed she was talking about hitting another bar. I suggested her place. She was
cool with it. We stopped and picked up a 6-pack. We get to her place, crack open a beer
each, throw some music on and start to escalate. Within minutes she's giving me a
blowjob. She stops in the middle of it and runs to the bathroom to pee. She comes back
and immediately resumes what she was doing. After awhile I stop her and lay her down. I
start to escalate and end up getting her naked. I'm fingering her for a bit and I decide to
do the old switcheroo. I pop it it and she asks me to stop to throw a condom on. After sex
we hang out for a couple hour talking. I get home in between 6 and 7.

Off to Orlando for my under 21 speech

7/29- LR- I-Bar pull tomy suburban (1hr)

This is going to be a very detailed report. Enjoy.

Mindset going into a club

I'm here to have fun. I'm here to provide value in the form of fun. I talk to lots of people.
Those guys standing there clutching there drinks hoping something cool happens, yea I'm
here to brighten there day. I believe that these womenlove sex and they want some cool
guy to take them home. Yea, I'm that guy.

Tools and things I look for

When I'm walking around the club I scan for AI. When I see it from a girl I want to
approach I immediately go approach her unless I'm in set with some other girls. I like
approaching girls I get AI from because that phase of building attraction is alreadu taken
care of for me, I just have to maintain it and ramp it up.

When I'm in set with a girl I am constantly using my body language in a dominant yet
comfortable way for multiple purposes. One thru push/pull to keep her on her toes. I will
show semi-disintrest thru body language as a tool to show her that she hasn't won me
over. (ex. While I'm speaking to her I am scanning the room for AI from other girls). This
previous example is powerful because it helps me on multiple levels. 1. By us being
together she is social proofing me to other girl which I can approach later. 2. I see these
AI's from those girl so I know who to approach later. 3. Since I'm going ADD on her abit
she now fights to get my attention back by touching me. 4. Shows that I'm not fully
invested in this interaction and may leave at any moment.

In isolation, I drop in one or two stories from my life that will help build a stronger
emotional connection with a girl.

Throughout the set I'm constantly priming a girl in order to do a couple things. 1. It also
her to know where I'm directing this interaction. 2. It acts as a road map for me, telling

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me where I'm at in the interaction. (ex. I tell a girl "If we continue talking that we are
going to end up making out") In this example her nonverbal reaction to what I have said
gives me feedback into how attracted she is to me, where I'm at in this interaction and if I
can proceed with what I just stated. (Sinn does the same thing) (I call it priming)

State control. I do my best to be that solid rock that the waves crash upon. I try to project
that no matter what she does or says that she is not going to fuck my state up and make
me crumble. I'm going to stay being this guy thats having a lot of fun.

The Report

After speaking at the under21 convention on fri I went out to downtown with a bunch of
the puas. It was Doc Hollyday's bday so we were going to meet at ibar. I get in there with
Heartwork and I'm in a super fun state. On our first stretch of our first lap I see a 3set. It's
two hispanic girls and one of the students from the convention. Having spoken to him
yesterday I knew he was fairly new so I decided to wing him. That and I love latinas but
don't tell anyone.

I open him with "Hey what's up bro", split second convo with him then open the girl that
he isn't sitting by.

Me: Hey are you guys harrassing my buddy here? (jokingly laughing while I say it)
HB: No, he's harrassing us. (as she smiles and giggle)
Me: I don't believe you (as I sit down next to her)
Me: I can tell you are trouble. You probably scare alot of guys. (playful laughing)

We continue to chat a bit and I start priming her, teasing her and just adding to her night.
She tells me that she is here with her bf. Doesn't matter to me, regaurdless I'm here to
help out the other pua. After a couple minutes a third girl comes over wanting to dance. I
ignore her for a second. The previous HB tells me to dance with her friend, HBsuburban.
I intiate convo with her and have her sit next to me. I start teasing her and she starts to
kino me my touching my hand and leg. I continue to talk to her about a couple more
things and I prime her about making out. She's receptive and passively accepts what I say
to her. I tell her to close her eyes and I kiss her. She doesn't kiss me back but responds
with "but I don't know you". *This response told me that I needed to shift into
emotionally connecting with her* I tell her a story about costa rica and some of my views
on like. Here eyes go all DDB on me. She asks me to come dance with her.

We get up and I stop her 2 ft away. I look at her and say "Are you a good kisser or are
your lips just for show?" and she immediately starts making out with me. After a little bit
I stop the makeout. I allow her to lead me thru the crowd *Once again for social proof
and I'm scanning around for AI*. We are dancing and talking. I tell her "You sem like a
really cool girl but you don't have to believe me because I'm trying to get into your
pants". She responds with a sexually curious "Really". I'm holding her hands and we
make out. I pull away and tell her "This isn't fair what u are doing to me" (as I press her
hand into my erection).

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Immediately one her friends strolls over. The three of us talk for a second then I tell my
girl "Hey my drink is empty. Come with me I'm getting another one". We get over to the
bar and talk as the bartender is getting me a drink. I tell her we should hang out on
sunday. Hand her my phone and write my number on a napkin. She hands me back my
phone and doesn't help me out with the name recall. She had put her name in by her
initials. I ask her a couple more questions and she starts rubbing my cock. At this point
I'm thinking it's on when out of nowhere her 2 friends come over to steal her away. For
me this is turned into do or die, how am I going to stall this. I open my mouth and ask the
ringleader "Do u mind if her and I do a shot together first then you can have her?", she
responds with something about her friend being a big gril and she's not her mother. She
tells my HBsuburban that they are going to the bathroom and will be back down for her.

I'm like cool I bought my 5 mins max. I look my girl in the eyes and what comes out of
my mouth was beautiful "It's too bad you have to leave I was going to take you on a
romantic date to the bathroom. Where I was going to pull my dick out and masterbate for
u", my girls eyes open very widely and I ask her "Would you like to watch?". She
responds with a verbal maybe and a non-verbal frantic nodding up and down.

I grab her hand and lead her to the bathrooms where her friends are at. I look in the guys
bathroom and there's a line. We talk to her friends for a second because they are waiting
by the girls bathroom. I tell my girl come here and lead her downstairs and out of the
club. As we are walking to my suburban she asks where my car is. We get to my parking
garage and to my car. No words necessary I just open the backseat and let her in. We start
making out and within minutes my dick is out and I'm getting head. I stop her and shift to
the side. We continue making out and I slide my hands down her pants to finger her. I try
to take them off but no go. I tell her it'll be better for her cause it's easier for my hand.
Buttons undone. I try to slide them down with the premise of I want to go down on her.
She allows me to slide them down but asks me why they have to come off. I tell her that
they just do. Pants off and I try to go down on her but she wont let me. I slide her back,
spread her legs and get in between them while I'm fingering her. I go for the old
switcheroo but she stops me saying "but I don't have a condom" *passive acceptence for
sex* so I stop completely and grab my bag that is in the back. Thank god I had a condom
in there. I throw it on and she states that I probably do this alot. I ignore her statement
and enter her. We fuck for abit and after I blow my load we walk back to the club. Inside
we part ways, she goes to find her friends and I go to find mine.

August ‘08
I went out last night and ended up bouncing from bar to bar. I pulled one girl from her
friends birthday party and bouced to another bar. On the way we saw a girl and a guy
outside of one place. We pulled them into our circle of fun and bounced them with us to
another bar. Fast forward, that new girl and I end up making out but I don't get the pull
for logistical reasons.

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8/8- LR- My night
Woo! Last night was fun. Made out with 4 women, 4 numbers, and fucked a milf. Got to
bed at 5am. Woke up at 9am and fucked her again. The milf is the milf that I met months
prior at Bar Standard.

8/9- Day 2
I just had a date with the whole foods girl. I started emotionally connecting with her but it
semi backfired. Turns out she has a bf. Didn't know this otherwise I would have gone
another route. So she started feeling guilty because the bf. I starting telling stories and
reframing it to make it ok for us to hook up. I kissed her and she said she could. I framed
it as she wanted to be here, etc. Kiss her again same thing. Started coming on to her
strong and went for the bounce for a movie. She was down except she had to pick her
brother up in 20 mins. Set up day 2.5 w/ her for monday. She was hesitant to kiss me
goodbye. Reframe. Makeout ensues. Good kisser, really hot. I think I can get this.
Waiting for other girl to text so I can hit up date #2 for the night.
(flaked on day 3)

*****Write up 118- 127*****

11/20 LR- Solo at the stripclub

I went out Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each night I took home a different girl and
fucked her. Here’s the first of 3 LR’s.

Thursday- Milwaukee, WI.

After working out I had the urge to go out. My work partner was being lame- wanting to
stay at the hotel. I decided to go across the parking lot to this mexican restaurant/bar to
see what was going on. Nothing cool going on here- place was dead AND no hot chicks.
I talk to the bartender for a second and find out where the nearest strip club is. I get there
and it isn’t very packed which is an awesome thing when trying to game strippers.

Grabbed myself water from the bar, plant myself at the stage to watch this blue haired
hottie do her thing. When she came over I did my thing, teased her, made her laugh and
sent her on her way to work guys for money. After she got off stage I stuck around to
watch the next girl work the stage. Rinse and repeat when she comes over and I bounce
over to an empty table against the way to wait patiently like a spider on a web. Moments
later the blue haired beauty strolls over to talk to me. We chat a little bit then she asks my
name. I give it to her and continue the conversation. Eventually she asks me “Don’t you
want to know my name.”, I tell her “Sure even though at the moment it doesn’t matter”.
She gives me both her stage name and real name.

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We continue on about a range of different things and a shot girl comes over. I decline
buying a shot. The stripper asks if I drink. I tell her “Yes but I don’t need alcohol to be
social. She tells me “I’m buying you a fucking shot!” and I accept because I’m not one to
turn down free alcohol. This then turns into a couple more shots. After a bit she has to go
back on stage. She asks me not to go anywhere cause she wants to come back to me.

While she’s on stage I start engaging the other strippers that are walking around. She
ends up coming back and the conversation remains fun and I get the feeling that she isn’t
trying to work me for money, but I continue to keep my distance and rarely touch her. I
start talking about sexual things like how kissing is a big turn on for me and that if
someone sucks at that the sex would probably suck. She agrees with me. I ask her what
her type is when it comes to guys. She asks me to go first and reframe it saying she’s just
wants to know if I find her attractive, which she admits to. I tell her that I think she is hot.
She tells me she loves my lip rings, my style and thinks I’m sexy. After awhile of us
talking she tells me that she wants to make out with me. I acknowledge her statement and
continue the conversation. After awhile she tells me again. I do the exact same thing as

I tell her that I’m impressed that she’s hanging out with me when she could be working.
She tells me she likes being around me and is having fun. She ends up having to go back
on stage and other strippers start coming over to me again. Same pattern they enjoy my
conversation then leave when the blue haired girl comes over again. After awhile I tell
her “I think your cool and would hangout with you later but it wouldn’t work because I
go back to Chicago tomorrow”. She tells me that we should hang out next time I’m in
town and gives me her number. After awhile she has to go back on stage and while in the
middle of her set she motions for me to come up there. She comes over to me, nuzzles her
face into my neck and starts licking my ear. I tell her she should try to arouse me like that
that’s how naughty things happen. I go back to my table and she comes back over.

More conversation and I end up telling her that it’s a shame that I have to be up early in
the morning otherwise I’d think of letting her take me home. She tells me that wouldn’t
be so bad because she kinda wants to fuck me, but she has a guest over so that wouldn’t
work. Eventually after her being persistant about making out with me I allow her to take
me in the back to get a dance. While in the back she tells me she has an idea. Maybe we
could fuck in the back of my car. During the dance she starts making out with me. She
pulls away, looks me in the eyes and tells me she’s certain about her idea.

After the dance we have a couple more drinks. End up solidifying details a little more. I
bounce out of the club about 10 mins before it closes. She had asked me to meet her in
the parking lot of Denny’s because she doesn’t want her coworkers to know that she’s
going off to fuck some guy. She shows up and I bring her to my hotel room. I bring her in
and it wakes my buddy up. He gets to listen to the action as it goes down. 2 blowjob’s
and a round of sex.

***Also write 129 -139***

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Breakdown of Ratisse’s game (nilitak 7/2007)

Ratisse is among the best in field right now and having met him, I wanted to share some
of the things he does in field that may benefit some of you. These are his SECRETS if
you will. I also listed some stuff he does not do, that he should be doing that would
probably help him a bit. I listed the good because that's the stuff I need to work on, he
does other good stuff, but that's what I saw he had that I lacked.


1. Kino master. He touches girls very quickly and he's dominant about it. He doesn't do
the light Lance Mason on the side of the arm stuff. He either puts his hand around the
girl's back or shoulder usually right away or within a minute. He is then constantly
touching her in a "big brother" sort of way. He is basically dominating her with his kino.
Pulling her in, pushing her out. He is the epitome of instant kino...like I said usually
touching the girl within a minute. From my own experience I think "instant kino" is the
way to go. Can't find it now, but some study done by scientists found that guys who
approached and touched women immediately had a 40% better chance than guys who
didn't...something about dominance. Also at times it looks like it's too much, but the girls
NEVER complain so I wonder if it's just that I lack that same "all over" them kino that
makes me think that way. It's like it may be too much at first, but girls get used to it or
just accept it because of his frame? I dunno in some instances it looked like they were
supporting his weight...but hey, it works!

2. Talks his head off. Does not stop talking. There are no luls when he talks, no
stopping. He just keeps going and going and going. Sometimes it doesn't even make
sense, but he keeps talking. I don't even think girl hear half the stuff, but react because he
just keeps going. Yeah, so no pauses unless he is waiting to hear from them. It' kind of
like Slikk only not as all over the place.

3. Doesn't give a shit. Really doesn't. He talks to everyone and if he doesn't get it he's
off into another set.

4. Natural game. He doesn't use any routines from what I've seen. He just rifts off stuff
girls talk about he keeps going and going. Blah blah blah blah...blah blah...blah blah.

Stuff To Work On

1. Be more comfortable than the girl, soon. In some sets he was standing with them
when he could have grabbed a nearby chair or seat. After 10 minutes, it's time to sit

2. Calibration. He's only been in this 3 months so this will come with time, but
sometimes he blows girls out by being too HARSH and not calibrating to the girl. Also,

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this will probably lead to more lays if he ignores the BS insults they throw at him and
pretends he never heard them.


1. No IOIs he leaves. I don't know if this is good or bad. On the one side he's non-needy
and if the girl is not talking to him or looking at him he just leaves. It only takes 2 or 3
seconds of her not looking at him or talking to him and he just leaves. I opened a couple
of sets and just because his girl wasn't talking to him or didn't give him attention a bit he
left. It's funny to watch...cause he leaves, no warning. On the other hand it keeps him
REALLY NON-NEEDY cause he doesn't care. On the other hand he could plow a little,
just a little or say, "Hey! I'm over here" and get her back on track. I dunno, just my
thoughts here.

Forgot to add something essential that Ratisse does that is powerful.

1. Frame Reversal - He is constantly saying stuff that reverses the frame. He is kinoing
the girl and if she kinos him he'll say, "Wow you are all over me" or if a girl says
something like, "We're (girl and friends) going to X place" He'll respond with, "You're
already inviting me? You must like me. Awwww (kino hug to girl)." He takes
everything she does as an IOI that she wants him. When he got the LR with the polish
queen and he kissed her he was like, "What did you just do? You're bad. YOU kissed
ME!" even though he kissed her. It's not the exact wording but close.

2. Prize mentality - It's one thing to say, "I'm the prize" and another to be it. I
mentioned this in the miscellaneous part above, but he leaves if a girl is not into him
within a short amount of time. He doesn't stick around. So this might explain his frame
better. Also he's kind of a jerk to some girls, miscalibration or "I'm the shit
mentality"...hmmmmm I dunno, but I guess overall it helps his game bc he treats 9s the
same way he treats 6s. Tyler said something about treating them the same and I think
there is something to that. He shits on some girls too and if they are being retarded or not
living up to his standards he makes them feel like retards. Example is the UG and 7 with
the pickle jar as well as saying, "I think you need TO TURN UP YOUR HEARING
AID!" when the girl couldn't hear him. Yesterday some girl is trying to say something,
she was cute 8.5 and she's like, "...Regardless the point being, er the point being, the point
I want to..." He interupts her and says, "THE POINT BEING?" like she is retarded...ha
ha...funny shit. I need to start more of this as I think being more of an asshole
subcommunicates alot of good things.


First List - Ten Things You Want To Talk About

1. The unknown (deja vu, paranormal, destiny,etc)
2. Travelling

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3. How rare it is to have a deep, deep connection with someone on many levels.
4. Who I am, what I'm about, what I stand for, what I expect, what I wont tolerate.
5. Find out things about her that determine whether or not I want to proceed further.
6. Exciting experiences that have happened in our lives.
7. Animals and unconditional love.
8. Sex and romance.
9. Positivity/self development
10. Current events/things at venue.

2nd list-Ten qualities I want in a woman

1. Adventurous
2. She has to be a challenge and keep me on my toes.
3. A strong woman that can stand her ground.
4. Extremely beautiful (by this I mean dropdead beautiful like a 12 on looks)
5. Makes me desire her.
6. Amazing conversationalist.
7. Positive thinker
8. Loving, acring and accepts me for me.
9. Girl that's naughty and nice.
10. Amazing sexually- kissing, sex, etc.

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