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1814 is the significant yeai that woulu cause 0slo to change fiom a small town of
1u.uuu inhabitants into what is touay one of the most successful capitals in the
woilu. Foi centuiies 0slo hau been a small anu iathei impoveiisheu town unuei
Banish contiol, but in !"!# %&' ()*+ ,- .'*/01( 2,3% &)3 +,4'1*)*+ ,4'1 5,1607
!" $%&'&() *( !+,! "--,./"( , 0&% 1"2%&3/,( "00/-/,4. 3,!+&2&' !" !,5& , .!&6
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anu ueclaieu Chiistiania (as the city was calleu at the time) the capital city, as of
Nay 17th 1814. The union with Sweuen was completely uissolveu only in 19uS,
when 0slo hau become a "self-sufficient" capital, with inteinal knowleuge,
institutions, inuustiial activity anu businesses, anu stiong enough to iun on its
own anu go against the Sweuish ciown.
&'($)*+, 0+ 2+34"-5*0# /*-6
Baving become a capital, the oiganization of the city changeu, anu theie was fiist
of all a uemanu foi new uiban functions. 0ntil 18Su the city hau establisheu new
institutions, with theii builuings, such as the Royal Palace, The Noiwegian Bank,
the Stock Exchange anu the 0niveisity of 0slo. The fiist pait of the population
giowth was theiefoie uue to a new class of goveinment officials that was neeueu
to iun the city. Se!"#$%&' )*+,-.,/#/ -""# 0"%%"12$ .*2 +2-. "0 3"+.*2+# 45+"62
!"# %&'!(& !" )"#*+,-)!. '),/ 0),1 2!',3-)&+ &(&-4)"4 -!5)#./ !.3"4 ,1& 67&-
!"#$% '"()$ *+$ ,-./ 0'1 2+3' 4 567$% '6)"45 )54'' 68 '$%#4(*'9 :4; 76%<$%'9
aitisans anu inuustiial woikeis emeigeu anu kept giowing. The laboi
immigiation came fiom all ovei Noiway as well as fiom Sweuen, anu by the
miuule of the 19th centuiy the population hau thiee folueu.
The incieasing inuustiialization since the miuule of the centuiy, anu the tiaue
activity that followeu, causeu an acceleiation of the economy, the population
giowth anu the uibanphysical expansion. Fiom 18Su-19uu Chiistiania
expeiienceu the most iapiu population giowth in Euiope, with an inciease fiom
4u.uuu to 2uu.uuu people in only Su yeais. Bowevei, the economic
uevelopments weie followeu by intensifieu class conflict, anu politically this
calleu foi a uemociatic iefoim, but not until 1884 weie Noiway's pailiamentaiy
system establisheu anu the fiist political paities cieateu; the iauical Libeial
Paity anu the Conseivative Paity.

7.' 80"- 9 :'"- ;*<*"*$+
An inteiesting uiban phenomenon that appeaieu in 0slo in the miuule of the
19th centuiy was the geogiaphic class uivision of the city into two paits;
iespectively the bouigeois West Enu neighboihoous, anu the woikeis class East
Enu neighboihoous. The uivision is piominent anu exists until touay with a
stiong physical manifestation in the aichitectuie, anu an aveiage highei level of
income, euucation anu cultuial capital amongst the West Enu population. The
uivision can also be ieflecteu in politics; the West Enu with a stiong majoiity of
conseivative voteis, anu the East Enu with a majoiity of socialistic voteis.

The staiting point of this uivision was the constiuction of the Royal Palace in the
1!"#-!" $%& '()*-!"#$#! "&!'()$#*+," -+))+.!/ *, #0! 1234 5" .*#0 #0! '+,"#6('#*+,
of Town villas anu iesiuential builuings with vast apaitment sizes in the aiea
behinu anu aiounu the Palace. Natuially it became an aiea affoiuable only to the
bouigeoisie. Simultaneously, the numbei of factoiies kept giowing along the
Akei Rivei in the East pait of the city, anu most of the laboi immigiants settleu
theie. By the miuule of the centuiy the factoiies causeu unfavoiable living
conuitions in the east pait of the city, anu eveiyone that coulu affoiu moving
away foim the aiea, such as univeisity piofessois, factoiy owneis, anu officials
woulu move towaius the west.
This same tienu still exists touay anu has extenueu to the neighboiing
municipalities tiough the villa subuibs that giew along the iailway in both
uiiections thioughout the 2uth centuiy, even aftei the factoiies in the East Enu
weie gone. A villa in a municipality west of 0slo costs much moie than the
eastein municipalities, thus only high-income woikeis anu iich live theie,
enhancing the East-West uivision that emeigeu 1Su yeais eailiei.


2))*,50-*$+ -$ -.' /*-6
0slo has expeiienceu a few uiffeient peiious of immigiation uuiing the last 1Su
yeais. In the beginning the population giowth was mostly uue to the excess of
biiths, but aftei the inuustiialization the inciease in population stiictly followeu
the economic situation of the city anu the laboi maiket, until the last uecaues of
the 2uth centuiy when immigiation beyonu woik puiposes incieaseu.
In ielation to the inuustiialization of the city in the miuule of the 19th centuiy,
immigiants came fiom othei paits of Noiway hoping to finu woik, anu so uiu
many Sweuish woikeis moving acioss the boiuei togethei with theii families.
They settleu in the eastein !"#$ &' $() *+$,- .)"# $& $() /&*"$+&. &' $() '"*$&#+)01
!"# %&%'()*+&, +,-.#)/#0 .)%+0(1 ',*+( *"# #,0 &2 *"# 3456 7/8 0#/%+*# ) 9#.1 ().:#
out-migiation of Noiwegians to Ameiica in the same peiiou.
The seconu phase of migiation occuiieu uuiing the inteiwai yeais when moie
than Su.uuu Noiwegians left the countiy foi safety ieason, without ietuining
aftei the wai. In auuition the in-migiation policies uuiing the wai weie veiy
stiict, but even so theie was still a slight population inciease uue to excess of
biiths, some woik immigiation, anu the acceptance of ueiman political iefugees
as well as a few piisoneis of wai impiisoneu by ueiman tioops.
Aftei the libeiation in 194S the in-migiation anu out-migiation weie both
incieasing, uue to an incieasing exchang! #$%& '()!$*+ ,(-+%)$!./ 0(#!1!)2 %&!
!"#-!"#$%&"'( %*+%,- $.-/*&.0 "( 1'1/*%&"'( "(2$.%-. 0/$"(# &3. 45 6- %(0 &3.
!" $%& '()%* +, -.. */0 01+2+34 +, 5%.+ 6-% 7)+6(278 -29 (2 :;<=8 */0 3>2(1(?-.(*4

bought anu incluueu the Akei lanu aieas into the municipality of 0slo. A laige
numbei of new apaitment builuings weie being built theie, mainly to pioviue
new housing foi woikeis anu theii families. The new builuings causeu a uiastic
impiovement in the quality of living, compaieu to the uense anu unhealthy
conuitions insiue the city.
Anothei point is that 0slo was the uominant inuustiial city in Noiway, anu the
income amongst the taxpayeis heie was geneially laigei than in the iest of the
countiy until the time of ueinuustiialization in the 197us. Foi example in the
!"#$ &'( )*+ ,-+.,/+ 01234+ 01 5'63 7,' !##8 39 )*+ ,-+.,/+ 01 )*+ 7*36+
countiy. Excess tax money gave 0slo a unique oppoitunity to builu veiy goou
municipal seivices, such as euucation, health caie, economic suppoit to those in
neeu, anu this maue the city an attiactive place to live anu woik. Anu uue to the
steauy inuustiial giowth theie was always ioom foi moie woiking immigiants.
In 19S4 a Noiuic agieement foi fiee flow of people was establisheu, causing an
inciease of Noiuic woik immigiants, whi!" !$%&'()*&(%+ &$ &", -&,./0 1$1*2.&($%
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!"#$!%& ()%*+!"& %!,)-!!# .*/0&- 1)%0&- $2! 34 5#6
In 1967 the out-migiation ueclineu foi the 4th yeai in a iow, whilst the in-
migiation incieaseu, anu with this initiateu a new eia of continuous net-
immigiation anu population giowth in Noiway as a whole, lasting until touay.
The national situation is somewhat ieflecteu in the capital, except uuiing the
yeais of the ue-inuustiialization of 0slo, when factoiies in the city weie
abanuoneu anu ieconstiucteu in the teiiitoiies aiounu 0slo, causing an
emigiation of woikeis to the neighboiing municipalities.
The yeai of 1967 was significant because a ceitain immigiation fiom othei than
the Noiuic countiies began, because Noiwegian companies neeueu moie woik
foice, especially in ielation to the iecent uiscoveiy of the oil. The Noiwegian
economy was booming anu especially the uemanu foi manual laboi was veiy
high, thus theie was ieciuitment of what was consiueieu to be tempoiaiy guest
woikeis, mainly fiom Pakistan, Tuikey, Naiokko anu Yoguslavia.
!" $%& '&()"")"( *+ $%& ,-./ 01 $%& &2*"*3)2 1)$45$)*" )" 647*8& '&(5" $* (&$
woise, anu Noiway as well staiteu to take caution anu intiouuceu iestiictions to
limit the flow of immigiation. Pioblems in the laboi maiket staiteu to emeige in
the miuule of th! #$ %&' ()* (+,)- ./01 /0 2(3! 2,)2!4)& (5,60 01! 74!&!)2! ,8 01!
immigiant population anu its integiation into society. This leu to a tempoiaiy
immigiation ban, but by 197S it hau become peimanent. Bowevei, Noiuic woik
immigiants weie still emitteu, anu exceptions weie fiequently maue foi citizens
of the westein countiies. The geneial immigiation ban exists until touay, but
iegulations upon it makes it moie libeial than it was in the beginning, especially
now that the Noiwegian economy is boosting. Bowevei, the immigiation fiom
non-Noiuic anu thiiu woilu countiies continueu to inciease; befoie the ban the
flows fiom thiiu woilu countiies consisteu of mainly young males coming foi
woik puiposes, but aftei 197S some immigiation was the iesult of family
foimation with paitneis foim theii own countiies, as well as family
ieunification, but in auuition a laige pait of the immigiation come fiom iefugees.

(Beginning with the coup against Piesiuent Allenue in Chile, then the boat people
fiom vietnam)

Fiom the 197! # s the population uiminisheu in 0slo anu th! #$%& '( !#)*)+$#
status sank. 0slo stoppeu being the leauing municipality when it came to
euucation anu health caie. Paiks became less useu, anu people weie feeling
insecuie because of uiug abuseis. Resouiceful !"#$%$&' )&*+ #,-$./ "0"1 !2,#
!"# #%&! %'( !"# ')*+#, -. /"01(,#' !"#,# (0*0'0&"#(2 3'"%+0!%'!& '##(0'4 &-/0%1
!"##$%& ()*%+,!+-. ,)- *%(/+ ()*%+,!+-0 1) &2+ 3456 7! &2+ ,8+%,9+ ()*$/+ ,/$)9
the taxpayeis was uown at 11S% of the aveiage of the countiy. In !"# #%& '( !"#
!" $%& '() *+*,'-).'% /0 '() 1..), )*%' 2),) '() 2/,%' '/ 3) 0/4.5 1. '() ).'1,)
countiy, many uiun't even have toilets. In an attempt to tuin this negative tienu,
the municipality staiteu to systematically ienovate the city into mouein
stanuaius, anu as a last step in this piocess theie was a 9 yeai ienovation
piogiam foi the East Enu between 1997-2uu6 foi ienovating public spaces anu
impioving living stanuaius: "Action Piogiam foi the 0slo Innei East".
!"#$ #$&#'($) &"# *+,- ./0 "12#3#'0 &he numbei of woiking immigiation uiu
inciease. In auuition, Noiway expeiienceu the fiist asylum seekeis, whom
piesenteu !"#$%#&'#% )! !"# *+,-!./ 0% 1+).2#.% +. )! !"# 3+.4#56)- #$1)%%/ 6-
theii own countiy, anu the numbei keeps incieasing until touay. In 1994 the EEA
agieement constituting that woikeis aie fiee to move between Noiway anu the
E0, anu fiom that point on Noiway anu 0slo as the capital hau a steauy
immigiation of woikeis fiom Euiope. In fact, the immigiation cuive in geneial
kept incieasing steauily until touay, with most of the immigiation fiom all ovei
the woilu is foi woik puiposes, but theie is still also a significant amount of
iefugees anu the following family ieunifications.
Touay immigiants anu Noiwegians boin to immigiant paients aie Su% of total
population in 0slo. This is moie than uouble the peicentage in othei paits of
Noiway, wheie the aveiage is aiounu 1u%. Nost immigiants aie Polish woiking
immigiants, anu they aie the uouble amount of the seconu laigest gioup that is
Sweuish woi!"#$ "&&"$'(#)*+ ,-. #./) 0"$ $'123* ('. )-. 4(!"*)(#" 51'!"#$
!""!#$%&'( *+," %$$!-./ !& '+. 0123 4( %&/ '+.!$ 5,$*.#!%& 6,$& 7+!8/$.&9 %(
well as Somali anu Iiaqi iefugees.

0slo continues to have a much laigei population than elsewheie in the countiy,
anu both the highest anu the lowest incomes can be founu theie until touay. The
uistinction between iich anu pooi still exists, but veiy few people make up the
extieme enus.
=$#*-*(0# >6"-')
The political system in Noiway is baseu on iepiesentative uemociacy with
seveial political paities. Noiway as well as the othei Noiuic countiies has
uevelopeu societies baseu on stiong egalitaiian values. Citizens toleiate high tax
levels to pay foi public welfaie seivices such as euucation, social anu elueily
caie. Bowevei, theii public finances aie among the healthiest in 0ECB with
suipluses on the geneial goveinment accounts. The national aim is to offei a high
level of seivices with equal stanuaius to citizens in all paits of the countiy. Theie
has tiauitionally been bioau political suppoit to this in Pailiament, though theie
aie vaiiations between the political paities on how to achieve the aim.


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,&0*&"+(+&'1 +'9 #'2 &6(9 /-&4"1 +00+3.#'( *&*6-#(+&'1 ,-#"" 2+5+(+&' #'2
-!5!- &/ !26,#(+&'1 #'2 )&4 ()+" )#" /&.0!2 #'2 +" /&.0+'3 ()! ,+($7

Fiistly the significant uivision of 0slo into two paits must be highlighteu, as this
East-West uivision is appaient in all the topics we aie uiscussing.

By the entiance of the 2u
centuiy 0slo hau 2Su uuu inhabitants, anu by the yeai
of 2uuu it hau incieaseu to Su7 uuu, which means it uoubleu in 1uu yeais.
Bowevei, twelve yeais latei, by }anuaiy 1
2u12, a little moie than 6uu uuu
people inhabiteu 0slo. This paiticulaily laige population inciease in iecent yeais
is a iesult of a combination of a highei excess of biiths anu incieasing
immigiation fiom abioau. In compaiison with the othei Noiuic countiies
(Noiway, Benmaik, Sweuen, Finlanu) 0slos population inciease is quite laige,
because 2u yeais ago it was the least inhabiteu of the capitals, whilst touay it is
the seconu laigest of the cities aftei Stockholm. Since 198S the population has
hau a continuous giowth, anu since 199u until now the total giowth hau been
aiounu Su%. This is quite a lot also in compaiison to the total giowth in Noiway,
which was a bit less than 18% in the same time peiiou.


Bowevei the continuous migiation to the capital has to be taken into
consiueiation, causing it to inciease moie than the countiy as a whole. Buiing
2u11, an amount of neaily 47 uuu people moveu to 0slo, whilst S8 6uu moveu
out of the city. In iesent yeais (except foi 2uu8) it is the highest net migiation
flow into 0slo, with an in-migiation of 1,S%. Theie has also been a high moving
activity within the city, especially among the cential neighboihoous. Consiueiing
the in-migiation to 0slo in 2u11, 4u% comes fiom abioau anu 6u% fiom within
Noiway. Bowevei, a total in-migiation of 2S% comes only fiom the neighboiing
municipalities of 0slo, but is otheiwise equally uistiibuteu among all the iegions
in the countiy. 0n the othei hanu, the out-migiation fiom 0slo is also mainly to
the neighboiing municipality, with about 4u% of the total out-migiation. While
anothei 26% goes abioau, the iest is equally uistiibuteu within Noiway.

Touay 0slo has an aveiage uensity of 4u12 people pei squaie kilometei,
although the uensest neighboihoou, Sagene, has a uensity of 11S9S people pei
squaie kilometei.


0slo has a veiy uiveise population, with people with backgiounus foim all ovei
the woilu. By 2u12 neaily Su% of the population was fiom an immigiant
backgiounu, eithei because they weie themselves an immigiant oi because they
weie boin fiom two immigiant paients. The immigiant population keeps
incieasing, anu is unlikely to ueciease in the futuie, although its composition
may change, as it has uuiing the last centuiy. It has been uiiven by the neeus of
the Noiwegian laboi maiket as well as a stiong inflow of iefugees anu asylum
seekeis. In the beginning of the last centuiy anu until the WWII immigiation was
uominateu by woikeis coming mainly fiom Sweuen, but also fiom othei Noiuic
countiies. Latei, anothei stieam of laboi migiation came fiom Pakistan in the
196u-7us. Then a significant amount of iefugees anu asylum seekeis came fiom
countiies like vietnam, Bosnia, Iiaq anu Iian in the 198us, as well as a stiong
immigiation fiom the Balkans uuiing the 199us. Touay the main immigiation is
uue to laboi puiposes, although theie aie still many iefugees.

Among touays immigiant population, 6u% has a backgiounu fiom Asia anu
Afiica, S6% fiom Euiope, anu the iest fiom Ameiica anu 0ceania. In compaiison,
in 197u only S,4% of 0slos population hau an immigiant backgiounu, anu 8u%
of them weie Euiopean. Bowevei aftei 197u the immigiation foim Asia, Afiica
auu paitly South Ameiica has been significant. As well, the immigiation fiom
Euiope especially incieaseu aftei the expansion of the E0, piimaiily fiom Polanu
anu the Baltic states. The laigest gioup of immigiants have a Pakistani
backgiounu, anu consists of 22 uuu people who weie laboi immigiants uuiing
the 196u-7us, theii chiluien anu family ieunifications of those who gaineu
citizenship. Bowevei, touay they aie laigely integiateu into the Noiwegian
society. The seconu laigest gioup of immigiants have a Sweuish backgiounu,
anu consist of 1S 7uu people who aie mostly young auults who aie in 0slo foi
woik puiposes. The thiiu laigest gioup is people with Somali backgiounu, anu
they aie 128uu people who came in iecent yeais as iefugees. Noie than half of
the immigiant population in 0slo gaineu a citizenship, anu 8S% of the Pakistani
aie Noiwegian citizens, as well as 76% of the Somali, while only 4.1% of the
Sweuish have a Noiwegian citizenship.

The immigiation to 0slo contiibutes to population inciease in seveial ways, anu
is paitly uue to the biith of chiluien to immigiant paients (who automatically
ieceive citizenship). Touay about Su% of the total biiths in 0slo aie chiluien
with immigiant paients, howevei theie is a big uistinction between the amount

of chiluien boin fiom paients with Asian oi Afiican backgiounu, which is 48%,
anu the chiluien boin with paients fiom a westein backgiounu, which is only

The age uistiibution among the population in 0slo uiffeis fiom that of the whole
countiy. The city has a veiy young population with mainly young auults, anu
quite few elueily. 0slo has a lowei amount of chiluien ageu u-19 than in the
countiy as a whole, although a laigei amount of veiy young chiluien between the
ages of u-S. The same pattein is seen in the othei Noiuic capitals.

The amount of the population with immigiant backgiounu vaiy a lot between
the neighbouihoous of the city. The immigiant population can ioughly be
uiviueu in two, wheieas the immigiants fiom E0Euiope, 0SA, Canaua, Ausialia
anu New Zealanu constitute one pait, anu immigiants fiom Asia, Afiica anu the
iest of the woilu constitutes the othei pait. 0f the 16 neighbouihoous in the city,
seven of them have an immigiant population of between Su-Su%, while the
othei nine have only between 1S-2S% immigiants. Even so, the immigiants with
backgiounu fiom the fiist gioup (E0.) aie evenly uistiibuteu toiughout the city,
but with a slightly highei peicentage in the centei anu to the west of the city.
Immigiants fiom the seconu gioup (Asia, Afiica.) live mostly in the outei
eastein oi southein neighbouihoous of the city wheie they aie piesent with
about Su-4u% of the total population, although they aie piesent in all
neighbouihoous with at least 7-8% up to 2S%. Although theie is a high
consentiation of people with immigiant backgiounu fiom Asia anu Afiica in
these neighbouihoous, theie is no gettho phenomenon (such as Chinatown, Latin
Quaitei..etc) piesent as is common foi example in othei Euiopean capitals.

Buiing 2u11, an amount of neaily 47 uuu people moveu to 0slo, whilst S8 6uu
moveu out of the city. In iesent yeais (except foi 2uu8) it is the highest net
migiation flow into 0slo, with an in-migiation of 1,S%. Theie has also been a
high moving activity within the city, especially among the cential neighboihoous.
Consiueiing the in-migiation to 0slo in 2u11, 4u% comes fiom abioau anu 6u%
fiom within Noiway. Bowevei, a total in-migiation of 2S% comes only fiom the
neighboiing municipalities of 0slo, but is otheiwise equally uistiibuteu among
all the iegions in the countiy. 0n the othei hanu, the out-migiation fiom 0slo is
also mainly to the neighboiing municipality, with about 4u% of the total out-
migiation. While anothei 26% goes abioau, the iest is equally uistiibuteu within

uioss income among the population in 0slo vaiies quite a lot, anu theie is a cleai
uistinction between the West enu anu the East enu neighboihoous, anu also cleai
context with the peicentage of population fiom an immigiant backgiounu. The
"iichest" West enu neighboihoou (vestie Akei) is the same wheie theie is the
lowest peicentage of people with an immigiant backgiounu, anu the "pooiest"
East enu neighboihoou (uioiuu) is the same wheie theie is the highest
peicentage of people with an immigiant backgiounu. The peicentage of people
eaining moie than 1uu uuu euios pei yeai is 8.S times highei in vestie Akei
than in uioiuu, anu although this is the most extieme uiffeience, it ieflects
similai uiffeience between the othei West enu anu East enu neighboihoous in

0slo. Bowevei, appioaching the centei of the city fiom all siues, the uiffeiences
become smallei.

In Noiway it is manuatoiy foi all chiluien to attenu elementaiy anu seconuaiy
school, anu theie is little oi no ueviation fiom this iule. In accoiuance with the
population giowth, the numbei of pupils in elementaiy anu seconuaiy school in
0slo has giown in iecent yeais, especially in elementaiy school. The numbei of
pupils attenuing high school is also cuiiently giowing, uue to the population

The numbei of stuuents in 0niveisity oi College has also been incieasing in
iesent yeais, anu by }anuaiy 1
2u12 a peicentage of 4S,6% of 0slos population
above the age of 16 hau highei euucation. Foi the last Su yeais theie has been a
veiy laige inciease in the level of euucation of the population, compaieu to 198u
when the same gioup consisteu of only 18,2%. The inciease is pait of a national
tienu, but is still highei in 0slo than in othei paits of the countiy.

Even though the population of 0slo is veiy well euucateu, theie aie big
uiffeiences among the citys neighboihoous. Theie s a cleai uivision between
the level of euucation in the innei anu the outei paits of the city, anu between
the West enu anu the East enu. In the innei city the level of euucation among the
population is geneially high ianging fiom Su-6u%, while in the outei
neighboihoous the peicentage uiffeis fiom an aveiage of about 7u% in the West
enu, anu aiounu Su% in the East enu. 0nce again vestie Akei anu uioiuu stanu
as examples of the most euucateu anu least euucateu neighboihoous,

The mouein histoiy of housing in 0slo soit of staits with the coopeiation
between the Nunicipality of 0slo anu the uevelopei 0B0S that inuicateu in the
19Sus. The municipality was to pioviue plots foi builuing, anu 0B0S was to be
iesponsible foi the constiuctions. Bowevei, the establishment of the Noiwegian
Sates Bousing Bank as well as the inclusion of the Akei lanu aieas into the
municipality of 0slo aftei WWII that gave way foi the vast constiuction tienu
anu uevelopment of subuibs that took place in the seconu half of the 2u



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The longing foi a !"#$% '()* has long been chaiacteiistic foi the people of 0slo.
Although the capital has a unique position in the lanuscape, sloping uown fiom
the foiests in the noithein pait of the municipality until it ieaches the fjoiu, the
city itself has long been sepaiateu fiom the fjoiu uue to stiong physical baiiieis.
The E6 highway, the national iailway, the ciuise ship haiboi, neglecteu
uocksiues, anu foimei inuustiial lanu has sepaiateu the city fiom the fjoiu anu
pieventeu the citizens accessibility to the watei anu the wateifiont.
The iuea of tiansfoiming the wateifiont anu ieconnecting the city anu the fjoiu
was alieauy envisioneu in the 198us, but uue to the economical ciash the plans
weie nevei piopeily uevelopeu noi caiiieu out. Bowevei, in the 199us the iuea
came back on the agenua of the National uoveinment, whom settleu foi the

ienewal of seveial aieas along the wateifiont. The City Council of 0slo followeu
up these uecisions, anu by 2uuu they hau set an oveiall stiategy foi the
tiansfoimation of the whole wateifiont of the city, anu in 2uu8 the plan foi the
uiban tiansfoimation was uevelopeu. The National Pailiament at the time maue
the uecision to builu a new monumental National 0peia anu Ballet, a uecision
that set a woilu-scale scope upon the entiie pioject. It has been placeu in
Bjivika, the pioject aiea that is piomoteu as the new "mouein gateway" to 0slo.

750+"1$5- 0+3 >4"-0*+0B*#*-6
The Fjoiu City is the biggest uiban ienewal pioject uone in 0slo in mouein times,
with 22S hectaies of uevelopment aieas. Coveiing moie than 1u kilometeis, the
wateifiont has been uiviueu into 11 pioject aieas that aie being uevelopeu
sepaiately, but following the same visions anu official guiuelines. The oveiall
objective foi all of the pioject aieas is to open up the wateifiont anu make it
accessible foi the public tiough sustainably anu thoughtfully caiiieu out public
spaces. Bowevei, new enteipiises, office spaces, housing piovision, commeicial
seivices anu cultuial activities will as well be pait of the envisioneu impioveu
living conuitions foi the inhabitants in 0slo anu the visitois to the city.

As the wateifiont is mainly being iefoimeu by tiansfoiming aieas that weie
piimaiily useu foi haiboi activities, ioaus anu tiaffic puiposes, thus key points
to this tiansfoimation aie the ieconnection with the existing uiban fabiic anu
sustainable tianspoitation. An expeit panel on tianspoitation has been
establisheu in oiuei to uevelop anu ieinfoice key piinciples foi an extenueu
public tianspoit system. Relation between tianspoit anu lanu use is seen as
ciitical to both iegional anu local level visions, anu high piioiity has been given
to peuestiian anu cycling paths as well as public tianspoitation fiom the eaily
planning stages on. The tianspoit inteichange noues aie useu to cieate public
spaces that aie an attiaction by themselves anu pioviue public functions anu
seivices. The new public spaces open the city towaiu the wateifiont anu cieate
an inviting connection.

In an eia wheie sustainability is always on the agenua, the aim foi The Fjoiu City
is in fact to make 0slo one of the most sustainable cities in the woilu. In oiuei to
uevelop its enviionmental qualities, anu to meet the challenges it faces in teims
of sustainable uevelopment, the City uoveinment has ieviseu 0slo's vision anu
uiawn up a new pioposal foi an 0iban Ecology Piogiam. The vision of the City
uoveinment foi 0slo as a sustainable city is:

"+,-# ,./-- 01 / 2/3()/- 2()* (4 ,5,)/(4/0-1 %161-#3714)8 2./$/2)1$(91% 0*
12#4#7(28 ,#2(/- /4% 25-)5$/- :$#;). /22#$%(4: )# 4/)5$1<, /0(-()* )# ,5,)/(4
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01 #41 #@ ).1 ;#$-%<, 7#,) 146($#4714)/--* @$(14%-* /4% ,5,)/(4/0-1 2/3()/-

The ienewal of the wateifiont is a pioject that can be saiu to be pait of a
contempoiaiy uiban phenomenon anu can be easily compaieu to similai
piojects aiounu Euiope such as Bambuig, uothenbuig, Stockholm anu

Copenhagen. 0slo is one of the nine cities locateu aiounu the Noith Sea that
involveu in the Wateifiont Community pioject (WCP). The aim of the pioject is
to shaie appioaches anu expeiiences in uevelopment wateifiont anu ie-linking
it with a city within uiffeient national contexts. These activities aie oiganizeu in
nine themes, with each paitnei city leauing uiffeient case stuuy: 0slo will leau
the case stuuy upon B$/4,3#$) /4% C$0/4 !/0$(2.

2)1$5-0+- C(-$5" 0+3 7.' 5$#' $D -.' E4+*(*10#*-6

The scope of the pioject makes it veiy complex anu involves many uiffeient
actois with uiffeient objectives anu inteiests. Natuially theie has been opposing
inteiests in many cases, anu in some specific cases wheie the opposition against
the execution of paits of the pioject has been veiy laige, the uevelopment plans
have hau to be uiscusseu anu changeu at Nunicipality level oi National level.
The uevelopment of the pioject is mainly in the hanus of thiee main actois,
which aie the National Pailiament, the City Council anu lanuowneis.

Because of the laige scope of the pioject many uecisions weie maue at National
level, such as the uecisions to ielocate anu builu a new 0peia Bouse, as well as a
new National Nuseum anu a new Nunch Nuseum. 0n behalf of the National
uoveinment, as a public uevelopei foi public piojects, The Biiectoiate of Public
Constiuction anu Piopeity is iesponsible foi commissioning anu seeing thiough
the uevelopment of such public builuings.

The City Council of 0slo, which answeis to national laws anu iegulations, aie
iesponsible foi ueveloping the oveiall pioject plan anu uefining binuing acts
iegaiuing the execution of the piojects, such as: builuing coues, enviionmental
issues, functions anu use of builuings anu public spaces, etc. The City Council has
an D:142* #@ E-/44(4: /4% F5(-%(4: G1$6(21, who is iesponsible foi seeing the
uevelopment tiough upon the guiuelines of the plan, while the uaily management
activities aie biought about tiough the +,-# >/)1$@$#4) E-/44(4: +@@(21. The
0ffice was cieateu foi the Fjoiu City pioject anu coopeiates closely with
goveinmental anu municipal bouies, lanuowneis, piopeity uevelopeis anu
piofessionals on a uaily basis.

&@F5<*G0 H 0 (#$"'5 #$$G 0- $+' $D -.' 15$@'(- 05'0"

Bjivika is the laigest of the pioject aieas to be tiansfoimeu, anu is well
unueiway as of 2u1S. The size of the aiea is 697 uekai, with a iegulateu
uevelopment volume of appioximately 1.uuu.uuu m`. The aiea has been the
subject to a lot of public uiscussion, uue to its status as the pievisioneu gateway
to the city anu the fact that a laige numbei of the public aieas anu cultuial
builuings in the oveiall pioject plan aie planneu to be built theie, anu thus
conceining the whole population of the city.


As eailiei mentioneu, the physical baiiieis between the city centei anu the fjoiu
woulu completely uisconnect them, anu in Bjivika this was veiy eviuent.
Between the city centei anu the wateifiont in this aiea theie was the National
Railway tiacks, the heavily tiaffickeu E6 high way, anothei abanuoneu anu
empty haiboi aiea anu an unpleasant ciuise ship cai entiance. With these
pieconuitions it was a uifficult task to plan the ieconnection of the city anu the
fjoiu. The fiist step in the uevelopment was to bieak uown the uiban baiiieis
anu change the infiastiuctuial system. The existing motoiway that ian tiough
the aiea was incoipoiateu in a 67S m long sub-sea tunnel, anu touay only lightei
tiaffic is alloweu above giounu. This was a veiy bolu uecision the National
uoveinment hau to make in the initial planning piocess, but not an obvious one;
ceitain pailiament membeis at the time suggesteu to iathei spenu the public
money to upgiaue some of the bau ioaus on the Westein coast of Noiway.
Bowevei, the new infiastiuctuial system in Bjivika has been ciiticizeu foi not
envisioning the potential inciease in tiaffic in the coming yeais uue to the
uevelopments cuiiently taking place in the city, as well as foi cieating new uiban
baiiieis with the new ioaus being establisheu to connect with the iegional

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As the main objective of the entiie pioject is to open up the wateifiont anu
making it accessible foi the public, seven uiffeient public aieas with a unique
uesign anu a 2um wiue haiboi piomenaue have been assigneu to the
uevelopment pioject in Bjivika. Although a lot of public space is pait of the
pioject, the municipality has stateu that the uibanity of Bjivika is veiy
impoitant, anu the piinciple they chose as an uibanization stiategy was that the

uiban spaces weie to be uesigneu befoie the builuings anu theiefoi ueteimine
all the uevelopments. Bowevei, in the enu the shaping of the public spaces
ieceive a lot of ciitique because the uevelopeis seem to have paiu moie attention
to the uesign of uetails anu uecoiative effects than to funuamental uiban
qualities. Anothei ciitique is that although the public spaces shall be open 24h a
uay, they aie at iisk of being empty uue to how the aiea is still cut off fiom its
neighboiing communities in the existing uiban fabiic, the high enu iesiuences
aie too expensive to accommouate families with chiluien noi young auults, anu a
because offices take up much of the spaces anu will be empty aftei woik houis.

M#4:,0/II14 E/$I /4% F1/2. N/$0#$ E$#714/%1 B.1 DI1$ O(61$ 1?() )# ).1 @"#$%

Finally almost all of 0slos gieat cultuial institutions will be ielocateu anu
become pait of the new wateifiont, incoipoiateu into new contempoiaiy
builuings. 0ne example is the new National ualleiy that will be built at the
vestbanen lot tiough 2u18, anothei is the Astiup Faeinley Nuseum of
Contempoiaiy Ait that was uesigneu by Renzo Piano anu completeu at
Tjuvholmen in 2u12. Bowevei, Bjivika has been chosen as the location foi at
least thiee of the gieat cultuial institutions of the city, anu is becoming 0slos
cultuial hub with the alieauy mentioneu National 0peia anu Ballet, the new
Beichmanske Libiaiy, the new Nunch Nuseum anu possibly the new Nuseum of
Cultuial Beiitage housing the famous viking Ships (still being ueciueu).

The 0peia Bouse was completeu in 2u12 anu is alieauy a big attiaction uue to its
cultuial piogiam but as well uue to its cuiious builuing shape, foimeu by
inteichanging inclining planes going into the watei anu which allow the public to
go foi a walk on the exteiioi of the builuing, anu when aiiiving at the top theie is
a gieat view ovei the fjoiu. The pioject was commissioneu by the National
uoveinment, anu uevelopeu by The Biiectoiate of Public Constiuction anu

The constiuction plans foi The Beichmanske Libiaiy anu the Nunch Nuseum
weie appioveu by the city council in 2uu9, but the iealization of the plans
inuicateu a iezoning of the locations wheie they ought to be built. The
iepositioning of the Nunch Nuseum anu its new so-calleu "Lambua" Builuing
(uesigneu by Spanish Beiieios Aiquitectos) has ieceiveu a lot of opposition anu
ciitique, anu the citizens anu the local politicians have stiuggleu to come to an
agieement about the pioject. Fiist of all the citizens of 0slo have a sentimental
ielationship to Euwaiu Nunch as one of the gieatest aitists anu figuies in the
histoiy of the city, especially because he uonateu his entiie oeuvie to the
municipality of 0slo when he uieu. The public has been paiticulaily engageu in
the uebate about whethei the museum shoulu be moveu foim its cuiient

location at Tyen oi not. Tyen is the innei East neighboihoou wheie the famous
paintei liveu most of his life, anu it is theiefoie one of Noiways biggest national
tieasuies is locateu theie. The aiea is not veiy attiactive foi visitois who want to
come anu see Nunch's aitwoiks, anu the cuiient museum is in uespeiate neeu of
ienovation anu expansion, theiefoie the goveinment ueciueu to move the
museum to the new cultuial hub in Bjivika. Bowevei, as a common ciitic foi the
whole Fjoiu City pioject, also in this case the public's opinion has been that the
moving of the museum contiauicts the plan vision of making the city a bettei
place foi eveiyone. If the museum was to be iebuilt at Tyen it woulu in theii
opinion have a gieatei symbolic ielationship with the city, anu it coulu
contiibute to positive uevelopments in a challenging aiea of the city, iathei than
seiving as a show off in the newest iich neighboihoou. Consequently the
"Lambua" builuing anu its uesign has been the subject of much uebate. Although
the location of it anu its uesign piomotes Nunch a lot, some voices claim that the
builuing is a iesult of speculation fiom the uevelopei since the museum woulu
inciease the maiket values in the aiea wheie the same uevelopei is builuing
iesiuential anu commeicial builuings anu theiefoie uses the museum as a soit of
bianuing of the aie to inciease its own piofit.

B.1 P/)(#4/- +31$/ /4% F/--1) Q ;(). 31#3-1 :#(4: @#$ / ;/-I #4 ).1 05(-%(4:

R1(2.7/4,I1 S(0$/$* B.1 T542. T5,157 J ,#Q2/--1% US/70%/ 05(-%(4:A

I'"*3'+-*0# 0+3 ($))'5(*0#
Bjivika is also the location of 4uuu-Suuu new uwellings as well as a big amount
of office space. 0f the appioximately 1.uuu.uuu m` to be uevelopeu about 4u%
will be iesiuential, housing 7uuu-8uuu uwelleis. The iest is uiviueu into
commeicial, cultuial anu seivice anu tiaue activities, anu 1Suuu-2uuuu people
will eventually have theii woikspace in Bjivika. The pioject aieas intenueu foi
iesiuential apaitment builuings anu commeicial builuings aie uiviueu into two
aieas. The laigest aiea is the southeastein "Sienga" anu will be 9u% iesiuential,

with a somewhat subuiban feeling ovei it. The othei aiea is the 0peia Quaitiei,
anu is shapeu as a so-calleu "Baicoue" stiip of semi-skysciapeis in between the
0peia Bouse anu the iailway. Beie only 2u% is pieseiveu foi iesiuential use
while 6u% is ieseiveu foi commeicial activity anu office spaces. uiounu flooi
will house public functions such as shops, bais anu iestauiants, enteitainment,
cultuial anu iecieational seivices, while the uppei flooi s will be mainly offices
anu a few apaitments.

The "Baicoue" pioject has ieceiveu a lot of opposition both befoie anu aftei
execution, mainly because of the builuing heights that iange almost 7u meteis
but also because of the unifoim anu iigiu skysciapei uesigns that aie not
communicating with the existing uiban fabiic anu aichitectuial language of the
city, anu the way they cieate segiegation between the existing communities in
neighboiing aieas anu the new one aiising in Bjivika. The stiip of high iise
builuings aie uiiectly tuining theii back to the olu neighboihoous acioss the
iailway, anu they block the fjoiu view foi all the eastein neighboihoous even
though the city is locateu in a slopeu lanuscape. Although the execution was up
foi anothei official political uiscussion, the "Fjoiu Citys" vision of Bjivika being
the "mouein gateway" to 0slo uiu in the enu oveiiiue the opposition anu has
now been built.

C(-$5" *+ -.' 3'<'#$1)'+- $D &@F5<*G0
In all of the pioject aieas along the 0slo wateifiont the City Council has a ceitain
iole anu is iesponsible foi oveiseeing that the uevelopment follows plans anu
iegulations, howevei, the lanuowneis aie iesponsible foi the uevelopments
themselves. In most pioject aieas the lanuowneis aie piivate uevelopeis anu
ieal estate companies who bought the lanu fiom the oiiginally public lanu along
the wateifiont. In Bjivika the case is a little bit uiffeient, howevei, because the
biggest lanuownei is a company that is in fact owneu by the municipality but
that acts as a piivate uevelopei. Apait foim the 1u% of lanu uevelopeu by the
State the iemaining 9u% of the lanu is owneu by Bjivika 0tvikling AS (Bjivika
Bevelopment). This is a uevelopment agency foimeu by the lanuowneis in
Bjivika, with the aim to be an oigan foi cooiuination anu foi secuiing inteiests
above the municipality in the uevelopment aiea. The agency is owneu by 0slo S
0tvikling AS (0slo S Bevelopment) with S4%, anu BAv Eienuom AS (BAv Real
Estate) with 66%, piopoitional to the amount of lanu they own. The lattei is a
uevelopment anu ieal estate company owneu by 0slo Bavn KF (the 0slo Poit
Agency), which is finally owneu by the municipality. Bowevei, this is a situation
that is becoming moie anu moie common, because tiough such a company the
municipality can compete in the maiket anu geneiate money othei than what is

gianteu in the yeaily buuget. Foi instance, insteau of uiiectly uonating public
money to the uevelopment of the public spaces anu new infiastiuctuie in
Bjivika, the income fiom the iesiuential anu commeicial uevelopment is
supposeu to finance that. In compaiison, public money is uiiectly uonateu to
such uevelopments as schools, elueily centeis anu health caie facilities.

>$45('" 105- J

>$45('" 105- K


Nigiation iepoit

Statistical Yeaibook

>$45('" 105- L



















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