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Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets)

Question No. 1(01) 3 2(05) 3 3(99) 4 4(97) 4 5(05) 4 6(05) 6 7(95) 6 8(97) 7

Level 4 6 4 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 6 7 3


9(99) 7 10(05) 7 11(01) 7 12(01) 8 13(97) 8

Rainford High Technology College 1

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) 1. Ali made a cat-flap to fit into a door.

c a t - f la p

b o tto m o f d o o r



On the diagram above, draw an arrow to show the direction of the force of the cats head on the cat-flap.
1 mark


Add a label to the diagram to show the pivot of the cat-flap. Label it .
1 mark

!hen the cat has gone thro"gh the cat-flap, the weight of the cat-flap makes the flap close.


c a t - fla p

m a g n e ts # $ b o tto m o f d o o r


Ali "sed two bar magnets to keep the cat-flap closed, so that it does not blow open in the wind. On the diagram above, label both the #orth and $o"th poles on the magnet in the cat-flap.
1 mark


%riction at the pivot made the cat-flap s&"eak. !hat co"ld Ali p"t on the pivot to make the friction less' (((((((((((((
1 mark )a*im"m + marks


,enn- dropped her torch down a drain.

Rainford High Technology College .

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) /he torch was still switched on b"t ,enn- co"ld not see it.

not to scale



,enn- lowered a mirror into the drain and placed it at position . At which angle sho"ld ,enn- p"t the mirror to see the torch' /ick the correct bo*.

1 mark


!hat happens to the light from the torch when it hits the mirror' ......................................................................................................................
1 mark


/he diagrams below show the s-mbols for three parts of the torch circ"it. (i) On the line below each diagram, give the name of the part.

........................................ ........................................ .........................................

0 marks


1n the space below, draw a circ"it diagram to show how these three parts are connected in a torch.
1 mark ma*im"m 2 marks Rainford High Technology College 0

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) 3. 3achel has a small block of metal. $he wants to know if it is a magnet.

bar m agnet 3 a c h e l4s b lo c k o f m e ta l

$he holds the #orth pole of the bar magnet near one end of the block of metal. /he- attract. /hen she holds the $o"th pole of the bar magnet near the same end of the block of metal. Again the- attract. (a) 5*plain how this shows that 3achels block of metal is not a permanent magnet. .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................
1 mark


!hat metal co"ld 3achels block be made from' (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

1 mark


3achel p"ts the block of metal in a thin plastic bag. !hat effect, if an-, will the bar magnet now have on the block' .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................
1 mark


3achel p"ts the bar magnet into a pile of coins. $ome of the coins are attracted to the magnet b"t some are not. $"ggest a reason for this. .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................
1 mark )a*im"m + marks

Rainford High Technology College +

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) 4. (a) /he diagram shows two bar magnets.

m agnet A

m agnet 6

/he north pole and so"th pole are shown on magnet A. /he poles are not shown on magnet 6. 7escribe an e*periment -o" co"ld do, "sing magnet A, to find which end of magnet 6 is the north pole and which is the so"th pole. "t the north pole of magnet A to an "nknown pole of magnet 6.1f the poles attract, the known pole is $. 1f the- repel the "nknown pole is #.
0 marks


/he diagram shows a wooden tr"ck near a wall. /here is a strong magnet fi*ed to the wall and a strong magnet fi*ed to the front of the wooden tr"ck.
w a ll m agnet fi* e d t o tr" c k m agnet f i* e d t o w a ll

w o o d e n tr" c k t a b le

,ames holds the wooden tr"ck so that it does not move. /hen he lets go of the wooden tr"ck. 1n which direction will it move' ./he tr"ck will not move towards the wall, beca"se the poles will repel.
1 mark


,ames removes the magnet from the wooden tr"ck. 8e gives the tr"ck a p"sh so that it rolls along the table. !hat effect will friction have on the speed of the tr"ck as it rolls along' %riction will stop the tr"ck.
1 mark )a*im"m 9 marks


/he drawing shows a to- shark. )agnets : and ; make the shark <float above the plastic base.

Rainford High Technology College 9

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets)


On magnet :, write the letters # and $ to label the poles of the magnet.
1 mark


(i) =hoose a word from the list below to complete the sentence. attract cancel repel

/he to- shark <floats beca"se the magnets repel each other.
1 mark


$ophie pressed down on the tail of the shark with her finger. !hat happened to the shark when she removed her finger' 1f she presses down the shark, the shark goes down. !hen she releases her finger, the shark floats.
1 mark

Rainford High Technology College 2

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) $ophie added weights to the to- shark and meas"red the distance between the two magnets. 8er res"lts are shown below. weight added to the toy shark (N) >.1 >.. >.0 =omplete the sentence below. As the weight on the to- shark increased, the distance between the magnets decreased.
1 mark

distance between the magnets (mm) 2 + 0


$ophie t"rned the magnet in the plastic base the other wa- "p. !hat happened to the shark' /he magnets attract and the shark fall down.
1 mark ma*im"m 9 marks

Rainford High Technology College ?

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) 6. Ale* makes an electromagnet. $he winds ins"lated wire aro"nd an iron nail. $he connects the wire to a power s"ppl-. $he "ses the electromagnet to pick "p some steel paper-clips.

/his is her prediction. he more t!rns o" wire aro!nd the iron nail the stronger the electromagnet becomes. (a) (i) @ive the one factor she sho"ld change as she investigates her prediction. /he t"rns of the coil of wire
1 mark


@ive one factor she sho"ld keep the same. /he power of s"ppl1 mark


7escribe how she co"ld "se the paper-clips to meas"re the strength of the electromagnet. )ore iron nails picked "p, the stronger the electromagnet.
1 mark

Rainford High Technology College A

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) (b) Ale* wrote a report of her investigation.

!hat wo"ld an odd res"lt s"ggest' Odd res"lt will contradict her prediction. 6"t her prediction was tr"e with the e*periment. #"mber of coils increases the strength of the electromagnet.
1 mark



!hich siBe paper-clips wo"ld Ale* "se to make her res"lts more acc"rate' /ick the correct bo*.

1 mark


@ive a reason for -o"r choice. /he smaller the paper clips, the more acc"rate the res"lts will be.
1 mark ma*im"m 2 marks


/he diagram shows an electromagnet "sed in a door lock.

p"sh s w itc h ir o n c o r e fi* e d to d o o r fra m e c o il s p r in g

door fra m e


ir o n b o lt

Rainford High Technology College C

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) (a) /he p"sh switch is closed and the door "nlocks. 5*plain in detail how this happens. /he c"rrent passes thro"gh the iron core and goes thro"gh the coil of wire. /he c"rrent will p"sh the spring forward and open the iron bolt. /he door lock is opened.
0 marks


/he switch is released and the door locks. 5*plain in detail how this happens. /he switch is released. /here is no c"rrent passing thro"gh. /he spring rebo"nds and the door is locked.
. marks )a*im"m 9 marks

$. A p"pil fi*es a small electromagnet close to a thin spring- steel sheet. /he device acts like a small speaker. $he connects a batter- and switch to the electromagnet as shown. t h in s p r in g s te e l sheet e le c tro m a g n e t

case (a) (i) !hen the p"pil closes the switch, what will happen to the steel sheet' /he steel sheet will attract to the iron electromagnet.
1 mark


/he p"pil opens the switch again. !hat will happen to the steel sheet now' /he steel sheet will not be attracted to the electromagnet. ................................................................................................ ..........
1 mark


1f the p"pil had connected the batter- the other wa- ro"nd, what difference wo"ld this have made to -o"r answer to part (i)' /he wa- will be the other wa- aro"nd.
1 mark

Rainford High Technology College 1>

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets)

/he p"pil removes the batter- and switch. $he connects the electromagnet to a power s"ppl- which switches the c"rrent on and off 1>>> times each second. /he steel sheet vibrates and makes a so"nd. s te e l s h e e t v ib r a t e s a n d m akes a so"nd

po sw on 1> ea

w e r s " p p lit c h e s c " r r e n t a n d o ff > > t im e s ch second


$he then adD"sts the power s"ppl- so that the c"rrent is switched on and off 0>>> times each second. !hat difference does this make to the pitch of the so"nd' @ive a reason for -o"r answer. /he more times -o" adD"st the power s"ppl-, the pitch becomes higher.
. marks


/he p"pil now adD"sts the power s"ppl- so that the c"rrent is larger. 5*plain wh- this makes the so"nd lo"der. A larger so"nd has bigger amplit"de. A so"nd with bigger amplit"de has a lo"der so"nd.
1 mark )a*im"m 2 marks

Rainford High Technology College 11

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets)

%. /he diagram shows a rectang"lar coil and circ"it. 1t has two iron rods in it. /he rods are parallel and to"ching. /he- are free to move.


!hen the switch is closed, the two rods move apart. (i) 5*plain wh- this happens. !hen there is no c"rrent flowing thro"gh the electromagnet the rods have no strength to attract. 1nstead, the- repel.
. marks


/he switch is then opened to break the circ"it. !hat, if an-thing, happens to the two iron rods' /he two iron rods will be electric. 1f -o" to"ch them, -o" will get an electric shock.
1 mark


One of the two iron rods is taken o"t and replaced with a brass rod. /he rods are parallel and to"ching. !hat, if an-thing, will happen to the rods when the switch is closed' 5*plain -o"r answer. /he rods will repel. 6rass is not magnetic and there is still no c"rrent passing thro"gh.
. marks )a*im"m 9 marks

1&. A

reed switch is made of two iron strips inside a glass t"be. /he iron strips close together when a magnet is bro"ght near. /he- spring apart again when the magnet is removed.


8ilar- set "p the circ"it shown below.

Rainford High Technology College 1.

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) $he tried to close the reed switch "sing an electromagnet.

$he closed switch 5 b"t the electromagnet was not strong eno"gh to close the reed switch. (i) @ive two wa-s 8ilar- co"ld increase the strength of the electromagnet. 1 1ncrease the n"mber of coils. . Ese a magnetic material for the core.
. marks

8ilar- increased the strength of the electromagnet. /he reed switch closed. /he iron strips were magnetiBed as shown below.

$he reversed the c"rrent in the coil of the electromagnet. 'n the diagram below, label the poles of the iron strips when the c"rrent was reversed.
Rainford High Technology College 10

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets)

1 mark



1ron and steel are both magnetic materials. 5*plain wh- the strips m"st be made of iron and not steel. 1ron is more magnetic than steel. $teel contains other materials incl"ding iron. 1ron acts like a permanent magnet.
1 mark


$he replaced the reed switch with a piece of copper wire. /he c"rrent thro"gh the b"lb increased. 5*plain wh- more c"rrent flowed thro"gh the b"lb when the reed switch was replaced with copper wire. =opper is good cond"ctor of electricit- and it is fle*ible to stretch to a long distance
1 mark ma*im"m 9 marks

11. (a) A p"pil makes a small coil of copper wire and passes an electric c"rrent thro"gh it. /he p"pil places a small magnet near the coil.

c o il

m agnet

/he magnet is attracted towards the coil. /he p"pil t"rns the magnet aro"nd so that the $o"th ole is nearest the coil. !hat effect, if an-, will this have' /he $o"th ole will be attracted towards the coil.

1 mark

Rainford High Technology College 1+

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets)

/he p"pil "ses the coil and the magnet to make a simple ammeter to meas"re the c"rrent thro"gh a b"lb.

s c a le

s tra w p iv o t m agnet

p a p e r c lip

c o il

not to scale (i) /he paper clip is "sed to balance the weight of the magnet. !h- the paper clip is f"rther awa- from the pivot than the magnet is'
Rainford High Technology College 19

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) aper clip can be attracted, b- the magnet.
1 mark


5*plain how a c"rrent in the coil makes the straw pointer move. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
. marks


/he p"pil places a piece of soft iron in the middle of the coil. 7escribe and e*plain how this will affect the reading on the scale when the same c"rrent flows thro"gh the coil. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
. marks )a*im"m 2 marks


Anita has arranged a horseshoe magnet with a long bar magnet pivoted above it. p iv o t N N S h o rs e s h o e m agnet S bar m agnet


!henever Anita tips the bar magnet, it alwa-s moves back to the position shown in the diagram. 5*plain wh- this happens. (((.(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((.(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((.(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((.((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
. marks

Rainford High Technology College 12

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets)


!hen a c"rrent is passed thro"gh a coil, it prod"ces magnetic poles as shown in the diagram below.

Anita winds a coil aro"nd each end of the horseshoe magnet as shown below.
p iv o t N N S S bar m agnet

h o rs e s h o e m agnet


7escribe what will happen to the bar magnet when she closes the switch. 5*plain -o"r answer. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Rainford High Technology College 1?

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

0 marks


Anita reverses the batter-. $"ggest what happens to the bar magnet. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
1 mark


Anita replaces the batter- with a power s"ppl- which changes the direction of the c"rrent ever- second. $"ggest what happens to the bar magnet. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
1 mark )a*im"m ? marks


7igital information can be stored on magnetic recording tape in several different wa-s. One wa- is shown in the diagram below. c o il

r e c o r d in g head m a g n e t is e d a re a o f ta p e ta p e /he recording head prod"ces a magnetic field. /he magnetic particles in the section of tape "nder the recording head line "p with the field. (a) As the tape moves past the recording head, different sections of the tape become magnetised. /he direction of the c"rrent is changed at reg"lar intervals. 8ow wo"ld the pattern on the tape be different if the tape were moved past the recording head more &"ickl-' .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
1 mark


/he direction of the c"rrent is changed at reg"lar intervals. /he tape is Rainford High Technology College 1A

Unit 8J (Magnets and electromagnets) moved past the recording head at a stead- speed. /he gap between the poles of the recording head is made m"ch bigger. $"ggest two effects this might have on the pattern on the tape. 1 ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ . ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................
. marks )a*im"m 0 marks

Rainford High Technology College 1C

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