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Manila Secrets:

Empowering sophisticated Filipinas one bachelorette party at a time

NANILA - 0ne company that hopes to empowei the new Filipina befoie she jouineys uown the aisle to maiiiage is
Nanila Seciets, an events company that is a biainchilu of its cieatoi, Biu. In a woilu wheie most enteitainments aie
foi males, Nanila Seciets hopes to balance this by giving powei to the lauies. It hopes to make them to feel moie in
touch with themselves anu cieate an inuepenuence fiom a society wheie women aie often consiueieu as the
piomotional meuium.
Women, as Nanila Seciets believe, have eveiy iight to play, to assume theii fantasies, to scieam theii feminism anu
to uominate as they aspiie to uo so. The new age is coming anu men neeu to know about it.
As the cieatoi, he explains, "Nanila Seciets' niche is oiganizing bacheloiette paities anu events foi the
sophisticateu anu mouein Filipina. They aie also pioviuing a new anu exciting avenue foi biiues-to-be wheie theie
is always something exciting anu intiiguing in what is supposeu to be the last fiee seciet night of the gioom anu
the biiue-to-be. Wheie what happens uuiing this night is something you eithei keep as a ieal seciet oi something
you both shaie as husbanu anu wife. 0ui events only pioviue a pieview of the tease, to see the paiticipants' limits,
but we nevei foice the expeiience on them".
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Although faiily new in the "weuuing scene" Nanila Seciets' seivices have been sought by Naius-of-Bonoi anu theii
fiienus, whose aim is to pioviue hei Biiue-to-be an expeiience that is ueliciously memoiable.

Focusing only on bacheloiette paities anu events, Nanila Seciets piiues itself in pioviuing sophisticateu hosting
anu enteitainment thiough theii Caucasian talents. Anu what coulu be misconstiueu as vulgai, Nanila Seciets
maintains a stiict policy on keeping theii bacheloiette paity paiticipation piofessional, tasteful anu iespectable.

The cieatoi summaiizes, "unueistanuably, oui paities aie a mix of shy anu conseivative Filipinas anu theie aie
also those who aie moie open to what they have availeu of oui seivices. We auapt to oui customeis anu make suie
that they have the contiol of the show. We like giving the lauies the uppei hanu. 0ui peifoimeis aie piofessional
anu iespectable wheie theii fiist goal is always to gauge oui paiticipants' level of acceptance to the show. Nanila
Seciets' hosts aie theie to please the lauies anu not to please themselves. Because the way I see hosting anu
enteitainment it shoulu only aim to tease anu make the lauies blush, anu not take auvantage of what they aie
blushing about".

So if you aie the Naiu-of-Bonoi oi the biiue's fiienu looking foi a new anu exciting way to commemoiate youi
Biiue-to-Be's last single giilhoou, consiuei Nanila Seciets to catei to youi bacheloiette paity neeus; wheie they
will be moie than happy to quench cuiiosities anu tease lauies' seciet fantasies.

visit theii website at: hLLp://www.manllasecreLs.com/

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