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64 Congresso Nacional de Botnica

Belo Horizonte, 10-15 de Novembro de 2013

Breno M. S. Silva , Fabola V. Mro , Roberval D. Vieira
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University of Amap State (UEAP). University of Paulista State (UNESP). *silvabms@hotmail.com

Ormosia paraensis Ducke, known as tento, possess seeds used to make handicrafts and wood worked by furniture makers[1]. For the forest identification and seeds technology, the information on the biology and therefore for the production of tento seedlings are incipient. Thus, the aim of this study was the morpho-anatomical description as well as determining the most appropriate methods for overcoming dormancy, germination and seedling emergence of tento.

For the morpho-anatomical description, the evaluations were examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy. For the dormancy break of the seeds, the methods were physical and chemical scarification. For the temperature, substrate and depth evaluation were used o temperatures from 5 to 45 C, the substrates sand, paper, R vermiculite and Plantmax and the depths of 0, 2 and 4 cm.

Results and Discussion

The fruit is a nutant legume, brown to black, dehiscent and with one or two seeds of lateral placentation (Figura 1A). The seeds are bitegmic, exalbuminous and rounded (Figura 1B). The seedlings have simple and alternate leaves, and their germination is hypogeal cryptocotyledonary (Figura 1C). The mechanical scarification and the chemical by sulfuric acid immersion for 60 or 120 minutes are suitable for overcoming seed dormancy (Figura 1D). The range of the optimum o temperature for germination is between 25 and 35 C between sand or paper. In the nursery are sand and vermiculite, sowings higher than 2 cm depths are unsuitable for seedling emergence (Figura 1E).

The mechanical scarification and the chemical by sulfuric acid immersion for 60 or 120 minutes are adequate to overcome dormancy due to seed coat impermeability to water and / or gases in the seeds. The range of the optimum temperature for seed germination is between 25 0 and 35 C. Both the sand and the paper are suitable substrates for Tento seed germination. Sowing depths higher than 2 cm are inadequate for Tento emergence. The most suitable substrates for seedling emergence in the nursery are sand, vermiculite and Plantmax .

To UNESP for support, CAPES for a scholarship offered to the first author and CNPq for a ship offered to the second and third authors.

[1]Lorenzi, H. 2002. rvores brasileiras: manual de identificao e cultivo de plantas arbreas nativas do Brasil. So Paulo: Ed. Plantarum.

Referncias Bibliogrficas

E Figure 1. A. Fruit. B. Seed. C. Seedling. D. Seed dormancy (%). E. Seed germination (%) of Ormosia paraensis Ducke.

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