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1 Village of Fleischmanns Board Meeting August 12, 2013 The Village of Fleischmanns Board of Trustees held their regular

Village Board Meeting on Monday, August 12, 2013 at the Skene Memorial i!rary at "#00 $%m% &resent 'ere# Mayor Todd &ascarella, (e$uty Mayor Ben)amin Fenton * (a+id ,ates% Village Trustees -arriet % .rossman and /athleen 0ostad Miles 'ere a!sent% Central Catskills Collaborative/Aaron Bennett & Carol OBeirne The $lan 'as $re$ared !y the 1entral 1atskills 1olla!orati+e in coo$eration 'ith the 1atskill 1enter for 1onser+ation and (e+elo$ment and funded in $art !y the 1atskill 2atershed 1or$oration% The $ro)ect 'as made $ossi!le 'ith the $artici$ation and contri!utions of the citi3ens of the 1entral 1atskills * Agency staff from 4e' ,ork State (51 * (6T, (ela'are * 7lster 1ounties, 4,1 (5&, the 121, the 1entral 1atskills 1ham!er of 1ommerce, the 1atskill 1enter * others% The east !ranch of the (ela'are 8flo'ing into the &e$acton 0eser+oir9 * the 5so$us 1reek 8flo'ing into the Ashokan 0eser+oir9 are critical to the clean drinking 'ater su$$ly of 4,1, and !oth are state designated inland 'ater'ays% The stream management $rograms in the 5ast Branch and the Ashokan !asins are su$$orting $ro)ects that 'ould increase recreational access% The 5ast Branch 5nhanced 0ecreational Access &ro)ect has identified numerous $oints of e:isting recreational access to 'ater'ays that could !e enhanced, as 'ell as ne' $oints that could !e de+elo$ed% The second $hase of the $ro)ect directs resources to the $hysical im$ro+ement of these sites% Many of these sites are in the corridor of the $ro$osed !y'ay and some are close to the road'ay% ;n $re$aration for the Stream Access and 0ecreation ;m$ro+ement .rant &rogram, the $u!lic, regional organi3ations and go+ernments 'ere encouraged to com$lete sur+eys * identify $oints of access% Thirty fi+e sites 'ere identified * information 'as collected !y staff through field +isits% A committee 'as formed to hel$ identify $riority $ro)ects for funding% The scenic !y'ay designation com$lements these efforts !y creating a corridor 'ide structure for coordinating a system of enhanced access and $romoting a tra+eling e:$erience that integrates 'ater resources% &rogress continues in furtherance of the 1orridor Management &lan and related !y'ay acti+ities% The de+elo$ment of this corridor management $lan has !een a !onding e:$erience for the communities of the 1entral 1atskills% 0egional coo$eration, long $ro$osed as a necessary ingredient in reaching the $otential of this area, has !een reali3ed through this !y'ay nomination $rocess% (esignation of the !y'ay 'ill greatly assist this region in so many 'ays, Delaware Engineering/Mike Burdis Mike Burdis ga+e the Village an u$date on the Fleischmanns -eights se'er e:tension% The 'ork is almost com$letely done no'% There is one more man hole test that 'ill !e done tomorro'% Mr% Burdis 'ants to get co$ies of the record dra'ings from the (5&< -u!!ell 'ill !e o+er=nighting me their marked u$ set, a co$y of the testing certification forms for the manholes and the $i$e line, a certification letter from Mike Burdis% 6nce (5& has all that, they 'ill grant us the a$$ro+al to make the final connection, 'e 'ill a!andon the tem$orary holding tank that>s u$ there no', connect the grinder $um$ to the grinder line * then 'e 'ill !e in !usiness% -u!!ell has a fe' $unch list items and site restoration tasks to 'ork out% At this $oint 'e are )ust a!out at the end of the $ro)ect% Delaware Operations/Lou Dibble Purchase Orders Motion made !y Todd &ascarella to a$$ro+e the follo'ing +ouchers for the month of August, 2013# Anchor Scientific ;nc% 1ontrol Floats for tank systems at $lant and $um$ station, total cost of re?uest# @1A0%00 $lus shi$$ing, reason for $urchase# floats can !e used in any of our tanks throughout our system failures< Slack 1hemical, sodium thio= sulfate, B0 l!% !ags, C00 l!s% D @1%00El!%, total cost of re?uest# @C00%00, reason for $urchase# chemicals used in the treatment $rocess< Slack 1hemical, "0F magnesium hydro:ide, BB gal% drums, 220 gal% D @C%00Egal, total cost of re?uest# @AA0%00, reason for $urchase# treat $lant flo' for alkalinity and $-< Slack 1hemical, chlorine !leach, BB gal% drums, 110 gal% D @2%""Egal, total cost of re?uest# @2G3%00, reason for $urchase#

2 chemicals used in the treatment $rocess< Slack 1hemical, !ulk coagulant 8&A19, .A %, 300 .A % D @2%ABEgal, total cost of re?uest @ABB%00, reason for $urchase# chemicals used in the treatment $rocess% Motion seconded !y Ben)amin Fenton% Todd &ascarella= Aye% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% Monthly Report/July 2013 At this time the 22T& is running through most of the month at a reduced rate of flo'% (ela'are 6$erations discharged effluent flo' from the facility a!out B or " days a 'eek% 6$erators continue to monitor the $um$ station and the collection system on a daily !asis% There 'ere t'o emergencies at the Fleischmann>s facility in Huly 2013% 6n t'o se$arate 'eekends in Huly there 'ere $ro!lems 'ithin the collection system% 6n Huly "th one of the main influent $um$s at the (e$ot St% &um$ station clogged 'ith rags% Also on Huly 2Ith there 'as a !lockage in the main se'er line on 2agner A+enue% No arking!/"illage u#p $tation Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to ha+e Mike Myers and eland Hohnson, ;;; order and erect a no=$arking sign at the Village &um$ Station reading# Village of Fleischmanns 4oticeJ%4o &arking Allo'ed, for Munici$al 7se * Tenants of CG2 Main Street, Fleischmanns, 4, onlyJ%%;llegally &arked Vehicles 'ill !e To'ed at Vehicle 6'ner>s 5:$ense% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% lanning Board C%air#an/&esignation/Larr' &eill' Motion made !y Todd &ascarella to acce$t the resignation of arry 0eilly as 1hairman of the Village &lanning Board% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Todd &ascarella=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% lanning Board Me#ber/&esignation/(o%n )ranito Motion made !y Todd &ascarella to acce$t the resignation of Hohn .ranito from the Village of Fleischmanns &lanning Board% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Todd &ascarella=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% lanning Board/Donald E* +earne' Motion made !y Todd &ascarella to a$$oint (onald 5% /earney as 1hairman of the Village &lanning Board for a term of t'o 829 years e:$iring August 12, 201B% Motion seconded !y Ben)amin Fenton% Todd &ascarella=Aye% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=4ay% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion not carried% lanning Board/(ason ,adler Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to a$$oint Hason 2adler to the Village of Fleischmanns &lanning Board for a term of fi+e 8B9 years, e:$iring August 12, 201A% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% -oning Board o. Appeals//vonne &euter Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to re=a$$oint ,+onne 0euter to the Village of Fleischmanns Koning Board of A$$eals for a term of t'o 829 years, e:$iring Aug% 12, 201B% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried%

Co#plaint/0ait% C%err' The follo'ing letter 'as recei+ed from Faith 1herry of ake Street# -ello, ; am 'riting to you re?uesting that an issue on the street ; li+e on !e addressed, this is Faith 1herry and ; li+e at CI0 ake Street, 'hich is in the Village limits% My dri+e'ay is )ust $ast the 0egis -otel and 'e are the last house in the Village limits% The issue stems mostly from e:cessi+e s$eed% Starting )ust $ast Sam>s 1ountry Store, to'ards -alcott, and going the entire length of ake Street there are no side'alks, no shoulder to the high'ay, so one has to 'alk, )og, !ike in the road'ay% ake Street is $acked 'ith $eo$le in the summer that are 'alking, !iking, )ogging, etc% and there are a lot of young children that 'alk it alone% The s$eed issue has to !e addressed in some manner, more signage, i%e%# Lslo', $edestrians in road'ayM more s$eed limit signs alerting $eo$le it is a Village street, $olice $resence for a $eriod of time, etc% ; asked to ha+e a s$eed limit sign that fell do'n !e re=installed a!out 2 months ago< it still lies on the ground% There is a lot of traffic on this street, B;. 16MM501;A T071/S, and )ust regular traffic of 'hich most of the +ehicles go 'ay o+er the s$eed limit% ;t is +ery hard along the $assage of the street to see other +ehicles, and +ery hard in $laces to $ass 2 +ehicles together and then ha+e to dodge sometimes large clusters of $eo$le that are in the road'ay any gi+en time of day or e+ening% Then the ne:t issue comes from the conditions ; )ust descri!ed% There are $eo$le that fre?uent this street that are )ust $lain offensi+e and o!no:ious to the $edestrians 'ho 'alk along this street 'hich ha+e no alternati+e means of getting off the road% The offensi+e $eo$le literally hold on their horn starting from the 0egis -otel and continue until they reach Sam>s 1ountry Store, and on the return do the same along 'ith the loud, diesel trucks re++ing their engines and scaring the $eo$le to the $oint that it seems like racial $rofiling% ; 'ould like the Village Board to consider the $ro!lems and address them ho'e+er a$$ro$riate% (e$uty Mayor Fenton re?uested a memo to the Village cre' to !e sure the Village limit sign is $ut !ack u$ along 'ith the 30 m$h sign% Michelle Sidrane ad+ised that the s$eed limit sign coming do'n Bree3y -ill 0oad is !locked currently !y !ranches 'hich need to !e cut !ack% Bike &a1ks (iscussion 'as held as to $lacing t'o !icycle racks !y the &ost 6ffice% Attorney Hohn Fair!airn, ;;; 'as asked !y the Board to $re$are a letter to !e sent to 0atilal &atel seeking $ermission to $lace the !ike racks on his $ro$erty% C,C )rant/Debris &e#oval Village Trustee -arriet % .rossman administered and follo'ed through 'ith the 121 Stream 1orridor &rotection (e!ris 0emo+al &rogram in the Village ena!ling all $ro$erties in+ol+ed to !e com$leted% ,ater Dept*/234 $1%neider Ave* Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to 'ai+e the current amount due for 'ater on 'ater account N 00022B located at 1C0 Schneider A+enue, Fleischmanns, 4, in the amount of @C12%A0 and !egin 'ater !illing 'ith the Huly !illing cycle% Motion seconded !y Todd &ascarella% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% ,ater Dept*/563 Main $treet Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to 'ai+e the 'ater charges for the ne:t three 839 years on 'ater account N 00001", located at ABC Main Street, Fleischmanns, 4e' ,ork starting 'ith the Huly !illing cycle% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye%

C (a+id ,ates=Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% It is noted that the owner of property located at 854 Main Street, Fleischmanns, New York, John Blish, was present at the meetin , and !er"ally a reed with the offer of the #illa e of Fleischmanns Board of $r%stees to wai!e the water char es for the ne&t three years startin with the J%ly "illin cycle% ,ater 7esting The !acteriological e:amination of 'ater for 11"C Main Street, CB Bridge Street and 1C0 Schneider A+enue 'as com$leted 'ith the results !eing satisfactory on all three 839 $ro$erties% According to &art B of the 4,S Sanitary 1ode, these results indicate that the 'ater 'as of a satisfactory sanitary ?uality 'hen the sam$le 'as collected% ropert' Maintenan1e/En.or1e#ent The Village Board discussed the need for $ro$erty maintenance 'hich 'ill !egin 'ith the 156, 1arl &atrick (a+is, making $hone calls to those in +iolation% Mayor &ascarella 'ill formulate a listing of $hone num!ers for such $ro$erties% Attorney Fair!airn has furnished draft letters to !e sent to offenders to remedy the $ro!lem or enforcement action 'ill !e taken if the issue is not corrected in 1B days% &esolution/$upporting A11eptan1e o. 0unding .or Operation and Maintenan1e o. $1%neider Avenue $tor#water ro8e1t At the Village Board Meeting 6f the Village of Fleischmanns, 4e' ,ork -eld at the Skene Memorial i!rary on Monday, August 12, 2013 and 7$on motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton and seconded !y (a+id ,ates, the follo'ing resolution 'as duly ado$ted# ,%ereas9 the Village of Fleischmanns 8the LVillageM9 a$$lied for funding from the 1atskill 2atershed 1or$oration 81219 for the 6$eration and maintenance 86*M9 of the Schneider A+enue Storm'ater 0etrofit &rogram, ,%ereas9 the 121 granted this a$$lication and a$$ro+ed the funding of the 6*M of this $ro)ect for a term of t'enty 8209 years, and Now9 7%ere.ore9 Be :t &esolved9 !y the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, in regular session duly con+ened, as follo's# 1% The Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns here!y acce$ts the terms of the funding authori3ation set forth !y the 121 and here!y authori3es Mayor Todd &ascarella to sign the 1ontract 'ith 121 'hich $ro+ides for u$ to @32,"IA%IB in funds for the 6$eration and Maintenance of the Schneider A+enue Storm'ater &ro)ect% ==================================================== orraine (eMarfio, Village 1lerk Village of Fleischmanns August 12, 2013 State of 4e' ,ork 9 9ss# 1ounty of (ela'are9 ;, orraine (eMarfio, Village 1lerk of the Village of Fleischmanns, 4e' ,ork, do here!y certify that the foregoing is a true and correct transcri$t of a resolution ado$ted !y the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fleischmanns, 4e' ,ork on August 12, 2013 and the 'hole thereof% ================================================= orraine (eMarfio, Village 1lerk Village of Fleischmanns

Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to a$$ro+e the a!o+e resolution% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% ool/Li.e )uard Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to hire 0yan Tota as a life guard at the rate of @13%00 $er hour% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% ool/&e1reation Aide Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to hire Sarah 0udge as a 0ecreation Aide at the Village $ool% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates= Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles= A!sent% Motion so carried% art 7i#e A11ountant &eport/Ending (une ;49 <42; Motion made !y Todd &ascarella to ta!le a$$ro+al of the &art Time Accountant 0e$ort ending Hune 30, 2013 as $re$ared !y 0ussell Sche!esta% Motion seconded !y Ben)amin Fenton% Todd &ascaella=Aye% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% "ou1%ers/August9 <42; Motion made !y Todd &ascarella to $ay the follo'ing +ouchers for the month of August, 2013# .eneral Fund, A!stract N 1B, Vouchers N B" through IG totaling @13,CG1%23, .eneral Fund, A!stract N 1", Vouchers N A0 through AA totaling @30"B%11< .eneral Fund, A!stract N 1A, Vouchers N AG through GB totaling @CI,1AB%C"< 2ater (e$artment Fund, A!stract N 3, Voucher N 12 through 1G totaling @B,GCI%G1< Se'er (e$artment Fund, A!stract N C in the amount of @GBA%A2, A!stract N B, Vouchers N 20 through 31, totaling @3C,2CC%C"< 2ater &ro)ect Fund, A!stract N 2, Voucher N2 totaling @3"AC0%CI% Motion seconded !y Ben)amin Fenton% Todd &ascarella=Aye% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% -arriet % .rossman=A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried% Ad8ourn Motion made !y Ben)amin Fenton to ad)ourn% Motion seconded !y (a+id ,ates% Ben)amin Fenton=Aye% (a+id ,ates=Aye% Todd &ascarella=Aye% -arriet % .rossman= A!sent% /athleen 0ostad Miles=A!sent% Motion so carried%

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