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1 Village of Fleischmanns Special Meeting June 25, 2013 The Village of Fleischmanns Board of Trustees held a Special Meeting

on Tuesda , June 25, 2013 at the S!ene Memorial "i#rar at 10$30 a%m% &resent 'ere$ (eput Ma or Ben)amin Fenton, *arriet "% +rossman and ,athleen -ostad Miles% .#sent 'ere Ma or Todd &ascarella and (a/id 0ates% Indemnification Agreement .s of the 1111111da of 11111111111, 2013, the undersigned, 0ehuda Singer, 'hose address is 1233 4 25th Street, Broo!l n, 50 11213 and Village of Fleischmanns, its offices at 1016 Main Street, Fleischmanns, 50 12230, agree as follo's$ The former tenant of 332 Main Street, Fleischmanns, 50, 0ehuda Singer, agrees to remo/e all personal propert in or attached to the inside of the portion of the mo/ie theater #uilding located at 332 Main Street that Singer had rented from the pre/ious o'ner% The Village of Fleischmanns o#tained the mo/ie theater propert in .ugust of 2011 and has held the propert since% Singer no' re7uests to remo/e items of personal propert including, #ut not limited to, shel/ing units attached to the space, and refrigeration units in #oth the store and the lo## % Singer represents and 'arrants that he has the sole, e8clusi/e o'nership of the items in the premises and has the right to remo/e them and dispose of these items as he sees fit, su#)ect to this agreement% The Village here# agrees to allo' Singer to enter the space, remo/e all personal propert , remo/e the shel/ing affi8ed to the premises, repair all damage to the space from the remo/al of the items, including #ut not limited to patching the 'alls, ceiling, and floors 'here the shel/es 'ere attached% Singer further agrees to indemnif and hold the Village harmless from an against an and all losses, lia#ilities, claims, in)uries, propert damage other causes for litigation that occurs during or resulting from this remo/al of personal propert , including #ut not limited to, claims of o'nership to these items, damage or su#se7uent la'suits% Singer understands that the Village is permitting him to remo/e these items e/en though the Village feels it has a strong legal right to !eep these items% *o'e/er, in the interest of a/oiding litigation and #uilding a stronger, more di/erse communit , the Village 'ill allo' Singer to remo/e these items% Singer must remo/e all personal propert , including all ru##ish, discarded items, or an thing that is damaged during the remo/al of the personal propert % 9ther than the shel/ing 'hich has #een attached to the premises, no other fi8tures ma #e remo/ed, modified, damaged or altered in an 'a % ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0ehuda Singer State of New York ) )ss: County of Delaware) 9n 1111111111da of1111111112013, #efore me personall came 0ehuda Singer, to me !no'n, 'ho #eing # me dul s'orn, did depose and sa that he is 0ehuda Singer, and that he did e8ecute the foregoing instrument%

111111111111111111111111111111 ;Signature< (Seal) 5ame of 5otar $1111111111111111111111 ;&rinted or Stamped<

Motion made # ,athleen -ostad Miles to appro/e the a#o/e =ndemnification .greement% Motion seconded # Ben)amin Fenton% ,athleen -ostad Miles:. e% Ben)amin Fenton:. e% *arriet "% +rossman:. e% Todd &ascarella:.#sent% (a/id 0ates:.#sent% Motion so carried% Adjourn Motion made # ,athleen -ostad Miles to ad)ourn% Motion seconded # Ben)amin Fenton% ,athleen -ostad Miles:. e% Ben)amin Fenton:. e% *arriet "% +rossman:. e% Todd &ascarella:.#sent% (a/id 0ates:.#sent% Motion so carried%

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