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As the final syllables slipped from NOAH'S mouth, he was abruptly cut off by the sound of an enraged engine

roaring high in the air. The booming noise grew louder and louder as moments passed, seeming to get closer and more intense with each passing second. NOAH attempted to shout over the noise of the raging engine, but the great and terrible noise made conversation impossible at any volume. Soon, the roof collapsed and a massive pod made of steel crashed in, crushing NOAH and tearing his legs from his body. As he crawled away, sobbing with agony, the door of the massive metal pod slammed open, crushing his pelvis with a meaty splatter. The pod was covered in the aquila recognizable by all loyal citizens of the Imperium, an eagle with it's wings spread wide in a glorious line, it's two heads watching vigilantly for all who would dare to challenge it. From within the pod came three massive men in Power Armor, their pauldrons gleaming, also covered in the Imperial Eagle aquila, skulls on their shoulders helmets on their heads, red eyes warning to their enemies that death was upon them in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind. Their armor was gunmetal grey, untouched by the shameful paints of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and their shoulders bared Iron Hands of Ferrus Manus. The leader of this band of noble Astartes looked down and saw NOAH attempting to crawl away, his guts trailing behind him like uncoiled rope. He took his flag from one of the others and brought it's spiked base to the ground, impaling NOAH's skull, finally ending the heretic's delicious agonies. The two guards brought their bolters to the ready, taking aim on the one their helmets identified as ALEX. The leader raised one hand to the guards, stopping them before their trigger fingers beat their minds to the punch. He pulled out his chainsaw sword and drove the wrathful blade through the chest of ALEX, sending shredded flesh, gore, and bone flying in all directions in a glorious rain. The whirring blade tore apart his insides, stopping a scream in the heretic's throat. Instead of noise, there came only blood from his throat as he choked on his last breath. The space marine withdrew his blade and ALEX crumpled to his feet, liquified organs spilling from the ruin that was once his chest. The final heretic, SEIMEI, attempted to flee in terror, tears flowing from his eyes like amesac brandy, the tears of a heretic who has only now seen the light of the GodEmperor. The guards fired a few warning shots between the man's legs, causing him to stumble and trip in terror. The leader pointed to the heretic who was attempting to rise, then signaled with three fingers. The guard put away his bolter and stepped up to the heretic, who was attempting to crawl away, his face now red from his sobbing, his breaths ragged and his pants filled from his terror. The Astartes brought his mighty foot down on the legs of the heretic, crushing them with the sound of shattering bone. The heretic screamed and his bladder failed him. The Astartes stood him upon his ruined legs, then turned him and forcing him to his knees. Again he screamed, his suffering going unheard by the holy Space Marines. SEIMEI pleaded desperately for life, offering everything to simply be allowed to live another day. The leader of these Space Marines approached SEIMEI and punched him in the face, blackening his eye and smashing teeth. His nose, as well as his mouth, now poured blood. The blubbering weakling continued to beg forgiveness. The leader took no pity

upon the heretic scum and pointed his second guard to the heretic. The first that had forced the heretic to his knees tightly bound the heretic's hands with rope, breaking the wrists, then stepped back. The leader finally spoke. "The only redemption that you shall be given, heretic, is the redemption brought by eternal silence." The pathetic man continued to beg, clearly not understanding the words of the Astartes leader. He gestured to the second guard, who raised his bolter and fired into SEIMEI. First his head exploded in a shower of gore, sending bone fragments and grey matter flying throughout the room, then his body was ripped into shreds, spilling pieces of organ tissue and blood all across the room. Eventually, all that was left was a pair of demolished legs and a pelvis with the organs from his body lying strewn and shredded all over the floor. The leader of the Astartes laughed joyfully at the destruction wrought upon the heretics. "FOR THE EMPEROR!!!

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