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CURRICULUM MAP Grade IV October October Periods 4 Week 1 -TOPICS (resources) Reading Professor Inkpots telescope 1.

Macmillan English language Or book 3 Mrs. Hams hat Page no.10 to 17 Discussion on passage (S) Vocabulary Comprehension practice (W) Complete the sentences Circle the best word to complete each sentence. Directions Language building Sentences How to write direct speech Punctuation marks Writing Students look at the pictures, answer the questions and write the story Speaking Students look at the pictures and narrate the story in their own words. Listening A thin man vocabulary,cloze,crossword scrambled sentences Grammar: Was and were Use past tense of verb Spelling activity : Silent b Lamb, plumber, comb .. The Grammar handbook 2

www.rongchang.com puzzle, Easy Reading for ESL Beginners (1)

October Periods 4

Week 2 -TOPICS Reading Chinese Dragons/ Lost Freddy Discussion on passage (S) Vocabulary Comprehension practice (W) Circle the best word to complete each sentence. Writing Students are given the beginning of a story; they are also given questions after which they write about a dragon. Speaking Students describe a dragon from the given pictures. Listening Students listen to a short passage on a dragon, they then draw a picture after listening to the description. Washing her hands vocabulary,cloze,crossword puzzle, scrambled sentences Grammar: Joining two sentences together using conjunctions and and but

(resources) 1.Macmillan English language book 3 Page no.18 to 25

2Comprehending fiction lower primary

www.rongchang.com Easy Reading for ESL Beginners (1)

Spelling activity : Words which have u sound e.g. cut,but.hut

October Periods 4

Week 3-TOPICS Reading The Aztecs of Central America/ Jennys birthday Discussion on passage (S) Vocabulary Comprehension practice (W) True or false Complete the sentences. Writing Students write about Aztec children by looking at the pictures Speaking Students look at the pictures of people from the time of the Aztecs and talk about the pictures. Listening Water and an apple vocabulary,cloze,crossword puzzle, scrambled sentences Grammar: Number rule -nouns ending with a y Asking questions and answering with yes or no Correct the false sentences using did not and the given verbs. Spelling activity : Words that have ea which make the long sound ee and sound like a short e

1.Macmillan English language

book 3 Page no.

26 to 33

2Comprehending fiction lower primary

www.rongchang.com Easy Reading for ESL Beginners (1)

November Periods 4

Week 1 -TOPICS (resources) Reading The horse race/Connie and her Kittens 1.Macmillan English language Discussion on passage (S) book 3 Vocabulary Page no.44 - 51 Comprehension practice (W) Answer the questions Working with word Writing Students read and look at the pictures. They read different openings for a story and choose the most interesting one they then continue with the story. Speaking Students talk about the different races that are conducted all over the world Listening Eggs and an apple vocabulary,cloze,crossword scrambled sentences

www.rongchang.com puzzle, Easy Reading for ESL Beginners (1)

Grammar: Degree of comparison superlative Spelling activity : The letter oiin some words like oy students listen and read

November Periods 4

Week 2 -TOPICS Reading Week 2 -TOPICS Reading Ice age giants\Circus time Discussion on passage (S) Vocabulary Comprehension practice (W) Complete the sentences Name the animals Writing Students look at the pictures, and write about the wooly rhino. Speaking Students talk about the mentioned in the passage. Listening Melted cheese vocabulary,cloze,crossword scrambled sentences



1.Macmillan English language book 3 Page no.52 ---59

2Comprehending fiction lower primary


puzzle, www.rongchang.com
Easy Reading for ESL Beginners (1)

Grammar: Past tense of regular and irregular verbs Degree of comparison of adjectives good, bad beautiful dangerous. Spelling activity : The letters aw in words makes a sound like or

November Periods 4

Week 3 -TOPICS (resources) Reading Holiday Island/Adams Ride 1.Macmillan English language Discussion on passage (S) book 3 Vocabulary Page no.72 to 77 Comprehension practice (W) Circle true or false 2Comprehending fiction lower Answer the questions primary Writing Students look at the pictures, answer the questions and write the story Speaking Talk about different landforms Listening Earthquake Grammar: Add ing to words. Use of must and mustnt
www.rongchang.com Easy Reading for ESL Beginners (1)

Spelling activity : The letters ew can say oo sound words

November Periods 4

Week 4 -TOPICS (resources) Reading A letter from a sailor/ 1.Macmillan English language Old Bill book 3 Discussion on passage (S) Page no. 78 --85 Vocabulary Matching the picture with words 2Comprehending fiction lower Synonym given ,write the word primary Comprehension practice (W) Answer these questions Choose the best ending for the given sentences. Writing Students look at the pictures, and finish the letter. Speaking Students talk about sailing. www.rongchang.com Listening A simple salad Grammar: Conjunction because Use wanted in sentences Spelling activity : wh words Wh question words Easy Reading for ESL Beginners (1)

October Periods 4

Week 4 -TOPICS Reading Animals in the Gobi desert/ Sid the Week 4 -TOPICS Reading Animals in the Gobi desert/ Sid the

(resources) 1.Macmillan English language book 3 Page no. 36 - 43

snail 2Comprehending fiction lower Discussion on passage (S) primary Vocabulary Cross word puzzle Complete the sentences Choose the correct ending Comprehension practice (W) Answer these questions Choose the best ending for the given sentences.

Writing Students write a description of a yak Easy Reading for ESL Beginners (1) by looking at the picture. Speaking Students choose the characters and say the dialogues. Listening A clean floor Grammar: Plurals of words ending in f and fe Degree of comparison Spelling activity : Words ending in y which the make the sound ee Activities: Cookery session-- Making popcorns Making pizza Thank you emails sent to PYPcoordinator and kitchen coordinator

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