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Quando usar o SIMPLE PRESENT? Use SIMPLE PRESENT if youre expressing a habitual action; Use SIMPLE PRESENT when you tell about a fact; Use SIMPLE PRESENT with stative verbs; (LIKE, DISLIKE, LOVE, HATE, HAVE, UNDERSTAND, NEED, WANT, SEE, FORGET, REMEMBER, etc.) Pay attention to the position of the ADVERBIALS in the phrase in SIMPLE PRESENT; NEVER forget to add s, -es or ies, according to the verb ending on the THIRD PERSON SINGULAR. Exemplos: I sleep late. My wife wakes up early. (habitual actions) Depression kills. Does it rain here in summer? (facts) I dont like beer. She understands German. (stative verbs) Jim cycles in the morning. Susan doesnt ever arrive on time. People not always enjoy zoos. I get angry when I lose my keys. Silvia works late on Mondays. (adverbiais caractersticos do SIMPLE PRESENT) 1) Conjugue os seguintes verbos no SIMPLE PRESENT: TO BE I You He She It We they am am not

is aren't are

TO HAVE I You He She It We they have has don't have have don't have

TO DO I You He She It We they don't do doesn't do does do

TO WORK I You He She It We they don't work works doesn't work work

I You He She It We they

TO TEACH teach doesn't teach

teach don't teach

TO STUDY I You He She It We they don't study studies studies don't study

TO CAN I You He She It We they cant

can cant can

2) Usando o SIMPLE PRESENT para fazer perguntas. Quando fazemos perguntas em ingls utilizando o SIMPLE PRESENT devemos acrescentar DO ou DOES ao incio da frase. Esta norma se aplica a frases de todos os verbos, exceto TO BE e os modais CAN, WILL, WOULD, SHALL, SHOULD, MUST, MAY, etc. Neste caso, o verbo deve ser ANTEPOSTO AO SUJEITO para formar a frase interrogativa. Exemplos: You study every morning. (TO STUDY) Do you study every morning?

Michael is a journalist. (TO BE) Is Michael a journalist?

You can play the piano. (TO CAN) Can you play the piano? Transforme as seguintes frases em interrogativas. a) The students study in the large classroom.

b) Priscila teaches English to the clerks. c) Mimics arent always easy to understand.

d) It doesnt work. e) Ivan can speak Russian. f) g) He knows accountancy. Today isnt a holiday.

h) My cousins speak Italian. i) j) Books should be cheaper. Nathalie Cole and Nat King Cole sing very well.

As perguntas iniciadas com interrogative pronouns ( WHAT, WHICH, WHERE, WHEN, HOW e WHY) tambm devem receber o auxiliar DO ou DOES. Neste caso, o auxiliar continua ANTEPOSTO AO SUJEITO, colocado entre o interrogative pronoun e o sujeito. Exemplos: I teach French. What do you teach? I am from Poland. Where are you from? She prefers the red car.

Which car does she prefer? I can leave in the morning. When can you leave? O interrogative pronoun WHO eventualmente dispensa o uso do auxiliar DO ou DOES. Who teaches English? Who do you teach English to? Who lives with you? Who do you live with? Who waits for Jane? Who does Jane wait for? Who prefers to work in San Francisco? Who do they prefer to work in San Francisco?

WHO dispensa o auxiliar DO ou DOES quando o verbo principal intransitivo. Note tambm que todas as vezes que WHO dispensa o auxiliar o verbo principal conjugado na terceira pessoa do singular (forma com S), sendo que WHO passa a ser tambm o SUJEITO da frase. Elabore perguntas para estas frases. a) I study Italian and German.

b) Mr. Lewis works in Belgium. c) My birthday is in July.

d) They go to work by train. e) f) g) We eat at that small restaurant on the corner. The Mitchels can run the company. CME has the best proposal.

h) I make money selling goods. i) j) She prefers a sandwich. We take vacations in August.

3) Complete os textos com a forma adequada do verbo no SIMPLE PRESENT. Texto 1 I __________ (be) a very busy person. I __________ (wake up) early in the morning, at about 6. Then my wife __________ (wake up) and __________ (dress up) our daughter, Lucy. Lucy__________ (get up) early because she__________ (have) to go to school. Then I__________ (go) to the bathroom, __________ (shave) and__________ (take) a shower. Me

and my wife only __________ (have) breakfast together on the weekends. We __________ (pick up) our daughter and __________ (drive) her to school. We __________ (leave) her at school at 7 and then I __________ (drive) my wife to work. She __________ (work) from 8 am to 2 pm. Then I __________ (drive) to work. I __________ (work) from 9 am to 5 pm. We only __________ (see) each other again in the evening.

Texto 2 Marcos __________ (be) an accountant. He __________(work) for IBM. He __________(go) to work by car. Marcos __________(leave) home at 7 a.m. It __________(take) him half an hour to get to the office. He __________(park) his car and then he __________(have) a coffee and a snack in a cafeteria in the surroundings. After that he __________(walk) to work. He __________(enter) __________(starts) the to building, work. __________(take) the elevator married and with at 7:45 he They




__________(live) in an apartment in New York. They __________(have) dinner together every evening. Sometimes they __________(eat out). They __________(go) to the cinema and then they __________(have) dinner together in a fancy restaurant. They __________(come back) home before 11 p.m. Marcos __________(have) to rest and to get prepared for another work day.

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