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Larly ?

ears School Closure lan uay 1

We suggesL you do an acLlvlLy from each of Lhese areas of learnlng below per day, however Lhls ls a
suggesLlon and you are more Lhan welcome Lo caLer Lhls plan Lo your famllles own needs

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aLLern maklng: uslng elLher markers, palnLs or
even ob[ecLs LhaL you have loLs of (eg leaves,
beads, spoons and forks, lego, blocks)

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Pave a go of Lhese sandwlch roll ups lf you have
some lngredlenLs avallable:

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Ln[oy a danclng and slnglng sesslon wlLh '1he
Wlggles' aL Lhls llnk:

Allow Llme Lo [usL play wlLh Loys, wlLh oLher
people ln your house, wlLh your nelghbours....

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Pelp ouL wlLh slmple chores around Lhe house:
Make your own bed, seL Lhe Lable for dlnner, help
wash Lhe dlshes, help Lo make a meal.

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Make opporLunlLles Lo read books by yourself or
wlLh your Mum or uad or your broLher or slsLer.
Share your favourlLe parLs of Lhe book.

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1oday's focus ls MaLh
lor lad Lry Lhls free App:

lor CompuLer's please go Lo Lhls llnk:

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Choose beLween:
Colng for a swlm wlLh an adulL supervlslng
Colng Lo a local park lf posslble
8lowlng up a balloon and playlng balloon Lap
CreaLlng an obsLacle course uslng household
furnlLure and Llmlng how qulckly you can geL
Lhrough lL C8 how many Llmes you can compleLe
lL ln 13 mlnuLes

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