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All about Google Android...

On 5 November 2007 Google announced to develop jointly with 33 other members of the Open
Handset Alliance, a mobile operating system called Android. The Android operating system is free
software distributed under the Apache License 2.0.

As the first device with Android as the operating system came on 22 October 2008 under the name
of the HTC Dream T-Mobile G1 in the U.S. on the market.

The architecture of Android is based on the Linux kernel 2.6. He is responsible for memory
management, process management and network communications. It also provides the hardware
abstraction layer for the rest of the software and provides the device drivers for the system.

Other important components are based on the Sun Microsystems developed Java technology-based
virtual machine and associated Dalvik Android Java class libraries.

To provide programming of its own Android applications on 12 Published November 2007

development system (m3 rc20a) 1448 Java classes and 394 interfaces. Of these, 511 classes and 128
interfaces Android-specific. In the java and javax packages are 612 or 145 classes and 150 and 51
interfaces. Numerically significant is the contribution of the Apache Commons project: 128 classes
and 20 interfaces. The remaining non-Google emanating class libraries distributed over the
packages org.bluez, org.json, org.w3c.dom and org.xml.sax.

The runtime environment of Android is based on the Dalvik virtual machine, virtual, developed by
Google employee Dan Bornstein machine. The Dalvik VM functionally similar to the normal Java
VM, both of which lead from the so-called byte-code. One major difference is the underlying
virtual processor architecture. The Java VM is based on a stack machine; Dalvik VM contrast, is a
register machine. By differentiating processor architecture, the normal Java compiler compiled
programs are not suitable for the Dalvik VM, but Google could draw on the existing Java
development tools.

Most modern compilers generate intermediate code as a stack machine code. This intermediate
allows to abstract from the processor architecture of the target platform, part of the programming is
separated from the concrete processor architecture. Since the processor model of the stacking
machine is very simple, it is usually used for the Übersetzerzwischensprache. Most real processors
today are register machines, such as the 80x86 and the ARM processor. Register architectures are
often more efficient, since the CPU on its own especially fast access memory cells, registers, has.
Dalvik notes the transformation of the stack machine code into the register machine code at compile
time already anticipated. To this end, the tool is used dx, "dx" stands for Dalvik cross-assembler.
Check http://googlephoneandroid.com/ for more infos.
Applications for the Androidplattform are invariably written in Java, but take them in speed-critical
areas to many in C or C + + written in native libraries. Among them are beside codecs for media
playback, a web browser based on WebKit, a database (SQLite) and an OpenGL based 3D graphics

To develop your own applications for Android, you need a recent Java SDK and also the Android
SDK. First written in the Java source code is compiled with a normal Java compiler, and then
adjusted by a cross-assembler for the Dalvik VM. For this reason, in principle, programs can be
created with any Java development environment.

The framework relies on a strong modularity. Thus, all components of the system) are generally
equal (except the Virtual Machine and the underlying core system and can always be replaced. It is
therefore possible, for example, create a separate application for creating Flash, or to dial phone
numbers from and to replace the existing application with it.
Existing software

Although the project is still very young, there are already over 10,000 applications (September 8,
2009). In the SDK, a Web browser in addition, a mapping application (Google Maps), a program
for managing contacts and a set of API demonstration applications included. Developed software
can be offered by the developers on the Android Market. This platform, however - not unlike the
open source Android system -. The access to the Android Market is currently very limited in most
countries is available on handsets only freely available software, while commercial software is
subject to a few countries.
Phones with Android as the operating system

By end 2009, Google expects the world for at least 18 models of mobile phones Android .
The first Android phone was the HTC Dream, the second android phone was the HTC Magic. But
there will be release many more android phones.
At http://googlephoneandroid.com/ you can find a full list of all android phones.

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