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How Brain Software Programs You and Your World

Robert Anton Wilson

Introductory Note Each chapter in this book contains exercises which will help the readers comprehend and internalize (learn to use) the principles of Quantum s!cholo"!# $deall!% the book should ser&e as a stud! manual for a "roup which meets once a week to perform the exercises and discuss the dail!'life implications of the lessons learned# $ also emplo! the scatter techni(ue of )ufi writers# *opics do not alwa!s appear in linear% lo"ical order% but in a non'linear psycho-logical order calculated to produce new wa!s of thinkin" and percei&in"# *his techni(ue also intends to assist the process of internalization# Fore-Words An Historical Glossary It is dangerous to understand new things too quickly. (+osiah Warren% True Civilization) )ome parts of this book will seem materialistic to man! readers% and those who dislike science (and understand new thin"s &er! (uickl!) mi"ht e&en decide the whole book has a )cientific ,aterialist or (the! mi"ht e&en sa!) scientistic bias# -uriousl!% other parts of the book will seem m!stical (or worse'than'm!stical) to other readers and these people mi"ht decide the book has an occult . or e&en solipsistic . bias# $ make these "loom! predictions with "reat assurance% based on experience# $ ha&e heard m!self called a materialist and a m!stic so often that $ ha&e become wearil! con&inced that no matter how $ chan"e m! st!le or an"le of approach from one book to the next% some people will alwa!s read into m! pa"es precisel! the o&erstatements and o&ersimplifications that $ ha&e most carefull! a&oided utterin"# *his problem does not seem uni(ue to me/ somethin" similar happens to e&er! writer% to a "reater or lesser extent# -laude )hannon pro&ed% in 0123% that noise "ets into e&er! communication channel% howe&er desi"ned# 0 $n electronics (telephone% radio% *4 etc#) noise takes the form of static or interference or crossed wires etc# *his explains wh! !ou ma! hear% while lookin" at a football "ame on *4% some woman interruptin" a forward pass to tell her "rocer how man! "allons of milk she wants that week# $n print% noise appears primaril! as t!pos . words that the printer left out% parts of sentences that land in the wron" para"raph% author5s corrections that "et misread and chan"ed one error to a different error% etc# $ ha&e e&en heard of a tender lo&e stor! that ended% in the author5s text% 6e kissed her under the silent stars% which startled some readers when it appeared in print as 6e kicked her under the silent stars# (Another &ersion of this 7ld Author5s *ale% more amusin" but less belie&able% claims the last line appeared as 6e kicked her under the cellar stairs#)

The Mathematical Theory of Communication% -laude )hannon% 8ni&ersit! of $llinois ress% 0123#

$n one of m! pre&ious books% rof# ,ario 9un"e appears as rof# ,ario ,un"e% and $ still don5t know how that happened% althou"h $ suspect $ deser&e as much blame as the t!pesetter# $ wrote the book in :ublin% $reland% with an article b! rof# 9un"e ri"ht in front of me% but corrected the "alle!s in 9oulder% -olorado% in the middle of a lecture tour% without the article for reference# *he (uotes from rof# 9un"e appeared correctl! in the book but his name appeared as ,un"e# $ hereb! apolo"ize to the rofessor (and de&outl! hope that he will not appear as ,un"e a"ain when this para"raph "ets published . a bit of t!po"raphical noise that would insult poor old 9un"e one more time and render this para"raph utterl! confusin" to the reader;) $n con&ersation% noise can enter due to distraction% back"round sounds% speech impediments% forei"n accents etc# and a man sa!in" $ <ust hate a pompous ps!chiatrist ma! seem% to listeners% to ha&e said% $ <ust ate a pompous ps!chiatrist# Semantic noise also seems to haunt e&er! communication s!stem# A man ma! sincerel! sa! $ lo&e fish% and two listeners ma! both hear him correctl!% !et the two will neurosemanticall! file this in their brains under opposite cate"ories# 7ne will think the man lo&es to dine on fish% and the other will think he lo&es to keep fish (in an a(uarium)# )emantic noise can e&en create a rather con&incin" simulation of insanit!% as :r# aul Watzla&ick has demonstrated in se&eral books# :r# Watzla&ick% incidentall!% "ot his first inklin" of this ps!chotomimetic function of semantic noise when arri&in" at a mental hospital as a new staff member# 6e reported to the office of the -hief s!chiatrist% where he found a woman sittin" at the desk in the outer office# :r# Watzlawick made the assumption he had found the boss5s secretar!# $5m Watzlawick% he said% assumin" the secretar! would know he had an appointment# $ didn5t sa! !ou were% she replied# A bit taken aback% :r# Watzlawick exclaimed% 9ut $ am# *hen wh! did !ou den! it= she asked# At this point% in :r# Watzlawick5s &iew of the situation% the woman no lon"er seemed a secretar!# 6e now classified her as a schizophrenic patient who had somehow wandered into the staff offices# >aturall!% he became &er! careful in dealin" with her# 6is re&ised assumption seems lo"ical% does it not= 7nl! poets and schizophrenics communicate in lan"ua"e that defies rational anal!sis% and poets do not normall! do so in ordinar! con&ersation% or with the abo&e de"ree of opacit!# *he! also do it with a certain ele"ance% lackin" in this case% and usuall! with some kind of rh!thm and sonorit!# 6owe&er% from the woman5s point of &iew% :r# Watzlawick himself had appeared as a schizophrenic patient# ?ou see% due to noise% she had heard a different con&ersation# A stran"e man had approached and said% $5m not )la&ic# ,an! paranoids be"in a con&ersation with such assertions% &itall! important to them% but soundin" a bit stran"e to the rest of us# $ didn5t sa! !ou were% she replied% tr!in" to soothe him# 9ut $ am% he shot back% thereb! "raduatin" from paranoid to paranoid schizophrenic in her <ud"ment# *hen wh! did !ou den! it= she asked reasonabl!% and became &er! careful in dealin" with him# An!bod! who had experience con&ersin" with schizophrenics will reco"nize how both parties in this con&ersation felt# :ealin" with poets ne&er has (uite this much hassle# *he reader will notice% as we proceed% that this -ommunication +am has more in common with man! famous political% reli"ious and scientific debates than most of us ha&e e&er "uessed# $n an attempt to minimize semantic noise (knowin" $ cannot eliminate it entirel!) $ offer here a kind of historical "lossar!% which will not onl! explain some of the technical <ar"on (from a &ariet! of fields) used in this book% but will also% $ hope% illustrate that m! &iewpoint does not belon" on either side of the traditional (pre'(uantum) debates that perpetuall! di&ide the academic world# Existentialism dates back to )oren @ierke"aard% and% in his case% represented (0) a re<ection of the abstract terms belo&ed b! most Western philosophers (A) a preference for definin" words and concepts in relation to concrete indi&iduals and their concrete choices in real' life situations (B) a new and trick! wa! of defendin" -hristianit! a"ainst the onslau"hts of rationalists#

Cor instance% +ustice is the ideal instrument of all humans to the Will of Dod contains the kind of abstraction that existentialists re"ard as "lorified "obbled!"ook# $t seems to sa! somethin" but if !ou tr! to <ud"e an actual case usin" onl! this as !our !ardstick !ou will find !ourself more baffled than enli"htened# ?ou need somethin" a bit more nitt!'"ritt!# +ustice appears% approximatel!% when a <ur! sincerel! attempts to think without pre<udice mi"ht pass muster with existentialist critics% but <ust barel!# eople use the word E<ustice5 to rationalize their abuse of one another would seem more plausible to >ietzschean existentialists# *he link between >ietzsche and @ierke"aard remains a bit of historical m!ster!# >ietzsche followed @ierke"aard in time% but whether he e&er read @ierke"aard seems uncertain/ the resemblance between the two ma! represent pure coincidence# >ietzsche5s existentialism (0) also attacked the floatin" abstractions of traditional philosoph! and a "reat deal of what passes for common sense (e#"#% he re<ected the terms "ood% e&il% the real world% and e&en the e"o) (A) also preferred concrete anal!sis of real'life situations% but emphasized will where @ierke"aard had emphasized choice% and (B) attacked -hristianit!% rather than defendin" it# 9riefl! . too briefl!% and therefore somewhat inaccuratel! . when we decide on a course of action and con&ince oursel&es or others that we ha&e reasoned it all out lo"icall!% existentialists "row suspicious# @ierke"aard would insist that !ou made the choice on the basis of some blind faith or other (faith in -hristianit!% faith in opular )cience articles% faith in ,arx; etc#) and >ietzsche would sa! that !ou as a biolo"ical or"anism will a certain result and ha&e rationalized !our biolo"ical dri&es# Fon" before Dodel5s roof in mathematics% existentialism reco"nized that we ne&er pro&e an! proposition completely but alwa!s stop somewhere short of the infinite steps re(uired for a total lo"ical proof of an!thin"/ e#"#% the ab!ss of infinit! opens in attemptin" to pro&e $ ha&e x dollars in the bank as soon as one (uestions the concept of ha&in" somethin"# ($ think $ ha&e a workin" computer but $ ma! find $ ha&e a non'workin" computer at an! moment#) Deor"e Washin"ton ser&ed two terms as resident seems pro&en to the a&era"e person when a )tandard Reference 9ook confirms it/ but this proof re(uires faith in )tandard References . a faith lackin" in man! re&isionist theor! of histor!# )artre also re<ected abstract lo"ic% and emphasized choice% but had a leanin" toward ,arxism and went further than @ierke"aard or >ietzsche in criticizin" terms without concrete referents# Cor instance% in a famous (and t!pical) passa"e% )artre re<ects the Creudian concept of latent homosexualit! on the "round that we ma! call a man homosexual if he performs homosexual acts but that we abuse the lan"ua"e when we assume an unobser&able essence of homosexualit! in those who do not perform homosexual acts# 9ecause of his emphasis on choice% )artre also denied that we can call a man a homosexual (or a thief% or saint% or an anti')emite etc#) except at a date# ,ar! had a lesbian affair last !ear% +ohn stole a cand! bar on *uesda!% Robin ha&e a coin to a be""ar on three occasions% E&el!n said somethin" a"ainst +ewish landlords two !ears a"o seems le"itimate sentences accordin" to )artre% but impl!in" an essence to these people appears fictitious# 7nl! after a man or woman has died% he claimed% can we sa! definitel!% )he was homosexual% 6e was a thief% 6e was charitable% )he was an anti')emite% etc# While life and choice remain% )artre holds% all humans lack essence and can chan"e suddenl!# (>ietzsche% like 9uddha% went further and claimed that we lack e"o . i#e#% one unchan"in" essential self#) 7ne summar! of existentialist theor! sa!s Existence precedes essence# *hat means that we do not ha&e an inborn metaph!sical essence% or e"o% such as assumed in most philosoph!#A e e!ist first and we perforce make choices" and" trying to understand or descri#e our e!istential choices" people attri#ute $essences% to us" #ut these $essences% remain la#els & mere words. >obod! knows how to classif! ,ax )tirner . a complex thinker who has stran"e affinities with atheism% anarchism% e"otism% Gen 9uddhism% amoralism% existentialism% and e&en A!n Rand5s 7b<ecti&ism# )tirner also disliked non'referential abstractions (or essences) and called them spooks% a term for which $ ha&e a perhaps inordinate fondness# B ,! used of this term does

>or does an iron bar possess the essence of hardness# $t merel! seems hard to humans% but mi"ht seem comparati&el! soft or pliable to a muscular HII'pound "orilla# 3 )pooks does not appear in )tirner5s Derman% of course# We actuall! owe this deli"htful term to )tiner5s translator% )tephen 9!in"ton#

not indicate a whole'hearted acceptance of )tirner5s philosoph! (or anti'philosoph!)% an! more than m! use of existential terms indicates total a"reement with @ierke"aard% >ietzsche or )artre# Edmund 6usserl stands midwa! between e!istentialism and phenomenology# Re<ectin" traditional philosoph! as utterl! as the existentialists% 6usserl went further and re<ected all concepts of realit! except the experiential (phenomenolo"ical)# $f $ see a pink elephant% 6usserl would sa!% the pink elephant belon"s to the field of human experience as much as the careful measurements made b! a scientist in a laborator! (althou"h it occupies a different area of human experience and probabl! has less importance for humanit!'in'"eneral% unless $ write a "reat poem about it;) 6usserl also emphasized the creativity in e&er! act of perception (i#e#% the brain5s role as instant interpreter of data% somethin" also noted b! >ietzsche) and thus has had a stron" influence on sociolo"! and some branches of ps!cholo"!# +an 6uizin"a% a :ucth sociolo"ist% studied the "ame element in human beha&ior% and noted that we li&e b! game rules which often ha&e ne&er risen to the le&el of conscious speech# $n other words% we not onl! interpret data as we recei&e it/ we also% (uickl! and unconsciousl!% fit the data to pre'existin" axioms% or "ame'rules% of our culture (or our sub'culture)# Cor instanceJ A cop clubs a man on the street# 7bser&er A sees Faw and 7rder performin" their necessar! function of restrainin" the &iolent with counter'&iolence# 7bser&er 9 sees that the cop has white skin and the man hit has black skin% and draws somewhat different conclusions# 7bser&er - arri&ed earlier and noted that the man pointed a "un at the cop before bein" clubbed# 7bser&er : hears the cop sa!in" )ta! awa! from m! wife and has a fourth &iew of the meanin" of the situation# Etc# Phenomenological sociology owes a "reat deal to 6usserl and 6uizin"a% and to Existentialism# :en!in" abstract or latonic realit! (sin"ular) the social scientists of this school reco"nize onl! social realities (plural) defined b! human interactions and "ame'rules% and limited b! the computational abilities of the human ner&ous s!stem# Ethnometho ology% lar"el! the creation of :r# -harles Darfinkle% combines the most radical theories of modern anthropolo"! and phenomenolo"ical sociolo"!# Reco"nizin" social realities (plural)% which it calls emic realities% ethnomethodolo"! shows how e&er! human perception% including the perceptions of social scientists who think they can study society $o#'ectively%% alwa!s contains the limits% the defects and the unconscious pre<udices of the emic reality (or social "ame) of the obser&er# henomenolo"ists and ethnomethodolosists sometimes acknowled"e an etic reality which is like unto the old'fashioned ob<ecti&e realit! of traditional (pre'existentialist) philosoph! and the ancient superstitions which ha&e b! now become common sense# 6owe&er% the! point out that we cannot sa! an!thin" meanin"ful about etic realit!% because an!thin" we can sa! has the structure of our etic realit! . our social "ame rules (especiall! our lan"ua"e "ame) . built into it# $f !ou wish to den! this% please send me a complete description of etic realit!% without usin" words% mathematics% music or other forms of human s!mbolism# ()end it express# $ ha&e wanted to see it for decades#) Existentialism and phenomenolo"! ha&e not onl! influenced some social scientists but man! artists and (uite a few social acti&ists or radicals# 9oth% howe&er% ha&e had bad repute amon" academic philosophers and their influence on the ph!sical sciences has not recei&ed much acknowled"ment# We shall now trace that influence# Pragmatism has a famil! resemblance to existentialism and phenomenolo"! and arose out of the same social manifold# *his philosoph!% or method% deri&es chiefl! from William +ames . a man so complex that his books land in the philosoph! section of some bookstores and libraries% the ps!cholo"! section elsewhere% and sometimes e&en appear in the reli"ion section# Fike existentialism% pra"matism re<ects spook! abstractions and most of the &ocabular! of traditional philosoph!# Accordin" to pra"matism% ideas ha&e meanin" onl! in concrete human situations% truth as abstraction has no meanin" at all% and the best we can sa! of an! theor! consists of% Well% this idea seams to work% at least for the time bein"#

!nstr"mentalism a la +ohn :ewe! follows pra"matism in "eneral% but especiall! emphasizes that the validity or utility of an idea . we ha&e "otten rid of truth% remember= . deri&es from the instruments used in testin" the idea% and will chan"e as instruments impro&e# Fike the other theories discussed thus far% $nstrumentalism has had more direct influence on social science (and educational theor!) than on ph!sical science% althou"h &astl! influenced #y ph!sical science# O#erationalism% created b! >obel ph!sicist erc! W# 9rid"man% attempts to deal with the common sense ob<ections to Relati&it! and Quantum ,echanics% and owes a "reat deal to pra"matism and instrumentalism# 9rid"man explicitl! pointed out that common sense deri&es unknowin"l! from some tenets of ancient philosoph! and speculation . particularl! latonic $dealism and Aristotelian essentialism . and that this philosoph! assumes man! axioms that now appear either untrue or unpro&able# -ommon sense% for instance% assumes that the statement *he <ob was finished in fi&e hours can contain both absolute truth and ob<ecti&it!# 7perationalism% howe&er% followin" Einstein (and pra"matism) insists that the onl! meanin"ful statement about that measurement would read hile I shared the same inertial system as the workers% m! watch indicated an inter&al of fi&e hours from tart to finish of the <ob# *he contradictor! statement% *he <ob took six hours then seems% not false% but e(uall! true% if the obser&er took the measurement from another inertial s!stem# $n that case% it should read% hile o#serving the workers( inertial system from my spaceship )another inertial system moving away from them)% $ obser&ed that m! watch showed an inter&al of six hours from start to finish of the <ob# 7perationalism has had a ma<or influence on the ph!sical sciences% a lesser influence on some social sciences% and appears lar"el! unknown to% or re<ected b!% academic philosophers% artists% humanists etc# 7ddl!% man! of these people% who dislike operationalism as a cold% scientific approach% ha&e no similar ob<ection to existentialism or phenomenolo"!# *his seems stran"e to me# $ re"ard existentialism and phenomenolo"! as the application to human relations of the same critical methods that operationalism applies to the ph!sical sciences# The Co#enhagen !nter#retation of (uantum ph!sics% created b! >iels 9ohr (another >obel winner)% sa!s much the same as operationalism% in e&en more radical lan"ua"e# Accordin" to 9ohr% common sense and traditional philosoph! both ha&e failed to account for the data of (uantum mechanics (and of Relati&it!) and we need to speak a new lan"ua"e to understand what ph!sics has disco&ered# *he new lan"ua"e su""ested b! 9ohr eliminates the same sort of abstractions attacked b! existentialism and tells us to define thin"s in terms of human operations% <ust like pra"matism and operationalism# 9ohr admitted that both the existentialist @ierke"aard and the pra"matist +ames had influences his thinkin" on these matters# (,ost scientists oddl! remain i"norant of this philosophic back"round of operationalism and <ust re"ard the operational approach as common sense . <ust as non'scientists re"ard latonic and Aristotelian metaph!sics as common sense#) General Semantics% the product of olish'American en"ineer Alfred @orz!bski% attempted to formulate a new non'Aristotelian lo"ic to remo&e the essentialist or Aristotelian "ame'rules from our neurolin"uistic reactions (speech and thinkin") and re'ali"n our brain software with the existentialist and phenomenolo"ical concepts of the abo&e s!stems and especiall! of (uantum mechanics# E' rime (En"lish without the word is)% created b! :# :a&id 9ourland% +r#% attempts to make the principles of Deneral )emantics more efficient and easier to appl!# $ owe "reat debts to both @orz!bski and 9ourland# Deneral )emantics has influenced recent ps!cholo"! and social science "reatl! but has had little effect on ph!sical sciences or education and &irtuall! no effect on the problems it attempted to alle&iate . i#e#% the omnipresence of unacknowled"ed bi"otr! and unconscious pre<udice in most human e&aluations# Transactional #sychology% based lar"el! on the pioneerin" research concernin" human perception conducted at rinceton 8ni&ersit! in the 012Is b! Albert Ames% a"rees with all the abo&e s!stems that we cannot know an! abstract *ruth but onl! relati&e truths (small t% plural) deri&ed from our gam#les as our brain makes models of the ocean of new si"nals it recei&es e&er! second#

*ransactionalism also holds that we do not passi&el! recei&e data from the uni&erse but acti&el! create the form in which we interpret the data as fast as we recei&e it# $n short% we do not re-act to information #ut e!perience transactions with information # Albert -amus in The *e#el refers to @arl ,arx as a reli"ious prophet who% due to a historical misunderstandin"% lies in the unbelie&ers5 section of an En"lish cemeter!# $ assert that% due to another historical misunderstandin"% operationalism and -openha"enism ha&e remained mostl! the propert! of ph!sicists and others in the hard sciences% while existentialism and phenomenolo"! ha&e "ained acceptance mostl! amon" literar! humanists and onl! sli"htl! amon" social scientists# *he &iewpoint of this book combines elements from both traditions% which $ think ha&e more that unifies them than separates them# $ also assert a "reat unit! between these traditions and radical 9uddhism% but $ will allow that to emer"e "raduall! in the course of m! ar"ument# Cor now% $ ha&e said enou"h to counteract most of the noise that mi"ht otherwise distort the messa"es $ hope to con&e!# *his book does not endorse the Abstract :o"mas of either ,aterialism or ,!sticism/ it tries to confine itself to the nitt!'"ritt! real'life contexts explored b! existentialism% operationalism and the sciences that emplo! existentialist'operationalist methods#

HO$ %O $E &NO$ $HAT $E &NO$' !( $E &NO$ ANYTH!NG)

! o not #reten to tell *hat is a+sol"tely tr"e' +"t *hat ! thin, is tr"e' Robert $n"ersoll% The +i#erty of Man" oman and Child

?ou can see the abo&e illustration two different wa!s# -an !ou see it both wa!s at the same time% or can !ou onl! chan"e !our mental focus rapidl! and see it first one wa! and then the other wa!% in alteration= $I detect a ,#angi in the fuel supply.% . W#-# Cields

ONE A Para+le a+o"t a Para+le

A !oun" American named )imon ,oon% stud!in" Gen in the -endo (Gen school) at the >ew 7ld Fompoc 6ouse in Fompoc% -alifornia% made the mistake of readin" Cranz @afka5s The Trial# *his sinister no&el% combined with Gen trainin"% pro&ed too much for poor )imon# 6e became obsessed% intellectuall! and emotionall!% with the stran"e parable about the door of the Faw which @afka inserts near the end of his stor!# )imon found @afka5s fable so disturbin"% indeed% that it ruined his meditations% scattered his wits% and distracted him from his stud! of the Sutras# )omewhat condensed% @afka5s parable "oes as followsJ A man comes to the door of the Faw% seekin" admittance# *he "uard refuses to allow him to pass the door% but sa!s that if he waits lon" enou"h% ma!be% someda! in the uncertain future% he mi"ht "ain admittance# *he man waits and waits and "rows older/ he tries to bribe the "uard% who takes is mone! but still refuses to let him throu"h the door/ the man sells all his possessions to "et mone! to offer more bribes% which the "uard accepts . but still does not allow him to enter# *he "uard alwa!s explains% on takin" each new bribe% $ onl! do this so that !ou will not abandon hope entirel!# E&entuall!% the man becomes old and ill% and knows that he will soon die# $n his last few moments he summons the ener"! to ask a (uestion that has puzzled him o&er the !ears# $ ha&e been told% he sa!s to the "uard% that the Faw exists for all# Wh! then does it happen that% in all the !ears $ ha&e sat here waitin"% nobod! else has e&er come to the door of the Faw= *his door% the "uard sa!s% has been made onl! for !ou# And now $ am "oin" to close it fore&er# And he slams the door as the man dies# *he more )imon brooded on this alle"or!% or <oke% or puzzle% the more he felt that he could ne&er understand Gen until he first understood this stran"e tale# $f the door existed onl! for that man% wh! could he not enter= $f the builders posted a "uard to keep the man out% wh! did the! also lea&e the door temptin"l! open= Wh! did the "uard close the pre&iousl! open door% when the man had become too old to attempt to rush past him and enter= :id the 9uddhist doctrine of dharma (law) ha&e an!thin" in common with this parable= :id the door of the Faw represent the 9!zantine bureaucrac! that exists in &irtuall! e&er! modern "o&ernment% makin" the whole stor! a political satire% such as a minor bureaucrat like @afka mi"ht ha&e de&ised in his sub&ersi&e off'dut! hours= 7r did the Faw represent Dod% as some commentators claim% and% in that case% did @afka intend to parod! reli"ion or to defend its di&ine ,!ster! obli(uel!= :id the "uard who took bribes but "a&e nothin" but empt! hope in return represent the cler"!% or the human intellect in "eneral% alwa!s feastin" on shadows in the absence of real Cinal Answers= E&entuall!% near breakdown form sheer mental fati"ue% )imon went to his roshi (Gen teacher) and told @afka5s stor! of the man who waited at the door of the Faw . the door that existed onl! for him but would not admit him% and was closed when death would no lon"er allow him to enter# lease% )imon be""ed% explain this :ark arable to me# $ will explain it% the roshi said% if !ou will follow me into the meditation hall# )imon followed the teacher to the door of the meditation hall# When the! "ot there% the teacher stepped inside (uickl!% turned% and slammed the door in )imon5s face# At that moment% )imon experienced Awakenin"#

T$O The Pro+lem o. /%ee# 0eality1

Accordin" to :r# >ick 6erbert5s excellent book% .uantum *eality% the ma<orit! of ph!sicists accept >iels 9ohr5s -openha"en $nterpretation of (uantum mechanics# (We will later examine

the ideas of ph!sicists who re<ect -openha"enism and ha&e other &iews#) Accordin" to :r# 6erbert% the -openha"en &iew means that there is no deep realit!# )ince we will soon find reasons to a&oid the is of identit!% and other forms of is% let us reformulate that in more operational lan"ua"e . lan"ua"e that does not assume we can know what thin"s metaph!sicall! are or are not (their in&isible essences) but onl! that we can describe what we phenomenolo"icall! experience# *he -openha"en $nterpretation then means% not that there is no deep realit!% but that scientific method can ne&er experimentall! locate or demonstrate a deep realit! that explains all other relati&e (instrumental) realities# :r# :a&id 9ohm% howe&er% states it this wa!J *he -openha"en &iew denies that we can make statements about actualit!# *his sa!s somethin" more than :r# 6erbert5s formulation% if !ou chew on it a bit# 9oth :r# 6erbert and :r# 9ohm re<ect the -openha"en &iew# :r# 6erbert has e&en called -openha"enism the -hristian )cience school of ph!sics# Fike :r# 9ohm% :r# 6erbert . a "ood friend of mine . belie&es that ph!sics can make statements about actualit!# $ a"ree# 9ut $ limit actualit! to that which humans or their instruments can detect% decode and transmit# :eep realit! lies in another area entirel! . the area of philosoph! andKor speculation# *hus% :r# Richard Ce!nman said to :r# 9ohm of his recent book% holeness and the Implicate /rder% 9rilliant philosoph! book . but when are !ou "oin" to write some ph!sics a"ain= $ will defend :r# 9ohm (and :r# 6erbert) later# Cor the present% actuality in this book means somethin" that humans can experience and deep realit! means somethin" that we can onl! make noises about# science% like existentialism% deals with what humans can experience% and deep realit! belon"s to the pre'existential latonic or Aristotelian philosophers# We can onl! make noises about deep realit! . we cannot make meanin"ful (testable) statements about it . because that which lies outside existential experience lies outside the competence of human <ud"ment# >o scientific board% no <ud"e% no <ur! and no -hurch can prove an!thin" about deep realit!% or e&en disprove an!thin" about it# We cannot demonstrate that it has temperature or does not ha&e temperature% that it has mass or does not ha&e mass% that it includes one Dod or man! Dods or no Dod% that it smells red or that it sounds purple etc# We can make noises% to da! that a"ain% but we cannot produce non'&erbal or phenomenolo"ical data to "i&e meanin" to our noises# *his re<ection of speech about deep realit! parallels the 6eisenber" 8ncertaint! rinciple% which in one form states that we can ne&er measure the momentum and &elocit! of the same particle at the same time# $t also parallels Einstein5s Relati&it!% which sa!s we can ne&er know the true len"th of a rod but onl! the &arious len"ths . plural . measured b! &arious instruments in &arious inertial s!stems b! obser&ers who ma! share the same inertial s!stem with the rod or ma! measure it from the perspecti&e of another inertial s!stem# (+ust as we can ne&er know the true time inter&al between two e&ents% but onl! the different times . plural . measured from differential inertial s!stems#) $t also parallels the Ames demonstrations in perception ps!cholo"!% which showed that we do not perceive $reality% but recei&e si"nals from the en&ironment which we or"anize into "uesses so fast that we do not e&en obser&e oursel&es "uessin"# )uch axioms of impotence% as somebod! once called them% do not predict the future in the ordinar! sense . we know that the future can alwa!s surprise us# Fimitations of this sort of science merel! mean that scientific method cannot% b! definition% answer certain (uestions# $f !ou want answers to those kinds of (uestions% !ou must "o to a theolo"ian or occultist% and the answers !ou will "et there will not satisf! those who belie&e in other theolo"ians or occultists% or those who don5t belie&e in such 7racles at all% at all# An elementar! exampleJ $ can "i&e a ph!sicist% or a chemist% a book of poems# After stud!% the scientist can report back that the book wei"hs x kilo"rams% measures ! centimeters in thickness% has been printed with ink ha&in" a certain chemical formula and bound with "lue ha&in" another chemical formula etc# 9ut scientific stud! cannot answer the (uestion% Are these "ood poems= ()cience in fact cannot answer an! (uestion with is or are in them% but not all scientists realize that !et#) )o% then% the statement that we cannot find (or demonstrate to others) one deep realit! (sin"ular) that explains all the relati&e realities (plural) measured b! our instruments . and #y our nervous system" the instrument that $reads% )interprets0 all other instruments . doest not mean

the same as the statement there is no deep realit!# 7ur inabilit! to find one deep realit! re"isters a demonstrable fact about scientific method and human neurolo"!% while the statement there 1is( no deep realit! offers a metaph!sical opinion about somethin" we cannot test scientificall! or experience existentiall!# $n short% we can know what our instruments and brains tell us (but we cannot know if our instruments and brains ha&e reported accuratel! until other researchers duplicate our work;) What our instruments and brains tell us consists of relati&e realities or cross'sections of realities# A thermometer% for instance% does not measure len"th# A !ardstick does not measure temperature# A &oltmeter tells us nothin" about "as pressure# Etc# A poet does not re"ister the same spectrum as a banker# An Eskimo does not percei&e the same world as a >ew ?ork cab dri&er# Etc# *he notion that we can find one deep realit! underl!in" all these relati&e instrumental K neurolo"ical realities rests upon certain axioms about the uni&erse% and about the human mind% which seemed ob&ious to our ancestors% but now seem either flatl! untrue or . e&en worse . meanin"less# $ had better explain meanin"lessness# *o the scientists% especiall! of the -openha"en persuasion% an idea seems meanin"less if we cannot% e&en in theor!% ima"ine a wa! of testin" it# Cor instance% most scientists could classif! as meanin"less the followin" three propositionsJ 0# *he frammis "oskit distims the blue doshes on round *hursda!s# A# All li&in" bein"s contain souls which cannot be seen or measured# B# Dod told me to tell !ou not to eat meat# *r! to ima"ine how one would pro&e% or dispro&e% these statements on the le&el of experience or experiment# Cirst% !ou ha&e to find "oskits% blue doshes% souls and Dod and then "et them into the laborator!/ then !ou ha&e to fi"ure out how to measure them% or detect si"nals from them% or somehow demonstrate that !ou at least ha&e the ri"ht "oskits or the ri"ht Dod% etc# )top and think about that# ?ou will now% hopefull!% see wh! such propositions appear meanin"less compared to a statement like Water boils at 2H de"rees Cahrenheit at sea le&el on this planet% which easil! leads itself to testin" (and refutation) or $ feel like shit% which probabl! contains truth to the speaker but alwa!s remains problematical (but not meanin"less) to the listeners% who know the speaker has described a common human feelin"% but do not know whether he means what he sa!s or has some moti&e for decei&in" them# $ feel like shit ma! function as what :r# Eric 9erne called a Wooden Fe" Dame . the attempt to shirk responsibilit! b! fei"nin" incapacit!# Fet us consider other untestable ideas where we can at least ima"ine a test% but at present lack the technolo"! to perform the test# ($ feel like shit ma! fall into this cate"or!#) )ome refer to this e(uall! eni"matic class of propositions as indeterminate rather than purel! meanin"less# *he followin" statements appear indeterminateJ 0# 9arnard5s star has one or more planets circlin" it# A# 6omer was actuall! two poets writin" in collaboration# B# *he first settlers of $reland came from Africa# We cannot see 9arnard5s star clearl! enou"h to pro&e or dispro&e the first assertion% but probabl! will see it clearl! enou"h to make a decision after the space telescope "oes into orbit# (Crom Earth we can see fre(uent occlusions of 9arnard5s star which ha&e led man! astronomers to suspect our &iew periodicall! "ets blocked b! orbitin" planets% but this deduction remains a "uess as of the date $ write this#) eople can ar"ue about 6omer fore&er% but nobod! will pro&e their case until some breakthrou"h technolo"! occurs (e#"#% computer anal!sis of word choices ma! determine if a manuscript had one author or two% or we mi"ht in&ent a time machine;) )ome da! archeolo"! ma! ad&ance to the point of identif!in" the first inhabitants of $reland% but now we can onl! infer that perhaps some came from Africa# *hus% where Aristotelian lo"ic assumes onl! the two classes true and false% post' -openha"enist science tends to assume four classes% althou"h onl! :r# Anatole Rapoport has stated the matter this clearl! . true% false% indeterminate (not !et testable)% and meanin"less (fore&er untestable)# )ome lo"ical positi&ists also refer to meanin"less statements as abuse of lan"ua"e/ >ietzsche simpl! called them swindles# @or!zbski described them as noises% a term $5&e alread! borrowed#

Amon" the propositions about the uni&erse which underlie the one deep realit! fallac!% one can mention the concept of the uni&erse as a static thin"% where current research seems to indicate that concei&in" it as an acti&e process fits the data better# A static thin" or block'like entit! can ha&e one deep realit! but a process has chan"in" tra<ectories% e&olution% 9er"sonian flux etc# E#"#% if primates had one $deep reality% or 2ristotelian $essence% we could not distinguish Shakespeare from a chimpanzee # (7ur inabilit! to distin"uish certain Cundamentalist preachers from chimpanzees does not contradict this#) 7ne deep realit! also implies the idea of the uni&erse as a simple two'decker affair made up of appearances and one underl!in" realit!% like a mask with a face behind it# ,odern research% howe&er% indicates an indefinite series of appearances on different le&els of instrumental ma"nification and finds no one substance or thin" or deep realit! that underlies all the different appearances reported b! different classes of instruments# E#"#% traditional philosoph! and common sense assume that the hero and the &illain ha&e different essences% as in melodrama (the &illain ma! wear the mask of &irtue% but we know he is reall! a &illain)/ but modern science pictures thin"s in flux% and flux in thin"s% so solid becomes "as and "as becomes solid a"ain% <ust as hero and &illain become blurred and ambi"uous in modern literature or )hakespeare# 7ne model% or realit!'tunnel% ne&er wears a crown% so to speak% and sits in ro!al splendor abo&e all the others# Each model has its own uses in its own appropriate area# A "ood poem has no meanin" in science% but has man!% man! meanin"s for poetr!'lo&ers . a different meanin"% in fact% for each reader; $n short% one deep realit! seems% to this &iew% as absurd as one correct instrument% or the medie&al one true reli"ion/ and preferrin"% sa!% the wa&e model of matter to the particle model seems as sill! as claimin" the thermometer tells more of the truth than the barometer# auline @ael alwa!s hates the mo&ies $ lo&e% but this does not mean one of us has a defecti&e "ood film detector# $t merel! means that we li&e in different emic realities# erhaps we ha&e "one a bit further than the strict operationalist would like# We ha&e not onl! implied that the ph!sical truth does not possess more indwellin" deepness than the chemical truth% or the biolo"ical truth% or e&en the ps!chiatric truth% and that all these emic realities ha&e uses in their own fields% but we open the possibilit! that existential truth or phenomenolo"ical truth (the truths of experience) ha&e as much depth (andKor shallowness) as an! or"anized scientific (or philosophic) truths# *hus% radical ps!cholo"ists ask usJ does not the realit! of schizophrenia or art remain real to those in schizophrenic or artistic states% howe&er senseless these states appear to the non'schizophrenic or non'artistic= Anthropolo"ists e&en askJ do not the emic realities of other cultures remain existentiall! real to those li&in" in those cultures% howe&er bizarre the! ma! seem to the Deriatric White ,ale hierarch! that defines official realit! in our culture= At the end of the 03th -entur!% science belie&ed the sun is a burnin" rock# (>ow we model it as a nuclear furnace#) William 9lake% the poet% denied that the sun reall! was a rock and claimed it was a band of an"els sin"in"% Dlor!% Dlor!% Dlor! to the Ford Dod Almi"ht!# henomenolo"! will onl! sa! that the scientific "loss appears useful to science% at a date% and the poetic "loss appears useful to poets% or to some poets# *his point seems perfectl! clear if one conspicuousl! a&oids the is of identit!% as $ <ust did% but opens a debate that spirals downward to -haos and >onsense if one rewrites it as the sun is a rock% or a furnace% to science% but is also a band of an"els% to certain kinds of poets# *r! debatin" that formulation for a while% and !ou5ll understand wh! ph!sicists be"an to seem a bit mad when ar"uin" matter is wa&es but it is also particles (before 9ohr tau"ht them to sa!% We can model matter as wa&es or model it as particles% in different contexts#) $t seems% then% from both operational and existential &iewpoints that isness statements ha&e no meanin"% especiall! if the! fall into such t!pes asJ 0# h!sics is real/ poetr! is nonsense# A# s!cholo"! is not a true science# B# *here is onl! one realit!% and m! church (culture K field of science K political $deolo"! etc#) knows all about it#

2# eople who disa"ree with this book reall! are a bunch of <erks# >onetheless% it seems that% because the meanin"lessness of all isness statements has not been "enerall! reco"nized% man! ph!sicists confuse themsel&es and their readers b! sa!in" *here is no deep realit! (or e&en worse% *here is no such thin" as realit!# $ ha&e actuall! seen the latter in print% b! a distin"uished ph!sicist% but out of merc! $ won5t mention his name#) Quite similar to this confusion in (uantum mechanics% popularizers of *ransactional ps!cholo"! . and% e&en more% popularizers of the 7riental philosophies that resemble *ransactional ps!cholo"! . often tell us that Realit! doesn5t exist or ?ou create !our own realit!# *hese propositions cannot be pro&en% and cannot be refuted either . a more serious ob<ection to them that their lack of proof% since science now reco"nizes that irrefutable propositions ha&e no operational or phenomenolo"ical meanin"# *hus% Whate&er happens% howe&er tra"ic and horrible it seems to us% ser&es the "reater "ood% or Dod wouldn5t let it happen . a &er! popular idea% especiall! amon" those who ha&e endured terrible "rief . ma! ser&e a therapeutic function for those in "reat emotional pain% but also% alas% it contains the classic trait of purel! meanin"less speech# >o possible e&idence could refute it% since e&idence falls into the cate"or! of how thin"s seems to us% and the statement refuses to address that cate"or!# ?ou create !our own realit! has the same irrefutable and untestable character% and hence also fits the class of meanin"less speech% or )tirner5s spooks (or >ietzsche5s swindles or @orz!bski5s noises)# What the popularizers should sa!% if the! aimed at accurac!% would take a more limited and existential form# ?ou create !our own model of reality% or !ou create !our own reality-tunnel (to borrow a phrase from the brilliant% if much mali"ned% :r# *imoth! Fear!)% or (as the! sa! in sociolo"!) !ou create !our own gloss of the realities !ou encounter# Each of these formulations refer to definite and specific experiences in space'time% which easil! confirm themsel&es in both dail!'life demonstration and in controlled laborator! experiments on perception# 7ur !oun" K old woman in the drawin" at the be"innin" of -hapter 7ne represents one eas! dail!'life illustration# $t re(uires a hu"e leap of metaph!sics to proceed from this% or from laborator! demonstrations of the creati&it! in e&er! act of perception% or from the paradoxes of (uantum mechanics% to the resonant (but meanin"less) proclamation that !ou create !our own realit!# *he second point of resemblance lies in the fact that such (uestionin" can easil! de"enerate into sheer "ibberish if we do not watch our words &er! carefull!# (And% $ ha&e learned% e&en if we do watch our words &er! carefull!% some people will read carelessl! and still take awa! a messa"e full of the "ibberish we ha&e tried to a&oid#) -onsider the followin" two propositionsJ 0# ,! boss is a male chau&inist drunk% and this is makin" me sick# A# ,! secretar! is an incompetent% whinin" bitch% and $ ha&e no choice but to fire her# 9oth of these represent mental processes occurrin" thousands of times a da! in modern business# 9oth of them also appear as abuse of lan"ua"e or mere noise accordin" to the modern scientific attitude presented in this book# $f we ima"ine these sentences spoken aloud b! persons in therap!% different t!pes of ps!cholo"ists would handle them in different fashions% but Rational' Emoti&e *herapists% followin" :r# Albert Ellis% would force the patient to restate them in accord with the same principles ur"ed in this chapter# $n that case% the statements would emer"e% translated out of the Aristotelian into the existential% asJ 0#$ percei&e m! boss as a male chau&inist drunk% and ri"ht now $ do not (or will not) percei&e or remember an!thin" else about him% and framin" m! experience this wa!% i"norin" other factors% makes me feel unwell# A#$ percei&e m! secretar! as an incompetent% whinin" bitch% and ri"ht now $ do not (or will not) percei&e or remember an!thin" else about her% and framin" m! experience this wa!% i"norin" other factors% inclines me to make the choice of firin" her# *his reformulation ma! not sol&e all problems between bosses and secretaries% but it mo&es the problems out of the arena of medie&al metaph!sics into the territor! where people can meaningfully take responsi#ility for the choices they make #

TH0EE H"s+an 2 $i.e 3 $a4e 2 Particle %"alities

9! the wa!% $ ha&e no academic (ualifications to write about Quantum ,echanics at all% but this has not pre&ented me from discussin" the sub<ect (uite cheerfull! in four pre&ious books# )ome readers ma! wonder where $ "et m! chutzpah# After all% most ph!sicists claim that the principles of Quantum ,echanics contain problems (or paradoxes) so abstruse and recondite that it re(uires a colle"e de"ree in ad&anced mathematics to understand the sub<ect at all# $ first be"an to doubt that notion after a no&el of mine% Scroedinger(s Cat . the first of m! books to deal entirel! with (uantum lo"ic . recei&ed a &er! fa&orable re&iew in 3ew Scientist% b! a ph!sicist (+ohn Dribbin) who claimed that $ must also ha&e a de"ree in ad&anced ph!sics to ha&e written the book# $n fact% $ do not ha&e an! de"ree in ph!sics# (All $ had of ph!sics at uni&ersit! consisted of >ewtonian mechanics% optics% li"ht% electroma"netism and a mere sur&e! course on the ideas of Relati&it! and Quantum *heor!#) $f $ seem to understand (uantum lo"ic fairl! well% as other ph!sicists besides :r# Dribbin ha&e asserted% this results from the fact that *ransactional ps!cholo"!% the stud! of how the brain processes data . a field in which $ do hold some academic (ualification . contains exactl! the same weirdness that has made the (uantum uni&erse infamous# $n fact% $ mi"ht e&en sa! that the study of #rain science will prepare one for quantum theory #etter than the study of classical physics would# *his ma! surprise man!% includin" the ph!sicists who claim that (uantum uncertaint! onl! applies to the subatomic world and that in ordinar! affairs we still li&e in a >ewtonian uni&erse# *his book dares to disa"ree with that accepted wisdom/ $ take exactl! the opposite position# ,! endea&or here will attempt to show that the celebrated problems and paradoxes and the "eneral philosophical eni"mas of the (uantum world appear also in dail! life# Cor instance% the illustration at the be"innin" of -hapter 7ne . which !ou can see as a !oun" woman or as an old lad! . demonstrates a fundamental disco&er! of perception ps!cholo"!# *his disco&er! appears in man! different formulations% in &arious books% but the simplest and most "eneral statement of it% $ think% "oes like thisJ perception does not consist of passive reception of signals #ut of an active interpretation of signals # (7rJ perception doesn5t consist of passi&e re'actions but of acti&e% creati&e trans'actions#) *he same law appears% in (uantum theor!% in different words% but most commonl! ph!sicists state it as the obser&er cannot be left out of the description of the obser&ation# (:r# +ohn A# Wheeler "oes further and sa!s the obser&er creates the uni&erse of obser&ation#) $ will endea&or to show that the similarit! of these principles deri&es from a deeper similarit! that unites (uantum mechanics and neuroscience with each other (and with certain aspects of 7riental philosoph!)# )imilarl!% close relati&es of such (uantum monsters as Einstein5s ,ouse% )chroedin"er5s -at and Wi"ner5s Criend2 appear in an! account of how !ou identif! somethin" across the room as a sofa and not as a hippopotamus# $ will demonstrate and elucidate as we proceed# ,eanwhile% at a reference point at the be"innin"% consider thisJ h!sicists a"ree that we cannot find absolute truth in the (uantum realm but must remain satisfied with probabilities or statistical truths# *ransactional s!cholo"!% the ps!cholo"! of perception% also sa!s we cannot find absolute truth in its field of stud! (sense data) and reco"nizes onl! probabilities or (some sa! frankl!) gam#les# *he ph!sicist states that in man! cases we cannot meanin"full! call )chroedin"er5s cat a dead cat but onl! probabl! dead and

Einstein5s mouse refers to Einstein5s ar"ument that since% accordin" to (uantum theor!% the obser&er creates or partiall! creates the obser&ation% a mouse can remake the uni&erse b! lookin" at it# )ince this appears absurd% Einstein concluded that (uantum ph!sics contains some hu"e undisco&ered fallac!# )croedin"er5s -at refers to )croedin"er5s proof that a cat can exist in a mathematical condition or eigenstate where callin" it dead and callin" it ali&e both make sense and callin" it both dead and ali&e also makes sense# Wi"ner5s Criend refers to Wi"ner5s addendum to )croedin"er% showin" that e&en when the cat has become definitel! ali&e or definitel! dead for on ph!sicist% it remains both dead and ali&e for another ph!sicist located elsewhere (e#"#% outside the laborator!#)

the *ransactional ps!cholo"ist sa!s that in man! cases we cannot call the *hin" in the -orner a chair but probabl! a chair# *he simple either K or <ud"ment . dead or ali&e% a chair or not a chair . has become% not the onl! case in lo"ic% but the extreme or limitin" case% and some sa! onl! a theoretical case# ($f !ou feel confused% don5t worr!# We will examine these problems in "reater detail later% and !ou will feel more confused#) $n short% when modern neuroscience describes how our brains actuall! operate it perforce in&okes the same sort of paradoxes andKor the same statistical or multi'&alued lo"ic that we find in the (uantum realm# *hus $ dare to write about a field not m! own because% in man! discussions with (uantum ph!sicists% $ ha&e found the sub<ect entirel! isomorphic to m! own specialt!% the stud! of how perceptions and ideas "et into our brains# *o the *ransactional ps!cholo"ist% (uantum mechanics has the same fascination (and the same resemblance to brain science) as cr!ptozoolo"!% lepufolo"! and :isinformation )!stems% and all these fields% the scientificall! sober and the disreputabl! weird% bear a distinct famil! resemblance to each other# erhaps $ had better explain that# -r!ptozoolo"! deals with (a) animals whose existence remains neither pro&en nor dispro&en (e#"#% the "iant serpents alle"edl! dwellin" in Foch >ess% Fake -hamplain etc#/ 9i"foot/ the Abominable )nowman of the 6imala!as etc#) and (b) animals reported in places where we don5t expect them (the mountain lion of )urre!% En"land% the kan"aroos of -hica"o% the alli"ators in >ew ?ork5s sewers etc#) *hose who know how to <ud"e such data ha&e not kept up with neuroscience/ those who know the most about neuroscience displa! the "reatest a"nosticism about these critters and also ha&e the "reatest unwillin"ness to <ud"e them# Fepufolo"! concerns 8C7 si"htin"s in which rabbits pla! a si"nificant . and usuall! hi"hl! puzzlin" . role# ()ome sample cases in both cr!ptozoolo"! and lepufolo"! appear in m! book% The 3ew Inquisition% Calcon ress% 013L#) A"ain% those who know that lepufolo"! cannot !ield useful data usuall! do not know neuroscience at all% at all# -ases in which farmers claim that 8C7s stole their rabbits make an ideal arena in which to test *ransactional Quantum s!cholo"! a"ainst the premature certitudes of :o"matic 9elie&ers and :o"matic :eniers# :isinformation )!stems consist of elaborate deceptions% constructed b! intelli"ence a"encies like the -#$#A#% @#D#9# or En"land5s ,#$#H% in which a co&er stor!% when created% has within it a second deception% dis"uised to look like the hidden truth to an! suspicious ri&al who successfull! di"s below the surface# )ince :isinformation )!stems ha&e multiplied like bacteria in our increasin"l! clandestine world% an! perception ps!cholo"ist who looks into modern politics will reco"nize that (uantum lo"ic% probabilit! theor! and stron" doses of zeteticism make the best tools to emplo! in estimatin" if the resident has <ust told us another whoopin" bi" lie or has <ust uttered the truth for once# After all% e&en those who create :isinformation )!stems ha&e themsel&es swallowed :isinformation )!stems de&ised b! their ri&als# As 6enr! @issin"er once said% An!bod! in Washin"ton who isn5t paranoid must be craz!# $n dealin" with cr!ptozoolo"!% lepufolo"!% :isinformation )!stems and Quantum ,echanics one e&entuall! feels that one has come close to total nonsense% a basic defect in the human mind (or the 8ni&erse=) or some mental fu"ue similar to schizophrenia or solipsism# 6owe&er% as our openin" drawin" showed and we will see a"ain and a"ain% the ordinar! perceptions of ordinar! people contain <ust as much weirdness and m!ster! as all these 7ccult )ciences put to"ether# *hus $ will tr! to show that the laws of the sub'atomic world and the laws of the human mind (or ner&ous s!stem) parallel each other precisel!% ex(uisitel!% and ele"antl!% down to minute details# *he student of human perception% and of how inference deri&es from perception% will find no shocks in the alle"edl! mind'bo""lin" area of (uantum theor!# We li&e amid (uantum uncertaint! all our li&es% but we usuall! mana"e to i"nore this/ the *ransactional ps!cholo"ist has found herself or himself forced to confront it s(uarel!# *he parallelism between ph!sics and ps!cholo"! should occasion no "reat surprise# *he human ner&ous s!stem% after all . the mind in pre'scientific lan"ua"e . created modern science% includin" ph!sics and (uantum mathematics# /ne should e!pect to find the genius" and the defects" of the human mind in its creations % as one alwa!s finds the autobio"raph! of the artist in the art'work#

-onsider this simple parallelismJ a husband and wife come to a marria"e counselor seekin" help# 6e tells one stor! about their problems# )he tells (uite a different stor!# *he counselor% if well'trained and sophisticated% does not belie&e either part! completel!# Elsewhere in the same cit! two ph!sics students repeat two famous experiments# *he first experiment seems to indicate that li"ht tra&els in wa&es# *he second seems to indicate that li"ht tra&els in discrete particles# *he students% if well'trained and sophisticated% do not belie&e either result# *he ps!cholo"ist% !ou see% knows that each ner&ous s!stem creates its own model of the world% and the ph!sics students of toda! know that each instrument also creates its own model of the world# 9oth in ps!cholo"! and in ph!sics we ha&e out"rown medie&al Aristotelian notions of ob<ecti&e realit! and entered a non'Aristotelian realm% althou"h in both fields we still remain unsure (and (uick to (uarrel with each other) about what new paradi"m will replace the Aristotelian trueKfalse paradi"m of past centuries# -laude )hannon5s famous e(uation for the content of a messa"e% 6% reads 6 M 'Npilo"epi *he reader terrorized b! mathematics (persuaded b! incompetent teachers that $ can5t understand that stuff) need not panic# N merel! means the sum of# *he s!mbol% p i% tells us what we will summarize% namel! the &arious probabilities (p 0% pA ; etc# to pn% where n e(uals the number of si"nals in the messa"e) that we can predict in advance what will come next# *he lo"arithmic function merel! shows that this relationship does not accumulate additi&el! but lo"arithmicall!# 3otice the minus sign# *he information in a messa"e e(uals the ne"ati&e of the probabilities that !ou can predict what will come next e&er! step of the wa!# *he easier !ou can predict a messa"e% the less information the messa"e contains# >orbert Weiner once simplified the meanin" of this e(uation b! sa!in" that "reat poetr! contains more information than political speeches# ?ou ne&er know what will come next in a trul! creati&e poem% but in a Deor"e 9ush speech !ou not onl! know what will come next% !ou probabl! could predict the whole speech% in "eneral% before he e&en opened his mouth# An 7rson Wells film has more information than an ordinar! film because 7rson ne&er directed a scene (uite the wa! an! other director would do it# )ince information increases lo"arithmicall!% not additi&el!% the rate of information flow has steadil! increased since the dawn of histor!# *o (uote some statistics from the Crench economist Deor"e Anderla (rather familiar% b! now% to readers of m! book) information doubled in the 0HII !ears between +esus and Feonardo% doubled a"ain in the AHI !ears from Feonardo to 9ach5s death% doubled a"ain b! the openin" of our centur!% etc# and doubled in the se&en !ears between 01OL and 01LB# :r# +a(ues 4allee recentl! estimated that information currentl! doubles e&er! 03 months# 7b&iousl!% the faster we process information% the more rich and complex our models or "losses . our realit! tunnels . will become# *esistance to new information% howe&er% has a stron" neurolo"ical foundation in all animals% as indicated b! studies of imprintin" and conditionin"# ,ost animals% includin" most domesticated primates (humans) show a trul! sta""erin" abilit! to i"nore certain kinds of information . that which does not fit their imprinted K conditioned realit!'tunnel# We "enerall! call this conser&atism or stupidit!% but it appears in all parts of the political spectrum% and in learned societies as well as in the @u @lux @lan# *o the *ransactional ps!cholo"ist% then% and e&en more to the Quantum s!cholo"ist% somethin" as absurd as lepufolo"! contains man! clues to how humans will% and will not% process new information# Cor instance in 4lying Saucer *eview% >o&ember 01L3% p# 0L% one finds a report of a 8C7 which stole all the rabbits from a farmer5s hutch# *rue or false or whate&er% this report contains hi"h information% because most of us ha&e not heard of 8C7s stealin" rabbits# *he si"nal has hi"h unpredictabilit!# ,4/ 5henomena and 6.S. edited b! 6aines p# 3BJ a close encounter in which the 8C7 pilot looked like a "iant rabbit# *he information content has (uantum <umped# Two 8C7 K rabbit stories= 9ut the ,utual Easter 9unn! 7bser&ation >etwork% ,E97> (a splinter off the less bizarre ,utual 8C7 >etwork% or ,8C7>) has dozens of these stories in their files# (*he! also ha&e% as !ou mi"ht "uess% a weird sense of humor#)

*ake this as deli"htful whims! or sinister nonsense% file it as !ou will accordin" to !our own realit!'tunnel% but .

(OU0 O"r /Sel4es1 3 O"r /Uni4erses1

*o state our ma<or thesis a"ain in different words% 8ncertaint!% $ndeterminac! and Relati&it! appear in modern science for the same reason the! appear in modern lo"ic% modern art% modern literature% modern philosoph! and e&en modern theolo"!# $n this centur!% the human nervous system has discovered its own creativity" and its own limitations # $n Fo"ic% for instance% we now reco"nize not onl! meanin"less propositions but also )tran"e Foops (s!stems containin" concealed self'contradiction) both of which can infest an! lo"ical s!stem% like a &irus in&adin" a computer . but these lo"ical bu"s ha&e often lin"ered for centuries before bein" disco&ered# 5eople have murdered each other" in massive wars and guerilla actions" for many centuries" and still murder each other in the present" over Ideologies and *eligions which" stated as propositions" appear neither true nor false to modern logicians & meaningless propositions that look meaningful to the linguistically na7ve # (Cor instance% much of this book will attempt to show that e&er! sentence containin" the innocent'lookin" word is also contains a hidden fallac!# *his will come as a distinct shock% or will seem like -raz! 6eres!% to those Americans currentl! battlin" in ri&al demonstrations and acts of ci&il disobedience o&er the (uestion of whether a fetus . or e&en a z!"ote . is or is not a human bein"#) ,eanwhile% in Art% icasso and his successors ha&e shows us that a work of% sa!% sculpture can mo&e us deepl! e&en if it has opposite meanin"s like our two'face drawin"# 7ne icasso classic mo&es me% for instance% e&en thou"h $ can see it either as the head of a bull or the seat and handlebars of a bic!cle# +o!ce5s ,lysses mutated the no&el b! describin" one ordinar! da!% not as an ob<ecti&e realit! in the Aristotelian sense but as a lab!rinth in which nearl! a hundred narrators (or narrati&e &oices) all report different &ersions of what happened# :ifferent realit!'tunnels# ,odern philosoph! and modern theolo"! ha&e arri&ed at such resonant conclusions as *here are no facts% onl! interpretations (>ietzsche) or *here is no Dod and ,ar! is 6is mother ()anta!ana) or e&en Dod is a s!mbol of Dod# (*illich) All this results from our new awareness of our sel&es as the co'authors of our uni&erses# As :r# Ro"er +ones sa!s in 5hysics as Metaphor% whate&er it is we are describin"% the human mid cannot be parted from it# Whate&er we look at% we must see% first and foremost% our own mental filin" cabinet . the structure of the software which our brain uses to process and classif! impressions# 6y $software% I mean to include our language" our linguistic ha#its" and our over-all tri#al or cultural world-view & our "ame'rules or unconscious pre<udices . the tacit realit!'tunnel which itself consists of lin"uistic constructs and other s!mbols# $n dail! life% the software of most readers of this book consists of $ndo'European lan"ua"e cate"ories and $ndo'European "rammar# $n ad&anced science% the software includes both of these and also the cate"ories and structures of mathematics% but in either kitchen'sink problems or nuclear reactor problems we see throu"h a s!mbolic or semantic "rid% since math% like lan"ua"e% functions as a code which imposes its own structure on the data it descri#es# *he painter thinks (when paintin") in form and color% the musician in sound fre(uencies% etc# but most human mentation emplo!s words most of the time% and e&en specialists like the mathematician% painter% musician etc# use words for a lar"e part of their thinkin"# Whate&er we know% or think we know% about our sel&es and our uni&erses% we cannot communicate about either inner or outer realms without usin" lan"ua"e or s!mbolism ' brain software# *o understand this book the reader must remind herself (or himself) a"ain and a"ain% that e&en in thinkin"% and e&en in special areas like math and art% we use some kind of s!mbols to talk to oursel&es or &isualize#

The only $thing% )or process0 precisely equal to the universe remains the universe itself # E&er! description% or model% or theor!% or art'work% or map% or realit!'tunnel% or "loss etc# remains somewhat smaller than the uni&erse and hence includes less than the uni&erse# What is left in our sensor! continuum when we are neither talkin" nor thinkin" remains non' s!mbolic% non'&erbal% non'mathematical . ineffable% as the m!stics sa!# 7ne can speak poeticall! of that non'&erbal mode of apprehension as -haos% like >ietzsche% or the 4oid% like 9uddha/ but -haos and the 4oid remain onl! words and the experience itself stubbornl! remains non' &erbal# At that point one can onl! correctl! sa!% with Witt"enstein in his Tractatus +ogico 5hilosophicusJ Whereof one cannot speak% thereof one must remain silent# Gen ,asters merel! point or wa&e their staff in the air# When we lea&e the non&erbal% when we a"ain talk or think% we perforce make s!mbolic maps or models% which cannot% b! definition% e(ual in all respects the space'time e&ents that the! represent# *his seems so ob&ious that we all paradoxicall! ne&er think about it and hence tend to for"et it# >onetheless% a menu does not taste like a meal% a map of >ew ?ork does not smell like >ew ?ork (thank Dod)% and a paintin" of a ship in storm! waters does not contain the captain and crew who ha&e to deal with real ships in real storms# All kinds of maps and models also show% on examination% the personalit! or mental furniture of their creator% and% to a lesser extent% of the creator5s societ! and lin"uistic s!stem(s) . the semantic en&ironment# An experienced sailor will (uickl! spot the difference between the paintin" of a ship b! somebod! who has also worked as a sailor and a &er! similar paintin" b! somebod! who has onl! read about sailin"# ,an! a no&el or pla! written in 01BI% which seemed brutall! realistic then% now seems a little (uaint and unreal in places% because we no lon"er li&e in the semantic en&ironment of OI !ears a"o# +o!ce5s ,lysses escaped this trap b! not ha&in" a point of &iew at all% at all . his multiple narrator techni(ue "i&es multiple points of &iew . <ust as post'-openha"en ph!sicists escape it b! what the! call model agnosticism% not acceptin" an! one model as e(ual to the whole uni&erse# -onsider a map that tries to show% not all the uni&erse% but somethin" less ambitious . all of :ublin% $reland# 7b&iousl!% the map would ha&e to occup! the same amount of space as :ublin# $t would also ha&e to include about a trillion mo&in" parts at least . one and half million humans% an e(ual number of rats% a few million mice% perhaps billions of bu"s% hundreds of billions of microbes% etc# *o tell all about :ublin this map would ha&e to let its mo&in" parts "o on mo&in" for at least AIII !ears% since a town (not alwa!s called :ublin) has stood on the ri&er Anna Fiffe! for about that lon"# *his map would still not tell all about :ublin% e&en up to this date (excludin" the future;) until it somehow included all the thou"hts and feelin"s of the human and other inhabitants of that area; At this point% the map would still pro&e mostl! useless and lar"el! irrele&ant to a "eolo"ist% who want to know the chemistr! and e&olution of the rock and soil on which :ublin stands# )o much for the external world# What kind of map would e&er approximate toward tellin" all about you=

(!5E Ho* Many Hea s %o Yo" Ha4e)

9orrowin" a <oke (or a profundit!=) from 9ertrand Russell5s /ur 8nowledge of the 9!ternal orld% $ will now demonstrate that the reader has two heads# Accordin" to common sense% and the consensus of most (7ccidental) philosophers% we exist inside an ob<ecti&e uni&erse% or . to sa! it otherwise . the ob<ecti&e uni&erse exists outside us#

4er! few people ha&e e&er doubted this# *hose who ha&e doubted it ha&e arri&ed% ine&itabl!% at hi"hl! eccentric conclusions# Well% then% a&oidin" eccentricit! and acceptin" the con&entional &iew% how do we know an!thin" about that external uni&erse= 6ow do we percei&e it= (Cor con&enience% $ will consider onl! the sense of si"ht in what follows# *he reader can check for himself% or herself% that the same lo"ic applies if one chan"es the terms and substitutes hearin" or an! of our other senses#) We see ob<ects in the external uni&erse throu"h our e!es and then make pictures . models . of them in our brains# *he brain interprets what the e!es transmit as ener"! si"nals# (Cor now% we will i"nore the data that shows that the brain makes a gam#le that it can interpret these si"nals#) A"ain% &er! few 7ccidentals ha&e doubted this% and those who ha&e doubted it all arri&ed at stran"e and incredible alternati&es# )o% then% we li&e inside an external uni&erse and make a picture or model of it inside our brains% b! addin" to"ether% or s!nthesizin"% and interpretin"% our pictures or models of parts of the uni&erse called ob<ects# *hen% it follows that we ne&er know the external uni&erse and its ob<ects at all# e know the model of the $e!ternal universe% inside our #rains" which e!ist inside our heads. $n that case% e&er!thin" we see% which we think of as existin" externall!% actuall! exists internall!% inside our heads# 9ut we ha&e not arri&ed at solipsism% remember# We still assume the external uni&erse from which we started# We ha&e merel! disco&ered that we cannot see it or know it# We see a model of it inside our heads% and in dail! life for"et this and act as if the model exists outside our heads . i#e#% as if (0) the model and the uni&erse occup! the same area of space (as our map that tries to show all about :ublin would occup! the same space as :ublin) and (A) that this space exists outside# 9ut the model and the uni&erse do not occup! the same space and the space where the model exists can onl! be located inside our brains% which exist inside our heads# We now realize that% while the uni&erse exists outside% the model exists inside% and therefore occupies much% much less space than the uni&erse# *he real uni&erse then exists outside but remains unexperienced% perhaps unknown# *hat which we do experience and know (or think we know) exists in local networks of electrochemical bonds in our brains# A"ain% if the reader cares to challen"e an! parts of this% she or he should certainl! tr! to ima"ine an alternati&e explanation of perception# $t will appear% or it has alwa!s appeared to date% that an! and all such alternati&es sound not onl! (ueerer than this but totall! unbelie&able to people of common sense# Well% to proceed% we ha&e now an external uni&erse% &er! lar"e (comparati&el! speakin") and a model of same% much smaller (comparati&el! speakin")% the former outside us and the latter inside us# 7f course% some correspondence or isomorphism exists between the external and internal uni&erses# 7therwise% $ could not "et up from m! chair% walk to the door% "o down the hall and accuratel! locate the kitchen to "et another cup of coffee from somethin" $ identif! as a -offee ,aker# 9ut where does our head exist= Well% our head ob&iousl! exists inside the external uni&erse and outside our brain which contains the model of the external uni&erse# 9ut since we ne&er see or experience the external uni&erse directl!% and onl! see our model of it% we onl! percei&e our head as part of the model% which exists inside us# -ertainl!% our percei&ed head cannot exist apart from our percei&ed bod! as lon" as we remain ali&e% and our percei&ed bod! (includin" head) exists inside our percei&ed uni&erse# Ri"ht= *hus% the head we percei&e exists inside some other head we do not% and cannot% percei&e# *he second head contains our model of the uni&erse% our model of this "alax!% our model of this solar s!stem% our model of Earth% our model of this continent% our model of this cit!% our model of our home% our model of oursel&es and atop our model of ourselves a model of our head. The model of our head thus occupies much less space than our $real% head.

*hink about it# Retire to !our stud!% unplu" the phone% lock the door and carefull! examine each step of this ar"ument in succession% nothin" what absurdities appear if !ou (uestion an! indi&idual step and tr! an alternati&e# Fet us% for +esus sake and for all our sakes% at least attempt to clarif! how we can ha&e two heads# 7ur perceived head exists as part (a &er! small part) of our model of the uni&erse% which exists inside our brain# We ha&e alread! pro&en that% ha&e we not= 7ur brain% howe&er% exists inside our second head . our real head% which contains our whole model of the uni&erse% includin" our percei&ed head# $n short% our percei&ed head exists inside our percei&ed uni&erse which exists inside our real head which exists inside the real uni&erse# *hus% we can name our two heads . we ha&e a real head outside the percei&ed uni&erse and a percei&ed head inside the percei&ed uni&erse and our real head now appears% not onl! much bi""er than our percei&ed head% but #igger than our perceived universe# And% since we cannot know or percei&e the real uni&erse directl!% our real head appears bi""er than the onl! uni&erse we do know and percei&e . our percei&ed uni&erse% inside our percei&ed head# *he reader mi"ht find some comfort in the thou"ht that 9ertrand Russell% who de&ised this ar"ument% also in&ented the mathematical class of all classes that do not contain themsel&es# *hat class% !ou will note% does not contain itself unless it does contain itself# Also% it does contain itself if and onl! if it does not contain itself# Dot it= When not bus! crusadin" for rationalism% world peace% common decenc!% and other sub&ersi&e ideas% Russell spent a lot of time in the e&en more sub&ersi&e practice of in&entin" such lo"ical monsters to bede&il lo"icians and mathematicians# Returnin" to our two headsJ Ford Russell ne&er carried this <oke% or this profound insi"ht% be!ond that point# With a little thou"ht% howe&er% the reader will easil! see that% ha&in" anal!zed the matter this far% we now ha&e three heads . the third containin" the model that contains the real uni&erse and the real head and the percei&ed uni&erse and the percei&ed head# And now that we ha&e thou"ht of that% we ha&e a fourth head; And so on% ad infinitum# *o account for our perception of our perception . our abilit! to percei&e that we percei&e . we ha&e three heads% and to account for that% four heads% and to account for our abilit! to carr! this anal!sis onward fore&er% we ha&e infinite heads# A model of consciousness which does arri&e% &er! ri"orousl! and with almost mathematical precision of lo"ic% at precisel! this infinite re"ress appears in The Serial ,niverse b! +#W# :unne% who uses time instead of perception as his first term but still arri&es at the conclusion that we ha&e% if not an infinite series of heads% an infinite series of minds# Fike the Gen teacher% $ ha&e <ust led !ou to the door of the Faw and slammed it in !our face# 9ut wait# We will e&entuall! discern li"ht at the end of the tunnel# $f we can onl! open that damned door; 7r perhaps !ou ha&e detected ,r# Cields5 8ban"i in the fuel suppl! alread!= $f not% let us proceed# Alfred @orz!bski% mentioned here se&eral times (and a stron" influence e&en when not mentioned)% ur"ed that our thinkin" could become more scientific if we used mathematical subscripts more often# *hinkin" about this one da!% $ came up with the followin" analo" of :unne5s ar"ument without e&en usin" his infinite time dimensions# $ obser&e that $ ha&e a mind# Collowin" @orz!bski% let us call this obser&ed mind% mind# 9ut $ obser&e that $ ha&e a mind that can obser&e mind 0# Fet us call this self'obser&in" mind% mindA# ,indA which obser&es mind0 can in turn become the ob<ect of obser&ation# (A little experience in 9uddhist self'obser&ation will confirm this experimentall!#) *he obser&er of mind A then re(uires its own name% so we will call it mindB# And so on; to infinit!% once a"ain# 7f course% ha&in" mentioned 9uddhism% $ mi"ht in fairness add that the 9uddhist would not accept $ obser&e that $ ha&e a mind# *he 9uddhist would sa! $ obser&e that $ ha&e a tendenc! to posit a mind# 9ut that% perhaps% allows the feli! domesticus to escape the "unn!sack% as ,r# Cields would sa!#

S!6 The (light .rom 0eason 3 The C"lt o. !nstr"ments

Fon"% lon" before modern ph!sics or modern ps!cholo"!% in ancient Dreece% the )keptics had alread! noticed that 8ncertaint!% $ndeterminac! and Relati&it! appear inescapable parts of human life% because what Perox sees is ne&er exactl! what Exxon sees# lato% Aristotle and other "eniuses attempted to escape the a"nosticism or Geteticism of the )keptics% b! findin"% or claimin" to find% a method of ure Abstract Reasonin" that% the! belie&ed% would arri&e at ure *ruth without an! distortions introduced b! our fallible human sense or"ans# Aside from a few conser&ati&es in -hair of hilosoph!% the world now realizes that the Dreek search for ure *ruth failed/ and the subse(uent histor! of philosoph! seems like a lon" detecti&e stor! . the "radual disco&er!% centur! after centur!% of the numerous lies (unconscious pre<udices) that crept into the ure Reasonin" of those bold 6ellenic pioneers# *o speak causticall! about it% one mi"ht sa! the Dreek Fo"icians suffered from the illusion that the universe consists of words# $f !ou found the ri"ht words% the! seemed to think% !ou would ha&e Eternal *ruth# *hen came modern science% a s!nthesis of ure Reason in the Dreek tradition with humble empiricism in the tradition of the craftsmen and artisans . with all results expressed in the &er! precise special lan"ua"es of &arious branches of mathematics# $t seemed% for a few centuries% that science could sol&e all m!steries and answer all (uestions# $n science% reasonin" about what the 8ni&erse should do (accordin" to Fo"ic) li&ed in a marria"e or feedback loop with increasin"l! subtle instruments to tell us where and when the 8ni&erse failed to a"ree with our Fo"ic or our math . where our Fo"ic needed re&ision% or one t!pe of math needed correction b! another# With sufficientl! perfected instruments% it then seemed% we could correct all our errors and arri&e e&entuall! at the ure *ruth which lato and -ompan! had thou"ht the! could trap with mere Fo"ic itself% without the instruments# The universe now seemed to consist" not of words" #ut of equations # )omeda!% we thou"ht% we would know blood! all about bleedin" e&er!thin"% and describe it in ele"ant mathematical formalisms# *hat faith died with Einstein5s Relati&it! and lank5s Quantum ,echanics% both of which disco&ered% in different wa!s% that the human ner&ous s!stem aided b! humanl! desi"ned instruments produces results no more infallible than the human ner&ous s!stem unaided b! instruments# As an illustrationJ the )keptics in ancient Dreece had obser&ed the relati&it! of temperature as percei&ed b! humans# E&er! philosopher in Athens had heard their experimental ar"umentJ if !ou hold !our ri"ht hand in a bowl of rather hot water and !our left in a bowl of &er! cold water% and then dunk both hands in a third bowl of tepid water% the ri"ht hand will read the third bowl as cold and the left will read it as hot# *he whole heroic effort of lato and Aristotle% as we said% amounted to an attempt to "et be!ond this sensor!'sensual relati&it! b! use of ure Reason# ure Reason% howe&er% deri&es from axioms which can neither be pro&en nor dispro&en# *hese axioms appear in consciousness from a le&el of pre'lo"ical apprehension in which we mi"ht as well be "esticulatin" and pointin" . or wa&in" sticks in the air like Gen ,asters . instead of talkin"% because we are tr!in" to indicate or in&oke somethin" that exists before words and cate"ories# WorseJ the axioms ("ame rules) that seem natural or undeniable in one tribe or culture do not seem at all natural and are often denied in other cultures# 6ence% most of the self'e&ident axioms of lato and his associates no lon"er win assent from scientists% and man! of them ha&e turned out to disa"ree with actualit! (non&erbal experience) when scientists tried to check them# $mmanuel @ant perhaps composed the lon"est list of defects in classical Dreek pure reason# 7ne that has recei&ed less publicit! that most . much less publicit! than the -retan who sa!s -retans alwa!s lie . "oes like thisJ When an arrow "ets fired from a bow toward a tar"et it appears to mo&e throu"h space# 6owe&er% at e&er! instant the arrow actuall! occupies one position in space% not two or three or more positions#

*hus% at e&er! instant the arrow exists in one place% not in two or three or more# $n other words% at e&er! instant the arrow has a position# $f the arrow has one and onl! one definite position at e&er! instant% then at e&er! instant it does not mo&e# $f it does not mo&e at an! of these instants% it ne&er mo&es at all# ?ou cannot escape this Fo"ic b! positin" instants'between'instants# $n these nanotime units% the same lo"ic holds# At each nano'instant% the arrow has some location% not se&eral locations# *herefore% e&en in nano'instants% the arrow does not mo&e at all# $t seems the onl! wa! out of this absurdit! consists of claimin" that the arrow does% after all% occup! two locations at the same time# Alas% this leads to worse problems% which $ lea&e !ou to disco&er for !ourself# And that shows where Fo"ic "ets !ou% if uncorrected b! obser&ation (senses or instruments)# $f we do not correct our Fo"ic b! comparin" it with experience% we ma! "o on for centuries elaboratin" our most ancient errors endlessl! . as seems ob&iousl! to ha&e happened to cultures that do not share our self'e&ident axioms# 9ut we seem as nutt! to those cultures as the! seem to us# E&er! reli"ion% for instance% seems to other reli"ions (and nonbelie&ers) the result of lo"ical deductions from axioms that <ust don5t fit this uni&erse# )o% then% let us b! all means correct our ure Reason with actual experience of what people see and smell and otherwise detect in the phenomenolo"ical or existential world# Fet us expand be!ond abstract ure Reason and check our lo"ic a"ainst our experience# )o% thenJ from this kind of ar"ument% science emer"ed . and seemed for a while read! and able to sol&e all our problems# -ertainl!% with its splendid e(uations and mar&elous instruments% science seemed to offer a better wa! to sol&e nitt!'"ritt! existential problems than Dreek lo"ic e&er had# 9usinessmen noticed this (uickl! and be"an fundin" research# Rationalist philosophers noted it later and <o!ousl! assumed science could "o be!ond practicalit! . the best model at a date . and also produce ure *ruth# 9ut then Einstein showed that two clocks can measure different times . <ust like the two human hands measurin" different temperatures# *he fallibilit! of our ner&ous s!stems suddenl! appeared also in our instruments/ and Absolute *ruth a"ain eluded us# Einstein% to repeat for emphasis% also demonstrated that two rulers can measure different len"ths# *hen Quantum ,echanics showed that different instruments can !ield radicall! different readin"s of space'time e&ents in the sub'atomic world# $n the most shockin" case of all% one which still sends first !ear ph!sics students reelin"% one instrumental set'up shows us a world made of discrete bullet'like particles and the same instruments in a different set'up show a world made of ocean'like ener"! wa&es# *his seemed incomprehensible to ph!sicists at first because% three hundred !ears after Dalileo shot Aristotle5s ph!sics full of holes% the! were still thinkin" in the cate"ories of Aristotle5s lo"ic% where P must be either a wa&e or a particle and can5t possibl! be both a wa&e and a particle% dependin" on how and when we look at it# Cor a while% some ph!sicists were actuall! talkin"% facetiousl!% but also a bit desperatel!% about wa&icles# $n summar!J we thou"ht we could escape the relati&it! and uncertaint! of sense or"ans b! buildin" smart instruments% but now we ha&e disco&ered the relati&it! of the instruments themsel&es# ($ keep reiteratin" this because% in m! experience teachin" seminars on non' Aristotelian lo"ic for BI !ears% hardl! an!bod! understand this at first# ,ost people think the! understand it% but the! don5t#) *hus% when !ou examine a rose bush% whether !ou look with !our e!es (and brain) alone% or look with a &ariet! of scientific instruments% what !ou will see depends on the structure of the instrument . !our sensor! apparatus and K or the tools added to that apparatus# Curthermore% what !ou can sa! about what !ou saw depends on the structure of !our s!mbolism . whether !ou describe it in En"lish% ersian% -hinese% Euclidean "eometr!% non' Euclidean "eometr!% differential calculus or (uaternions# *his explains wh!% in :r# +ones5s words% whate&er we are describin"% the human mind cannot be parted from it#

SE5EN Strange Loo#s 3 the !n.inite 0egress

$f we ne&er describe an!thin" as it is but onl! as it appears to our minds% we can ne&er ha&e a pure ph!sics% but onl! neuro'ph!sics . i#e#% ph!sics as known throu"h the human ner&ous s!stem# We can also ne&er ha&e pure philosoph!% but onl! neuro'philosoph! . philosoph! as known throu"h the human ner&ous s!stem# And we can ne&er ha&e pure neurolo"! but onl! neuro'neurolo"! . neurolo"! as known throu"h the human ner&ous s!stem; 9ut at this point we ha&e alread! entered the arena of )tran"e Foops% as some readers ha&e "uessed% for neuro'neurolo"! can onl! be known b! the ner&ous s!stem and thus can onl! be known b! a meta'science of neuro'neuro'neurolo"!; which can onl! be known throu"h neuro'neuro'neuro'neurolo"!; and so on% ad infinitum# :o !ou detect Ford Russell5s two'head ar"ument loomin" on the horizon at this point= 7r e&en +#W# :unne5s infinite re"ress of consciousness in time= )ome Gen bastard seems to ha&e slammed the door of the *ruth in our face a"ain# *his neurolo"ical re"ress precisel! parallels a proof in Quantum ,echanics% known as 4on >eumann5s -atastrophe (or 4on >eumann5s -atastrophe of the $nfinite Re"ress% in full) which shows that we can add an infinite number of instruments to our existin" instruments and still ne&er "et rid of some de"ree of 8ncertaint! and $ndeterminac!# (9! the end of this book the reader will hopefull! understand wh! this coincidence and dozens like it inescapabl! link Quantum ,echanics with dail!'life ps!cholo"! or ordinar! kitchen'sink consciousness#) At this point some readers ma! want to bail out or throw the book awa!% thinkin" $ shall soon lead them into the bottomless ab!ss of solipsism or some neo'9erkele!an $dealism# >ot at allJ a stark dualism of -ertaint! &ersus 8ncertaint! onl! appears in two'&alued Aristotelian lo"ic# $n mathematical lo"ic% we do not ha&e to choose between those extremes# Cor con&enience we can reduce these to the traditional 0II used in ordinar! percenta"es# *hus% if ure -ertaint! e(uals 0IIQ and ure 8ncertaint! e(uals IQ% the lo"ic of Quantum ,echanics and of the Quantum s!cholo"! in this book does not tell us that the impossibilit! of reachin" 0IIQ lea&es us stuck at IQ fore&er# Quite the re&erse# ,an! thin"s in dail! life ha&e probabilities o&er HIQ% which will satisf! an! "ambler and keep up his interest/ e&en better% some thin"s ha&e probabilities of 1IQ% 1HQ or e&en hi"her# ersonall!% $ ne&er worr! about the thermod!namic fact that the probabilit! of air remainin" approximatel! e&enl! distributed around this room ne&er reaches 0IIQ# *he probabilit! that all the air will suddenl! rush to one corner and lea&e me to die in a &acuum has been calculated as "reater than IQ and much% much less than I#II0Q% but $ refuse to "et anxious about it# *he probabilit! that $ will "et hit b! a meteor tomorrow seems much% much hi"her . ma!be almost as hi"h as I#0Q ' but $ don5t worr! much about that either# *he business person% like the ph!sicist or "ambler% has lon" "rown accustomed to this aspect of Quantum s!cholo"!# 9usinesses do not hope for 0IIQ certaint! in makin" decisions (i#e#% the! do not <ud"e "rain futures b! reli"ious :o"ma) but the! do not muddle about in endless 6amlet'like indecision (total uncertaint!)% either# *he! lon" a"o learned to "uesstimate or intuit probabilities% and nowada!s the! ha&e "enerall! "raduated from "uesstimatin" to precise estimatin" with mathematical probabilit! matrices in a computer# *hus% the loss of certaint! does not mean a descent into the &oid of solipsism# $t merel! means a "raduation from the kinder"arten le&el of !es (0IIQ) or no (IQ) to the adult world of how closel! can we calculate the odds on this happenin"= (HQ= AHQ= LHQ= 1HQ=) $ must admit% howe&er% that the lo"ic of probabilit! does lead to some weird implications# $n this connection% consider what $ call the +esus 6# -hrist >i"ht# ,ost math students% earl! on in their 8ni&ersit! !ears% encounter the paradox of the add! ,urph! >i"ht# *he odds of "ettin" two add! ,urph!s in the same class seems small% but it does happen# What seems distinctl! odd to non'mathematicians . the add! ,urph! paradox . consists in thisJ if the uni&erse lasts lon" enou"h% some lecturer must e&entuall! confront a class consistin" entirel! of men named add! ,urph!# $f !ou think about it% !ou will easil! see%

intuiti&el!% that this add! ,urph! >i"ht must e&entuall! occur# What sta""ers most people lies in the result we "et if we ima"ine a uni&erse that last an infinite number of !ears# $n that infinite uni&erse% add! ,urph! >i"ht not onl! occurs once% or se&eral times% but an infinite number of times# (6owe&er% non' add! ,urph! >i"ht also occurs an infinite number of times# *his illustrates -antor5s principle that if !ou remo&e an infinite set from an infinite set% another infinite set remains;)H ?esterda! (AKBK011I) $ heard a popular talk'show host (:ick Whittin"ton% @A9-% Fos An"eles) mention that% in hi"h school% in *he 9ronx% >ew ?ork% he actuall! had a classmate named +esus -hrist#O ,r# Whittin"ton returned to this topic a few times% seemin"l! worried that his audience suspected him of a put'on# $ felt inclined to belie&e him% because when $ attended hi"h school% in 9rookl!n% $ had a class'mate named )&en -hrist% who told me that the )candina&ian countries had man! families named -hrist# )ince man! 6ispanic families name their first son +esus% which the! pronounce :ay-zeus but most non'6ispanic Americans pronounce ;ee-zuz% a )candina&ian'6ispanic marria"e could easil! produce a son named +esus -hrist# 9ut then $ remembered add! ,urph! ni"ht% and realized that if the uni&erse last lon" enou"h% some lecturer will e&entuall! confront an audience made up entirel! of men named +esus -hrist# And in an infinite uni&erse% this will happen an infinite number of times# And% since 6arr! remains a popular middle name% some lecturer% e&en in a finite uni&erse% might some ni"ht confront an audience consistin" of men named +esus 6# -hrist (or a mixed audience of ,ar! -hrists and +esus 6# -hrists)# $n an infinite uni&erse% an infinite number of lecturers will encounter an infinite number of such audiences# 6owe&er% althou"h no mathematician would dispute this% $ will not li&e in ea"er anticipation of the ni"ht when $% a fre(uent lecturer% encounter this audience of +esus 6# -hrists# +ust as $ do not li&e in dread of all the molecules rushin" to the corner and lea&in" me to die in a &acuum# $ emphasize and will reiterate this because so man! people ha&e been h!pnotized b! Aristotelian !esKno lo"ic to the extent that an! step be!ond that 9ronze A"e m!thos seems to them a whirlin"% dizz!in" plun"e into a pit of -haos and the :ark >i"ht of >ihilism# *his book on Quantum s!cholo"!% then% attempts to show that the 8ncertaint! and $ndeterminac! of (uantum ph!sics has its ori"in in our brains and ner&ous s!stems/ that all other knowled"e has the same ori"in/ and that the non'aristotelian lo"ic in&ented b! (uantum ph!sics describe all other efforts of human bein"s to know and to talk about the world of experience% on an! le&el# ,r# A in his office tr!in" to understand wh! his boss acts unfairl!% and :r# 9 in her laborator! tr!in" to understand wh! a (uantum function beha&es as it does% must both alwa!s remain part of a seamless unit! with what the! seek to understand# $ do not consider this book Quantum hilosoph!% howe&er# $ ha&e called the ideas herein Quantum s!cholo"! because the conse(uences of Relati&it!% 8ncertaint! and $ndeterminac! ha&e literall! earth'shakin" implications for our dail! li&es% our mental health% our relations with other humans% and e&en our deepest social problems and our relations with the rest of the Earth and the -osmos itself# As -ount Alfred @orz!bski noted in the 01BIs% if all people learned to think in the non-2ristotelian manner of quantum mechanics" the world would change so radically that most of what we call $stupidity% and even a great deal of what we consider $insanity% might disappear% and the intractable problems of war% po&ert! and in<ustice would suddenl! seem a "reat deal closer to solution# *hink about it# *he (uest for -ertaint! in a world of 8ncertaint! creates some amusin" parallels between the life of an indi&idual and that of a ci&ilization#

Cor example% the set of whole numbers continues to infinit!% but so does the set of e&en numbers# $f !ou subtract the e&en numbers from the whole numbers% !ou still ha&e an infinite set of odd numbers# 6 ,r# Whittin"ton remembered this because of a news bulletin concernin" a man named +oe 9low% who complained that his name created problems in <ob'huntin"# eople would start lau"hin" when the! saw his name on an application% ,r# 9low said% and could not seem to take him seriousl! as a possible emplo!ee% as if someone named ork! i" had asked for a <ob#

Cor instance% consider a h!pothetical +oe )mith% born in -anton% 7hio% in 012A# 9! the time of his tenth birthda! in 01HA% )mith had probabl! arri&ed at premature certaint! for the first time# 6e belie&ed in &arious doctrines because his parents did . e#"#% the superiorit! of the Republican art! o&er all others% the similar superiorit! of the Episcopalian -hurch% the desirabilit! of racial se"re"ation% the ine&itabilit! of all institutions (-hurch% )tate% business etc#) remainin" male dominated% and the necessit! of destro!in" World -ommunism% which all "ood people (he knew) reco"nized as the ma<or E&il on the planet# 9! 01OA this particular +oe )mith% then AI !ears old% had arri&ed at 6ar&ard and had mutated completel! . taken a (uantum <ump# 6e ma<ored in sociolo"!% considered himself a Fiberal% had se&ere doubts about the superiorit! of Republicans and Episcopalians% and thou"ht some kind of modus vivendi with the -ommunists had to occur or the world would blow itself up# 6e also felt opposed to se"re"ation but !ou would not find him doin" an!thin" practical about it% and he still hadn5t (uestioned male superiorit!# 6e had a"ain reached premature certaint! and belie&ed the &iews of the professors he liked best represented the &iew of all educated people# 6is parents now seemed i"norant to him% althou"h he felt ashamed to think that# +oe had no idea that the Re&olution of the 01OIs would mutate him and his realit!'tunnel in dozens of wa!s he could not predict in 01OA# 6e didn5t foresee Creedom Rides and ,ississippi cops and clubs and tear'"as and F): and Woodstock and the enta"on :emonstration and Women5s Fiberation in his future at all% at all# 9! 01LA% +oe and some friends set a bomb in an occupied laborator! at ni"ht% to protest the use of technolo"! in a war he considered immoral# *he 8nited )tates "o&ernment% and not -ommunism% now seemed to him the supreme E&il in the world# he spouted ,arxist <ar"on% mixed with hippie m!sticism% and a"ain% ha&in" li&ed BI !ears% he had premature certaint!# +oe has probabl! spent more of the !ears since 01LA% first li&in" a "rubb! under"round life while waitin" for the statute of limitations to expire% and then tr!in" to "et his head back to"ether a"ain . running on empty% in the excellent metaphor of a recent film# )imilarl!% Western -i&ilization% reached premature certaint! with lato andKor Aristotle% reached a new kind of premature certaint! with A(uinas and the medie&al theolo"ians% reached a third premature certaint! with >ewton and the A"e of Reason etc# *oda!% the best educated appear as if tr!in" to "et their heads back to"ether a"ain and runnin" on empt!# Western -i&ilization also had no suspicion that the Re&olutions of the next two decades will mutate it and its latest realit!'tunnel in dozens of wa!s we cannot predict in 011I;

PA0T T$O S#ea,ing A+o"t the Uns#ea,a+le

It used to #e thought that physics descri#es the universe. 3ow we know that physics only descri#es what we can say a#out the universe. ' >iels 9ohr $*eality< e don(t got to show you no steeeeenking reality.% ' :r# >ick 6erbert% caricaturin" the -openha"en $nterpretation% Esalen $nstitute% Cebruar! 013O

E!GHT Q"ant"m Logic

:r# +ohn &on >eumann% one of the leadin" proponents of 9ohr5s &iew that science cannot find one deep realit! underl!in" all relati&e instruments realities% went one step further than

9ohr# )ince the (uantum world <ust does not fit Aristotelian either K or lo"ic% &on >eumann in&ented a three'&alued lo"ic that suits the (uantum world better# Aristotle left us with the two choices% true or false# 4on >eumann added a may#e# *his corresponds in some wa!s with :r# Rapoport5s indeterminate state% but differs in other wa!s/ it definitel! excludes the meanin"less% which &on >eumann% like 9ohr% banned from scientific discourse entirel!# )ome ph!sicists (e#"#% :r# :a&id Cinkelstein) belie&e that &on >eumann has sol&ed all (or ma!be sombunall=) the paradoxes that still lin"er e&en after we ha&e accepted 9ohr5s -openha"enian re<ection of deep realit!# 7thers re"arded B'&alued Quantum Fo"ic as a mere formalism or trick and not a true contribution to clarif!in" the $ndeterminac! and 8ncertaint! of (uantum le&els# >onetheless% QF ((uantum lo"ic) applies &er! well to ordinar! affairs . (uite contrar! to the opinion of those who assure us that (uantum uncertaint! does not in&ade our dail! li&es and remains onl! on the sub'atomic le&el# Cor instance% $ toss a coin in the air# 8nless it lands on ed"e (a rare e&ent) the coin definitel! settles into an Aristotelian either K or when it hits the floor . heads or tails# >o may#e# 9ut in what state does the coin exist while flip'floppin" up from m! hand and down to the floor= )ome metaph!sical doctrine of predestination ma! claim the coin exists as heads or tails e&en before landin"% because it has been predetermined that the coin will land that wa!# )cientificall!% such a proposition lies be!ond the reach of testin"% and so we must consider it meanin"less# 7n the operational or phenomenolo"ical le&el% the coin appears in a &on >eumann 7n the operational or phenomenolo"ical le&el% the coin appears in a &on >eumann may#e state until it lands# )imilarl!% *ransactional ps!cholo"! re&eals that perceptions be"in alwa!s in the may#e state# $ walk down the street and see "ood old +oe half a block awa!# $f $ ha&en5t studied brain science% $ feel sure that the +oe $ see is reall! there% and $ feel (uite surprised when the fi"ure comes closer and $ now see a man who onl! resembles "ood old +oe sli"htl!# ,! perception contained a may#e but% conditioned b! Aristotelian lo"ic% $ i"nored this and m! conception leaped to premature certaint!# (*his description has been simplified for lo"ical clarit!# $n experience% the feedback loop from perception to conception and #ack to perception operates so (uickl!% that we see what we think we should see and the may#e &irtuall! ne&er re"isters . until we re'train oursel&es to re"ister it#) Whether somethin" belon"s in the trueKfalse class or in the may#e class usuall! depends on time considerations# *he coin belon"s in may#e for a few seconds% while in the air% but settles into either K or when it lands# ,ar! did not come to class toda! will seem true to the teacher% seein" absence'of',ar! or (technicall!) non'presence of ,ar!'ness in the class% but becomes a may#e if somebod! alle"es that ,ar! has appeared in the distance% rushin" toward class/ ,ar! did not come to class toda! can then shift to the false cate"or!% replaced b! ,ar! arri&ed late for class% the second she enters the room# ,an! perceptions not onl! be"in in the may#e state but remain may#e fore&er% because the space'time e&ents that tri""er them do not last lon" enou"h for us to <ustif! definite &erdicts# >onetheless% we i"nore this and% "uided b! Aristotelian habit% assi"n definite &erdicts an!wa!# )uch seems the explanation of those ph!sicists who so often remark that uncertaint! appears onl! in the (uantum realm# The ,4/ =erdict b! Robert )heaffer contains the premature certaint! implied b! the title# ,r# )heaffer knows what 8C7s reall! are . the! reall! are hoaxes and hallucinations# )imilarl!% 4lying Saucers 2re *eal b! ,a<or :onald @e!hoe also knows what 8C7s reall! are . the! reall! are interplanetar! spaceships# *he perception ps!cholo"ist would note that 8C7s come and "o so fast% usuall!% that most of them ne&er "raduate from the may#e class# 9ut we will expand on that in a more appropriate place# Aristotelian do"matic habit also reinforces and "ets reinforced b! ancient mammalian territorial imperati&es# Wild primates% like other &ertebrates% claim ph!sical territories/ domesticated primates (humans) claim mental territories . $deolo"ies and Reli"ions# *hus% one seldom hears a (uantum may#e in discussions of Roose&elt5s economic policies &ersus Ronald Rea"an5s economic policies# Fike )haeffer and @e!hoe% most 8C7s belie&ers and 8C7

debunkers disa"ree about e&er!thin" else% but share a common a&ersion to the word may#e# And one &irtuall! ne&er hears May#e +esus was the son of Dod or May#e $slam is a false reli"ion# eople i"nore the (uantum may#e because the! ha&e lar"el! ne&er heard of (uantum lo"ic or *ransactional ps!cholo"!% but the! also i"nore it because traditional politics and religion have conditioned people for millenniums & and still train them today & to act with intolerance and premature certainty# $n "eneral% people <ud"e it manl! to pronounce do"matic &erdicts and fi"ht for them% and to admit (uantum uncertaint! (&on >eumann5s may#e) seems unmanl!# Ceminism often challen"es this machismo% but% <ust as often% certain Ceminists appear to think the! will appear stron"er if the! speak and beha&e as do"maticall! and unscientificall! as the stupidest% most macho males# *his tendenc! to premature &erdicts recei&es considerable reinforcement% also% from the software our brains habituall! use . our lan"ua"e and our t!pical lan"ua"e structure# Accordin" to 3ews of the eird (b! )tepherd% -ohut and )weet% >ew American ibrar!% 0131) . a book of nearl! incredible but seemin"l! true stories from respectable newspapers . in 013L a man in Rochester% >ew ?ork% shot a woman he mistook for his wife# $5m sorr!% he told police# $ meant to shoot m! wife% but $ for"ot m! "lasses# 6is uni&erse% like those of )heaffer and @e!hoe% seems built on (uick &erdicts and no may#es# )ame book . a man in Westchester shot his wife while huntin"# 6e told police he had mistaken her for a woodchuck# *wo more huntin" accidents% in the same book . a man shot a friend% who he mistook for a s(uirrel# Another man shot a teena"e "irl he mistook for a "roundho"# Another man in 4ir"inia 9each killed his mother'in'law with a hatchet and claimed he mistook her for a lar"e raccoon# *hese stories ha&e may#es in their may#es# $ mean% after all% ma!be some of these people made up these alibis out of desperation# *hen a"ain% the world contains% not onl! 8C7s (8nidentified Cl!in" 7b<ects) but also 8>C7s (8nidentified >on'Cl!in" 7b<ects)J and those without >eumann5s three'&alued lo"ic and its may#es will often be too (uick about understandin" and identif!in" them# $f !ou li&e in a bus! part of a cit!% look out the window# 7bser&e how man! 8>C7s "o past so (uickl! that the! ne&er "raduate from the may#e state to the identified state#

N!NE Ho* George Carlin Ma e Legal History

E&er!bod! understands that !ou cannot drink the word water% and !et &irtuall! nobod! seems entirel! free of semantic delusions entirel! comparable to tr!in" to drink the ink-stains that form the word water on this pa"e or the sound waves produced when $ sa! water aloud# $f !ou sa!% *he word is not the thin"% e&er!bod! a"rees placidl!/ if !ou watch people% !ou see that the! continue to beha&e as if somethin" called )acred reall! is )acred and somethin" called +unk reall! is +unk# *his t!pe of neurolin"uistic hallucination appears so common amon" humans that it usuall! remains in&isible to us% as some claim water appears in&isible to fish% and we will continue to illustrate it copiousl! as we proceed# 7n anal!sis% this word h!pnosis seems the most peculiar face about the human race# -ount Alfred @orz!bski said we confuse the map with the territor!# Alan Watts said we can5t tell the menu from the meal# 6owe&er one phrases it% humans seem stran"el! prone to confusin" their mental file cabinets . neurolin"uistic "rids . with the non'&erbal world of sensor!'sensual space'time# As Fao'*se said in the Tao Te Ching% AHII !ears a"o% The road you can talk a#out is not the road you can walk on. (7rJ The way that can #e spoken is not the way that can #e trodden #) We all know this (or think that we do) and !et we all perpetuall! for"et it#

Cor instance% here in the 8nited )tates . an alle"edl! secular :emocrac! with an iron wall of separation between -hurch and )tate written into its -onstitution . the Cederal -ommunications -ommission has a list of )e&en Corbidden Words which nobod! ma! speak on the radio and tele&ision# An! attempt to find out wh! these words remain Ta#u leads into an epistemolo"ical fo"% a morass of medie&al metaph!sics% in which concepts melt like )al&ador :ali5s clocks and ideas become as slipper! as a boat deck in bad weather# 7ne cannot dismiss this m!ster! as tri&ial# When comedian Deor"e -arlin made a record (7ccupationJ Coole) discussin"% amon" other thin"s% *he se&en words !ou can ne&er sa! on tele&ision% W9A$ radio (>ew ?ork) pla!ed the record% and recei&ed a fine so hea&! that% althou"h the incident occurred in 01LH% W9A$% a small listener'sponsored station% recentl! announced (011I) that the! ha&e not !et paid all their le"al costs in fi"htin" the case% which went all the wa! to the )upreme -ourt# *he Ei"ht Wise ,en (and 7ne Wise Woman) thereon upheld the Cederal -ommunications -ommission# The highest court in the land has actually ruled on what comedians may and may not 'oke a#out# Deor"e -arlin has become somethin" more than a comedian# 6e now has the status of a Fe"al recedent# ?ou will pa! a hea&! fine% in the 8#)# toda!% if !ou speak an! of the )e&en Corbidden Words on radio or tele&ision . shit" piss" fuck" cunt" cocksucker" motherfucker and tits# *he words ha&e been forbidden% our Do&ernment sa!s% because the! are indecent# Wh! are the! indecent= 9ecause a certain percenta"e of people who mi"ht turn on the radio or *4 experience them as indecent# Wh! do sombunall people experience these words as indecent= 9ecause the words are dirt! or &ul"ar# Wh! are these words dirt! and &ul"ar when other words% denotin" the same ob<ects or e&ents% are not dirt! or &ul"ar= Wh!% specificall!% can a radio station be fined if a ps!cholo"ist on a talk show sa!s 6e was so an"r! he stopped ha&in" sexual intercourse with her= As ,r# -arlin pointed out in the comed! routine which led the )upreme -ourt to perform their e&en more remarkable comed! routine% fuckin" seems one of the most common topics on tele&ision% e&en thou"h nobod! uses the word# *o paraphrase ,r# -arlin% man! "uests on the ,er& Driffin and :onahue shows ha&e written books on how to fuck or who to fuck or how to fuck better% and nobod! ob<ects as lon" as the! sa! sexual intercourse instead of fuckin"# And% of course% as -arlin "oes on% the main topics on soap operas% da! after da!% consist of who has fucked whom% will she fuck him% will he fuck somebod! else% ha&e the! fucked !et% who5s "ettin" fucked now% etc# )ome sa! fuck is dirt! and sexual intercourse isn5t because fuck comes from the An"lo')axon and sexual intercourse represents middle'and'upper class speech# *his does not happen to accord with brute fact% statisticall!J $ ha&e heard the word fuck in the dail! (non'radio) con&ersation of professors% politicians% business persons% poets% mo&ie stars% doctors% law!ers% police persons and most of the population of sombunall classes and castes% except a few reli"ious conser&ati&es# And% e&en if fuck did occur exclusi&el! in lower'class speech% we do not know% and can hardl! explain% wh! it has been sub<ect to a hu"e and bodacious fine when such other lower'class locutions as ain5t% frid"e (for refri"erator)% "onna and wh!ncha (wh! don5t !ou) ha&e not fallen under similar sanction# >or ha&e we !et seen a ban on the distinctl! lower class +eet= >aw . +ew= (:id !ou eat= >o% did !ou=) *he fact that some encla&es of reli"ious conser&ati&es do not use the word fuck (or are embarrassed if the! "et cau"ht usin" it) seems to pro&ide the onl! clue to this m!ster!# *he Cederal -ommunications -ommission% it seems% bases its polic! upon persons who belie&e% or for political reasons wish to seem to belie&e% that the rather paranoid Dod of the conser&ati&e reli"ions has 6is own list of )e&en Corbidden Words and will become (uite irate if the official *abu list of our "o&ernment does not match 6is list# )ince that particular :eit! has a reputation for blowin" a few cities to hell whene&er he feels anno!ed% the C#-#-# ma!% in the back of their heads% think the! will pre&ent further earth(uakes b! maintainin" the *abu on the )e&en 8nspeakable Words# *he Wall of )eparation between -hurch and )tate% like man! other pious pronouncements in our -onstitution% does not correspond with the wa! our "o&ernment actuall! functions# $n short% the )e&en Corbidden Words remain forbidden because pronouncin" them aloud mi"ht a"itate

some )tone A"e deit! or other% and we still li&e in the same web of *abu that controls other primiti&e peoples on this boondocks planet# )ome li"ht seems about to dawn in the semantic murk; but let us press further and ask wh! the conser&ati&e5s )tone A"e Dod ob<ects to fuck and not to sexual intercourse or such s!non!ms as coitus% copulation% sexual con"ress% sexual union% lo&e'makin"% etc#= )hould we belie&e this Dod has a &iolent pre<udice a"ainst words which% in reputation if not in realit!% seem to reflect lower'class culture= :oes this Dod dislike poor people as much as Ronald Rea"an did= erhaps the reader will appreciate the immensit! of this m!ster! more full! if $ ask a related (uestionJ $f the word fuck is obscene or dirt!% wh! isn5t the word duck LHQ dirt!= 7r% similarl!J $f the word cunt is unacceptable to the conser&ati&e5s Dod% wh! does the word punt not recei&e a LHQ unacceptabilit! ratin"= Wh! do we not see it spelled pR in the dail! press= *o (uote the admirable Deor"e -arlin one more time% )uch lo"icS )uch lawS

TEN ("ssy M"tts 3 a City *ith T*o Names

We ha&e pointed out that nobod! would tr! to drink the ink'stains that form the word water on this pa"e% !et most people ha&e semantic delusions and hallucinations entirel! similar to that# *he reader has perhaps be"un to appreciate that this hardl! (ualifies as a h!perbole or exa""eration# *o paraphrase rofessor )#$# 6a!akawa% when !ou "o into a restaurant !ou expect the menu to sa! -hoice -ut of *op )irloin )teak and would be taken aback if it said A hunk of meat chopped off a dead castrated bull# ?et the two &erbal formulae refer to same non'&erbal e&ent in the space'time continuum% as &e"etarians would (uickl! tell us# Words do not equal in space-time the thin"s or e&ents the! denote% !et people react to a choice between words as if makin" a choice between real thin"s or e&ents in the existential world# *his h!pnosis b! words or li&in" in a cocoon of words can e&en lead to murder# Fiterall!# $ recall three t!pical examplesJ 0# )e&eral !ears a"o in )an Crancisco% a man ordered an extra portion of steak in a restaurant% sa!in" he wanted to take some home for his do"# *he waiter commented that he personall! fed his own do" on Red 6eart do" food# *he customer replied that his do" would not eat do" food and demanded steak# *he waiter said% ?ou5&e "ot one fuss! mutt there% mister# *he man% badl! hurt b! these insensiti&e words% went home and brooded# 6is belo&ed do"% a prince of canines% had been called a fuss! mutt# 6e brooded more# $ma"ine how !ou would feel if !our mother were called a drunken old whore# *o this man% ha&in" his precious hound called a fuss! mutt apparentl! seemed e(uall! insufferable# 6e went back to the restaurant and shot the waiter dead# A# )alman Rushdie recentl! composed the kind of orchestration of words and meanin"s we "enerall! call a no&el% as distin"uished from a poem% an insurance polic! or a political speech# *he late re&# A!atollah @homeni found this artistic arran"ement of words as unbearable as the Cederal -ommunications -ommission finds the )e&en 8nspeakable Words on their *abu Fist# As !ou ha&e no doubt read% the re&# A!atollah offered a reward of TH%III%III to whoe&er would "o to En"land and shoot ,r# Rushdie in the head with bullets# (,r# Rushdie had not referred to ,ohammed as a fuss! mutt% but what he did write% e&en if intended as art% impacted upon the re&# A!atollah as <ust as hurtful as fuss! mutt to the man in )an Crancisco#) B# When the En"lish con(uered $reland% the! chan"ed the name of the old town of :err! to Fondonderr!# *his has pro&en unacceptable to man! $rish patriots and utterl! insufferable to the $rish Republican Arm!# *he rotestants in the town% on the other hand% prefer Fondonderr! to

:err!# As of 011I% if !ou sa! :err! in one part of that town !ou ma! well "et shot b! the 8lster Creedom Ci"hters% and if !ou sa! Fondonderr! on the other side of the town !ou ma! "et shot b! the $#R#A# *he 8#C#C# belie&e their fi"ht is for the ri"hts of the rotestant ma<orit! in >orthern $reland/ the $#R#A# belie&e their fi"ht is for the ri"ht of the -atholic minorit!# Whose ci&il ri"hts seem realisticall! infrin"ed when one sa!s :err! instead of Fondonderr! or Fondonderr! instead of :err!= $f $ write that what actuall! exists in sensor!'sensual space'time is not :err! or Fondonderr! but a collection of people% houses% parks% brid"es% pubs% streets etc#% $ ma! seem to escape $deolo"! and mo&e closer to existential realit! or common human experience# Ri"ht= Wron"# 7n closer examination% this pro&es not (uite the case# A collection of people% houses% streets etc# consists of words and what !ou will find in that place in space'time remains something not words but non'&erbal thin"s and e&ents# >on'&erbal thin"s and e&ents% howe&er% remains still words; in En"lish; and we seem to ha&e landed in another kind of )tran"e Foop# erhaps Gen 9uddhism can enli"hten us# After all% Gen has promised Enli"htenment for se&eral hundred !ears now# A Gen koan of lon" standin" "oes as followsJ *he roshi (Gen teacher) holds up a staff and sa!s% $f !ou call this a staff% !ou affirm# $f !ou sa! it is not a staff% !ou den!# 9e!ond affirmation or denial% what is it= 9!ercise $ su""est that reader reflect on what has been said so far% about the )e&en Corbidden Words and then fuss! mutt and the killin"s in >orthern $reland# Reflect on the map is not the territor! and the menu is not the meal# -lose the book% close !our e!es% sit (uietl!% and think about this Gen riddle# Wait a minute and see if a li"ht slowl! dawns on !ou#

ELE5EN $hat E7"als the Uni4erse)

6ello# Welcome back# Whether !ou ha&e sol&ed the staff riddle or not% $ now in&ite !ou to a"ain consider the (uestionJ What e(uals the uni&erse= Accordin" to pious Roman -atholics% the philosoph! of *homas A(uinas e(uals the uni&erse# $n other words% e&er!thin" in the uni&erse exists also in the philosoph! of A(uinas and e&er!thin" in A(uinas exists also in the uni&erse# 7n the other hand% accordin" to pious Russian -ommunists% the ideolo"! of :ialectical ,aterialism as de&eloped b! ,arx% En"els and Fenin e(uals the uni&erse# E&er!thin" in the uni&erse exists in :ialectical ,aterialism and e&er!thin" in :ialectical ,aterialism exists also in the uni&erse# :isciples of A!n Rand feel the same wa! about 7b<ecti&ism# 6owe&er% aside from -atholics% ,arxists% 7b<ecti&ists and a few other din"bat "roups like the -ommittee for )cientific $n&esti"ation of -laims of the aranormal or the 6ard )hell 9aptists% most of us% in this technolo"ical a"e% ha&e at least a dim awareness that no coordination of words% howe&er skillfull! orchestrated% (uite e(uals the whole uni&erse# Whether we ha&e e&er stated it in the words $ used in art 7ne or not% we ha&e come to realize that nothin" equals the uni&erse except the uni&erse itself# An! philosoph!% an! theolo"!% an! coordination of words% an! mathematical model% an! scientific s!stem must alwa!s remain somethin" less than the whole uni&erse# )uch maps or models ma! describe lar"e parts of the uni&erse% but none of them can contain the whole uni&erse# *he most ad&anced mathematical ph!sics% for instance% cannot predict what $ will write in the next fi&e minutes# (>either can $% as 9er"son pointed out#)

)ome maps seem to contain fairl! lar"e areas of fiction% also . a possibilit! we alwa!s remember when considerin" other people5s ideas but (uickl! for"et when considerin" our own# 7ur maps and models of the uni&erse . our realit!'tunnels . alwa!s contain somethin" less than a life'size workin" model of the uni&erse% which we ha&e not built !et and probabl! ne&er can build# )uch a life'size model% after all% would ha&e to include !ou and me and e&er! other sentient bein" throu"hout space'time and the sensations andKor thou"hts of all such bein"s# )ince nobod! knows enou"h to build such a workin" model% nobod! understands the uni&erse in full# 9ut !ou realized that alread! if !ou fi"ured out the answer to the Gen staff riddle# Ri"ht= 6owe&er% if !ou still feel discombobulated; *r! this wa!J >ot onl! does the word water% an ink'stain on the pa"e% not e(ual the experience of water% but our ideas of water will ne&er contain all possible human experiences of water# *he chemical formula for water% 6A7% tells us sombunall of what a chemist normall! needs to know about water . namel! that it has two h!dro"en atoms for e&er! ox!"en atom . but it does >7* tell us% or attempt to tell us% the difference between drinkin" a "lass of water on a hot da! and bein" on a boat hit b! se&eral tons of rapidl! mo&in" water durin" a tropical storm# >or does it tell us the difference between the role water pla!s in the life of a "oldfish% who cannot sur&i&e more than about two minutes without water% and a human% who can sur&i&e nearl! a week without water% but not much lon"er than that# 6rief e!ercise ,editate on the difference between the two sentences followin"% and note how codin" (t!po"raphical con&ention) helps us distin"uish the two meanin"sJ 0# Water is not a word# A# Water is a word# Dot it= >o% !ou probabl! ha&en5t# >ot !et# ?ou onl! think !ou5&e "ot it#

T$EL5E The Creation o. 0eality8T"nnels

7ur models of the uni&erse . our "losses or "ambles . ha&e at least the followin" limitations and constraints upon them# 9- Genetics# 7ur :>A happens to ha&e e&ol&ed out of standard primate :>A and still has a 13 per cent similarit! to chimpanzee :>A (and 3HQ similarit! to the :>A of the )outh American spider monke!)# We thus ha&e basicall! the same "ross anatom! as other primates% the same ner&ous s!stems% basicall! the same sense or"ans% etc# (7ur more hi"hl! de&eloped cortexes allow us to perform certain hi"her or more complex mental functions than other primates% but our perceptions remain lar"el! within the primate norm#) *he :>A and the sensor! K neural apparatus produced b! the :>A creates what etholo"ists call the umwelt (world'field) percei&ed b! an animal# :o"s and cats see and sense a different umwelt or realit!'tunnel than primates# (6ence% 6einlein5s FawJ >o wa! has e&er been found to out'stubborn a cat#) -anine% feline and primate realit!'tunnels% howe&er% remain similar enou"h that friendship and communication amon" canines% felines and primates occurs easil!# )nakes li&e in a much different umwelt# *he! see heat wa&es% for instance% and seemin"l! do not see ob<ects# *he world seen b! a snake looks fundamentall! like a spiritualist sUance . fields of life'ener"! floatin" about in murk# *hat explains wh! a snake will strike at a hot air balloon that in&ades its territor!# *o the snake% the heat in the balloon and the heat in a hunter5s le" ha&e the same meanin" . an intruder has arri&ed# *he snake defends its territor! b! strikin" in both cases# 9ecause the snake5s umwelt or realit!'tunnel differs so fundamentall! from mammalian realit! tunnels% friendships between humans and snakes occur much less fre(uentl! than friendships between humans and mammals#

*he belief that the human umwelt re&eals realit! or deep realit! seems% in this perspecti&e% as naV&e as the notion that a !ardstick shows more realit! than a &oltmeter% or that m! reli"ion Eis5 better than !our reli"ion# 3eurogenetic chauvinism has no more scientific 'ustification than national or se!ual chauvinisms. *he most in"enious recent attempt to re&i&e classical Aristotelianism occurs in Anthon! )te&ens5s book% 2rchetypes% which ar"ues that e&olution must ha&e produced sense or"ans that re&eal truth or realit! or somethin" of the sort% or we would ha&e become extinct b! now# *his ar"ument o&erlooks se&eral facts/ viz> ,ore species ha&e become extinct than currentl! sur&i&e# ,ost extinct species died of their own limitations before humans arri&ed% and their demise did not result from human rapacit!# ,an! tribes of humans ha&e become extinct# Whole ci&ilizations ha&e destro!ed themsel&es% some clearl! b! followin" craz! deductions from inade(uate perceptions# -onsiderin" e&olution with these facts in mind% we see that most animals percei&e as accurate a realit!'tunnel of their local ha#itat as will statisticall! allow most members of that species to sur&i&e lon" enou"h to reproduce# >o animal% includin" the domesticated primate% can smu"l! assume the world re&ealed K created b! its senses and brain e(uals in all respects the real world or the onl! real world# $t e(uals sombunall% not all# :- !m#rints# $t appears (as of 011I) that animals ha&e brief periods of imprint &ulnerabilit! in which their ner&ous s!stem can suddenl! create a personalized realit!'tunnel uni(ue to itself# *hese imprints permanentl! bond neurons into reflex networks which seemin"l! remain for life# *he basic research on imprintin"% for instance% for which Forenz and *inber"en shared a >obel rize in 01LB% demonstrated that the statisticall! normal snow'"oose imprints its mother% as distinct from an! other "oose% shortl! after birth# *his imprint creates a bond and the "oslin" attaches itself to the mother in e&er! wa! possible# *hese brief points of imprint &ulnerabilit! can literall! imprint an!thin"# Forenz% for instance% recorded a case in which a "oslin"% in the temporar! absence of the mother% imprinted a pin"' pon" ball# $t followed the pin"'pon" ball about% nestled with it% and% on reachin" adulthood% attempted to mount the ball sexuall!# Another "oslin" imprinted :r# Forenz himself% with e(uall! bizarre results# $n an! litter of puppies% !ou can easil! obser&e how rapidl! *op :o" and 9ottom :o" roles "et imprinted# *he *op :o" eats more% "rows lar"er and continues as *op :o" for life/ the 9ottom :o" remains submissi&e and timid# A (uick examination of an! human communit! lends plausibilit! to :r# *imoth! Fear!5s h!pothesis that most humans ha&e imprinted *op :o" or 9ottom :o" roles <ust as mechanicall! as canines do# ($n sombunall mammals% of course% some indi&iduals imprint roles midwa! between *op and 9ottom% and thus hierarch! appears;) 6ow and when we imprint lan"ua"e seems to determine lifelon" pro"rams of cle&erness (&erbal facilit!) or dumbness (&erbal clumsiness)# *his reflects in our speech% and% since thinkin" consists lar"el! of <u""lin" words sub'&ocall!% in our abilit! to handle concepts% sol&e problems% etc# 6ow and when our pubertal sexualit! "ets imprinted% similarl!% seems to determine lifelon" pro"rams of heterosexualit! or homosexualit!% brash promiscuit! or mono"am!% etc# $n both common sexual imprints like these and in more eccentric imprints (celibac!% foot fetishism% sadomasochism etc#) the bonded brain circuitr! seem (uite as mechanical as the imprint which bonded the "oslin" to the pin"'pon" ball# (An!bod! who doubts this can tr! respondin" sexuall! to a stimulus that ne&er turned them on before% or totall! i"norin" a stimulus that normall! does turn them on#) *hus% nobod! enters a room with their "enetic primate neurolo"! as the onl! constraint on what the! will percei&e# :ependin" on imprints% one ma! see from a cle&er heterosexual *op :o" position% from a cle&er homosexual *op :o" perspecti&e% from a dumb homosexual *op :o" position% from a dumb heterosexual 9ottom :o" perspecti&e% from a smart celibate 9ottom :o" &anta"e etc# etc# *he permutations and possibilities seem (uite lar"e% althou"h finite# Denetics and hard'wired imprints do not make up the whole of the software which pro"rams our sel&es and our percei&ed uni&erses# *here remainJ

;- Con itioning# 8nlike imprintin" which re(uires onl! one experience and sets permanentl! into the neurons% conditionin" re(uires man! repetitions of the same experience and does not set permanentl!# 9eha&iorists% also% know how to re&erse conditionin" b! counter' conditionin"% but onl! :r# *imoth! Fear! has claimed to know how to re&erse imprintin"# (-uriousl!% laws currentl! forbid other scientists to repeat and test :r# Fear!5s experiments% and threaten them with prison if the! do "et cau"ht repeatin" this research# *he idea that the $n(uisition died 0LI !ears a"o seems% like the )eparation of -hurch and )tate% <ust another m!th% unconnected with how our "o&ernment actuall! functions#) <- Learning# Fike conditionin"% this re(uires repetition and it also re(uires motivation# Cor these reasons% it seems to pla! less of a role in human perception and belief than "enetics and imprintin" do and e&en less than conditionin" does# $t seems% as of 011I% that all snakes percei&e &irtuall! the same realit!'tunnel% with onl! minor imprinted differences# ,ammals show more conditioned and learned differences in their realit!'tunnels# (,ost cle&er do" stories that "et into newspapers illustrate that some particular do" has imprinted a model of the world unlike that of an! other do" we ha&e known#) 6umans% due to our complicated cortex and frontal lobes% which permit more conditionin" and learnin"% and also due to our prolon"ed infanc! (which probabl! permits more imprints% and more eccentric imprints) seem to differ more from each other than an! other mammals# *hus% an $rish do"% an Af"hani do"% a Russian do" etc#% "enerall! understand each other fairl! well# *he canine realit!'tunnel has more commonalities than differences% as we ha&e said# 6owe&er% an $rishman wrapped in a -atholic realit!'tunnel and a *op :o" personalit! ma! ha&e "reat difficult! understandin" an Af"hani li&in" in a ,oslem realit!'tunnel with a 9ottom :o" personalit!% and both ma! find it impossible to communicate at all with a Russian homosexual communist *op :o"# *his &ariabilit! of humans can function as the "reatest e&olutionar! stren"th of the human race% since it ma! allow us to learn from persons imprinted and ? or trained to see and hear and smell and think those things we have learned not to see or hear or smell or think. :ue to our habit of premature certaint!% howe&er% this &ariabilit! seldom ser&es that beneficial e&olutionar! function# ,ore often% when meetin" somebod! with a different "loss or umwelt% we merel! label that person mad or bad . craz! or e&il . or both# *his ma! explain most of the hostilit! on this planet% and most of the wars# Apolo"ists for certain authoritarian K do"matic "roups (the 4atican% the 8#)# )tate :epartment% the olitburo% -)$-7 ) spend most of their time constructin" proofs that an!bod! who does not share their realit!'tunnel has serious mental or moral defects or is a damned liar# A"ainJ $ call this book Quantum s!cholo"! rather than Quantum hilosoph! because understanding and internalizing )learning to use0 these principles can decrease dogma" intolerance" compulsive #ehavior" hostility etc. and also may increase openness" continuous learning" $growth% and empathy & sombunall of which represent "oals sou"ht in most forms of ps!chotherap!% and sombunall forms of m!stic reli"ion#

TH!0TEEN E an E8Prime
$n 01BB% in Science and Sanity% Alfred @orz!bski proposed that we should abolish the is of identit! from the En"lish lan"ua"e# (*he is of identit! takes the form @ is a A# E#"#% +oe is a -ommunist% ,ar! is a dumb file'clerk% *he uni&erse is a "iant machine% etc#) $n 0121% :# :a&id 9ourland +r# proposed the abolition of all forms of the words is or to be and the 9ourland proposal (En"lish without isness) he called E' rime% or En"lish' rime# A few scientists ha&e taken to writin" in E' rime (notabl! :r# Albert Ellis and :r# E#W# @ello"" $$$)# 9ourland% in a recent (not'!et'published) paper tells of a few cases in which scientific reports% unsatisfactor! to sombunall members of a research "roup% suddenl! made sense and

became acceptable when re'written in E' rime# 9! and lar"e% howe&er% E' rime has not !et cau"ht on either in learned circles or in popular speech# (7ddl!% most ph!sicists write in E' rime a lar"e part of the time% due to the influence of 7perationalism . the philosoph! that tells us to define thin"s b! operations performed . but few ha&e an! awareness of E' rime as a discipline and most of them lapse into isness statements all to fre(uentl!% thereb! confusin" themsel&es and their readers#) >onetheless% E' rime seems to sol&e man! problems that otherwise appear intractable% and it also ser&es as an antibiotic a"ainst what @orz!bski called demonolo"ical thinkin"# ,ost of this book emplo!s E' rime so the reader could be"in to "et ac(uainted with this new wa! of mappin" the world/ in a few instances $ allowed normal En"lish% and its isness to intrude a"ain (how man! of !ou noticed that=)% while discussin" some of the weird and superstitious thinkin" that exists throu"hout our societ! and always occurs when $is% creeps into our concepts. (As a clue or warnin"% $ placed each is in dubious (uotation marks% to hi"hli"ht its central role in the confusions there discussed#) As e&er!bod! with a home computer knows% the software can change the functioning of the hardware in radical and sometimes startling ways # *he first law of computers . so ancient that some claim it dates back to dark% -thulhoid eons when "iant saurians and Richard >ixon still dominated the earth . tells us succinctl!% Darba"e $n% Darba"e 7ut (or D$D7% for short)# *he wron" software guarantees wron" answers% or total "ibberish# -on&ersel!% the correct software% if !ou find it% will often miraculousl! sol&e problems that had hitherto appeared intractable# Since the #rain does not receive raw data" #ut edits data as it receives it" we need to understand the software the #rain uses # *he case for usin" E' rime rests on the simple proposition that isness sets the brain into a medie&al Aristotelian framework and makes it impossible to understand modern problems and opportunities# A classic case of D$D7% in short# Remo&in" isness and writin" K thinkin" onl! and alwa!s in operational K existential lan"ua"e% sets us% con&ersel!% in a modern uni&erse where we can successfull! deal with modern issues# *o be"in to "et the han" of E' rime% consider the followin" two columns% the first written in )tandard En"lish and the second in En"lish rime# Stan ar English English Prime 0# *he photon is a wa&e# 0# *he photon beha&es as a wa&e when constrained b! certain instruments# A# *he photon is a particle# A# *he photon beha&es as a wa&e when constrained b! other instruments# B# +ohn is unhapp! and "rouch!# B# +ohn appears unhapp! and "rouch! in the office# 2# +ohn is bri"ht and cheerful# 2# +ohn appears bri"ht and cheerful on holida! at the beach# H# *he car in&ol&ed in the hit'and'run accident H# $n memor!% $ think $ recall the car in&ol&ed in was a blue Cord# the hit'and'run accident as a blue Cord# O# *hat is a fascist idea# O# *hat seems like a fascist idea to me# L# 9eetho&en is better than ,ozart# L# $n m! present mixed state of musical education and i"norance 9eetho&en seems better than ,ozart to me# 3# Fad! -hatterle!5s Fo&er is a porno"raphic 3# Fad! -hatterle!5s Fo&er seems like a no&el# porno"raphic no&el to me# 1# Drass is "reen# 1# Drass re"isters as "reen to most human e!es# 0I# *he first man stabbed the second man with 0I# $ think $ saw the first man stab the second a knife# man with a knife# $n the first example a metaph!sical or Aristotelian formulation in )tandard En"lish becomes an operational or existential formulation when rewritten in En"lish rime# *his ma! appear of interest onl! to philosophers and scientists of an operationalist K phenomenolo"ist bias% but consider what happens when we mo&e to the second example#

-learl!% written in )tandard En"lish *he photon is a wa&e and *he photon is a particle contradict each other% <ust like the sentences Robin is a bo! and Robin is a "irl# >onetheless% all throu"h the nineteenth centur! ph!sicists found themsel&es debatin" about this and% b! the earl! 01AIs% it became ob&ious that the experimental e&idence could not resol&e the (uestion% since the experimental e&idence depended on the instruments or the instrumental set'up (desi"n) of the total experiment# 7ne t!pe of experiment alwa!s showed li"ht tra&elin" in wa&es% and another t!pe alwa!s showed li"ht tra&elin" as discrete particles# *his contradiction created considerable consternation# As noted earlier% some (uantum theorists <oked about wa&icles# 7thers proclaimed in despair that the uni&erse is not rational (b! which the! meant to indicate that the uni&erse does not follow Aristotelian lo"ic)# )till others looked hopefull! for the definiti&e experiment (not !et attained in 011I) which would clearl! pro&e whether photons are wa&es or particles# $f we look% a"ain% at the translations into En"lish' rime% we see that no contradiction now exists at all% no paradox% no irrationalit! in the uni&erse# We also find that we ha&e constrained oursel&es to talk about what actuall! happened in space'time% whereas in )tandard En"lish we allowed oursel&es to talk about somethin" that has ne&er been obser&ed in space'time at all . the siness or whatness or Aristotelian essence of the photon# (>iels 9ohr5s -omplementarit! rinciple and -openha"en $nterpretation% the technical resolutions of the wa&e K particle dualit! within ph!sics% amount to tellin" ph!sicists to adopt the spirit of E' rime without (uite articulatin" E' rime itself#) *he weakness of Aristotelian isness or whatness statements lies in their assumption of indwellin" thin"ness . the assumption that e&er! ob<ect contains what the c!nical Derman philosopher ,ax )tirner called spooks# *hus in ,oliere5s famous <oke% an i"norant doctor tries to impress some e&en more i"norant la! persons b! explainin" that opium makes us sleep! because it has a sleep'producin" propert! in it# 9! contrast a scientific or operational statement would define precisel! how the structure of the opium molecule chemicall! bonds to specific receptor structures in the brain% describin" actual e&ents in the space'time continuum# In simpler words" the 2ristotelian universe assumes an assem#ly of $things% with $essences% or $spooks% inside them" where the modern scientific )or e!istentialist0 universe assumes a network of structural relationships. (Fook at the first two examples of )tandard En"lish and En"lish rime a"ain% to see this distinction more clearl!#) ,oliere5s ph!sician does not seem nearl! as comical as the theolo"! promul"ated b! the 4atican# Accordin" to *homist Aristotelianism (the official 4atican philosoph!) thin"s not onl! ha&e indwellin" essences or spooks but also ha&e external accidents or appearances# *his explains the ,iracle of the *ransubstantiation# $n this astoundin"% mar&elous% totall! wonderful% e&en mindbo""lin" ,iracle% a piece of bread chan"es into the bod! of a +ew who li&ed AIII !ears a"o# >ow% the accidents . which include e&er!thin" !ou can obser&e about the bread% with !our senses or with the most subtle scientific instruments . admittedl! do not chan"e# *o !our e!es or tastes buds or electron microscopes the bread has under"one no chan"e at all# $t doesn5t e&en wei"h as much as a human bod!% but retains the wei"ht of a small piece of bread# >onetheless% to -atholics% after the ,iracle (which an! priest can perform) the bread is the bod! of the aforesaid dead +ew% one ?eshua ben ?usef% whom the "o!s in the 4atican call +esus -hrist# $n other words% the essence of the bread is the dead +ew# $t appears ob&ious that% within this framework% the essence of the bread can be an!thin"% or can be asserted to be an!thin"# $t could be the essence of the Easter 9unn!% or it could be +esus and the Easter 9unn! both% or it could be the Ci&e 7ri"inal ,arx 9rothers% or it could be a million other spooks happil! co'existin" in the realm outside space'time where such metaph!sical entities appear to reside# E&en more astoundin"% this ,iracle can onl! happen if the priest has a Will!# rotestants% +ews% Gen 9uddhists etc# ha&e ordained man! female cler"!'persons in recent decades% but the 4atican remains firm in the principle that onl! a male . a human with a Will! . can transform the essence of bread into the essence of a dead bod!# (Fike the cannibalism underl!in" this Rite% this phallus'worship dates back to )tone A"e ideas about essences that can be transferred from one or"anism to another# Ritual homosexualit!% as distin"uished from homosexualit!'for'fun% pla!ed a prominent role in man! of

the pa"an fertilit! cults that "ot incorporated into the -atholic metaph!sics# )ee Crazer5s ;olden 6ough and Wri"ht5s orship of the ;enerative /rgans # $t re(uires a phallus to transmute bread into flesh because our earl! ancestors belie&ed it re(uires a phallus to do an! "reat work of ,a"ic#) $n )tandard En"lish we ma! discuss all sorts of metaph!sical and spook! matters% often without noticing that we have entered the realms of theology and demonology % whereas in En"lish rime we can onl! discuss actual experiences (or transactions) in the space'time continuum# En"lish rime ma! not automaticall! transfer us into a scientific uni&erse% in all cases% but it at least transfers us into existential or experiential modes% and takes us out of medie&al theolo"!# >ow% those who en<o! theolo"ical and K or demonolo"ical speculations ma! continue to en<o! them% as far as $ care# *his book merel! attempt to clarif! the difference between theolo"ical speculations and actual experiences in space'time% so that we do not wander into theolo"! without realizin" where we ha&e "otten oursel&es# *he )upreme -ourt% for instance% wandered into theolo"! (or demonolo"!) when it proclaimed that fuck is an indecent word# *he most one can sa! about that in scientific E' rime would readJ *he word Efuck5 appears indecent in the e&aluations of P per cent of the population% P found b! normal pollin" methods# *urnin" next to the eni"matic +ohn who is unhapp! and "rouch! !et also is bri"ht and cheerful% we find a surprisin" parallel to the wa&eKparticle dualit!# Remainin" in the realit!'tunnel of )tandard En"lish% one mi"ht decide that +ohn reall! is manic'depressi&e# 7r one speaker mi"ht decide that the other speaker hasn5t reall! obser&ed +ohn carefull!% or is an untrustworth! witness# A"ain% the innocent'lookin" is causes us to populate the world with spooks% and ma! pro&oke us to heated debate% or &iolent (uarrel# (*hat town in >orthern $reland mentioned earlier . is it reall! :err! or Fondonderr!=) Rewritin" in En"lish rime we find +ohn appears unhapp! and "rouch! in the office and +ohn appears bri"ht and cheerful on holida! at the beach# We ha&e left the realm of spooks and re'entered the existential or phenomenolo"ical world of actual experiences in space'time# And% lo and behold% another metaph!sical contradiction has disappeared in the process# *o sa! +ohn is anything% incidentall!% alwa!s opens the door to spooks and metaph!sical debate# *he historical lo"ic of Aristotelian philosoph! as embedded in )tandard En"lish alwa!s carries an association of stasis with e&er! is% unless the speaker or writer remem#ers to include a date% and e&en then lin"uistic habit will cause man! to not notice the date and assume is means a stasis (an Aristotelian timeless essence or spook)# Cor instance% +ohn is beardless ma! decei&e man! people (but not trained police officers) if +ohn becomes a wanted criminal and alters his appearance b! "rowin" a beard# +ohn is a rotestant or +ohn is a -atholic ma! chan"e an! da!% if +ohn has de&eloped a habit of philosophical speculation# E&en stran"er% +ohn is a +ew has at least fi&e different meanin"s% some of which ma! chan"e and some remain constant% and onl! one of which tells us an!thin" about how +ohn will beha&e in space'time# erhaps $5d better enlar"e on that last point# +ohn is a +ew% accordin" to Rabbinical law% means that +ohn had a +ewish mother# *his tells us nothin" about +ohn5s politics or reli"ion% and less than nothin" about his taste in art% his sexual life% his fa&orite sports etc# +ohn is a +ew in >azi Derman!% or in anti')emitic encla&es in the 8#)# toda!% means that +ohn had one known ancestor somewhere who could be classified as +ewish b! one of these fi&e contradictor! definitions# A"ain% this tells us nothin" about how +ohn will beha&e# +ohn is a +ew in some circles means that +ohn practices the +ewish reli"ion# At least we ha&e learned somethin" about +ohn# 6e will certainl! attend *emple re"ularl!; or fairl! re"ularl!# (9ut we still don5t know how strictl! he will follow the kosher laws;) +ohn is a +ew in some other circles means that% while +ohn re<ects the +ewish reli"ion% he identifies with the +ewish communit! and (if he has become famous) mi"ht speak as a +ew at a political rall!# (We still don5t know% e#"#% whether he will support or criticize current $sraeli policies#) +ohn is a +ew can also mean that +ohn li&es in a societ! where% for an! one of the abo&e reasons% people re"ard him as a +ew% and he perforce has to reco"nize this +ewishness as somethin" . e&en if onl! a spook . that people usuall! see when the! think the! see him#

Fiterar! critics% usuall! considered careful and anal!tical readers% or more careful and anal!tical that most% referred to Feopold 9loom% the hero of +ames +o!ce5s ,lysses% as a +ew for o&er 2I !ears# 7nl! in the last decade or so ha&e +o!ce scholars be"un ar"uin" about whether 9loom is a +ew or not# (9loom (ualifies as +ewish in onl! two of the fi&e meanin"s abo&e and appears not'+ewish in three# :oes that make him 2IQ +ewish or OIQ not'+ewish= 7r both=) *he emer"in" consensus of +o!cean studies now appears to reco"nize that +o!ce "a&e 9loom a &er! tan"led "enetic K cultural back"round <ust to create this ambi"uit! and thereb! satirize anti')emitism more sharpl!# $ ma! seem eccentric to su""est that% without formulatin" E' rime explicitl!% +o!ce% like his "reat contemporar!% 9ohr% wished us to see be!ond the fallac! contained in isness statements# +ust like )chroedin"er5s cat (dead in some eigenstates% ali&e in others) 9loom does not make sense as a man in an en&ironment until we reco"nize that both his +ewishness and his non' +ewishness pla! roles in his life% at different times% within different en&ironments# $ncidentall!% within the structure of )tandard En"lish% ,aril!n ,onroe was a +ew (ualifies as correct% although dated% e&en thou"h she had no known +ewish ancestors% no +ewish mother% did not show much communit! feelin" with other +ews% and hardl! e&er "ot called a +ew in print# >onetheless% while married to Arthur ,iller% ,aril!n practiced the +ewish reli"ion and therefore in )tandard En"lish was more of +ew than some of m! atheist friends of +ewish ancestr!# 9ut returnin" to +ohn; +ohn is a plumber also contains a fallac!# +ohn ma! ha&e (uit plumbin" since !ou last saw him and ma! work as a hair dresser now# )tran"er thin"s ha&e happened# $n E' rime one would write +ohn had a <ob as plumber the last $ knew# *ri&ial= 7&erl! pedantic= Accordin" to a recent article L rofessor 6arr! Weinber" . curiousl!% an old ac(uaintance of mine . once tried to emphasize these points to a class b! tr!in" to make them see the fallac! in the statement +ohn C# @enned! is resident of the 8nited )tates# :r# Weinber" pointed out that the inference% 3othing has changed since we came into this classroom% had not been checked b! an!bod! who insisted the statement about @enned! contained certaint!# Weinber"% like his students% "ot the lesson dri&en home with more drama than an!bod! expected% because his class occurred on >o&ember AA% 01OB% and e&er!bod! soon learned that durin" that class time +ohn C# @enned! had died of an assassin5s bullet and F!ndon 9# +ohnson had taken the oath as resident of the 8nited )tates# *hat makes the idea kind of hard to for"et% doesn5t it= Fookin" at sample fi&e . *he car; was a blue Cord we mi"ht a"ain encounter 9ertrand Russell5s two'head paradox# $t seems a blue Cord exists in the head of the witness% but whether the blue Cord also existed outside that head remains unsure# E&en outside trick! ps!cholo"! labs% ordinar! perception has become problematical due to the whole sad histor! of e!e'witness testimon! fre(uentl! breakin" down in court# 7r does the external uni&erse (includin" the blue Cord) exist in some super'6ead somewhere= $t seems that the translation into E' rime . $ recall the car; as a blue Cord better accords with the experiential le&el of our existence in space'time than the two heads and other paradoxes we mi"ht encounter in )tandard En"lish# +ames *hurber tells us that he once saw an admiral% wearin" a 01 th -entur! na&al uniform and old'fashioned side'whiskers% peddlin" a unic!cle down the middle of Cifth A&enue in >ew ?ork# Cortunatel!% *hurber had broken his "lasses and had not !et recei&ed replacements from the optometrist% so he did not worr! seriousl! about his sanit!# $n the -astro section of )an Crancisco% a well'known homosexual area% $ once saw a si"n that said 6AFC DA? -FEA>ER) . but when $ looked a"ain% it said 6AFC :A? -FEA>ER)# E&en Aristotle% despite the abuse he has suffered in these pa"es% had enou"h common sense to point out% once% that $ see alwa!s contains fallac!/ we should sa! $ ha&e seen# *ime alwa!s elapses between the impact of ener"! on the e!e and the creation of an ima"e (and associated name and ideas) in the brain% which explains wh! three e!ewitnesses to a hit'and'run such as we postulate here ma! report% not <ust the blue Cord of the first speaker% but a blue 4W or ma!be e&en a "reat *o!ota# $ once astonished a friend b! remarkin"% apropos of 8C7s% that $ see two or three of them a week# As a student of *ransactional s!cholo"!% this does not surprise or alarm me# $ also see

)tatement of Cact or )tatement of $nference b! Ruth Donchar 9rennan% Temple *eview% *emple 8ni&ersit!% Winter 0133'31#

8>C7s% as noted earlier . and $ do not rush to identif! them as raccoons or "roundho"s% like some people we met earlier# ,ost people see 8>C7s% without thinkin" about the implications of this% especiall! when dri&in" rapidl!% but sometimes e&en when walkin"# We onl! find 8C7s impressi&e because some people claim the! are alien spaceships# ,! 8C7s remain 8nidentified% since the! did not han" around lon" enou"h for me to form e&en a "uess about them% but $ ha&e found no "rounds for classif!in" them as space'ships# An!bod! who does not see 8C7s fre(uentl!% $ think% has not mastered perception ps!cholo"! or current neuroscience# *he sk! contains numerous thin"s that "o b! too (uickl! for an!bod! to identify them# ,! own wife has appeared as an 8>C7 to me on occasion . usuall! around two or three in the mornin" when $ "et out of bed to "o to the <ohn and then encounter a ,!sterious and 8nknown fi"ure emer"in" from the dark at the other end of the hall# $n those cases% fortunatel!% identification did not take lon"% and $ ne&er reached for a blunt instrument to defend m!self# Whate&er m! critics ma! suspect% $ ne&er mistook her for a s(uirrel# $f !ou think about it from the perspecti&e of E' rime% the world consists mostl! of 8C7s and 8>C7s# 4er! few thin"s (space'time e&ents) in the air or on the "round "i&e us the opportunit! to identif! them with certaint!# $n example six . *hat is a fascist idea &ersus *hat seems like a fascist idea to me . )tandard En"lish implies an indwellin" essence of the medie&al sort% does not describe an operation in space'time% and mentions no instrument used in measurin" the alle"ed fascism in the idea# *he En"lish rime translation does not assume essence or spooks% describes the operation as occurrin" in the brain of the speaker and% implicitl!% identifies said brain as the instrument makin" the e&aluation# >ot accidentall!% )tandard En"lish also assumes a sort of "lass wall between obser&er and obser&ed% while En"lish rime draws us back into the modern (uantum world where obser&er and obser&ed form a seamless unit!# $n examples L and 3% )tandard En"lish a"ain assumes indwellin" spooks and continues to separate obser&er from obser&ed/ En"lish rime assumes no spooks and reminds us of QU!P (the QUantum !nseparabilit! Principle% so named b! :r# >ick 6erbert)% namel!% the impossibilit! of existentiall! separatin" obser&er and obser&ed# ,editatin" on example 1 will "i&e !ou the answer to a famous Gen koan% Who is the ,aster who makes the "rass "reen= $t mi"ht also sa&e !ou from the fre(uent (uarrels (mostl! occurrin" between husbands and wi&es) about whether the new curtains are reall! "reen or blue# Example 0I introduces new subtitles# >o explicit is appears in the )tandard En"lish% so e&en those trained in E' rime ma! see no problem here# 6owe&er% if the obser&ation refers to a famous (and treacherous) experiment well'known to ps!cholo"ists% the )tandard En"lish &ersion contains a hilarious fallac!# $ refer to the experiment in which two men rush into a ps!cholo"! class% stru""le and shout% and then one makes a stabbin" motion and the other falls# *he ma<orit! of students% whene&er that has been tried% report a knife in the hand of the man who made the stabbin" (knife'wieldin") motion# $n fact% the man used no knife# 6e used a banana# Fook back at the re'translation into E' rime# $t seems likel! that persons trained in E' rime will "row more cautious about their perceptions and not rush to <ud"ment in the manner of most of us throu"hout histor!# *he! mi"ht e&en see the banana% instead of hallucinatin" a knife=

PA0T TH0EE The O+ser4er8Create Uni4erse

/rganized skepticism is a two-edged sword. It allows us to question orthodo!y as well as unorthodo!y> The scientist who claims to #e a true skeptic" a zetetic" is willing to investigate empirically the claims of the 2merican Medical 2ssociation as well as those of the faith-healerB and more important" he should #e willing to compare the empirical results of #oth #efore defending one and condemning the other.

',arcello *ruzzi% h#:# The -etetic Scholar% >os# 0A'0B (013L)

(OU0TEEN The (armer 3 The Thie.

An old -hinese parable tells of a farmer who noticed that his coin purse had disappeared# )earchin" e&er!where% he could not find the purse% and he became con&inced that it has been stolen# *hinkin" back o&er who had &isited his house recentl!% the farmer decided he knew who had stolen the purse . the son of a nei"hbor# *he bo! had &isited the house the &er! da! before the purse disappeared% and nobod! else had an opportunit! to commit the bur"lar!# *he next time the farmer saw the bo!% he noticed plent! of beha&ioral clues to support his suspicious# *he bo! had a definitel! furti&e and "uilt! manner about him and% in "eneral% looked as sneak! as a barn'rat# @nowin" he had no le"al proof% the farmer could not decide what to do# 9ut e&er! time he saw the bo! after that% the "uilt! beha&ior of the lad increased markedl!% and the farmer "rew an"rier# Cinall!% he felt so much an"er that he decided to "o to the bo!5s father and make a formal accusation# +ust then the farmer5s wife called him# Fook what $ found behind the bed% she said . and handed him the missin" coin purse# *aoist philosophers ha&e often cited this parable% and point out that we can explain the innocent5s "uilt! beha&ior in two wa!sJ 0# ossibl!% the bo! ne&er beha&ed in a wa! that would ha&e looked "uilt!% furti&e% sl! etc# to an!bod! else except the suspicious farmer# *he farmer saw all these thin"s because he expected to see them# *hat makes sense% e&en thou"h it ma! undermine all our do"mas if we think about it deepl! enou"h# $f !ou e&er noticed that% in a political (uarrel% the people who a"ree with !ou seem <ustifiabl! an"r! at the tactics of the other side% while the other side seems too blood! emotional to think strai"ht . or% if% like me% !ou once saw a si"n sa!in" 6AFC DA? -FEA>ER) in a homosexual nei"hborhood . or if !ou e&er saw a creature that appeared half'horse and half' deer% like two men whose experience $ recounted in The 3ew Inquisition . !ou can understand that much of this parable# Remember% also% the "ent who shot his wife% con&inced she was a s(uirrel# erhaps trainin" in E' rime and &on >eumann5s !es K no K ma!be lo"ic mi"ht pre&ent such pro<ections (as the Creudians sa!)= Fet us remember that *ransactional ps!cholo"! has pro&en that% contrar! to common sense and the pre<udices of centuries% our minds do not passi&el! recei&e impressions from the external world# Rather we acti&el! create our impressionsJ out of an ocean of possible si"nals% our brains notice the si"nals that fit what we expect to see% and we or"anize these si"nals into a model% or realit!'tunnel% that mar&elousl! matches our ideas a#out what $is really% out there# 7ne mi"ht that sa! the bo!5s "uilt alwa!s remained in the ma!be state existentiall!% until the purse reappeared% but the bo!5s "uilt "raduall! mo&ed be!ond existential ma!be to sub<ecti&e certaint! as the farmer5s perceptions reinforced his suspicions# Aristotle onl! noted that $ see actuall! means $ ha&e seen# ,odern neuroscience re&eals that $ see (or $ percei&e) actuall! means $ ha&e made a bet# $n the time between the arri&al of si"nals at our e!e or other receptor or"an and the emer"ence of an ima"e or idea in our brains% we ha&e done a "reat deal of creati&e artistic work# We "enerall! do that work so fast that we do not notice oursel&es doin" it# *hus% we for"et the gam#le in e&er! perception and feel startled (or e&en anno!ed) whene&er we come up a"ainst e&idence that others do not see what we see# Constant reminding ourselves that we do not see with our eyes #ut with our synergetic eye#rain system working as a whole will produce constant astonishment as we notice" more and more often" how much of our perceptions emerge from our preconceptions.

*rainin" oursel&es to write in E' rime will &astl! accelerate our pro"ress in internalizin" (learnin" to use) this modern knowled"e# Speaking and thinking in E' rime take much lon"er to learn% and relapses into isness occur AI !ears% 2I !ears% or lon"er% after we think we ha&e learned this lesson# A# 9ut *aoists also point out that the bo! in the stor! ma! indeed ha&e de&eloped some $guilty% #ehaviors . fear of lookin" the farmer directl! in the e!e% for instance . <ust because he had become aware that the farmer suspected him of somethin"# e have entered the area of what #ehavioral science calls $self-fulfilling prophecies # *his sort of thin" happens to all of us# )ome man repeatedl! seems cold or unfriendl!/ we become a bit reser&ed oursel&es% or tr! to a&oid him# We ha&e started to beha&e as he expected us to beha&e# ?ou% a male% ha&e to ha&e a business meetin" with a Ceminist who expects all% not sombunall% men to act unfairl! or brutall!# ?ou tr! to remain calm and <udicious% but her attitude anno!s !ou more and more# E&entuall!% her hostilit! ke!s off !our hostilit!# A prophec! had fulfilled itselfJ !ou ha&e pro&en to her that her &iew of men as dan"erous creatures has <ust had itself confirmed one more time# 7rJ !ou% an Afro'American% confront a cop who knows all% not sombunall% Afro'Americans are &iolent and dan"erous# 6e uses excessi&e force# ?ou "et an"r! and fi"ht back# ?ou ha&e <ust confirmed !our suspicion about white cops . and he has confirmed his suspicion about Afro' Americans# :ealin" with paranoids brin"s this circular'causal process into particularl! sharp focus# >o matter what "ambit !ou tr!% each act reinforces the paranoid5s con&iction that !ou% too% ser&e the -onspirac! that persecutes him# 8nless !ou work as a ps!chotherapist and ha&e him as a patient% !ou will e&entuall! "i&e up entirel! and stop tr!in" to persuade him !ou ha&e not <oined an! plots a"ainst himJ !ou <ust a&oid him as much as possible# *he result= ?our a&oidance becomes one more item in his lon" list of proofs of !our "uilt# ,edical researchers know that e&er! inno&ati&e therap! produces its best results when new% and some therapies only produce results when new# Cor instance% the once'touted cancer cure% @rebiozen produced se&eral notable cures in its earl! da!s% but nobod! has reported an! cures with @rebiozen in around BI !ears now# $n cases of this sort% the enthusiasm of the researchers somehow communicates itself to the patients% who then "i&e themsel&es permission to "et well# )uch cures'b!'su""estion seem miraculous . or at least m!sterious . to most of us# *his a"ain indicates word'h!pnosis% or confusin" the map with the territor!# e have two words in 9nglish )and related languages0" $mind% and $#ody%" and we tend to think the universe must also have a similar #ifurcation. When we think in a more modern scientific lan"ua"e . in terms of the'or"anism'as'a'whole or ps!chosomatic s!ner"! etc# . such cures do not seem either miraculous or m!sterious# atients fed on a hi"h dose of 7ptimism statisticall! fare somewhat better than those fed on "rim essimism# *his should appear no more astoundin" than the recorded fact that children who see a lot of &iolent horror mo&ies ha&e more sleep disorders than children who see onl! comedies# $f !ou treat a !oun" man as a thief% he will be"in to act uncomfortable around !ou% which looks to the naked e!e much like a !oun" man actin" "uilt!# $f a doctor expects the patient to "et well% this has some effect on the patient/ if the doctor expects the patient to die% this also has an effect# -hristian )cience practitioners and other faith'healers could not remain in business if such self'fulfillin" prophecies did not work out si"nificantl! often% statisticall!% in a &ariet! of illnesses% sometimes e&en &er! serious illnesses# )imilarl!% e&er! imperialistic or con(uerin" nation has proclaimed that the sub<ect people are shiftless or laz! or dirt! or i"norant or unreasonable or irrational or "enerall! inferior# ,ost sub<u"ated people &er! (uickl! be"in to exhibit the beha&iors consistent with these labels# 7ne can stud! this process amon" the $rish durin" 3II !ears of 9ritish con(uest% amon" >ati&e Americans under White domination% amon" Africans kidnapped into sla&er!% amon" women durin" the past BIII !ears of atriarch!% etc# *he same self'fulfillin" prophecies occur to immi"rant "roups# $n America% the $rish statisticall! became &er! laz! when consi"ned to that role/ but when enou"h indi&idual $rish

people had resisted the label stron"l! enou"h to become a powerful (and pu"nacious) force in politics and business% the laziness of the $rish'Americans as a whole "roup miraculousl! be"an to decline# (*hen it became the turn of the uerto Ricans to pla! the 9ottom :o" role;) $ once knew a woman in -hica"o whose dau"hter had her whole academic life chan"ed b! labels# 7n enterin" "rammar school% this "irl seemingly scored low on an intelli"ence test and "ot assi"ned to a slow learners class# :ue to the trackin" s!stem% the "irl remained amon" the slow learners all throu"h her ei"ht !ears in that school# *hen% enterin" hi"h school% the "irl took another intelli"ence test and scored in the top one per cent# )he then "ot placed in an accelerated class and be"an showin" the hi"h intelli"ence which had remained dormant all throu"h "rammar school# :id the new label create the newl! apparent intelli"ence= 7r should we <ust assume that the "rammar school test results "ot mixed up and this "irl recei&ed somebod! else5s score b! mistake= $ prefer the latter theor!% but; on the other hand; E&er! time $ pass throu"h customs between ,exico and the 8#)# $ feel certain sensations of anxiet!# $ know $ ha&e no illicit dru"s in m! car% but $ be"in to wonder% confronted b! the hostile and suspicious e!es of the *exas 9order atrol% if some damned dru" or other somehow "ot into the car without m! knowled"e; :id somebod! who dislikes m! books plant some to frame me= :id some !oun" idiot admirer of m! works slip some into a &ideo cassette case% a book or other "ift as a surprise% not knowin" $ intended to cross a border the next da!= Fike +oseph @# in The Trial $ be"in to feel sure the! will find me "uilt! of somethin"% e&en thou"h $ do not know of an! crime $ ha&e committed# When $ finall! "et throu"h customs% $ feel an irrational sense of freedom% &ictor! and personal &indication# A friend of mine who the police once (uestioned in connection with a rape% went throu"h the same sensations# At first% when the two officers be"an askin" him to account for his mo&ements that afternoon% he felt sure that he would "et arrested% e&en thou"h innocent# When the police asked se&eral nei"hbors to confirm his alibi% and the! did . he happened to ha&e appeared &er! &isible to them% workin" on his front lawn% when the crime occurred AI blocks awa! . the police let him "o at once# 6e felt irrationall! happ!% as if he had "otten awa! with somethin"# When people with "uns treat !ou as possibl! "uilt!% !ou be"in to feel possibl! "uilt!# $ suspect that African Americans and women will understand this section better than the a&era"e white male will#

(!(TEEN Psychosomatic Synergy

Fet us return to ps!chosomatic medicine% since it illustrates the principle of the self'fulfillin" prophec! in a peculiarl! dramatic wa!# $n 01OA a !oun" man named 4ittorio ,ichelli arri&ed at the ,ilitar! 6ospital of 4erona% $tal!% sufferin" from a pro"ressi&e carcinoma of the left lip# *he whole lip appeared eaten awa! b! the cancer and the left le" seemed about to separate from the bod!# :espite all the doctors could do% ,ichelli5s disease worsened and the actual bone of the pel&is be"an disinte"ratin"# *he case seemed hopeless# 7n ,a! A2% 01OB% ,ichelli left the hospital and went to Fourdes% where he bathed in the alle"edl! miraculous waters and experienced what he described as sudden sensations of heat mo&in" throu"h his bod!# 6is appetite% which had &irtuall! disappeared% suddenl! returned and he be"an eatin" heartil! a"ain# 6e felt new life and new ener"!/ he be"an to "ain wei"ht# After about a month he returned to the hospital and had an P'ra! examination# *he tumor appeared &isibl! smaller# $n follow'up examinations% the doctors found that the tumor had completel! disappeared and the bone be"an to "row and completel! reconstructed itself# )ome people (Roman -atholics% >ew A"ers% heretical holistic ph!sicians% etc#) will ea"erl! belie&e this !arn# 7ther people (the -ommittee for )cientific $n&esti"ation of -laims of the

aranormal (-)$-7 )% the American ,edical Association% old'fan"led 4illa"e Atheists etc#) <ust as ea"erl! wish not to belie&e it at all% at all# ,! source for the ,ichelli5s caseJ 6ealin"% Remission and ,iracle -ures% b! 9rendan 75Re"an% $nstitute of >oetic )ciences% ,a! 013L# 75Re"an5s sourceJ the $nternational ,edical -ommission on Fourdes% consistin" of AH scientists% includin" four ph!sicians% four sur"eons% three orthopedists% two ps!chiatrists% a radiolo"ist% a neruops!chiatrist% an ophthalmolo"ist% a pediatrician% a cardiolo"ist% an oncolo"ist% a neurolo"ist% a biochemist and two "eneral practitioners# *en of these AH scientists hold chairs in medical schools# )ix thousand alle"ed cures ha&e been claimed at Fourdes since 03H3 and onl! O2 passed the scrutin! of the $nternational ,edical -ommission# *he ,ichelli case passed all their protocols of authenticit!# )ince millions ha&e &isited Fourdes in the hope of such miracles% and onl! OB others beside ,ichelli ha&e passed scientific in&esti"ation% these miracles do not seem% to me% to pro&e the omnipresence or the omnibene&olence of the -atholic Dod# $n fact% in m! personal <ud"ment% were $ to accept that Dod% $ would wonder wh! the hell 6e onl! cures people who tra&el to Fourdes% and onl! a few of them% and doesn5t ha&e the compassion to cure e&er!bod! at once# Rather than assumin" that a personalized anthropomorphic Dod does the thin"s that happen at Fourdes% $ prefer to consider Fourdes a tri""er% and perhaps not the onl! tri""er% that can set off a healin" process in certain people prepared for such a s!ner"etic bio'chemical' ph!sical transformation# $n 01HL% a"itated b! ,artin Dardner and other $n(uisitorial do"matists later prominent in -)$-7 % the 8#)# "o&ernment burned all the books of :r# Wilhelm Reich% in&aded his laborator! to smash his experimental e(uipment with axes% and threw :r# Reich in <ail where he shortl! died of a heart attack# :r# Reich% and about 03 other ph!sicians workin" with him% had been reportin" "ood results treatin" a &ariet! of ailments with a de&ice :r# Reich in&ented% called the 7r"one Ener"! Accumulator% which alle"edl! concentrated an alle"ed healin" ener"! called 7r"one# All the books of Reich remained out of print in this countr! for o&er ten !ears 3 and two still remain out of print% e&en thou"h one concerns the extremel! serious health problem of atomic radiation# *he <ournals published b! :r# Reich5s 7r"one $nstitute also remain out of print# A few copies of Reich5s <ournals can be found in the pri&ate libraries of &arious medical heretics# $ booked throu"h a pile of them once and found x'ra!s% taken b! :r# 4ictor )obe!% of a tumor that &isibl! shrank durin" a series of or"one treatments# ,embers of -)$-7 will insist that :r# )obe! faked those photos% probabl!# *hose less committed to :o"ma will% $ "uess% ha&e to choose between two 6eresiesJ (0) :espite the $nfallible Authorit! of Do&ernment 9ureaucrats% the damned or"one does exist% after all% or (A) the belief in or"one can cause patients to boost their own immune s!stems and fi"ht off otherwise fatal disease# -uriousl!% the first perceptible effect of usin" an or"one accumulator% reported b! all who ha&e tried it% consists of a sensation of heat mo&in" throu"h the bod!# +ust like the ,ichelli case at Fourdes;1 9ut let us return to @rebiozen% a matter seemin"l! less eldritch than cures at Fourdes or tumors destro!ed b! an officiall! non'existent ener"!# A &er! successful @rebiozen treatment% reported b! :r# hilip West% in&ol&ed a cancer patient called ,r# Wri"ht in :r# West5s account# ,r# Wri"ht had fe&er% multiple tumors and could not "et out of bed when treatment be"an# *he staff belie&ed he would die in a matter of da!s# Within a week after @rebiozen treatment be"an% ,r# Wri"ht "ot out of bed% be"an walkin" about the wards and chatted happil! with e&er!bod!% con&inced that a cure had taken place# 6is tumors had shrunk to half their pre&ious size# 0I Fater% alas% when ,r# Wri"ht learned that other patients did not respond so fa&orabl! to @rebiozen% and that doctors had be"un to consider the chemical worthless a"ainst cancer% he

$n a re&iew of m! book% The 3ew Inquisition% Robert )heaffer ar"ues that worr!in" about book'burnin" amounts to sheddin" crocodile tears when the books onl! remained banned for ten !ears# )ince most of the books banned in >azi Derman! came back into print in about ten !ears% presumabl! ,r# )heaffer re"ards those who expressed horror about this as also sheddin" crocodile tears# 6e also ne"lects to mention that two of :r# Reich5s book remain banned after 2B !ears# 9 )ensations of heat mo&in" throu"h the bod! also appear in kundalini !o"a# Cunn! coincidence# 10 )ee The 5sychology of Mind-6ody :ealing b! Ernest Fawrence Rossi% h#:#% >orton% 0133% pa"es B'3#

became depressed and worried# 6is tumors be"an "rowin" a"ain% he returned to his bed% and he died# Cundamentalist ,aterialists can onl! re<oice o&er this downbeat endin" if the! con&enientl! for"et that orthodox allopathic medicine has no explanation of wh! the tumors measurabl! shrunk when ,r# Wri"ht belie&ed he had "otten a miracle cure# 7n the other side of the dark coin of ps!chosomatic s!ner"!J a )outh )ea shaman points a death bone at a tribesman who has offended him# *he &ictim recei&es the best possible medical care from s!mpathetic doctors% who don5t belie&e in 9lack ,a"ic% but he shortl! dies an!wa!# $t appears that the unfortunate man died of the #elief that death bones can kill people#00 *housands% or tens of thousands% of sick people "et cured e&er! !ear b! -hristian )cience practitioners and other faith healers# *he outstandin" -hristian )cience cures appear (uarterl! in Christian Science Sentinel# Fook throu"h a !ear or so of back issues and !ou will find a plethora of seemin" cures of seemin"l! real cases of asthma% cancer% h!pertensions% headache% sinus con"estion and <ust about an!thin" and e&er!thin" in the catalo" of human illness# *he American ,edical Association does not like to look at these reports at all% and -)$-7 would probabl! like to burn them . but onl! for ten !ears% hopefull!# Without -hristian )cience% shamanism% or"one or an!thin" of that sort% the Fiberal acti&ist% >orman -ousins% has three times cured himself of ma<or illnesses usin" the h!pothesis that each human contains healin" ener"! that most of us do not know how to use# )ent to a tuberculosis sanitarium at a"e 0I% -ousins obser&ed that the optimistic patients statisticall! tended to reco&er and "et released% while the pessimists did not# 6e consciousl! became an optimist% reco&ered and has led a rich% producti&e life% editin" the Saturday *eview for man! !ears% foundin" the -ommittee for a )ane >uclear olic! etc# $n 01L1% -ousins contracted a rare disease% ankylosing spondylitis% which slowl! paral!zes the bod! and ine&itabl! (except for -ousins) ends in death within a !ear# -ousins checked out of the hospital into a hotel (a safer place to li&e when ill% and usuall! much% much cheaper;) and treated himself with hi"h doses of lau"hter (he spent his da!s lookin" at comed! on &ideo% especiall! ,arx 9rothers mo&ies and Candid Camera#) A heretical ph!sician also ha&e him massi&e doses of 4itamin - intra&enousl!# -ousins reco&ered totall! and walked normall! a"ain% the first such cure of this disease in medical literature# $n 013B% -ousins suffered a m!ocardial infarction and con"esti&e heart failure . a combination that usuall! results in panic and death# -ousins refused to panic or die# 6e now teaches at the 8-FA ,edical )chool% probabl! the onl! la!man on the staff% tr!in" to show doctors how to acti&ate this fi"htin" spirit% or healin" spirit% within each patient# (Recounted b! Rossi% op. cit. pa"es 0B'0H% also see -ousins5 own book% 2natomy of an Illness#) )pontaneous remission . the sudden disappearance of an illness% without any known cause% or an! contributin" factor in the form of belief in -hristian )cience or 7r"one or an!thin" of that sort% includin" ,r# -ousins5s healin" K fi"htin" spirit . happens so fre(uentl! that e&er! doctor $ ha&e e&er (uestioned on the matter admits to ha&in" seen some cases# >obod! understands spontaneous remission and there appears stron" e&idence that medical bureaucrac!% as an or"anized political'economic entit!% does not e&en want to think about it# 9rendan 75Re"an% op. cit# found% after a prolon"ed search of medical data bases% that only two #ooks seem to e!ist in 9nglish-language medical literature a#out spontaneous remission" and #oth do not appear in print at present. Aou need to go to a rare-#ook dealer to find them. :r# +ohn Archibald Wheeler% called the father of the h!dro"en bomb in some circles (others attribute paternit! in that re"rettable case to :r# Edward *eller) has repeatedl! ur"ed that the simplest% most honest explanation of (uantum paradoxes holds that the known uni&erse results from the obser&ations of those who obser&e it# *his obser&er'created uni&erse bears an uncann! resemblance to some of our data about self'fulfillin" prophecies% it be"ins to appear# 7f course% the ideal obser&er of (uantum mechanics remains a creature hooked up to man! subtle instruments# $n ps!cholo"!% the obser&er remains a ba" of protoplasm% the resultant of "enes% imprints% conditionin" and learnin"# *he "enes presumabl! appear at random throu"hout the population/ the imprints occur b! accident at points of imprint &ulnerabilit!/ conditionin" and learnin" depend on famil! tradition% etc# and these factors% rather than a

Rossi% op# cit# p 1'0A#

whimsical (or per&erse) Dod probabl! account for who will and who will not respond to Fourdes% or to -hristian )cience% or to a shaman5s death'bone% etc# *hus% in a famous )ufi stor!% ,ullah >asrudin% wisest man in $slam% entered En"land on a &isit# :o !ou ha&e an!thin" to declare= asked the customs inspector# >o . sssssst% bzzz . nothin" at all# 6ow lon" do !ou plan to sta!= 7h% about . sssssssszzzzt% bzzz . about three weeks# 9! the wa!% where did !ou learn En"lish= Crom the . bzzz% bzz% sszzzzzzzbzz . radio# 7ur brain software pro"rams what we will see and will not see% <ust as the software in m! computer pro"rams what $ can and cannot do with this pa"e# ($ decided to write this on ,icrosoft Word and find $ cannot do some thin"s $ could do with ,acWrite% and can do some thin"s $ could not do with ,acWrite#) 9ut% if our brain software pro"rams our sel&es and our uni&erses% who pro"rams our brain software= *he accidents of histor! and en&ironment% it seems . in most cases# 9ut learnin" to internalize and use the principles of Quantum s!cholo"! (or similar s!stems) adds a new factor# $n that case we can "raduall! learn to pro"ram our pro"rams; :r# +ohn Fill! calls this metaprogramming#

S!6TEEN Moon o. !ce

Readers of +ames +o!ce5s 5ortrait of the 2rtist as a Aoung Man will recall the horrific openin" scene% in which the child% )tephen :edalus% becomes thorou"hl! terrified b! a superstitious ser&ant% who tells the bo! that if he does not apolo"ize for some unspecified sin% ea"led will come and pull out his e!es# )tephen hides under the table while the threat% with its awkward and unintentional rh!me% pounds throu"h his mindJ ull out his e!es K Apolo"ize K Apolo"ize K ull out his e!es; +o!ce scholars re"ard this se(uence as autobio"raphical# $n an earl! fra"ment b! +o!ce% in the -ornell +o!ce -ollection% +o!ce appears as the bo! threatened with the e!e'de&ourin" ea"les# When +o!ce be"an to write no&els re&ealin" the sexual side of $rish -atholic life . the Dreat 8nspoken )ecret in that countr! . he became the tar"et of a campai"n of &ilification almost without parallel in literar! histor!# 6is e!es be"an to bother him# 6e went from one e!e specialist to another% and ne&er achie&ed more than temporar! relief# 7ne of the e!e specialists said +o!ce5s problem had ps!cholo"ical roots% but offered no su""estions about how to reach and remo&e those roots# 7thers resorted to the knife# +o!ce underwent ele&en painful e!e operations in se&enteen !ears% and became le"all! blind althou"h not medicall! blind toward the end of his life# *he fact that +o!ce put the ea"le K e!e stor! at the be"innin" of his most autobio"raphical no&el indicates that% on some le&el% he understood the curse that had been laid on him# $t appears that% like the ol!nesian tribesman &ictimized b! the death'bone% +o!ce could not resist the curse . despite his a"nosticism and skepticism# *his perhaps indicates the degree of our malleabilit! durin" those sensiti&e moments that etholo"ists call points of imprint vulnera#ility# And it ma! also indicate +o!ce5s awareness of the pain his books caused to pious -atholics# (6e ne&er did apolo"ize;) @enneth 9urke% who first su""ested that +o!ce5s e!e problems resulted from that traumatic earl! imprint% has also su""ested that :arwin understood% as well as +o!ce% the pain and ra"e his work caused ordinar! -hristian readers# :arwin% 9urke commented% had so man! inexplicable and incurable medical problems that he treated himself with hi"her and hi"her doses of opium#

An old En"lish drinkin" son"% alle"edl! humorous but also ($ think) acti&el! nefarious% be"ins as followsJ 7h% m! name it is )am 6all% it is )am 6all% :amn !our e!esS ,! name it is )am 6all% And $ hate !ou one and all% :amn !our e!esS ?es% $ hate !ou one and all% ?ou5re a "an" of bu""ers all% :amn !our e!es% damn !our e!esS When one be"ins to appreciate the role of unconscious su""estibilit! and self'fulfillin" prophecies in human life% this son" seems as funn! as the latest radioacti&e fall'out fi"ures# *he Whitmore and ,iranda rulin"s of the 8#)# )upreme -ourt . endin" certain police practices once ubi(uitous here and still widel! practices elsewhere . resulted from e&idence that (uite ordinar! people% not "uilt! of an! crimes% will in man! cases confess to an!thin" the police char"e% if they cannot communicate with attorneys or anyone else except the police officers who are holdin" them# (Isolation be"ins an! brain'washin" process# )ee m! 5rometheus *ising% Calcon ress% 013B% for further details#) $n -ount! @err!% $reland% in 013O% a whole famil! named 6a!es . ei"ht people . confessed to an act of infanticide which subse(uent e&idence pro&ed conclusi&el! the! had not committed# 7ne elderl! member of the famil! later recei&ed a dia"nosis of senile b! ph!sicians but the other se&en had no ob&ious mental deficienc! or mental illness# *he! had been held in isolation for onl! two da!s before the! confessed# $reland has no Whitmore or ,iranda rulin"s# >ow% in thinkin" o&er these cases% do not for"et that "irl in -hica"o ($ actuall! knew her) who "ot classified as a slow learner (academese for mildl! retarded) and acted that wa! for ei"ht !ears before she had another test and suddenl! re&ealed "enius'le&el $Q; Whether or not the ph!sical uni&erse deser&es the label obser&er'created (as su""ested b! :r# Wheeler)% much of the social uni&erse appears obser&er'created# (Cor further data on this sub<ect% see The Social Creation of *eality b! sociolo"ists 9er"er and Fuckman and :ow *eal Is *eal< b! ps!cholo"ist aul Watzlawick#) As anthropolo"ists ha&e lon" noted% every society gets a close appro!imation of the #ehaviors it e!pects from men and women. We ha&e been told o&er and o&er a"ain that !ou can5t chan"e human nature% but the stud! of emic realities shows% (uite the contrar!% that almost an!thin" can become human nature if societ! defines it as such# Cor instance% the Guni $ndian tribe in the American southwest has ne&er had a suicide and tribal lore onl! recalls one murder% approximatel! BII !ears a"o# >o "rounds exist to belie&e the Gunis landed here from another planet# *he! appear human# *he! merel! ha&e a different emic realit! than that of White Americans% who ha&e &er! hi"h suicide and murder rates% or )wedes% who ha&e a &er! low murder rate but a comparati&el! hi"h suicide rate# As noted b! ,alinowski% the *robriand $slanders ne&er had a reported rape until after -hristian missionaries brou"ht them our 7ccidental realit!'tunnel# 4irtuall! e&er!bod! belie&ed in witches in the 7ccidental world until about AII !ears a"o% and also belie&ed the proper treatment for this condition consisted of charbroilin" the suspects# *his idea became unfashionable durin" the A"e of Reason% and AI !ears a"o nobod! would ha&e expected it to return# $n 011I% howe&er% a lar"e percenta"e of rotestants and se&eral police chiefs belie&e in a nationwide )atanic under"round and% althou"h nobod! has !et "one to the stake% a new witch'hunt ob&iousl! has swept our countr!# *he >azis belie&ed the moon consisted of solid ice# 9rad Finawea&er5s superb science' fiction no&el% Moon of Ice% concerns a parallel uni&erse where World War $$ ended in a truce% rather than total &ictor! for the allies# $n >azi Europe% the moon of ice theor! still rei"ns supreme in "o&ernment'run 8ni&ersities% learned societies% etc# while in anarchist America (in that uni&erse% we became pacifist% isolationist and finall! anarchist) the orthodox model of the moon remains dominant# When% the >azis land a spaceship on the moon and find no ice% all the data of the fli"ht becomes *op )ecret and the Europeans ne&er learn of it# :oes this plot seem unlikel! to !ou= Fook back a few pa"es and see what happened to the onl! two studies of spontaneous remission written in En"lish#

SE5ENTEEN Ta,ing the Mystery O"t o. /Miracles1

$f one societ! has no rapes% and another has no suicides% emic realit! (brain software) pro"rams etic realit! (what happens to people within an emic realit!) more than we "enerall! realize# *he seriousness of this issue as a philosophical problem seems immediatel! e&ident# E&en if meanin"less technicall!% the >ew A"e bromide% ?ou create !our own realit! has a kind of connection to the actual facts# )ociet! seems to create a realit!'tunnel% which each member modifies to some extent% and conflict "rows out of the delusion that $ ha&e the one correct realit!' tunnel when $ ha&e to deal with somebod! who has another one correct realit!'tunnel# *he seriousness of this issue as a ps!cholo"ical K sociolo"ical factor seems e&en more sta""erin" than its philosophical implications# We cannot sa! exactl! what would happen if% e#"#% Deor"e 9ush or ,r# Dorbache& accepted 9uckminster Culler5s claim that we can abolish star&ation b! 011H% but somethin" &er! dramatic and surprisin" would undoubtedl! happen% somethin" that would alter our notions of ine&itabilit!# )ince bod!'chan"es seem more miraculous than social chan"es% let us look further into the matter of ps!chosomatic s!ner"!# *he extent to which the health K illness spectrum deser&es the label obser&er'created and K or self'fulfillin" prophec! appears strikin"l! in studies of placebo effecti&eness# Accordin" to se&eral careful double'blind studies cited b! the in&aluable :r# Rossi ( op. cit. pa"es 0H'01)J 5lace#os proved CD per cent as effective as morphine in si! dou#le-#lind studiesB 5lace#os proved CE per cent as effective as aspirin in nine dou#le-#lind studiesB 5lace#os proved CD per cent as effective as codeine in three dou#le-#lind studies # (Effecti&eness ratin" in these studies indicates how much relief from pain the patient reported#) $n other words% sli"htl! more than half the time a patient obtains as much benefit from the belief that she or he recei&ed a pain'killer as the! would obtain from actuall! recei&in" a pain' killer# As 75Re"an points out% op. cit.% we now ha&e reason to belie&e that almost all medical treatment throu"hout almost all histor! worked on placebo principles# $n other words% modern biochemistr! indicates that before the disco&er! of antibiotics% (i#e#% #efore the FGHIs) &irtuall! all the medicine used b! doctors had no actual effecti&eness# *he patients "ot better% when the! did% because the doctors belie&ed in their useless potions and the patients ac(uired the faith from the doctors# *his last para"raph has more than historical interest# Accordin" to the 7ffice of *echnolo"! Assessment% only JI percent of esta#lished medical procedure in the ,.S. today has #een validated in rigorous randomized" dou#le-#lind" place#o-controlled studies #0A *hus% 3I percent of what our doctors do rests simpl! on precedent and hi"h hopes# )ince more than AI percent of us sur&i&e American medicine% a "reat man! placebo cures must still occur dail!% as the! did before the 01BIs# ,! own books% especiall! 5rometheus *ising% "i&e numerous examples of how optimism (a Winner )cript in the lan"ua"e of *ransactional Anal!sis) can resol&e ps!cholo"ical and social problems that seem incurable to those obsessed b! pessimism (a Foser )cript in *#A#) 9ut most people in our societ! . and e&en more scientists . still feel that somethin" miraculous has occurred if a Winner )cript can con(uer not <ust ne"ati&e feelin"s and bad social ad<ustment but ph!sical cancers and other no'nonsense bod! diseases% or if a Foser )cript can cause a person to lie down and die like the &ictims of death bones#

+os 2ngeles

eekly% )ept# 0O'AA% 0133# Article% 9linded b! )cience= b! -arol!n Reuben#

As $ ha&e alread! indicated% this sense of miracle and m!ster! deri&es from our traditional dichotom! of mind and bod! and our habit of thinkin" that an!thin" we ha&e split &erball! must reflect a similar $ron -urtain in the non'&erbal existential world# ()imilarl!% ph!sicists% ha&in" traditionall! split space and time found themsel&es confronted b! terrible m!steries and confusions at the end of the 01 th centur! when this map clearl! no lon"er fit the territor!# $t took the "enius of Einstein to re'unif! &erball! what had alwa!s remained unified non' &erball!J he "a&e up space and time and wrote of space'time% and the m!steries (uickl! found solutions#) As su""ested earlier% the m!ster! of mind and bod! be"ins to disappear if we speak and think without this dichotom!% in terms of the or"anism'as'a'whole# *o (uote 9owersJ The tendency to split etiological factors of disease into psychic or somatic components" thought heuristic for many purposes" nevertheless perpetuates" at least implicitly" a mind-#ody dualism that has defied rational solution for centuries. 5erhaps what we need is a new formulation of this ancient pro#lem" one that does not propose a formida#le gap #etween the separate $realities% of mind and #ody> If information processing and transmission is common to #oth psyche and soma" the mind-#ody pro#lem might #e reformulated as followsK :ow is information" received and processed at a semantic level" transduced into information that can #e received and processed at a somatic level" and &ice'&ersa< That sounds like a question that can #e more sensi#ly addressed than the one it is meant to replace. FH *ransduction% in $nformation *heor!% desi"nates the translation of form from one information s!stem to another# Cor instance% if $ speak to !ou on the phone% the transmitter transduces m! words (sound wa&es) into electrical char"es which . if the phone compan! does not screw up a"ain . tra&el to the recei&er in !our hand% where the! become transduced a"ain% back into sound wa&es% which !ou decode as words# )imilarl!% as $ sit here at m! ,ac lus% the ke!s $ hit look like letters of the En"lish alphabet but hittin" the ke!s creates binar! (on'off) si"nals stored in computer memor!# *he words ha&e become transduced into electrical char"es# When $ print this up . if the computer does not screw up a"ain . these electrical char"es will become transduced once more% into words that !ou can read# *he mind'bod! problem has defied rational solution% $ su""est% because an! (uestion asked within that framework (ualifies as totall! meanin"less in the -openha"en and lo"ical positi&ist sense# 6owe&er% if we drop mind and bod! from our &ocabular! and replace them with ps!chosomatic unit! or ps!chosomatic s!ner"! . as ph!sicists after Einstein dropped space and time and replaced them with space'time . we be"in to approach an area where meanin"ful (uestions and answers can appear# 9ut this re(uires% as 9owers su""ested% formulations in terms of $nformation *heor! and transduction# A stron" set of ne"ati&e beliefs (a Foser *ranscript) appears% to neuroscience% as an imprinted and K or conditioned and K or learned network of bio'chemical reflexes in the cortex of the brain# )ince communication exists between parts of the brain% and between the brain and other bod! s!stems% these ne"ati&e beliefs can easil! transduce into bio'chemical reflexes of the or"anism'as'a'whole# )pecificall!% the belief reflexes in the cortex "et transduced into neurochemical and hormonal processes when the! pass throu"h the h!pothalamus% an ancient little part of the back brain which re"ulates and K or influences man! bod! pro"rams% including the immune system. Amon" the chemical s!stems re"ulated b! the h!pothalamus and transduced to the immune s!stem we find a &ariet! of neuropeptides% includin" the now'famous endorphins% which act as tran(uilizers and pain'killers (uite similar to opium# >europeptides ha&e a curious dualit! about them which reminds me of the photons (and electrons) of (uantum mechanics# *hose (uantum entities (or models=)% !ou remember b! now% sometimes act as wa&es and sometimes as particles# )imilarl!% neuropeptides sometimes act as hormones (chemicals causin" chan"es in bod! function) and sometimes as neurotransmitters (chemicals causin" chan"es in brain function)# >one of these little bli"hters e&er heard of Aristotelian lo"ic% $ "uess#

@# 9owers% 6!pnosisJ An $nformational Approach% 2nnals of the 3ew Aork 2cademy of Sciences" A1O% AAA'ABL (01LL)#

Actin" as neurotransmitters in the brain% neuropeptides perform man! interestin" known functions (and probabl! man! not !et known;) ,ost si"nificantl!% the! allow the openin" and perhaps the imprintin" of new neural pathwa!s and networks and K or reflexes# *his means that a hea&! dose of new neuropeptides in !our brain% <ust like a dose of F): or some other ps!chedelic% will cause !ou percei&e and think (or"anize and interpret perceptions) in new and ori"inal wa!s . to drop !our familiar "loss and see throu"h other "losses; to lea&e !our ri"id realit!'tunnel and enter a multi'choice realit!'lab!rinth; to transcend modeltheism (do"ma) and spontaneousl! feel'think in the manner of the model a"nosticism of post'-openha"en ph!sics; Whate&er metaphor from the beha&ioral sciences one uses% the process means% in ordinar! terms% decreased ri"idit!% increased creati&it!/ less compulsion% more sense of choice# $n terms of $nformation *heor!% this appears as a dramatic increase in the amount of information processed per second# *he more new circuits opened in the brain% the more new information !ou notice in e&en the simplest and most familiar ob<ects or e&ents# *o (uote 9lake% *he fool sees not the same tree that the wise man sees# A reall! massi&e rush of neuropeptides% then% will sub<ecti&el! appear as rebirth or seein" a whole new uni&erse or a transcendence of what had seemed ineluctable limitations# ,an! will describe this in reli"ious metaphors and sa! the )pirit o&ercame me% etc# 9lake speaks of seein" infinit! in a "rain of sand# When the! lea&e the brain and be"in actin" as hormones in the bod!% neuropeptides interact with all si"nificant s!stems% includin" the immunolo"ical s!stem# $ncreased neuropeptide acti&it!% therefore% correlates with increased resistance to disease% an inner sense of feelin" better and the kind of upsur"e of hope that propelled ,r# Wri"ht out of bed and set him walkin" about the wards chattin" happil! with e&er!bod!# A few miscellaneous obser&ations . taken% like most of the abo&e% from Rossi% op. cit# . will illustrate these s!ner"etic relationships somewhat further# 0# *hose who respond best to placebos also re"ister hi"h on awareness of s!nchronicities# )ince s!nchronicit! onl! makes sense in a holistic or s!ner"etic model of the uni&erse (and appears nonsensical or impossible in a mechanistic model) such people alread! ha&e an intuiti&e sense of holism% which makes it easier for them to allow holistic processes to occur in brain K bod! s!stems# A# *hose who respond least to placebos not onl! den! s!nchronicit! but appear ri"id and stereot!pical in their thinkin"# *hus% placebos would probabl! not work for members of -)$-7 # $t almost appears that some people would rather die than allow a cure that looks to them like ma"ic# B# ,emor! now appears mood'dependent# When we feel happ!% we sincerel! remember our li&es as "enerall! happ!/ when we feel sad% we con&ersel! remember our li&es as total disasters% etc# *he obser&er who creates our experienced uni&erses not onl! appears unaware of its own creati&it!% but re'edits e&er!thin" in terms of current mood (i#e#% current neurochemical acti&it! in the brain)# 2# ,an! studies indicate that the neuropeptide acti&it! in the brain . re'associatin"% or re' "lossin"% or mo&in" from a ri"id realit!'tunnel to a multi'choice realit! lab!rinth . seems as important in healin" as the chemical boost that neuropeptides "i&e to the immune s!stem# $n other words% as our abilit! to process more and more information increases% our resistance to unwellness (in "eneral) also increases# A world of man! options ne&er feels as dreadful as a deterministic or mechanical world# H# *he brain ne&er remembers like a tape recorder or repeats like a parrot# 9ven the most rigid and compulsive types (-atholics% ,arxists% members of -)$-7 % etc#) do a lot more reassociating" re-framing and creative editing than they consciously realize # :r# Rossi summarizes the current e&idence b! sa!in" bluntl! that what <ud"es tell witnesses to do in a court'room . tell one &ersion of experience% and stick to it% without re'editin" . seems unnatural and nearl! impossible for the human brain# $t seems we ne&er do that% exactl!# At best% we ma! con&ince oursel&es and others that we ha&e done it% for a short period# *he attorne! for the opposition can usuall! tear that charade apart . to the utter consternation of witnesses who ha&e ne&er heard of *ransactional ps!cholo"! or (uantum lo"ic and still belie&e in the Aristotelian K medie&al one ob<ecti&e realit!#

O# 9eta wa&e acti&it! in the brain correlates with outer'directed acti&it! and dominance of s!mpathetic ner&ous s!stem functions# Alpha wa&e acti&it!% and lower brain fre(uencies% correlate with inner'directed passi&it! and dominance of paras!mpathetic ner&ous s!stem functions# :ail! practice of !o"a% which often correlates with impro&ed health% decreases the total amount of beta acti&it! K outer directed attention K s!mpathetic ner&ous s!stem function and con&ersel! increases alpha or theta wa&e acti&it! K inner directed attention K paras!mpathetic ner&ous s!stem functions# 6!pnosis% whate&er positi&e su""estions it ma! implant in the cortex to transduce into neurochemical immunolo"ical boosts% also be"ins with tellin" the patient to close her or his e!es and become more relaxed# 9oth closin" the e!es and relaxin" mo&e the patient from beta wa&es K outer attention K s!mpathetic s!stem to alpha'theta wa&es K inner attention K paras!mpathetic s!stem# (*he contro&ersial :r# Reich% incidentall!% used muscular relaxation techni(ues to mo&e patients from s!mpathetic ner&ous s!stem dominance to increased paras!mpathetic ner&ous s!stem acti&it!# 9ut since -ertified Do&ernment 9ureaucrats condemned his ideas and burned his books% !ou all know he was reall! a nut% ri"ht=) L# )ince the neuropeptides tra&el throu"h &irtuall! all the bod! fluids (blood% l!mph% cerebrospinal fluid etc#) as well as between neurons% the neuropeptide s!stem acts more slowl! but more holisticall! than the central ner&ous s!stem# *he experimental attitude differs totall! from common sense . the former accepts that we ma!% at an! time% disco&er new information that will profoundl! alter our model of the uni&erse% while the latter assumes we know the basic truth alread! and% at worst% will onl! ha&e to modif! it sli"htl! when new data appears# *hus% $ do not mind confessin" that $ ha&e tried faith healers on occasion% experimentall!# $ ha&e enou"h conser&atism (or cowardice) to ha&e tried these experiments onl! with minor ailments that did not seem likel! to become serious hazards to m! sur&i&al# *he results exactl! conformed to point L abo&e% e&en thou"h $ knew nothin" about neuropeptide acti&it! until a few !ears a"o# With each healer% $ felt nothin" &er! dramatic durin" the treatment% and each time $ left with a sense of disappointment and increased skepticism (about that school of faith healin"% or that healer)# $n a few hours% $ be"an to notice a sli"ht decrease in s!mptoms and a upsur"e in new ener"!# Within a da! all s!mptoms disappeared and m! health a"ain appeared normal# $ did not know how to explain this effect until $ read about the slow'motion holistic acti&it! of neuropeptides# erhaps% e&en after these neurochemical functions seem clear to the reader% an aura of spookiness still lin"ers about the whole sub<ect# Fet us look at the belief K neuropeptide K immunolo"ical loop in slow motion% then# *his will perhaps appear less spook!# Accordin" to 6rain ? Mind 6ulletin (,a! 0133) +ohn 9arefoot of :uke 8ni&ersit! has found a ne"ati&e correlation between suspiciousness and lon"e&it!# $n a sample of HII older men and women whose health he monitored for 0H !ears% 9arefoot disco&ered thatJ (a) those who scored hi"h on suspiciousness% c!nicism and hostilit! died sooner than all others/ (b) this hi"h mortalit! amon" those with Foser )cripts remained constant when compared b! a"e% b! sex% b! pre&ious health% b! diet and e&en b! bad habits# (*hose who smoked and remained "enerall! optimistic li&ed lon"er than those who smoked and worried about it#) (c) those who scored hi"hest on hostilit! had a death rate more than six times hi"her than others# $n a related stud! (6rain ? Mind 6ulletin Au"ust 0133) )helle! *a!lor of 8-FA and +onathan 9rown of ),8 related the con&entional idea that those who score hi"h on mental health ha&e fewer illusions than others# Quite the re&erse% accordin" to this stud!J those who score hi"h on mental health "enerall! ha&e a number of illusor! beliefs# Amon" the most common illusions of the mentall! health!J (a) o&erl! positi&e &iews of themsel&es/ (b) con&enient for"ettin" of ne"ati&e facts about themsel&es/ (c) illusor! beliefs about ha&in" more control than the! do ha&e/

(d) unrealistic optimism about themsel&es/ (e) unrealistic optimism about the future in "eneral/ (f) abnormal cheerfulness# Would !ou want to ha&e those kinds of illusions or would !ou rather stick to hard realism and die sooner than those deluded fools= $n closin" this chapter% $ would like to "i&e another case histor! and a bit of self're&elation# At the a"e of A !ears% in 01B2% $ contracted polio . a rather widespread disease amon" children up until the )alk &accine# :r# )alk had not disco&ered the &accine !et% in 01B2% and the medical pro"nosis held that $ would ne&er walk a"ain# ,! parents e&entuall! found a doctor who had decided to experimentall! treat some polio patients with the 6eretical methods of )ister @enn!% an Australian nurse who had been roundl! :amned and Anathematized b! the A#,#A# bureaucrac!# 7n all sides% Americans recei&ed the messa"e that the )ister @enn! methods did not work and that the! consisted of (uacker! and witchcraft# *he @enn! s!stem consisted of (a) somethin" a bit like faith healin"% (b) muscle massa"e and (c) lon" soakin" in hot tubs# *he faith healin" side of )ister @enn!5s techni(ue in&ol&ed flat denial of the A#,#A# do"ma that those crippled b! polio could ne&er walk a"ain# *he muscle massa"e had a lot in common with the techni(ues of the infamous :r# Reich% :amned and Anathematized in the 01HIs b! the same medical bureaucrac! that condemned )ister @enn! in the 01BIs# *he hot tub idea had been popular in the 01 th -entur!% remained popular in Europe and has become popular a"ain in -alifornia# $ ha&e no idea whether m! cure resulted from one of these factors% from two% or from all three in s!ner"!# Empiricall!% $ reco&ered and started walkin" a"ain# $ walk normall! toda!% with onl! an occasional limp when &er! tired% and some pedal m!oclonism at ni"ht# ,ost people do not "uess that $ spent two !ears as a cripple# *hose treated b! orthodox A#,#A# methods in those !ears seem to ha&e remained in wheel'chairs for the rest of their li&es# $n retrospect% $ wonder how much of the condemnation of )ister @enn! resulted from the facts that she did not possess male "enitalia or a medical de"ree (i#e#% in the minds of most ph!sicians% she was onl! a woman and onl! a nurse;) $ suspect that some lon"'term effects of the )ister @enn! treatment lin"er with me# E#"#% $ ha&e en<o!ed better'than'a&era"e health for the rest of m! life% $ retain a deep suspicion of all Authorities and Authoritarians (as !ou mi"ht ha&e noticed)% and $ ha&e ne&er had the fashionable pessimism and #on ton despair necessar! to "et m!self included amon" )erious >o&elists in the <ud"ment of >ew ?ork critics# Fike the people in the *a!lor'9rown stud!% $ seem unrealisticall! optimistic about m!self and the future and abnormall! cheerful# *his anno!s (uite a few people#

PA0T (OU0 Schroe inger=s Cat 3 Einstein=s Mo"se

Art imitates nature. Aristotle Nature imitates art. Oscar $il e

?ou can see the abo&e illustration two different wa!s# -an !ou see it both wa!s at the same time% or can !ou onl! chan"e !our mental focus rapidl! and see it first one wa! and then the other wa!% in alteration= The true essence of things is a profound illusion# C#W# >ietzsche

E!GHTEEN M"lti#le Sel4es 3 !n.ormation Systems

9etween 010I and 01B1% -harlie -haplin alwa!s pla!ed the same character in all his films . the belo&ed little *ramp that became world'famous# $n 01B1% -haplin wrote% directed and starred in The ;reat Lictator% in which the little tramp did not appear# $nstead% -haplin pla!ed two characters . a t!rant% based on 6itler% and a +ewish tailor% one of 6itler5s &ictims# Audiences all o&er the world (except Derman!% where the authorities banned the film) complained mournfull! and an"ril!% that the! missed the little *ramp# -haplin% howe&er% ha&in" "otten rid of the *ramp once% ne&er did brin" that persona back# $n later films% he pla!ed man! characters (a serial killer% a kindl! old &aude&illian% a deposed kin")% but ne&er the *ramp# eople still complained that the! wanted to see the *ramp a"ain% but -haplin went on creatin" new characters# (We will lea&e it to +un"ians to explain wh! -haplin had to become two opposite characters before he could personall! escape the Archet!pe of the *ramp;) ,an! actors ha&e had e(uall! hard battles in "ettin" detached from% if not a specific character% a specific t!pe# 6umphre! 9o"art remained stuck in &illain roles% usuall! "an"sters% for nearl! a decade before he "ot to pla! his first hero# -ar! Drant ne&er did escape from the hero t!pe . either the romantic hero or the comic hero/ when Alfred 6itchcock persuaded him to pla! a murderer% in Suspicion% the studio o&er'ruled both of them and tacked on a surprise endin" in which the Drant character did not commit the murder% after all# Etc# 9ack in the real world% if a member of a famil! chan"es suddenl!% the whole famil! suddenl! appears a"itated and disturbed# Camil! counselors ha&e learned to expect this% e&en when the chan"e consists of somethin" e&er!bod! considers desirable . e#"#% an alcoholic who suddenl! stops drinkin" can destabilize the famil! to the extent that another member becomes clinicall! depressed% or de&elops ps!chosomatic s!mptoms% or e&en starts drinkin" hea&il! (as if the famil! needed an alcoholic)# It seems that we not only speak and think in sentences like $Mohn is an old grouch% #ut #ecome disoriented and frightened if Mohn suddenly starts acting friendly and generous # (Audiences re<ected the pre&iousl! lo&able -haplin most &ehementl! when he pla!ed the multiple wife'killer in Monsieur =erdou!# robabl!% audiences would not ha&e felt upset if the role had "one to the actor who ori"inall! wrote it for himself and sold it to -haplin when the 6oll!wood mo"uls blacklisted him . 7rson Welles#) $f :ickens5 )croo"e had chan"ed% in actualit!% as he chan"ed in the book% se&eral people in his social field would ha&e suddenl! de&eloped bizarre beha&iors the! had ne&er shown before; -haplin% amusin"l!% once made a comed! about the chaos created b! a man who conspicuousl! does not exhibit the isness or essence our sub<ect'predicate lan"ua"e pro"rams us to expect% City +ights# $n this film% the little *ramp encounters a millionaire with two entirel! different personalitiesJ a "enerous and compassionate drunk% and a "reed!% somewhat paranoid sober man# *he *ramp and all the other characters soon exhibit beha&iors that would look like clinical insanit! to the audience% if we did not know the secret none of the characters "uessJ namel! that each personalit! in the rich man appears when brain chemistr! chan"es# *he Russian m!stic Durd<ieff claimed that we all contain multiple personalities# ,an! researchers in ps!cholo"! and neuroscience now share that startlin" &iew# As Durd<ieff indicated% the $ who toils at a <ob does not seem the same $ who makes lo&e with <o! and passion% and the third $ who occasionall! "ets an"r! for no e&ident reason seems a third personalit!% etc# *here does not appear an!thin" metaph!sical about this/ it e&en appears% measurabl!% on electroencephalo"rams# :r# Crank utnam of the >ational $nstitute of 6ealth found that extreme cases of multiple personalit! . the onl! ones that orthodox ps!chiatr! reco"nizes . show (uite distinct brain wa&es for each personalit! almost as if the researchers had taken the electrodes off of one sub<ect and attached them to another# (75Re"an% op. cit.) :r# Rossi defines these separate personalities as state information systems. >ot onl! do we show different personalities when drunk and when sober% like -haplin5s emblematic millionaire% but we ha&e different information banks (memories) in these states# *hus% most people ha&e noted that somethin" that happened to them while drunk appears totall! for"otten% until the! "et intoxicated a"ain% and then the memor! miraculousl! re'appears# *his obser&ation

of state'specific information occurs e&en more fre(uentl! with F):/ nobod! reall! remembers the richness of an F): &o!a"e until the! take another dose# 9motional states seem part of a circular-causal loop with #rain chemistry & it seems impossi#le" for science in FGGI" to say that one part of the circle $causes% the other parts. *hus% we can now understand a phenomenon mentioned earlier% namel! that we tend to remember happ! experiences when happ! and sad experiences when sad# *he separate personalities or information s!stems within a t!pical human seem to fall into four main "roups% with four additional "roups appearin" onl! in minorities who ha&e en"a"ed in one form or another of neurolo"ical self'research (metapro"rammin")# 9- The Oral >io8S"r4i4al System # *his seems to contain imprints and conditionin" datin" from earl! infanc!% with subse(uent learnin" built upon that foundation# $f !ou stop and think about% !ou know how a carpet tastes% how the le" of a chair tastes% etc# ?ou ma! e&en remember how the dirt in a flower pot tastes# *his knowled"e dates from the oral sta"e of infanc! in which we take nourishment (bio'sur&i&al) throu"h the mother5s nipples and also <ud"e other ob<ects b! puttin" them in our mouths# A lar"e part of parentin" an infant consists in followin" the little darlin" around and shoutin" :on5t put that in !our mouth whene&er the! tr! to taste K test somethin" toxic# :atin" from Adorno in the 012Is% ps!cholo"ists who do sur&e!s on lar"e "roups (e#"#% enterin" colle"e fresh'persons) ha&e repeatedl! noted a correlation between dislike of forei"n and exotic foods and the fascist personalit!# A total ;estalt seems to exist . a beha&ioral K conceptual cluster of dislike of new food'dislike of radical ideas K racism K nationalism K sexism K xenophobia K conser&atism K phobic and K or compulsi&e beha&iors'fascist ideolo"ies# *his cluster makes up the well'known C'scale (C for Cascism#) Where more than two of these traits appear% the probabilities indicate that most of the others will appear# *his seems to result from a neopho#ic imprint in the #io-survival system# *hose with this imprint feel increasin"l! insecure as the! mo&e in space'time awa! from ,omm! and home' cooked meals# -on&ersel!% those who like to experiment with stran"e and exotic foods seem to ha&e a neophilic imprint and want to explore the world in man! dimensions . tra&elin"% mo&in" from one cit! or countr! to another% stud!in" new sub<ects% pla!in" with ideas rather than holdin" ri"idl! to one static model of the uni&erse# 7n this bab!'le&el of the brain% some seem to ha&e an imprint that clin"s to the familiar (7h% ,omm!% take me home)% some ha&e the opposite imprint that seeks no&elt! and exploration (Fet5s see what5s on the other side of the mountain) and most% followin" the 9ell' shaped cur&e% ha&e an imprint somewhere between these extremes . conser&ati&e on some issues% inno&ati&e on others# )ubse(uent learnin" will tend to "et processed throu"h these imprints% and those with stron" neophobic reflexes will usuall!% if the! ne&er re<ect the initial do"matic famil! realit!'tunnel% settle at once into an e(uall! do"matic new realit!'tunnel# E#"#% if raised -atholic% the! seldom become a"nostics or zetetics/ rather% the! will mo&e% like iron filin"s draw b! a ma"net% to do"matic atheism or e&en a crusadin" atheist reli"ion like ,arxism% 7b<ecti&ism or -)$-7 # )ince the mechanical bio'chemical reflexes on this le&el remain in&isible (and cannot e&en reach translation onto the &erbal le&el except in an altered state of consciousness% such as h!pnosis% or under certain dru"s)% this hard'wired infantile information s!stem controls all later information s!stems (or sel&es) without the knowled"e of the conscious e"o# $n most cases% the happiest or most tran(uil areas of the infantile bio'sur&i&al s!stem . those imprinted b! the )afe )pace around ,omm! . can onl! be remembered or re' experienced with dru"s that tri""er neurotransmitters similar to those acti&ated durin" breast' feedin"# *he attempt to re'capture that state ma! lead to re'imprintin" &ia !o"a or martial arts% or to a search for chemical analo"s% which will e&entuall! lead to the opiates# :isturbed or unhapp! (e"o d!stonic) imprints here ma! account for opiate addictions# *his oral bio'sur&i&al s!stem makes a feedback loop from mouth to h!pothalamus to neuropeptide s!stem to l!mph and blood etc# to immunolo"ical s!stem# What *ransactional Anal!sis calls the Wooden Fe" Dame . e&asion of adult responsibilit! throu"h chronic illness . does not appear conscious in most cases# Rather a Foser )cript in this s!stem depresses the sub's!stems% includin" the immunolo"ical s!stem% and renders the sub<ect% or &ictim% statisticall! prone to more illness than a&era"e# )imilarl!% a Winner )cript on this circuit contributes to

lon"e&it! and ma! account for cases like 9ertrand Russell (still writin" philosoph! and polemic at 11)% Deor"e 9urns (bus! with three careers until 0II) etc# :- The Anal Territorial System # )ince all mammals mark their territories with excretions% the toddler sta"e of de&elopment and associated toilet trainin" produces a s!stem of s!ner"etic imprints and conditionin" concerned with territor! and what Creudians call analit! (sadomasochism)# *hose who take a :ominant imprint in this s!stem seek power all their li&es/ those with a )ubmissi&e imprint seek :ominant t!pes to lead them (the Reichian 4uhrerprinzip) and most people settle somewhere between those extremes% takin" a masochist stance toward those abo&e them ("o&ernment% landlords etc#) and a sadist stance toward selected &ictims defined as below them (wi&es% children% inferior races% people on Welfare% etc#) *he self or information s!stem on this toddler le&el ma! functions as the predominant self or normal personalit! in those whose li&es center around power or it ma! remain latent usuall! and onl! emer"e in conflict situations# 8suall!% it emer"es full'blown when enou"h alcohol enters the brain and alters habitual circuitr!# *he anal'sadist &ocabular! of the t!pical drunk (7h% !eah= )tick it up !our ass% ?ou dumb ass'hole% 8p !ours% budd!% etc#) recapitulates toilet trainin" and mammalian habits of usin" excretions as territorial fi"ht'or'fli"ht si"nals# eople sa! later 6e was actin" like a two'!ear'old or more simpl! 6e <ust wasn5t himself last ni"ht# *hese remarks si"nif! that the toddler information s!stem . i#e#% the mammalian anal' territorial circuits . temporaril! took control of the brain# oliticians ha&e "reat skill in acti&atin" this s!stem and easil! persuade lar"e crowds to beha&e like small children ha&in" temper tantrums# *he fa&orite acti&atin" de&ice (dramatized b! )hakespeare in :enry =) in&okes mammalian pack-solidarity b! attackin" a ri&al pack# Deor"e 9ush% percei&ed as a wimp b! man!% raised his popularit! to unprecedented hei"hts% <ust as $ looked about for a contemporar! illustration of this point# ,r# 9ush simpl! in&aded a small% *hird World countr! ( anama) where a (uick% eas! &ictor! came within a week# *he wimp ima"e &anished o&erni"ht# An! alpha male in an! "orilla or chimpanzee pack% feelin" his authorit! slippin"% would ha&e followed the same course# *his s!stem makes a feedback loop between muscles% adrenaline% the thalamus of the brain% the anus and the lar!nx# )wellin" the bod! and usin" the lar!nx to howl (muscle'flexin" and noise) makes up the usual :omination si"nal amon" birds% reptiles% mammals and politicians# )tud! the speeches of 6itler and Ronald Rea"an for further details% or <ust watch two ducks disputin" territor! in a pond# -on&ersel!% shrinkin" the bod! and mutterin" (or becomin" totall! silent) make up the usual )ubmission reflex# -rawlin" awa! with its tail between its le"s% the do"5s submission reflex% does not differ much from the bod!'lan"ua"e of an emplo!ee who made the mistake of disa"reein" with the boss and recei&ed a :ominator (flexin" K howlin") si"nal in response# *he e"o . or self . defined b! this s!stem appears more mammalian and re&olutionar! ad&anced than the (uick reptilian reflexes of the self operatin" on the oral bio'sur&i&al s!stem# >onetheless% the personalit! shrinks back to the primiti&e bio'sur&i&al self whene&er real dan"er appears . whene&er confronted b! threat to life% rather than mere threat to status# *his difference between mammalian strate"! and reptilian reflex explains wh! there seems more $time% in the anal territorial system than in the oral #io-survival system # $n the later% mammalian s!stem% one explores relati&e power si"nals slowl!/ in the earlier% reptilian s!stem% one attacks or flees instantl!# ;- The Semantic Time8>in ing System # After the "rowin" child ac(uires lan"ua"e . i#e#% learns that the flux of experience has had labels and indexes assi"ned to it b! the tribal "ame' rules . a new information s!stem becomes imprinted and conditioned% and this s!stem can continue "rowin" and learnin" for a lifetime# *his s!stem allows me to recei&e si"nals sent AHII !ears a"o b! persons such as )ocrates and -onfucius# $t allows me to send si"nals which% if $ ha&e more luck than most writers% will still find their wa! to new recei&ers AHII !ears in the future# *his time'bindin" function of s!mbolism "i&es humans problem'sol&in" capacities impossible to most other animals (except% perhaps% cetaceans) and also allows us to create and suffer from problems that do not exist at all% except on the lin"uistic le&el#

With human s!mbolism we can produce (or learn from their producers) mathematical s!stems that allow us to predict the beha&ior of ph!sical s!stems lon" before we had the instruments to measure those s!stems (as Einstein predicted that clocks in outer space would measure time differentl! than clocks on our planet face#) We can e&en build complex machines that work . most of the time# With s!mbolism we can also write messa"es so profound that nobod! full! understands them but almost e&er!bod! a"rees the! sa! somethin" important (e#"#% 9eetho&en5s >inth )!mphon!)# And with s!mbolism we can create meanin"less metaph!sics and )tran"e Foops so weird that societ! "rows alarmed and either locks us up or insists on medicatin" us# With such weird s!mbols% if not locked up or medicated% we can e&en persuade multitudes to belie&e in our "ibberish and execute O%III%III scape"oats (the 6itler case)% line up to drink c!anide cocktails (the +im +ones case)% or perform &irtuall! an! idioc! or lunac! ima"inable# $f the imprints in the first two information s!stems differentiate us into lar"e "roups . conser&ati&es and pioneers% dominators and followers% etc# . the semantic s!stem allows us to differentiate oursel&es still further% "i&in" humanit! more tribal eccentrics% both bene&olent and mali"n% than an! other class of animals# We do not all li&e in the same uni&erse# ,illions li&e in a ,oslem uni&erse and find it &er! hard to understand persons li&in" in a -hristian uni&erse# ,illions of others li&e in a ,arxist uni&erse# ,ost Americans seem (uite happ! in a mixed 01 th -entur! -apitalist and 0Bth -entur! -hristian uni&erse% but the literar! intelli"entsia li&es in an earl! AI th -entur! Creudian K ,arxist uni&erse% and a few well'informed scientists e&identl! actuall! li&e in a 011L uni&erse# Etc# *he elaboration of such emic realities or realit!'tunnels can reach extremes of creati&it!% in which a person in&ents a totall! new and indi&idualized "loss on the whole of existence# )uch "reat creators will wither win >obel prizes (for art or science) or will "et thrown in mental hospitals% dependin" on how much skill the! ha&e at sellin" their new &ision to others# )ome will e&en "et locked up in nut'houses and later become reco"nized as "reat scientific pioneers . e#"#% )emmelweiss% the first ph!sician to su""est that sur"eons should wash their hands before operatin"# (Ezra ound had the peculiar distinction of winnin" an award from the Fibrar! of -on"ress for writin" the best poem of the !ear% in 0123% while "o&ernment ps!chiatrists insisted he was insane#) *he semantic time'bindin" s!stem makes a feedback loop between the &erbal left brain hemisphere% the lar!nx% the ri"ht hand (which manipulates the world and checks the accurac! of maps and "losses) and the e!es (which read words and also scan the en&ironment)# The self e!isting in this system has more $time% than the self on the mammalian territorial system or the reptilian survival system# $ndeed% it can speculate about time% or about other words% and in&ent philosophies about timeless uni&erses% three'dimensional time (7uspensk!)% infinite time dimensions (:unne) etc# $t can in&ent new Destalts which make (uantum <umps in our social information banks and it can wallow in utter nonsense endlessl!# A cle&er imprint in this s!stem usuall! lasts for life% as does a dumb imprint# )ubse(uent conditionin" and learnin" all occur with the parameters of a fluent (well'spoken% clear'thinkin") self or a dull (inarticulate% unthinkin") self# <- The Socio8Sex"al System# At pubert!% the :>A unleashes messen"er R>A molecules which notif! all subs!stems that matin" time has arri&ed# *he bod! metamorphizes totall!% and the ner&ous s!stem (mind) chan"es in the process# A new self appears# As usual% imprintin" and "enetics pla! a ma<or role% with conditionin" and learnin" modif!in" but seldom radicall! alterin" "enetic'imprinted imperati&es# $f the en&ironment pro&ides a sex'positi&e imprint% adult sexualit! will ha&e a <o!ous and e&en transcendental (ualit!/ if the en&ironment pro&ides a sex'ne"ati&e imprint% sexualit! will remain disturbed or problematical for life# *he socio'sexual s!stem feedbacks run from front brain throu"h hormonal and neuropeptide s!stems to "enitalia to breasts and arms (hu""in"% cuddlin"% fuckin" circuitr!)# A "ood sexual imprint creates the archet!pal bri"ht e!es and bush! tails% while a bad imprint creates a tense (muscularl! armored) and zombie'like appearance#

*he self or e"o in this s!stem easil! learns adult Dame Rules (ci&ilized norms% ethics)% if the sexual imprint has not had stron" ne"ati&e components# Where the imprint does ha&e ne"ati&e or kink! components% adult Dame Rules do not set in place and either an outlaw personalit! cr!stallizes (the rapist K criminal with the archet!pal 9orn to Fose tattoo) or else the +ek!ll'6!de dualism appears% well illustrated recentl! b! se&eral sex'ne"ati&e *4 preachers who "ot cau"ht in some &er! kink! pri&ate sex'"ames# Whate&er s!stem dominates at a "i&en time appears as the e"o or self at that time% in two sensesJ 0# eople who meet ,r# A when he as the 7ral )ubmissi&e self predominant% will remember him as that sort of person# eople who meet him when he has the )emantic K rational self predominant remember him as another sort of person# Etc# A# :ue to state'specific information% as discussed earlier% when !ou ha&e one of these sel&es predominant% !ou for"et the other sel&es to a surprisin" extent and act as if the brain onl! had access to the information banks of the presentl! predominant self# E#"#% when fri"htened into infantile 7ral states% !ou ma! actuall! think $ am alwa!s a weaklin"% (uite for"ettin" the times when !our Anal :ominator self was in char"e% or the )emantic or )exual imprints were "o&ernin" the brain% etc# (*his anal!sis owes a "reat deal to :r# *imoth! Fear!5s Info-5sychology% Calcon ress% 0133# A discussion at "reater len"th% less technical than Fear!5s% appears in m! 5rometheus *ising% op. cit#) 9ut% if we ha&e a &ariet! of potential sel&es rather than the one block'like essential self of Aristotelian philosoph!% and% if each self acts as an obser&er who creates a realit!'tunnel which appears as a whole uni&erse (to those unaware of *ransactional and Quantum ps!cholo"!)% thenJ 9ach time an internal or e!ternal trigger causes us to quantum 'ump from one $self% to another" the whole world around us appears to change also # *his explains wh! ,ar! ma! sa!% and honestl! belie&e% E&er!bod! bullies me one da! and then sa!% and honestl! belie&e% E&er!bod! likes me and helps me on another da!% wh! +ohn ma! feel E&er!bod! is a bastard one hour and $ feel sorr! for e&er!bod!/ the!5re all sufferin" the next hour# E&er! person li&es in different umwelt (emic realit!) but e&er! self within a person also li&es in a different realit!'tunnel# *he number of uni&erses percei&ed b! human bein"s does not e(ual the population of the planet% but se&eral times the population of the planet# $t thus appears some sort of miracle that we sometimes find it possible to communicate with each other at all% at all# Quantum mechanics sa!s an electron has a different essence e&er! time we measure it (or% more clearl!% it has no essence at all)# >euroscience re&eals% similarl!% that the ,ar! we meet on *uesda! ma! ha&e a different self than the ,ar! we met ,onda! (or% as the 9uddhists said lon" before neuroscience% ,ar! has no essence at all)# As we said at the be"innin"% the bedrock claim of existentialism holds that existence precedes essence% or we ha&e no essence# Fike electrons% we <ump from one information s!stem to another% and onl! those who ha&e not looked closel! belie&e that one essence remains constant throu"h all transformations#

N!NETEEN M"lti#le Uni4erses

*he (uantum theor! of obser&er'created uni&erses has implications far weirder than we ha&e discussed thus far# )ome ph!sicists do not a"ree with the -openha"en $nterpretation# *he! belie&e that we can make statements about a deep realit!# 8nfortunatel!% the statements the! make usuall! sound like either science'fiction or 7riental m!sticism# We will consider the science fiction fla&ors of (uantum theor! first# *hese be"an% in 01BH% when >obel laureate Erwin )chroedin"er posed the problem we ha&e alread! mentioned se&eral times . the case of the cat which occupies the cate"ories of life and death simultaneousl!#

)ince (uantum laws do not ha&e the absolute nature of >ewtonian (or Aristotelian) laws% all (uantum theor! must use probabilities# As we said earlier% the Aristotelian !es or I per cent and no or 0II per cent represent the certitude 7ccidentals ha&e traditionall! sou"ht# Quantum experiments refuse to !ield such certitude% and we find oursel&es alwa!s with some probabilit! between IQ and 0IIQ ' ma!be A2Q% ma!be H0Q% ma!be LHQ### etc# $n man! cases we actuall! find a HIQ probabilit!% <ust as if we had flipped a coin and the chance of its landin" heads M the chance of its landin"s tails M HIQ# )croedin"er considers the case of a (uantum deca! process in which at an! point in time% t% the chance of one possible outcome M the chance of another possible outcome M HIQ# Cor con&enience% let us make t% our time M 0I minutes# We can now sa! that after ten minutes the chance of outcome A and outcome 9 both e(ual HIQ% but we cannot sa! which outcome will occur until the 0I minutes pass and we make a measurement# >ow% )chroedin"er sa!s% ima"ine a poison "as pellet which will explode in the case of outcome A but will not explode in the case of outcome 9# 7b&iousl!% at the end of 0I minutes% the chance of an exploded pellet M the chance of an unexploded pellet M HIQ# >ow put the pellet in a box with a cat% and lock the door# ,ntil the moment you open the door to see what happened % the chance of the exploded pellet still M the chance of an unexploded pellet M HIQ# *herefore% the chance of a li&e cat M the chance of a dead cat M HIQ# $n Aristotelian lan"ua"e the cat is both dead and ali&e until we open the door# Reformulatin" in operational lan"ua"e% as we ha&e done% sa&es us from that absurdit!% but does not entirel! sol&e our problem here# *he model that contains a dead cat has the probabilit! of the model that contains a li&e cat and both still e(ual HIQ# We seem to ha&e escaped from the more bizarre metaph!sical interpretations of the )chroedin"er5s cat problem% but we still ha&e a m!ster! on our hands# -lassical ph!sics could predict e!act results e&en #efore we looked% but (uantum ph!sics can onl! predict pro#a#ilities until we look# Dood "rounds for stickin" to the -openha"en $nterpretation% !ou mi"ht sa!# $ tend to a"ree# 9ut Einstein and others did not like the -openha"en &iew and kept insistin" that e&entuall! we would find a wa! to make statements about realit!% e&en in the (uantum realm# )croedin"er5s -at made se&ere problems for them# $n 01HA% 6u"h E&erett of rinceton% in collaboration with Wheeler and Draham% proposed a theor! which attempts to describe realit! and includes an answer to the -at m!ster!# $n technical lan"ua"e% the probabilit! wa&e that describes the possible outcomes of a (uantum process has a mathematical name . the state &ector# $n the -at problem% the state &ector% as defined% can collapse two wa!s% one !ieldin" a dead cat and the other !ieldin" a li&e cat# 4on >eumann would sa! that% until we open the door% the state &ector has the three &alues of dead cat% li&e cat and may#e# *his means the state &ector can collapse two wa!s and we remain in ma!be until we actuall! see how it collapses in a "i&en case# E&erett% Wheeler and Draham offer a different model% now abbre&iated the EWD model% after their initials# $n this model% the state &ector ne&er collapses# Each possible outcome does occur% in different eigenstates (rou"hl!% probabilit! manifolds)# )ince these ei"enstates must exist somewhere% and cannot co'exist in the same space'time% the! exist in different uni&erses# *hus% in super'space . a concept in&ented b! Wheeler to sol&e (uite different problems (mathematical formulations of "ra&it! in Einstein5s uni&erse) . our uni&erse does not exist alone# 7ther uni&erses also exist . an unknown number of them . in the same super'space that contains Einstein5s four'dimensional uni&erse# $n one uni&erse% the ei"enstate at the end of the poison pellet case contains a dead cat# $n another uni&erse% the ei"enstate contains a li&e cat# And this happens e&er! time a HIQ probabilit! occurs# *he state &ector splits into two &ectors in two uni&erses# *hus% this theor! literall! means that somewhere in super'space% a uni&erse exists with an Earth <ust like this one% except that Adolph 6itler% o&er there% ne&er went into politics and remained a painter% but 4an Do"h% after his brain had collapsed from paresis% did enter politics and emer"ed as a Dreat :ictator#

$f !ou depart from ph!sics for a moment and "et philosophical% or morbid% about this% !ou mi"ht ask wh! we had the bad luck to land in this uni&erse instead of that one# *he answer% in the EWD model% sa!s that we exist in that other uni&erse% too . or somethin" like Perox copies of us exist o&er there# Well% $ warned !ou this would sound like science'fiction# )omewhere in super'space exists a uni&erse in which Earth re&ol&es around the sun <ust as it does here% but life ne&er appeared on that Earth . and nobod! like E&erett% Wheeler and Draham e&er e&ol&ed to su""est that other Earths existed% includin" one where our E&erett% Wheeler and Draham dreamed up this idea# )omewhere in super'space exists a uni&erse in which a Perox cop! of me sits writin" this para"raph and offers as an example% )omewhere in super'space exists a uni&erse where 9eetho&en dies comparati&el! !oun"% so the! ha&e the Cirst to Courteenth s!mphonies% but ne&er heard the "lorious Cifteenth# )omewhere in super'space exists a uni&erse in which another Perox cop! of me sits writin"% )omewhere in super'space exists a uni&erse where 9eetho&en died &er! !oun"% so the! ha&e the Cirst to Courth s!mphonies but not the "lorious Cifth# And so on; but not to infinit!# >obod! has calculated the precise number of parallel uni&erses that should exist% accordin" to this model% but since all possible uni&erses ha&e to emer"e from the same 9i" 9an" (within the terms of this model) the number seems &er! lar"e% but not infinitel! lar"e# :r# 9r!ce de Witt in 5hysics Today% 01LI% estimated it as lar"er than 0I0II but did not attempt to "uess how much lar"er# )till% that5s lar"e enou"h for an! science'fiction plot !ou care to ima"ine# $n one uni&erse% presumabl!% $ felt compelled to write a book much like this one% but due to different imprints and learnin" experiences% $ re<ected the -openha"en &iew and the whole book consisted of an ar"ument that the multiple'uni&erse theor! makes more sense than an! other interpretation of (uantum mechanics# $n one uni&erse% whate&er !ou think of this theor! here% !ou think the opposite o&er there# *he ma<or ar"ument for the EWD model lies in its alle"ed economy# ?ou ma! find this startlin"# 7ccam5s razor% as e&er! school child once knew . back in the reactionar! da!s when schoolchildren had to know somethin" . holds that scientificall!% we must alwa!s choose the most economical model% the one which includes the least assumptions or presumptions# >ow% on the face of it% a model which sa!s that more than 0I 0II Perox copies of !ou will read an e(ual number of &ariations on this text does not seem &er! economical# 9ut the EWD ad&ocates insist that all ri&al interpretations lead to e&en less economical conclusions# *he -openha"en interpretation% for instance% seems much more economical than EWD . as $ ha&e presented it# 6owe&er% all too often ph!sicists ha&e presented it% not in E' rime but in standard En"lish% includin" the is of identit!# hen stated with the $is of identity% the Copenhagen view always seems to say that we literally create the physical universe #y o#serving it . a position pre&iousl! espoused onl! b! 9ishop 9erkele!% and easil! caricatured as solipsism# (As noted% one ph!sicist has e&en written% *here is no realit!#) *hus% the EWD crowd claims that -openha"enism &iolate 7ccam5s econom! b! postulatin" a universe magically created #y human thought # 9ecause of the is of identit! some -openha"enists ha&e actuall! "one that far# *his led to Einstein5s famous sarcasm that e&er! time a mouse looks at the uni&erse the uni&erse must chan"e/ and :r# Cred Allan Wolf has solemnl! replied that the cells in the mouse5s brain number so few that all the chan"es caused b! all mouse obser&ations total &er!% &er! little more than IQ and hence we can i"nore them# $ think -openha"enism% as expressed in this book% without the is of identit! e&ades the abo&e criticism# (We will shortl! ponder whether another alternati&e% hidden &ariable theories% can similarl! e&ade the EWD criticism when restated without the is of identit!# 6owe&er% $ will "rant that the 9 ; model does accept the #asic wave equations of quantum mechanics at face value whereas the EWD and hidden &ariable models add philosophical interpretations on top of the (uestions# $n that sense the EWD model ma! (ualif! as more economical# ?ou see% the position of this book does not embrace what $ call Cundamentalist -openha"enism . the &iew that the -openha"en model sa!s the last word fore&er# Rather% $ consider m! opinion Fiberal -openha"enism# $ do not belie&e an! model e(uals the uni&erse% or

uni&erses% but $ think alternati&e models will continue to proliferate% because the data of modern science has "rown so complex% that man! models will co&er it# )ome call this Fiberal -openha"enism model a"nosticism# :r# ,arcello *ruzzi calls it zeteticism# *he histor! of the EWD model indicates the extent of fundamental disa"reement amon" ph!sicists about these matters and thereb!% $ think% reinforces the Fiberal -openha"enism or model a"nosticism to which most ph!sicists ha&e% b! now% retreated . the zetetic attitude of this book# :r# Wheeler% one of the in&entors of EWD% later re<ected it for its excess metaph!sical ba""a"e but more recentl! he has returned to it a"ain# :r# 9r!ce de Witt sa!s he could not take EW6 seriousl! at first% but has now become one of its leadin"s ad&ocates# *he ma<orit! of ph!sicists still re"ard it as mathematical surrealism but its popularit! continues to "row amon" the !oun"er "eneration# At least a dozen books in the last decade ha&e either espoused the EWD model o&ertl!% or treated it respectfull! . as <ust as plausible as the dominant -openha"en theor!# We now see that% <ust as current neuroscience denies one essential self or soul of the Aristotelian sort and detects a &ariet! of sel&es in e&er! brain% one branch of (uantum theor! also sees a &ariet! of sel&es# $n other words% both brain research and one fla&or of (uantum mechanics sa! man! possible sel&es appear e(uall! real . the neurolo"ists find these sel&es in our brain chemistr! and the EWD theorists find them in other uni&erses% but in both cases the $one essential self% has vanished as totally as in 6uddhist theory # $n neuroscience the predominant self of the moment appears no more real than the latent sel&es which mi"ht manifest as soon as $ take a drink or a dru"% or "et fri"htened% or find m!self in an unfamiliar countr!# $n the EWD model% the self which $ manifest in this uni&erse appears no more real than numerous female sel&es $ ha&e in half of the possible uni&erses% or the countless alternati&e males sel&es $ ha&e in other uni&erses# 7ne cannot help bein" struck b! the fact that accordin" to Creudian% +un"ian and Destalt methods of dream interpretation% these alternati&es sel&es% some of them brin"in" alternati&e uni&erses with them% manifest e&er! ni"ht in our sleep# )ome ph!sicists describe the other uni&erses and other sel&es as &irtual% but does that not also describe our dreams= And does it not appear that &irtual sel&es and &irtual realities ha&e infiltrated both ps!cholo"! and ph!sics because% as this book claims% all sufficiently advanced analysis must eventually a#andon 2ristotelian certitude and accept models & reality tunnels & #ased on pro#a#ilities<

T$ENTY Star Ma,ers)

:r# +ohn Archibald Wheeler has a more radical &iew of the matter these da!s than he had back when he co'authored the EWD model# 9ut before discussin" that% we need to look at non'localit!# $n 01OH% :r# +ohn )# 9ell published a paper which ph!sicists refer to tersel! as 9ell5s *heorem# )ince a "reat deal of nonsense has "otten printed about this . and $ wrote some nonsense m!self in an earl! book called Cosmic Trigger IK 4inal Secret of the Illuminati (Calcon ress 013L) . we will take this &er! slowl!# 9ell5s *heorem asserts thatJ If some sort of o#'ective universe e!ists in some sense (i#e#% if we do not accept the most solipsistic heresies uttered b! careless proponents of -openha"enism)% and% If the equations of quantum mechanics have a similarity of structure )isomorphism0 to that universe% then% Some sort of non-local correlation e!ists #etween any two particles that once came in contact. *he full weirdness of this will strike !ou when !ou remember that the classic t!pe of non' local correlation pre&iousl! claimed amon" humans consists of the ma"ical idea that if a shaman "ets its hands on a lock of !our hair% an!thin" he does to that hair will ha&e an effect on

!ou# Crazer called that idea s!mpathetic ma"ic in The ;olden 6ook and characterized it as t!pical of primiti&e thinkin"# 6as the most ad&anced science returned to the most primiti&e ideas= >ot (uite# We will explain the subtleties of non'local correlation in a moment# Cirst% let us note that the idea of non'local correlation seems so unhol! or unthinkable to some ph!sicists (who reco"nize its hauntin" resemblance to shamanic ma"ic) that the! ha&e decided to e&ade the conse(uences of 9ell5s math b! challen"in" the first step abo&e and retreatin" to an unashamed solipsism# *his path has thus far appeared o&ertl! (as far as $ know) onl! in two articles b! :r# ># :a&id ,ermin of -olumbia 8ni&ersit! (Quantum ,!steries for E&er!one% Mournal of 5hilosophy% 4ol# L3% 0130% and $s the ,oon *here When >obod! Fooks= 5hysics Today% April 013H)# :r# ,ermin claims the moon does disappear when nobod! looks# ?es# $ do not exa""erate# :r# ,ermin writes% *he moon is demonstrabl! not there when nobod! is lookin"# Ah% $ think% if onl! the man had some knowled"e of E' rime; lease remember that :r# ,ermin5s position differs from m! claim% which holds that the moon does not appear in our o#served universe until somebod! looks% but $ do not assert we can make meanin"ful assertions about either e!istence or non-e!istence in the real uni&erse and can onl! make meanin"ful utterances after somebod! looks at the obser&ed uni&erse# >obod! has cared (!et) to challen"e the middle term in 9ell5s ar"ument# *he e(uations of (uantum mechanics ha&e hi"her isomorphism with the obser&ed uni&erse than an!thin" else in science# We know this because these e(uations appear in the theor! underl!in" about 1IQ of the technolo"! we use e&er! da! (estimate of +ohn Dribbin)# *he! appear in *4% in atomic ener"!% in computers% in molecular biolo"!% in "enetic en"ineerin" and all o&er the shop# $f these e(uations had a ma<or defect% it would ha&e come to li"ht b! now# (,inor defects probabl! exist% as in all human endea&or% but a ma<or defect would mean that thin"s would blow up all around us e&er! da!#) >oJ the (uantum e(uations ha&e% probabl!% the hi"hest le&el of pra"matic (experimental% practical% dail! use) confirmation of an! branch of science# )o% assumin" a uni&erse that humans can obser&e% and an isomorphism between that uni&erse and (uantum mathematics% 9ell5s conclusion seems mathematicall! inescapable# $t has also sur&i&ed se&en experimental tests% with increasin"l! sophisticated instruments% and seems &indicated to all but those who% like :r# ,ermin% find solipsism less irrational than non'localit!# )o% what do we mean b! non'localit! in 9ell5s sense= -an we differentiate it from shamanic ma"ic= ?es% we can# $t will then appear% not at all as weird as ma"ic# $t will appear far weirder# All pre'(uantum models of the uni&erse% includin" Einstein5s Relati&it!% ha&e assumed that all correlations involve connections# $n other words% the! assume that if whene&er A "oes #ing?% 9 then "oes #ong?% the explanation must lie in some connection between A and 9# $f the pin"' pon" response continued% o&er and o&er% with no connection between A and 9% that would seem spook! indeed to classical ph!sics (and to common sense)# $n >ewtonian ph!sics% the connection between pin" and pon" appears mechanical and deterministic (A pushes and 9 "ets pushed% etc#)/ in thermod!namics% the connection appears mechanical and statistical (when enou"h A5s bounce around enou"h% the! will hit enou"h 95s to "et the 95s bouncin"% too)/ in electroma"netism% the connection appears as the intersection or interaction of fields/ in Relati&it!% the connection appears as a result of the cur&ature of space (which we call "ra&it!)/ but the correlation% in an! case% in&ol&es some sort of connection# $n a simple model% all pre'(uantum ph!sics assumed a kind of billiard'table uni&erse# $f a ball mo&es% the cause lies in mechanics (it "ot hit b! another ball) or fields (an electroma"netic field pulled the ball in one direction rather than another) or "eometr! (the table cur&es a certain wa!) but the ball does not mo&e without cause# $n (uantum mechanics% since the 01AIs% non'local effects . correlations without connections . ha&e seemed to man! ph!sicists the onl! explanation of some of the beha&ior of sub'atomic s!stems# (9ohr used the word non'local as earl! as 01A3#) 9ell merel! pro&ed mathematicall! that these non'local effects indeed must exist if (uantum math meshes with the obser&ed uni&erse# $n these non'local effects% when we sa! no connection exists to explain the correlation% we mean% more bluntl!% that no cause exists . in an! sense that we ha&e e&er understood cause#

$ma"ine a billiard table without pla!ers# >obod! hits an! balls# >o earth(uake shakes the room# >o ma"net exists% hidden under the table# ?et suddenl! 9all A at one end of the table turns clockwise and 9all 9 at the other end of the table turns counterclockwise# $f !ou told that to the $ncredible Randi% he would insist some fraud or hoax existed# ?et such non'local correlations appear mathematicall! necessar! to (uantum mechanics and experiments ha&e measured them repeatedl!# *he billiard table model onl! su""ests one aspect of non'local realit!# Another model% from a lecture b! :r# 9ell himself . as reported to me b! :r# 6erbert . "oes as followsJ $ma"ine two men% in :ublin and 6onolulu# $ma"ine that we ha&e obser&ed them carefull! for some time and ha&e deduced some laws of their beha&ior# 7ne law states that% whene&er the man in :ublin wears red socks% the man in 6onolulu will wear "reen socks# We then experimentall! meddle with the s!stem . we cause (or leastwa!s brin" it about% as +o!ce sa!s) that the man in :ublin takes off his red socks% and dons "reen socks# We immediatel! check our monitors in 6onolulu# We find that the man there has instantaneously taken off his "reen socks and donned red socksS ($ disappro&e of exclamation marks in expositor! prose% but this case seems to deser&e at least one# erhaps it deser&es three or more;) $nstantaneousl! means% amon" other thin"s% that% we know for sure that no si"nal from :ublin could ha&e reached 6onolulu to create a connection between the e&ents# Signals travel at the speed of light )or less0 and cannot cause an instantaneous response # )o the result in 6onolulu does not e&en (ualif! as a response% strictl!% and would (uickl! "et classified as a coincidence . except that% if these men continued to act like 9ell particles% the same correlation would occur e&er! time we "ot either man to chan"e his socks# (*he hi"hl! technical atomic experiments showin" this kind of beha&ior appear in Dribbin5s In Search of Schroedinger(s Cat and 6erbert5s .uantum *eality#) Well% now% !ou can see how this differs from primiti&e s!mpathetic ma"ic# ,a"ic in&ol&es some occult theor! of causalit!% but this correlation without connection does not fit any theor! of causalit!# ,a"ic also tra&els one wa!% in theor!% but this does not seem to in&ol&e tra&el at all . unless !ou want to tr! to ima"ine two'wa! instantaneous tra&el# $n short% ma"ic does not ha&e (uite the weirdness of non'local correlation# :r# +ack )arfatti% incidentall!% calls the non'local correlation information without transportation# ?ou mi"ht tr! that if !ou find m! term correlation without connection a bit opa(ue# +un"ian s!nchronicit!% of course . accepted not <ust b! +un"ians but a lot of other ps!cholo"ists . also in&ol&es this kind of non'local and non'causal correlation# $ndeed% +un" specified that s!nchronicit! could not fit into an! purel! causal% billiard'ball theor! of the uni&erse# ,ost scientists outside ps!cholo"! felt% before experimental &erifications of 9ell5s *heorem% that onl! ps!cholo"ists could talk such nonsense; 9ut now the matter seems to need re' examination# Fet us now% finall!% confront the implications of 9ell5s *heorem for the multiple uni&erse model# $n the last decade% ph!sicists ha&e spent a lot of time debatin" somethin" called the Anthropic rinciple which sa!s% briefl!% that we li&e in a uni&erse that looks suspiciousl! as if it would necessarily produce human bein"s e&entuall!# $n less careful lan"ua"e% it looks as if desi"ned for humans# >ow% this re&erses the last BII !ears of science# :esi"n in "eneral and especiall! anthropic desi"n pla!ed a lar"e role in Aristotelian and theolo"ical thou"ht once% but science decided it could do &er! well without an! desi"n postulates# >onetheless% the anthropic principle now seems stron"er that it e&er did in the theolo"ical era# ?ou see% se&eral cosmolo"ists ha&e noted a "roup of rather sin"ular facts about our uni&erse% all of which reduce to the simple propositionJ if we change any of the constants of physics even very slightly )as little as I.IF per cent in many cases0 we find the result would produce a universe in which humans could not have evolved. $n other words% of all possible uni&erses that mi"ht ha&e emer"ed from the 9i" 9an"% most of them would either collapse (uickl!% or e&ol&e briefl! into &arious "aseous formations% or e&ol&e into "alaxies of stars without an! planets% or de&elop in one wa! or another that would not allow the possibilit! of human life#

rof# aul :a&ies examines these demonstrations at len"th% with mathematical ri"or% in his The 2ccidental ,niverse# 6e arri&es at the conclusion that we must either accept the EWD model of man!% man! uni&erses% most of them without humans% or% if we insist on the $common sense% one universe% we must accept that some Anthropic rinciple has worked to desi"n or e&ol&e that uni&erse in a direction that made it possible for us to exist# $n simple lan"ua"e . we ha&e two choicesJ man! uni&erses% or one uni&erse with somethin" suspiciousl! like a :esi"ner# >o matter how hard its proponents work to make the latter choice sound abstract and mathematical% it still sounds like Dod to most readers# 7f course% the :esi"ner (as con&entionall! concei&ed) does not recei&e a cordial reception in scientific circles# 6e belon"s to the theolo"ians% scientists think% and 6e definitel! does not belon" in a scientific account of the uni&erse# $n current debate% the Anthropic rinciple has broken down into a )tron" Anthropic rinciple and a Weak Anthropic rinciple/ the former !ields results more compatible with the :esi"ner h!pothesis# E&en the Weak Anthropic rinciple% howe&er% opens a door throu"h which the :esi"ner ma! creep back into science# >ow :r# Wheeler re'enters the stor!# ($n this discussion% $ lar"el! follow a popularization of :r# Wheeler5s current theorizin"J *urnin" Einstein 8pside :own% b! +ohn Dlidedman% Science Ligest% 7ctober 0132#) 9ell5s *heorem shows that% if (uantum theor! corresponds to somethin" like a ph!sical uni&erse . if (uantum theor! does not collapse into solipsism% as critic of -openha"enism alwa!s expect it will . non'local correlations must exist in the uni&erse as well as in our math# 9ut these non'local correlations need to be correlations in space% as $ ha&e presented them thus far (for the sake of clarit! and simplicit!)# 9ell5s *heorem indicates that non'local correlations in time must also appear in a (uantum uni&erse# ($ left that out until now because it reall! bo""les the mind% if the reader does not "et led to it slowl!% a step at a time#) >on'local space'correlations (or space'like correlations% as strict Relati&ists would sa!) merel! abolish our concept of linear causalit!% or transcend it% or i"nore it# >on'local time' correlations% or time'like correlations precisel! turn causalit! on its head# *husJ two photons enter the same measurin" instrument# *his creates the contact that becomes% in 9ell5s math% a non'local correlation# 9ut one of the photons came to the instrument from a candle across the room% and the other came from a star 0%III%III li"ht'!ears awa!# 9ut the non'local correlation does not chan"e (its rate of chan"e M I% in 9ell5s e(uations) in either space'like or time'like e(uations# Cor the two photons to fit this re(uirement% the one that left the star 0%III%III !ears a"o must ha&e had its properties set in place 0%III%III !ears a"o% which seems absurd% e&en for the Quantum Wonderland# (*his implies the photon knew we would measure it 0%III%III !ears later% so it dressed appropriatel! before lea&in" the star and be"innin" its lon" <ourne!#) )o% then% alternati&el!% the photon doesn5t lea&e the star 0%III%III !ears a"o until in a sense the result of our measurement toda! tra&els non'locall! in time back to the star and ad<ust the photon to correlate with the other photon from the candle# What did $ <ust sa!= ?es% we now ha&e a backward'in'time causalit!% not necessaril! as the literal truth in some Aristotelian sense% but as the only kind of model that makes sense in terms of the data we now have. $n Wheeler5s words% ;we are wron" to think of the past ha&in" a definite existence Eout there5# -openha"enisticall! and pra"maticall!% an! model of the past ser&es us% or fails to ser&e us% in dealin" with our problems now# *he traditional model of the past . ha&in" a definite existence out there . does not ser&e us% if we want to understand the non'local correlation# *hus% we need a model in which the present can influence the past# Without the is of identit!% we arri&e at endless paradoxes and a model that onl! a mental patient can take seriousl!# We arri&e at% in fact% a uni&erse which chan"es as a #lock-like entity & all of it" past" present and future & every time we make a measurement # And% $ think% if Einstein5s mouse accidentall! tri""ers our measurin" instruments% then the mouse can% after all% chan"e the whole uni&erse#

:r# 6erbert sensibl! asks how takin" a measurement can ha&e this ma"ic power# $ don5t think it can# $ think we need a model with backward causalit!% at this point% until we find a better model% because otherwise we contradict the facts of (uantum experiments# 9ut $ do not think the model is the uni&erse# When the model "ets this peculiar% we need to build a better model# ,eanwhile% until the better model (or new paradi"m) arri&es% within the current heeler model% the man!% man! uni&erses of the old EWD model still exist in super'space somewhere% but we ha&e selected this Anthropic uni&erse b! the kind of experiments we ha&e conducted# $f !ou accept the Wheeler model as the final truth% then; *he :esi"ner% at lon" last% appears re&ealed/ the door of the Faw has fallen open and we enter# 7ur experiments here and now% Wheeler sa!s% tra&el non'locall! in time'space% as 9ell indicates# Alon" the wa! the! intersect the 9i" 9an"% alon" with e&er!thin" in "eneral# *he 9i" 9an" thus "raduall! "ets fine'tuned so to speak and the uni&erse around us becomes Anthropic . a uni&erse in which humans can and must exist# e did it to ourselves# $n short% we don5t need to postulate a supernatural :esi"ner# 7ur experiments create the uni&erse obser&ed b! our experiments . which when interpreted alwa!s !ield an Anthropic uni&erse% rather than an! of the millions or billions of possible non'Anthropic uni&erses . because we desi"ned the experiments# 7ka!= 7f course% this still does not mean the same as the >ew A"e slo"an We create our own realit!# Wheeler empathicall! does not think thought or mind or consciousness has an!thin" to do with this circular'causal chain# 7nl! nuclear experiments influence the particles which non' locall! tune the 9i" 9an" to produce our sel&es and our uni&erse# >onetheless% it seems decidedl! odd that the :esi"ner also appears as !ou and me and the "u! leanin" on the lamp'post in the account of (uantum mechanics written b! Eddin"ton nearl! OI !ears a"o% and Eddin"ton did not follow Wheeler5s path of non'local correlations and backward'in'time causalit!# Eddin"ton merel! followed the -openha"en $nterpretation back into its ori"ins in pra"matism and existentialism% as $ ha&e% and arri&ed at the conclusion which he expressed thus (5hilosophy of 5hysical Science% pa"e 023) e have found a strange foot-print on the shores of the unknown. e have devised profound theories" one after another" to account for its origin. 2t last" we have succeeded in reconstructing the creature that made the foot-print. 2nd" loN It is our own. *he )ufi e(ui&alent% a thousand !ears earlier% "oes like thisJ the mar&elous ,ullah >asrudin% while out ridin" in the desert% saw a band of men on horses in the distance# @nowin" that bandits fre(uented that area% >asrudin "alloped off in the opposite direction% as fast as his donke! could tra&el# *he men on horses% howe&er% reco"nized the di&ine ,ullah# >ow wh! would the wisest man in $slam rush off like that= the! asked one another# )o the! decided to follow him% thinkin" he would lead them to somethin" mar&elous# Fookin" back% >asrudin saw that the bandits had started to chase him# 6e spurred his donke! to "allop faster# *he men followed faster% determined not to miss out the m!sterious doin"s of the "reat >asrudin# *he chase continued with e&er!bod! rushin" faster all the time until >asrudin saw a "ra&e!ard# Quickl!% he dismounted and hid behind a "ra&estone# *he men rode up and% sittin" on their horses% looked o&er the "ra&estone at >asrudin# A thou"htful pause occurred% while e&er!bod! pondered hard% especiall! >asrudin who now reco"nized the men as old friends# Wh! are !ou hidin" behind a "ra&estone= one of them finall! asked# $t5s more complicated than !ou realize% >asrudin said# $5m here because of !ou and !ou5re here because of me#

T$ENTY8ONE $igner=s (rien ' or $ho "nit)

Another >obel laureate% :r# Eu"ene Wi"ner% added a more complex twist to the )chroedin"er5s -at problem% and conclusions emer"ed similar to Wheeler5s obser&er'created Anthropic uni&erse% but also startlin"l! different# 5lease remem#er that we deal always with pro#a#ilities" not certitudes" and !ou will not "et too flustered as we proceed to the next twist in Quantum s!cholo"!5s kink! !ellow brick road# $n the ori"inal cat problem% we had a ph!sicist in a lab% a box% a cat inside the box% a poison "as pellet inside the box% and some radioacti&e deca! process that would sooner or later tri""er the explosion of the pellet and the death of the cat# We found that% without openin" the box% the e(uations that describe (uantum deca! !ield a solution in which the statements the cat has died and the cat still remains ali&e remain e(uall! true or e(uall! false% or at least remain HIQ probabilities# 4on >eumann5s lo"ic would ha&e us sa! both statements remain in the ma!be state% like a coin in mid'air# When we open the box% we find a li&e cat% or a dead cat% and no more may#e% like a coin that has landed heads or tails# $t seems then that we collapsed the state vector #y opening the #o!# 4er! well% but now let us look at it from the perspecti&e of another ph!sicist% outside the laborator!# Wi"ner called this second 7bser&er a friend of the ph!sicist in the lab% and thus this new problem has the title% *he Wi"ner5s Criend aradox# After ten minutes% as in our ori"inal example% the ph!sicist in the lab% Ernest% opens the box and finds a li&e cat# ($ like happ! endin"s#) Cor Ernest% then% the state &ector has collapsed# *he probabilities no lon"er re"ister as HIQ dead and HIQ ali&e% but as IQ dead and 0IIQ ali&e# *he friend in the hall% Eu"ene% howe&er% has not heard the news !et# Crom his perspecti&e% Ernest in the lab remains% like the whole experimental s!stem% in a ma!be state# 4er! concretel!% Ernest consists of molecules% which consist of atoms% which consist of particles and K or wa&es% which follow (uantum laws% and Ernest remains with an uncollapsed state &ector; until he opens the lab door% sticks his head out and announces% *abb! hasn5t died !et# Cor Eu"ene% then% hearing the news collapsed the state vector# 7f course% we all consist of molecules% which consist of atoms% which consist of particles and K or wa&es and we all remain in &arious ma!be states until we make a choice in the existential sense# 9etween choices% we e&identl! return to the ma!be state until we make another choice# $9!istence precedes essence"% remem#er< )o% from the point of &iew of Eu"ene in the hallwa!% we all contain (uantum uncertaint!# *he (uantum uncertaint! onl! collapses into a definite he done it or he didn5t do it when Eu"ene obser&es us# >ow% across the ocean another ph!sicist waits impatientl! for the result of this experiment in felixicide# Fet us call her Elizabeth# Crom Elizabeth5s point of &iew% the state &ector does not collapse when Ernest tells Eu"ene% Dot a li&e cat in here% after all# *he state &ector in Elizabeth5s uni&erse onl! collapses when Eu"ene rushes to a phone% a fax% a computer net or whate&er and transmits the si"nal% Fi&e cat this time# Cor Elizabeth% the state vector collapsed when the signal arrived # *he si"nal% then% collapsed the state &ector% in Elizabeth5s uni&erse# A fourth ph!sicist% Robin% waits anxiousl! to hear what electronic messa"e Elizabeth has recei&ed; and in Robin5s world% the state &ector has not collapsed !et; And so on; for an! number of 7bser&ers# We seem to ha&e arri&ed back at 4on >eumann5s -atastrophe of the $nfinite Re"ress% in a different form# )ome will attempt to e&ade the ob&ious implications here b! sa!in" the state &ector onl! exists as a mathematical formula in human heads . and onl! in some human heads (those belon"in" to ph!sicists% in fact)# $n that case% the Wi"ner5s Criend problem does not ha&e the radical import of Einstein5s disco&er! of the relati&it! of instrument readin"s# $n the Wi"ner case% the relati&it! (of when the state &ector collapses) onl! exists in our conceptualizin"% whereas Einstein5s relati&it! exists in meter readin"s#

*his ob<ection o&erlooks the fundamental disco&er! of (uantum mechanics% which $ ha&e stated in dozens of wa!s e&er since the be"innin" of this book% but which remains so alien to our Aristotelian culture that we continuall! for"et it e&en after we think we ha&e learned# *hat disco&er!% to sa! it a"ain and !et another wa!% consists in the facts thatJ (0) We cannot make meanin"ful statements about some assumed real uni&erse% or some deep realit! underl!in" this uni&erse% or some true realit!% etc# apart from ourselves and our nervous systems and other instruments# An! statements we do make about such a deep realit! separate from us can ne&er become sub<ect to proof% or to disproof% and that makes them meanin"less (or noise)# (A) An! meanin"ful scientific or existential or phenomenolo"ical statement reports on how our ner&ous s!stems or other instruments ha&e recorded some e&ent or e&ents in space'time# *he reader has read se&eral &ariations on this% and performed exercises desi"ned ($ ha&e hoped) to make this experientiall! clear% and !et Wi"ner5s ar"ument probabl! still sounds a bit (ueer to some of !ou out there# Well% it concerns only pro#a#ilities as $ said a"ain at the be"innin" of this chapter% and (0) it does not attempt to describe a deep realit! separate from us and (A) it does describe the kind of realit! we can experience with our ner&ous s!stems and other instruments% so the Wi"ner ar"ument (ualifies as meanin"ful scientific speech# Fet us tr! it in re&erse# *he common sense &erdict would sa!% Well% the damned cat is either dead or ali&e% e&en if nobod! e&er opens the box# )ince% b! its own terms% this can ne&er become sub<ect to test% it has no meanin"# As soon as a test does occur% and somebod! peeks into the box% we ha&e left common sense and K or Aristotelian realit! and entered operational non'Aristotelian realit!# $n short% once a test occurs we enter the area of science% of existentialism% and of meanin"ful speech# Without a test% we remain in the area of noise . sound and fur! si"nif!in" nothin"% as the 9ard said# *he cat is ali&e or dead e&en if nobod! looks has an uncann! resemblance% if !ou think about it% to that other famous isness statement% *he bread is now the bod! of +esus -hrist% e&en if e&er! instrument still re"isters it as bread# )uch non'instrumental% non'existential truths ma! make "ood surrealist paintin"s or poems . the! ma! pro&oke creati&it! and ima"ination% etc# . but the! do not contain information or meanin" in an! phenomenolo"ical context# 9ut we of course remains undefined abo&e# $f we define we as the folks in the laborator!% then meanin"ful speech be"ins when the box opens# $f we define we as the folks in the hall% rubbin" shoulders with Wi"ner5s Criend% meanin"ful speech be"ins when Ernest opens the lab door and sa!s Fi&e cat a"ain# $f we define we as the ph!sicists across the ocean% meanin"ful speech be"ins when the electronic si"nal arri&es; $ know% $ know# $t all sounds &er! weird# *hat5s wh! Einstein had to remind us% -ommon sense tells us the earth is flat# lease note% that% even if $The cat is dead or alive even if no#ody looks% may fit the meaningless category" #ut $The cat is dead% and $The cat is alive% do not fit that category. *he! fit the cate"or! of the indeterminate# Remember the distinction between the indeterminate and the meanin"less= *hus% )omebod! put a time bomb under the table does not (ualif! as a meanin"less statement% e&en if nobod! has looked !et# *he odds seem &er! hi"h that somebod! will look% if !ou speak this loud# $n fact% probabl! e&er!bod! will look; *he statement remains indeterminate in the time between hearin" it and actuall! checkin" under the table carefull!# *hen it becomes either true or false# Dot it= 3on-2ristotelian logic deals with e!istential ? operational pro#a#ilities. 2ristotelian logic deals with certainties" and in the lack of certainties throughout most of life" 2ristotelian logic su#liminally programs us to invent fictitious certainties. *hat rush for fictitious certainties explains most of the $deolo"ies and damned near all the Reli"ions on the planet% $ think#

PA0T (!5E The Non8Local Sel.

If quantum mechanics hasn(t profoundly shocked you" you haven(t understood it yet. ' >iels 9ohr


T$ENTY8T$O en 5aria+les 3 The !n4isi+le $orl

As $ mentioned earlier% Einstein did not like the -openha"en $nterpretation# 6is debate with 9ohr about this issue continued for o&er twent! !ears and filled the pa"es of man! learned <ournals/ the ma<orit! of ph!sicists% when the debate had run its course% decided the 9ohr had won# >onetheless% some of Einstein5s ar"uments continued to haunt the ph!sics communit! and a small minorit! kept wonderin" if the Cather of Relati&it! mi"ht not ha&e scored a few tellin" points alon" the wa!# Einstein5s fa&orite line of criticism re&ol&ed around his claim that (uantum mechanics% as known then (and as still known) ma! not constitute a complete theor! of the sub'atomic realm# $n ordinar! lan"ua"e% this means that the 8ncertaint! and $ndeterminac! of (uantum e(uations . howe&er useful these e(uations pro&e e&er! da! in technolo"! . contains a possible hole throu"h which an entirel! new Quantum *heor! ma! someda! march# $n simple terms% the fact that we cannot remo&e the 8ncertaint! and $ndeterminac! toda! does not necessaril! re"ister a fact about the limits of scientific method (as 9ohr belie&ed) or about the limits of scientific method and the human ner&ous s!stem (as $ ha&e ar"ued#) 8ncertaint! and $ndeterminac! ma! simpl! re"ister the incompleteness of (uantum mechanics# E&entuall!% the Einstein ar"ument e&ol&ed into the 6idden 4ariable h!pothesis# )uppose we e&entuall! disco&er &ariables% currentl! unknown% and suppose these &ariables explain the collapse of the state &ector# $f that happens% then the -openha"en $nterpretation will become obsolete . alon" with &on >eumann5s three'&alued lo"ic% the multiple worlds model% and the monstrous pro"en! of )chroedin"er5s cat and Wi"ner5s friend# A realm of hidden &ariables . an in&isible% sub'(uantal world . if we can ever demonstrate it in a la#oratory . would then explain how the state &ector collapses from a probabilit!% before measurement% to a certaint!% after measurement# We can then sa! the 6idden 4ariables did it% and we don5t ha&e to sa! the act of measurement did it . or the report of the act of measurement did it% as in the Wi"ner ar"ument# -ommon sense and ma!be e&en Aristotelian lo"ic can arise a"ain from the "ra&es to which ph!sics consi"ned them in the 01AIs# 8nfortunatel!% two ma<or ob<ections exist to the 6idden 4ariable model# $n the first place% 6idden 4ariable theories sound wron" and e&en smell wron" to modern scientists# *he! su""est Aristotelian essences and e&en latonic deep realities and other metaph!sical entities% or spooks# *he! e&en remind some scholars of the alle"ed hidden essence of +esus which -atholics claim lies buried within somethin" that appears onl! a piece of bread to our senses and instruments# $n short% the! ha&e a distinctl! medie&al stench about them# ,ore technicall!% this ob<ection states that 6idden 4ariables still remain indeterminate and sound almost as if the! mi"ht remain indeterminate fore&er and thus deser&e the curse of meanin"lessness or noise# After all% no matter how man! experiments fail to find the 6idden 4ariables% the die'hard proponents of these spooks can still claim% We <ust ha&en5t looked in the ri"ht place !et# *hat path leads to endless philosophical debate% not to scientific operations# *he second ob<ection to 6idden 4ariables theories seems e&en stron"er# )cientists ha&e used (uantum theor! for 1I !ears in some form or other% for LI !ears in its (alle"edl!) complete form% and ha&e not found an! e&idence for 6idden 4ariables at all% at all#

*hese ar"uments led ph!sicists% or the o&erwhelmin" ma<orit! of them% to consi"n 6idden 4ariables to the dust'bin% alon"side -atholic essences% the phlo"iston and luminiferous ether theories and >atural Faw (in the moral or political sense)# We can do (uite well without such spooks% the scientific communit! a"reed# 7r so it seemed until :r# :a&id 9ohm su""ested a new test for 9ell5s *heorem and :r# Aspect of 7rsa! performed the test se&eral times# $t now appears that we ma! ha&e a more complete (uantum theor! at hand% one that includes 6idden 4ariables# 6owe&er% at this point% that does not mean we ha&e found deep realit! and can <unk the -openha"en $nterpretation# $t simpl! means that we ha&e another new model . which implies% for most ph!sicists% another ar"ument for model a"nosticism or zeteticism# Fet us look at this 6idden 4ariable modelJ E&er!bod! a"rees . well almost e&er!bod!J a few heretics dissent from e&er! &erdict of (uantum mechanics . but almost e&er!bod! a"rees that Aspect5s experiments clearl! demonstrated the non'local correlation# Some claim Aspect also demonstrated a kind of 6idden 4ariable# 7thers &i"orousl! den! this# +ohn Dribbin% ph!sics editor of 3ew Scientist% claims that Aspect5s experiments not onl! fail to support 6idden 4ariable theories but clearl! refute them once and for all# 7b&iousl!% we here enter an area where the best'informed ph!sicists ha&e trouble understandin" each other% or what the! mean b! the terms of their own debates# *he problem seems to lie in different concepts of what we mean b! a 6idden 4ariable# :r# 9ohm% the man who su""ested the desi"n of the Aspect experiments% means somethin" that Einstein and other proto'6idden 4ariable theorists had not concei&ed# Crom 9ohm5s point of &iew% the Aspect experiments weaken the case for local hidden varia#les% but the! tend to support the concept of non-local hidden varia#les# And what% b! all the poet'bellied 9uddhas in 9urma% do we mean b! a non'local hidden &ariable= Well% as explained in the last section% non'local correlations transcend causalit! and also sub&ert our traditional notions of space and time# $f two particles . or e&ents% or Whatnots . ha&e a non'local correlation% in modern (uantum theor!% this means that the! will remain correlated e&en when no si"nal% no field% no mechanical push'or'pull% no ener"!% no cause of an! sort can tra&el from one to the other# $n the Aspects experiments% for instance% photons at two ends of an experimental apparatus retained their 9ell correlation whene&er Aspect took a measurement . and !et the measurements could onl! occur after the photons passed special switches that allowed measurement onl! in the last 0I nanoseconds of the experiment# Fi"ht would ha&e taken AI nanoseconds to tra&el from one photon to the other% and . as !ou probabl! ha&e heard . no ener"! known to ph!sics can tra&el faster than li"ht# $n other words% no ph!sical ener"! could carr! a si"nal from photon A to photon 9% or from photon 9 to photon A% and make a connection that would allow us a causal explanation# ?ou can see that no local hidden &ariables can account for this# 6ence% one form of the hidden &ariable theor! definitel! cannot be in&oked to explain this correlation without connection# *hat hardl! refutes local hidden &ariables theories% but does show% once a"ain% that (uantum experiments ha&e not !et re&ealed an! incompleteness that we can fill in b! positin" a local hidden &ariable# 6owe&er% a non-local hidden &ariable mi"ht explain Aspect5s results and se&eral other experiments% performed since 9ell published his *heorem% which all indicate that non'local correlations do appear in the laborator! (experimentall!) as well as in the e(uations (theoreticall!)# We still don5t ha&e a &er! clear idea of what a non'local hidden &ariable would look like% do we= :r# 9ohm% who started thinkin" about non'localit! as earl! as 01HA% has o&er the !ears de&eloped a mathematical model of non'local hidden &ariables% and . more mar&elous !et . has e&en found a wa! to write in fairl! normal En"lish about what this math means# (6is En"lish in&ol&es turnin" a lot of static nouns into d!namic &erbs% but $ think $ can "et the same effect b! merel! continuin" to a&oid the static is of identit!#) ?ou can read about 9ohm5s model (with his

own peculiar En"lish) in his own book% holeness and the Implicate /rder (Fondon% Ark aperbacks% 013B)# 9riefl!% :r# 9ohm posits an explicate or unfolded order (he uses both words) which makes up the 2'dimensional continuum known to post'Einstein science# *his order% which we normall! call the &isible uni&erse% he names explicate or unfolded because it occupies space'time . e&er! part of it has a location# ?ou can sa! !ou found the part here in space% not somewhere else% and now in time% not sometime else# *his explicate order corresponds rou"hl! to the hardware of a computer% or to our brains# (:r# @arl ribram% the neurolo"ist% has adopted 9ohm5s model to explain some m!steries of brain functionin"#) :r# 9ohm next posits an implicate or enfolded order (he uses both words) which both permeates and transcends the 2'dimensional explicate Einsteinian uni&erse# *his order he calls implicate or unfolded because it does not occup! specific space'time . no part of it has a location# ?ou cannot find it onl! here in space% #ut also somewhere and everywhere else / !ou cannot localize it onl! here in time% but anytime and everytime else# (7nl! its explicate results ha&e localit!# $t itself remains non'local#) *his implicate order corresponds to the software in our computers . and in our brains% accordin" to :r# ribram# E&er!thin" on the explicate'unfolded le&el has localit! and appears causal (until one examines its smallest% (uantum parts)/ e&er!thin" on the implicate'enfolded le&el has non'localit! and appears non'causal# We ha&e onl! mana"ed to obser&e non'localit! in the form of its results% i#e#% non'local correlations on the explicate'unfolded (space'time) le&el . since 9ell inspired us to look for them . because this unfolded le&el acts as the extension in space'time of the alwa!s non'local and non'spatio'temporal implicate order# $n other words% a sub(uantal world rather like the deep realit! banned b! >iels 9ohr exists% but we cannot obser&e or experience it/ !et we cannot call it a spook or meanin"less concept because we obser&e its effects as non'local correlations that make no sense at all unless we assume somethin" like this implicate order# 6owe&er% the implicate order as a scientific model does not e(ual classic deep realit! in the Aristotelian sense% because it has the role of one model amon" man!# 9ohm% its father% does not claim it ranks as the onl! true model or the final model or an!thin" like that# $f the computer and brain metaphors ha&e not made the implicate order clear enou"h for the reader% tr! another modelJ a performance of 9eetho&en5s 3inth has all the characteristics of hardware or the explicate order# ?ou can locate it &er! precisel! in space'time . at 1 p#m# on *uesda! at the 7ld 7pera 6ouse% sa! . and if !ou "et these space'time coordinates confused !ou will miss the performance# 9ut 9eetho&en5s 3inth also has an implicate% enfolded existence as software% which does not exactl! correspond to :r# 9ohm5s implicate order but approximates to it# $f e&er! printed cop! of the s!mphon! could ha&e a date and locale affixed . We found this one in Fenn! 9ernstein5s summer home on )unda! >o&ember AB% etc# . some aspect of the 3inth would still remain non' local because we can5t sa!% exactl!% how man! heads contain all or part of it# $n Ra! 9radbur!5s science fiction no&el 4ahrenheit ECF% a totalitarian state has burned all books% but this onl! destro!s the local hardware of the books# A "roup of sub&ersi&e ha&e memorized all the classics% teach them continuall! to others% who teach others% etc# and the books remain partl! non'local and inaccessible to the book'burners# ()ome of us ha&e similarl! preser&ed some Deor"e -arlin routines% not out of an! paranoid fear that our societ! will soon enter a similar totalitarian ni"htmare% but simpl! because we ha&e pla!ed his &ideos so often that we ha&e memorized lar"e portions of them# Quite lar"e parts of Casa#lanca ha&e achie&ed a similar de"ree of non'localit!#) *hese musical'literar! analo"s intend to help the reader "et a handle on non'localit!# 6ut true non-locality in the 6ohmian sense would continue even if all human #eings died. An approximation toward a thinkable model of this re(uires tele&ision as an exemplar# As c!nics often note mournfull!% the *4 shows of the 01HIs still tra&el throu"h space'time and denizens of solar s!stems fort! li"ht'!ears awa!% s!stems we can5t e&en see% mi"ht start recei&in" Ed )ulli&an% ,ilton 9erle and news of the ,ac-arth! Era an! da! now . and tr! to understand us on the basis of those si"nals;

*hus% ,ilton9erle has achie&ed somethin" like non'localit!# Another analo"!% without localit! and non'localit!% at least helps clarif! implicate and explicate# $ call !ou on the phone# *he words emer"e from m! mouth as implicate or unfolded sound'wa&es# *he transmitter in m! phone con&erts them to implicate or enfolded electrical char"es# *he recei&er on !our phone picks up these enfolded char"es and unfolds them% so the! become explicate sound'wa&es a"ain% and !ou hear me talkin"# )imilarl!% a friend in >ew ?ork sends me a bit of software on a flopp! disk# $ put this enfolded messa"e in m! computer and it appears% unfolded% as a new computer "ame% on the console screen# >ow% the conse(uences of this implicate K explicate model seem e&en stran"er than we suspect at first si"ht# Cor instance% <ust as Einstein5s Relati&it! abolished the dichotom! of space and time% and modern ps!chosomatic medicine tends to abolish the distinction between mind and bod!% this 9ohm model seems to undermine our traditional dualism of consciousness and matter# $n a non'local implicate order% information cannot ha&e a localit!% but permeates and K or transcends all localities# And information that has no localit! sounds a "reat deal like the 6indu di&init! 9rahma% the -hinese concept of *ao% Aldous 6uxle!5s ,ind at Far"e% and the 9uddha' ,ind of ,aha!ana 9uddhism# An! one of those concepts must mean information without location (if we admit the! mean an!thin" at all)# *he 9uddha',ind is not EDod5% 9uddhists continuall! explain% and 7ccidentals blink% unable to understand a reli"ion without Dod# 9ut 9rahma% in 4edic 6induism% does not ha&e an! of the personalit!% localit!% temperament (or "ender) of Western "ods and% like 9uddha',ind% seems to mean a kind of non'local implicate order% or information without location% if it means an!thin"# 9ohm has a&oided speculatin" about this parallel between his math and ancient 7riental m!sticism% but others ha&e not# :r# -apra in The Tao of 5hysics uses a 9ohmian non'local model of (uantum theor! as the true model (i"norin" the ph!sicists who prefer EWD or -openha"enism) and then points our% (uite correctl!% that (if we accept this as the onl! true (uantum model) (uantum theor! sa!s the same thin"s *aoism has alwa!s said# $ndeed% Fao'*se5s famous paradox% *he lar"est it within the smallest onl! be"ins to make sense to an 7ccidental after she or he has understood what non'local information means in modern ph!sics# :r# E&an 6arris Walker "oes further# $n a paper% *he -omplete Quantum Anthropolo"ist (American Anthropolo"ical Association% 01LH) :r# Walker . a ph!sicist% not an anthropolo"ist% b! the wa! . de&elops a neo'9ohmian 6idden 4ariable model in which consciousness does not exist locall! at all but onl! appears localized due to our errors of perception# $n this model% our minds do not reside in our brains but non'locall! permeate and K or transcend space'time entirel!# 7ur brains% then% merel! tune in this non'local consciousness (which now sounds e&en more like 6uxle!5s ,ind at Far"e)# :r# Walker de&elops a mathematical model of this non'local )elf and uses the model to deri&e predictions about how often the alle"ed ps!chokinesis of paraps!cholo"ists can occur# 6is results correlate with the scores made b! persons &er! successful in ps!chokinesis experiments# $n other words% people rated "ood at controllin" the fall of dice% because the! score abo&e chance% score on the average only as far a#ove chance at the non-local :idden =aria#le model says they can. (Cor further details on the Walker model and its correlation with paraps!cholo"!% look up his paper% or consult m! 3ew Inquisition" op. cit.)#

T$ENTY8TH0EE Q"ant"m ("t"rism

Earlier% we discussed the four basic s!stems that% in the ma<orit! of *errans at this sta"e of e&olution% make up the hardware and software out of which our multiple sel&es emer"e# *o re&iewJ 9- The Oral >io8S"r4i4al System % lar"el! determined b! earl! infantile imprints% deals with seekin" )afe )pace and a&oidin" the :an"erous or Alien# $f somebod! points a "un at !ou% whate&er self has predominance in this bio'sur&i&al s!stem takes o&er the brain at once# Whether !ou run% or faint% or smash the assailant with a karate chop% !ou won5t remember makin" the decision# $ <ust found m!self doin" it% !ou will sa! afterward% because the ancient reptilian circuits of this s!stem mo&e as instant reflexes# :- The Anal Territorial System % lar"el! determined b! imprints at the toddler sta"e% deals with seizin" territor! and holdin" some defined status in the mammalian pack or human famil! and K or communit!# E&en a low status% once imprinted% will automaticall! function thereafter and seem normal# E#"#% the persons with an imprinted 9ottom :o" self in this s!stem will feel &er! uncomfortable% insecure and an"r! if circumstances force them into a sudden *op :o" position; <ust as automaticall! as those with imprinted *op :o" sel&es will feel uncomfortable% insecure and an"r! if forced into a 9ottom :o" position# ;- The Semantic Time8>in ing System % imprinted when lan"ua"e and other s!mbolisms be"in to make sense to the "rowin" child% deals with speech% thou"ht (internal speech) and makin" maps and models of the en&ironment# )ince information increases lo"arithmicall!% this s!stem tends to produce new maps and models faster and faster as time passes# *hese new realit!'tunnels unleash new technolo"ies% which alter politics% economics and social ps!cholo"! in unpredictable wa!s# While the first two s!stems maintain the constants of e&olution% the semantic s!stem unleashes fractal chaos . the mathematical term for hi"h unpredictabilit!# 2 time-#inding semantic organism" such as the human" departs from evolutionary norms and functions as a revolutionary agent; at least potentiall!# *o pre&ent the accelerated chan"e and 8nknown Results of rapid information flow% most societies dim the time'bindin" function b! settin" hea&! taboos on speech% writin" and other communications# 7nce these taboos be"an to break down . after the En"lish and American 9ills of Ri"hts became widel! copied . information flow increased markedl! and the world be"an (uantum'<umpin" from one realit!'tunnel to another with dizz!in" rapidit!# *his so alarms conser&ati&es (neophobes) that undoin" the 9ill of Ri"hts has alwa!s pla!ed a central role in an! conser&ati&e pro"ram#02 <- The Socio8Sex"al System % imprinted at pubert!% produces a characteristic )ex Role and the self capable of pla!in" that Role consistentl!# ,orals "et conditioned on top of this imprint and produce the "radual ci&ilizin" process b! which lo!alt! to the famil! can "row into lo!alt! to an! member of the tribe% to hi"her lo!alties to nation'states etc# and e&en% in recent times% to an emer"in" sense of lo!alt! to the human species and to the li&in" Earth itself# As mentioned earlier% four later s!stems seem to appear fre(uentl! in minorities and ma! pla! a lar"er role in our future e&olution# We will now describe these emer"in" Cuturist s!stems# @- The Ne"rosomatic System % containin" the brain'neuropeptide'immunolo"ical feedbacks discussed in our section on mind K bod! unit!# *his s!stem has existed lon" enou"h% and techni(ues of acti&atin" it ha&e appeared in so man! &arieties of !o"a% shamanism% h!pnosis% faith healin"% etc# that almost e&er!bod! outside the A#,#A# and -)$-7 knows a little about it and folklore contains man! pro&erbs relatin" to it# *he statistics from rof# 9arefoot of :uke 8ni&ersit!% showin" that optimists outli&e pessimists% surprise nobod! but Cundamentalist ,aterialists# Colk'wisdom knows enou"h about neurosomatic feedbacks . without knowin" the scientific details at all . that most people tr! to cheer the patient up with some assurance that positi&e thinkin" expresses more than wishful thinkin" and will ha&e some effect on reco&er! rates# 2n evolutionary ? revolutionary turning point" or quantum 'ump" seems imminent (i#e#% will probabl! occur before the !ear AIII) because scientific stud! of immunolo"ical K neuropeptide feedbacks% neurochemistr!% Ericksonian and post'Ericksonian h!pnosis and >eurolin"uistic

8nder the Rea"an administration% -olonel 7li&er >orth drew up the CE,A plan% allowin" the resident to suspend the 9ill of Ri"hts at whim# )imilar plans appear whene&er conser&ati&es "ain power an!where#

ro"rammin" (>F ) seems likel! to produce a scientific !o"a or% as $ elsewhere call it% a HEA% Re&olution . Hedonic En"ineerin" And %e&elopment# *he neurosomatic healin"s and neurosomatic hi"hs (!o"ic or chemical ecstasies) found intuiti&el! or accidentall! in the past will then "i&e wa! to a precise technolo"! of sta!in" 6i"h and li&in" Well# Whole ma"azines alread! exist de&oted to popularizin" the latest scientific findin"s in neurosomatics# A &ast public alread! knows much about the dru"s (le"al and otherwise)% the &itamins% the nutrients% the brain machines and the computer "ames that allow access to neurosomatic states# *his public of 6EA: explorers will "row in the next decade% <ust as the information explosion in the rele&ant sciences will unleash newer and #etter technology to unchain us from the #ondage of imprinting and open the gates to meta-programming )selective re-imprinting)# *he neurolo"ical part of this s!stem seems centered in the ri"ht brain hemisphere (which explains wh! most &erbalizations about it% until recentl!% ha&e sounded like "ibberish# Ele"ant &erbalisms onl! emer"e after information has passed throu"h the left hemisphere semantic circuits#) A- The Meta#rogramming System % based on !o"a and scientific method% be"an to emer"e in the West after the scientific re&olution% amon" &arious 6ermetic societies% c# 0HII' 0LII e#&# $t accelerated in the 01OIs when F): showed the ma<orit! of ps!cholo"ists and neuroscientists that rapid chan"ed in human brain functionin" could occur easil!% "i&en the ri"ht techni(ues# When the "o&ernment banned F):% the research mo&ed into le"al areas . other dru"s (some of which the "o&ernment then added to the *abu list)% isolation tanks% bio'feedback% etc# $nformation flow in this s!stem also seems destined to continue acceleratin"% <ust as the audience or consumers for this information seems to "row exponentiall! e&er! decade# *o put it simpl!% :r# *imoth! Fear! sounded like a nut (to most people) when he said% nearl! BI !ears a"o% $Aou can change your self as easily as you change the channel on a T=.% >ow% e&en thou"h :r# Fear! still suffers from media slander and misrepresentation% the avant one'third of the population understands &er! well what Fear! meant% viz . 2. 3o $essential self% or static ego e!istsB 6. e can meta-program our nervous systems for a variety of $selves%" many of them evolutionarily far in advance of the present Terran average. As the technolo"! and inner arts of metapro"rammin" ad&ance% another e&olutionar! (uantum <ump will occur% e&en more profound than the master! of the neurosomatic s!stem% which will onl! "i&e us Fon"e&it!# Meta-programming will give us :igher Intelligence# (*he neurolo"ical part of this s!stem seems located in the frontal lobes . the newest part of the brain#) B- The Mor#hogenetic System contains the sel&es and information banks of all li&in" bein"s# *he first descriptions of this s!stem appear in the lan"ua"e of the reincarnation model% as the shamans and !o"is who imprinted this s!stem could onl! talk'and'think about the flood of non'e"o information b! assumin" some transcendental e"o that <umped across time from one bod! to another# Creud and +un" did a little better# Encounterin" information from this s!stem in the dreams of their patients% the! posited a racial memor! or collecti&e unconscious# >either term (ualifies as operational science% but the Creudian and +un"ian records at least alerted other ps!cholo"ists to pa! attention to non'e"o information s!stems# F):% a"ain% accelerated pro"ress# Cindin" that &ast floods of non'e"o information from past a"es appeared in F): sessions% Fear!% at 6ar&ard% posited a neuro"enetic circuit# Drof% in -zechoslo&akia% posited a ph!lo"enetic unconscious and other researchers made up other labels or <ust recorded the data without tr!in" to name it# *he first scientific model of this s!stem appeared in :r# Rupert )heldrake5s 2 3ew Science of +ife# Where Fear! and Drof% like +un" and Creud% assumed the non'e"o information% not known to the brain% must come from the "enes% )heldrake% a biolo"ist% knew that "enes cannot carr! such information# 6e therefore posited a non-local field" like those in quantum theory" which he named the morphogenetic field # *his field communicates between "enes but cannot be found in

the "enes . <ust as +ohnn! -arson tra&els between *4 sets but cannot be found in an! of the *4 sets that recei&e him# $t will probabl! take a lon"% lon" time . ma!be a (uarter of a centur! (i#e#% not until around AI0H) before we learn the art and science of usin" the morpho"enetic s!stem for fun and profit# >onetheless% those who ha&e the most experience of this s!stem all seem to a"ree with +un" (and Fear!)J this information s!stem contains not onl! memories of the past but distinct tra<ectories of the future# *he morpho"enetic s!stem ma! ser&e as a kind of e&olutionar! radar preparing us for future quantum 'umps in consciousness #y showing us the records of past mutations # C- The Non8Local Q"ant"m System (described b! modern ph!sics in the last chapter) appears in the reports of a few shamans% !o"is and poets in almost e&er! centur! since the dawn of histor!# araps!cholo"ists ha&e made the be"innin"s of a scientific stud! of how this non' spatio'temporal s!stem interacts with our other sel&es% but lar"el! lacked the operationall! &ocabular! to make their work precise and scientificall! crisp# *he recent de&elopment in (uantum mechanics now open the wa! to much more rapid pro"ress in understandin" paranormal and transcendental states# When the self operates on the non'local s!stem it becomes a different self a"ain% <ust as alwa!s happens whene&er we mo&e up from one of these s!stems to another# *he non'local self . be!ond time and space . and also be!ond mind and matter . has not !et sur&i&ed translation into left'brain linear &erbalism# $t transcends all either K ors and% as 9uddhists know% we cannot e&en properl! call it a self# *he -hinese% who seem to ha&e had more experience with this s!stem than an!bod! else (more than the 6indus% e&en) define non'local experience in ne"ati&es . not mind% not self% not doin"% not existence% e&en not non'existence# *he same super's!ner"! appears in :r# 9ohm5s attempts to describe his implicate order in words# 6owe&er clear his math% his words behind to sound -hinese when he sa!s the implicate order does not consist of $mind% #ut that it had $mind-like qualities.% 7b&iousl!% it will take us at least HI !ears to "et a scientific handle of this le&el of (uantum ps!cholo"!# ,eanwhile% we at least ha&e learned from the -openha"enists that whate&er model we make of non'local experience% the model will alwa!s contain less than the experience itself# *hat should sa&e us from the do"matism% and the "ibberin" incoherence% of most writers who ha&e tried to discuss the non'local )elf# $ would consider it the hei"ht of intellectual laziness and mental incompetence to in&oke the word Dod to co&er the limitations of m! ima"ination and &ocabular!# $nstead% $ will conclude with the wise words of Aleister -rowle!# When asked to define the *ao he said% The res"lt o. s"+tracting the "ni4erse .rom itsel.-

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