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Student Assessment Record for the Academic Year 20 PLAY SCHOOL / PRE - SCHOOL

Term I Gross and Fine Motor Development Height Weight Runs confidently without support Jumps without support Walks on a - Straight line - Curved line - Zig Zag line Throw & catch Large Ball Eats Sufficiently Eats Independently Uses Toilet normally Is comfortably dressed Is developing hygiene Cuts the given card or paper into small pieces Thread beads into a wire or thread Holds the wax crayon properly Colouring in outline Enjoys free drawing Making own pictures Can turn pages Experience and Presentation Skill Express through water and sand activities Express through blocks activities Expresses self through drawing Expresses self through clay work Expresses through role play Express by touching different surfaces II Listen to the story very carefully Repeats the new words Converses freely with peer group Converses freely with adults Sings along with the teacher Able to speak small sentences Understand different words expressed I Term II

Music and Dance Enjoys the music Participates actively in music and dance Dances rhythmically with the music

Language Development Speaks Clearly Saying own Name Saying the names of family members Expresses Likes & dislikes Speaks English Understands when instructed in English Uses more vocabulary Follows the simple instructions Enjoys books Social and Emotional Development Behaves properly with the elders Behaves well with the peers Sharing Ability to express affection Ability to show kindness Extends help to clean the classroom Works Independently Participates in class room activities Waits for turn instead

Term I Feels secured Interacts well with outsiders Accepts guidance Shows self confidence II

Mathematical Development Observes similar and different things Segregates things of similar quality Understand difference between more or less Understand difference between big or small Shapes - Identifying - Sorting -Matching Colours - Identifying - Sorting - Matching Identifying what is missing Fitting pieces - Simple puzzle To count from 1-5 Sequencing Concentration Attention Span Reasoning ability Logical ability Teachers Signature : ______________________ Parents Signature Attendance Total No. of working days Total No. of days present Percentage of days present : _____________________ Teachers Signature : ______________________ Parents Signature : _____________________ I Term Comments :

II Term Comments :

O = Outstanding G = Good S = Sometimes B = Beginning to

Special Performances & Achievements

I = Needs Improvement

No.11, Muthamizh Nagar, Hasthinapuram, Chennai 600 064. Mob : 9884525465

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