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Margaret J Jackson
Consultant Neurologist, Department
of Neurology, Royal Victoria Infirmary,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LP;
E-mail: margaret.jackson@ncl.ac.uk
Practical Neurology, 2005, 6–17

Choice of antie
which one to try first an
© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

INTRODUCTION Table 1 The available antiepileptic drugs (in the UK) and the indications for their use
The prevalence of treated epilepsy in the UK
is about 80 per 100 000 people (Wallace et al. DRUG INDICATIONS FOR USE
1998). Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) produce re- Standard AEDs
mission of seizures in 60–70% of people with Carbamazepine First line for partial and generalized tonic clonic seizures
epilepsy (Kwan & Brodie 2000) but many with- Valproate First line for primary generalized, myoclonic and absence
draw from AEDs because of lack of efficacy, an seizures, also used for partial seizures
adverse effect, or both (Mattson et al. 1985; Mar- Newer AEDs
son 1997). The Holy Grail of epilepsy, an AED Gabapentin Add-on therapy for partial onset seizures
that is 100% effective but has no adverse effects Lamotrigine Primary generalized and partial onset seizures
or drug interactions, remains elusive. So how Levetiracetam Add-on therapy for partial onset seizures, also effective
should we choose which AED to give first and, if in primary generalized seizures including myoclonic seizures
that fails, which should be tried next? Choice of Oxcarbazepine Partial and secondary generalized seizures
the first AED is crucial as many patients remain Tiagabine Add-on therapy for partial onset seizures.
on that drug for many years (Lhatoo et al. 2001). Topiramate Generalized tonic-clonic and partial onset seizures
This article is not intended as some foolproof Vigabatrin Restricted to infantile spasms or refractory epilepsy
‘neurological recipe’, but rather as a guide based Old AEDs
on current evidence, however imperfect, and Phenytoin Generalized tonic-clonic and partial seizures, short-term
the experience of success and failure over many seizure prevention and treatment
years in a busy epilepsy clinic. Phenobarbital Generalized tonic-clonic and partial seizures
THE CHOICE Acetazolamide Add on therapy for partial, tonic-clonic and absence seizures
Compared to the physicians in the early twen- Clobazam Add on therapy
tieth century who had to rely on bromide salts, Clonazepam Myoclonic seizures
today we have a plethora of drugs for epilepsy Ethosuximide Absence seizures
from which to choose (Table 1). But choice, an
attractive concept in theory, generates its own
problems and choosing an appropriate AED
is no exception. Given so many different op-
Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network
tions, how can the right AED be selected first? recommendations for first- line AED treatment
Guidelines, such as those produced by the Scot-
tish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (Fig. 1), • Carbamazepine, valproate, lamotrigine and
provide options for first line AED therapy based oxcarbazepine can all be regarded as first–line treatments
for partial and secondary generalised seizures
on available evidence. Several factors need to
be considered, however, before reaching for the
• Valproate and lamotrigine are drugs of choice for primary
prescription pad. generalised seizures and should also be prescribed if there is
any doubt about the seizure types and/or syndrome
EVIDENCE • The adverse effect profiles should direct the choice of
We are encouraged to practice evidence-based drug for the individual patient
medicine but what do we do when the evidence
is flawed or inadequate? After all, licensing of Figure 1 Recommendations for first line Antiepileptic Drug (AED) therapy produced by the
AEDs only depends on pharmaceutical compa- Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) (SIGN 2003).

epileptic drug,
nd what to do if it fails … © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

nies achieving predetermined goals, and in situ- carbamazepine vs. lamotrigine in which patients
ations far removed from clinical reality (Gilliam started on such a steep dose escalation of the
2003). carbamazepine that it was not surprising many
withdrew because of adverse effects in the early
Trial design stages of the study (Brodie et al. 1995). In the
Most trials of a new AED are carried out in pa- later part of the trial, patient retention between
tients with medically refractory partial-onset the two AEDs showed no significant difference.
seizures, a population that is likely to differ Although many neurologists now use slow-re-
in almost every respect from the patient who lease carbamazepine because it is less likely to
comes to the clinic with new-onset epilepsy. produce dose-related adverse effects (Persson
AED trials usually run for 4–6 months at most et al. 1990), it is not used in comparative trials
while, in reality, people with epilepsy take with new AEDs.
AEDs for years. Short-term adverse effects
may be detected in such trials but those that Outcome measures
take longer to appear will be missed: witness Comparison and synthesis of AED trials is
the marrow aplasia associated with felbamate complicated by the variety of outcome meas-
and the visual field defects with vigabatrin. ures used. The most valid outcome would be
Many important subgroups, for example the proportion of people seizure-free, as this is
young women, are effectively excluded from the outcome that, not surprisingly, correlates
trials because of the risk of unplanned preg- best with improved quality of life (Smith et al.
nancy, as are the elderly and those with coex- 1995). But few trials use seizure freedom be-
isting chronic diseases. cause it is such a rare outcome in the popula-
Regulations in the UK and Europe for a mon- tion used in trials. Other outcomes such as 50%
otherapy licence demand only that equivalence seizure reduction, time to next seizure, or time
with, or superiority over, an existing AED be to achieve 12 month remission from seizures,
demonstrated. Most new agents are tested in are used instead. More recently, data have been
phase III trials as add-on to existing therapy and presented in the form of survival curves of
then in head-to-head comparisons with estab- people remaining on the AED over time on the
lished AEDs. The former trials are complicated assumption that people withdraw from AEDs
by pharmacokinetic and possibly pharmacody- either because they are ineffective or have in-
namic interactions. Head-to-head monothera- tolerable adverse effects. This pragmatic out-
py studies can be misleading, e.g. the study of come may not be perfect but seems as useful
as any. Further information about the relative
efficacy and tolerability can be obtained using a
6 comparison presented as odds ratios with con-
odds ratio for 50% seizure

fidence intervals (Fig. 2). These data reinforce

5 the clinical impression that, of the newer AEDs,
topiramate those that are most effective as add on therapy
4 levetiracetam seem to have more adverse effects with the pos-

sible exception of levetiracetam.

3 oxcarbazepine FACTORS TO CONSIDER
2 gabapentin LINE TREATMENT

1 Epilepsy as a symptom not a

It is worth remembering that significant num-
0 bers of patients have poorly controlled epilepsy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 because they are taking the wrong AED for their
sort of epilepsy. Although it may not always be
odds ratio for withdrawal possible to define the exact epilepsy syndrome
Figure 2 A comparison of the odds ratios, with 95% confidence intervals, for efficacy (ILAE 1989), an attempt should be made at clas-
and tolerability in add on therapy of five major new antiepileptic drugs (adapted with sifying the patient as having either generalized
permission from Shorvon 2004). or partial-onset seizures because this may be
© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

crucial in avoiding AEDs which can exacerbate EVIDENCE FOR THE

idiopathic generalized seizures, particularly ‘STANDARD’ ANTIEPILEPTIC
myoclonic and absence seizures. DRUGS
A careful history from the patient and a wit- Ask most neurologists which of carbamazepine
ness of the seizures, knowledge of the age of sei- or valproate is preferred treatment for the idi-
zure onset, any characteristic time when seizures opathic generalized epilepsies and which for the
occur, provoking factors and an understanding partial-onset epilepsies and they are likely to sug-
of the pattern of EEG abnormalities that are gest valproate for the former and carbamazepine
seen in various syndromes are all essential. View for the latter. Yet the Cochrane review (Marson
assurances from patients that they have ‘petit et al. 2004) provides little support for this view,
mal’ with profound suspicion; they usually being only marginally in favour of valproate for
have complex partial seizures, not childhood generalized seizures (Fig. 3) in time-to-treat-
absence epilepsy. If the patient presents with ment-withdrawal with the confidence interval in-
generalized tonic clonic seizures ask carefully cluding one (indicating no significant difference).
about myoclonic, absence or complex partial Does that mean we should use carbamazepine
seizures which they may fail to mention (King first in generalized seizures? Probably not. As ex-
et al. 1998). If the EEG report suggests multi- plained in the review, misclassification of patients
focal spikes or frontal spike and wave don’t as- in the original trials (by inclusion of those with
sume this means the patient has a form of focal secondary generalized seizures with the primary
epilepsy – these appearances may be seen in idi- generalized seizures) is likely to have confounded
opathic generalized epilepsies. the result. Moreover, several of the studies only
counted generalized tonic-clonic seizures and
Epilepsy syndrome and neglected to report any effect on myoclonic or
seizure type absence seizures. In line with clinical experience,
Identification of the precise epilepsy syndrome is the review suggests that carbamazepine may be
helpful because, although there is no good pub- helpful in treatment of generalized tonic-clonic
lished evidence, most epilepsy specialists believe seizures in idiopathic generalized epilepsy, but
that some AEDs appear to be particularly effec- valproate remains the preferred choice.
tive in certain syndromes. Notable examples are: In partial-onset seizures the biggest trial
• valproate in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy; gives some support to the use of carbamazepine
• carbamazepine in frontal lobe epilepsy; ahead of valproate in complex partial seizures
• ethosuximide in typical absence seizures. (Mattson 1992), though the number of patients
If the patient has none of these syndromes he seizure free at 1 year was not significantly differ-
or she will probably fall into one of three broad ent and there was no difference in effectiveness
categories: idiopathic generalized epilepsy, lo- between the two drugs in secondary generalized
calization-related epilepsy, or unclassifiable epi- seizures (Marson et al. 2004). In the Cochrane
lepsy. A number of different AEDs can be used review of five head-to-head studies in partial
in each of these categories (Table 1). Does the epilepsy, carbamazepine was just superior to
evidence help us to choose between them? valproate (odds ratio 0.82 95% CI 0.67–1.00) in

Valproate Carbamazepine Peto odds ratio

n/N n/N 95% CI

Generalised epilepsy 53/186 58/196 0.89 (0.61,1.29)

Partial epilepsy 143/407 144/406 1.00 (0.79,1.26)

Overall 196/593 202/602 0.97 (0.79,1.28)

.1 .2 1 5 10

Figure 3 Comparison of valproate vs. carbamazepine monotherapy in the treatment of epilepsy. Odds ratio with 95%
confidence intervals for time to treatment withdrawal from nine studies including 1195 patients. Adapted with permission from
Marson et al. (2004). n = number withdrawn, N = number randomised.
© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

time to 12 month remission. Cochrane reviews Pending the outcome of SANAD we are left with
of valproate vs. phenytoin for partial-onset several new vs. old AED monotherapy studies,
and generalized tonic-clonic seizures (Tudor most of which have been sponsored by pharma-
Smith et al. 2004b); and of phenytoin vs. car- ceutical companies, and with the limitations that
bamazepine for epilepsy (Tudor Smith et al. have already been discussed. The UK National In-
2004a) were unable to identify significant dif- stitute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has recently
ferences in efficacy between these antiepileptic reviewed the evidence for the newer AEDs (NICE
drugs. Overall therefore there is little evidence 2004) and has concluded that carbamazepine or
to support the belief that valproate is the AED valproate should continue to be used as first line
of first choice in generalized epilepsy and car- AEDs but that the newer drugs can be prescribed
bamazepine in partial-onset epilepsy. However, in the following circumstances:
believing that this is likely to be due to limitations • if there are contraindications to car-
in the evidence, epilepsy specialists continue to bamazepine or valproate;
favour carbamazepine for partial epilepsy and • if carbamazepine or valproate could interact
valproate for idiopathic generalized epilepsy, with other drugs the patient is already taking
which is reflected in current guidelines (SIGN (notably the oral contraceptive);
2003). • if carbamazepine or valproate are already
known to be poorly tolerated by the indi-
DRUGS • if a woman is of childbearing age (see below).
A number of the newer AEDs now have a licence If there is no good evidence on effectiveness
for monotherapy. These include lamotrigine upon which we can base our choice of first line
and topiramate for partial seizures and gener- AED, can other information help?
alized tonic-clonic seizures (both primary and
secondarily generalized) and oxcarbazepine Does the mechanism of AED
for partial and secondarily generalized seizures action matter?
only. Are these better than carbamazepine and Our understanding of the mechanism of ac-
valproate as first-line treatment? This question tion of AEDs is incomplete (Walker et al. 2004).
is being addressed by the important UK Nation- Many have several potential mechanisms in-
al Health Service-sponsored study of Standard cluding changes in sodium and calcium mem-
and New Antiepileptic Drugs (SANAD) (Fig. 4), brane channels and alterations in inhibitory
the largest randomised study in epilepsy. neurotransmitter systems, in particular those of
gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). Sadly the
mode of action seems to be little help in choos-
New diagnosis of epilepsy
requiring treatment or ing an AED because the pathophysiology of in-
treatment failure with AED not dividual epilepsies is so poorly understood.
included in randomisation AEDs can exacerbate seizures. Tiagabine or
vigabatrin may trigger absence status epilepti-
cus (Schapel & Chadwick 1996); carbamazepine
Choose valproate or or phenytoin can worsen myoclonic seizures.
carbamazepine as most The former are powerful GABAergic agents, the
appropriate first line AED latter modify sodium channel conductance, but
it is not usually possible to predict adverse out-
come on the basis of what is understood about
the mechanism of action of an AED.
Valproate arm Carbamazepine arm
randomised to one of: randomised to one of:
Does age matter?
• Valproate • Carbamazepine Epilepsy affects people of all ages. There are two
• Lamotrigine • Gabapentin peaks of onset, in childhood/adolescence and in
• Topiramate • Lamotrigine older people. Idiopathic generalized epilepsies
• Oxcarbazepine
• Topiramate tend to present in childhood and adolescence
while focal epilepsies present at any age and pre-
dominate in later life. But there are exceptions
Figure 4 An outline of the randomization procedure for the SANAD trial and choice of AED should not be based on age
(Standard and New Antiepileptic Drug study). alone.
© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
FEBRUARY 2005 11

Older people tend to have more comorbidity, Valproate has been associated with hyperandro-
to be on more medications, and to have slower genism (Vainionpää et al. 1999) and polycystic
rates of clearance of AEDs. The elderly are there- ovary syndrome (Isojärvi et al. 1996) but cause
fore at greater risk from drug interactions and and effect in the latter has been disputed.
the adverse effects of AEDs. In fact there is little It is likely that all AEDs have teratogenic effects
evidence about AEDs in the elderly; one study but data, particularly on the newer AEDs, are
showed no difference between carbamazepine incomplete. It is lamentable that after so many
and lamotrigine in antiseizure effect but sug- years of use we still have only a rough estimate
gested that the latter may be better tolerated of the risk of major malformations with even
(Brodie et al. 1999). The result of a large veter- the older AEDs because there were no rigorous
ans trial in the USA comparing carbamazepine, postmarketing surveillance and large popula-
lamotrigine and gabapentin is awaited, though tion-based prospective studies. Valproate seems
the omission of valproate from this study reduc- to have the highest risk of major malformation
es its value and seems hard to justify (Ramsay of the ‘standard’ AEDs, and polytherapy regi-
et al. 2003). Personal experience suggests that in mens are associated with significantly higher
the frailer elderly, carbamazepine is poorly tol- risk than monotherapy (Kaneko et al. 1999; Valproate
erated even in a low dose of the sustained release Samren et al. 1999).
preparation, while the more robust elderly tol- Of the newer AEDs, lamotrigine is the only seems to have
erate it reasonably well. Many elderly care physi- one that has been used in a sufficient number
cians continue to favour phenytoin but complex of pregnancies to establish that it is likely to the highest
pharmacokinetics make it difficult to use, par- have a risk of major malformation similar to
ticularly in those on multiple medications. carbamazepine and lower than valproate (Ten- risk of major
nis & Eldridge 2002). Recent data on phenytoin
Does gender matter? suggest that the rate of major malformation is malformation of
Contraception and childbearing are important not as high as was once thought, as it was often
factors in choice of AED. Several AEDs, listed prescribed as part of polytherapy and in high the ‘standard’
in Table 2, induce the metabolism of oestrogen doses (Holmes et al. 2001).
and progesterone and so reduce the efficacy of If we have insufficient data on major malfor- AEDs, and
oral contraceptives and progesterone implants. mation risks, even less is known about the risk of
While this can be counteracted to some extent minor malformations, and the effect of AEDs in polytherapy
by increasing the dose of the contraceptive, this pregnancy on the intellectual development of the
does not restore full efficacy and, as the interac- child. Recent studies point to a possible associa- regimens are
tion appears to be unknown to many physicians tion between valproate in pregnancy and learning
(Shorvon et al. 2002), guidelines advocate avoid- difficulties or behavioural disorders in children associated with
ing enzyme-inducing AEDs as first choice thera- (Adab et al. 2001; Dean et al. 2002), but these are
py in young women (SIGN 2003; NICE 2004). retrospective, potentially biased data, and the re- significantly
AEDs may affect reproductive hormones. sults of prospective studies are awaited.
Carbamazepine and phenytoin are reported to Despite limitations of the available data there higher risk than
reduce levels of testosterone in men though the is sufficient concern for current guidelines to
significance is unknown (Duncan et al. 1998). advise avoiding AED polytherapy and caution monotherapy.
with the use of valproate in women planning a
Table 2 Antiepileptic drugs that do and do not induce pregnancy. Valproate is, however, an extremely
hepatic enzyme effective AED and the choice of AED has to be
that of the woman after a thorough discussion
of the risks and benefits.
Carbamazepine Acetazolamide
Oxcarbazepine Benzodiazepines
Most people with epilepsy are healthy but a sig-
Phenobarbital Ethosuximide
nificant number have additional medical or so-
Phenytoin Gabapentin
cial problems. People with learning difficulties
Primidone Lamotrigine
have a higher risk of epilepsy than those with-
Topiramate Levetiracetam
out but few studies have studied this population
separately. Moreover, AEDs can be associated
with adverse behavioural effects, particularly in
people with learning difficulties. Mental health
© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

disorders such as depression are often associated taking a drug so weighing up the benefit of the
with epilepsy (O’Donoghue et al. 1999; Harden drug against its potential harm is important, e.g.
2002). Some AEDs, e.g. topiramate seem to have a young man with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
more of a tendency to trigger mood changes is very likely to improve on valproate and the
and should be used with caution if the patient risk of significant weight gain is only about 10%
is known to be at risk (Schmitz 1999). It can be (Biton et al. 2001). Giving him good dietary
argued that AEDs such as carbamazepine, which advice and monitoring his weight is probably a
is also used for its mood-stabilizing properties, more appropriate course of action than avoid-
may be particularly beneficial where this is an ing valproate altogether. Alternatively a young
issue. But often it is a case of trial and error be- woman who is already overweight and who has
fore the best AED is found. menstrual irregularity may choose to try lamot-
On a more positive note, AEDs can be helpful rigine if she is planning to conceive, or topiram-
in the treatment of other conditions, e.g. val- ate, neither of which is associated with weight
proate and topiramate are used in the prophy- gain, as the first-line AED
laxis of migraine so patients with both epilepsy
and migraine may benefit from treatment with Drug interactions
one of these AEDs ahead of other agents. These are important to consider when prescrib-
Most AEDs are metabolized in the liver but ing AEDs. Hepatic enzyme induction (listed in
some, notably gabapentin, are excreted exclu- Table 2) reduces plasma levels of oral contra-
sively via the kidneys. In patients with impaired ceptives and warfarin (the latter is not affected
renal function it is easier to avoid gabapentin. by oxcarbazepine). Inhibition of metabolism
Liver function has to be severely impaired before of AEDs by other drugs can lead to toxicity if
there is any effect on the metabolism of AEDs the interaction is not anticipated, e.g. copre-
but, because of its association with fulminant scription of carbamazepine with erythromycin,
hepatic failure, valproate is probably best avoid- diltiazem, verapamil, fluoxetine or valproate.
ed in those with active liver disease. Using an AED with fewer drug interactions is
particularly important in the elderly who are
Potential adverse effects more likely to be taking other medications.
All AEDs may have adverse effects (Table 3);
knowledge of these can be helpful when selecting Dosing schedules and
an AED but it must be remembered that adverse preparation of AED
effects only affect a small proportion of people Concordance with medication is more likely if
the drug can be given as a once-
or twice-daily dose rather than
Table 3 Important adverse effects and disadvantages of the available antiepileptic drugs
DRUG DISADVANTAGES IN NORMAL DOSE be given in two divided doses,
Standard AEDs and some once daily. Others,
Carbamazepine Rash, hyponatraemia, drowsiness, e.g. gabapentin are best given
drug interactions three times daily. Sustained re-
Valproate Weight gain, tremor, lease preparations of AEDs are
teratogenicity useful in reducing the dose fre-
quency and this is particularly
Newer AEDs so with carbamazepine where
Gabapentin Few there is a lower risk of adverse
Lamotrigine Rash effects if the sustained release
Levetiracetam Occasionally exacerbates seizures preparation is used (Persson
Oxcarbazepine Rash, hyponatremia, drug interactions et al. 1990). The value of sus-
Tiagabine Agitation, can exacerbate seizures tained release valproate is less
Topiramate Paraesthesiae, weight loss (advantageous for some), cognitive effects apparent because the standard
Vigabatrin Irreversible visual field defects preparation can be given twice
daily. For patients who have
Old AEDs difficulty swallowing large tab-
Phenytoin Rash, acne, difficult pharmacokinetics and drug interactions lets, and those fed via gastros-
Phenobarbital Sedation, cognitive impairment in elderly tomy tubes, the availablilty of

© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

FEBRUARY 2005 13

a liquid preparation of an AED will influence ‘one size fits all’ scenario. Figure 6 outlines a pro-
the choice. posed scheme. The first step is to diagnose the
epilepsy syndrome. If this is difficult then at least
Cost try to ensure the patient does not have juvenile
There is a huge variation in the cost of AEDs myoclonic epilepsy, which can be exacerbated
(Fig. 5). In many parts of the world, cost limits by carbamazepine and phenytoin, or absence
the choice of AED to phenobarbitone or pheny- seizures, which are likely to be worsened by car-
toin. But even for those of us fortunate enough bamazepine, tiagabine, vigabatrin or phenytoin.
to have more choice it is important to be aware If it is not possible to classify the epilepsy, the
of the cost of these drugs and to use them as cost- choice of AED is limited to valproate, lamot-
effectively as possible. rigine or topiramate, all of which are effective
across a wide range of seizures. Levetiracetam
WHICH DRUG FIRST? is likely to be added to this list in the future. In
It is clear that choice of the best first AED is not a the idiopathic generalized epilepsies, valproate

cost (£ Sterling) for one month of treatment


70 phenytoin 300mg
carbamazepine 600mg
valproate 800mg
50 lamotrigine 150mg
tiagabine 30mg
40 topiramate 150mg
oxcarbazepine 900mg
levetiracetam 1.5g
20 gabapentin 1.2g
Figure 5 Comparative cost
of one month treatment in a 10
standard daily dose with different
antiepileptic drugs. 0

Decision to treat

Partial onset seizures Primary generalised or

unclassified seizures

Frail Young female planning/at

elderly? risk of pregnancy?
Drug interactions yes
contraindicate use
no yes
of carbamazepine
e.g. with warfarin, Female at
risk of yes
oral contraceptive pregnancy
Figure 6 Suggested algorithm for valproate
selection of the first antiepileptic lamotrigine

© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd


remains the drug of first choice unless there are Failure to respond to the first AED has sig-
specific contraindications. nificant implications. Provided the diagnosis is
Younger women with unclassified or idiopath- secure and the patient is taking the drug, such
ic generalized epilepsy are a particularly difficult failure is an early indication of epilepsy which will
group. Seizure-freedom is always important, be difficult to control (Kwan & Brodie 2000).
but young people trying to establish themselves
in work, wanting to learn to drive, often leaving Are two drugs better than one?
home for the first time, are very sensitive to the For 25 years AED monotherapy has been ac-
‘social’ consequences of seizures. Giving them the cepted as the norm. Proponents of monotherapy
most effective AED is therefore particularly im- argue that people on a single AED experience
portant. Valproate is relatively contraindicated in fewer adverse effects, but a recent study of alter-
young women because of teratogenicity, associa- native monotherapy vs. adjunctive therapy with a
tion with menstrual irregularity, and ‘cosmetic’ second AED, although limited in power, showed
adverse effects (weight gain for example). I dis- no difference between the two options as meas-
cuss the merits and disadvantages of valproate ured by retention on treatment, seizure freedom
and lamotrigine with young women, and often or adverse effects (Beghi et al. 2003). Polytherapy
start them on lamotrigine but switch to valproate increases the risk of drug interactions, e.g. car-
if seizure control is not established quickly. If le- bamazepine toxicity with the addition of val-
vetiracetam lives up to its promise in idiopathic proate, and the risk of teratogenicity, and for
Most AEDs are generalized seizures and proves safe in pregnancy these reasons most epilepsy specialists still prefer
it could be used as an alternative to valproate but monotherapy. Can two AEDs ever work as syner-
effective and it will be several years before we know. gists with supra-additive effects? Results from a
In localization-related (focal) epilepsy, car- substitution study have been interpreted to show
no response bamazepine remains the drug of first choice a synergistic effect when lamotrigine is added to
and the modified release preparation is help- valproate (Brodie & Yuen 1997). While clinical ex-
should lead one ful in reducing dose-related adverse effects. If perience suggests this is a useful combination, it
the patient is a young woman who uses the oral has not been subjected to a rigorous randomised
to question the contraceptive it is important to discuss the risks controlled trial. When the first-line AED has failed
of oral contraceptive failure and alternative con- most epilepsy specialists recommend attempting
diagnosis. Is this traceptive methods. If she still wishes to take an treatment with at least one other AED as mono-
oral contraceptive, an AED that does not induce therapy before trying combinations of AEDs.
really epilepsy? hepatic enzymes, usually lamotrigine, can be jus-
tified. In the elderly I often avoid carbamazepine In what order?
as first line treatment because, although the evi- If a patient fails to show any improvement, or
dence that it is less-well-tolerated is slim, in my only partially responds to the first AED in maxi-
experience this is often the case, particularly in mum tolerated dose, then a second appropriate
those with cognitive impairment. I usually start AED should be chosen. The second AED is in-
older patients on valproate, substituting this troduced alongside the first with a gradual dose
with lamotrigine if the seizures prove refractory escalation until the maximum tolerated dose is
or adverse effects are troublesome. reached, or the seizures stop at a lower dose. If
the second AED provides a remission in seizures,
WHAT TO DO WHEN FIRST gradual withdrawal of the first AED may be at-
LINE TREATMENT FAILS tempted. If there is no improvement or if there is
When the first line AED fails it is important to an exacerbation of the seizures, the second AED
review the diagnosis of epilepsy. Most AEDs is usually tailed off before another is introduced
are effective and no response should lead one alongside the first. Although there is no good evi-
to question the diagnosis. Is this really epilepsy? dence to support this way of adding a new AED
Could the events be acute symptomatic seizures before removing the original AED, it does avoid
triggered by alcohol, or psychogenic non-epi- the difficulty of determining which of two drugs
leptic attacks? If they are seizures, has the AED is the culprit if seizures escalate as one drug is de-
appropriate for that epilepsy syndrome been creased while the other is introduced. If there is
chosen? Is the patient taking the AED? Or does perceived to be a high risk of seizures as one AED
the patient have a structural lesion such as corti- is withdrawn (e.g. patients with frequent seizures,
cal dysplasia or a tumour that has been missed if the AED that is being withdrawn has improved
on the MR scan? but not abolished seizures, if someone is having
© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
FEBRUARY 2005 15

sleep-related seizures, and is sleeping alone and tion of clonazepam before changing to valproate,
thought to be at risk of sudden unexplained death topiramate or levetiracetam may be preferred, or
in a seizure), covering the withdrawal and early ethosuximide may be added when absence sei-
introduction of the second AED with a short zures fail to respond to the first AED.
course of clobazam can be an option.
Are certain combinations
Standard AED or newer AED? better than others?
Choice of the second monotherapy drug will It has been suggested that some combinations
depend on the criteria outlined above, with the of AEDs may be more effective than others and
epilepsy syndrome being the main determinant. a concept of ‘rational polytherapy’ has evolved,
There are no satisfactory sequential monothera- backed, it must be said, by very little hard evi-
py studies to help chose between the possible dence. Examples of ‘rational’ polytherapy have
alternatives. In the idiopathic generalized epi- been suggested as:
lepsies options are limited. When lamotrigine • the use of two AEDs with different mecha-
is used as the first AED and the syndrome in- nisms of action, e.g. a sodium channel blocker
cludes absence and myoclonic as well as general- (carbamazepine) with a GABA-ergic agent
ized tonic-clonic seizures, valproate, topiramate (valproate);
and, more recently, levetiracetam are likely to be • the use of two AEDs with pharmacokinetic
effective alternatives. Choice between these will interactions, e.g. valproate and lamotrigine
be guided by considerations already discussed (enabling lower doses of lamotrigine to be
for first-line therapy. If the patient only has used);
absence seizures ethosuximide can be used. If • avoidance of combinations with similar
valproate fails as the first AED an observational mechanisms of action and/or unhelp-
study suggested that lamotrigine monotherapy ful phamacokinetic interactions, e.g. car-
is unlikely to be successful (Nicolson et al. 2004) bamazepine and phenytoin.
and topiramate or levetiracetam should prob- Choosing AED combinations on the basis of
ably be prescribed if monotherapy is preferred. their mode of action sounds attractive but, be-
With generalized tonic-clonic seizures alone the cause our understanding of the mechanism of ac-
choice is wider and includes carbamazepine or tion is incomplete, the first suggestion above is of
oxcarbazepine in addition to the above. little practical use in choice of drug combinations.
In partial-onset seizures the choice of alter- Beneficial pharmacokinetic interactions may save
native monotherapy is even more difficult. If money on drug costs but that does not equate to
carbamazepine is effective against seizures but evidence of improved efficacy. Lamotrigine and
poorly tolerated due to sedation it is probably valproate do appear to be a ‘good’ combina-
worth trying oxcarbazepine or lamotrigine tion, particularly in certain idiopathic epilepsies
next. If carbamazepine fails to control seizures (Deckers et al. 2000) but is that because of their
levetiracetam or topiramate are likely to be more pharmacokinetic interaction or an unknown
powerful than gabapentin or lamotrigine if evi- pharmacodynamic interaction? Conversely,
dence from add-on studies can be extrapolated lamotrigine with carbamazepine seems, at least
to second choice monotherapy use (Fig. 2), and from personal experience, to be a combination as-
valproate remains an option. sociated with a high risk of adverse effects, maybe
because both act on sodium channels. and it must
When should combination be remembered that polytherapy increases the
therapy be used? risk of teratogenicity, for example the combina-
It is not possible to achieve a remission with tion of valproate and lamotrigine seems to be par-
monotherapy in everyone with epilepsy. After ticularly teratogenic (Tennis & Eldridge 2002).
trying at least two first-line appropriate AEDs in Of the older AEDs, clobazam can be very ef-
monotherapy, it is reasonable to consider com- fective as an ‘add-on’ AED, although tachyphy-
bination therapy. Choice should again be guided laxis limits its use (Montenegro et al. 2001)
by the type of seizure and informed by response and, before the advent of the newer AEDs, car-
to the AEDs used in monotherapy. Occasionally bamazepine and valproate were often combined
the use of two AEDs will be used in preference in partial onset seizures with considerable suc-
to one, e.g. in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy when cess.
tonic-clonic seizures have been controlled with Meta-analysis of add-on studies of newer AEDs
lamotrigine but myoclonic seizures persist, addi- in partial-onset seizures (short-term, licensing-
© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

led trials) has shown no significant difference appropriate AED, often in a low or standard
in either efficacy or tolerability between them doses;
(Marson 1997). The trials do, however, point to • those in whom changing or combining AEDs
an association between effectiveness and higher eventually achieves a remission;
risk of withdrawal (presumably due to adverse • those in whom remission is unachievable
effects). Levetiracetam appears to be both effi- with current medication - in this group sur-
cacious and well tolerated for the most part and gery should be considered and, if that is not
works across a wide range of seizure types. For an option, going back to the AED/s that gave
these reasons it may be used ahead of other ‘new’ the optimum control of seizures with the
AEDs in add-on therapy, leaving those AEDs with minimum of adverse effects is best.
apparently lower efficacy and more troublesome The number of AEDs now available for mono
adverse effects until later. Seizure exacerbation or and combination means that it can be years be-
behavioural problems noted recently with leveti- fore someone can be said to have tried all avail-
racetam need to be remembered if this is done. able AEDs in monotherapy, and it is not possible
to try all the potential combinations. It seems
IF COMBINATION THERAPY likely that some of the newer AEDs will be side-
FAILS … lined over time (e.g. vigabatrin because of its
People with epilepsy appear to fall into one of tendency to cause visual field defects) and only
three groups: the most effective with the best adverse effect
• those with seizures easily controlled with one profile will be widely used.

CONCLUSIONS no studies have addressed which AED is

• The recent rush of ‘new’ AEDs onto the most likely to succeed when the first has
market has increased patient and doctor not. Meta-analysis of add-on trials of the
options in the treatment of epilepsy. newer AEDs shows no significant differ-
• The automatic choice of valproate for gen- ence between them, and there are no good
eralized seizures and carbamazepine for data comparing standard with new AEDs
partial onset seizures is now being ques- in this situation. Of the newer AEDs most
tioned, but we still have surprisingly little of those with better antiseizure action ap-
good evidence upon which to base decisions pear to have more adverse effects.
about choice of first AED. Such evidence as • In the end one has to make an assessment
there is provides no good reason to avoid of the patient as an individual, weigh-
carbamazepine or valproate in the majority ing up what is known (and what is not)
of patients; both are effective drugs that are, about the risks and benefits of the avail-
in the most part, well tolerated. able AEDs, explaining your choice to the
• There are groups of patients, for example patient and their general practitioner and
women planning a pregnancy and older being prepared to change if the first AED
people, in whom there may be reasons for proves ineffective.
using alternative AEDs because of the risk • Letters from the epilepsy specialist need
of adverse effects and drug interactions to include warnings about common ad-
with the standard AEDs. It is to be hoped verse effects and action to take should
that results of studies in progress such as these occur or if the drug of first choice
SANAD will provide more information in fails. Good communication between phy-
the near future. sician and patient and between primary
• If the choice of first AED is difficult, then and secondary care is essential for steering
what to choose when the first fails is even the difficult course between the Scylla of
more challenging. Current guidelines rec- uncontrolled seizures and the Charybdis
ommend treatment with a single AED but of AED-induced adverse effects.

© 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

FEBRUARY 2005 17

This article was reviewed by Dr Richard Roberts, Dundee.

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