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Instructional Lesson Plan

Grade Interns Name Class Size 24 Date / Time 11/4/2013 11:15 am #entor Initials

Jaclyn Hanson
Su !ect Language Arts


Sc"ool Church Lane Elementary

I$ Pur%ose o& t"e Lesson ' What will the students learn? How does this learning fit within
broader unit goals? Why is this learning meaningful, important and appropriate? What will the students say or do that will serve as evidence of learning? Standard ()se #D State Core Curriculum* RL3 CCR Anchor Standard Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of text Lesson + !ecti,e

Students will e a le to identify cause and effect in the text, !As Luc" would #ave $t%&
-ormati,e .ssessment 'planned for use in this lesson(

As Luck Would Have It Investigation sheet (created by students)

II$ Instructional Decision/#a0in1 ' What knowledge of students influences my instructional
decisions in this lesson? How will my instruction respond in order to remove barriers to learning and/or build on students strengths? 2no3led1e o& Learners 4 44 Instructional Decisions ased on t"is 0no3led1e

Knowledge of Age-Level Characteristics Interested in people esponsive to group activities! "raise and encourage#ent $ro# adults %tudents have an interest in tea# ga#es! &ecause students are $riendly and interested in other people' they are going to (ork in partner groups $or part o$ this lesson! )he investigation activity (ill be partly a (hole group assign#ent because students are eager to participate in both (hole group and s#all group activities! *ncourage all students! +reat response' ,a#eron- I like ho( eager Jordan is to raise her hand- "lay the online interactive cause and e$$ect ga#e! .ivide the class into hal$ and have each side pick a tea# leader (ho (ill serve as a spokesperson!

Knowledge of Academic Readiness (based on pre-assessment) - %tudents understand basic de$initions o$ cause and e$$ect - %tudents need guidance (ith $inding cause and e$$ect in te/t Knowledge of Subgroup or Individual eeds (I!" accommodations# !LLs# $%&# other strengths%needs) - )(o students need #ore ti#e to co#plete responses! - 0ne student needs to continuously be re#inded o$ (hat he needs to do! Knowledge of Interests and other 'otivational (actors %tudents en2oy bringing their o(n personal e/perience into activities! %tudents also $eel #ore #otivated i$ they can be active during an activity!

+o through plenty o$ e/a#ples in the We .o section be$ore letting students $ind cause and e$$ect e/a#ples in their partner groups! A$ter students $ind at least three e/a#ples o$ cause and e$$ect in their partner groups' they are to co#e up (ith an e/a#ple o$ cause and e$$ect in their o(n li$e! Allo( these students #ore ti#e to (ork on their ans(ers i$ needed during independent reading ti#e! ,onsistenly check on the student that needs to be re#inded o$ (hat he needs to do! &e care$ul in instruction to student! 1ake sure that it is co#pletely literal and Have students co#e up (ith their o(n cause and e$$ect $ro# their o(n li$e! Have students get up and $ind the sentence that #atches their cause and e$$ect! )his allo(s students to not have to stay in their seats the entire ti#e!

#ulticultural Considerations / 56uit7 #easures 4 4

Im%lications &or t"is Lesson

.i$$erent cultures have di$$erent cause and e$$ect 3or *LL learners' sentences #ay be a little di$$icult to read and4or understand!

Have students co#e up (ith their o(n cause and e$$ect situation! )his can be done (ith the "ro#ethean board i$ students $eel like sharing! Have pictures (ith corresponding si#ple sentences so all students can understand (hat the sentence is! "ut this on the "ro#ethean along (ith cause and e$$ect e/a#ples on a ne( $lipchart!

.cademic Lan1ua1e Demands


Sca&&olds to su%%ort lan1ua1e de,elo%ment in t"is lesson

All students need to understand the ter#s cause and e$$ect! 5nderstand o$ the idio# as luck (ould have it!

0nce student ans(ers are provided $or the 6uestion What is cause and e$$ect7 the teacher (ill (rite the ans(er on the board under the ans(ers so students can visually see ho( close or $ar they (ere $ro# the ans(er $ro# the 6uestion! I$ needed' play a youtube video that directly e/plains (hat cause and e$$ect is! )he teacher can also repeat throughout the lesson (hat cause and e$$ect is and have students chorally repeat (hat cause and e$$ect is! ,ause is8!(students ans(er) *$$ect is8!(students ans(er) .irectly e/plain that as luck (ould have it #eans that one thing happens because so#ething else happens!

III$ Instructional Procedures What instructional strategies and sequence will use to
ensure that every child is a successful learner?

Instructional #aterials and Tec"nolo1ies

9: copies o$ the story As Luck Would Have It by the &rothers; +ri## As Luck Would Have It investigation sheet "encils "ens *l#o Whiteboard .ry *rase 1arkers &utcher "aper 9: note cards (ith sentences and corresponding pictures )ac*up or !nrichment%Remediation materials+ <outube video o$ ,ause and *$$ect 1rsAllen= http=44(((!youtube!co#4(atch7 v>?@<",.0op0g

- ,ause and e$$ect online interactive ga#e already opened in a ne( tab= http=44(((!studyAone!org4testprep4ela:4a4hp4causee$$ect!ht#

#ana1ement Considerations '*rocedures, +ransitions, ,aterials, -ehavior(

As students are discussing in their groups (hat cause and e$$ect #eans' pass out blank sheets o$ paper to students! )hese pieces o$ paper (ill serve as the investigation sheets! I$ students are #isbehaving' do not hesitate to #ove their color do(n on the color chart $ro# green to yello(! I$ students are i#proving their behavior' tell the# that they #ay #ove their color back to green! 3or students that are behaving' they #ay #ove their color up to purple!
.%%ro8imate Time 0/1 min% Procedure

Instructional Se6uence *lanned -eginning

.arm/up ,otivation -ridge

Have students discuss (ith a partner (hat they think cause and e$$ect #eans! Let students (rite out one ad2ective on the "ro#ethean board o$ (hat they think cause and e$$ect #eans a$ter talking to each other! 1ake a 6uestion on ActivInspire and (rite out a pro#pt to go along (ith the 6uestion so students kno( e/actly (hat they need to do! While students are discussing (hat they think cause and e$$ect #eans' pass out a piece o$ blank paper to each student! A$ter t(o #inutes' play the clapping ga#e to have students re$ocus their attention to you (clap a rhyth# and have students clap the sa#e rhyth# back to you until all students have ended their conversations)!

,all on one student $ro# each group to (rite out their ans(er on the board under the 6uestion What is cause and e$$ect7 Berbal praise $or students (ho are eager to participate I like ho( Ashley (as so eager to raise her hand and co#e up to the board to (rite out her response! &ackup plan= I$ students are still having di$$iculty understanding (hat cause and e$$ect is' play youtube video that directly e/plains (hat cause and e$$ect is! Ceep this- +ood technology usage

67 minutes 2evelopment of the 3ew Learning

!"learly e#plain instructional activities in sequence$% '+hin" $ 2o, .e 2o, 4ou 2o or ,odeling, 5uided *ractice, $ndependent *ractice(

I kno( a story about t(o bears (ho had a lot o$ adventures! Let;s see (hat happens to the#! - +o through a picture (alk (ith students be$ore reading the book As Luck Would Have It! ead through the book As Luck Would Have It! While reading point to students so they can repeat the phrase As Luck Would Have It! - "ut a $e( o$ the pages on the *l#o (hile so students can clearly see the te/t on the pro2ector screen and $ollo( along in their o(n copy! I do= 0n the piece o$ butcher paper' #ake a chart! 0ne side says ,ause and the other side says *$$ect! 1ake about ? ro(s on the piece o$ butcher paper and instruct students to do the sa#e on their blank sheet o$ paper! */plain to the students that they (ill be doing an investigation o$ the te/t' As Luck Would Have It! )ell students to pull out their investigation sheets so that they can (rite (hat you say! ,o#e to the $irst cause and e$$ect in the book! Write the event in the cause chart and then (rite (hat happened in the e$$ect chart! Berbally think aloud as you $ind the $irst cause and e$$ect! 0k! I have $ound a cause and e$$ect on this page! Let;s see i$ (e can $ind another cause and e$$ect on the ne/t $e( pages together! We do= +uide students in $inding the ne/t cause and e$$ect! ,all on students $or help (ith the ne/t ans(er! -A$ter students have gotten the hang o$ an event and (hat happened as a result o$ the e$$ect' put students in pairs to

Enrichment or Remediation
(As appropriate to lesson)

Planned Ending
Summary #omewor"

$ind three #ore cause and e$$ect .o the "ro#ethean chart activity in this section! %tudents (ill (ork on (orksheets during the I .o section! I$ possible' #aybe students could get into tea#s and do this activity together on the "ro#ethean or %#artboard! <ou do= %tudents (ill (ork in pairs to $ind three #ore causes and e$$ects in their o(n copy o$ the book As Luck Would Have It! As students are (orking in pairs to $ind out cause and e$$ect $ro# the rest o$ the te/t' pass out notecards (ith sentences (ith corresponding pictures on the#! Do( that (e are $inished (ith our investigation o$ the story' let;s see i$ (e can really be cause and e$$ect detectives- When students are $inished $iguring out their cause and e$$ect $or the rest o$ As Luck Would Have It' e/plain to the# that each student has either a cause or e$$ect note card and they are to $ind the person (ith the #atching situation $or cause and e$$ect! 3or e/a#ple' A .og scratches his ears! )he .og is itchy! 0ne student has A dog scratches his ears on a notecard and they are to $ind the student (ith the sentence )he .og is itchy! - 0n the back o$ the cause and e$$ect investigation sheet or on another piece o$ paper' have students (rite out a cause and e$$ect that has happened in their li$e! I$ students $eel co#$ortable' they can (rite their o(n cause and e$$ect on the "ro#ethean board! - I$ there is still #ore ti#e' divide the class into hal$ $or online cause and e$$ect ga#e! In this ga#e' students have to #atch a colu#n o$ causes (ith another colu#n o$ e$$ects! Have a student keep score on the board! ,lickers can be used $or this! Ceep on there $or #ore technology usage! - I$ ti#e is allo(ed' have students share (hat they (rote do(n! - Worksheets (ill be collected to check student understanding o$ the #aterial presented!

I9$ .nal7sis and :e&lection ' &o what e#tent are my students learning? How can improve
their learning e#perience? How can improve my professional skills? !complete after teaching%

Anal,sis+ What does the data from the formative assessment indicate about the extent to which students acquired the intended learning? (Cite specific numbers or percentages of students.) What trends or patterns do you notice that indicate strengths and/or areas of need for the class as a whole subgroups or individuals? What will be your next steps based on this analysis?

)he $or#ative assess#ent directly indicates (hether students (ill understand the $oundations $or cause and e$$ect! 0ver hal$ o$ the class (about E?F) understands that cause is so#ething that happened and e$$ect is (hy it happened be$ore diving into this lesson! Ho(ever' so#e students needed to reread the te/t and be talked through the te/t the $irst ti#e in order to really understand cause and e$$ect! I;ve noticed that the students that are really #otivated to understand this #aterial are the students that are not as distracting to other students in the s#all group sessions! )he students that are #ore distracted in a s#all group session appear to need #ore e/trinsic #otivation to co#plete their (ork! &y doing #ore active activities (ith these students' I (ant these students to gradually #ove a(ay $ro# being e/trinsically #otivated to intrinsically #otivated! &ased on this analysis' I need to #ake #y te/t si#ple enough $or students to be able to re$er back to the te/t! As Luck Would Have It (as a little challenging $or #y third graders because there (as a lot o$ te/t on #ultiple pages! I need to si#pli$y #y te/t! Also' incorporating #ore get up and #ove activities helps students to really beco#e #otivated to learn the #aterial! I should have done the activity be$ore I (ent through the book As Luck Would Have It! De/t ti#e' I (ill provide #ore e/a#ples that relate to their lives as students in and out o$ the classroo#!

:e&lection (Plan to answer fourfive prompts)

!rompts to consider"

What is wor#ing? What is not? $or whom? Why? What multicultural considerations emerged during this lesson that you had not anticipated? %ow would you address those in the future? %ow did you &thin# on your feet' to ma#e instructional decisions while you were teaching the lesson? What wor#ed or did not wor# about these decisions? What changes would you ma#e to your instructional procedure that would improve student learning? %ow effective were your assessment tools in helping you monitor student progress? What modifications would you ma#e to help students better demonstrate their learning? %ow did the oral or written feedbac# you gave students help address their needs in relation to the instructional ob(ectives? %ow did you /will you give students an opportunity to use this feedbac# to grow? What was surprising or challenging during this lesson? What did you learn through it? %ow does that impact your future decision)ma#ing? %ow does this lesson demonstrate your growth as a teacher in relation to one or more of the *+,-.C principles?

)he activity that allo(ed students to get up and $ind their partner (ith the cause and e$$ect see#ed to (ork $or everyone because this class is a very active class that en2oys getting up once in a(hile! I should have #ade the activity be$ore the story! %o#e students did not understand (hat it #eant to (atch an o/ plo( a $ield! I had to e/plain so#e $ar#ing ter#s (hile going through the book because not all students had ever been on a $ar# be$ore in their li$e! In the $uture' I need to select a book that is environ#entally appropriate! &ecause these students live in a suburban area that is close to a city' #any o$ these children did not understand (hat "lo(ing a $ield entailed! 3or thinking on #y $eet' I had to go over so#e concepts about cooking over a $ire in the $ireplace (hile reading this book! )his book (as not directly related to children in the current generation! A$ter telling the# about di$$erent ter#s' they understood the book #ore! 3or #y instructional procedure ne/t ti#e' I (ould do the sentence #atching (ith students as another activity to introduce the lesson or as a (ay to get students into partner groups $or the <ou .o section o$ the lesson! )hey (ere very e$$ective! )hey helped #e to understand (hich students kno( ho( to identi$y cause and e$$ect and (hich do not! )o help students better de#onstrate their learning' ne/t ti#e I (ould have students create a skit or a song about cause and e$$ect as a e/tension! )his lesson de#onstrated #y gro(th as a teacher in relation to ID)A%, standard G= I (anted students to really $eel co#$ortable enough to share their responses! I encouraged students to have a (illing and eager attitude like so#e o$ their class#ates! &oth (hole group and partner groups (ere used in this lesson! I (anted students to $eel co#$ortable (orking (ith each other (hile they (ere co#ing up (ith their o(n responses on their investigation sheets! &y having students (ork together' I (anted to pro#ote a positive social interaction and student

(re6uired $or port$olio)

engage#ent! Any ans(er that students gave throughout the day' I did not directly e/press to the# that they (ere (rong' I tried to help the# curve their response to(ards being even better!

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