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How to make Building more resistant to Earthquakes (Safety precautions)

When we come to think and talk about earthquakes, we say and realise how dangerous these natural disasters can be. They can leave cities devastated and completely destroyed. Millions of lives are lost during the transfusion of this phenomenon and prices have to be paid after all is over. Building ruins are everywhere piled up; only lucky and strong houses stay standing up. People can be buried underneath these ruins and die sooner or later if they dont get rescued in time, some even stay in this situation for days. Internationally, countries are taking several steps to address this issue once and for all. Buildings are mainly built to resist theyre own weight, this includes people in it and furniture, against the ground. When this one moves roughly, it causes walls to crack and fall apart crashing on the ground with the rest of its unbalanced weight. Bars which are around the building to support it, arent flexible enough to bend which causes it to collapse completely (flexible steel bars). There are many engineering techniques which can create a strong, enduring quake proof building. Even the best engineered can suffer damage if the ground movement is strong, so what architects and engineers have to take in notice when designing a building is to tie the walls, floor,
roof, and foundations into a rigid box that holds together when shaken by a quake. Also, its better to build the base of your house under the ground so your home doesnt get to much of a side impact which makes the whole building shake and fall. If you build a typical type of house with bricked walls and a straight through roof at the top, its likelier that if theres an earthquake going on, the roof will fall on top of you in a matter of seconds and squash you. Buildings have to meet all requirements, like for example over the past 30 years, engineers have constructed skyscrapers that float on systems of ball bearings, springs and padded cylinders, just like this one:

Acting like dampers in a car, these systems allow the building to be disconnected from the shaking of the ground and by this create a much safer environment where people can live in tranquility without any disturbances. Overall, there still doesnt really exist anti quake building which after seismic waves travelling through the ground and moving the earths crusts, will stay intact and with no damage. Although this is the case, here I talked about some ways you could build your home to make it safer and take precautions. Ways in which you can cushion the impact.

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