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Release Notes 6.2.1 Service Pack 1

Release 2007

Copyright 1988 - 2006, Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be prvided or otherwise made available without proper authorization.

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Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Contractor Rights in Technical Data clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, subparagraph (b) of the Rights in Computer Software or Computer Software Documentation clause at DFARS 252.227-7014, subparagraphs (b)(1) and (2) of the License clause at DFARS 252.227-7015, or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software---Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Unpublished---rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001

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All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in your purchase contract, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 Date: 15-DEC-06

MSC-No. Cust.Ref.No Type

2441 TR-MA2441 / 1-44291446 Bug Fix

Form C.20.03. Warehouse, Location and Status will be taken over into the Inventory Receipts block from the MRR header. C.20.03 - Warehouse, Location and Status will be taken over into the Inventory Receipts block from the MRR header. When deleting an MCS to that at least one item shipment has been assigned (screen P.70.72 Expediting Details, folder 'MCS') you are now informed of that fact and asked whether you wish to continue. If you do not continue the MCS will not be deleted and you can check the data in detail if you want. Screen B.20.01. Added missing subclassed Visual Attribute in module. S.30.03 - Now preventing ORA-1403 when no rule code defined for part. If you use the supplier log on you get to screen P.30.27 Commercial Evaluation for Bidders. If you go from P.30.27 to any other screen you now get back to P.30.27 when closing that other screen. So far you always returned to the log on screen instead. Several BOM reports revised. Screen A.60.06, Error message for 'Count' gives detailed error information. Screen S.01.01 MLCL Explorer. GLobals will be stored in the form to avoid changing the values in other forms with impact on S.01.01. Screen C.20.04. The OSD quantity and type is incorrect if user uses [Auto create OSDs] in C.20.04. This Fix correct the calculation of the OS&D quantity if a package has been selected in C.20.04. PDMS.10.01 PBOR1 to PBOR3 now insertable. Screen C.20.04, Changes on Post-Query Trg of Block IRC.



Bug Fix



Change Request



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

2778 2784

TR-MA2778 / 1-50684621 TR-MA2784

Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

2798 2814

Bug Fix TR-MA2798 TR-MA2814 / Bug Fix CTCI-SITE-PR-

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd


004 TR-MA2830

Bug Fix

Screen AS.10.03 and package m_pck_price_import revised to make the loading of prices working properly. C.20.02 - changed visual attribute group property of canvases.



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

Key-Help-Trigger on block level in B.20.01.11 removed so that online help is now working Project default ZB_DELALL deleted Online help for A2012 references to ZB_DELALL removed Package m_pck_uom revised, convert number to character to avoid ora-1722. When building spec item idents , the size range check for input1 is now done using m_pck_sort_fncs.m_sort. R.30.01. Cut and paste now also handle 'not in scope' RLI's where only query conditions and/or attributes are different. Project Default ZI_PDMS_OB modified, when choosing option 4 the PDMS Spec file will list the spec items in numerical order of the nominal size. Fixed a MTO problem by disabling VID2791 changes. Screens P.30.01 and P.30.04, .removed condition against inquiry in P.30.04 and P.30.01. You are now able to create a supplement for an order which are based on an inquriy and have canceled quaitities. Screen S.20.02. On-Error-Trigger included in block DTT (Copy Table) to display error messages. Modifications Functional Spec Definition S.50.15/S.50.16 S.50.15 - Error removed that prevented from using the same tabfolder in different functional groups - When entering default table detail now correct error message S.50.16 Window 1 - At program start warnings are displayed when required project defaults are not set



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

2845 2846

TR-MA2845 TR-MA2846

Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd

- Checkbox 'Changed' renamed to 'Modified' to correspond with values in Status field - Spec type change sets correct folders visible when scrolling up or down - Validations for input of commodity group, part and commodity code corrected - After update of record in functional sections corresponding worklist records are deleted S.50.16 Window 2 - Clear Worklist button deletes all records on the worklist - When creating spec item error message is displayed when duplicate size ranges exist S.50.16 Translated descriptions - Layout modified to be consistent with S.50.06 Synonyms for tables m_spec_func_... corrected for 6.2 2848.1 TR-MA2848 Bug Fix In S.50.15 deletion of records in the table section is now prevented if they are already used in a spec definition in S.50.16. The same check is done for use of fields commodity group, part , commodity code. Error in creation of specs when building spec header geometrics removed. Screen L.20.01. In a new NLS record for process lines description is not reset to short description when validating the record. If you were already logged on in MARIAN, have returned to the log on screen, mistyped your password for three times and received a new password via email you will now leave the MARIAN application and the log on screen when selecting option 'Yes' when asked whether you want to close the log on screen. So far you were returned to the previous session. Only if you had not been logged on successfully before you left the application. Screen C.20.03. Reduction of mrr_number LOV. Data with recv_type = 'A' (Package Receiving) won't be displayed anymore. Report C.40.R.11: Reporting data have been revised, only PO Line items from the selected PO's will be displayed as receivings. Information Reserved Quantity and Issued Quantity (Inventory information) have been deleted from the report, as they are not meaningfull in the context of this report.



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd



Bug Fix

Report C.30.R.03, changed printout for unavailable positions. Screen C.20.22.02. Changes on 'Populate by Tree'. L.20.01 Replaced error message FRM-50016 with MAR10131 Value not numeric. When pressing button 'Query' in screen P.60.11 Proc/Req Status Overview data are now queried for immediately. So far data in the second block were only displayed if either the button was pressed twice or if the button was accessed via key-board (tab key) and not via mouse-click. Screen SP3D.10.07. Schedule source "Spec Item Schedule 1" returns no value. This bug has been fixed. Report P.50.R.10B. Version 5 of this report. Deleted restriction poli.qty <> 0 from report. Added color to frame around attached documents. If screen P.70.72 Expediting Details is called from P.70.61 Logistics Overview the message regarding an object that cannot be found does not appear any longer. If screen P.70.72 Expediting Details is first called from P.70.71 for an order A and later on from P.70.61 for an order B the message of an invalid value for a specific field does not appear any longer. When directly creating a PO requisition from an inquiryonly requisition (P.30.01 -> Inquiry Cycle -> Create PO Req -> P.30.05 -> Create PO Req/Inquiry) the attachments of the inquiry-only requisition on header level are now taken over to the updated/new PO requisition. Screen R.30.06, Fixed exception handler. Screen R.30.06, Fixed exception handler. Menu, own stacked role will not be longer deleted. Removal of non existing blocks MCG and MP in AdminTables for module S.80.01. Screen S.80.01, Fastcall functionality for autoquery in called modules restored for Group, Part, Commodity Code.

2870 2871 2872

TR-MA2870 / 1-51485211 TR-MA2871 TR-MA2872

Bug Fix Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix


TR-MA2888 / 1-51577077

Bug Fix

2889 2889.1 2894 2898

TR-MA2889 TR-MA2889 / 1-51667421 TR-MA2894 TR-MA2898

Bug Fix Bug Fix Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd



Bug Fix

P.50.07 When adding a requisition to an order the system now also checks previous supplements for the material to be added. So far this was not done. This could lead to double position numbers if the material could only be found on a previous supplement but not on the actual one.



Bug Fix

When adding a requisition to an order the system now also checks previous supplements for the material to be added. So far this was not done. This could lead to double position numbers if the material could only be found on a previous supplement but not on the actual one. Change key on table m_manual_cip_execs to cascade delete. When manually entering a VDR in screen D.40.21 Attached VDRs (i.e. when not using the LOV) other data manually entered / overwritten are now kept. So far data such as a changed distribution category were lost when saving. Screen S.40.10. Duplicate record of existing records copies values stored in database. Rebuild check constraint to avoid error message in Screen C.20.05. A.30.14 - Functionality was refering to forms only, opened through menu form. As Forms are also opened through other forms, now forms are "detected" inside library. Two applications added to licensecount exclusion list. Menu: Query for user menu was corrected, as well as the unique keys for the user menus. Small bugs in the context menus to create My Menu entries have been corrected. Screen S.10.01, correct version of s1001.fmx implemented. P.30.03. Before actually processing the line items of a requisition in screen P.30.03 Inquiry Assignment a check is now performed whether an inquiry has been selected for all line items. If this is not the case a warning is raised. You have then to decide whether you want to continue nevertheless or if you want to stop the process to assign



Bug Fix


TR-MA2906 / 1-51670072

Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

2917 2918

TR-MA2917 TR-MA2918

Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Change Request

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd

an inquiry to the affected lines. 2932 2934 TR-MA2932 TR-MA2934 Bug Fix Bug Fix Parameter insertskripts created for XLS interface. In screen R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions comments are now also available for requisition headers. So far they were only available for line items. When moving from field to field in folder 'Line Items', adding new positions and entering ident codes or commodity codes the contents of field 'Part' is now no longer removed when leaving field 'Group'.



Bug Fix

A.60.07 - The online help is now available for all fields.



Bug Fix

The new inquiry supplement handling is now taken into account when calculating the total line item costs in folder 'Awarding' in screen P.30.22 Commercial Evaluation. So far this was not done leading to the effect that costs were displayed for the wrong supplement. S.50.R.11 LOV definition for parameter P_SPECT_ID uses now mvpr_spec_headers instead of m_spec_headers Report R.30.R.12. Revised layout problem, Dateformat implemented for Datefields, Layout made nicer. If a user does not have the rights to call a screen this screen will be closed after a corresponding message (MAR-10706) has been displayed. The message box offering the option not to close the screen ('Do you want to close the screen?') does not appear any longer. C.20.22.01 Check of higher issue status. Tuning lookup against idents. P.70.31 - Message 'FRM-40405: No changes to apply.' is now suppressed and does not appear any longer in screen P.70.31 Shipment Groups. Improved performance of building idents from S.50.06. R.10.47 - activated qms$event ( 'WHEN-NEW-FORMINSTANCE' ) in forms trigger When-New-form-instance. Now it is possible to assign different fields with same



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

2951 2955

TR-MA2951 TR-MA2955

Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd

prompts to a configuration in screen A.30.13 Configurations. 2958 TR-MA2958 / CTCI-MSCMPR-035 Bug Fix Now you can reverse the approval of quotes for that PO requisitions belonging to the same MTO type as the associated inquiry requisition(s) exist but that have not been created by functionality 'Create PO Req'. Form S.40.10. Update of geom details input/output values to 0 now working. P.50.07 - The views that are used for displaying the attachments of requisitions, inquiries, quotes, orders and their details have been tuned. Form S.10.03. Field dsp_sp3d_partclass maximum lenght increased to 2000. When creating a new requisition supplement in screen R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions the language dependent descriptions for attached text and terms are now taken over from the previous requisition supplement and no longer from the text and term itself as defined in screen D.10.11 Text and Terms. When a user tries to call screen R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions the system now checks whether this user has all rights to view the selected requisition. If the user is not allowed to see the requisition a corresponding message will appear. So far R.30.01 was called nevertheless and came up with several error messages. If you try to move a requisition in R.30.01 between nodes of different disciplines data are not saved any longer after message MAR-25506 has been shown. A commit is now only possible after you have entered a valid different node.



Bug Fix



Change Request



Bug Fix


TR-MA2966 / 1-51953022

Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

PDMS.10.01 - Changed handling of enable/disable button.



Bug Fix

Package M_PCK_MILESTONES revised to improve performance of P.50.07 when saving changes. P.70.72 - Field 'IRC Number' and the populate button in folder 'Release Notes' of screen P.70.72 Expediting Details are no longer available for release notes that have already been approved.



Bug Fix

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd



Bug Fix

If the only changes of a requisition supplement consist in changes in the attachments on header level screen P.30.02 Order Creation Results is now called (again) instead of screen P.30.04 Order Assignment when selecting option 'Create Supplement' for the order cycle (screen P.30.01 Requisition Workload). A.60.06 - The online help now works for all fields.



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

P50R10B: Correction of display of header other costs, if no line item exist and changed spelling of sellers to Seller's P50R10: changed spelling of sellers to Seller's and minor changes in frames for po/poli oth costs Form S.40.10. Error message FRM-50016 when saving geom details removed. S.50.16 - Errors removed occuring when calling online help. Form S.20.09. Table name field now in uppercase The online help is now working for all fields of screen A.10.39 Delivery Designations Query for user menu was corrected, as well as the unique keys for the user menus. Small bugs in the context menus to create My Menu entries have been corrected. License Handling. Increased the client-name variable to 500. Changed variable :global.name of Reports B305031,B305032,B305033,B305034 to uppercase, to match requirements of license handling. S.40.05 Assignment of default values for Enter Ranges modified. The values are always taken from the CURRENT record of geom branch details (current record indicator). P.30.01: If material can be found on a requisition which has been released to procurement for the first time but the material was already included on a previous requisition supplement screen P.30.03 Inquiry Assignment is now called when selecting option 'Create (Inquiry) Supplement' in screen P.30.01 Requisition Workload. This is necessary to avoid that a complete



Bug Fix



Bug Fix

2998 3000 3002

TR-MA2998 TR-MA3000 TR-MA3002

Bug Fix Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix



Bug Fix


TR-MA3032 / 1-52132317

Bug Fix

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd

different, new inquiry is created (which seems to be a supplement to the previous inquiry but in fact is not). In P.30.03 you can then assign an inquiry to the new material and a (real) inquiry supplement will be created. 3033 TR-MA3033 Bug Fix Now you can use the supplier log on also for suppliers with names that are longer than 10 characters. Menu entries in screen A.30.01 have been corrected for screen A.10.23 Companies. Message 'Unable to resolve reference to item CTRL.ATTRIBUTES' does not appear any longer when calling A.10.23 in read-only mode. zip.class revised. Logon Form:MAR-05103 Message was implemented (Login not possible, user unknown), field is now disabled after pressing Enter, changing Project/product_group of pressing enter after insert of User, Password, Database. Revised value of old password and changed :global.user when cancel button was pressed.


TR-MA3048 / 1-52201509

Bug Fix

3050 381

TR-MA3050 TR-MA381

Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix

Release of missing MARREP.PLL, gif- ,bmp-, jpg-files, needed for the standard reports. Release of gif files for Report A.60.R.35, located in folder MARIAN_Homerepgifs on the Application Server. Missing grants for M_SYS created. Reports A.60.R.35 and A.60.R.70 revised to be in line with MARIAN 2007. Screen R.20.01. Tuning of query against idents and commodity codes in second window. Several prompts corrected. Missing screen D.40.21 added. SAP Interface Modules released. D.40.21 revised NLS functionality. Minor fixes in SP3D IF - verification checks for existence of valveoperators and some more - it is possible to omit table detail and table group in t bl d t il i



Bug Fix

8504 8505

8504 8505

Bug Fix Bug Fix



Bug Fix

8507 8508 8509 8510 8511

8507 8508 8509 8510 8511

Bug Fix Bug Fix Bug Fix Bug Fix Bug Fix

Service Pack: 1 Version: 6.2.1 cont'd

- nominal size table from spec idents does no longer regard bolts/nuts/gaskets/washers - spec items can now be exported in a schedule-changeexplosion mode for all components, not only short code piping 8812 8812 Bug Fix Some minor problems were fixed for the Aplication server Installation wizard MITFOAS. Please use the new version appserverbinmitfoas if a new applicationserver has to be

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