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Module commonsdialog reference Module gvsig reference o gvSIG Documents reference o Vectorial data reference o Simbology reference Module geom reference

Module commonsdialog reference

Contents Module commonsdialog o Window message, msgbox o Confirm window, confirmDialog o In ut window , in utbox Module commonsdialog Window message, msgbox S!ows window message wit! ace t button only" msgbox#message $, title, message%y e&'

msgbox#message $, title, message%y e&' o aram message( %ext to s!ow o ty e message( string o aram title #o tional'( Window title" o ty e title( string o message%y e, integer $)*+,ID-./ ID-0/ W0+.I.G/ 12-S%I*.&( S!ow window icon to em !asi3e message" +econi3ed constant values )*+,ID-.( )orbiden symbol ID-0( 4am symbol W0+.I.G( Warning symbol 12-S%I*.( 5uestion symbol

Confirm window, confirmDialog S!ows a message to t!e user to c!oose one o tion confirmDialog#message, $title, o tion%y e, message%y e&'

confirmDialog#message, $title, o tion%y e, message%y e&' o aram message( %ext to s!ow o ty e message( string o aram title #o tional'( Window title" o ty e title( string o o tion%y e, integer $6-S7.* / 6-S7.*7C0.C-4 / 0C-8%7C0.C-4& #o tional'( ,uttons to s!ow 6-S7.*( 6es9no buttons" 6-S7.*7C0.C-4( yes9no9cancel buttons" 0C-8%7C0.C-4( acce t9cancel buttons" o ty e message%y e( integer o aram message%y e $)*+,ID-. / ID-0 / W0+.I.G / 12-S%I*.& #o tional'( S!ow window icon to em !asi3e message" )*+,ID-.( )orbiden symbol ID-0( 4am symbol W0+.I.G( Warning symbol 12-S%I*.( 5uestion symbol

Input window , inputbox Dis lays an in ut box to as: t!e user to enter a string in utbox#message, $title, message%y e, initialValue&'

in utbox#message, $title, message%y e, initialValue&' o aram message( %ext to s!ow o ty e message( string o aram title #o tional'( Window title" o ty e message%y e( integer o aram message%y e $)*+,ID-. / ID-0 / W0+.I.G / 12-S%I*.& #o tional'( S!ow window icon to em !asi3e message" )*+,ID-.( )orbiden symbol

o o

ID-0( 4am symbol W0+.I.G( Warning symbol 12-S%I*.( 5uestion symbol aram initialValue( Initial text to s!ow in t!e text area ty e initialValue( string


Module gvsig reference

gvSIG Documents reference class Project epresents a gvSIG project

getView#$name&'( +eturn active view, view called =name= or .one o aram name( #* tional' View name o ty e name( string get%able#$name&'( +eturn active %able Document, or %able Document called =name= or .one o aram name( #* tional' %able Document name o ty e name( string get8ro>ectionCode#'( +eturn 8ro>ect ro>ection name

class !iew epresents gvSIG view document

get4ayer#$name&'( +eturn one of t!e view layers documents" If name is .one return active view layer if t!e view !as one" If name is not .one return view layer called name" -lse return .one" o aram name( #* tional' View name o ty e name( string getMa #'( +eturn view ma Context add4ayer#layer'( 0dd a gvSIG layer to t!e view o aram layer( layer to add o ty e name( layer get4ayers#'( +eturn iterable view layers set getGra !ics4ayer#'( +eturn view gra !ics layer

class "able epresents gvsig "ableDocument It is able to manage its own data set

features#$ex resion&'(+eturn table features set o aram ex resion( #* tional' )ilter to a t!at matc! wit! ex ression o ty e ex resion( string o return( )eatureSet edit#'( Set data store in edition mode a

ly to t!e feature set to select determinates features

end#values'( Create a new feature from given values and insert it in t!e feature set o aram values( dictionary wit! name ro erty value or list named arams o ty e values( dict

u dateSc!ema#sc!ema'( 2 date table data definition wit! sc!ema" o aram sc!ema( Modified table sc!ema o ty e sc!ema( -ditable Sc!ema u date#feature'( 2 date exist feature in t!e layer featureSet o aram feature( )eature to modify in data set o ty e feature( )eature getSc!ema#'( +eturn layer sc!ema definition commit#'( )inis! layer edition abort#'( Cancel layer edition getSelection#'( +eturn layer features selected set

class #a$er epresents gvsig view la$er " It is also is able to manage its own data set

features#$ex resion&'( +eturn layer features set o aram ex resion( #* tional' )ilter to a t!at matc! wit! ex ression

ly to t!e feature set to select determinates features

o o

ty e ex resion( string return( )eatureSet

edit#'( Set data store in edition mode end#values'( Create a new feature from given values and insert it in t!e feature set o aram values( dictionary wit! name ro erty value or list named arams o ty e values( dict

u dateSc!ema#sc!ema'( 2 date table data definition wit! sc!ema" o aram sc!ema( Modified table sc!ema o ty e sc!ema( -ditable Sc!ema u date#editable)eature'( 2 date exist feature in t!e layer featureSet o aram editable)eature( editable)eature o ty e editable)eature( @ava editable)eature getSc!ema#'( +eturn layer sc!ema definition commit#'( )inis! layer edition abort#'( Cancel layer edition getSelection#'( +eturn layer features selected set #)eatureSet' get%y eVector4ayer#'( +eturn layer geometry ty e"

Documents util %unctions

current8ro>ect#'( +eturn t!e current gvSIG royect currentDocument#'( +eturn t!e current active document #View or %ableDocument' currentView#'( +eturn t!e current active view document or .one" If no view active view raise +untime-xce tion current4ayer#'( +eturn current view active layer

!ectorial data reference

class "able epresents gvsig "ableDocument It is able to manage its own data set

features#$ex resion&'( +eturn table features set o aram ex resion( #* tional' )ilter to a t!at matc! wit! ex ression o ty e ex resion( string o return( )eatureSet edit#'( Set data store in edition mode a

ly to t!e feature set to select determinates features

end#values'( Create a new feature from given values and insert it in t!e feature set o aram values( dictionary wit! name ro erty value or list named arams o ty e values( dict

u dateSc!ema#sc!ema'( 2 date table data definition wit! sc!ema" o aram sc!ema( Modified table sc!ema o ty e sc!ema( -ditable Sc!ema u date#feature'( 2 date exist feature in t!e layer featureSet o aram feature( )eature to modify in data set o ty e feature( )eature getSc!ema#'( +eturn layer sc!ema definition commit#'( )inis! layer edition abort#'( Cancel layer edition getSelection#'( +eturn layer features selected set

class #a$er epresents gvsig view la$er " 0lso is able to manage its own data set

features#$ex resion&'( +eturn layer features set o aram ex resion( #* tional' )ilter to a t!at matc! wit! ex ression o ty e ex resion( string o return( )eatureSet edit#'( Set data store in edition mode a

ly to t!e feature set to select determinates features

end#values'( Create a new feature from given values and insert it in t!e feature set o aram values( dictionary wit! name ro erty value or list named arams o ty e values( dict

u dateSc!ema#sc!ema'( 2 date table data definition wit! sc!ema" o aram sc!ema( Modified table sc!ema o ty e sc!ema( -ditable Sc!ema u date#editable)eature'( 2 date exist feature in t!e layer featureSet o aram editable)eature( editable)eature o ty e editable)eature( @ava editable)eature getSc!ema#'( +eturn layer sc!ema definition commit#'( )inis! layer edition abort#'( Cancel layer edition getSelection#'( +eturn layer features selected set #)eatureSet' get%y eVector4ayer#'( +eturn layer geometry ty e"

class %eatureSet eturn #a$er&"able set of features

getCount#'( +eturn set number of ocurrences

class %eature epresents la$er&table feature data

geometry#'( +eturn feature default geometry getValues#'( +eturn dictionary wit! :ey name ro erty and value of t!e feature attributes edit#'( +eturn editable feature instance C)IDM-

class Sc'ema #a$er&table feature definition

end#name, ty e$, si3e&$, default&'( 0dds ro erty to feature ro erties definition" o aram name( )eature ro erty name o ty e name( String o aram ty e( )eature ro erty ty e o ty e name( String o aram si3e( )eature ro erty si3e o ty e si3e( int o aram default( )eature ro erty default value o return( new atribute

get#name, defaultE.one'( 4oo:s for ro erty name named and if not find it return default" +eturn a feature attribute descri tor t!at contains information about one of t!e attributes in a feature, suc! as its name, data ty e or recision" o aram name( 8ro erty name o ty e name( string o aram default( +eturn value if not find ro erty name o ty e value( *b>ect o return( 0ttributeDescri tor modify#'( set definition in edition mode to add new ro erties getCo y#'( +eturn sc!ema co y

!ectorial data util functions

createSc!ema#$sc!ema&'( +eturn layer definition" If sc!ema is not .one t!e definition is used to create new sc!ema o aram sc!ema( #* tional' o ty e( sc!ema( Sc!ema createS!a e#definition, filename, geometry%y e$, C+S&'( Create a new s!a e layer" If C+S is not defined will use GwsgH?G o aram definition( layer data definition o ty e definition( Sc!ema o aram filename( absolute at! for s!a e files" o ty e filename( string o aram geometry%y e( geometry ty e for s!a e o ty e geometry%y e( string o aram C+S( 8ro>ection name o ty e C+S( string o return( new s!a e layer o rty e( 4ayer createD,)#definition, Dbf)ile$, C+S&'( Create a new dbf file t!at could be added to t!e gvSIG ro>ect as a %ableDocument o aram definition( layer data definition o ty e definition( Sc!ema o aram Dbf)ile( absolute at! for s!a e files" o ty e Dbf)ile( string o aram geometry%y e( geometry ty e for s!a e o ty e geometry%y e( string o return( new dbf o rty e( %able

Simbolog$ reference

Sim le symbology simbols Simple s$mbolog$ simbols

Sim le8ointSymbol#color'( +eturn sim le oint symbol using arameter color o aram color( Color name o return( gvSIG oint symbol Sim le4ineSymbol#color'( +eturn sim le line symbol using arameter color o aram color( Color name o return( gvSIG line symbol

Sim le8oligonSymbol#color'( +eturn sim le oligon symbol using arameter color o aram color( Color name o return( gvSIG oligon symbol Module geom reference Contents

Commons geometries met!ods Geometry ty es o 8oint o 4ine o 8olygon o Multigeometry o Geometry util functions

.ote %o get more information about Geometry met!ods see Geometry >avadoc Commons geometries met'ods Interface Geometry( %!is interface is e5uivalent to t!e GM7*b>ect s ecified in IS* 1I1JF" 0 geometric ob>ect s!all be a combination of a coordinate geometry and a coordinate reference system"

area#'( +eturn geometry area buffer#distance'( Com utes a buffer area around t!is geometry !aving t!e given widt! centroid#'( +eturn geometry centroid distance#geometry'( +eturns t!e minimum distance between t!is Geometry and t!e s ecified geometry" get-nvelo e#'( +eturns t!e minimum bounding box for t!is Geometry" getGeometry%y e#'( Instance of t!e Geometry%y e associated to t!is geometry getDimension#'( +eturns t!e largest number n suc! t!at eac! direct osition in a geometric set can be associated wit! a subset t!at !as t!e direct osition in its interior and is similar #isomor !ic' to +n, -uclidean nKs ace

Geometr$ t$pes Point %!is interface is e5uivalent to t!e GM78oint s ecified in IS* 1I1JF" It is one of t!e basic data ty e for a geometric ob>ect consisting of one and only one oint" %!ey do not !ave volume, area, lengt!, or any ot!er !ig!erKdimensional analogue"

getD#'( +eturns t!e D coordinate get6#'( +eturns t!e 6 coordinate getCoordinate0t#dimension'( Gets t!e coordinate in a concrete dimension o aram dimension( Dimension coordinate to get o ty e dimension( integer o allowed values( JED, 1E6, ;EL setD#value'( Sets t!e D coordinate o aram value( Value of t!e dimension D o ty e value( double set6#value'( Sets t!e 6 coordinate o aram value( Value of t!e dimension 6 o ty e value( double setCoordinate0t#dimension, value'( Sets a ordinate in a concrete dimension o aram dimension( Dimension coordinate to set o ty e dimension( integer o aram value( Value of t!e dimension o ty e value( double

#ine %!is interface is e5uivalent to t!e GM7*rientableCurve s ecified in IS* 1I1JF" Curves are continuous, connected, and !ave a measurable lengt! in terms of t!e coordinate system"

addVertex# oint'( 0dds a vertex to t!e curve o aram oint( 8oint to add4ayer o ty e( 8oint get.umVertices#'( Gets t!e number of vertex of t!e curve getVertex#index'( Gets a vertex o aram index( Geometry vertex index o ty e index( integer

Pol$gon %!is interface is e5uivalent to t!e GM7Surface s ecified in IS* 1I1JF" %!is is t!e basis for ;Kdimensional geometry

addVertex# oint'( 0dds a vertex to t!e curve o aram oint( 8oint to add4ayer o ty e( 8oint get.umVertices#'( Gets t!e number of vertex of t!e curve getVertex#index'( Gets a vertex o aram index( Geometry vertex index o ty e index( integer getSurface0 setSurface0 earance#'( Gets surface a earance#a earance earance earance'( Sets surface a

Multigeometr$ %!is interface is e5uivalent to t!e GM70ggregate s ecified in IS* 1I1JF

get8rimitive0t#int i'( +eturns one of t!e 8rimitive=s t!at is in a concrete osition" K aram i( geometry osition K ty e i( integer get8rimitives.umber#'( +eturns t!e number of 8rimitive=s t!at com oses t!is multi geometry"

Geometr$ util functions

createGeometry#ty e$, subty e&'( Create a new geometry wit! a concrete ty e and subty e


o o o o o o

aram ty e( geometry ty e ty e ty e( integer aram subty e( #* tional' geometry subty e ty e ty e( integer return( geometry rty e( Geometry

create8oint#$x&$, y&$, subty e&'( Create a new oint wit! a subty e dimensions and sets t!e value for =D= and =6= coordinates" If is used wit!out arameters will return new 8oint;D wit! #J,J' coordinates o aram x(#* tional' D coordinate value o ty e x( double o aram y(#* tional' 6 coordinate value o ty e y( double o aram subty e( #* tional' geometry dimensions o ty e( integer o return( 8oint o rty e( 8oint createMulti8oint# oints$, subty e&'( Create a new multi oint wit! a subty e from a list values of D and 6 li:e #$x1, y1&, $x;, y;&, """", $xn, yn&' o aram oints( list of tu les wit! D and 6 values o ty e oints( list o aram subty e( #* tional' geometry dimensions o ty e( integer o return( multi oint o rty e( multi oint


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