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My name is deborah kay swan. This document ser es as my o! a!!ida it o! truth to be "ut in the "ub#ic record. These #isted "ub#ic ser ants a#on$ with innumerab#e others ha e not !o##owed their !iduciary duties nor ha e they u"he#d their oath o! o!!ice. They ha e abused their "ositions and "ut #i es in dan$er. %e the &eo"#e ha e $ranted these "ub#ic ser ants the "ri i#e$e to be "#aced in these im"ortant "ositions within our communities to make sure our 'ustice system is run within its ri$ht!u# authority. A "ub#ic ser ant is not authori(ed by the "osition they ser e to o er ste" their "owers within their "ositions) or i$nore the oath they took. %hen a io#ation occurs it is u" to *%e the &eo"#e+ to make a "ub#ic record o! these io#ations and ho#d these "ub#ic ser ants accountab#e. The "ower is within the &eo"#e) De#e$ated and trans!erred to you the reci"ient and a## ho#din$ a "osition o! &ub#ic Trust to read and acknow#ed$e and acce"t thereby $i in$ !u## !aith and credit un#ess rebutted by a!!ida it) e idence and truth. ,our ob#i$ations under your oath to ho#d !u##y accountab#e those that ha e acted outside o! their authori(ed s"ecia# "owers o! a$ency !or and o! The &eo"#e. To take "ro"er action to ha#t) sto") stand down any and a## un#aw!u# actions on$oin$ and-or resu#tin$ !rom the unauthori(ed actions) documents) or other causin$ the chain o! e ents inscribe herein.

On Au$ust 1.) /011 around 1200 AM) I was dee" in s#ee" when I was sudden#y awoken to bri$ht #i$hts in my eyes and then yanked out o! the to" bunk to the !#oor. %hen my !eet hit the !#oor I was ab#e to see armed men with wea"ons that a""eared to be AR134s and immediate#y I was to#d to turn around and "ut my hands behind my back. I then !e#t this *$esta"o5 man) who 'ust "u##ed me o!! my bunk !rom a dead s#ee") "ut handcu!!s on my wrists. I said to 6im who was as#ee" in the #ower bunk) that I was bein$ arrested. I was then to#d to turn back around and stay c#ose as this armed man $rabbed my cu!!ed wrists and "ushed me throu$h a## the commotion down the ha##way and out the !ront door. A#on$ the way I saw about 13 more o! these armed men in !u## $ear with #i$hts attached to their he#mets. They a## were takin$ other $uests !rom their s#ee"in$ s"aces to outside in the !ront yard o! the acation home in Destine F#orida.. As it turned out I was the on#y one restrained with handcu!!s. I was taken to an unmarked car that had about 7 men dressed in street c#oths) with side arms a## standin$ waitin$ to s"eak with me. Two o! these men came direct#y to me and the !irst thin$ they did was ho#d a "icture o! a #i in$ man known to me to be ca##ed 8har#es Dyer in my !ace and asked me i! I knew where he was. I was ne er read any ri$hts) Miranda or otherwise. I was not taken to a ma$istrate and I asked i! they had a warrant) they did not res"ond. I was to#d I was not under arrest) but I was bein$ 9detained9. I automatica##y be#ie ed they had some ty"e o! warrant or authori(ation on#y because o! how many o!!icers and :%AT that were inside the house on the "ro"erty and how they handcu!!ed me. Howe er) no warrant or other authori(ation was e er shown) re!erenced or e;"ressed. They "roceeded to <uestion me whi#e under threat) duress and coercion a!ter bein$ assau#ted) un#aw!u##y detained and !orced to $o and do a$ainst my !ree wi##) c#ear io#ations o! #i!e #iberty and "ursuit o! ha""iness. One o! the !irst <uestions that I was asked was) who the !ami#y is that #e!t at three =>? I was immediate#y worried when they mentioned this and I e;"#ained that it was my boy!riend 6im4s brother 6ake and his !ami#y $oin$ back to Te;as ear#y. I asked about them and was assured that they were !ine. I #earned #ater what had ha""ened. Thou$h under threat) duress and coercion sti## I answered their <uestions the best I cou#d bein$ in !ear !or e eryone sa!ety. I to#d them that to my know#ed$e 98har#es Dyer9 was not in F#orida :tate and I had no idea where he was or how to $et in contact with him) which is a## true. The men accostin$ me and intimidatin$ me "ersisted in their intimidation re<uirin$ me to te## what I did not know) the whereabouts o! the #i in$ man known as 8har#es Dyer. These two =/? unidenti!ied men) one that was ery ta## with brown hair and #ar$e bui#d and "#ayed 9bad co"9 routine) and the other is about 34109 white or b#ond hair who "#ayed 9$ood co"9 routine) and the on#y one that wou#d $i e me his name and number #ater was) 6ames :tewart @30A1>/A>1B7 o! the FCI. Coth a""eared to me to be in their #ate 10s or ear#y !i!ties. They ke"t !irin$ <uestions at me o er and o er a$ain o! the whereabouts o! 8har#es Dyer and !ina##y asked me to "ro e I did not know where he

was. I said How can I "ro e somethin$ that is not trueD They asked i! I had a ce## "hone and re<uested to #ook at my ce## "hone record. They took me by the arm causin$ me to wa#k where they "#eased o er to my :UV that was "arked outside the home. These unidenti!ied men then took the restraints o!! so I cou#d retrie e my "hone !rom the :UV. They then "roceeded to ha e me "u## u" my recent ca## records !rom my ce## "hone) which they wrote down. I was re#ie ed by them remo in$ the restraints. Cein$ that they were armed and that I had a#ready been assau#ted) !orced a$ainst my wi## at the "oint o! $uns and armed men) a#on$ with ha in$ my hands restrained and brou$ht into "ub#ic in my "a'amas) I did my best to satis!y their demands. Fee#in$ a bit more secure without restraints) I asked them to identi!y themse# es but on#y one man wrote the in!ormation on a "iece o! "a"er and

handed it to me. Fee#in$ a bit bo#der I asked !or identi!ication but was on#y ab#e to $et one name out o! a## o! these men. :"ecia# A$ent 6ames :tewart out o! &ensaco#a F#orida. I asked him why a## this e;cessi e use o! !orceD I e;"#ained to him that 8har#es Dyer had not been !ound $ui#ty o! any crime. I asked him when did the FED: $et in o# ed when it is a state issueD :"ecia# a$ent 6ames said that they recei ed a ca## !rom A$ent %estern with the Fawton FCI) and that 8har#es Dyer was armed with e;"#osi es and he was out to ki## "eo"#e. I ha e not seen nor heard o! any a!!ida it dec#arin$ this to ha e "ersona# know#ed$e that the man known as 8har#es Dyer was armed and intended to ki## "eo"#e. Ha in$ "ersona# know#ed$e o! this man I am assured that it is not his "ersona#ity to hurt or harm anyone) not his chi#d or anyone at a##. The !act that ten days #ater when he was taken into custody) was !ound co#d) tired and hun$ry and unarmed) a#idates this and re!utes the !raudu#ent c#aim by the domestic terrorists dis$uised as !edera# a$ents. Gettin$ my head back a #itt#e I asked how they entered the house without a warrant and 6ames :tewart said they were 9in ited inside9. A!ter a""ro;imate#y an hour o! bein$ im"osed u"on they #e!t. My boy!riend 6im came o er whi#e I was sittin$ in the car and I asked him) how on earth they $ot in the house without a warrant. 6im to#d me that his !ather Hed Cade who rented the acation home recei ed a ca## !rom his other son 6ake. 6ake to#d his !ather that he was on the side o! the road with a !#at tire and to "#ease come

and he#". %hen Hed o"ened the door to $o he#" his son and !ami#y on the side o! the road) the two men "retendin$ to be FCI a$ents with :%AT behind them he#d u" a "a"er with ima$es in the #ikeness o! DECORAH :%AH and 8HARFE: D,ER and asked him i! he knew either or both o! them. Hed said he knew Deborah :wan and she was in the house as#ee" but did not know 8har#es Dyer. The men said they needed to come into the house and insure that 8har#es Dyer was not in the house and Hed ste""ed aside. %hat e#se cou#d he do with 13 armed men "ointin$ $uns and not wantin$ any troub#e. Durin$ my con ersation) 6im to#d me that a sma## $rou" o! :%AT had 6ake and !ami#y he#d at $un"oint on the side o! the hi$hway !or a#most an hour on their way back to Te;as. 6ake and !ami#y #e!t F#orida around > am and a""arent#y the domestic terrorists in uni!orm !o##owed them out o! town. The :%AT =domestic terrorists? "u##ed the !ami#y o er and had them a## out o! the car with wea"ons "ointed at them. This was / adu#ts > sma## chi#dren. The entire time the domestic terrorists $oin$ by the name :%AT ne er #owered their wea"ons unti# the order came across that they were c#ear to #et this !ami#y $o. Once a$ain ha in$ no warrant or any #aw!u# authori(ation. They !ina##y #e!t a!ter coercin$ 6ake to ca## his !ather) wake Hed u" and #ie to him about ha in$ a !#at tire and needin$ he#") so that the door wou#d be o"ened and entry made under !a#se "retense) threat duress and im"osition. %hen his dad was #ea in$ the Destine house to $o meet his son to he#" chan$e a !#at tire) he o"ened the !ront door and was $reeted with AR134s and #i$hts sho ed in his !ace. This is how they $ot their so ca##ed in itation to come inside. E eryone had their #i es "ut in dan$er. I then rea#i(ed that this was a sta$ed e ent and they were tryin$ to "ro oke and insti$ate a scenario that wou#d resu#t in his death and remo e 8har#es Dyer and "ut a sto" to e;"osin$ the corru"tion o! $o ernment) and "romotin$ the 8onstitution and the oath o! o!!ice o! a## "ub#ic ser ants. I a#so to#d a$ent 6ames :tewart that this is cra(y and ne er be!ore had I e er heard o! a 9nation wide man hunt !or a man who has not e en been con icted o! any crime. About 10 minutes a!ter they #e!t and #earnin$ !rom 6im o! these detai#s) I recei ed a "hone ca## !rom A$ent Ien %estern out o! Fawton FCI in Ok#ahoma. I asked him what this was a## about and why does he !ee# #ike this is a## necessaryD %e had a 13 min con ersation and I recorded it. Cy this time I was boi#in$ mad at the im"osition) dan$er) embarrassment) de!amation) reck#ess endan$erment) intimidation by those sworn to "rotect a$ainst this ery thin$ ha""enin$)Durin$ this con ersation A$ent %estern te##s me that 8har#es needs to be !ound and he needs to show u" !or his court date) I e;"#ained to him how he did not $et a !air tria#) the :tates own DHA e idence that c#ear#y e;onerated him was not a##owed to be "resented to the 6ury at the !irst hearin$. His #i!e is under threat e idenced by his home bein$ burnt to the $round) and that this man+s #i!e is in dan$er. I to#d him I am in !ear !or the sa!ety !or a## "eo"#e who e en know 8har#es e idenced by this ear#y mornin$ raid without "robab#e cause) a!!ida it and warrant. I asked A$ent Ien %estern what was his 'urisdiction) and he i$nored my direct

<uestion. How is it "ossib#e to ha e a nationwide manhunt !or a man that is not con icted o! anythin$ and there is no warrant. 8har#es on#y needed to show u" !or a !uture court date is the <uestion that re ea#s that there is de!inite#y an un#aw!u# witch hunt bein$ "er"etrated by those Terrorists "osin$ as "ub#ic ser ants. 6im ke"t interru"tin$ this con ersation) te##in$ me to hurry u" and come inside so I cou#d answer <uestions and e;"#ain to the terrori(ed !ami#y) what the he## 'ust ha""ened. I was so humi#iated.I was asked to "ack my ba$s and #ea e the acation home. Hed Cade was ery disturbed with what a## had ha""ened. 6im4s sister 6u#ie was terri!ied o! what was to#d to her by a man "osin$ as a de"uty about 8har#es Dyer. I say 9"osin$ as9 because it is se#! e ident that a "erson sworn to "rotect the Fi!e Fiberty and "ursuit o! Ha""iness wou#d and cou#d not by the bounds o! the "osition itse#! ) do these acts I am attestin$ to. There!ore they must be im"osters and these im"osters were im"osin$. %hi#e I was bein$ <uestioned) 6u#ie had her baby in her arms) @ month o#d) had asked one o! the de"uties what did 8har#es Dyer doD 6u#ie was to#d that *8har#es Dyer was armed with e;"#osi es and on his way to ki## "eo"#e.5 This story they to#d created a !a#se im"ression about who 8har#es Dyer was) and e eryone was in !ear !or their sa!ety i! I was around. I a"o#o$i(ed and #e!t the acation home. I went ahead and sti## stayed in F#orida with 6im !or a !ew more days. The rest o! my acation in Destine I was !o##owed e erywhere. I had unmarked cars sta#kin$ me and this went on the entire tri" back to :"rin$ Te;as. %hen I "u##ed into my nei$hborhood in :"rin$) I noticed immediate#y that I was bein$ watched by a white car that was "arked in my nei$hborhood. As soon as I "u##ed out I was !o##owed. I !#i""ed a u turn and $ot ri$ht behind the car so I cou#d $et a "#ate number. The ta$s on the car are 7>> H%H.

I "#ayed the !o##ow $ame unti# I thou$ht I had #ost him. I dro e a## the way to the other

side o! Houston. As I went throu$h a "arkin$ #ot and $ot in the M.8. Dona#d+s dri e thru) I #ooked o er and saw the same car on the other end o! the "arkin$ #ot 'ust sittin$ there. I cut out o! #ine and dro e ri$ht u" to eri!y it was the same car. The #icense "#ate was a 7>> H%H. I then ro##ed my window down and he actua##y ro##ed his down. This man was around midA30+s sa#t and "e""er hair) a""eared to be o erwei$ht) I shouted at him) *%hy are you !o##owin$ meD5 He then said 9!uck you bitch9 and ro##ed his window u" and s"ed o!! out o! the "arkin$ #ot. I then $rabbed my ce## camera o!! the "assen$er seat and !o##owed him u" the road. I took "hotos o! his car. This man was dri in$ erratic and made a shar" turn into a residentia# area. I then went back to the McDona#d+s and ca##ed the "o#ice. I made a "o#ice re"ort and $a e the o!!icer my in!ormation. I then started to dri e back home and now I noticed > di!!erent cars !o##owin$ me. :o the entire dri e I was "#ayin$ the s#owdown) s"eed u") o!! the hi$hway ) back on the hi$hway ) u turns here and a u turn there) and I !i$ured out that without a doubt I am bein$ sta#ked and !o##owed now by > ehic#es. I now was in !ear !or my sa!ety so I ca##ed 9my !riend bud9 who dri es a tow truck. He came and "icked me u" and I stayed with him !or the rest o! the e enin$. %hi#e I was in his truck my !riend bud is noticin$ the same cars !o##owin$ him in his tow truck. %e were ab#e to corner one o! the ehic#es in a "arkin$ #ot to !ind out who was sta#kin$ us and who they were workin$ !or.

:ta#kin$ is un#aw!u# harassment) a c#ear io#ation o! Tit#e 1@) U.:. 8ode) and :ection /1/) tit#ed *De"ri ation o! Ri$hts under 8o#or o! Faw)5 which "rimari#y $o erns misconduct in esti$ations. 8#ear#y io#atin$ their oath o! o!!ice which a## "ub#ic ser ants and-or a$ents are sub'ect to. My !riend bud then ca##ed the "o#ice and they had 1 de"uties out o! Mont$omery 8ounty :heri!! O!!ice came to the scene. %e $a e our in!ormation and the de"uty wa#ked o er to the Tahoe a#on$ with the !our other o!!icers. Cud and I sat in the tow truck and watched these 1 o!!icers ta#k with whoe er was in the Tahoe) #ookin$ in the windows and a""eared ery interested with whate er was inside the Tahoe. This went on !or about 13 minutes. Then they a## 'ust $ot back in the "o#ice cars and dro e o!!. Hothin$ was said to me or e en re"orted. I was in shock that this how it was hand#ed. I !e#t ery unsa!e and I now knew I did not ha e any "rotection !rom the "o#ice i! somethin$ was to ha""en with these unknown cars that were threatenin$ my #i!e and my sa!ety. 8#ear#y it is e ident that the "ub#ic ser ants) e en i! a business entity is

sub'ect to the "osition they re"resent. The United :tates inc#udin$ any and a## o! their a$encies has ado"ted the 8onstitutions in irtua##y the same !orm and manner where the "er!ormance o! duty is c#ear. The tres"asses o! these men are e<ua# in "ar with treason. There is c#ear cut e idence in a## that they ha e done to obstruct 'ustice) inter!ere with due "rocess and committed war on the ery "rinci"a#s they are commissioned to "rotect. I can think o! no $reater reason to insure these men are brou$ht to 'ustice. That ni$ht I was hearin$ a## sorts o! disin!ormation about 8har#es. The media was "aintin$ a "icture o! accused ra"ist) armed and dan$erous man with e;"#osi es on the run and ready to ki## "eo"#e. They e en said 8har#es Dyer is "art o! a Timothy McVei$h Mi#itia $rou". (see EXHIBIT )It it is my be#ie! and understandin$ based on inscribed and my "ersona# e;"eriences) that this is a## due to A$ent Ien %estern. This is "roo! o! %estern usin$ his authority a$ainst the "eo"#e and causin$ e eryone+s #i es to be "ut in dan$er. He has io#ated our ri$hts by disturbin$ "eace!u# inhabitants and our ri$ht to "eace!u##y inhabit. E en under the #eiber code the code book !or an occu"yin$ !orce) this ty"e o! disturbin$ the "eace is unacce"tab#e and any o!!icer that abrid$es its restraints is dea#t with a hea y hand. :o not knowin$ i! we are an in aded country a#ready or not) it is c#ear that the in aders are no res"ecters o! #aw. %hether creators #aw or the Faw God) Hatura# Faw) the #aw o! nature) 8onstitutiona# #aw) common #aw) cor"orate #aw) U88) or any other ru#es desi$nated to the a$ents and em"#oyees o! a## ser ant o! their creators) manJ the conc#usion is the same. These men and women that do these atrocities are c#ear#y not a$ents o! any #aw!u# or #e$a# entity and must be dea#t with with immediate#y by their su"er isors and show that *%e the "eo"#e5 are runnin$ the show. Hot these thu$s and terrorists in uni!orms desi$ned to intimidate the American "eo"#e.

The ne;t mornin$ I heard that 8har#es Dyer was s"otted out in the :ea#y area in Te;as. :o I decided to head out to this area. I a$ain was bein$ !o##owed by the same white car that was !o##owed me out !rom my nei$hborhood the "re ious e enin$. I dro e a## the way to Round Rock Te;as and stayed in this area in case 8har#es Dyer was a""rehended. I was ery worried !or his #i!e. The FCI was e acuatin$ cam" $rounds and settin$ u" command "osts out in di!!erent "arts o! %est Te;as. There were stories o! si$htin$ o! Dyer a## o er. As more time "assed) 8har#es Dyer was bein$ "#ayed out by the :heri!! %ayne McIinney ) the &rosecutor 6ason Hicks) and

A$ent Ien %estern to the media as a terrorist on the #oose. A## this is abuse o! "ower and a## de"artments in o# ed were actin$ in !raud) constructi e !raud a$ainst the oath o! o!!ice re<uired. To my know#ed$e Ien %estern is in char$e o! this o"eration and he had no a#id or eri!iab#e authorityK I $ot myse#! a hote# in Round Rock Te;as and was #istenin$ to the di!!erent news re"orts. Then on the mornin$ o! Au$ust /1th) /011 I was dri in$ throu$h a "arkin$ #ot and noticed the same $rou" o! cars that were !o##owin$ me a## were "arked at Denny+s restaurant so I sto""ed to take some "hotos.

I then went to my hote# at the E;tended :tay. I took a shower and was about to $o to the store. I wa#ked and $ot into my car and as I turned my car on and was about to "u## out o! the "arkin$ s"ace) I was surrounded by / Round Rock &o#ice cars and then within seconds I had 1 more "u##ed in around me. immediate#y #ocked a## my doors and ro##ed u" the windows. They were screamin$ at me and te##in$ me to $et out o! the car) $uns drawn. They were a## tryin$ to o"en u" my doors and wa#ked a## around my car whi#e they were 'i$$#in$ my door hand#es.

:creamin$ the who#e time to $et out o! the car. I asked i! they had a warrant and they ne er answered my <uestions. They 'ust ke"t ye##in$ at me to $et out o! the car. I noticed / o! them were #ookin$ down in the back o! my car I asked them what they were doin$ to my car. I was then to#d they were "uttin$ some ty"e o! tire restraints on a## 1 o! my tires and i! I try to dri e away my tires wi## $et "o""ed. I re!used to $et out o! my car and I 'ust ke"t askin$ i! they had a warrant. A!ter about /0 minutes o! the "o#ice harassin$ me the same / men I saw in the Denny+s "arkin$ #ot that had been !o##owin$ me) wa#ked u" to my dri er window and to#d me to $et out o! the car.

I ke"t re!usin$ and they tried to te## me I was not $oin$ to $et arrested and I need to ta#k to them. I asked who they were with and they said the FCI. I was ne er $i en a name or bad$e number. A!ter about an hour o! this I to#d them to ca## Ien %estern and $et him on the "hone. I ro##ed down my window enou$h !or them to hand me the ce##) and Ien

%estern a$ain to#d me that this was not $oin$ to sto" unti# 8har#es Dyer was !ound. I asked him a$ain i! he had a warrant and he to#d me a$ain he does not need a warrant. This is a com"#ete abuse o! "ower. I to#d him I was not $oin$ to ta#k to anyone without some ty"e o! warrant. I! he does not ha e a warrant then they ha e no 'urisdiction. Ce!ore they a## #e!t I asked one o! the a$ents i! he e en knows what this is a## about and a## he to#d me was he was ca##ed and a !a or was asked. :o he is returnin$ a !a or !or Ien %esternK I was then to#d by the a$ent wearin$ the b#ue shirt) *,ou may #ea e now Ms. :wan. ,ou ha e a rea# nice day.5 They remo ed the s"ikes out !rom under a## my tires and then they a## $ot in their cars and dro e away. About /3 minutes #ater I recei ed a ca## !rom a !riend te##in$ me that 8har#es Dyer was in custody out in the Fort Cend county 'ai#. . %hen I arri ed in Fort Cend 8ounty that e enin$) the news media 8hanne# 11 was a#ready there and tried to $et me to s"eak) but I to#d then no thank you. I was $i en "ermission to see 8har#es and I wanted to make sure he was not hurt I isited with him !or about /3 min and then #e!t. How that 8har#es Dyer is sa!e and in custody I can $o home and $et back to work. The sta#kin$ and harassment has not sto""ed. I went on a road tri" u" in to Hew ,ork) and durin$ the dri e I was sta#ked by a white Tahoe.

This Tahoe was e erywhere I went. He was not concerned about whether I noticed him or not. I be$an to $et !rustrated so I decided to "#ay the same $ame on him. I !#i""ed around and started to !o##ow him this made him ery u"set. E ery time he a""roached a sto" #i$ht) I tried to "u## u" ne;t to him but he wou#d cut me o!! e ery time. This went on !or a#most /0 min. A!ter a whi#e I $ot in !ront o! him) and then as we both were crossin$ throu$h a sto" #i$ht I sto""ed my ehic#e in the midd#e o! the intersection) "ut my ha(ards on and started to honk my horn and !#ash my bri$ht head #i$hts . This made the Tahoe ha e to dri e around me and then I started to do the same whi#e I was behind him. I then saw a## these b#ue #i$hts and I was surrounded by the Fitt#e Rock Arkansas &o#ice De"artment. The Tahoe s#ammed on his breaks and 'um"ed out o! his Tahoe and ran to the back where a## the "o#ice cars were "arked around my car. The o!!icer that came u" to my window was ery nice and he #istened to what I to#d him. I e;"#ained that the %hite Tahoe had been sta#kin$ and !o##owin$ me. I showed him the ideo and "hotos I took on my ce## "hone. This o!!icer then rea#i(ed my story was true since I ha e "roo! o! what I was te##in$ him. This "o#ice man then went back and s"oke to the Man. %hi#e I was waitin$ I had a !ema#e o!!icer a""roach my car and asked i! I had a tattoo on my #e!t ank#e. I said I did. :he asked to see it so I raised my #e$ u" to the window and showed my ank#e to her. They a## were back ha in$ a bi$ discussion with the Man in the Tahoe. A!ter a#most >0 minutes the same o!!icer wa#ked u" to my window) $a e my identi!ication back and to#d me I needed to take care o! my business <uick#y and to #ea e Arkansas !irst thin$ in the mornin$. I to#d him I wi## be #ea in$ as soon as "ossib#e. A!ter that situation) the rest o! the road tri" was ca#m. I went to Hew ,ork and took care o! my business. I arri ed back to the Da##as area on :e"tember @) /011. I was not com!ortab#e with $oin$ back to my house in :"rin$ due to a## this acti ity. I was in a hote# in Addison) Te;as when on :e"tember 10) /011 I $et a knock at my room door) and it was the Terrorism Task Force in Da##as 8ounty. I asked what they wanted and I was to#d that my car has 9a hit on it and is #isted on Terrorist %atch Fist9. I was to#d I needed to answer some o! their <uestions. I asked i! they had a warrant) and I was to#d they did not. Cut they wanted to discuss why I was on this #ist. I then asked i! they were $oin$ to arrest me and they said they were not. I usua##y wou#d not o! ta#ked but these men were actua##y not as threatenin$ as the "re ious incidents) so I chose to wa#k outside my room and !ind out more o! what this was about. I ha e some o! this con ersation on ,ou Tube. I was in!ormed that I was on this terrorist watch #ist and they were 'ust makin$ !ew rounds since it is the e e o! .11) and they wanted to !ind out i! I had any in!ormation as to why I was on this #ist. I be$an to e;"#ain that I was a tar$et due to my su""ort !or 8har#es Dyer. They took notes and we answered each others <uestions. They ran my identi!ication and to my sur"rise an acti e warrant came u". I was then arrested !or some o erdra!t check back !rom /00>. I ha e a#ready taken care o! this #ike @ yrs. a$o. Cut I was arrested and taken in to Addison 6ai#. I had to "ay L@7..00 to $et re#eased.

Then that ery ne;t mornin$ on Monday) I $et another knock at my hote# door. This time it is A$ent Ien %estern. I #ooked out the window and he he#" u" a sub"oena. I o"ened the door and he to#d me I ha e been ser ed. It was a sub"oena !or me to a""ear in !ront o! the Grand 6ury on :e"tember 1@. /011

As I was #ea in$ to check out o! this hote#) I was bein$ sta#ked by a white an. I $ot a

"hoto o! the #icense "#ate. I went to another hote# and be$an to #earn more o! this entire sub"oena. Durin$ this time I was a#so tryin$ to he#" raise donations !or 8har#es Dyer. . I started a web "a$e ca##ed Do##ars1Dyer. I set it u" !or the donations to be direct#y de"osited into Mrs. Dyer+s account by usin$ her emai# miss<ui#t1/Myahoo.com. (SEE EXHIBIT D) Cut now since this man hunt has ha""ened and Ien %estern created such a bi$ ordea# o er a## this and made 8har#es Dyer out to be the ne;t Timothy McVei$h)

&eo"#e are $ettin$ the truth in their hands and rea#i(in$ this is a set u". There is a com"#ete inde"endent in esti$ation that was started by The Hinky Meter. This is e;act#y what needed to ha""en !or the truth to $et outK. 8onductin$ our own in esti$ations to make sure the 'udicia# system ha e not o er ste""ed their authority and make sure the accused are $ettin$ a !air tria#) due "rocess. Anytime there is a threat to #ock u" someone inde!inite#y) we the "eo"#e must $et in o# ed and "ay attention to how the 'ustice system is o"eratin$. I kee" te##in$ 8har#es to trust in the truth and #et it $et out to the "ub#ic. Anyone who tried to kee" a## this e idence hidden is a crimina# e#ement) hi'ackin$ the o!!ice !or crimina# beha ior and must be e;"osed and brou$ht to 'ustice. A## this e idence has been ke"t out and hidden !rom the "ub#ic !or a#most 1 N yrs. unti# I busted

it wide o"en and started the momentum this "ast 6une /011. I did this !or 8har#es by e;"osin$ the states own DHA e idence. It shows the #ab resu#ts and that the "rosecutor 6ason Hicks and the Assistant DA 8arrie Dickson) both and #ied and mis#ead the 'ury durin$ 8har#es Dyer4s !irst tria# back on A"ri# 13) /011. :o these "ast 1/ weeks 8har#es Dyer has been in the :te"hens 8ounty 'ai#) sa!e at the moment but unaware o! a## the acti ities that are sti## ha""enin$. The FCI did not sto" with harassin$ me a!ter

8har#es Dyer was in custody. I! their reasonin$ !or threatenin$ and intimidatin$ me was !or the "ur"oses o! #ocatin$ 8har#es Dyer) then the harassment shou#d ha e sto""ed) which it has not. There!ore it becomes c#ear that there is more to their un#aw!u# a$enda than !irst "resented.

My #i!e has been com"#ete#y u"rooted. There is a $rou" o! "eo"#e with whom on the sur!ace a""ear as i! they are rea# su""ort !or 8har#es and his !ami#y Cut behind the screen these certain indi idua#s are workin$ a$ainst 8har#es. They are doin$ e erythin$ "ossib#e to discredit me and any su""ort I try to $et u" o!! the $round. I be#ie e these are in!ormants-insur$ents-disin!ormation a$ents aka 8OIHTEF&RO who are workin$ with the FCI. This $rou" has to#d Mrs. Dyers =8har#es mother? a## sorts o! #ies and stories about me and about my e!!orts that are com"#ete#y not true. Rick Fi$ht aka Minuteman and Hancy Geno ese ha e both to#d the Dyer !ami#y that I sto#e L10)000.00 and that I am usin$ 8har#es Dyer to make a name !or myse#! and to "ro!it o!! o! 8har#es situation. This is re"eated o er and o er a$ain unti# it becomes be#ie ed. &osts ha e been made te##in$ the su""orters to stay away !rom me and not to donate to the Do##ars !or Dyer Money Comb. My #i!e and !reedoms are threatened by direct emai#s and "osts. A man named :hane :ho##ick who is an administrator on &atriots !or 6ustice !or 8har#es Dyer web site) actua##y *threatened to ha e my ass thrown in 'ai# i! I kee" distractin$ him. This treatment is not the way a true &atriot wou#d act. I ha e asked these "eo"#e to show the "roo! o! any o! these accusations but o! course they don+t res"ond. The remo a# o! the 9Do##ars !or Dyer9 donation was done by Hancy Geno ese im"ersonatin$ a !ami#y member o! the Dyer4s. Hancy ca##ed bbnow.or$ and #ied to them by c#aimin$ that I was stea#in$ donations and to ha e the site shut down. %hen I asked Hancy Geno ese about this she denied ha in$ any in o# ement and tried

to te## me that I remo ed it. I ha e "roo! that she is the one who did this !rom the com"any bbnow.or$. I ha e a #etter !rom the owner te##in$ me that Hancy Geno ese is the one in o# ed with re<uestin$ to ha e the web site remo ed. This c#ear#y "ro es to me that Hancy is workin$ as a disin!ormation "#ant. This is a## "art o! 8OIHTEF&RO) throu$h the FCI. (see EXHIBIT ) :ee the de!inition be#ow o! 8OIHTEF&RO. Counter Intelligence Program a series of co ert, and often illegal,O/P projects conducted by the United States Federa# Cureau o! In esti$ation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic "o#itica# or$ani(ations. !I"#$%&'! tactics included discrediting targets through psychological (arfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, (rongful imprisonment, e)tralegal violence and assassination FBI uses covert operations against domestic political groups Accordin$ to attorney Crian G#ick in his book *ar at +ome) the FCI used !our main methods durin$ 8OIHTEF&RO2 1. In!i#tration2 A$ents and in!ormers did not mere#y s"y on "o#itica# acti ists. Their main "ur"ose was to discredit and disru"t. Their ery "resence ser ed to undermine trust and scare o!! "otentia# su""orters. The FCI and "o#ice e;"#oited this !ear to smear $enuine acti ists as a$ents. /. &sycho#o$ica# %ar!are From the Outside2 The FCI and "o#ice used a myriad o! other 9dirty tricks9 to undermine "ro$ressi e mo ements. They "#anted !a#se media stories and "ub#ished bo$us #ea!#ets and other "ub#ications in the name o! tar$eted $rou"s. They !or$ed corres"ondence) sent anonymous #etters) and made anonymous te#e"hone ca##s. They s"read misin!ormation about meetin$s and e ents) set u" "seudo mo ement $rou"s run by $o ernment a$ents) and mani"u#ated or stron$Aarmed "arents) em"#oyers) #and#ords) schoo# o!!icia#s and others to cause troub#e !or acti ists.
>. Harassment Throu$h the Fe$a# :ystem2 The FCI and "o#ice abused the #e$a#

system to harass dissidents and make them a""ear to be crimina#s. O!!icers o! the #aw $a e "er'ured testimony and "resented !abricated e idence as a "rete;t !or !a#se arrests and wron$!u# im"risonment. They discriminatori#y en!orced ta; #aws and other $o ernment re$u#ations and used cons"icuous sur ei##ance) 9in esti$ati e9 inter iews) and $rand 'ury sub"oenas in an e!!ort to intimidate acti ists and si#ence their su""orters.O/0P

1. E;tra#e$a# Force and Vio#ence2 The FCI cons"ired with #oca# "o#ice de"artments

to threaten dissidentsJ to conduct i##e$a# breakAins in order to search dissident homesJ and to commit anda#ism) assau#ts) beatin$s and assassinations.O/0PO/1P O//P The ob'ect was to !ri$hten) or e#iminate) dissidents and disru"t their mo ements. This $rou" a## ha e committed de!amation o! character a$ainst me) !raud) identity the!t) ma#icious "ersecution) and bu##yin$. This is a ery bi$ concern to me due to the !act that a !ew o! these indi idua#s I ha e a#ready had direct "rob#ems with be!ore the 8har#es Dyer situation e en started. My sur i a# $rou" was in!i#trated by a !ew o! these insur$ents back in /00. Q /010. The $rou" I !ounded to train !or "otentia# natura# disasters or other crisis+s) was tar$eted too. A$ain) Rick Fi$ht aka minuteman $a e my 1>yo dau$hter a sawed o!! shot $un as a $i!t to set her u" and me too. I had no idea it was a#tered and once !indin$ out dis"osed o! it immediate#y. This was when I rea#i(ed I was a tar$et. My $rou" was #isted on the :outhern &o erty Faw 8enters Inte##i$ence Re"ort as a domestic terrorist $rou" and #isted as an armed mi#itia) which it is notK :o this is when I rea#i(ed that these "eo"#e are "art o! a 8OIHTEF&RO network. A## o! this is orchestrated by the FED: and this is the reason a## this Timothy McVei$h ta#k was s"read around the media. They ha e serious "#ans !or Dyer. It is critica# !or "eo"#e to reco$ni(e the crimina# insur$ents and how this $ame is "#ayed. This de!amation a$ainst me is ha""enin$ to kee" any rea# su""ort !rom the "ub#ic !rom e er $oin$ ira#) to discredit me !rom the Dyer !ami#y so I wi## be iewed as a "rob#em) and to make sure I ha e no one out here to he#" me i! they can !ind a way to shut me u" and $o away. The im"ortance !or "uttin$ this in!ormation out to the "ub#ic in this a!!ida it is to show the connection and to e;"ose the enemies o! truth 'ustice and the American way which is memoria#i(ed in the Dec#aration o! Inde"endence. These "eo"#e are "ro!essiona# con artists "rotectin$ the corru"tion by any and a## means necessary) the same methods used by the Ha(is. My re"utation and my "#ace in 8har#es Dyer+s situation has been dama$ed and a#most com"#ete#y destroyed by these crimina# insur$ents. E ery attem"t I ha e made to he#" raise any su""ort !or Dyer $ets destroyed by these same crimina# insur$ents. They de#ete #inks) s"read rumors) #ies) accuse) and threaten anyone who is *rea#5 and cou#d make an im"act !or 8har#es or re ea# the truth and corru"tion. These crimina# insur$ents on#y do enou$h to a""ear they are he#"in$. The on#y reason they are so in o# ed with the case is to contro# the su""ort $rou" and to co##ect in!ormation to be twisted and reworked to ma#i$n anyone they tar$et. These "eo"#e then re"ort to someone in the FCI or other

hidden un#aw!u# hand#ers. I be#ie e one o! these is A$ent Ien %estern out o! Ok#ahoma. Rick Fi$ht aka Minuteman and FCI A$ent Ien %estern ha e been connected since the be$innin$. 8har#es is in 'ai# so he is not seein$ these "eo"#e+s true intentions and how they are destroyin$ his due "rocess by mani"u#atin$ and contro##in$ his mother) !ami#y) !riends and su""orters. I ha e been $i en a !ew warnin$s to #et me know that they are watchin$ me. This "hoto I was *ta$$ed5 on Face Cook %hen I contacted the com"any *Heads Down &roducts5 and asked who ta$$ed me in this "hoto) I was to#d that they did not know who ta$$ed me but they de#eted it !rom the web "a$e. I take this as a direct threat to my #i!e. My #i!e is in dan$er and harassment continues.

I ha e been "hysica##y threatened and my do$ was murdered on the 1Bth o! October. My do$s name was Thunder. I ha e taken Thunder e erywhere with me since :e"tember o! /010. He was my best !riend. He was in my car #ike he a#ways was and somebody #et him out o! my car. I was "arked in a ery hea y tra!!ic area. %hen I came out to my car he was missin$. I was not aware he was hit by a car. I s"ent a who#e week #ookin$ !or him) "ut u" !#iers and e erythin$ I cou#d to !ind him. Then !ina##y the !o##owin$ Monday I recei ed an anonymous ca## and was to#d my do$ was taken to the emer$ency anima# care on Oct. 1B) /011 around 1/210 &M) and he was DOA. :o whoe er #et him out o! my car a#so #ed him into tra!!ic so he wou#d $et ki##ed.

I ha e not been home yet since a## this started when I returned !rom F#orida. My dau$hter has been stayin$ with !riends and away !rom me in case somethin$ ha""ens. I ha e been sta#ked and !o##owed on a re$u#ar basis. I ha e so many "ictures and ideos to show "roo!. My !ami#y has been <uestioned. My boy!riend has been !o##owed and harassed. The FCI e en went to his 'ob and ca##ed his "aro#e o!!icer. Time-line of Events... Background Starting June !"## I !irst became aware o! a##e$ations the media was "uttin$ out were !abricated and the detai#s o! his !irst tria# were serious#y distorted. I knew <uite a bit o! in!ormation "re ious to this and !rom other "ersona# e;"eriences) rea#i(ed somethin$ was sti## serious#y wron$. I went to Duncan Ok#ahoma on 1 di!!erent occasions this "ast summer. Dyer shared with me a## e ents that ha e taken "#ace with his cases. I rea#i(ed that he needed someone to he#" be his oice. 8har#es Dyer was ordered by 6ud$e Enos that he was not a##owed to s"eak about the !acts o! what ha""ened durin$ the !irst tria#. (see e$%i&it '# - '() The !irst time we $ot to$ether) 8har#es shared with me the documented e idence that shows how this entire case is a com"#ete set u". Dyer shared with me the e idence that "ro es Va##ey =soon to be e;Awi!e? has moti es !or why she wou#d do such an e i# act o! wron$!u##y accusin$ him o! mo#estin$ their dau$hter. I was "ri i#e$ed to #isten to a con ersation that was recorded between Va##ey and Dyer. I heard Va##ey discuss how she was un!aith!u# durin$ their marria$e and when she to#d 8har#es that she did not want to be his wi!e any more. 8har#es had cau$ht Va##ey s#ee"in$ with other men on many occasions. Va##ey was un!aith!u# throu$hout their marria$e. . 8har#es be$an to date Va#erie+s best !riend Amanda Monos#a e and they soon became u"!ront with Va##ey about their re#ationshi". Va##ey became ery an$ry and indicti e a$ainst 8har#es and Amanda. This "ro es com"#ete moti e as to why Va##ey wou#d !i#e !a#se a##e$ations a$ainst 8har#es. But my main concern about this entire con ersation) was !rom the !irst to"ic Va##ey discussed durin$ this con ersation) was 8hi#d :u""ort. Va##ey was $i in$ 8har#es a hard time and threatened to !i#e char$es a$ainst him !or non"ayment o! his month#y su""ort. I heard Va##ey te## 8har#es that he had better !ind a way to come u" with her month#y "ayment o! chi#d su""ort. I was in shock at how this woman is accusin$ 8har#es o! ra"in$ their dau$hter but a## she is concerned about is money. I a#so heard Va##ey threaten to ha e 8har#es arrested i! he did not make a "ayment. Va##ey admitted how she was wron$ about makin$ char$es a$ainst Dyer !or sta#kin$ her. I a#so heard Va##ey discuss when she #ied to 8har#es o!!icer and made !a#se c#aims o! 8har#es beatin$ her and how he threatened to ki## her. This caused 8har#es to be arrested !or / weeks. Va##ey !ina##y came to her senses and admitted that she #ied so the char$es were dro""ed and 8har#es was re#eased. This c#ear#y shows Va##ery4s abi#ity to !i#e !a#se char$es. I then saw the e idence o! Va##ey+s com"uter in esti$ation that c#ear#y "ro es the "roo! o! Va#erie+s research on the to"ic o! $i in$ !a#se testimony. I

a#so read the e idence o! the actua# DHA re"ort which "ro es there is nothin$ to "hysica##y connect 8har#es to this accusations o! chi#d mo#estation A## these !acts and co er u"s o! his !irst tria# astounded me. Then 6ud$e Enos orders Dyer not to make any statements to the "ub#ic about the detai#s o! this case or he wou#d be arrested. Cein$ an honorab#e man he obeyed the order) howe er) it was c#ear that he was bein$ rai#roaded into a "rison that wou#d ki## him. Cy kee"in$ the e ents a secret) these crimina# act wou#d continue to take "#ace. The com"#ete#y un#aw!u# beha ior by the ery ones sworn to "rotect due "rocess made it c#ear that bein$ si#ent wou#d be the death o! him. Out o! des"eration 8har#es rea#i(ed the in!ormation needed to $et out. 8har#es and I decided to use the e idence o! the states to show his innocents. That is the key "iece o! e idence that needed to be brou$ht !orward. 6ud$e Enos and that the )rosecutor 6ason Hicks) knowin$ this e idence wou#d e;onerate 8har#es Dyer) sti## "roceeded by "resentin$ mis#eadin$ in!ormation to the 'ury durin$ the !irst tria#. Hicks and Hickson both attem"ted to !abricate a case a$ainst Dyer) which is a $ross act o! misconduct violation of oat% and )u&lic trust. This was 'ust the be$innin$ o! !indin$ out 'ust how e i# and wicked these "eo"#e are and they ha e in aded our most trusted "ositions. As I ha e #earned a#on$ the way) this is not an iso#ated incident but "er asi e across America. I hear stories simi#ar to this more and more as I connect with ictims o! simi#ar terrorism. :ome o! these stories may seem <uestionab#e but too many are eri!iab#e and these are $ood) kind) men and many ha e ser ed honorab#y their country or what they thou$ht was their country and bein$ honorab#y dischar$ed !rom any ob#i$ation to it. It is es"ecia##y distressin$ to me as a woman and mother that the ery men we re#y on to "rotect us o er seas can not be "rotected here on home soi#. %hat chance do I ha e or my dau$hter in a country that harms its own "eo"#e to co er u" somethin$ as sacred as the oath o! o!!ice to su""ort the 8onstitution !or the United :tates o! America. %hich was created to "rotect the #i!e #iberty and ha""iness o! the "eo"#e amon$st a## the others endowed by our creator. This oath o! o!!ice is what binds these so#diers to decency and a##ows them to be#ie e their !ami#ies are sa!e !rom tyranny. %hen any man or woman) use an o!!ice o! "ub#ic trust to io#ate the ery reason the "osition e;ists) then we as a "eo"#e ha e a serious "rob#em. Most bury their heads and make it $o away and as my !riends and !ami#y at the acation house now know they can be in aded at any time under !a#se "retenses. It usua##y takes somethin$ ma'or to wake them u". I think that many) such as the co"s) are 9returnin$ a !a ors9 and e en others be#ie e they are doin$ their 'obs because they ha e been trained that way and ne er ha e e en studied the oath they took. I! a## "ub#ic ser ants did study their oath) they wou#d see that the trainin$ and be#ie!s they ha e about doin$ these thin$s wou#d chan$e. They wou#d know that it is un#aw!u#) i##e$a#) immora#) un'ust) and actua##y is by #aw acts o! treason by $i in$ aid to the enemy o! Fi!e #iberty and the "ursuit o! ha""iness. The !irst "#an we came u" with was to $et a ideo made to "ub#ish on #ine o! this DHA

re"ort. I "osted it on ,ou Tube and #et the *"eo"#e5 see this e idence and be$in to research it...(see EXHIBIT B# to B*) The ne;t in!ormation that we thou$ht needed to be re#eased to the "ub#ic is the !act that a !ami#y member o! Va#ery) the soon to be e;Awi!e) has a record o! se;ua# crimes with chi#dren. This man has been con icted o! indecent e;"osure with a minor on / counts.

This man was ne er e en "art o! the in esti$ation or considered as a sus"ect. Another main !act that 'ust does not make sense is that there has ne er been any rea# in esti$ation into any o! these a##e$ations o! this chi#d ra"e. The mother c#aims that their dau$hter said that she was ra"ed one time at Mrs Dyers =$randmother? house and another time at 8har#es and his $ir#!riend+s home. Mrs Dyer =$randmother? has ne er been asked any <uestions about this a##e$ation and neither has the $ir#!riend. There has ne er been a "ro"er in esti$ation. On#y a##e$ations. Durin$ the summer and the time I s"ent with 8har#es in Duncan) there was no body other than myse#! that came !orward. I e;"ected to see a #ot o! acti e su""orters with 8har#es) but it was <uiet. In my o"inion) I e;"ected to see a## the main su""orters who c#aim to this day) to be a brother+s to 8har#es) but I saw !or my own eyes that the on#y rea# su""ort other than his !ami#y you can count on one hand myse#! inc#uded.

8har#es Dyer and his $ir#!riend both had a $un "u##ed on them by the !ather o! the soon to be e;Awi!e. This man sti## has char$es "endin$ in :te"hens 8ounty !or assau#t with a dead#y wea"on. 8har#es was now be$innin$ to !ee# #ike his #i!e was in dan$er. 8har#es and I went to the District Attorney 6ason Hicks o!!ice) to see i! he wou#d be wi##in$ to s"eak with me in "erson. 6ason Hicks had his assistant te## me that he was not in the o!!ice. 8har#es Dyer reached out to the Go ernor Fa##en) and tried to schedu#e a meetin$ with her to in!orm her o! what has been ha""enin$ in Duncan Ok#ahoma. 8har#es sent emai#s) made "hone ca##s) but ne er recei ed any res"onse !rom the Go ernor. I a#so sent emai#s and !a;es tryin$ to $et he#" !rom the $o ernor) but I recei ed no res"onse.. 8har#es went in !ront o! 6ud$e to re<uest his attorney Hammond to be !ired. The district Attorney 6ason Hicks then asked !or Dyer4s bond to be re oked. 8har#es was now a!raid that i! he !ired his attorney) he wou#d $o to 'ai# unti# he hired a new attorney. 8har#es asked 6ud$e Enos i! he !ired his attorney) wou#d he be arrestedD 6ud$e Enos re!used to answer Dyer4s direct <uestion. This caused 8har#es to !ee# intimidated so he then stated he did not want to !ire his attorney. +ugust #! !"## 8har#es house was burnt to the $round. The Fire Marsha## was a#ready "uttin$ 8har#es as a sus"ect. 8har#es was a!raid !or his #i!e. 8har#es was a#so a!raid !or his "arent+s #i!e that #i es ri$ht u" the road !rom where he #i ed. He went to see the 6ud$e Enos a$ain that a!ternoon) and asked !or a continuance o! 1 week !or his court date and the 'ud$e denied it. Out o! "ure !ear o! his #i!e and out o! !ear o! bein$ ki##ed i! incarcerated) 8har#es and I decided to $et him to a sa!e "#ace and out o! harms way. I "icked him u" on Au$ust 1/) /011. %e both knew that i! he wa#ked into the court room on Au$ust 13th) that he was not $oin$ to wa#k out. There had a#ready been one attem"t to take his #i!e by a $un bein$ drawn on him. A#on$ with the "o#ice at the :te"hens 8ounty :heri!! De"artment were "#annin$ to ha e Dyer ki##ed. 6anet Dyer) 8har#es mother had o er heard a con ersation between some o!!icers at the !irst tria#. These de"uties said) *i! Dyer $ets incarcerated) we are $oin$ to "ut him in $enera# "o"u#ation and te## e eryone he ra"ed his #itt#e $ir#) and see how #on$ he #asts.5 Mrs Dyer re"orted what she heard !rom these men to :heri!! McIinney. :he was to#d by :heri!! McIinney that he was $oin$ to take care o! this and not to worry. :heri!! McIinney did nothin$ about this threat. :o at this "oint in 8har#es situation the system had !ai#ed him and it was too corru"t to $et a !air tria#.

A## these io#ations by 6ud$e Enos by not "rotectin$ 8har#es ri$hts to due "rocess) the District attorney 6ason Hicks by bein$ a##owed to create !a#se e idence and #ie to the 'ury durin$ the !irst tria#. A#so FCI A$ent Ien %estern te##in$ "eo"#e durin$ the #ast tria# that 8har#es was $ui#ty. The media had been "aintin$ him a ra"ist since this started in 6anuary /010. A## our attem"ts to $et his su""orters in o# ed were not success!u#. This a## created a ery intimidatin$ rea#ity !or 8har#es. The on#y o"tion was to $et out o! harms way. One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offence to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, e en though he may ha e submitted to such custody, without resistance.! "#dams . $tate, %&% 'a. %(, )* $.+. ,%-.. Me;ico was the !ocus at that time. A!ter I "icked him u" we stayed a cou"#e "#aces a#on$ the way. I had a contact with whom I thou$ht was trustworthy) named Martin. He #i es out in Round Rock Te;as. 8har#es and I decided to $o out and see i! this was a $ood "#ace !or 8har#es to hunker down unti# enou$h time had "assed and his su""orters had time to read and #earn a## about the truth that I was sti## workin$ on $ettin$ out to the "ub#ic. This was a bi$ decision but it was necessary. I assured 8har#es to 'ust trust in the truth and a##ow !or the "ub#ic to hear what rea##y ha""ened. :o 8har#es #o$$ed into his you tube account and re "osted a## his ideos that the 'ud$e ordered him to take o!! the internet. 8har#es wrote a #etter to his !ami#y and to the court) e;"#ainin$ why he !e#t the need to #ea e. I "romised 8har#es I wou#d do a## I cou#d to raise the money to he#" "ay !or the !arm and I wou#d continue to "ost his e idence out to the "ub#ic by makin$ more you tube ideos. A!ter ta#kin$ with Martin we both a$reed this was a sa!e "#ace !or 8har#es. Martin to#d 8har#es he was more than we#come to say !or / weeks. I dro e out to F#orida to $et away and to kee" distance between Dyer and some how my car was s"otted. I was in!ormed o! this when I s"oke to Mrs. Dyer on :aturday) +ugust #(t% !"##. Mrs. Dyer to#d me that Rick Fi$ht aka Minuteman) had ca##ed because he had recei ed a "hone ca## !rom FCI A$ent Ien %estern) that 8har#es had #e!t Ok#ahoma. My car was "#aced on the COFO #ist. Ce On Fook Out BE,-.E 8har#es was not there !or his court date. This is when the this dan$erous and un#aw!u# witch hunt started. B/ +ugust #0t% !"## Ien %estern had a 1/ state man hunt out !or 8har#es Dyer. How 8har#es $ot the attention he needed !rom the "ub#ic. Martin ended u" $ettin$ a bit too "aranoid and cut his o!!er short .8har#es to#d me he wou#d come back #ater to !inish dea#in$ with this) but at that moment with this nationwide armed manhunt $oin$ on) now

his #i!e was e en in more dan$er. I was ery concerned with 8har#es #ea in$ Martins but I was a## the way in F#orida and my hands were tied. A## I cou#d do at this "oint was "ray and work !ast to $et as much o! his e idence out to the "eo"#e so the "ub#ic cou#d #earn about the !acts to "ro e his innocence. 8har#es had Martin take him to Ci$ Cend and dro" him o!!. I acted within my ri$hts and it was my duty to assist 8har#es and to he#" "rotect his #i!e. # con iction will be re ersed on the basis of go ernmental misconduct but only if the misconduct may ha e prejudiced substantial rights of the accused. There may be a re ersal for the go ernment/s improper ac0uisition of defence strategy but only where there was a realistic possibility of injury to the defendant or benefit to the state. There may be a re ersal, too, if the go ernment intimidated a defence witness to induce her to flee the country, but there must be proof of such intimidation. 1nited $tates . Cross, ,&* 2.&d %-3- "%%th Cir. %,,%.. Due to my "ub#ic su""ort o! :$t. 8har#es A##en Dyer) and my he#" with remo in$ Dyer !rom a #i!e threatenin$ situation) these terrorists ha e continued to io#ate my ri$hts and ha e "ut me in $reat dan$er. 8har#es is bein$ he#d on a *un#aw!u# !#i$ht to a oid "rosecution5 char$e. This re oked his bond. This is a tota##y !abricated char$e that has (ero merit considerin$ the #i!e threatenin$ situation that 8har#es was in which !orced him to #ea e in !ear !or his #i!e. 6ason Hicks) Ien %estern) :heri!! McIinney and 6ud$e Enos a## are in io#ation o! the oath o! o!!ice. Each o! these indi idua#s are "art o! a cons"iracy a$ainst 8har#es Dyer. Once "eo"#e take the time to #ook at a## the detai#s in this entire situation) there is no denyin$ the !act that this is a case !ow# "#ay. A$ain) i! you #ook into the FCI in o# ement in this !rom the be$innin$) it wi## show you that there is a a#ternate a$enda. I ha e #ooked !or other e;am"#es o! a nationwide manhunt on a :tate !e#ony char$e a$ainst someone with RERO crimina# record) and can not !ind anythin$ that comes c#ose to 'usti!y this ty"e o! beha iour !rom the FED:. One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offence to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, e en though he may ha e submitted to such custody, without resistance.! "#dams . $tate, %&% 'a. %(, )* $.+. ,%-.. # con iction will be re ersed on the basis of go ernmental misconduct but only if the misconduct may ha e prejudiced substantial rights of the accused. There may be a re ersal for the go ernment/s improper ac0uisition of defence strategy but only where there was a realistic possibility of injury to the defendant or benefit to the state. There may be a re ersal, too, if the go ernment intimidated a defence witness to induce her

to flee the country, but there must be proof of such intimidation. 1nited $tates . Cross, ,&* 2.&d %-3- "%%th Cir. %,,%.. -n -cto&er #1 !"##. I was !orced to take immunity by the "rosecutor Mark ,ancey. I went to Ok#ahoma te##in$ myse#! that I wou#d "#ead the 3th on any <uestion that may be used a$ainst me. I had a !riend come with me as my witness in case anythin$ mi$ht $o wron$. %hen I arri ed) I checked in and was asked by the secretary to !i## out my "a"erwork so the $o . cou#d send me my reimbursement !or any out o! "ocket e;"enses I had !or takin$ time o!! and my tra e# e;"enses. A!ter I com"#eted my "a"erwork I waited about 13 min. I then was $reeted by the district attorney Mark ,ancey. I introduced my !riend who came with me. Mark then asked to s"eak with me in "ri ate so he cou#d $o o er the detai#s o! how this worked. I asked i! my !riend cou#d 'oin us and he to#d me he did not see any "rob#em with her sittin$ in on the meetin$) but she was not a##owed to $o in durin$ the $rand 'ury hearin$. :o we a## > sat in a "ri ate room and Mark be$an to te## me that I was bein$ $i en immunity by the $o ernment. I asked him i! I was under any sort o! in esti$ation and I was to#d that I was not. I asked ,ancey what this hearin$ is about and he to#d me it was about 8har#es Dyer and some wea"ons he has in his "ossession. I was a bit shocked with this in!ormation. ,ancey then to#d me that this immunity order wi## !orce me to answer a## their <uestions. I was assured that nothin$ wi## e er be used a$ainst me in :tate or Federa# 8ourts. I then asked i! this was transactiona# immunity or *use5 immunity. I was to#d the court has $ranted me *use5 immunity . I to#d him I did not want this immunity and I want my ri$hts to "#ead the 3th i! I !e#t the need. Mark to#d me that I did not ha e a choice and I had to take this immunity. I asked him how can this be and he to#d me it was ordered. I then asked him who ordered this immunity and he to#d me the 8OURT: ordered this immunity. I then asked him who is s"eakin$ as the 8OURT: and he then to#d me the 6ud$e ordered this immunity. Mark then "roceeded to e;"#ain how this is $oin$ to work) and about 10 seconds into his e;"#anation) we were interru"ted by the door o"enin$ and FCI A$ent Ien %estern wa#ked in to 'oin our "ri ate meetin$. I did not reco$ni(e %estern unti# I heard him shake Mark ,ancey4s hand and and by Mark re"#yin$ *He##o Ien5 this is when I rea#i(ed it was FCI A$ent Ien %estern. I then s"oke out #oud and said) *%e## He##o Ien %estern.5 He shook my hand and sat down at the tab#e we were ha in$ our meetin$ at. Mark then be$an to te## me that the court has ordered this immunity and the reason is because they did not want me to come a## the way out to this hearin$ and 'ust "#ead the 3th to e ery <uestion I was asked. I to#d him that * I wanted to s"eak to the $rand 'ury and I wi## answer the <uestions I !e#t #ike I cou#d) but I sti## want my ri$ht to remain si#ent i! I !e#t the need.5 Mark then to#d me that * this is not $oin$ to work this way.5 He became a bit a$itated and said) *Ho Ms. :wan) we are HOT $oin$ to $o in there and ha e any sort o! debate about constitution) 'urisdiction) ect. This is HOT $oin$ to be a back and !orth discussion.5 Mark then said) *This is how it works. I ask a

<uestion) and you answer it. Very sim"#e.5 I did not !ee# com!ortab#e with any o! this but I was to#d a$ain by Mark ,ancey and A$ent Ien %estern that I do not ha e any choice. I asked Mark ,ancey i! he was aware that he took a oath o! o!!ice when he !irst became a district attorney) and this oath he swore to) he "romised to u"ho#d and "rotect the ri$hts o! a## "eo"#e. Mark ,ancey a$ain to#d me that I did not ha e the "rotection o! the 3th Amendment) which a$ain is the ri$ht to remain si#ent. * %e had a o"en debate !or about 3 minutes. Ien %estern e en made the comment that he was not ha""y that I was $ettin$ this immunity so I shou#d be thank!u# !or that this court is #ookin$ out !or my best interest.. I !ina##y asked to s"eak with the 6ud$e about this order o! !orced immunity. Mark ,ancey to#d me the 6ud$e was not in the o!!ice at the moment and it was a#most time !or us to be in !ront o! the $rand 'ury. I !e#t intimidated and he#"#ess so I si$ned this "a"er under "ressure. I was then to#d to !o##ow) and we a## > went to a waitin$ room. %hi#e we were waitin$ !or our turn) Ien %estern made a cou"#e o! interestin$ comments to me. %estern said) *%hat4s u" with a## this ta#k about you stea#in$ donations !rom the Dyer4s that is a## o er the internetD5 I then res"onded)5 %e## A$ent %estern) why don4t you do your 'ob and he#" me out by te##in$ Hancy Geno ese and Rick Fi$ht) a#on$ with a !ew others) to sto" makin$ !a#se a##e$ations about me stea#in$. ,ou know that this is not true) and with you bein$ a !edera# a$ent) we a## know how sim"#e it is !or you to #ook into this and he#" c#ear u" any !a#se a##e$ations that are bein$ made a$ainst me.5 Ien %estern 'ust #au$hed and shook his head. He said he doesn+t ha e anythin$ to do with these "eo"#e.5 This statement is a com"#ete #ie because we a## ha e witnessed the re#ationshi" between Rick Fi$ht) aka MinuteAman and %estern $oin$ a## the way back to the !irst tria#. A$ent Ien %estern and Rick Fi$ht) aka MinuteAman were ery in o# ed with one another. %hich a$ain "ro es this is a o"eration) and this o"eration inc#udes the use o! in!ormants) aka 8OIHTEF&RO "#ants. Ien %estern a#so made a !ew sarcastic comments about my5 you tube5 ideos. These ideos show the rea# !actua# e idence o! the 8har#es Dyer case. Mark ,ancey chan$ed the sub'ect. I asked him i! I was bein$ !orced to take immunity) then why not $i e me *transactiona#5 immunity. ,ancey to#d me that *use5 immunity was better !or my situation. I then a$ain was to#d that whate er I say can not be used a$ainst me. ,ancey be$an to e;"#ain that the courts are a## ran by *"rocedure.5 He to#d me there is a certain "rocedure that we must !o##ow) which does not make since. Cut its how the court is set u" and we must !o##ow the "rocedures. A!ter about another 13 min. I was ca##ed to testi!y. I wa#ked into the courtroom) and saw about /3 "eo"#e) a## sittin$ in the audience. . I was to#d to raise my ri$ht hand and swear to te## the truth) the who#e truth and nothin$ but the truth. %hen I sat down) Mark ,ancey made a brie! introduction) and asked me i! I understood why I was there and

how the immunity order was $oin$ to work. I res"onded by statin$ !or the record that I was not com!ortab#e with this immunity) but I was not bein$ $i en any other o"tion. I to#d the 'ury that this court has io#ated my ri$hts by !orcin$ me to take this immunity. I then made the c#aim !or the record that I was here by s"ecia# a""earance !or the so#e "ur"ose to he#" sett#e this matter honourab#y. I then asked i! this courtroom was under constitutiona# #aw. Res"onded that it was under constitutiona# #aw. I then asked the District Attorney Mark ,ancey i! he had taken the oath o! o!!ice) to "rotect and u"ho#d the ri$hts o! a## "eo"#e. He res"onded that he had taken this oath. Then I #ooked out in the audience and asked a## 'ury members i! they a## had taken the oath as we##. E eryone nodded their head yes. I cou#d see this was makin$ ,ancey a bit irritated. He then to#d me that he needed to be$in with the hearin$. I said one #ast time that I was on#y answerin$ these <uestions out o! intimidation. Mark ,ancey then "roceeded with the <uestions. I ha e #earned that any order to $rant immunity) can on#y be authori(ed by the Attorney Genera#. There is not any si$nature o! the Attorney Genera# on this order. As Federa# ci i# ser ants) they a## take an oath o! o!!ice by which they swear to su""ort and de!end the 8onstitution o! the United :tates o! America. The 8onstitution not on#y estab#ishes our system o! $o ernment) it actua##y de!ines the work ro#e !or Federa# em"#oyees A 9to estab#ish 6ustice) insure domestic tran<ui##ity) "ro ide !or the common de!ence) "romote the $enera# we#!are) and secure the b#essin$s o! #iberty.9 Here is the oath2 I, 4name5, do solemnly swear "or affirm. that I will support and defend the Constitution of the 1nited $tates against all enemies, foreign and domestic6 that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same6 that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reser ation or purpose of e asion6 and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. $o help me 'od. May this a!!ida it be !i#ed as my truth) my who#e truth) and nothin$ but the truth) so he#" me $od. A## the mentioned "ub#ic ser ants who ha e io#ated their oath o! o!!ice by committin$ crimes a$ainst the American "eo"#e) and must be he#d accountab#e.

EXHIBIT + :TATEMEHT by 6AH D,ER Threats to 8har#es Fi!e by :te"hen4s 8ounty :heri!! De"artment
8ourt hearin$ !or I#eana bein$ $i en back to Mandy. %hi#e sittin$ on the bench outside the courtroom across the ha## !rom the DA+s o!!ice I heard the !o##owin$ con ersation take "#ace in my "resence. There were / #aw en!orcement o!!icers in "#ain c#othes and identi!ication bad$es on #anyards around their necks and they were standin$ between the e#e ator and the DA+s o!!ice !acin$ toward the #obby. There were > :te"hens 8ounty :heri!! De"uties standin$ with their backs to me. One o! the "#ain c#othes #aw en!orcement o!!icers ne er said anythin$ but the con ersation between one de"uty and the other "#ain c#othes #aw en!orcement o!!icer went as !o##ows2 :D S :heri!! De"uty FEO S unidenti!ied #aw en!orcement o!!icer FEO2 =Fooked toward me? is he !rom TennesseeD :D2 Ho) he+s !rom here. FEO2 How #on$ has he #i ed hereD :D2 I think "retty much a## his #i!e. FEO2 Are his "arents !rom hereD =Fooked direct#y at me and made eye contact? :D2 Ho) they are !rom here. FEO2 How #on$ ha e they #i ed hereD :D2 A #on$) #on$ time as !ar as I know. FEO2 %e##) no worry. %hen we $et him in DO8 we wi## "ut him in $enera# "o"u#ation) #et the "articu#ars o! his case be known and see how #on$ he #asts. At this "oint another :D came u" and they started discussin$ #unch. Au$ust 1B) /010) .213 am. I ca##ed :heri!! McIinney and to#d him what I had heard and o!!ered to come and identi!y the o!!icer that had made the threat. I to#d him they shou#d not say this about anyone) not 'ust 8har#es. This was not the way they shou#d conduct themse# es in "ub#ic and I be#ie e that it is a direct threat to 8har#es+ #i!e. He to#d me that he wou#d take care o! it and that it wou#d not be necessary !or me to come to the De"artment and identi!y anyone. He wou#d !i$ure out who it was. I to#d him that I had seen him on the !irst !#oor at the entrance where they had the meta# detector u" and these two FEOs were isitin$ with the de"uties there.

6anet Dye310> Ho"e Mar#ow) OI B>033





missing t%is )age of D3+ re)ort










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